Sep 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I want to get my thought process out while I can still distill my impression. There must be a way to get this info and more into the hands of a trusted whistle blower in these corrupted agencies? This is a bomb already going off, but nothing like it will. Thalidomide and so many others come to mind. When will we learn...

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We won't when our Congressman and the NIH et. al. scientists fear for their jobs! Medicine is in crisis because of consensus science is driven by the $$$$! Dr. Malone has written about this.

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Some are paying attention. E-mailed my senators re Sen. Vance's anti- masking bill as requested here and somewhat surprising got this reply from Sen Cornyn.

Dear Micheal:

Thank you for contacting me regarding pandemic public health measures in the United States. I appreciate having the benefit of your comments on this important matter.

I share your concern about the effectiveness and consequences of some of the public health measures instated during the COVID-19 pandemic, including mask and vaccine mandates and extended school closures. It is important that government and public health officials take the lessons learned from this pandemic and apply best practices to any future public health emergencies.

The federal COVID-19 public health emergency declaration ended on May 11, 2023. I will continue to support a system that identifies and assesses the potential risks of all preventive measures, while ensuring health care providers and patients are informed of such risks. However, the preservation of public health is primarily the responsibility of state and local governments. Authority to enact laws protecting public health, such as those relating to vaccine or mask mandates, and exemptions, derives from the states' general police powers, reserved under the United States Constitution. The federal government has limited jurisdiction over public health matters under the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. Ch. 6A), and I believe local governments should make those decisions.

Furthermore, I recognize the decision to receive a vaccine is a deeply personal choice, and I respect your right to make your own health care decisions. That is why I was an original cosponsor of Senate Joint Resolution 29 (S.J.Res.29), which would overturn the Department of Labor's final rule requiring millions of Americans working for companies with 100 or more employees to be vaccinated. This mandate was unconstitutional and counterproductive to ensuring Americans were safe and comfortable receiving a vaccine. S.J.Res.29 was passed by the Senate on December 8, 2021. I also was proud to support the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022 (P.L. 117-81), which eliminated the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for service members.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is the federal agency charged with providing evidence-based public health recommendations. The CDC's mission is to protect America from health, safety, and security threats, both foreign and in the United States. It is the responsibility of Congress to ensure agencies, including the CDC, do not overstep their statutory roles. As part of our system of checks and balances, it is imperative Congress holds the Executive Branch accountable. As your Senator, I will continue to work with my colleagues to conduct rigorous oversight of the CDC and all federal agencies.

I appreciate having the opportunity to represent Texas in the United States Senate. Thank you for taking the time to contact me.



United States Senator

517 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510

Tel: (202) 224-2934

Fax: (202) 228-2856

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Senator Durbin sent me a letter, supporting the status quo and pumping more money into the rogue medical agencies in DC who are managed by big Pharma and big corporate medicine!

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Cannot say am surprised by him. But kudos to you for trying

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My Dogs are smarter than him. (inappropriate language left out). Ed

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Rock On!!!! Ed

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What about the 'treaty with WHO" that gives away our sovereign right to make our own laws? And has not been voted on by full Congress (if it has they are traitors to the country). What about that other situation, in NM where the Governor has unilaterally suspended 2A rights (Constitutionally protected!) using the 'fact' of 'public health emergency'. Do you see where that is going to go - nationally???

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I will be retiring in a few to a couple of years to a beach I know of. Unless the United States of America changes, it won’t be there. God Bless America; and Yes, My Friends and I will Fight For Her. We are kind and caring and giving, right up until We are Not. Ed

Edit - And Yes, I see where it is going and Hard No including wef.

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Notable plus! Cornyn has had some negatives with Rhino tendencies. A counter balance to be considered. Did you also pose the issue with Cruz?

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Sep 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

No I did not, would not and will not. Yes I have uniformly advised all my patients to shun them as well. Thanks Dr. Malone for bringing the LNP issue down to earth, thus demystifying government and industry malfeasance.

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The above link to Dr Demasi's substack post is alarming. I feel this Dr Buckhalts might have nailed the main mechanism of the problem. The use of the micro lipids to inject hydrolyzed DNA into cell nuclei is alarming! This was sloppy to use a DNAase which does not even remove the extraneous impurities and in fact might be amplifying the DNA modifying impact of the micro lipid containing RNA vaccines. Did Moderna also use this same DNAase step in production?

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I have not had a shot since the mid 80s. My immune system had turned on itself and when I found the 'way' to restore it, my health returned. Why would I trust a science that made me sick? People near me are sick often enough for me to notice. Many doctors live on the front line with illness and my wife is one. I either have no response or when I 'catch' something it lasts hours instead of days. Discover how to enhance your immune system.

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Too bad I didn't know that and got a Dtap. My last one too, in 2006. And yes, I had to have 5 shots for rabies in 2020. I still sweat that decision at night.

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Sep 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

When I read this “all include added polyethylene glycol (PEG) to reduce aggregation while stored before injection.” I seriously read the rest of the article. There was NO attempt at all in the manufacturing of these mRNA jabs to protect the jabbed from adverse events. They had no idea and did not care.

This In Depth at a High Level article is one I am sending my vax-injured brother. Of course, no guarantee he will read it.

Thank you, David Gortler and Dr. Malone.

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Sep 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Corporate media keeps running stories about Moderna readying an mRNA version of the flu shot.

It seems the mRNA platform has been declared so safe that long-term safety testing has become obsolete.

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The US government declared to the WHO in a regulatory meeting that it would grandfather in this platform (Pfizer and Moderna formations only) - so that pre-clinical and even clinical trials for safety would not have to be conducted again.

I wrote about this a year ago:


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We know people like Hotez and Fauci are fans of the safety Trojan Horse.

It would be interesting to see if an insider like Paul Offit publicly recognizes it as an egregious overstep.

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it was a foreshadowed strategy that this would be the approach. Goes back to meetings at WHO chaired by (formerly Merck) Dr. Margaret Liu

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The reality we have lived our entire lives has been manipulated and contrived, in all aspects. We all need to persuade our family members and friends to join in Dr. Malone’s SS. He and Jill have brought so much awareness to the forefront. Not just about the jabs but other areas as well.

The truth has been out there hidden in plain sight well before I recognized it in the 90s through my sons and important unorthodox naysayers like Alex Jones, G. Edward Griffin, Glenn Beck, Alan Watt, Art Bell, and others (even those on the Left).

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Another Duct tape over mouth day. Dang, there are things I want to say but won’t except “These people are sick/evil”. Ed

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Sep 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Genetic engineering of crops.

Genetic engineering of humans.

Safety must be demonstrated!

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It disturbs me that there are so many people taking such 'pride' in the fact that they didn't take a shot that others did, and that they deride those who did. Just because others didn't live lives as full of cynicism as was apparently appropriate for our government at the time, doesn't mean they're less than those who understood the evil.

It's nice that there are so few here that make fun of those less fortunate.

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I read more than one SS and Dr. Malone's subscribers are the kindest and caring - trying many different ways to help those jabbed and to inform others in useful ways. I spend little time on those other SSs because of the tensions found there.

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I do not judge other people as best as possible (outside of really bad things). My Lovely Bride was nervous to tell me She got double “jabbed”. I conveyed that it was Her choice. I worry about Her; but, that was Her choice. I worry about a Lady I like…On “jab” number 5. I don’t say a word nor judge Her decision. My Mother new She had cancer and declined treatment. I respected Her decision. Ed

Edit - The one thing that does make Me extremely angry is that My Mother was allowed to suffer for 4 days before passing. She was ready to go. I wanted to (inappropriate language left out).

Edit again - My business partner/physician and I swore to each other…if one of was in an “extremely” bad state…”Over and Out”. He taught me how to do it.

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“...the actual the dose/number of mRNA strands per injection hasn’t been provided by manufacturers or the FDA.  The molecular mass can’t even be estimated mathematically on the basis of Avogadro’s constant, because neither the actual mRNA sequence nor its mass are specified in manufacturers’ package inserts.  Pharmacists know to administer a 0.3 ml dose; but exactly what quantity of mRNA/LNP is in that volume of fluid?  Just as so many other well-established regulatory norms were discarded, the fundamental bioethical and clinical mandate for patient informed consent prior to administration of any pharmaceutical or procedure was arbitrarily and capriciously disbanded by both government regulators and pharmaceutical industry sponsors in the name of a Public Health Emergency...”

There it is. I want to print this on a banner & hang it in my front yard. ( unless Substack will allow cut/paste for immediate use on Instagram or email)

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you are free to repost as far as I am concerned

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Dr. Malone: between the procedures before the vaccine and the vaccine itself, one must realize that deadly attacks were orchestrated here. Attacks know as Menticide.

Here i discuss how the pandemic measures killed millions and how propaganda from Menticide prevents people from knowing they’re witnessing mass murder:



As a population, we need to make sure we don’t only “get online” and vent our frustrations away (https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/who-are-the-bad-guys-part-two#details) or “vote” problems away.

We need real solutions and these solutions are individual. Once we truly understand that these were not vaccines but potentially dangerous products told to us by our government to take, then can we start to see the true enemy here.

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All of humanity needs to know that the discarding of safety standards and requirements for fast tracking VAXX's can easily be used for very EVIL purposes, and since Congress gave away our right to sue BIG PIG PHARMA long ago for some ridiculous reason related to money, we are not only test subjects now, but the potential for another much larger Holocaust is very real as they can always say something went wrong beyond their control as they always do. And who is comfortable with such as system? Our government has done NOTHING to protect humanity, and everything to advance the interests of the Cabal Military Industrial Complex.

Just look at the country's largest budget and know who is in control. Its time to shut military interests down for good. And promote the highest and best good for all of humanity in everything we do going forward from now on even if it means major systemic change. The dark ones need to be put out to pasture where they belong, perhaps under pasture.

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Yes the more power we give them the more we'll be under their thumb.

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Bottom line: Gov is NOT for we the people and at this time in history, should NOT be trusted by any standard, as they aggressively coverup, to where even Dr Malone has way to many questions unanswered, when the answers should’ve been public knowledge.

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No sir did not. But that is bound to be my question for all of time. 🤔

Those hideous toxic inoculums?

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Sep 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for this lesson in specifics of the LNP issues! While I traveled from 'wait and see,' to a solid NO, based on the facts and studies you and your fellows provided - to me the issues here remain vitally relevant. You have reported there are over 200 applications of this technology in process. It seems to me ALL applications should be on hold, at a minimum, until safety and within specified protocols is acceptably established.

Ample evidence of damages that may be attributable to this technology are now documented. IMO trust at this point in time is NOT warranted.

Thanks so very much for continuing to educate us and pointing out important issues that need to be pursued!

Have a good day! Bestest +++

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Thank you again Dr. Malone. As you mentioned in this article there are barriers set up in the body to protect vital areas from unwanted pathogens (blood brain, and the placenta barriers being two very important barriers). From what I understand in reading this article, The LNP was able to facilitate the crossing of these barriers thus allowing the MNRA to penetrate areas they never would have been able to. I believe that this would have been a contributing factor in a number of side effects experienced by those who took the shot. Please correct me if I misunderstood the information in this article.

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all correct

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For the blood-brain-barrier part, do lipid nanoparticles need help from the electromagnetic wave, or be specialized with receptors that target the neuron cells specifically in order to pass the BBB? Also, is it possible that the LNP can transfect neurons without crossing the BBB by simply getting into the nerve axons in other tissues outside of the brain just like Rabies virus?

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When will we listen to Dr. Malone and stop this crisis in Medicine? I fear for all who accept the RSV, RNA and FLU shots this fall. My local paper just endorsed the push to inject. This was my reply: https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/p/inject-inject-inject

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I hope the paper publishes it.

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Runs counter to the left bias reporting of the news funneled to them from WP, NYT, Reuters and the AP.

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That would be counter with a capital C and the left's bias and outright lies.

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I have been vaccine free, my entire life. My mother did not inoculate us as children, my maternal grandmother and grandfather did not agree with this path, either. I just turned 59 years of age, and back in Dec 2019, I donated a kidney to a friends, husband. One really needs to look at the long term effects of vaccines, on the body, as many people tested for donation for this person, but I was told I had the "perfect kidney for donation. This makes me think 2 things... was my kidney "perfect", because I did not put synthetic mixtures into my body... ever? And the other thing is, I am so happy it was in 2019, because if not... I am afraid my friend would still not have a kidney... from me anyways. My creator has no issues with me using my kidney to help another... but would never condone, the sacrifice of self, to do so. Talk about divine timing!

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