Oct 31, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Let’s be clear, China has also waged war on America through its knowing, willing and with intent fentynol distribution to America, with the sole goal of killing mostly young Americans. Nothing leaves China without approval of the CCP.

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I agree. They also have tried, successfully it appears, to destroy our honey bee population to harm food production here in the U.S.

China thinks she should rule planet Earth, and anyone not Chinese is a lesser person.

Time to wake up, indeed.

But my argument is that we have been destroying ourselves at break neck speed for the whole Corona Show, and previously as well.

You cannot blame China for us withholding safe and effective early treatments, or lockdowns, or Remdesivir and a Ventilator death trains, or mRNAing our nation, or destroying our #1 ally, Europe.

We have done all of the above, not China.

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Source of China/honey bee death connection?

Re: our own self-destruction = undeniable.

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Nov 2, 2022·edited Nov 2, 2022

"China thinks she should rule planet Earth, and anyone not Chinese is a lesser person".

For sure they do, and then it makes perfect sense that the USA intelligence is involved one way or another teaching Chinese scientist not only how to manipulate virus, but how to hide it so the Frankenstein virus pass as natural in origen.

The question remains the same. Why is the USA government teaming with China CCP on Gain of Function experiments to create lab made dangerous virus?

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Excellent points. Thank you. Greatly appreciated.

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And sent “students” here to “learn” engineering, science, and math then work at American company as a Trojan Horse.

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YES! As a newlywed, I worked at the graduate school of a big university. I could see it then—and I’m


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Get Down Tonight, my friend. I'm right with you.

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That partially backfired.

Lots have become integral wonderful folks in our churches and communities and are loyal to a Savior. I'm honored and humbled to know many, extending from grad school and extending throughout the current neighborhood(s). Love 'em. Love their kids, who play with mine and are on the same sports teams, etc.

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Yep. China was the big covid winner. Their factories stayed open while ours were closed, they gobbled up Hong Kong without a peep, and they got Joe Biden in the White House. This all after the (now obviously) fake videos showing people dropping dead in the streets.


It might be tempting to dismiss China’s incredible run as simply good fortune, but that would be a huge mistake. Remember extremely early in the pandemic, when covid was exclusively a Chinese problem? Remember all those videos showing people dropping dead in the streets? Here’s a quick reminder: (0:42 is my favorite. Covid kills him instantly and he turns into a zombie quickly enough to break his fall!)

Yet covid caused nothing like this anywhere in the world. The videos were completely fake, and a huge psyops campaign like that doesn’t happen on accident. The Chinese government faked the videos that kicked off the panic around the world. China falsely claimed that lockdowns stopped the virus cold, setting the way for bought governments around the world to mimic China’s response. China then rode the ensuing wave of chaos to the precipice of becoming the world’s largest superpower. And now they’re performing a follow-up act with lockdowns in Shanghai, no doubt hoping we will jump off that cliff again.

As far as I know, no government official has spoken about these faked videos and what they mean. Perhaps the Chinese have a incriminating paper trails leading to our ‘public servants’ like they do with Tony Fauci. I’m 100% positive the Chinese bribery trail runs in our government much, much further than the Biden family. It’s time that important people start asking important questions — is ANYBODY going to hold China accountable for their actions?

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Hold China accountable by what means??

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Step 1: Stop treating trade with them as if it's a free market

Step 2: Build our industries or find new trade partners

Step 3: Remove all the politicians beholden to Chinese cash

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Yes. And #2 is beginning: USA has closed down our semi-conductor factories in China. #3 = not so much...

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I can see how many Chinese people may view it as payback for the Opium Wars and resulting addictions in China, not to mention the unequal treaties and the like. This is referred to as the Century of Humiliation for the Chinese.

Many Chinese people also think Americans, particularly the young generations, to be a lazy and of an entitled mentality. It is conceivable to me that this belief may extend to a lack of concern about them getting hooked on and dying from fentanyl overdoses. They may rationalize their deaths due to their own actions as willing drug consumers as well as just deserts for the Century of Humiliation.

Unlike ours, the Chinese school system is very good at teaching the history of their own people and civilization.

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Michael, could you include a reference that connects fentanyl (sp) to the CCP? We know that our own CIA addicted the inner city populations of the US to drugs that CIA imported in order to gain funding for activities that Congress explicitly forbid. That story is in Gary Webb's book. https://www.amazon.com/Dark-Alliance-Contras-Cocaine-Explosion-ebook/dp/B001ESCPFA/

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The funniest take on that ever:

https://youtu.be/G94n14eTfUQ?t=28 (Skit is 12 seconds)

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The "cocaine explosion" benefitted both sides of the Cold War. Communists and right-wing regimes handed business off to one another. The Medellin Cartel initially destroyed part of a Communist guerrilla band in eastern Colombia that at one time funded itself by kidnapping rich people for ransom, then offered the survivors "Plomo a plato?", (meaning "gunshots of lead or payments of silver?"). Presto. Cartel leader Pablo Escobar turned his gang bosses into a Politburo, began donating a few of their $60 million per day cocaine revenues to provide aid to the poor, and sold themselves as revolutionaries. Not to be outdone, a right-wing mob based in Cali, Colombia sold themselves as loyalists. Colombian officials got paid off by both sides. Yes, the Webb book is half accurate: There were right-wing regimes in Central America that rented landing strips and provided licenses to cargo aircraft run by the Communist poseurs in Medellin. But there were also leftist regimes (particularly Nicaragua and Cuba) that gave cover to the right-wing traffickers from Cali. As crack cocaine made the drug accessible to low-income Americans, two rival organizations emerged, the Bloods and the Crips, each of whom had a quota to fill for their source cartel. What finally ended it all were air travel restrictions in response to the 9/11 attacks. Post-9/11 air smuggling gave way to land smuggling via Mexico, and the Sinaloa Cartel quickly realized that importing legal petrochemicals and making synthetic drugs from them, cut out the Colombian and Asian suppliers of cocaine and heroin completely. Yes, some fentanyl is made in China and sent here. But the fentanyl ingredients are sourced from the chemical industry of multiple nations, as are the ingredients to cook methamphetamine. Methamphetamine is more potent than crack cocaine was, and is made from synthetics that have legal uses. Fentanyl has similarly displaced heroin. And the 1990's Moonrock, a mixture of crack with a little heroin to take the edge off, has given way to the 2020s Speedball, a mixture of methamphetamine with a little fentanyl to take the edge off. The late George Floyd had ingested a lethal dose of such a speedball when he was begging police for fresh air, and four Minneapolis officers, fearful that the dying man might suddenly acquire superhuman strength, strangled him to death with a form of choke hold.

Ignorance and gullibility have always been the deadliest aspect of the illicit drugs business. They empower our enemies both foreign and domestic to do us harm, because we are too ignorant to make sense of what we see.

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search brother. like here:

Fox Biz News - Former Acting ICE Director Ronald Vitiello - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgNFlg6FG6I

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Read about the Opium wars early to mid century 1900s war with Great Britain second with Briton and France. Similar tactics to weaken the US.

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Try to rationalize the information from this article and one written by Dr.Malone this past week which implied that the Moderna vaccine development was assisted by DARPA. Since a lot of the research on the vaccine and the Covid virus was done by China it begs the question as to why our intelligence establishment would utilize China to help develop a vaccine for bio weapons that China itself might develop against us.

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just wait for

(or pre-order) this book. This is all coming out. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1510773983/

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I am trying to watch the movie for free for his first book, the Real Anthony Fraudci, https://www.therealanthonyfaucimovie.com/viewing/ as today is the last day - so many things going on covertly, that it's proof that these conspiracy theorists were right, just didn't know how much they were, as it was much bigger than any normal person could imagine! Ugh!!

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Preordered and can’t wait! Thanks Doc! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

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I do believe that when they finally investigate the bioweapons in the labs found in Ukraine, that they will uncover a world-wide web or network of regulation breaking, Deep State run, and taxpayer funded, development of all sorts of nefarious schemes in most countries...sadly!

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consider pre ordering this https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1510773983/

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I just got my pre- order in, can’t wait to read it! Thank you Dr. Malone!

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Thank you for raising these thoughts and questions, Jake. I was wrestling with the tie-ins and patterns as well.

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This is disingenuous without discussing US's far more extensive bioweapons program which we have used extensively since WW2, including importing many of those same Japanese scientists who killed so many Chinese people to the US so they could continue doing their dirty work for us. We did the same things the Japanese had done to the Chinese to the North Koreans during the Korean War without any qualms at all, such as dropping plague-infested fleas on them from planes. The US has killed countless people around the world, and thousands of US citizens right here in the US, with bioweapons. Any discussion of Chinese bioweapons needs to be put in that context.

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regarding this topic, consider pre-ordering this book


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Just a soft shout about the terrific audio sound quality you have done on these audio segments.

You come in crystal clear in the audible on my desktop external speakers. Easy listening A+!

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Thank you very much for that comment.

We have almost completed the new studio (I still have to install the HVAC and server, but the fiber cable and Starlink commercial up/down link is running well now). We have invested many tens of thousands of dollars to get to this point, and are trying to improve both audio and video quality.

Jill and I see the paid subscribers to this substack as our key customers, and we are doing what we can to continue to provide the best service we can. Which has always been the guiding principle for our consulting practice over the last few decades. We now bring this commitment to our alternative media communications.

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And it is a thing of high tech beauty. As we age our hearing does indeed diminish.

You sound like you are sitting right next to me in a nice quite room. I admire the quality.

Happy you made the investment.

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And we are all so very grateful you are Doc! 🧡

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for sharing this!! Just in case you have not seen my comment to your yesterday’s Substack, I repost it here:

Thank you and Theo Schetters so much for the insights! I can’t believe that there are still people at least in the West who are vaccinated or are forced to get these inoculation boosters. Adverse effects are known already everywhere! The number of vaccination damage detected by the authorities in Germany after a corona vaccination has almost tripled since the end of May. https://www.epochtimes.de/gesundheit/zahl-der-corona-impfschaeden-fast-verdreifacht-a4017731.html

In contrast thereto China: Yesterday I posted in a comment to your Stubstack the link of a BBC article confirming that “China has refused to import vaccines despite evidence that its homemade jabs haven't proved as effective.“ They do not use mRNA jabs!

And moreover: As an example BASF is cutting down in Germany to grow in China. https://www.wallstreet-online.de/nachricht/16113212-aktien-wirtschaftskrise-verschaerft-sich-basf-baut-deutschland

Beijing's influence in the technology sector is "frightening". Senator Mark Warner, has now admitted that ex-President Donald Trump was right in his assessment of the security risks surrounding the Chinese company.


Where shall this all lead to?

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Warner, former chaiman of the Senate Select Intelligence Committee (the most powerful committee in all of Congress), is just scared that the incoming Pubbies will dig deep and indict him for selling state secrets. Just CYA.

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This is at best a one-sided view of biowarfare and at worst a throwback to McCarthyism and the Red Scare. The bioweapons labs of the US are far more extensive than China's. We have 13 BSL4 labs in America, compared to one in China. Most of the work on weaponizing coronaviruses was funded by Fauci's NIAID, and some of the work he funded took place in Ukraine and in Wuhan. The horrific Japanese experiments in WW II Manchuria were taken over predominantly by the US, as detailed in the book Poisoner in Chief, by Stephen Kinzer. It was America and not China that recruited Nazi scientists and gave them new identities and American labs to extend their "research" under Operation Paperclip and then MK-Ultra. It is America more than China that pursues global domination, and it was China's economy more than America's that was hurt by the COVID pandemic.

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yes, this is being covered in Bobby Kennedy's next book https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1510773983/

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It is a reminder of horrible things we think are ok to pursue as human beings. is it not?

The trouble is, it has been our curse for thousands of years. Has it not?

Man is the most invasive, Non-native creature species that roams the earth. Gods Hooligans.

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Read "Saharasia" by James DeMeo, PhD.

We are a species with PTSD, and men making war, and warfare itself are anything but normal.

This is an insanity that must stop or the men and women of violence will destroy humanity.

We can live in harmony with Nature and Earth if we would return to older more balanced societal ways.

Women must hold 50% or more of the power in society and they must relearn how to weild it.

Men must recognize that many of their kind are unfit for serious responsibility because they are either too reckless or too aggressive. Testosterone creates both in mass amounts and makes males easy prey for the war mentality. It is Wetico. Or Emotional Plague. Or Sociopathy, Psychopathy and Narcissism.

Or Demonic Possession.

Call it what you like, but it has been running far too many people, male and female, in power.

We need Peacemakers in Power. Men and Women of Wisdom and Character who would not risk destroying Earth for their fears, as the warmongerers will.

All this violence, sickness, death, coming from broken societies and flooding across the Earth stems from one war or another.

Wage Peace, instead. Protect your Nation's farmers, production facilities and fuel supplies.

Respect the rule of law, and keep government small.

And Educate! There is nothing new under the sun. Those who manufacture wars must stop if we are to regain our Freedoms.

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I'm wondering if the ability to prevent "sociopaths, psychopaths, and narcissists" from rising to power is beyond the collective grasp of ordinary citizens. How many can recognize these traits in a new candidate running for office? Maybe the best we can do is to limit terms and provide some reasonable means for recall.

How might that be accomplished in today's complex, globalized, interconnected world? For that matter, how might it work within a nation state like the US or UK? It seems that wealth eventually exerts too much influence in such large and powerful government systems. Truths become too easy to hide. I'm beginning to think that a primary focus on localized self-sufficiency and control may be the only approach that will work for a sustainable future. And what are the chances of that?

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The solution is this (my own ideas)...

1) We the People must search for, recruit, and fund good candidates, INDEPENDENT OF THE RNC.

2) We must have our own funding, enabled by an honest PAC that can fundraise small amounts (like $10/month) on auto debit. If only half of the 2020 voters would donate $10/mo, on autodebit, the PAC would have $400 million every month to hire experienced professional MAGA headhunters to find candidates to run...Not the typical sleazy GOP "consiltants". Vet extensively.


4) Continue to doggedly become Republican local committee men. Don't give up. Eventually we will dominate.

We can do what P. Trump did...Use the vehicle of the GOP to work our will, but be completely independent of them.

It's the only way.

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Three cheers!!! I subscribed just now to be able to interact with you I have a theory that I would like to share with you because I think it is the answer to the reason (world wide?) people are afraid and resort to looking outside of themselves for protection when I was a teen I managed to join a group and was bussed to a chapel to listen to Martin Luther king he spoke that night for about an hour and I don’t remember about what but I do remember three questions that he must have repeated at least ten times “who are you? What do you want? Where are you going” that ignited me and I stepped off the path directed by my parents and society I took responsibility for myself and learned along the way mostly from within and from nature From what I have read of yours I feel that we are both looking for the answer to the downturn of the human race if I have gauged you at all correctly I would like to share my theory with you because I think that you would enjoy it and would help me figure out how to broadcast it also I figure with your education that you might be able to shed some light on whether this phenomenon that I speak of is a worldwide language quirk From what I know it is please reply to me if you are interested and we could possibly exchange emails Health, mike born November 28th 1947

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Mike, please write me at longleaf_farm@yahoo.com, identify yourself in the subject line and I'll respond. Looking forward to our conversation.

: ))

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Katherine I meant this for you but I think I did reply to the Russ fellow who replied to you here is my reply to you I apologize if I am repeating myself but I really had the urge to write this to you:

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Three cheers!!! I subscribed just now to be able to interact with you I have a theory that I would like to share with you because I think it is the answer to the reason (world wide?) people are afraid and resort to looking outside of themselves for protection when I was a teen I managed to join a group and was bussed to a chapel to listen to Martin Luther king he spoke that night for about an hour and I don’t remember about what but I do remember three questions that he must have repeated at least ten times “who are you? What do you want? Where are you going” that ignited me and I stepped off the path directed by my parents and society I took responsibility for myself and learned along the way mostly from within and from nature From what I have read of yours I feel that we are both looking for the answer to the downturn of the human race if I have gauged you at all correctly I would like to share my theory with you because I think that you would enjoy it and would help me figure out how to broadcast it also I figure with your education that you might be able to shed some light on whether this phenomenon that I speak of is a worldwide language quirk From what I know it is please reply to me if you are interested and we could possibly exchange emails Health, mike born November 28th 1947

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Thank you, Michael! I will definitely find a way to converse with you and hear your ideas.

Blessings to all those seeking Peace and a way forward today!

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I think the fact that we're supposed to be the only animal capable of conceiving, and planning for, a sustainable future makes us extra culpable when it comes to the lack of good stewardship.

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IMO many of our leaders are complicant, as they have personal pie in the sky dreams

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Yes. It's a fight among the master of the universe types. We are chattel.

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So that’s why American traitors are funding Chinese Military “gain of function” weaponization...

...so they can “Patriotically” create the cures for attacks, as well as unlimited treasures for DAVOS man and his Intelligence State minions

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...... and it’s wonderfully lucrative. Just ask our potato in chief :)

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I have thought from the very beginning that this was an unrestricted warfare act against the "F.F.W." the "Formerly Free World," Australia, New Zealand, U.S., Canada and Europe.

We were forced into lockdown, destroying our economic stability, we were forced to utilize useless hospital protocols that killed 100,000s of Americans, we were denied access to safe and effective early treatment strategies that would have quashed the "Plandemic" in a week, and we were force injected with a lethal spike producing gene therapy which looks to kill, disable and sterilize millions. Perhaps billions.

Who would do this to us? China would, I have no doubt.

The United States would become the next Tibet. China will rape, murder, torture, and steal the natural resources here, just as they did there, with no more compunction than the European had for the Native Americans.

But the problem is this: it was President Trump who ordered the lockdowns and is the "Father of the Vax." And Fouci and Biden et. al brought the forced vax in, and governors in state after state forbid HCQ and Ivermectin, closed schools, and destroyed businesses.

Everyone with a handful of exceptions appears to be "in on it" and more than willing to help destroy us and our future. China is not mRNAing their population. We are.

And China didn't run Event 201, we did. That was the literal plan of the Plandemic. Gates, and the CIA etc., did that table top exercise, so what's up with that?

And, does China control every Democratic Governor? The 90% of sitting Republicans who did nothing the past 3 years?

The WEFers who say, "you will own nothing and you will be happy?" While they shut down coal, gas, oil, and nuclear, destroy farming, and starve and freeze their people? Who blew up Nordstream l & ll? China? I don't think so. Everyone in the F.F.W. appears to be in a war against themselves!

I agree that China will turn us into the next Tibet so fast it will make your head spin if we let them. But the Traitors or Useful Idiots inside our gates are the real danger, that's the issue, in my personal opinion, as well as the mindless robots killing Americans and destroying their lives and livelihoods because Anthony Fouci or Joe Biden or Kate Brown told them to.

That's our problem. China is secondary to the deadly wounds we are inflicting upon our selves and our allies. This is Hari Kari, and we are the ones with the knife.

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Yes, we definitely are the ones. But that doesn't rule out behind the scenes collusion...

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Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022

President Trump had a 15-day lockdown, and after that, it was on the states and governors, mostly Dims. Atrocious.

Peter Navarro got a huge supply of HCQ & IVM, it was supposed to be OTC, and Dr. Rick Bright took P. Trumps directive, and added a hospitalization requirement to it, negating its purpose.

He should be hung, drawn, and quartered.

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You are correct that those who planned this deserve that punishment.

But Moderna patented the vax and the virus, it appears, along with NIAID. And Moderna has CIA connections as does the World Economic Forum.

Mainstream Media lied and lied about Ivermectin and HCQ, and fraudulent, lethal dose studies were published in the Lancet to demonize HCQ.

Governors prohibited these safe and effective drugs, utilizing facistic pharmacists to refuse doctors' legal prescriptions and DOJ attacked Naturopaths who were saving lives without those difficult to access drugs.

Dr. Paul Marik even had Vitamin C taken away from him by his hospital and then had to watch as all his patients died.

Remdesivir and a Ventilator is a certain death sentence for a Covid patient and this was mandated by CDC, indemnified and paid off by our Federal Government, while Trump ruled.

All of the Government was all in on destroying businesses, lives, and children.

Forced masking harms physically, psychologically, and socially and does not stop Covid.

Every single thing the Government, Federal and State, did made it worse and cost us 1.5 million lives.

And 3 million plus disabled it appears.

Plus all the women who are sterilized. And the baby girls who may he born sterile.

This was a Coup of the Formerly Free World.

They are still coming for what we have left and those still free of the gene modifications and internal control mechanisms from the "experimental" jabs.

Unless we name all the conspirators and hold criminal trials with penalties for treason, first degree murder, medical kidnapping, and torture, and theft, we are heading into a very dark world indeed.

Trump rolled this monstrosity out, he did not save our businesses, our Freedom of Speech, or make Ivermectin and HCQ available over the counter, as he could have done.

He only paraded those sociopaths Fouci and Birx endlessly and stood by as our nation was destroyed. Not one economist to explain the socioeconomic cost of lockdowns, not one front line doctor actually treating covid successfully, not one child psychologist, not one PPE expert on masking, not one Freedom of Speech media platform.

I have no pity for him, nor trust at all. He was President when we were taken down. The Father of the Vax. And one who led us into Darkness.

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Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022

Although I agree with much of what you said, I'm not sure you understand federalism. The lockdowns after the 15-day Trump one were all done by STATES. The fed gov does not have the power to usurp states rights...Just as it can't regulate elections, policing, and education.

P. Trump was a president who understood the separation of powers...Which is one reason why he never invoked the Insurrection Act in the summer of 2020, when BLM was ravaging many cities (although there were other reasons as well).

You are a LIAR when you accuse him of promoting Birx & Fauci "endlessly". I can remember almost the exact day when he started minimizing them both, and it wasnt too long into the COVID mess. He got it.

Dr. Zelenkos testimony of Dr. Bright's sabotage, the way that Zelenko was cut off from Trump when trying to help him rectify it

Zelenko clearly called out Bright to P. Trump, but could not get through.

And BTW, it's PRESIDENT TRUMP. NOT "TRUMP". Learn to keep a civil tongue in your head while you're spitting your vitriol over the ONLY MAN who tried to stand between us and the Evil Ones. Go spit on someone else. Have your temper tantrum with them.

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Pardon me, but I believe the "vitriol" is yours. I call Biden, Biden, Clinton, Clinton, Obama, Obama, Bush, Bush, Kennedy Kennedy, Reagan Reagan, all the way back to Jefferson and Washington. Saves typing, lol.

As for Federalist vs States Rights, yes, the States have the capacity to make their own laws. But, Federal Law and the President's Emergency Powers do supersede these, and if your President had wished to he could have made HCQ and Ivermectin available to all Americans who wished to have it by Emergency Presidential Decree, and the States could have said nothing. Just as he used the military to roll out his vax, he could have mobilized them to roll out HCQ, Ivermectin Vitiamin D, and pulse ox meters to all Americans.

He could have told every Governor who forced Businesses to close for more than two weeks that the Federal Government would assist in prosecuting them for violating due process of law,

and our Constitutional Rights.

Ditto each and every dirty trick of the "Plandemic."

He could have brought in Economists, to examine the price of lockdowns, Child Psychologists, to explain the harms from forced masking, isolation, and endless fear porn, and the alternative health experts calling for sanity, like DeSantis did with The Great Barrington Declaration.

Heck, he could have met with Zev Zelenko and ordered his protocol to be made available to any American who wished it.

Trump presided over the destruction of America and did much, much, much too little to stop the Enemies of our Nation from taking us down.

We have at least 1.5 million dead. Both from forced Remdesivir and a Vent, (which was a Federal action, as was the guidance to stay home until you turn blue,) and from the lethal non-vaccine Sars-cov-2 gene therapies. We have 3.3 million American Businesses destroyed and a new 3 million on disability.

These again were Federal actions.

Trump should have fired Fouci, or instructed DOJ to open an investigation on that murderous rat. Instead he kept appearing at his side.

DeSantis actually fought back. Not enough, people still are dying with the hospital protocols, and he did not get Ivermectin etc., available to all, but he stopped forced vaxxing, forced masking, and forced business closures.

Trump could have advocated MUCH more strongly for all Americans.

The Feds paid for the Billion Dollar Ad Campaign for the VAX. Your man is either in on it or too unintelligent to see what was happening right in front of his eyes. Somehow I do not buy the latter.

That's my opinion and it will not change. What happened happened, and he was our President. End of story.

Would I vote for him over others in this snake pit? Yes I will. But only because they are almost all snakes, IMO.

Perhaps Tulsi Gabbard is not.

Perhaps Kari Lake is not.. Perhaps Ron DeSantis is not. Perhaps Ron Johnson is not. But until they wield real power we will not know.

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Now you know why we have the second Amendment.....it would be a hundred year war.

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Boom ... Mike-Drop !

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Ahh ... it does sound VDH-y

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I'm sorry, Dr. Malone, but this reads like US propaganda to me by the standards that you've established elsewhere and the rhetorical devices you've outlined. It makes general claims of motives and cites a history as it's been taught in the US. It also comes at a time when the US is doing blatantly antagonistic things, like Pelosi & Taiwan, to ramp up public outrage and support for a war against China.

There are credible hypotheses, with evidence, that the 'Wuhan' strain was spread from Fort Dedrick (in your and my neck of the woods) through infected soldiers in 'war games' simultaneous to the outbreak. And didn't a study just come out showing it originated in Chapel Hill, NC?

I don't know much about China but thanks to you and others, I know a lot more now about the US use of bioterrorism. Matt Ehret just posted a conversation on What Makes China Tick? He and Cynthia Chung have an interesting perspective, along with Jeff J. Brown. Caitlin Johnstone just published "A New Study Finds the Rest of the World Supports China and Russia." I haven't listened/ read either yet but they offer a different perspective.



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Hi, David. I absolutely don't think that Dr Malone is telling his readers what to think here. But I'm not so sure about Clare Lopez and her LLC. Most journalists don't have LLCs but thinktanks, designed to tell people what to think, do.

It starts with her title of China's Drive for Global Hegemony. That runs contradictory to what China has done in the past but is absolutely what the US has done. The war in Ukraine is 100% over US global hegemony through NATO and the petrodollar. The US has 800+ military bases in other countries. That's global hegemony.

I don't know what I think about China, frankly. They've been an early adopter of WEF policies of depopulation and lockdowns. They hold enough US Treasury bonds to buy up all the farmland and real estate out from under us. Biden just gave them our strategic oil reserves. His and Hunter's nefarious dealings with them make me wonder how else we're beholden to them. But the long history of US Biowarfare is my first concern, as a US citizen. And this plays too nicely into distracting us from that, for my taste.

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Claire Lopez has been an astute, low-profile geopolitical analyst for many years. I don't think she craves the spotlight. When she speaks, I listen.

She is like Jeff Nyquist, not engaged in a fame contest. She keeps her head down, and does exceptional work.

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Thanks for letting me know, Linden. It's good to have some history since I'd never heard of her. Yet I still think we should be able to challenge what we believe without it being an insult to the person saying it.

Either Robert or Claire or the Hong Kong doctor or I may be mistaken. I don't know the truth but if it's 'disloyal to my side' to express the contradictions I see, then we're only following blindly. I feel that the inability to disagree led to things like the Desmet/ Malone/ Breggins fallout that escalated from a difference in ideas to accusations of being a traitor.

I would like to see Claire in a discussion with Matt Ehret where the claims she makes could be knowledgeably challenged with hard evidence required on both 'sides'. As the US positions nuclear weapons in Australia pointed at China, this isn't an idle discussion. Is suspicion that some individuals in China want global hegemony worth overlooking the very real and present actions the US is taking for global hegemony? Are you willing to bet the planet that China isn't really defending its own territories against US aggression?

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Your last question... Am I sure? It's not a binary choice. Yes... The US has done some hideous things, but China is no angel.

It's in the culture. Every country in Asia fears China. My uncle lived in Asia for 15 years, he was VP of Dow for their agricultural products, dealt with the zjapanese, Chinese, and Koreans. He was an astute man, and loved studying cultures.

After a while, Dow stopped dealing with the Chinese. They would lie, steal, cheat, before the ink was dry on a contract. Completely untrustworthy.

Their are several authors who have the skinny on China and it's aspirations..Bill Gertz, Peter Navarro, Gen. Robert Spalding, Gordon Chang, and Jeff Nyquist (altho his area of expertise is in Russia).

I also have a dear friend who speaks fluent Mandarin and did humanitarian work their 6 years. He taught English to several children of high-ranking CCP/PLA officers. They divulged many things to him. Mao's dream of conquest and the humiliation of the West is alive & well... And they all learning Spanish for the conquest of S. America.

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Thanks for sending this Billy. I'm a fan of Dr. Mercola and have watched Ed Dowd before. I started watching the whole thing and it seems worth watching through. I'll check it out.

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I'd also like to question the notion that America's system is Freedom and Democracy, while China's system is Totalitarian conformity. The media censorship in America is less direct than in China, but it is actually more effective because it is under the radar. Most Americans believe that the NYTimes and WaPo are "independent" and objective reporters. But their narrative is carefully controlled by government. Google and Facebook are censoring on orders from our CIA. CIA has staff members on the editorial boards of every major American newspaper, as revealed by the Church Committee 50 years ago. In China, everyone knows that the People's Daily is a propaganda rag and they eagerly seek international news sources. In America, few people realize that they receive censored, government-managed news, and that's the reason so few of us questioned the COVID lockdowns and the vaccine mania.

Yes, we vote in a two party system. Two parties for never-ending war. Two parties for corporate welfare. Two parties supporting the agenda of Big Pharma and Wall St. Two parties suppressing any populist leaders who arise.

The result is that Congress has an approval rating of 23% and Biden at 40%, up from 31% this summer. Meanwhile independent polls show that Chinese overwhelmingly support their unelected leaders. Their approval rating is consistently over 80%, presently over 90%. And why shouldn't the Chinese people feel confidence in a regime that has lifted half a billion people out of poverty and created the world's largest middle class? And why shouldn't Americans feel alienated from a government that has destroyed the middle class with labor policies and taxes that shift the wealth into the gilded 1%?

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I would say that the Chinese SEEM to overwhelmingly support their leaders. If the regime can be called a totalitarian one, then according to Mattias Desmet at least 30% are captured by mass formation and serve as a kind of "secret police" for the state, informing on their neighbors (and family) who don't go along with the official narrative. If the regime is a traditional dictatorship, then people understand they will be "disappeared" if they express disapproval. In both cases, fear runs rampant and people don't dare speak up.

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Absolutely agree! Just look at how their lockdowns have been carried out (welding gates of apartment buildings shut--not distributing food but letting it rot in heaps while people went hungry, separating families, killing their pets...) and at the banking and real estate fiasco and how Tibetans are being loaded up in trucks and spirited away in the middle of the night.

When we lived there, “the eyes that are everywhere” kept track of even when a woman was supposed to have her period--and forcing abortions.

We have not yet sunk to that level--and I am disgusted that our leadership could longingly look at China’s efficient control and submissive population...it makes me sick.

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I find this essay very ugly. It uses all the right sorts words to tilt me toward thinking it's pure crap.

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When Man rejected the Creator he became a god of his own making, and does what is right in his own eyes. The Bible records thousands of years of human history where nations rise to power and are brought to nothing when their wickedness and resulting suffering reaches a point where the lives of people who know Him and serve Him are silenced and oppressed.

When people recognize their sinfulness and call out to God for mercy--He always responds. Sometimes granting mercy and more time for a nation to turn from their sin and return to Him or at other times by sustaining and helping the ones who call out but He still carries out discipline on the wicked nation. He made a way for everyone to be reconciled with the Heavenly Father through faith in Jesus the sacrificial Lamb of God.

Everyone should be able to see that the level of world wide wickedness is reaching critical mass. God will not withhold His righteous judgment forever. The voices of the suffering and the dead call out to Him for justice.

We need to quit rebelling against our Creator and call on Jesus who will forgive us, restore us and save us from the wrath to come. And maybe He will relent and save our nations too.

See Matthew 24 and 1st Thessalonians 5

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Why such hatred of socialist China which is far more capitalist than the US?

Why the Chair of the Lancet’s COVID-19 Commission Thinks The US Government Is Preventing a Real Investigation Into the Pandemic


Prof. Jeffrey Sachs says he is “pretty convinced [COVID-19] came out of US lab biotechnology” and warns that there is dangerous virus research taking place without public oversight.

Prof. Jeffrey Sachs is the Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University and the President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network. He has also served as the chair of the COVID-19 commission for leading medical journal the Lancet. Through his investigations as the head of the COVID-19 commission, Prof. Sachs has come to the conclusion that there is extremely dangerous biotechnology research being kept from public view, that the United States was supporting much of this research, and that it is very possible that SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19, originated through dangerous virus research gone awry.

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"Professor" Jeffrey D. Sachs a a LONGTIME member of the Council on Foreign Relations along with his comrades, Joe Biden, Susan Rice, John Kerry, Anthony Blinken, Alejandro Mayorkas, George Soros -all (3) Clintons, Diane Feinstein, Susan Collins, Amy Klobuchar, Jack Reed, Mark. R. Warner, Sheldon Whitehouse, Dan Sullivan, Lamar Alexander - just for openers regarding WHO the ACTUAL individuals are that deliberately destroying the USA.

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Professor Jeffrey Sachs is also a leading opponents of US bipartisan War party which provoked destruction of Ukraine and Europe.

Go to see a doctor to pull your head our of your ass.

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Why is Sachs a member of the CFR, dimwit? The CFR has been - since its inception in 1921 dedicated to ONE-WORLD-GOVERNMENT - and the END of the USA as a sovereign nation; and the end of the the (former) INDIVIDUAL sovereignty our Founders codified explicitly for We the people in the U.S. Constitution, which NOW in 2022 AD is under siege as "outmoded", "racist", "sexist" and "patriarchal" - "written by Dead White Males" for "white privilege" and "White Supremacy".

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We need to agitate for freedom and democracy in – our beloved USA. Although near term hopeless -- I believe in multi-party system, unlike current one party monopoly with two right wings.

China raised 850 millions of its citizens - from periodic mass starvation into middle class -- an unprecedented success -- while DNC and GOP oligarchs essentially eliminated middle class in the US.

"53K US contractors in the Middle East versus -- for 35K troops" !!! What a lucrative business and worth unlimited donations to both DNC and GOP politicians. Highlighting just that "detail" -- tells it all....

A 1%-er War party with two right (DNC and GOP) wings -- gay marriage, abortion, "woke", and other imposed topics are just distractions to divide 99% of population into "red" and "blue" camps.

But brainwashed US citizen agitate "freeing" China and increasing hate of Moslems, Russians, Chinese, Martians - just to avoid thinking about our own beloved country.

1%-er overlords are playing us like a violin...

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Yes, and Russia is currently laying out the case against the U.S.A. for illegal Bio-weapons development and deployment in International Court, I believe.

Our own researchers say SARS-COV-2 leads back to U.S. "Gain-Of-Function," "Duel Use Research of Concern," or "Bio-weapons" development. programs.

IMHO all of the above are a) identical, b) just plain stupid beyond belief, or c) demonic.

Take your pick. I'm ashamed of my nation and the men and women carrying on such wickedness.

Will humans never learn?

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No, I don't think ENOUGH humans will learn. The complex system we call civilization has grown beyond our collective ability to understand, much less manage. So as a group we lazily accede those responsibilities to others, not understanding the qualities it takes to provide beneficial leadership in such a world. In particular, those who currently rise to the top of the power pyramid tend to be sociopaths, with no empathy for the plight of others or guilt for the harms they cause. We're terrible at recognizing and limiting those traits in our leaders as well. I wish I had a better response to offer.

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A long hard look in the mirror by everyone from individuals to politicians to nations could help by invalidating our habitual knee jerk "we/they" polarization - because it would be painfully clear that what one accuses one's enemy of doing/being is also true, in one way or another, of oneself.

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Yes. Just remember: Every time you point your finger at someone else there are three fingers pointing right back at yourself.

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No doubt the CCP leadership is intent on maintaining its own power over its population and much of the planet, BUT the real criminals that make me angry are those within our own Admin State and managerial class who are traitors to this country and who have gone along with every dystopian globalist scheme that appears. From the WH down to the local scene, there are large numbers of people who have violated their oaths of office to enrich and empower themselves - all while preaching their actions are for "the greater good." I worry more about our own government than the CCP.

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Agreed. The CCP engages in long-term planning. Our "leaders" here in the west have trouble seeing past day after tomorrow, and are therefore wholly unfit for purpose in today's world.

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