Apr 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What beautiful horses. We do what we have to do for our beloved animals. My dog Blackie (15 years old died in 2022) came down with the human equivalent of vertigo very badly about 4 months before she died. Didn’t know what the heck was happening. Took her to the vet who got her going after a night of vomiting because she was so dizzy. Until the dizziness stopped (usually within 5-7 days), I would have to use a sling to help her out to the bathroom in the backyard. I’m an old girl with a fused back, but both old girls went out several times a day. Each day we walked about 6 feet further out. She was a determined girl who wanted her independence back. It did resolve in 5 days, but I would have done anything to help her. Even in the end when the attacks kept coming and I knew in my soul it was time to let her go, the vet came to the house. Gave Blackie the first shot, and she started snoring when she went to sleep. The vet shot me a puzzled look. I laughed out loud and said “Blackie snores when she is having a good deep sleep.” She left me me a laugh and me telling her what a wonderful and special girl she was. Will see her again one day. (And the tears are flowing as I write this.) Animals help us so much more than we can ever repay. Remember, rescue animals are the best.

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Thank you for sharing that -

We have had so many heartbreaks over the years. I guess "we" all have, when we reach a "certain" age. But that doesn't make them hurt less.

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Not at all. I think it’s a bit easier when our animals are old because you sort of know it’s coming. I lost a rescue that I only had for 1.5 years who died after an apparent seizure and my friend found her at home when I went on to church to ready a Christmas program. I cried and cried. Wouldn’t stay in my home for two days until I found Blackie with a local rescue. I didn’t want to be in a house that was so quiet without a dog. Now I care for two ferals (they used to come in the house with Blackie. My new girl Nova is a no cat dog) Nova my 6 year old Humane Society rescue that I got the week after Blackie as well as have a bird feeding station and even out out corn cobs for the squirrels. I’m going to be the crazy animal lady on the block. (And thank you for all you do to give us the truth. You are so appreciated as well as Jill who stands with you.)

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And the heartbreaks are unfortunately inevitable when we have animals we love so much and whose stories are so intricately interwoven with ours.

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The ability to cope with a loss.

Rule #1 of the well lived life!

Some tear drops can cleanse the mournful soul.

Love what you have right now in this moment, for one day it will all be a memory.

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Apr 28, 2023·edited Apr 28, 2023

My mom says she feels that it is critical to have pets, especially kids, not just for the joy they bring, but they teach you about life, love and loss.

When my husband and I moved into our first house, he wanted to get a dog as he had not had one growing up. We got a senior rescue that was a combination of lab and greyhound. She looked like a fat greyhound. She was the best. Unfortunately, as a senior dog, we only had her five years and when the time came, the vet came out to the house. It is one of the few times I have seen my husband in tears as he cried "I didn't know it would be this hard."

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Tired Citizen, I’m so sorry, Blackie was lucky to have such a loving owner. I lost a dog to cancer years ago named Brandy and prayed my oldest brother John would watch her until we meet again…

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So sorry, I fully know how you feel and know the sorrow from losing these loyal, unconditional friends.

Last June I lost my beautiful, fully trained 5 tear old Malinois, Varg. Unfortunately, he spun his stomach. There is no emergency vet on our island in Hawaii so tragically he didn't survive the night. Absolutely broke my heart...he was the best companion and protector ever.

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They are our opportunity to do something really good!

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Apr 27, 2023·edited Apr 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Amazing how animals can sometimes become your closest members of the family. Thanks for sharing this with us!!

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Truly of natural giving. Rarely Demanding.

The moniker of man's best friend is undenialble.

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Probably should pity people who share that feeling, but I do not run to that degree of altruism

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Ooops left out " do not". . Big diff in meaning there

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I grew up on a farm in North Dakota and one time we had a Hereford cow that had been bred to a Holstein bull. We were not aware that she had not been bred by our much smaller Angus bull. She went down and seemed paralyzed in her hindquarters. We built a sling and tried to get her up long enough that she might recover if possible. It never happened and the day before we had decided to put her down, she calved. So we had a black and white calf born on July 4, 1976. Ultimately the cow did not recover and I ended up bottle feeding Mindy-Indy (Independence) till she was was able to get on with regular feeding. She thought I was her mom and throughout her life she would leave the herd and come to me if she saw me in the pasture. Sometimes her own calf would come along and get near enough to watch me pet her mother but not close enough to be petted.

So…I enjoyed immensely watching Jill put the sling on and use the tractor-loader to raise her horse up. Much better than watching paint dry. Be Blessed!

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Beautiful horse and a beautiful lady!!!

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS



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My favorite and only subscription! God bless you Drs. Malone! 🩷

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Thank you Robert and Jill for the beautiful photos and fascinating video. The trust Tantra had for you Jill while putting that sling around her and pulling her up was an amazing thing to behold. I’m sure she is grateful for the profound love and care you have both given her.

Little did you know all those years ago, that life could get even harder.

I never want you to forget how grateful we all are for the two of you. God bless. 😘❤️

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am so impressed by the fortitude and perseverance of you both! Especially Jill, when faced with such a task of brute strength and Love. No wonder you both are such an inspiration to us all! Any one seeing these pictures and stories over the years now, and calls you anything but caring, loving and honest, is to be sent to their room for good!

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A great pause in the turmoil that surrounds us. The intelligence in the animal world is under estimated.The beauty that surrounds us is too often ignored. Thanks for sharing! When the time is right we need to have a serious discussion with out leadership in DC why we are at risk of destroying humanity. https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/p/medical-science-is-exponential

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A fascinating story. Thank you.

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I enjoyed your story and had many facial reactions as I read it because I have lived through similar adventures. I lived the all things horsey life for 45 years+ but "retired" 6 years ago. I promote the use of Mustangs now. Please check out my FB page: Mustang Endurance Horse which has about 6k followers now.

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Hi Nancy! We know each other. Yes, mustangs are the best!

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Haha yes I definitely know who you are dear.

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I love love love these interesting tales of your farm life. It seems like love and lots of hard work can accomplish a lot.

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Thank you for sharing the truly rich moments in your lives. Family, we relish the joys. Beautiful animals.

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It is a real blessing to be gifted with a capable partner in life.

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“Tantra is an ancient Indian practice that dates back more more than 5,000 years.1 It refers to both the philosophy and set of spiritual practices that emerged in India around the 6th Century, focused on the direction and manipulation of universal energy as a means of liberation.”

Tantra: An exquisite name for an exquisite horse, her owner, and their story together.

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And Chakra too, the names of these creatures are powerful just like their owners. (who owns who?)

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You are to be admired a faithful friend the Bible says if we do our good deeds to help the helpless He will reward us. We are humans not animals but in the past I have seen people kick or hit animals usually dogs and all I can say if we will be cruel to an animal there is no love of God in you and in all likelihood you will be cruel to humans too!

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