Dr. Malone , I’m not an alarmist typically. I have worked my entire life and saved wisely. But this psyops we are living in has truly gone sideways. Different substacks have helped with my sanity. Family and relationships we depended on are lost. I keep putting one foot in front of the other to stay focused. We must keep fighting on. Happy July 4th to everyone.

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Jul 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I feel the same way. It seems hopeless, feels as though no one will listen to the truth, but we must keep fighting.

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Jul 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have found a church near me that is full of wide awake people. My faith has been tested lately and at times is only the size of a mustard seed. But that is all I need to keep up the fight as well as a hopeful attitude. It has been literally a Godsend! It has lifted my faith and soothed my soul.

I also go to weekly meetings of the Ohio Freedom Fighters. Being in a room full of kindred spirits every week is life affirming.

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I feel somewhat constrained in talking about these issues at my church, but I do know people who understand what is going on. It's sad to me that some people think these things shouldn't be discussed because they are "political." I bring it up in one-on-one conversations and have been delighted to find people with whom I have common ground. Others are like deer in the headlights. I have to remind myself often that I have to love my fellow believers. It's difficult to be patient when someone cannot see the tyranny that is increasing day by day.

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I have found kindred spirits in the Catholic Traditional Latin Mass community. Politics do not enter into worship services, but we share values, and in other contexts support one another. It’s reassuring and heartening to find support grounded in our faith. Remember—God wins, but we are His army. Christus Vincit! God be with all of you.

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You are truly blessed with that kind of congregation. We keep looking....

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Thank you for that Laura Kasner

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You are most welcome! 😘❤️

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Would someone explain to Dr Malone whom Marx is. This is not even close to Marxism. Totalitarianism more apt.

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Hopefully Dr. Malone will respond to your issue. He seems to be very thoughtful to those who post . Paging Dr. Malone !!!(anybody remember those damn beepers we used to wear and find a phone booth to call patients) . Yes I’m old😧🙄

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Thanks! We were connecting on Twitter with other issues till he was banished. I’ve commented on here a couple of times in early days about his labels. Get its not his lane however will lose argument invoking Marx thus we all lose. Political talking point.

I was lucky :) At IBM in 80s we had the new portable data terminals (like a brick) where we cld directly communicate with staff.

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1. What is incorrect about equating Marxism and totalitarianism?

2. Why would he lose an argument by invoking Marx?

3. Did you know he was in an accelerated academic Great Books program early in life? He's not clueless.

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1.Might be truly useful if he did a convo with Professor Richard Wolff whom is a Marxist economist whom actually went to school with Janet Yellen. Took the same classes tho he went further & specialized in Marx. Quickly denounced mandates & daily critiques current state of affairs. Capitalism keeps needing life support; gets it then goes back to the same ways pushing ever more into

2. I’m a humanist. Listen & learn from all schools of thought. Naomi Wolff on indy channel this week also called it Marxism & could see the hosts just stay steady & silent when Marxism evoked. There is a wider conversation needed amongst thought leaders.

3 I saw live 1st Malone Kirsch Weinstein episode. I know whom he is. Marxist ideas used to bolster Capitalism here & the loss over past 40 yrs is why income inequality now untenable. Covid plus 2 CaresAct greatest upward transfer of wealth in history.

Totalitarianism subsumes us to a dictatorial state & requires complete subservience to the state. Did you know many states now require a signed loyalty pledge to Israel if you want to do business with said state?

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That is ridiculous, a signed loyalty pledge to Israel, where did you get such whacky information? Please show proof of this insane statement.

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No political party will save us. Form local community whatever your ilk

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If you know anything about Karl Marx, you’ll not be surprised at how his anti-capitalist rants are the basis for this “new world order” WEF (you’ll own nothing and like it) dream. Suffice to say that Dr. Malone (like many) have seen the handwriting on the wall and are quite brave - staking their reputations even - on calling out these Communists with warnings such as this. Marx himself didn’t work, was a prolific whiner about others who did work and who became successful. Marx sounds like the perfect model for his successors. When one thinks they are too good, too smart, too important to dirty their hands with work of any kind, they have no choice but to blame evereyone

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Jul 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We are coming full circle. We had company towns in the 19th century where you were employed by the company and fed by the company, housed by the company and were always in debt and had to buy everything from the company store. We are entering a digital form of the same where the elitist rule and you are the worker bee! Those that don't comply are run out of town!

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Ginger here, Thomas, I had forgotten about company towns, thanks for the reminder. We've set up parallels before, it's time to do it again.

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👍😎Keep up the good work!

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How did you set up these parallels?

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Studied American History!

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Lol. Can you give me the ‘cliff’ notes??

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It was before Cliff notes!

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The Kings, Queens, Aristocracy and Crooked Clerics enforcing Monarch's whims...Throughout most of history and prehistoric times have not been forgotten. They've RESENTED the rise of the proletariat and now the Psycho/Sociopathic Predators descendants are AGAIN descending onto 'The People'. Will 'The People' RISE AS THE PHEONIX to eradicate them and hang/execute them once and for all? The solution remains a question...

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I certainly hope so before it's too late. for humankind, late reaction will be deadly for us. God Bless you all.

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Jul 2, 2022·edited Jul 3, 2022

Somehow it’s comforting to hear that we are repeating ourselves, which shows we worked our way out of it in the past and can do so again now and going forward.

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I hope you are right! My fear is that the disenfranchised is going to grow exponentially and cause greater harm!

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Really important to go to the World Economic Forum and Bilderberg meeting websites to see who and what these people are. Once we see it it can’t be unseen.

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exactly. I've mentioned to people I know to go on these sites and I am assuming they have not. they continue to keep their heads in the sand because it's "easier".

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I wouldn't say 'easier', I would say 'less painful'. When the pressure being applied by the elites becomes more painful than that of facing reality, they will be calling you for the names of those sites.

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Yes less painful. Sometimes I wish I could « unsee » it because the anxiety is so high. It’s hard to handle. But once you see it you can’t unsee it.

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It is to your benefit to understand the reality of what is happening. The trick is to not let it cause you anxiety. You would be playing right into their hands

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Exactly; I had assumed those trumpeting warnings about them were conspiracy theorists, until the summer of 2020 when, while at home during the early phases of COVID, I watched WEF's meeting on streaming video. What a wake-up call. They don't hide it a bit.

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No, they don't and yet so many either still lump these with conspiracy theories (all currently coming true) or seem actually fearful of taking about them.

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Jul 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone first - My deepest condolences for the loss of your colleague, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko. I watch his Eulogy and it was beautiful, insightful, moving, tragic and his “Do you believe in Mother” was so perfect. His speech to many, was accurate and brave to tell us all from beyond the grave to stand together and say NO, and to Defend our human rights. His final farewell, a gift to us all. Taken so young, a brilliant scientific mind, a caring doctor and from I could tell an honest man and devoted father and husband to his beloved wife and children. My deepest sympathy!

I appreciate your work, time and effort you have given to all of us. Thank you!

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Thank you for your kind word and kindness.

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Jul 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Own a bit of land, start a garden, build up efficiencies and resources, becoming independent of international corporate goods and services, then will one have something to defend.

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however many of use don't have the land to grow what we need, etc. I have a townhome and no place to have a protected garden. I've told some of my neighbors they should stock up on things. if they don't, well, it's their decision, they have no idea what is happening.

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Be careful how much information you give some of your neighbors about what you have stashed away. When the SHTF there will likely be a battle for food/survival and whatever you have that they may want. Just be careful...

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thank you. I basically have mentioned paper goods & dried beans, detergent. keeping it to a minimum. I have put locks on my pantry as well as my coat closet which is now a pantry. garage always locked as well with some supplies. great idea Belle Starr

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You’re very welcome. You are cautious and you should be…. It could get nasty. 👍🏻

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I don't have to be careful because most people don't know what real food is. You can see the lack of motivation in their faces, they will stand in soup lines for hours because that is the easiest thing to do.

I have this story for people about such a thing as raiders coming to take my food, its this: You have to get your timing right;. if you are too early I will shoot you, and once I run out of bullets if you are too late there will be nothing left. So they have to get their timing right.

Now, to drive home my point after a bit of silence (they do think about this), I follow up: The best part is I died with a full stomach with something to defend, you o the other hand, will go back to being desperate and hungry.

And sometimes I laugh like hell because some people still don't get it. People starting gardens would fix most of this.

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Agree. Husband and I are very prepared for any raiders who want us to “share” what we have acquired. A garden outside the perimeter of our home would be hard to defend legally. I don’t think “castle” doctrine would apply if thieves get blown into next week for stealing food. Love your story!

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I prefaced the story after collapse, suspension of law, no one to enforce the peace. A very rare worse case scenario, still possible.

Sure its a story to shut these people up you have the power of observation.

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Yes. Totally agree..

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Not a reason for those who can to not do anything. Do something, make a deal with someone who owns land.

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I've shared my concern and then articles with"friends" (who are among the severely afflicted with the Gov hypnosis). First reaction to reject my offering. Now silence. I've taken to reporting the state of the shelves at my grocery. I finally got a response that she was noticing it too.

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I had my teeth cleaned and the lady asked what I liked doing (gardening), and i told her a bit of what I had going on, growing loads of healthy food. She says, have you read about the potential for a shortage of food? Oh sure says I, i don't have to worry about that. I asked if she had a garden and she said no, but a long time ago she did. I asked her if she was stupid.

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Laughing. What a way to win friends and influence people. Maybe,"why not" and some additional options if needed. As I've noted in the past ... there are some possibilities for growing under lights inside as a last resort. I would agree, stuff out of a well kept garden can't be beat for flavor, variety and immediacy.

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I'm obviously not looking for any friends!

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The Russian dacha’s were not simply for vacationing. Those folk’s gardens grew enough food to get their household through the winters. They needed it regularly if not often.

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Excellent example.

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Jul 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A few weeks ago I was suspended from Twitter for posting in response to someone’s question about how concerned we should be with Monkeypox that the infections are mostly in the gay community and around the summertime Pride Festivals.

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people with their heads in the sand only believe "what this regime" tells them to believe (sadly to say). everyone needs to get their heads out of the sand and start seriously paying attention.

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Jul 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

According to Mattias Desmet such people have very likely been captured by Mass Formation, a kind of crowd hypnosis created and maintained by the ruling elite (who are themselves "hypnotized" by their own ideology).

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Jul 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yes, I interacted with some of them on social media today. They get angry and insulting, but I am determined to be kind. They can't think critically.

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Good for you! That's one main thing I respect about Dr. Malone - dignity. He knows who he is and stands his ground without slinging insults.

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Jul 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Microsoft owns LinkedIn. Time to move to an alternative.

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Oh ! I did not know that ! I’m only on there for work needs - I don’t do social media anymore. Got kicked off twitter - and then just dropped Insta and FB.

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The government/administrative state may have some backdoor input on the social media censoring, but I suspect it's more an advisory role. It is the Big Tech titans who are eagerly and aggressively developing, fine tuning, and deploying the algorithms which perform the first pass at approving or disapproving what the plebs get to disseminate. Much of it based on simply filtering out specific keywords.

They own the platforms, the data, and most of all, you. And they don't have to worry about that pesky First Amendment obstacle.

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The role is more than advisory. Look at In-Q-Tel: they are the CIA's Venture Capital arm: https://www.iqt.org/ They were early investors in Google, for example. Ask yourself why the intelligence arm of the government "needs" to invest in tech startups (if not to control and shape what they do)?

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With their complicity and conspiracy with the CCP/China, it's a certainty the data is shared ONE WAY as agreed upon. Trilateral Commission LOYALTY only to GREED and CRAVING FOR ABSOLUTE POWER...Those billions making-up the market can't possible be touched by peons of a God-Given Social Order having God as King instead of they.

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Truly thankful for the intellect, wit and sensibility of you and your wife in the contributions made towards the SANITY of our country and the world. Am so PROUD to be a recipient of the charity and generosity of all the Doctors willing to STAND, FIGHT and RISK their whole lives, careers and well-being of themselves and their families for the benefit of humanity. We're so fortunate to be citizens of the United States where so many have the ability to have and use weapons to protect against tyranny. We, here are personally fortunate for the ancestors we've had who provided the farm my family has inherited and owned for 250 years. We're willing and capable of providing for any number of people in our region your information and warnings have prompted us to plan for. Praying for you and yours...May God Bless and Keep You 🙏🏻💓🙏🏻💐⛪🙏🏻

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Jul 2, 2022·edited Jul 3, 2022

If tyranny is "Unjust or oppressive governmental power" (as one definition has it), I would argue that tyranny has already arrived. Similarly, Naomi Wolf believes a coup d'état has already taken place. So I'm just curious: At what point, then, do the citizen weapons come out? At what point SHOULD they come out (if ever)?

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I am not a Naomi fan. she says she's with us and trying to save nation (and yet she continues to vote "left"). that had come out in one of the shows I watch daily. for the other in defending ourselves, only time will tell.

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Are you thinking of Naomi Wolf? If so she hasn't indicated that she continues to vote left, but acknowledges that they WERE her tribe. I have a lot of respect for her willingness to admit she was wrong, and she is doing very important work in exposing the truth about the vaccines and other crimes against humanity.

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I agree with this completely. Was not able to click the like button.

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Dr. Malone, I respect you a great deal for your efforts to warn Americans. I'm working with Pastors who will accept me to speak about the critical and dangerous risks of these vaccines. I'm an RN, CCRA, and Assistant Director of GlaxoSmthKiline Respiratory and Endocrinology Research Unit. I was responsible for supervising safety staff in reviewing data, and monitoring, GCP and Compliance to the Protocol. I refused to back down when I found serious cardiovascular issues, MI and dangerous arrythmia, particularly when the drug was added to insulin. I went to Toronto Canada for an Investigator meeting for a COPD drug, and found myself sitting at a table next to the Medical Monitor Marty Freed, who was talking to his lead statistician. He did not see me, and but I heard him ask him to adjust the power. Unbelievable. The FDA ended up pulling the drug 2 years later, after a couple of thousand people died around the world. Imagine my disgust when l found out that the FDA slipped them a favor, by retiring the IND, and changing the compound #, so the NIH could use it for the VERY EXACT reason it was pulled. Testing it in Africa for Diabetes and also for Hyperlipidemia. They kept telling the sites that the lipids became "fluffy", but that the HDL/LDL ratio didn't change!

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I cancelled my LinkedIn account (800+ connections) soon after they censored their first user. LinkedIn == Microsoft, FYI. If you have a LinkedIn acouunt and haven't cancelled it, you should. Don't support censorship.

There are some good articles written by James Corbett (corbettreport.com) and many others on alternate economies and the "agora". Take a look. Also take a look at getting some of your savings out of the fiat money system. Silver is relatively cheap and will be useful for trade in a post-fiat, non-CBDC alternative economy.

Dr. Malone: thank you once again for enlightening people!

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I appreciate your suggestions immensely. How else will people on the tip of the iceberg be able to see the murky underwater? I feel like most people are sitting ducks in this scheme, it will wash right over them.

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Jul 2, 2022·edited Jul 2, 2022

Bingo. The Marxists are using the pattern of the 'Weimar Republic', including the all its degeneracy to destroy the moral fabric of the nation. The only thing I know to be absolutely true is JESUS, that which denounces Him or seeks to replace Him is the spirit of anti-christ...

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Jul 2, 2022·edited Jul 3, 2022

Dr. Malone... come on... This is NOT "marxism" just totalitarianism... This is far right so extreme that it is glowing red...

Any extreme will be so far from what people need that they will be a total disconnect from them...

As for capitalism... this is a system that glorifies GREED. At this moment, we have financial capitalism, making money out of money; this is why Evil Horrory is asking the rhetorical question "what do we need humans for?".

This is what happens when you cut the feedback from any system; in communism, feedback was ignored (because "they knew better"), while in capitalism, even though they say they "love competition", they all secretly love MONOPOLY and they push towards it through the legalized bribery called "lobbying".

So - YES - these are the final stages of capitalism, just before it implodes.

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Agreed. I have an episode called Need, Greed & the 3P--the latter being the third paradigm from the artificial dichotomy of socialism vs. capitalism. And I have a few on Evil Horrory ;-)

Need, Greed & the 3P: https://youtu.be/6Qu5zCxafWU


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A-greed :P

(we can't get rid of this thing :P)

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Dr. Malone,

I hope You don't mind in sharing a column from Dr. Jonathan Mercola - pretty important"

Former Pfizer Exec Believes Leaky Vaccine Was Intentional

Story at-a-glance

Michael Yeadon, Ph.D., a former vice-president and chief scientific adviser for the drug company Pfizer, shares why he believes that the narratives around COVID-19 are false and were put into place deliberately to exert control over society

Yeadon says you've been lied to about the magnitude of the threat represented by this entity called SARS-CoV-2 and the disease COVID-19

The 2009 H1N1 (swine flu) pandemic was a “dress rehearsal” for the COVID-19 pandemic

The use of the spike protein in the shot was a diabolical mistake, as 90% of the immune response mounted after natural COVID-19 exposure is not to the spike protein

Spike protein is also toxic and mutates rapidly, which essentially destroys virtually any protection that the shot provides shortly after it’s given

The fact that virtually every country worldwide followed suit in imposing ineffective lockdowns and other COVID-19 mandates suggests a coordinated, supranational effort was underway

Michael Yeadon, Ph.D., a former vice-president and chief scientific adviser for the drug company Pfizer and founder and CEO of the biotech company Ziarco, now owned by Novartis, has become one of the most prominent critics of COVID mandates and COVID-19 shots. In this riveting interview with British radio presenter Maajid Nawaz, he shares why he believes that the narratives around COVID-19 are false and were put into place deliberately to exert control over society.

“First,” Yeadon says, “you've been lied to about the magnitude of the threat represented by this entity called SARS-CoV-2 and the disease COVID-19. Been lied to about that, in every way, shape and form … the bottom line is, we've been lied to and it's deliberate, and they knew it, and no action was needed whatsoever, other than if you're sick, stay home.”2 Further, the wheel may have been set into motion in 2009, during the swine flu pandemic.

The 2009 Swine Flu Was the Final Dress Rehearsal for COVID

During the 2009 H1N1 (swine flu) pandemic, secret agreements were made between Germany, Great Britain, Italy and France with the pharmaceutical industry before the H1N1 pandemic began, which stated that they would purchase H1N1 flu vaccinations — but only if a pandemic level 6 was declared by the World Health Organization.

“He [Wodarg] was public health officer and a politician during the swine flu pandemic in 2009. And some very similar things that happened in COVID were happening in 2009. There's a very interesting experience here and I think 2009 was the final dress rehearsal for COVID.

90% of COVID Immune Response Is Not to Spike Protein

Yeadon stresses that there are “design errors” in COVID-19 shots. “The main problem with them is there's no dose where you can get obvious signs of benefit without attendant harms, that are much greater at a population level than any possible benefit.” Further, the use of the spike protein was a mistake, as it’s been known for more than 10 years that it causes adverse effects in humans:13

“There are no gene based vaccines on the market for very good reasons. And that's one of the problems. But let's see, you could like pull it pull it apart, you can pull the spike off, you could pull the ball in the middle of this virus, which bit would you give to people? … what you would do is ask, what's the toxicity of the bit I'm going to give to a person?

So if I told you that the spike protein, like a floating landmine in … the sea with the spikes sticking out, I told you that we've known for more than a decade that the spike bits from related viruses had unwanted biology that could cause blood to coagulate and activate platelets and make blood clots. That's true.

So the fact that they chose spike protein, gene for spike protein, make your body become a manufacturing center briefly to make that virus spike protein — that's the first mistake.”

Further, according to Yeadon, the human body mounts its best immune responses after natural COVID-19 infection, not exposure to the spike protein in the shots. He states, “90% of the immune response to COVID are two bits of the virus that are not spike protein. So I think I am right that that was not the best bit to give, because it’s not the thing your body likes to respond to.”14

Spike Protein Mutates Rapidly, Destroying Shots’ Protection

“What you should do is pick the bits of the virus that's genetically most stable. Now, I don't know that we knew it at the beginning, but it's certainly true now that the thing that undergoes variation most quickly is the spike protein … now you've picked something that's going to rapidly go out of focus to rapidly evolve to a different variant, new vaccine won't work anymore.”

Further, because the spike protein is similar to “lots of bits in humans,” it can prompt your body to make an immune response to human proteins — “that’s called an autoimmune response,” Yeadon says. Yet, scientists chose the spike protein anyway — even though it violated all of the “rules” when it comes to creating a safe and effective product. Yeadon believes this wasn’t a mistake at all; it was intentional:18

But guess what? Moderna picks spike protein and so does Pfizer, and AstraZeneca, and Johnson & Johnson. So I put it to you, colleagues, any scientists out there or just logical people. How the hell would they pick?

For the Next Pandemic Understand Vaccines Are Not the Answer’

“It's really important that you listen to me here, that if there's another respiratory virus, you must know this time that whatever however they design, the damn vaccine is the wrong answer. It's the wrong answer for loads of reasons. One is, you will generate an immune response in your blood that cannot possibly affect infection, it doesn't matter what it is, it won't affect infection.

Secondly, if you if you design it using spike protein from some other virus, then if it has that same property of causing toxicity, it will cause toxicity because when you inject these gene based vaccines, it's like launching a go kart that has an accelerator, no steering wheel and no brakes … there's nothing in the design of these vaccines that limits where they go.

Some of it will go into your brain, the back of your eyes, your ovaries or testes, your blood vessels or your heart … you can't develop rapid vaccines, and then give them to billions of people, because you will never have enough safety data to allow you to know whether that was a good bet or not. And without that data, it's reckless. Don't do it.”

What else can be learned from the COVID-19 fiasco, Yeadon says, is that the nonpharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) — things like masks, lockdowns, border closures and mass testing of the population — were also useless in curbing the spread of the disease, and world leaders knew this in 2019, when a paper by WHO scientists showed that most NPIs were ineffective in stopping the spread of respiratory viruses.

“Of course, many of them have really serious side effects on the economy, psychology, social relationships and so on,” he noted.21

Evidence of Supranational Coordination

“Public health officials knew perfectly well those things didn't work,” Yeadon said, but the fact that virtually every country worldwide followed suit nonetheless suggests a coordinated effort was underway. “I think it's the strongest evidence of supranational coordination, something happening above the level of country,” Yeadon said, and he wants to get the word out:22

… There was a supranational agreement or pressure to do it. I don't know whether that pressure was instantiated in spring of 2020, or whether they had already agreed to do it a few months ago, but either way, nobody spoke up. And as far as I know, nobody resigned even though what was being imposed on all of those countries was … ineffective and would damage their economies. That's the kindest thing you can possibly say.”

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I posted this on GETTR. I have a fairly limited audience. I suggested it was another of many perspectives we should be aware of. To me, a major issue is the problems our good Doctor's and evidently many of us are experiencing - an inability to learn what's going on, what's available and to react among ourselves on the import and what if anything to do about it. Thank heavens for this substack and the great folks offering it to us!

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Suggest subscribing to mercola.com - free newsletter!

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Much, if not all he posts, is also on The Epoch Times along with other valuable columns and TV video. I think they are offering reduced price this weekend. I am careful about taking subscriptions, I'm not sure why but they seem to be charging me half price. They have quite enough "Good Stuff," I continue to feel my contribution to their success is a worthwhile investment. I did subscribe to Mercola's offering, tho not to the Premium as yet.

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Also from Michael Yeadon: The Twelve Covid Lies. Lots of details and references to back them up. https://doctors4covidethics.org/the-covid-lies/

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Thanks for bringing attention to the idea of a parallel economy. If it's any encouragement, parallel economies tend to emerge in even the most oppressive conditions.

You can't stop water from flowing downhill, but that doesn't seem to stop some from trying. Thankfully, they have only succeeded temporarily. It's just that for the time they do find success, it can feel like an eternity!

First the drought, then the flood.

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