While I'm always gratified to see more evidence of what's been obvious for a very long time now, I can't wait for the day that this is universally understood. Thank you.

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We probably shouldn’t hold our breaths

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There is a hit song, somewhere in that statement! haha!

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I always love a challenge.

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Sadly, it used to be universally, instinctually understood.

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deletedJun 1, 2022·edited Jun 1, 2022
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Crazy, huh?! And to think only a couple decades ago, if we needed info we had to use the library and/or an encyclopedia. Yet, many seemed to not have a problem doing that and those that did were uninformed. Yet now, with the world at our fingertips people are just plain lazy/ignorant - it really just blows my mind!

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Excellent articles. I have come to believe that part of the "plan" (beyond furthering Davos Man's totalitarian agenda) is to replace the innate human immune system with a Microsoft-like program that will require endless "downloads" (new vaxxx) of new genetic codes to act as the "new-and-improved" artificial immune system. This is a beautiful plan - ultimate control over the peasantry and a government-approved and mandated revenue stream. ...The monetization of Human Life (which has already been achieved in large part via our destructive corporatist culture). This is what one would expect, of course, from the minds of the psychopathic, mechanistic minds of Gates, Schwab, Fauci et al.

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Jun 1, 2022·edited Jun 1, 2022

The problem is twofold, the second part is the social engineering the psychopaths implemented decades ago. People have been entrained to think this is freedom. Unless people can overcome the cognitive dissonance and examine their belief that constraints on our freedoms are for the greater good and therefore necessary, nothing will change. Anyone not on board is a pariah.

Unfortunately, I think they are the majority, but I hope I’m wrong.

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They are also manipulating young people into believing that individual rights are selfish.

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They’ve been doing it in the workplace for awhile now.

If one more person calls me “Team,” I’m gonna lose it!

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Agree. Good analysis.

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Jun 1, 2022·edited Jun 1, 2022

That was a horribly written paragraph (pre-coffee), I reworked it to flow better—and make more sense. Glad you figured it out.

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Truth be told, I do too! The paragraph above was very poorly written though. Three hours after I wrote it (post-coffee), I could barely make out what I meant! Thank God there’s an edit button here.

I am really loving the social interaction with living breathing critically thinking like-minded people!

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"Freedom is slavery." (George Orwell).

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Obama Care took healthcare from private practice to corporations that became "shills for dollars".

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Jun 2, 2022·edited Jun 2, 2022

Yes, but the process was well underway long before O'scare. The early 80's saw the takeover of the health sector by Amerika, Inc. The corporate raiders took over most hospitals, private practices, health "insurance" (HMOs and PPOs appeared) and the face of medicine was forever changed for the worse over the ensuing decades... This occured at the beginning of my private practice years and I was there for it all. In my community, the doctors tried to band together to stand against the onslaught - we formed a group to "bargain" with the incoming corps, but didn't stand a chance against the deep pockets (bottomless) of our foe and their huge teams of lawyers. Federal law actually prohibited doctors from forming "union" like groups (I think they still do). In dealing with the "enemy", I found how much my primary care colleagues actually hated specialists (especially surgical sub-specialists like moi, an ophthalmologist) - "you make too much money"; "we are the real doctors and deserve more"; "we work harder than you do." Thus, the primary care folks were easily split away by the promise of more money for them - redistribution of health care dollars from the "rich" to the "not so rich" The old envy and greed gambit always seems to succeed. Well, they got their wish! They are now piece good workers on the MIC plantation serving the bottom line interests of the controlling corporatists! Where did the healthcare dollars go? They were all directed into the pockets of the hospital. pharma, and insurance corporatists. The government (owned by the same corporatists) got involved by making the Medicare and Medicaid payment systems "more equitable" (meaning: the primary cares got a few bucks more at the expense of their autonomy and the specialty groups saw tremendous drops in reimbursement levels). Of course, the entire healthcare system was already rotting from the head down! O'scare was the death knell for rational Human-centered health care.

Can this be fixed, IMO, no. The system is crumbling rapidly now and it is just a matter of months... Learn to be your own physician as far as possible!

...And, so it goes...

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Yes, the DRG's came first. That was the foot in the door. We have the power to change things, but do we have the will....

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Hmmm...Much like engineered obsolescence in manufactured products. Or perhaps for every problem solved, more are created.

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I think most of us in medicine have understood that masks offer little to no protection against C19. Many of us have been warning about possible longterm risks. While it’s gratifying to see validating research, it’s a somewhat hollow victory in that hospitals, mine included, continue to mandate them. It’s beyond frustrating to have conversations with my colleagues about this. Everyone seems frozen in apathy & unwilling to buck the system. We’re seeing an explosion of pediatric cases of asthma, & auto-immune disorders. Admin is happy bc of the huge financial gains for the hospital.

AG Garland is trying to once again mandate masks on public transportation & the study on ocular transmission cited here ends with the recommendation that all healthcare workers wear MASKS & eye protection. I am losing my mind.

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My daughter in law avoided COvID twice from family members in home. But caught it in an outbreak at work in a medical office where they all mask up all day. Make it make sense!

Also drove by a younger couple walking on a lonely rural dirt road up here in NH wearing N95s! Again, make it make sense!

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When you see the Unelected resident hypocrite, who stole the 2020 election from our Elected President Trump, de-boarding the “Private” climate clogging fossil fueled AirForce1 plane, wearing a mask and then once he reached the criminal foreign statesmen he removes the mask and shakes hands with his fellow criminal.

Perhaps the sense of it is that criminals wear masks, aka Resident Biden, he and other people are continuously in favor of mask wearing to MASK their criminal identity.

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Oh and I should add but probably assumed that all were vaccinated and most boosted.

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Well...you know, the mass formation psychotics.

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⬆️Thank you for this⬆️. I felt confused at the end … but perhaps that was the intention.❤️🙏

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Another excellent article…I’m passing on to parents of children affected…

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I just sent it also to a friend with grandkids but she’s also constantly using hand sanitizer and so the kids see that and do the same. She’s not a believer in masks but the grandkids wear them often because their mother is a nurse who’s bought into all this propaganda.

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As a Painting Contractor and Craftsman of 42 years, the protocols for filtering an air quality issue in the theater of all types of construction in the building trades has been forefront in my health.

Each job site has its own unique problems of air quality/source and flow. Most are of the vast particulate variety that you can see clearly with lighting. Others are miniscule solvent or moisture based that are small and light enough to float/hang for an extended period of time. No doubt these are the more dangerous (flammable) or highly toxic to lungs or throat. Having to wear an N95 ported cone mask (3M finest technology for particulate and some vapor filtering) or any variety for an entire 8 hr day exposure can be noticeably taxing to your normal oxygen sustaining levels especially while laboring. This repeated daily wearing is very noticeable in the form of headaches, upper lower sinus issues, and just a flat out feeling of utter fatigue that can be cumulative. Then there are the snorkel style 3M respirators that are incredible at filtering solvent molecules so small that you won't smell a trace of the environment that surrounds you. It's that effective! But also horribly not cost effective. The life of the twin charcoal canisters that do the work must be changed as they have an hourly rate of shelf life and again drawing air to breath in is not effortless even when new. Again, an hourly lessened oxygen to the lungs are evident. Rebreathing your own carbon dioxin discharges for hours will without fail change the structure of your blood stream. As you can clearly see by this brief and I admit an incomplete scientific explanation that constant wearing is not recommended unless you already have serious deeper breath taking issues or live in a constant poor air existence. Like the photos of the industry cities in China of living in the grey haze of air pollution. Mask use and abuse has been studied and perfected by qualified industry as best as possible for decades. My opinion and my vast experience in low quality air situations is pretty robust. I know when they work, or cause issues.

I carry all of the varieties I mentioned here in my work van just in case. In my opinion if you were to attempt to ward off viral airborne penetration it would have to be the expensive charcoal one.

The masking damages to society as Psychological are more profound than imaginable. fullstop.

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NIH has nothing good to say about mask wearing, and they’ve held that position since June of 2020 and their criticism has only gotten more fervent as time moves on. WHY different areas of the US Fed have such differing findings is quite strange. Are there ‘payoffs’ for certain opinions? It’s quite likely YES is the answer. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8072811/

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I’m sure there are!

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Aside from the obvious, that mask wearing is harmful, there is an awakening happening, yet the “controllers” NEED the masks on people to maintain

1. Obedience

2. Continue illness to insure Pharmaceutical drug revenue

3. Looters and rioters are covered up

4. Eventually to charge people for oxygen which is FREE right now and is the one thing the “controllers” can’t make a profit on, but want to.

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And the mid-terms are coming up so they will try anything for control!

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Jun 1, 2022·edited Jun 1, 2022

Thank you, Dr. Malone. It is good to see things our grandparents taught us about children needing exposure to the world of viruses, bacteria, DIRT and sunshine reaffirmed. This child abuse needs to end, and I think parents are the ones who will have to practice civil disobedience to make it happen. It would seem that most elected officials are either cowards or complicit.

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When masking was a more wide spread thing in my area I noticed children who came in masked to church nursery had pink eye in numbers I would say were larger than normal. Initially I attributed it to their fiddling with the masks. But then when you see them coughing hard into the masks (which they did a lot - I think from mask wearing and rebreathing bacteria (I am not a scientist, but play one in church nursery)) I got the notion that all that stuff was being shot up into their eyes. Not COVID virus (usually), but just plain old colds that kiddos get. I hardly ever see pink eye now.

Masking children in particular is one of the most appreciated travesties IMO.

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Jun 1, 2022·edited Jun 1, 2022

I’ve noticed a similar observation. I work in the vitamin Dept in a store. Before the mandates ended, we were selling a lot of pink eye drops and now we are not. What I am seeing an increase of is people coming in needing cold sore ointment or L-Lysine. A friend of mine since being jabbed, is having repeat occurrences of an eye ulcer (herpes origin). I’m speculating this increase in herpes-type conditions is related to the vaccine.

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Jun 1, 2022·edited Jun 2, 2022

Dr Malone, Off topic, but I am trying to get your eyes here for a moment please...

I was shocked to learn the national blood supply is not separated (vax/unvax).

Please educate us, and if the topic is important enough, can you consider doing a post on this topic?

1) Do I need to avoid blood products if I want to avoid the spike protein?

2) Why are they not separating the blood supply? It seems irresponsible at best.

3) Will the spike protein in donated blood do damage Iike it does to the vaccinated?...If so, at the same rate?

4) Do recipients of blood products become vaccinated by osmosis?

5) What are some other considerations? Can it cause other issues?

(Near duplicate at TruthSocial)

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Our blood supply is tainted. There is research indicating the spike is passed from the donor to the patient. At my hospital, a patient does NOT have the right to request unvaccinated blood. If you anticipate a need, are having surgery, for example, try to self donate prior to surgery.

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Jun 1, 2022·edited Jun 1, 2022

I know about the blood supply not being separated due to giving plasma and having a rare blood type that they ask for occasionally.

I was scheduled for my second hernia surgery in Jan 2022. After meeting with the surgeon, I remembered from the first one in 2018 that I signed a consent for blood products. I asked the scheduler about donating for myself and received strong pushback in the form of avoidance and finally demanding to know why. I certainly was not going to tell her the true reason so I dug deep into my past when I had a social phobia, fear of strangers and public places, and explained to her that since strangers give me anxiety, ...how do you think I feel about taking a stranger’s bodily fluids INTO my body?... Still more stonewalling. I finally had my PCP call her. He came back with the advice that the (robotic) surgery was not likely to cause enough bleeding to require blood, I could opt to refuse blood products.

I cancelled the surgery for now and wear a quality belly band if I get uncomfortable. When I reschedule with a new provider, I will disclose I’m a Jehovah’s Witness and want to donate for myself. Path of least resistance.

This should not be necessary.

I never thought I’d say this, but I’m fortunate to have had a vaccine reaction about 34 years ago—a series of seizures. I could not drive for two years. At that time, the ER didn’t consider my recent flu shot, it was my PCP back then that did the research and advised me not to get any more vaccines. My current PCP is very understanding and supports my decision. The pre-digital medical records from 1988 are long gone, I have been trying to locate just in case to no avail.

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I have been hearing this a lot, and I’m so sorry it’s happening. I think the most successful approach is one like yours. Don’t admit or even hint the real reason. Blame anxiety or religion. Stay polite. Stand your ground. Don’t get transfused with vaccinated blood. You might call the Red Cross, instead of your MDs office, & tell them you want to donate your own blood for an upcoming surgery. I’ve had patients that had success doing it that way. Good luck!

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I have been wondering about this as well.

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Great question! I’m also curious.

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Great article. When I would go to the store and see those darling little kids wearing face masks, it would make me so sad for those children. They looked unhappy and scared. I can only imagine the coaxing those mother’s would have had to do for those little children to wear face masks.

I think back to when I was a child and I can’t remember anyone allergic to peanut butter. I remember reading an article years ago that stated that same fact that you presented. Children need to play in the dirt , play outside, have an animal. This builds the immune system. I have children ages 44-18 . The changes through the years on what to feed babies has changed dramatically. Nursing is ideal. But introduce the children to food. I remember feeding my baby mush and pears at 3 weeks and slowly add a variety of foods into their diet. Then by the time my 3rd child came on the scene babies didn’t need anything but mother’s milk or formula for 6 months. Don’t feed them food because they didn’t need it. I saw more food allergies coming from that.

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I ask children why they are wearing a mask. If they pull the mask down I tell them how cute their smiles are and how I love seeing their faces. I joke with them and ask boys if they are hiding their mustache or something silly like that. The parents that are alongside them - I ignore. They are fixed on the idea of masking being good and they are fearful. I always cheerily egg on the kids to ditch it. So far only one mom has gotten mad at me. I answered her back frankly but in a sweet voice (so her child would not be alarmed) about not transferring her own mental problems to her innocent kid and to be the adult.

Sometimes kids will remove the mask. Luckily the masked children around my town are few these days.

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A new phenomenon -- homelessness is suddenly spreading throughout western Europe -- from Greece to Holland - although little noticed/commented in media -- WHY (WEF surplus population ??)

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Quick off topic note for you

First My Radio Guy just reported on and included part of your reading at the Global Summit Conference video. He suggested listeners go to the page to read and hear the full messages. Our station is conservative and tops in our area.

The Second aside - you may want to see if you can get some addition publicity when your book comes out with interviews. if you do I could try checking with him re a call in.

If there is a better place for me to offer these types of thoughts, would be pleased to know. J

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Substack should have a designated page for "off-topic" discussions. Just this morning I was chatting with a plumber and he said that farmers in Tennessee were notified by the Biden administration more than 12 months ago that they should not expect government subsidies in the future. He told me that he knows one farmer who usually plants soybeans near Maryville that now is growing nothing but wheat.

It is hard to believe that the Biden administration (1) is not workiing hard to destabilize and destroy the USA or that (2) the Biden administration did not orchestrate Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

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Very useful and I'll send this along to my Radio Guy as well. Frankly I think they thought they had us until Omicron hit. They clearly don't want to let the crisis they created go to waste. They are pulling out all the stops to implementing their grand reset.

If our Good Doctors should decide on a place for off topic stuff, agree that would be nice. Would look forward to seeing your input too there.

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Dear Dr. Malone - please don't ever apologize for a "short" Substack post. I'm sure most of us would be happy for you to write, "Sorry for a short post, but I'm working on my farm today, taking care of our horses and riding for a few hours." If anyone deserved a day of just riding horses, it would be you!

I finished watching the panel with Del Bigtree this morning. One thing I especially appreciate and admire about your character is how you regularly call out the gifts of your colleagues like you did with Dr. Urso at the end of that interview. I've seen you do it with Dr. Cole and Dr. Gessling and I'm sure I've missed others. I hope you do it privately too, not like my in-laws who brag us up to siblings (and them to us) but we never hear those words of affirmation ourselves. 🙄

I know I will appreciate all of Dr. Bridle's article just as I do Dr. McDonald's perspectives on child masking. The only thing that sets me off more than children forced to wear face diapers is their parents forcing experimental injections into their little bodies.

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My apologies for the brevity of my comment — to paraphrase a great man — but I have three very important things to say:

1. Dr. Malone, you are a kind, caring, brave, and outrageously smart physician, healer, and humanitarian. We are lucky to have you roaming among us. Short Substacks are A-OK: you deserve time to rest and recharge your synapses and enjoy your life.

2. This Substack community is so wonderful! I’m honored to be part of it, and all the other Substacks to which I currently subscribe. Really…wonderful…human…beings exist — HERE on the medical Substacks! Thank you all!

3. Finally, as a tribute to Dr. Malone, I sign all my emails with one of his favorite quotes:

“The truth is like a lion. You don't have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself.” – Saint Augustine

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In the mean time, Brandon's DOJ is trying to get us to mask up again on airplanes!

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Boo hiss to Brandon and his 6 circle or were there 9 circles, followers.

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