The Supreme Court MUST step in, at least in America. This unconstitutional garbage needs to be stopped before it moves along any further. This is NOT public good, it is tyranny.

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In that vein of thought, why don't they step in and end the mockery of the Justice system in regards to the Trump indictments. By letting this go on, they are rendering themselves irrelevant .

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100% agree. I'm not a lawyer, but I'm also amazed that thousands of lawyers aren't jumping into this and figuring out how to craft an appropriate suit to bring before the SC challenging ALL the BS that's going on, like DA's beholden to soros, DOJ's not doing their jobs or upholding the oath of office, the state and federal governments CLEARLY defying the constitution and trying to implement UN agenda 21. It's so obvious a child could see it.

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SCOTUS demonstrated its complete disregard for constitutional governance some months back by its refusal to rule in Brunson v. Adams. It is every bit as treasonous as Congress and POTUS

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That would be the same court that said blacks were not fully human, that killing the unborn was a "right", that neutering men, lobotomizing was accepted, and that a 'corporation' can be a person able to donate wads of green to whomever, by 'law'.

To have those currently writing and enacting those 'laws' be the same ones in charge of enforcing them, down to D.A.'s, is to have given your children to pedophile team of sitters. Literally.

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It also allowed the 18th Amendment, banning alcohol in 1919.

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When did they say blacks were not fully human? I also think there is a bit of nuance to what you said. Either way, none of that is part of our constitution.

And if you're using the 3/5ths clause to support the statement that "blacks were not fully human," that was clearly not the basis.

Correct me if I've missed something.

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Dred Scott decision. Rather well known. Chief Justice Taney wrote and spoke of his complete disdain for black Africans quite openly.

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And what happened there? Not arguing that it was a good decision at all, but it was based on citizenship, still in contention at the time. It was not based on "not being fully human."

And it wasn't Dredd v Scott.

$10 if you can tell me the actual parties in the suit?

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Dred Scott and John Sanford. My bad, thank you for highlighting it.

(Time to reread a lot of history, for me).

It is a convoluted case of ownership of property transferred among various parties, until an earlier party repurchased, and then freed Dred, allowing he and his wife, Harriet, to be freemen.

Justice Roger Brooke Taney, the chief justice, who filed the brief on his finding for the majority, made multiple statements derogatory about the nature of black people and their contributions to a society quite candidly, in the local and national press.

To say that any human being may be the property of another is to place one human above another. To be subjugated to another is in complete contrast to the spirit of the Declaration of Independence.

While the D of I may not be canon, it is all that any reasonable decent person needs to aspire to, to fulfill the law of God.

Thank you for correcting me on it, requiring a reread on my part.

Nonetheless, my statement regarding the Supreme Court in all it's foulness, stands.

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I didn't read the opinion on that one, but I didn't think it had much of a chance when I read the petition. It seemed very well drafted, but was "all encompassing." Not that I think that's a problem for me, but I just didn't see them taking it up.

I had hoped that it would be redrafted for another go-around. I'd also hoped that more people would have been spreading the word about it.

But, in regard to your last sentence...if it truly is, then we're done. We can fight, sure, and I will in every way I can, but I don't have much hope...if what you said is true.

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Bet they put on masks

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I went grocery shopping today. Store was clean of any one with a mask! At the check when the bill hit $532 plus change the cashier guy looked at the bags being loaded by an Autistic young man (I had to save my bag of bread loaves (which I will freeze) from being covered with a bag of canned goods. The hamburger buns did not get saved as I was still busy emptying the cart on the conveyor) and asked if I had a large family. I was in slacks and a sleeveless tank top with a ball cap on weighing all of 95 lbs. I said it is all for me. He looked dubious so I said I have once again started the routine of only grocery shopping once a month. Ah, he said.

I am assuming the close by $ general will not require masks this time either, just in case I need to pick up some food items in between my monthly shopping sprees to come. It is a shame they do not carry produce like veggies and fruit.

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At least, in America. Hilarious!

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He maybe is referring to the REALLY Supreme Court

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No, referring to the actual Supreme Court, as it should exist. No activists, no party acolytes, just constitution based decisions.

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Mike, it just struck me as funny when you said that SCOTUS must render, " at least here" (paraphrase) ... and, in my feeble mind, thinking you'd inferred its jurisdiction extended beyond the 50 states.

That said, I think your points are valid.

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Did I say render? Maybe I got "autocorrected." I'll have to go check, but no I only meant here. Personally, our constitution is the ONLY thing "holding the line" right now. Not even that anyone is defending or upholding it, just that it exists.

If it didn't, we'd be like AU right now. Sure, some would take up arms and fight, but that would be quelled quickly.

Just look at the J6 defendants. We need immediate, and VERY dramatic legal response to that...and so many other things.

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Meaning, at least we have a constitution. Not that many are (or have been for 40 years) paying attention.

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Consider all the head scratching decisions and votes by ALL the supposedly conservative politicians and judges.

Why do you think they made those decisions and votes when they were antithetical to their supposed core beliefs.

Now, do a Brave search for "DHS data storage facilities", and you may be able to answer these questions.

NSA is collecting and storing EVERY bit and byte of data from all over the world, but more importantly, they are surveilling every American phone call, text, computer keystroke, and usage of electronic devices that depend on the internet for data.

Does it start to make sense now.

Take Justice John Roberts, for example.

He cast the deciding vote to enable the socialist inspired Obama-care.

There are rumblings of improprieties associated with the adoption process involving his two children.

We have absolutely no idea as to whether this is true or not...but NSA knows.

You can continue to fill in the blanks from here.

Oh, BTW, Justice Scalia was murdered.

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I can't argue with anything you said here about what the NSA does. I'd have to look at the head-scratching decisions again, but I usually read the decisions as they come out, and most have made sense, with exception of maybe a couple, and especially "obama-care." Wasn't Roberts helping draft it?

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One glaring head scratcher was Pence's decision to certify the election.

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The SCOTUS is totally corrupt along with the rest of organized USG. Roberts is compromised and will not take cases related. Do not look to them to rescue the US. It's going to have to come from us.

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hey Dr. Malone, I think I’ve mentioned it here before that I have my Doctorate of Pharmacy, but I actually wrote an article back in 2020 why I would NOT be wearing a mask:


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You are the hero where you live! Awesome.

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Aug 30, 2023·edited Aug 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Has everyone noticed that this current administration is the most divisive group I have ever witnessed in my 58 years living in America. Every single word uttered, is a way to pit one group against the other. They have shown no restraint putting their jack boots on the back of anyone’s neck or jailing people that refuse to go along with their tyranny. To go back to this same well, to me, is a sign of complete desperation. United we stand divided we fall. We should all resist this “same play” tactic, and I hope the majority does. Safe travels!!!

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You obviously haven't witnessed Trudeau and company in action! The ultimate masters of the game of division. It's the only thing they are actually good at.

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i did...i watched tac squad goons manhandling the dissenters of ALL ages but so much more shocking with the elderly. no holds barred. so yeah, this movie is gonna get worse before better. how much worse i guess is up to us individually and collectively. godNess bless us all!

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Exactly. How bad it gets will depend on how many of us stand up and I sure hope it's going to be a lot more than last time! Here in Canada we did find out we have one non-violent, highly effective and easy weapon to wield: Trudeau did a really fast 180 degree turn when Canadians started draining their savings out of their bank accounts in cash!! I imagine this would work in any western country so it's something to keep in mind.

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Are you referring to the 💩 ?

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Ditto, my 87 years 'living' on planet earth.

What little remains of the (original) American Republic and the "Fragile Experiment with Freedom" Ben Franklin spoke of is teetering on the edge of total destruction, which IS the game plan via the long march from WITHIN by, literally, generations of "Americans" mentally seduced by the "absolutely equality" in ALL outcomes utopian* gibberish via the "Critical Theory" written by Karl Marx and Frederich Engels in their COMMUNIST MANIFESTO (1848), which calls for the total destruction of ALL of the "existing" societal structure, including its HISTORY, traditions, family, folkways, mores', morals, religion, law - and the total ABOLITION of "private property"...in "never ending" societal revolutions until utopia* is achieved.

In the (now) U.S.S.A., it STARTS within the "American Teachers Colleges", whose literally brainwashed "graduates" then proceed to promulgate the Marxist Utopian virus to the WIDE-OPEN minds of CHILDREN who then carry this mental disease into adulthood, which after many generations - most notably from the 60s "generation" - has now infested (almost) the entire societal structure extant, i.e., Big government, Big banking, Big business, Big sports - and of course Hollyweird - obsessed with the "Critical Marxist THEORY" of the "Oppressors vs the Oppressed" syndrome now injected into in almost any human transactions!

Vladimir I. Lenin's truly EVIL (communist) doctrine - "Give Me Four Years to Teach the CHILDREN and the Seed I have Planted Will Never be Rooted Out" - is fully OPERABLE in ALL American academic circles - with NO known plans or methods to try and STOP the continuing intellectual crippling and debilitation of CHILDREN in the name of Marxist "social justice".

Rest assured, there will be NO "accountability" of ANY kind visited upon those in academia directly responsible for the ongoing societal chaos THEY have CAUSED in the name of Marxist "social justice".

*UTOPIA = ancient Greek word meaning NO PLACE.

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Many of us who had the privilege of growing up and knowing our great country then, can most definitely tell and see the difference between then and now!!!

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Truly SAD times we are living in and witnessing. My(OUR) children, grand children and great grand children will be not mere subjects to Marxist rule, but absolute slaves to the daily insanity of (global) Communist hegemony.

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Tom, that is what keeps me fighting everyday!!!!

I will have an answer when my grandchildren ask me: What did you do to stop this overreach of our government?!?

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GREAT to know, Ana!

Tyrannical governments and Socialist/Communist (SAME DAMN THING) "Revolutions" by thuggish morons MUST be met head-on and VANQUISHED!

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They literally can't afford to lose.

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That's because the "administration" is not "the administration," it is a front group for those behind un agenda 21. I mean, does anyone really think that this "administration" is capable of ANYTHING based upon each individual within it?

For un agenda 21 to be fully implemented, "they" need control of the press, the DOJ, several swing states, elections, and to divide the people.

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Mike when I mentioned the administration I was referring to people like Blinken, Mayorkas, Garland, Rachel Livine, Yellen, Fauci, Wray, Milley, Austin, Biden, and many others I can’t think of off the top of my head. I was hoping you could watch this if you hadn’t seen it already. Thais is what this administration is; https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5082625/gold-star-dad-criticizes-president-biden-us-withdrawal-afghanistan

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I did watch that. I thought pops was great! I get what you meant, but what I was saying is that they aren't the administration - in reality. They are being told what to do and say. They are all puppets. Equally guilty, but puppets. Of course, that's just my opinion.

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You’re 100% right Mike!!!

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These are people who literally weaponized toilet paper.

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I've noticed that it is the most divisive group you have ever witnessed in your 58 years and in my well, a lot more years. I wish it would divide itself into a million pieces.

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Isn't that part of the Communist Manifesto? Also, satan's best tool...

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I wanted to add this to my post as an example of what Obama always reminded us of, elections have consequences. I’ll add stolen elections are devastating. https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5082625/gold-star-dad-criticizes-president-biden-us-withdrawal-afghanistan

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Aug 31, 2023·edited Aug 31, 2023

James, your initial sentence struck a chord with me. Today I participated in a webinar by Frank Gaffney. They touched on that same sentiment.

It is by design. That is right out of the CCP playbook. The webinars are posted 2 to 3 days after first airing.

If you have time this weekend, I would suggest that you make every effort to listen to it. It WAS VERY ENLIGHTENING! It shed light to many of our current issues that just aren't adding up. It also brought up many of the missing pieces to this complicated puzzle.


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Aug 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I will not wear it on my face

I will not wear it any place

I will not wear it to get in

I will not wear it on my chin

I will not wear it on my ear

I will not wear it out of fear

I will not wear your stupid mask

I will not do it


As brilliant as if Seuss wrote it himself. I don’t know the author to give the credit but will plaster this everywhere!

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Aug 30, 2023·edited Aug 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Obesity is hard to hide. To mention that it describes 42% of adults should be a huge danger signal. However, it has been normalized. How? By degrees. At 3%, probably no big deal; 15% maybe some folks get concerned, then that gets accepted as normal. At what point do we say, hey this is NOT normal? At 50%, 75%, 95%?

By the way, I think the same process is at play with "died suddenly" and other adverse events. We are being conditioned to see them as the new normal. That is why there is no outcry of indignation.

(By the way, my last 4 posts on my Stack are memes about the return of masks and mandates. I acknowledge that it is "weak sauce" in terms of an outcry and also "preaching to the choir" here.)

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Aug 30, 2023·edited Aug 31, 2023

How about the normalcy of the geriatric disaster in DC? McConnell is starting to make Biden and Feinstein look like they are aging gracefully.

And notice that as Mitch keeps stroking out in public, his handlers and "friends" express less and less alarm and concern. The new normal for the political class.

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Yes, exactly, these are all examples of the "boiling frogs" apologue. The moral there being that unpleasant changes, introduced suddenly will face stiff resistance. However, those same changes, introduced gradually will face far less or even no resistance.

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As of this past January, the average age in the Senate is 63.9 years. In the House, it’s 57.5 years.

The median age in the United States is 38.8 years old, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

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Minus 14 years of life due to morbid obesity; minus another six years due to masking - these people aren’t going to be around long .

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I’m more of an optimist do you really think that America’s gonna put up with this again?

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Deep blue areas yes. Most of the rest of the country, absolutely not.

They don't understand yet how thoroughly they destroyed their credibility. Unsurprising since their leaders still won't even admit they did anything wrong. Other than Biden saying they are going to work on developing a vaccine that works next time, lol

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I'm in a blue area (NOT BY MF-IN Choice, I might add), and every single person that I know who doesn't actually have their head up their own rectum, swears that they will never bear the face diaper of shame, ever again.

We'll see when they get blocked out of their favorite liquor store.

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I hope not. But on the other hand, I've already seen some "early adopters" in the grocery store. I almost stopped one and asked them "what the he!! are you wearing that thing for?" But I figured I'd be accused of being a racist so I just looked at them with my "what the he!! are you wearing that thing for?" look instead. Sometimes non-verbal communication is plenty to pose such a question, lol.

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Better to ask that person “ are you ill ? “

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Disobey. Resist. Do not comply.

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I can hear you, but be silent and tell me what you hear? I for sure hear a lot of snoring

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

MSG is used in the laboratory to make mice obese. McDonald's is the worlds largest purveyor of MSG.

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I still shake my head in disbelief that right there in the middle of the lobby of Texas Heart Institute where all these people are getting bypasses sits a McDonalds with obese loved ones of the bypassee standing in line for some of what probably put their loved in that place to begin with.

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... and for 40 years, they have watched the chemtrail weather modification and now they're on the search for carbon molecules... we can easily think of a dozen more examples ...let the dead bury the dead...

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And if anyone would take a damn minute or two to actually look up in the sky, once in a while, you'd hear them say... "oh, what's that ? Oh, that's just condensation, right ".

Yeah, sure. Don't question, peasant ! Shut up and mask your face. It will protect you from the nanoparticles of Aluminum, barium, strontium and whatever other nasty biologic we're spraying on your dumb asses today.

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I must be a bad person. I actually laughed at that.

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Laughing is a natural de-stresser response to shit that really makes your blood boil. I spent the last 4 days watching these sub human scum spraying over us like there was no tomorrow. Granted, they load the right stuff into those jets, there won't be a tomorrow, but until then, I'll complain and bitch to myself every single day I walk outside and see them up there doing the Gates of Hell's bidding.

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I hate to admit it but every time I see the sprayers I pray God will send them straight to hell. Then I pray for forgiveness for asking it.

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Well, here's a little news from the front lines. On MOnday this week one of our staff members was out of the office and I asked about it, and the answer was, "oh she went to the doctor sick". So today when I went in I asked what happened and was told "oh she will be back next Tuesday, she has COVID"

nothing else was said, no N95 MASKS distancing, plexiglass, temperatures taken..... blah blah blah ad infinitum, wasting precious time for nothing. I am in far far rural Texas......... but there may be reason for hope because the last go around it turned our large corporation into knots and damaged our business immensely. Now, it appears the policy is......... IGNORE IT, It's private between the employee and their doctor. " Nothing more needs saying and no further questions are being entertained.

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It's sort of funny seeing the wave of articles coming out warning about this stuff. I got this article at 2:13, published my own at 2:33, and received Brad's at 2:35.

The support system is in place now in a way that it wasn't in 2020.

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I usually leave my phone at home, when I head out for most reasons, including work.

My voice mail states to callers, who often are shunted to voice mail, that I do not take my "contact tracing device" with me, etc.

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i'm changing my voice mail message tonight!!!

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I’m so furious about this. I work part time in a nursing home as a therapist, and starting this week, we were back in masks. They say someone tested positive. I wonder who in the world is still testing for Covid?? And why?

I am looking into getting a mask exemption, though it won’t be easy. Until then, I guess I will wear it around my chin.

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Because Bill Gates has invested lots of capital in the companies that make masks, cancer causing testing swabs, and all the other horror paraphernalia these cretins continue to push down people's throats.

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I'm so sorry.

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone,

Once again, the Malone’s are Spot On. It’s truly common sense that those masks reduce oxygen to our lungs.

Yet, I just finished your interview on Charlie Kirk Show regarding this very issue. It was stellar. We align so strongly with your efforts, writing and commitment to stay away from Fear that is set upon us at rapid fire pace. Fear is not a fruit of the Spirit . Thank you for helping your readers understand the facts and the expectation of many more unfair and lawless atrocities. We must also be allowed to select our candidates with out the LEFT #election interference. It’s fascinating how low our low is after listening to #TuckerCarlson, twitter interview the P.M.of Hungary, Viktor Orban’s perspective outside the USA of many global issues, especially our Election behavior. Enlightening. This is one election we must not fall for mandates starting with unhealthy mask wearing.

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Tucker’s interview WAS so enlightening. Confirms what our Allies see happening in our USSA! Prime Minister Orban is an intelligent man who obviously has his finger on the pulse of our country.

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Lovely photo of the two of you!!

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What a beautiful photo of the two of you. Such a good looking couple! Keep up the good work. We love you bunches

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Maybe mask wearers should just shoot themselves and end their misery. Because the “mask” only perpetuates the nonsense.

Just like the trans insanity, I will not participate in their mental illness. It’s really sad and disturbing, what these bastards are doing to the weak.

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