First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win. I think you are moving into stage four.

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Let's hope to get to stage four really soon..... Canada is heading in a very frightening direction, and it seems that they are looking to accelerate it in the weeks ahead with discussions of 'mandatory vaccination' dictated by the provinces. Many more people - even those that got the first shots saying that they are looking to get out before it is too late. I suspect that unless we are in for a CCP takeover Canada will follow the lead of the US - we do have many great scientists here who are fighting the psychosis but ultimately I believe we will end up with similar to whatever happens in the US due to the close ties.

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Just saw this today from Alex Berenson. He is not given to being overly optimistic so I see some hope sprouting here: https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/i-think-the-vaccine-fanatics-are/comments

If the link does not make it or is otherwise defective, search for Alex Berenson at substack.com.

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Thanks, I also saw that. Hope he is correct! BTW love your tag.

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Jan 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

When you see a terminal pancreatic cancer patient sob with relief from a negative covid test and cry over and over again "thank God I only have cancer", you know that Mass Formation is no myth...

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Jan 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I had a related experience. Went to the oncologist with a parent two weeks ago. They explained the family couldn't come in with the pt because - "COVID". I said: are you serious? Cancer is a very serious disease - a matter of near-term life and death. You're saying family who is taking care of the parent must wait outside? This is just crazy. I didn't exactly yell and scream, but I was very clear, very emphatic. Everyone in the waiting room heard. "How about we meet outside in the sunshine? COVID doesn't transmit outside. We can have a picnic." Lady at the front desk nodded. "I never thought of that", she said.

They eventually let me in too.

And no. Nobody got COVID.

Not sure if that situation was reassuring-the-terrified, liability-avoidance, or Mass Formation.

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Wow. That is horrible on so many levels.

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Jan 11, 2022·edited Jan 11, 2022

Especially when a loved one is denied entry when prognosis is hours left because they tested covid+ 9 days earlier. And symptom free for longer than that.

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That is just vindictive cruelty at that point.

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Forgive me, Dr. Malone, but I think you are being overly kind to the propagandists by calling them “naive [and] ignorant” :-)

They are colluders (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-colluder-stop-enabling), pure and simple. They have been paid by BigPharma to quash this curtain-drawing revelation before people realize the emperor is grossly indecent.

Excellent bibliography! I would add Joost Meerloo and all of the books I recommend in “A Primer for the Propagandized” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-primer-for-the-propagandized), especially “The Politics of Obedience,” which I explore in greater depth in my second essay (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/covid-is-over-if-you-want-it). Also everything produced by Academy of Ideas: https://academyofideas.com/

I eagerly await Desmet’s release of “The Psychology of Totalitarianism.” I have already started listening to Laura Dodsworth’s “A State of Fear,” and it’s excellent so far. (She is on Substack, BTW: https://lauradodsworth.substack.com/)

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You are right - they are colluders

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Speaking of colluders, I just published the letter I submitted to the Washington State Board of Health regarding their proposed policies to involuntarily detain individuals in “isolation” camps and force injections on schoolchildren:


This is to be discussed at their January 12 meeting. Can you please help me get this urgent message out, Dr. Malone?

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Jan 12, 2022·edited Jan 12, 2022

Hi Margaret, I also live in Washington State and what is going here is quite frankly scaring me a bit. I have not succumbed to any of their scare tactics thus far. The masking is driving me crazy. I'm not taking the vaccine nor will I take a test. But what's going on here is not right. Thank you for writing the letter. I will be listening on the call tomorrow. We should never vax the kids or isolate anyone for a cold. I fear this is just the tip of the iceberg for the control Inslee wants. He will morph it into a climate crisis and use his vast powers for any small crisis he can invent. I must move from here, just not sure where to go. I'm 60 and single, happy and would prefer to be left alone with my two dogs, let me decide my fate. Maybe I'll get a small motor-home....

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Bravo for not succumbing to the fear tactics and for refusing to comply with these unconstitutional and coercive edicts.

Escaping Washington and getting small motor-home are both great ideas! Have you seen Chloé Zhao’s “Nomadland”? Watch that and you will be beyond inspired to start your new life of freedom :-)

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Addendum: After publishing this post, I discovered a statement by the Washington State Board of Health about misinformation regarding these proposals. I have added a footnote sharing these details as well as a letter from Bernadette Pajer of Informed Choice Washington elucidating some of the confusion around the proposed agenda items, which appear not to be as severe as initially feared (thankfully).

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I wanted to let everyone seeing this thread know I created a generic version of my letter that people can use for their own legislators, policymakers, boards, employers, or others involved in making decisions about mandates, quarantining, vaxxports, or related policies:


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Didn't Epstein fancy himself as the Large Hardon Colluder? Or for a more literary query, would Hardon Colluder Epstein find work in a new Finnegan's Wake?

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I agree with Margaret. Big Tech has spent untold resources perfecting how to brainwash us and our children. Just watch the documentary "The Social Dilemma" to see how. Call it Mass Formation or whatever academic term you like, it is brainwashing pure and simple. How else would those Tech monsters convince our beautiful children to commit suicide because someone said something bad about them on Facebook? Have you watched your kids on the phone with TikTok... totally hypnotized. Of course, a company controlled by the CCP. Follow this story to the origin, and you will find the truth.

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Coincidentally, I just posted this on another thread:

To understand how China is using TikTok to undermine the rest of the world while protecting its own citizens with an alternative version of the app, watch this video:


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Just watched it. Wow. It is obvious the "Mind Masters" are waging an all out war to subvert and control Western Society. They divert the attention of the most vulnerable using high level algorithms and flicker rate hypnosis so we won't see what is in plain sight. Example: Russia is about to go to war with NATO and the population is standing in line for hours, worrying about catching a mild head cold (Omicron)- even if they are asymptomatic. I guess the majority of the people on this Substack are like the 25% of the population that can't be hypnotized.

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fyi: ZOOM is yet another Chinese spyware surveillance program.


"Using malware techniques seems part of Zoom's DNA. Recently Zoom was caught secretly installing web servers on users' machines that allowed any website to forcibly join a user to a Zoom call, with their camera on, without consent."







Many governments have enacted laws requiring companies to provide notice of data security incidents involving certain types of personal data. In addition, some of our customers require us to notify them of data security breaches. Security compromises experienced by our competitors, by our customers or by us may lead to public disclosures, which may lead to widespread negative publicity. In addition, we have a high concentration of research and development personnel in China, which could expose us to market scrutiny regarding the integrity of our solution or data security features. Any security compromise in our industry, whether actual or perceived, could harm our reputation, erode confidence in the effectiveness of our security measures, negatively affect our ability to attract new customers and hosts, cause existing customers to elect not to renew their subscriptions or subject us to third-party lawsuits, regulatory fines or other action or liability, which could harm our business.

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Given the issues we are now experiencing I am actually shocked that they allowed "The social Dilemma" to be produced. It warned of the harmful effects of social media, much of which is the cause of the social 'angst' required for mass formation.

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The propagandists are little Leni Riefenstahls, but without the talent.

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Jan 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent Dr. Malone! Thank you. The truth is in your sails that are hoisted and we are praying for you. Your work in invaluable.

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Jan 10, 2022·edited Jan 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Don't assume they are actually listening or making an effort to understand. They are not. This assumption is naive. I repeat, NAIVE.

Mass Psychosis is no different that a cluster B personality disorder in an individual. Same shit, larger scale. They want to win and any listening is in an attempt to win. That's it.

This is a very hard thing to grasp, a bitter pill, if you are a person who genuinely wishes to understand, but the lesson will be repeated until you learn, and are no longer naive.

If you have ever dealt with a BPD or an NPD slose to you, for long enough, you will have learned this. If you haven't, you might still have some things to learn about this.

Book recommendation:

Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland


Ordinary Men is the true story of Reserve Police Battalion 101 of the German Order Police, which was responsible for mass shootings as well as round-ups of Jewish people for deportation to Nazi death camps in Poland in 1942. Browning argues that most of the men of RPB 101 were not fanatical Nazis but, rather, ordinary middle-aged, working-class men who committed these atrocities out of a mixture of motives, including the group dynamics of conformity, deference to authority, role adaptation, and the altering of moral norms to justify their actions. Very quickly three groups emerged within the battalion: a core of eager killers, a plurality who carried out their duties reliably but without initiative, and a small minority who evaded participation in the acts of killing without diminishing the murderous efficiency of the battalion whatsoever.

While this book discusses a specific Reserve Unit during WWII, the general argument Browning makes is that most people succumb to the pressures of a group setting and commit actions they would never do of their own volition.

Ordinary Men is a powerful, chilling, and important work with themes and arguments that continue to resonate today.

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Jan 10, 2022·edited Jan 10, 2022

I've read "Mask of Sanity" by Dr. Hervey Cleckley which is a leading reference on the subject of psychopathy. It's true how difficult it is for normal people to comprehend the cold-hearted, cruel behavior of cluster B personalities. My understanding is that cluster B personalities are not contagious, or something that can be spread across a population. Though, as you have shown, history suggests it's something that can be propagated within a group....or at least certain personality traits can be propagated. However, in this case I do not believe the mass formation psychosis is spontaneous. It has been deliberately induced by national leaders who themselves are part of a global totalitarian coup d'etat.

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Yes, the everyday people are simple dupes. It is the elite who are of Cluster B with the associated desire for control and complete lack of real empathy.

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The pandemic was child’s play to gauge the potential for the propensity of the ignorant and comfortable of Western society to obey regardless of the lack of need or effectiveness . They have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. We have allowed one step after another since 9/11 to eliminate anonymity, privacy and oversight of our government and bureaucracy. The addition of instant propaganda proclamations to a world audience which also has the power to instantly restrict any dissent or attempt to organize is more dangerous and effective than anything the Nazis or Stalin could have dreamed up. Our fall will be inevitable unless we vote our current overloads out of office quickly. Even our courts appear to be captured when Sotomayor can exaggerate obviously false information.

No knock warrants

Extra-judicial seizures

Prosecutors focused on % of convictions not guilt

Internet cookies

Language destruction

Electronic surveillance and collection of all data

Cell phone tracking

Autos with tracking

Google et all collecting our every move

TSA screening

Gun registration

Prescription requirements

Impossible to understand CYA legal language required for access to any software, service or app

Redaction expansion to include embarrassment as Natl Security issue

Using cash as justification of increased oversight

Collection of what is read

Political party you are affiliated with

Vaccine status

Social media account surveillance

Political prisoners held without bail and not a single charge of insurrection

Ignoring anarchy in 2020

We have been living in the Twilight Zone for several decades and only now is it becoming absurdly obvious that our literally Fat Dumb and Happy Roman like existence might have made us too weak and soft to make the sacrifices necessary to prevent the collapse of the greatest civilization in history.

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Electronic health records. (I’ve been opting out since 2006.)

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Wait! It’s possible to opt out of electronic health records? Can one do so if they haven’t previously done so?

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I don’t know. They probably still enter all my stuff in the system, but I refuse to use the interface that gets me my info, like lab results, etc. I still make them call me. I will not use my computer to register for their system or to view my records.

And, frankly, I plan to have no more records, period.

I’m opting out of “healthcare” altogether!

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deletedJan 11, 2022·edited Jan 11, 2022
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Put tape over the camera even as a protest

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Oh, no! That will mean that I have to actually turn my head around when I am parking in reverse! ;-)

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I tried to turn off the reporting as much as I can. I’d disable the GPS if I could.

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Two centuries in the making and they are ready for the global takedown. 𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐆𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐔𝐏

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Jan 10, 2022·edited Jan 10, 2022

The following quote explains "why" this is all happening:

"What if a small group of world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the Earth comes from the actions of the rich countries?... In order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?" - Maurice Strong, Co-founder of the World Economic Forum

The pandemic and vaccination efforts are all coordinated under the umbrella of "The Great Reset" spearheaded by the World Economic Forum (WEF). The WEF is a group of the worlds most wealthy and influential figures who meet in Davos, Switzerland every year to discuss and coordinate global policy. The current head of the WEF is Klaus Schwab, born in Germany in 1938. Schwab's father was a wealthy Nazi industrialist.

Klaus Schwab's slogan for The Great Reset is "Build Back Better", which is regularly parroted by many world leaders. It's their way of openly signaling to each other that they are onboard with the plan.

There's much, much more down this rabbit hole, but this wholly explains "why" national governments have all turned against their people. It's not a psychosis at the leadership level. It's a carefully coordinated plan for a totalitarian takeover of the world.

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He lost me at “save the planet.”

The planet does not need saving.

Mother Nature will do just fine, with or without us.

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Right now they appear to be in the "population control" phase of the plan. They really haven't started implementing the "economic & financial restructuring" and "implementation of global governance" phases of the plan. I believe they are going to fail because the overall transhumanist vision and objective of The Great Reset is utterly detestable. Bringing all the perpetrators to justice and undoing the organizational corruption will be a Herculean task.

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Famous statement by French statesman Jacques Attali, from 1981:

https://files.catbox.moe/baku57.png (French)

https://files.catbox.moe/epgmf3.png (English)

"The future will be about finding a way to reduce the population... Of course, we will not be able to execute people or build camps. We get rid of them by making them believe it is for their own good... We will find or cause something, a pandemic targeting certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus affecting the old or the elderly, it doesn't matter, the weak and the fearful will succumb to it. The stupid will believe in it and ask to be treated. We will have taken care of having panned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots will therefore be done by itself: they will go to the slaughterhouse alone."

If this was all there was to it, I might even support it! The trouble is that the injections being forced now are about total annihilation of individuality; about absolute surveillance and control. It's not just about population control - it's about elimination of free will.

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Thank you so much for the quotation. Chilling. It's clear the people behind The Great Reset consider all the rest of humanity as "untermenschen", and we know where that leads if left unchecked. It's a matter of time before one of the many daily protests around the world ends with the storming of government buildings and arrest of their leaders.

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I have since found this particular quote is hard to substantiate and COULD be fabricated. But the Jacques Attali interview in "L'Avenir de la Vie" is interesting to read, from today's perspective:


This does not contain the passage that's attributed to him. But it shows a point of view that's warped in an eerie manner. It's as if psychopathy allows the author to make keen observations others would not make; but at the same time, it causes him to miss essential human elements as if they are irrelevant. So you end up with a warped concoction that is both insightful and blind, simultaneously.

Other examples of population reductionists are not hard to find. Prince Philip, in his 1986 book, “People As Animals”:

“I just wonder what it would be like to be reincarnated in an animal whose species had been so reduced in numbers than it was in danger of extinction. What would be its feelings toward the human species whose population explosion had denied it somewhere to exist… I must confess that I am tempted to ask for reincarnation as a particularly deadly virus, but that is perhaps going too far.”

Or how about Dame Jane Goodall, speaking at the WEF:


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Well to quote Negan from TWD, "people are a resource"

Why eliminate a perfectly good resource, when you can simply control them and have them do your bidding.

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Feb 2, 2022·edited Feb 2, 2022

Ah, see: that's why they moved all the production to third-world countries where the work is being done in slavery conditions. Now all that remains is to eliminate the people who remain in developed countries, who are no longer producing but eating up resources that the elite could be using. Then Bezos can go to the Moon, or whatnot.

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Jan 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I don't find it particularly surprising that crowd formation occurs. As at least one commenter says above, this is one lens through which to view the entirety of human history.

I have, however, been shocked at the particular group of people who were able to put themselves in front of the crowd as our saviors. I would have expected a new face or a new idea. I would not have expected people to view big Pharma as the group to lead us out of this. The malfeasance of big Pharma has been common knowledge for decades. That their product in this case is viewed as the "save me!" shot? That does surprise me.

My faith in humanity has taken a major blow this go round. Sigh.

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I have a mother that is an NP, a wife that's a nurse, and a sister that's also a nurse. I also used to believe that Pharma deserved to make a lot of money because they were helping us and had our best interest at heart. Four years ago, I was disabused of that notion, stopped going to allopathic medical practitioners and significantly improved my health. When you find out that "They" (Pharma, Big Ag, Big Tech, Hollywood, Universities, Media) are all part of the Oligarchy, you realize that its not YOUR best interest they have, but only their own. Everything that's happening now is purposefully designed to extract your prosperity from you, and line their pockets. They are paying eachother with YOUR money (and money borrowed from your children and grandchildren). That's how you end up with a Supreme Court "Justice" spewing lies and misinformation about verifiable facts from the bench during a case hearing. "You will own nothing and you'll be happy" is their slogan...the slogan of a slavemaster. Resist and be free.

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Jan 11, 2022·edited Jan 11, 2022

Interesting about the four years. It was around four years ago that my once trusted gynecologist and my new GP were trying to test me for viruses one way or another:

In 2016, my gynecologist thought she saw an Herpes I abrasion and wanted to test me so she could prescribe me an antiviral medication. Um, no thanks. I can live with it if that’s what I have. Never noticed it before or since.

In 2018, my GP wanted to test me for Hepatitis C because “the CDC is testing your age cohort right now” for whatever reason and “we need your consent.” Um, no thanks—I really don’t care what the CDC wants. I think she was truly shocked that her saying “CDC” did not mean anything to me. I believe it was meant to be fear-and-anxiety inducing so that I would consent to their research. “Oh, the CDC!”

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Right, I expect a more impressive ruling class than these midwits.

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Jan 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for sticking to the facts, as best as can be determined, and not stretching them to advance an agenda or belief. We want to rely on you as knowledgeable and unbiased, both financially and emotionally.

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Jan 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This post is a very good response. I am a social scientist who has specialized in the study of authoritarianism, which can be simply defined as a tendency of people to en masse blindly and uncritically follow and obey established authorities and leaders, even when the direction they are being lead in is clearly dysfunctional, even disastrous. So this is a different name to mass formation psychosis but it is I think essentially the same phenomenon. There is a huge social scientific literature on this topic, starting with early thinkers or researchers like Wilhelm Reich, Maslow, and Erich Fromm, who focused on German Nazism and Hitler. Most of the research till very recently has followed this example and looked only at authoritarianism on the political right. But there are many other examples pertaining to the political left such as the Cultural Revolution in China and Stalin’s great purges, the Cambodian genocide, and in even less obviously political contexts such as Jonestown. Very recently this research has also begun to study left wing authoritarianism and some very important research on this has been published recently (e.g., Costello et al., 2020: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/341306723_Clarifying_the_Structure_and_Nature_of_Left-Wing_Authoritarianism).

Possibly the most well established finding from the research on authoritarianism is that this phenomenon is powerfully linked to feelings of or social climates characterized by pervasive insecurity and threat. This does fit with Desmet’s theory. There is also a very interesting recent research publication by Manson (2020: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2020.110251). The findings suggest that acceptance and support of authoritarian Covid measures is linked to people with both right and left-wing authoritarian tendencies but the effects are mostly much more powerful for those with left wing authoritarian tendencies.

The academics that according to the press reports seem to be trying to just dismiss Desmet’s theory are almost certainly well aware of the research on authoritarianism; indeed many will have contributed to it. It is therefore difficult to explain their statements other than as a manifestation of this very phenomenon, whether one calls it authoritarianism or mass formation psychosis.

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Jan 11, 2022·edited Jan 11, 2022

It’s all about guilt-tripping. And when you don’t have God to scare the beJesus out of you, you have your neighbor with whom you are in this together.

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I think you'll find the article below interesting. It's called "Breaking the Spell: MindSpace, Trance Warfare, and Neuro Linguistic Programming."

In short, most of the public messaging has been making very careful and targeted use of "Neuro Linguistic Programming" (NLP) and "Nudging." Taken together, they not only allow for a direct targeting of what the social psychologists and behavioral scientists term "automatic motivations" i.e. the unconscious mind, but with NLP devices like "cues," "priming," "defaults" and "mental shortcuts," they can actively steer unconscious processes in real-time. In this respect, we're looking at something that goes even beyond "Mass Formation."

Citizens should be able to identify the "frames" and put a name on the unconscious "nudges," at which point they are brought into the domain of the conscious mind, and consequently lose much of their power.

You can find the research on TrialsiteNews (full article is behind a paywall) or where it was originally published, on a Canadian intel website:



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Thanks for sending this link. I had been more tuned into these psychological techniques by reading some of Scott Adams’ commentary over the past few years. Brainwashing and propaganda definitely work. Even against otherwise very intelligent people.

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Thanks for the link David, its a very interesting article.

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They want to dismiss Desmet because they are perpetrating what he is describing. And they don’t want people to wake up to the fact.

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Precisely, Watson. Blind obedience to false authority is their underlying agenda (of many).

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Jan 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I normally cringe when people engage in credential dropping but I gotta admit, Malone taking those juniors to the wood shed on this Mass Formation thing is a thing of absolute beauty. Very well played, sir!

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How do we break the spell? I've been trying to break through my husband's formation for almost 2 years now; he wants to vaccinate our kids so they can have a normal life in California. I've made binders of published research studies showing vaccine dangers and failure to prevent transmission, showed him Walensky saying the vax doesn't prevent transmission, showed the VAERS hockey stick chart of deaths, the Harvard study of 168 countries showing that vaccination rate correlates with HIGHER Covid, and together watched McCullough (on Rogan) talking about vaccine deaths and I said "now that you see that DEATH is a possibility with these vaccines, what do you think?" My husband is an extraordinarily loving and sacrificial father, really and truly. But he responded that it's an extraordinarily low percentage--they could also die in a car crash. Life is full of risks.

If someone finds a strange puff of smoke and fire in southern California, it's me spontaneously combusting.

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And it apparently doesn't seem to matter to him that the jabs do not prevent infection or transmission. He really drank the kool-aid. Sorry

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Sounds like you have a tough choice to make between your husband or your kids.

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This breaks my heart. I wish I had an easy answer for you. I've always been a bit skeptical of the efficacy of vaccines, but my pediatric nurse wife (that used to promote and give vaccines) has done a deep dive on this and it has compelled me to see vaccines for what they really are (whether they ACTUALLY work or not...), which is a Neo-Fascist form of population control, of which the passports are their ultimate goal. This movie may be of some use to you: "1986: The Act". See also: The Highwire, Children's Health Defense, the Informed Consent Action Network

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I can’t imagine how hard it would be to be married to someone who has bought into any of the covidmania, especially when you have kids involved!

To his “life is full of risks” claim, be sure he understands that in the case of your kids, his comparison is utterly flawed. Unless he plans to shelter them at home forever, the risk of a car crash is balanced with the need for transport (and that risk can be mitigated further by ensuring they are properly buckled in the safest restraint for their size https://bit.ly/3HP1oyM , in a vehicle that is highly protective IIHS.org ). However, the risk of the vaccines FAR outweighs the benefits for children.

Have you shown him Dr. Malone’s video on vaccinating kids? https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/question-and-answers-about-kids-and

Had your husband gone over his talking points? https://www.rwmalonemd.com/mrna-vaccination-in-children

Honestly, I’d move to the other side of the world to avoid having my kids injected with these products, even if it meant losing my job and seriously downgrading our family’s standard of living to do so.

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What is astonishing is the absolutely widespread uptake of the use of this concept and stating of the phrase--Mass Formation Psychosis, or just Mass Psychosis. That is also a powerful form of validation for an idea with a long scholarly background that it is on everyone's consciousness. Hopefully that begins to provide some form of antidote. You chose wisely when you focused on this idea and brought it to the world's attention.

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Agreed. I had seen Dr. Desmet's work prior to Dr. Malone bringing into the mainstream with the Joe Rogan podcast, but it was not getting the attention it needed yet. That being said we really need more scientists to wake up and 'cross over' however, in my experience there are those hypnotized (which it is near impossible to wake) and out of the 40% that could be woken there is a large percentage that are so accustomed to being fully immersed in their own research (a necessity for survival for most academics) that they are not willing to even look up. Picture if you will the computer scientist so focused on the execution of his next line of code that, without taking his eyes off the screen, he hands a bottle of water to the fireman telling him the building is on fire and he must immediately get out. We have many academics who are effectively intellectually trapped by their own areas of research also.

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The airline Captain, Latane Marshall, just interviewed on Steve Kirsch's network just referred to the MFP phenomenon--it really is gaining traction.

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We owe a huge thanks to all those who have sacrificed their time, provided financial backing and social influence to bring these issues into the light! I know there are many of us who feel this way and would fight for this cause but unfortunately most do not have the means (time, money, standing) to have a large impact. With those who do have these means at the forefront we can all work together to change the trajectory our societies are currently on.

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Jan 11, 2022·edited Jan 11, 2022

Yep, they are indeed trapped, mainly by the narrative that makes up their self-identities, along with that really sweet paycheck from the US Federal Government . . . Oh! I mean from those really important grants.

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Jan 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“All I can say about this is that I hope that their naive, ignorant, grandstanding statements to the press are brought up during their future Academic Tenure and Advancement reviews.” - LOL classic! Let’s all hope for this.

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Good collection of historical thinking on this phenomenon. Though I've not read it, I wonder how the book "The Madness of Crowds" fits into this. The other thing I think of when I ponder this is the great toilet paper run of 2020, just prior to the Pandemic. It seemed to be touched off by a video that went viral of a black and white woman both fighting over the last package in a grocery store. That was at basically the same time as, or maybe just before the start of the Pandemic, and as a result an extremely large number of people literally went crazy buying massive amounts of toilet paper, even though there was no shortage and not even an inkling that there might be one for another month at least (in my recollection anyway). Its incredible what people will fixate on and latch onto to assuage their fear. The next thing after that was masks. Then vaccines. But since neither of those are working, people are hopefully beginning to awaken from this mass formation.

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I second the recommendation of "The Madness of Crowds". I own it but I have not read it yet either. However, I'm a huge fan of author and conservative thinker Douglas Murray, and it starts out quite on the nose:

"We are going through a great crowd derangement. In public and in private, both online and off, people are behaving in ways that are increasingly irrational, feverish, herd-like and simply unpleasant. The daily news cycle is filled with the consequences. Yet while we see the symptoms everywhere, we do not see the causes.

"Various explanations have been given. These tend to suggest that any and all madnesses are the consequence of a Presidential election, or a referendum. But none of these explanations gets to the root of what is happening. For far beneath these day-to-day events are much greater movements and much bigger events. It is time we began to confront the true causes of what is going wrong."

Murray, Douglas. The Madness of Crowds (p. 1). Bloomsbury Publishing. Kindle Edition.

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The cause and the effect went the other way. Journalists perseverated about toilet paper shortages, which drove people to grab up the last ones from the stores -->. Self fulfilling prophecy. The purpose of this was to get our attention that something unusual was about to occur and to pay attention. All part of event 201 mischief.

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The 'plandemic' actually launched in late 2019, arrived in Seattle Jan 15, 2020 (what else happened that day, and the next?). You are thinking of the national lockdowns which began March 2020 as the start of The Great Toilet Paper Marathon.

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Good points. Clearly we knew of a coronavirus outbreak earlier, but it wasn't technically declared a Pandemic by the US Govt until March 14, 2020, and I tend think the combination was the sign of the beginning of Mass Formation: https://www.fema.gov/press-release/20210318/covid-19-emergency-declaration

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