RFKJR may not be able to get done what needs to be done.

But, he's our only real chance. Certainly no one else will even try.

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To be fair, many many are trying. Dr Malone lists a number of the sincere and educated pushing back.. There are many all over the world as well.

The good Dr Malone states,

"Has there been a quid pro quo agreement between RFK Jr. and Donald Trump? I have no direct evidence or confirmation of this. To be clear, I am only noting the appearance of such, and others have also indirectly alluded to this possibility. Appearances can be deceiving, and being constitutionally unable to read minds (I do have my limits), I can only generate hypotheses to account for observed behaviors."

I do not know that President Trump still says the vaccines are off limits. I agree fully with your stated reasons for supporting him.

(The alternative is unthinkable as everything they have set in motion, the vaccines, (the entire government allied medical industry and drug makers) the sell outs to China, the funding of GOF research that created COVID, the unknown GOF research in Ukraine, the deep international wars and tensions threatening to blossom into WWIII, the shutting down of all debate, the lawfare against their political rivals and any common citizen that supports them, the shutting down of all debate and of free speech, the "climate change " scam and trillion dollar costs and broken national economies associated with it, the entire multi nation flood of many millions of undocumented illegal immigrants and forced integration of disparate cultures that only creates and exasperates social tensions to the breaking point, the willful tearing apart of the family unit and traditonal values, the destruction of currencies due to waste and unfathonable debt, the ever growing power of tyrannical central government power, wedded to corporate power stuctures, all of this and more evil is their legacy, and the evil they have set in motion is yet very active, and will be after Trump takes office.)

I think there will be many attempts to deeply address all of the above, including the vaccine harms. Deep patience, while continuing to battle is required. Kennedy will certainly not relent on vaccines in general. There is ever growing research into the COVID vaccine harms. It is multi national, and the growing evidence will eventually overwhelm, first some nations, and some states. It will all come out. The first group on many COVID vaccine lawsuits is already in motion. Trump will support limiting federal power and state rights, and is no friend to WHO or the globalists. The research that points to COVID as "made in China" and the US role will be fully exposed to the world. The light shinning into the dark places of deep corruption, will aid to flush out all the evil generated.

I am deeply concerned about the hate in our culture. (not just on the left) And. if we want peace and sucess we must turn towards true morality, as taught by not just Christianity, but by most other religions as well, and we must learn to listen to each other. (The vitrol directed at Musk and the Indian gentlmen (forgot his name) over legal educated immigration, was off the charts, and such over the top reactions will break the progress if we cannot get back to calm rational debate.) Both sides were right here, and the issues were and often are orthogonal. Discussion is required, reasoned debate is required.

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Very well said!

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While I happen to believe RFK, Jr. to be an almost avatar-level soul, I think some Medical Freedom Movement (MFM) folks might be putting too much reliance on what might happen at the federal level after January 20. I've thought for a long time the wall we are facing is so high and so thick it can't (easily) be knocked down. And the way to go is to chisel out some cement from between the bricks at the bottom, loosen one brick, pull it out, then chisel sideways from within that space, loosen that next brick, and so forth, and for MFM folks to keep doing that all along the bottom of the wall, organically and unorganized, wherever their starting point is, at the local level. This kind of localized micro-action/mustard seed effort led to this in Idaho: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/idaho-health-board-defy-cdc-fda-covid-vaccines-clinics/. Also, I've written an article about county- and state-level investigative and prosecutorial action if supported, linked below, and have printed, highlighted, and mailed hard copies of it in a manila envelope (one copy to one of my elected state representatives who is on our state HHS committee, and one to an out-of-state sheriffs group, selectively more to follow) as there is value in an individualized approach providing somebody with something tangible. If you open the link that follows and do a Control-F search for "county health department" and for "state medical board" some additional ideas are there, in addition to the main point of the article. FWIW. https://dailyclout.io/on-the-prospects-for-county-and-state-level-investigation-and-prosecution-of-cdc-personnel-and-others-for-wrongdoing-in-the-covid-19-vaccination-era/. I also think the "smaller" civil lawsuits should continue to be filed. Years ago, there was a journalist team (Evans & Novak) who did well working the capillaries of the system for their news sources: while other journalists wanted face time with the Congressperson or Senator, they cultivated and spoke with staffers.

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Dec 28Edited

All the MSM has right now to go after Bobby with, since his nomination, is he's against polio vaccines. And this is based on a guilt by association lie, which the NYTimes has cooked up in a recent article. Yet the medical freedom movement want him to be squarely in the crosshairs by declaring his anti-vaccine purity, endangering if not destroying his confirmation as HHS secretary. GROW UP PEOPLE. Trump told us Bobby would be able to make enormous change by looking into the causes of autism. Now is not the time to turn on Bobby. Read his books, get educated, the man is not going to change his spots.

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I completely agree.

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Hey doc,

What is your friend RFK2 gonna do about this shit coming to light?

He going to prosecute these people?

My friends all said I was f-in paranoid. Yeah, now what? , being my "paranoia" was correct.

This is exactly why, long ago, I said I will never goto a hospital, or surgery center, ever again, as they jab you with shit while under.


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I've written an article about county- and state-level investigative and prosecutorial action if supported, linked below, and have printed, highlighted, and mailed hard copies of it in a manila envelope (one copy to one of my elected state representatives who is on our state HHS committee, and one to an out-of-state sheriffs group, selectively more to follow) as there is value in an individualized approach providing somebody with something tangible. If you open the link that follows and do a Control-F search for "county health department" and for "state medical board" some additional ideas are there, in addition to the main point of the article. FWIW. https://dailyclout.io/on-the-prospects-for-county-and-state-level-investigation-and-prosecution-of-cdc-personnel-and-others-for-wrongdoing-in-the-covid-19-vaccination-era/.

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I agree with "read his books." The Real Anthony Fauci doesn't read like it was written by somebody that will be bought off.

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RFK JR'S book on Fauci and the government/pharma frauds of the past 40 years is eye opening. He is not a shill for anyone. I believe his writings, actions and speech belie his conviction and fortitude. He's not a quid pro quo guy. He believes the 60+ vaccines recommended for kids is a make money scheme for Pharma and their lobbyists at the expense of American kids. Same for the "gender affirming" damage for kids.

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Maybe he becaome that guy to get a position where he felt he could make a difference. I hope he is not that guy, but time will tell.

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RFK2, when he first arrived on the scene of political aspiration, a couple yeara back, seemed to be the perfect mind for this critical role in the BLOB. If it was indeed possible, I thought (by what he was discussing in his interviews and presentations, that he (RFK2) would be my personal candidate of choice, considering how angry and dissapointed in Trump, I had morphed into, from Jan. Of 2020 onwards.

When RFK2 began his campaign as a demoncrat, just as I had predicted, the blob would Bernie Sanders him, even if he was able to bypass the national shadowbanning he recieived by the MSM. This was why when I heard he was stepping back, and joining Trump, my hope was renewed our precious Republic wasnt yet flushed down the communist toilet.

Problem now?

Will RFK2 falter, and retreat from all that made him shine in my perspective, due to the overt influence of the movement he just boarded?

Will he forget all that bellowed from his heart and soul, for all those years?

Will he capitulate, by allowing to be forced to quell his cries for helping the American people?

RFK2 was the only person in the public view talking about,the devastating, horror effects being weaponized against all life on earth, through the process of Geoengineering. Will he forget his cries for halting all and allowing earth to recover from this manmade catastrophy we are on the edge of enduring, wiping out all humanity besides,the cave dwelling elitists?

Bill Cooper warned us about this decades ago, and I beleive his prophetic worda are coming true

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Bobby will not forget.

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I'm hopeful that your words ring true.

Time will ultimately tell.

21 days to go, and it is if time stands still

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Bobby will not be a sellout.

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As with most things cooked up by the MSM, the entire anti-polio vax meme is mostly arrant bullshit. Kennedy apparently questioned the purity of one of six or so vaccines on the market. When people resort to this sort of sophistry, you know that they have a real reason to fear their target. Let's follow the money.

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My understanding per lawyer Aaron Siri (who brought the suit against the FDA) is RFK Jr actually has nothing at all to do with this lawsuit questioning the safety of the 1-of-6 polio vaccines.

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The two Substack notes below summarize the NYT and other misinformation regarding RFK Jr and Aaron Siri…

* Polio, Measles, and other Vaccines

* Tucker Carlson / Aaron Siri, Esq., Interview (12/27/24, video 1:45:57) https://substack.com/profile/68304299-big-e/note/c-83371150

* The Highwire Insider's Report: Episode 403: THE POLITICS OF POLIO (12/19/24, video 02:24:16). Host: Del Bigtree. Guest: Aaron Siri, Esq. https://substack.com/profile/68304299-big-e/note/c-82905204

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Wow, I wathced and the part regarding vaccines and abortions is so sad I literally cried. Now I know why government pushes abortions being acceptable. It's unforgiveable what is done.

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Thank you for watching, Brandy. I know it was painful. Anyone with a heart, a brain, a conscience, and even an ounce of compassion will see this use of aborted fetuses — as well as the related animal experimentation — for what it is: Cruelty of the highest order.

Now that we’ve seen this, we cannot unsee it. We can only help others see it too. Let’s all share this information far and wide, putting our outrage and sadness to good use by shining a light on the atrocities. Only when people know what’s happening (and has happened) do we have a chance to stop it.

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Isn't it ironic how the liberal, or progressive mind works?

It is a cruel, and inhumane act to sentence a man, or woman to death, and / or federal, or state incarceration, for raping, murdering and / or child molesting, yet in the same person's opinion, the act of slaughtering an unborn, (or in the case of a Georgia Governor) or recently born child, is perfectly acceptable?

Calling it women's healthcare ?

How can anyone justify this train of thought?

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Yet more inane mendacity from MSM. Just rotten to the core.

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Lie, steal, divide and conquer

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Exactly...you will know them by their actions.

With citizen led forums like this...we learn their actions....FOR the state controlled media will never allow us citizens to have uncensored truth. Words are one thing, actions another...the left lies with such impunity we need to ferret out the actions, which is what RM and all of us do.

Keep the faith.

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I agree. RFK Jr. will do far more good than anyone else I can think of to reform these wholly corrupted and downright dangerous "public health" institutions.

Both of his last two books are phenomenally eye-opening and, I think, unimpeachable, given the vast number of cited sources.

I can only imagine his positive influence on Trump, which may well have moved Trump to now be the first president in history to publicly say that there is something wrong with vaccinations and autism. That is historic and huge.

Dr. M, Thank you for keeping us so informed. I trust you without hesitation. Your work these last four years speaks volumes. I've seen how some in the "medical freedom movement" have tried to create a version of you that doesn't exist, one that is based purely on speculation, due to some past associations - ones you had every good reason to have and ones you have gone out of your way to discuss with your core readers - again and again.

If we do not say it enough - THANK YOU - for all you are doing to focus on the most critical issues at hand, as we endure and battle the Psywar (fantastic book!) and work toward reclaiming some semblance of normalcy, truth, and civility in our world.

p.s. I love all Rolling Stones song references : )

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Well said, Bianca!

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Thank you Bianca.

Indeed, when one is taking a contrary to the narrative position, one is at a disadvantage based on the inescapable reality that every other possible perspective is loaded into the skeptics position, thus your view, no matter how rational, is part of the everything else “denier” camp. You deny GHGs have any possible warming. You deny viruses are real. You are a Moon landing denier, flat earther, and a “conspiracy theorist”. You are lumped with “them” and often effectively marginalized.

Attacking movements and dividing is what they (the one world government globalists and their corporate shills) do best. And they do infiltrate movements. We must learn to discuss and see the many avenues of sucess possible.https://www.malone.news/p/medical-freedom-movement-circular/comment/83473838

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"the man is not going to change is spots."

and neither will Trump, so beware!

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You may be unable to read minds, but you sure know how to smell a rat, and your intuition is becoming clearer by the minute. You do what you do, and do it well. There is nothing more to ask of you or add to the already multi-faceted task you undertake. Don't you love that word "undertake"? like undertaker, only better. Cheers to you and Jill!!!

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The basic issue is regulatory capture that changes the mission statement of our DC agencies. To maintain that control requires keeping our Congressional leadership captive. All you need to do is learn who got re-educated at the Aspen institute. Senator Durbin is leading the charge because he is proclaiming RFK. Jr. is not qualified. Not a medicine man. We need to remind him that Pfizer donated $1 million to the Trump campaign in 2018 so that Alex Azar a lawyer for Lilly Would be in place to guide the Covid crisis. The indifference that our congressional leadership expresses about the great harm created by the injections Is telling! I learned this 15 years ago When I went to DC and asked them why they are not investigating the source of autism. The answer left and right was our hands are tied, which is very telling. It will be an uphill battle to make America healthy again when billions and billions of dollars have been invested in the current bloated medical system.

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RFK JR is the subject matter expert on HHS, NIS and NIAID misdeeds. He certainly is qualified.

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Agree 200% The deranged medical men know it as well!

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Did you mean to attach this comment to mine? Seems to be quite a different statement than mine...

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Agree but we need to zero in on what the basic issues are that stop us from becoming a healthier nation!

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D D, thank you because I’m at a loss for words at the extent of discovery, the sincerity of heart, and honesty that Dr. Malone presents so very well!

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I agree wholeheartedly!! I can feel the truths in your writings Dr Malone and I’m deeply grateful for your sound voice bringing some order to the human messiness.🙏👏

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Dec 28Edited

How in the world do people think an anti-dangerous-vaccine/autism-exploring Bobby is going to get through the confirmation process with the GOP and Democrat parties both obviously nearly-fully captured by Big Pharma???? Do the long and short-suffering members of the medical freedom movement really think that RFK Jr is suddenly going to change his stripes once he gains the HHS secretary position and ignore the knowledge he's had for 20 years about vaccines???? Hasn't ANYONE READ THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI???? Of course Bobby is going to be embracing the Means' and the chronic disease epidemic first and foremost in these very precarious months and days before the inauguration and before he's confirmed!!! He and Trump have kept the ammo away (ammo which the MSM would be training on them right now) by keeping a lid on it. Naturally, the frantic naive and raw Covid leaders just can't wait another few weeks, and just can not employ a bit of street smarts here and also keep a lid on it. And there's commenters on here that talk about Trump's narcissism!!!!!!!????? After the law fare, the government attacks non stop for 8 f*cking years and I'm still reading people talk about his narcissism??? Good Lord above - DJT would be in prison if he didn't win the election, that's how much of a threat he was and is to the Powers. "He's a bully" narrators are just beyond help at this point. Obviously, most don't have any idea the depth of the very dark deep state globalist conspiracy worldwide that this pandemic was born of, and continues to still be nurtured in! Keep up the whining. But maybe just journal about it instead of bleating on X and public forums, endangering Bobby's confirmation by fracturing this still-new, still-fragile unity, which has every potential to put Bobby in a position to save the children.

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Hi me!!!! Wow, you are completely spot on!!!! I AM VEXED INJURED, and I think that they are being unwise in ‘stirring the pot’ at this time. Divide and conquer, that’s what we’re up against.

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Thanks Elizabeth!! Coming in from all sides; circular firing squad, divide and conquer, indeed!

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It appears the Medical Freedom Movement is the antithesis of medical freedom. No discredit to your in depth analysis, but for me it is elementary. RFK, Jr. has a resume that could not be any better suited to be the Secretary of H.H.S.. Two of the most powerful lobbies in this country, if not the world, are pharma and big agriculture. RFK, Jr. is very threatening to both, thankfully. Both lobbies are telling our Senators how much will be contributed to their next re-election campaign, should Kennedy not be confirmed. It will become blatantly obvious which Senators are patriots which are for sale. We have the most expensive health care system on this planet with the worst results. Is that not reason enough for change ?

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Now I understand what Dr. Naomi Wolf meant when questioning if Calley and Casey Means really existed. And dang...I was excited about Jay Bhattacharya's appointment. Now not so sure! Question everything is not just a term! GOD please grant me discernment! I have faith you've got this and light will shine.

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No, no, no, there is nothing in what Dr Malone says, that should make you go squishy on Bhattacharya. Not at all! Malone very accurately says that Bhattacharya simply stays in his lane, he is trying to keep some space open in the medical profession for honest disagreement. That's a big chunk to bite off right there, and I am fine with him leaving other chunks for other people. It does not mean that he opposes them. It just means that he figures that he's got his job, and they've got theirs.

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Good response to clarify...none of us should run off the rails at this point...

The fight is just starting...the last 4 years were simply training for the future fight.

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Completely agree!!!!

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I think BoAcharya is a very good man. He is extremely even keeled and I think he will do a much better job than anyone we saw on the last administration! In my opinion, he certainly would NEVER FORCE VAC MANDATES. Previously faxed mandate injured, that is good enough for me.

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Continue to PRAY for ALMIGHTY GOD to cover our elected representatives and all of His believers with His SELFLESSNESS, COURAGE, WISDOM, GUIDANCE and STRENGTH!

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Excellent posting today! And I was in the middle of watching the Tucker Carlson interview you included in this posting! Very informative and I was sick to my stomach with the discussion explaining where the “aborted babies” came from to create the “vaccines”! Real, live fetal tissue? What have we become as a society ? We must make a change in our medical system and although RFKJr has his faults, I belief he is our best chance at facilitating this change. Thank you for your viewpoints Dr Malone. We do trust your opinion!

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I was watching that too, just this morning. I got to that part and was literally in shock! You could see Tucker was too. And he made a subtle reference to Moloch and child sacrifice. I have known for years about the the use of aborted fetal tissue in vaccines, but I NEVER thought about what he just described. It made me sick too:( I still am hopeful for RFKjr and would love to have him pause the childhood vaccine schedule until they can be truly tested through placebo controlled trials. And Dr. Malone...If you see this, I've been following you since the Dark Horse Interview. I trust you too and thank you!

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Amen Barbara!

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We must be willing to put the truth above all. I don’t care who you are, tens of thousands have been harmed by these mRNA injections because of the way they were pushed through, and “improperly tested”. Honesty and truth are the only things that will fix what was allowed to happen and personally Trumps avoidance of this issue has always bothered the hell out of me. I also can’t stand people that do everything they can to control words like safe and effective. Trying to control words IMO is a form of censorship which is a step towards tyranny. I wish Trump was a big enough man and honestly intelligent enough to realize avoiding the elephant won’t correct what happened, mistakes were certainly made.

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I have never thought that any of this mrna jab introduction was a mistake. There has been a long and well documented history of a certain group of elitists who not only want control over every human alive, but want their numbers brought down to under 900 million, so that we are more controllable, and dont use up all their precious resources.

Flat out, this jab (IMO) was brought about intentionally to depopulate. If you dont believe me, ask Bill Gates and his father and uncle regarding the last 100 year goals set for 2030, and beyond.

Btw, how come there is zero chatter to reinstate the Smith Mundt act, Obummer pickle sniffer wiped out?

Oh, the propaganda tool cant be shelved ever again. Never mind

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Mistakes on Trumps part. I think all these players took advantage of his ignorance of what they were really doing. I think it took 2 or 3 years to find out the Chinese Jizz they were producing was adulterated, (contaminated). That in itself is insane, aside from all the other severe side effects.

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As an aside, we may want to keep in mind the many attacks and defections Trump was dealing with at the time. He was counting on good advice while being undercut and betrayed.by many.

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You’re 100% right Jean but at this point, today, it would be reassuring to acknowledge what’s happened, I certainly voted for him and would again. Really there is no alternative. I’d just like to be told the truth from his mouth.

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Dec 29Edited

B I N G O !

From his own mouth

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Look at the narrative. Its ok to say wuflu made in a lab. Why? Well, because it can happen again and by gum we have warp speed that can make a vaccine. This ignores facts like vaccines not the optimal treatment for viruses or that the jab killed a zillion more than the bug--but it worked...sorta.

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Good point! So sad we the people can’t think! Critical thinking is still necessary or we always fall for “fear mongers”! II Timothy 1:7. More and more I understand why that was my now deceased (24 years) husband’s favorite verse!

Dr. Malone, you had me thinking tonight as I read! I was like where is he going with this one? Great work! And you do have your hands full.

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Sorry, yes. Mistakes Trump made, going along with all this from the start.

"I'm not shutting down the country"

Then he shut it down, and put those two shitheads (Fauci and Burks) in the forefront at the same time. Trusting Bill Barr ?

What a toolbag.

Trump Pushed the jab long after it was known it was having significant consequences to those it was given to, you know like death, at the same time his son, Don Jr., was on social media saying that it was killing / decimating people's lives.

Oh, that's right, he never spoke to his son, just like Biden.

I remember when Trump was out doing his rallies, praising himself that he did what no other president could, getting the Death jab through all the red tape, and out in 9 months. He continued that self-aggrandizement long into his rally tour, and got booed constantly. How many months did that last, till he finally got the memo ? I guess the orange chimp epiphany spiked his protein, just how his base didn't want to hear about the CV19 death jab as he wished they would.

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He did finally shut the hell up about his incompetent push for something he had no idea about.

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Yes, and it was welcomed.

I bet, though, that if people didn't razz him at his rallies, he'd still be blabbering all about it today.

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I subscribed to Christopher Cook and he’s of the mind set that this system will never be what we all want it to be. He’s right, the elites just keep scamming the riches that the common people produce and we owe more and more. Obviously there’s a lot more to it but if in 4 years we owe 50 trillion, which really isn’t but a small percentage of what we really owe, and we just continue this system of not really gaining anything what are we really, slaves….

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It’s understandable that Trump was naive about how others would betray him, but it was his job to ask for and understand the mrna effectiveness and safety data before throwing his support behind OWS. Blindly urging all to take an experimental new injection indicates a very insincere MAGA agenda to me. I’m sure he didn’t trust devious advisors to tell him the correct decisions for building the Trump Tower. Same goes for seeking out honest experts on the mrna technology. I believe he knew how to do that but chose not to. I can’t fathom his motivations, so I’m only certain that he deliberately didn’t want to know the truth about how harmful the injections might be. At the present time, I think he’s either still deliberately ignoring that issue or he just doesn’t think he can take on all of Big Pharma at once.

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It seems human nature to be reluctant to admit one’s mistakes. The bigger the mistake. the greater the hurdle of admitting the error and seeking forgiveness. I am struggling to think of an example of Trump admitting a mistake. Operation Warp Speed is the best example of people in power being fooled by the “ experts”. Nominating Dr Neshewat seems to be doubling down on the same mistake.

The smarter you think you are the harder it is to admit you were fooled or deceived.

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Trump has admitted he's made mistakes. When asked rather recently, Trump said that he had made mistakes in trusting some people in his administration. I also heard him answer a question about whether he'd made mistakes, saying that he regretted not sending in the National Guard to places like Portland during the Antifa riots summer '20, rather than waiting for the Mayors and Governors to take action. I believe that his thinking on the vaccines is about his specific, personal, OWS work. OWS was defined as procuring or having manufactured all materials and supplies EXTREMELY QUICKLY that were needed, okaying full payment for all vaccine stages EARLIER than usual, and getting the vials transported by the armed forces throughout the country BEFORE the end of the year '20.

Look at my capped words above. Those words show why he called it OPERATION WARPSPEED, and recently, I heard him explain OWS this way. I wish he had explained it that way to begin with. That's what he's been trying to say. That he performed the OWS part really well.

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Thank you for your comment Jennifer. I agree 100%. It’s difficult sometimes for people to truly “hear” what he is actually saying, through the various filters “we” have, and all of the noise.

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Plus, admittedly, Trump isn't always the best communicator. He communicates often, with transparency, and lots of words, when he speaks, but doesn't always get across the message he thinks he's getting across.

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Well stated. Too easily to get emotional and distracted away from the big picture...winning the war...and some battles will be lost in between.

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Quite a true spin. The process of OWS was stellar. The promise of genetic tools like mRNA for vaccine use critical future war. Our poor understanding of our immune system is a constraint.

Trump juggled all that with hounds on his heels. Should be easier this run. Hope he gets the staff he wants.

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Yes, it was the process, organization, and the "juggling," as you say, that Trump keeps referring to when he talks about OWS. If he really thought he had helped MAKE the v_ccines, we would have surely heard him boasting about that.

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Denounce the mRNA jabs. Don't denounce the mRNA jabs. I didn't take them. I will not take them. Medical freedom is for the taking, not the asking. If it smells bad, use your good sense and refuse to comply. When enough people resist, as finally happened later in the COVID debacle, things start to change. As individuals, we cannot forget the evil perpetrated on society by the so-called experts and our "betters". They will keep trying. That's politics, even when your health is concerned. Reject the politics and look out for yourself.

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Michael Savage has been a vibrant anti-Vax proponent. In my family some vaxxed children are backward and could be autistic. Big Pharma wants the money, that’s all.

They paid doctors and hospitals to give the vaxx. We fired our doctor for insisting we get it. He’s gone from the area now.

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Fired your doctor...that is great! Many docs during/post covid have been a real letdown, but now we see them for what they are. Owned by big pharma and educated brainwashers.

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The Truth stems from the Creator who is within every one of us....ask and ye shall receive. People must step back and not make decisions without all the facts. I believe many have gut feelings,, which make us question information we receive. We need to heed it and not accept any information without questioning it. Nothing is all black or all white...there are always two sides to every story. I got the message...Don't sit in judgment on anybody.

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I am happy to see A Midwesten Doctor cross post this article and I agree with her statement: "I believe Malone's appeal for unity and acceptance is critical for the moment we are now in".

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Her????? I think so too, but don’t have any solid evidence to back that up. ❤️😁

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People have been speculating in other posts. I hate to say 'his or her" or assume his as identifiers. I am happy to see the anonymity remain and think of a brilliant mind who shares knowledge and research and points of view with us. I probably should have said: "I agree with AMD's statement."

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A brilliant, utterly sincere, incredibly hard working committed soul. ❤️🕊️ I am a HUGE fan and admire that Doc with unending gratitude.

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God bless you, Dr Malone, for writing this! A half loaf is way, way better than no loaf--or, even worse, had Harris become President--the tossing of the loaf into the fire forever. So Trump has a blind spot. Yes--it is a HUGE blind spot. Nevertheless... what is the realistic alternative? I am glad that both RFK Jr and Trump are willing to put their differences temporarily aside, and work together on what they agree on. It shows that they are both adults in ways that really count, and as RFK Jr "says, "We can love our children more than we hate each. other." And more than we love our self-images as people of importance....

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Good point, IMO, the blind spot is small...to those of us on the substack concerned with medical...the other issues non-medical to fix are large and numerous....fix the other issues...like truth/freedom...then everything flows downhill from there it gets fixed. This would be in an ideal world which will never exist...we must always fight for it...in our own way...in the day to day battles we are each involved with.

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The “Medical Freedom Movement” sounds like an FBI infiltration intended to discredit people who want to accomplish real progress by making the whole constellation of actors look too radical.

Battacharya “hasn’t done the work”? That is a tell.

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Well, he sure took a lot of heat

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You know, interestingly? That thought crossed my mind as well. But honestly, I think that some people are just that self-centered and stubborn in believing that their way is the only way.

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