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WOW!! I knew the Pritzkers were rich, but not THIS rich or, indeed, this powerful! But their involvement in and support of all manner of gender "tomfoolery" (for want of a better term!!) is nothing short of disgusting!! They're trying to play God - and God does NOT like anyone trying (but, of course, failing!) to impersonate Him!! They will ALWAYS fail!!

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Yes. UTTERLY DISGUSTING comes to mind as I read through this post....!

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Any relation to the PA Brower family from Center co?

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Brower was my late husband's family name, and they arr'd in the American Colonies in the early- or mid-18th century (1700s) in what is now NY State and, I THINK (but have never had it verified) on Manhattan. In other words, they were among the early Dutch settlers. And, for the most part, they remained in NY (but soon settled and farmed on Long Island - approx. where the so-called "Five Towns" are located now). John was born in Woodmere, LI, and the family (in fact, A LOT of Browers!) remained there for decades! But the only Brower of which I am aware that lives in Colorado is married to a person with a different family name. So, as best I can respond to your interesting question, "No, they are NOT the Brower Family from Center, CO." JDB

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I am a Brower, my maiden name. It is very rare to see the name anywhere so it was interesting to see it here. Thanks for responding.

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VERY interesting, Ann!! I guess that your family originated in the Netherlands as well! My husband's family were all Methodists for generations; but since his first wife was English, he converted to Anglican (Episcopalian here in this country, of course). And coincidentally, on my father's side (though neither he nor his own father really observed the faith), his family were Methodists as well! But, on my mother's side, they were all Jewish and came from Czarist Russia to Canada (but most of my mother's generation eventually came to the States). So, we all come from all over and are descended from MANY different faiths & traditions! Interesting, indeed!

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My mother did genealogy research and found English, scotch, Irish, German ancestry. 23 & me says IтАЩm 97% Northern European. I also have Cherokee and white gipsy truly a тАЬHines 57.тАЭWe were Free Methodists(the pews were no chargeЁЯдг) I am now a Seventh-day Adventist.

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I had to smile, Ann, when I read that you're now Seventh Day Adventist, 'cause I'm always reminded of the gentle (NEVER mean-spirited!) play on words that my late husband always mentioned when we drove by a lovely retirement community in Upstate NY (when we still lived back there), which was owned and operated by the Seventh Day Adventists, and which ALWAYS elicited the same smiling response, "Joy, that's where the Seventh Day Adventurers live!!" And because he was a man of deep faith and NEVER belittled his fellow human, he was just having a fun "play on words!" And although he never met or knew the wonderful next-door neighbors to my parents (all long gone now, of course!), they, too, were Seventh Day Adventists - and they couldn't have been better neighbors, especially to my mother when she was "up there" in years!

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NiceЁЯдгLife is an Adventure. I guess we are all actually related back to Noah and Adam and now in trying our best to educate and free people from the darkness in our world. Keep up the good fight!

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YES!!! We people "of the (Judeo-Christian) faith" must certainly "keep up the good fight!" as you have said. There is so much more to gain when we work together and, God willing, learn to love one another as well!

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