What is happening? Is everyone losing their minds! How can these billionaires even have a mind at all?
Who are all the people that work for these insane creatures? I would rather be on the street with druggies than to work for all these billionaires. Thank you Dr. M for your investigating and speaking out truth you are my hero! Rosie
What is happening? Is everyone losing their minds! How can these billionaires even have a mind at all?
Who are all the people that work for these insane creatures? I would rather be on the street with druggies than to work for all these billionaires. Thank you Dr. M for your investigating and speaking out truth you are my hero! Rosie
What is happening? Is everyone losing their minds! How can these billionaires even have a mind at all?
Who are all the people that work for these insane creatures? I would rather be on the street with druggies than to work for all these billionaires. Thank you Dr. M for your investigating and speaking out truth you are my hero! Rosie