Powerful post, Dr. M.

The drive to push medicine into electronic records was to capture EVERY person's data - forever. From its inception, medical records have been automatically shared with as many as 30 corporate and USG agencies (Alphabets like NSA, HHS, etc.), People have the false belief that their private info is "safe". Tragically hilarious.

Prtizkers must be good buddies with Klaus the Nazi!

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I closed my office and retired from private practice when the government insisted we go paperless and decreased my reimbursements. I got very suspicious then.

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Me, too...

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Actually, before The Dub... He just pushed it into overdrive.

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Clintons in my opinion

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If you open actual article which is very long, there’s a list of many of these entities.

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Remember when Obama put out the edict that doctors had to enter everyone's data onto a computer system, no longer allowed to just have paper files? They then started asking 'none of your business' questions. We were assured of our continued HIPPA privacy. They're all damnable liars.

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Agreed! I get my healthcare from the VA. I was asked twice recently to participate in a “survey” where they wanted my DNA. Ah, hell no. I have subsequently stopped participating in a number of health research projects. They don’t care about me. Who’s fooling who?

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I have heard horror stories out of the VA. I am so sorry.

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Sentara group uses MyChart. The same hospital conglomerate in Virginia (Harrisonburg and Norfolk area), that uses Remdesivir as its treatment for patients with COVID. I know of a 49 year old who went in Harrisonburg Sentara with pneumonia and his family was not allowed to visit. They say he tested positive for COVID. He had been on a ventilator and made it off alive, but in terrible shape. As they were about to move him out to a care facility he died. I totally think they killed him for the money.

Very recently I got a letter in the mail from the State Department of Health telling me my cell number was selected to participate in a survey of health practices and behaviors. It says it is very important that they receive input from all participants... blah blah blah. It creeps me out.

They really have been working for sometime on the master Database of everyone's health information. I remember a couple of years ago Zuckerberg wanting to collect health data, and people were concerned and said he could not do it. You can't tell these people no, they do it anyway.


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Zuckerberg of "Zuckerberg Inc."? The former fine institution known as the University of California at San Francisco?

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I believe Sentera is also the hospital system that fired our beloved Dr. Paul Marik of the FLCCC.

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That's the tragedy of all of this. People who have moral character and stand up for good vs evil are punished. The scary part is, those who follow the higher authorities orders. How many commit atrocities with knowledge because NIH/CDC tells them to. The Milgram experiment shows that people follow the orders of authority despite conscience. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOYLCy5PVgM

We were first trained to think COVID is the most deadly pandemic since 1918 and will kill millions of Americans or all ages and health. Even after it was determined who COVID is a threat too, people still wore masks and lined up to get vaccines. Even after seeing the "vaccines" did not work they continue to get more vaccines and boosters. Some fools are getting their children vaccinated, who are not at risk.

"Those who can be made to believe absurdities can be made to commit atrocities." ~ Voltaire

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I am coming to the conclusion that if the person is a rich Democrat billionaire he is up to no good. (He used in traditional English usage to indicate men and women for those who are illiterate).

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Watch out for Larry Ellison oracle

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I went to my son's family doctor last year to look at my tongue for suspicious irritation. She said "you don't go to a Dr. often, do you?" Of course she had access to my medical records. (There was one entry) The idea being, don't run to the doctor for every little thing. She sent me home, knowing I wouldn't want a biopsy from a specialist. I have healed this tongue with Spanish Black Radish, Monolaurin and acupuncture. Of course I have a very strong belief in the body to heal itself and I have a very strong immune system. I strengthen my immune system consciously and carefully. Everyone can.

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I am currently spending a fair amount of my funds on acupuncture and cryotherapy to avoid the AMA or globalist medical models, well as the various recommended. Hoping to get in balance before the poop hits the fan.

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My chart is used throughout IL via hospital and doctors.

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Same with Viirginia

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Cleveland Clinic also uses MyChart.

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Look what Larry Ellison wants to do with some new company called Cetara I believe. It’s not just democrats, it’s for anyone obsessed with money 💰 , cause it’s never enough.

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I wish more people realized that political affiliation is not what's important. Emphasis on political affiliation just leads to tribal bickering, a "divide and conquer" distraction that only serves the billionaire oligarchs who pull the strings of their puppet politicians (of BOTH parties) and are really in charge. While we distractedly bicker, they slip in the next step toward total authoritarian rule. It's a giant game of "Look over there!" and the half-asleep public falls for it every time.

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Wisconsin too.

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Thanks for the refresher on the Pritzker family and their agenda.

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What is happening? Is everyone losing their minds! How can these billionaires even have a mind at all?

Who are all the people that work for these insane creatures? I would rather be on the street with druggies than to work for all these billionaires. Thank you Dr. M for your investigating and speaking out truth you are my hero! Rosie

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...and don't forget to check Jennifer Bilek's blog, it's a must read:


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Is it just me or is the dystopian transformation well beyond the obvious? Listen to Thomas Sowell from the 1990's clearly warning of the take over of Universities, Corporate Boards and the Media. I admit I doubted it at the time. Talk to Russell Brand about how we counter the already overwhelming head start these evil monsters have on us. Back in the 90's I knew cookies would be a potential threat to privacy when hidden intrusions to a computer for collecting user data was a very dangerous development.

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Thanks Dr. Malone on the info on the Pritzker family. I can't believe that this is the first I've heard of them. And someone needs to be prosecuted for stealing private medical data. No more scolding. This is criminal.

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My questions: Have we lost our moral compass (USA)? Are the Woke, Sexual, Medical Data Mining issues cluttering and clouding us from seeing the root cause of our medical crisis and our economic crisis? Is it intentional to create these bias narratives for that end? Local newspaper just ran a article from the AP (paid bias source) extolling the need for injecting our babies as a triump over death and the parents quoted in the article are relieved that finally their babies are protected. When 97% of SIDS death have been reported to occur within 7 days of receiveing a normal vaccine, what will happen when the mRNA injections not once, but TWICE and THREE times are given to these babies. Oooh! Each dose is less than adult, but based on body weight is it more lethal?. AP article does not address the flip side including informed consent which has been trashed. The Union of Concerned Scientists published a white paper called. "The Disinformation Handbook" which outlines 5 methods used to deceive and manipulate public opinion. All have been in play over the last two years and have been readily embraced by the mass media. I have published an article called "Designer Humans" that focuses on what I believe is the root motivation for what is transpiring. We have very bright scientists around the globe (60 plus research institutes) who are embracing the concept that we can improve on God's design. Thank you Dr. Malone and your cohorts who see the great risk to humanity.


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Thank YOU for your contribution!! Blessings to all digital/spiritual warriors!!

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🇺🇸🚨 Yesterday when wife and I went to see our doctor, first time in a year, their questioner broke down all the new WOKE social identities so one could choose witch they needed at the time.

It actually made me reflux. Disturbing

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Colonel (IL) Jennifer N. Pritzker, IL ARNG (Retired) is currently President and Chief Executive Officer of Tawani Enterprises, Inc., President of the Tawani Foundation and Pritzker Military Foundation, and Founder and Chair of the Pritzker Military Museum & Library.


Jennifer Natalya Pritzker, formerly known as James, is one of 11 billionaire members of the extended Pritzker family on the FORBES list. They sold a majority stake in industrial conglomerate Marmon Holdings to Warren Buffett‘s Berkshire Hathaway for $4.5 billion in 2007 and continue to control publicly-listed Hyatt Hotels. The heiress has an estimated net worth of $1.7 billion.


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WOW!! I knew the Pritzkers were rich, but not THIS rich or, indeed, this powerful! But their involvement in and support of all manner of gender "tomfoolery" (for want of a better term!!) is nothing short of disgusting!! They're trying to play God - and God does NOT like anyone trying (but, of course, failing!) to impersonate Him!! They will ALWAYS fail!!

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Yes. UTTERLY DISGUSTING comes to mind as I read through this post....!

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Any relation to the PA Brower family from Center co?

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Brower was my late husband's family name, and they arr'd in the American Colonies in the early- or mid-18th century (1700s) in what is now NY State and, I THINK (but have never had it verified) on Manhattan. In other words, they were among the early Dutch settlers. And, for the most part, they remained in NY (but soon settled and farmed on Long Island - approx. where the so-called "Five Towns" are located now). John was born in Woodmere, LI, and the family (in fact, A LOT of Browers!) remained there for decades! But the only Brower of which I am aware that lives in Colorado is married to a person with a different family name. So, as best I can respond to your interesting question, "No, they are NOT the Brower Family from Center, CO." JDB

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I am a Brower, my maiden name. It is very rare to see the name anywhere so it was interesting to see it here. Thanks for responding.

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VERY interesting, Ann!! I guess that your family originated in the Netherlands as well! My husband's family were all Methodists for generations; but since his first wife was English, he converted to Anglican (Episcopalian here in this country, of course). And coincidentally, on my father's side (though neither he nor his own father really observed the faith), his family were Methodists as well! But, on my mother's side, they were all Jewish and came from Czarist Russia to Canada (but most of my mother's generation eventually came to the States). So, we all come from all over and are descended from MANY different faiths & traditions! Interesting, indeed!

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My mother did genealogy research and found English, scotch, Irish, German ancestry. 23 & me says I’m 97% Northern European. I also have Cherokee and white gipsy truly a “Hines 57.”We were Free Methodists(the pews were no charge🤣) I am now a Seventh-day Adventist.

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I had to smile, Ann, when I read that you're now Seventh Day Adventist, 'cause I'm always reminded of the gentle (NEVER mean-spirited!) play on words that my late husband always mentioned when we drove by a lovely retirement community in Upstate NY (when we still lived back there), which was owned and operated by the Seventh Day Adventists, and which ALWAYS elicited the same smiling response, "Joy, that's where the Seventh Day Adventurers live!!" And because he was a man of deep faith and NEVER belittled his fellow human, he was just having a fun "play on words!" And although he never met or knew the wonderful next-door neighbors to my parents (all long gone now, of course!), they, too, were Seventh Day Adventists - and they couldn't have been better neighbors, especially to my mother when she was "up there" in years!

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Nice🤣Life is an Adventure. I guess we are all actually related back to Noah and Adam and now in trying our best to educate and free people from the darkness in our world. Keep up the good fight!

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YES!!! We people "of the (Judeo-Christian) faith" must certainly "keep up the good fight!" as you have said. There is so much more to gain when we work together and, God willing, learn to love one another as well!

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The first segment of this article is shocking on its face and bad enough, but the second segment about the agenda of the Pritzger family is truly enough to gag a maggot. Both need to be stopped, but exactly how????

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Yes.... Not sure I have a list (did at one time, but haven't looked for it for ten years). It is shared with all the usual suspects. NSA, of course, captures 110% of all electronic data on the planet. HHS caprtures all the medicare and Medicaid data. All the insurance companies are siphoning this data, as are allBig Pharma entities.

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Very depressing

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