CalPERS is Californias public employees pension retirement system. Matt Gaetz questions an executive about ESG and DEI, twists him into a pretzel makes a monkey out of him and then shows how he himself has been discriminated against. You can’t make this stuff up, it’s a thing of beauty and sums up DEI.


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Corporations going along with dei because of esg scores, possibly destroying their companies viability and position on the stock market scale.


Do I smell strongarm tactics being employed to force companies into submission over social policies?


I clearly recal Elon Musk going public over this insidious practice against his company, and calling these "esg overseers" a,bunch of fraudulent slimebags

( paraphrasing my own words here)


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Oh crap, then I see Keith Ellison (Mn. Attorney General) sitting next to him! How many insults can I take in a day. That was impressive questioning!

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I watched the video of Congressman Gaetz questioning CalPERS executive and it was awesome! So one has to ask why the white male executive (passed over twice) is still there; I guess it comes down to his lust for the $$ he is currently making, compared to if he left out of principle and morals?

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I saw the questioning a while back on Gaetz podcast firebrand, and it stuck with me. These people trying to be ultra tolerant and anti racist are in actuality intolerant and completely racist, many times to themselves. Harris’s pick for VP is the perfect example. While Minnesota was burning he had a speech where he said his mother and father were white and he was ashamed of it. People were being murdered in the city and he knelt down to BLM. He also passed laws if a underaged child wants a sex change operation and the parents don’t the state can take the child away from the parents. He forced lockdowns like no other forcing people to stay in their house or apartment. I have heard he is working for China, he has been flying back and fourth to Beijing which right now is somewhat of a rumor but he has been traveling there a lot. This makes sense because San Francisco is the center where they form Chinese voting blocks being to control elections and is how Kamala won her DA job there. They are all beholden to Marxism and China. I just wish people could see what’s really happening. They have no love for America, it’s all about power and money.

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I wouldn’t be to concerned James, It’ll all come out in the wash. Our Creator did a global clean up in Noah’s day and He is about to do it again.

Revelation 20:11-15

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You are correct, Walz lived in China and taught school there. He is 100% on the side of China and as you stated, his policies align with communism. California has long been known to be controlled by China and there is plenty of documented evidence for anyone who chooses to wake up.

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I didn’t know he taught there. There’s so much in these two “Democrats”. I hope Trump can expose them good in a way where he doesn’t insult voters if you know what I mean. He needs to polish his attacks. One more thing, a few days ago at the conference of black journalist he should have said Biden is the one that said he was going to nominate a black woman so you are asking the wrong person. It sounds like Biden was making a DEI choice choice with his own words so ask him!! You see it would have been that easy to stuff it right back down her throat but instead it turns into controversy and a sound bite for the left. Don’t get me wrong I’ll always vote for what’s good for America but he has to think before he speaks.

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Aug 7Edited

The Washington post has an article about Walz and China. It's good to look at all sides before issuing blank statements. Not that I am saying you are doing this on the China issue, but it's important to get all sides to make a determination. Another thought James, be careful to not get hung up on the right's attitude and make determinations without careful consideration. Malone has warned on this, it's why he got into disagreements with Geert, Michael Yeadon and others. He has been concerned it will be a negative sway to the "persuadable middle".

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I will look at it DD. I can’t imagine this team democrat has much positive to hand to America. I never hear anything positive that will make peoples lives here better. It’s always policy that costs us more, paying health care for non citizens, free everything for people that haven’t contributed. Walz said he wants to create a Somalia inside the US, why??? And who in their right mind would think that’s good for the people that are his bosses?? The only way these two get in is a stolen election or absolute ignorant people that will vote for these ideas. For the life of me I can’t understand…

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I should add Michael, let’s put abortion to the side, even Governor Walz’s agreeing to late term abortion say 8 months and 3 weeks late, ok, 8 babies in Minnesota were born and were starved to death not allowing them to have food or water and Tampon Tim was ok with that in fact the hospitals had to file paperwork with the state explaining what they did and Tampon Tim eliminated the need for reporting it. Sick MF’ers. Did you know T Tim Walz was the person that began the chain of calling JD Vance weird, again you can’t make this stuff up. I’m so glad Kamala picked this guy as VP nominee, talk about a sick twisted crazy old white guy, him and Kamala are cut from the exact same cloth.

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Walz is the last person Kamala should've picked (a gift to Trump), as he is further left than Kamala or any member of the squad.

It was very apparent to me, Shapiro was her first pick and it was a go, as Philadelphia was set as the announcement city, but because she will fold to any pressure from jew haters, she changed her mind, but if she changed announcement location, it would've been obvious to all she didn't choose Shapiro because he was jewish.

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Another great piece! How do you find time to write so many comprehensive, well-researched and wel-written articles? I am so glad that you and Jill do this, and I am fortunate to be able to read, and think about, your work. God bless you! And yes, Mr. Wang is spot on, courageous, and brilliant.

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Maybe MEI should stand for Merit, Excellence, and INTEGRITY. Integrity might more important than intelligence as that is a loosely defined term. Excellence envelopes intelligence as excellence derives from other good characteristics such as tenacity, forebearance, ability to learn and apply, ability to persevere, ability to have discernment, ability to learn from mistakes, all things which are not necessarily considered in standard measurements of intelligence.

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I had the same thought Sukey, perhaps a compromise might be MEI I.

It seems evident to me from the events of these last four (or so) years, that a GREAT emphasis NEEDS to be placed on INTEGRITY. This in my opinion is a must, because like many other aspects of Humanity (both good and Bad) is the excuse "well I had to lower my ingegrity because everybody else is! That very undesirable aspect of Humanity is (regretfully) going to take some years to be rid of. During that time, we need (my opinion again) to place HIGH PRAISE on Integrity (and simple Honesty).

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Like Sukey implied, what constitutes intelligence is a very subjective evaluation whereas integrity is right out there

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Completely agree. It has never made sense to prioritize groups based on anything other than merit and character. Also believe an organization with high standards onboarding new people means those with similar (but not identical) values and talent are eager to join. Merit hiring promotes teamwork, respect, trust, collaboration, and camaraderie. Those who don’t measure up generally self-prune in my experience.

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Go Mr. Wang!!!!! Excellent! I am all for MEI. Vehemently opposed to DEI insanity. Thanks Dr. Malone for passing this on.

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What a breath of fresh air Robert, I grew up in the era of this approach, I was afraid that it was gone forever. We need to keep him front and center! I agree with the other comments that DEI really stands for "Didn't Earn It"!

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Aug 7Edited

This is exactly what is needed to create and attract new, forward thinking creation. We are obviously falling apart at the seams with this current approach. Funny how these DEI policies sound so altruistic until actually put into a working situation. How many airplanes will lose their wheels and windows, pilots dying in mid-flight? I don't have enough room to list them all, we are under attack all the while looking so innocent and nothing like a do-gooder, right?

And now Mn. has a Native American standing in line for gov. My question is, is she qualified to do the job? Heaven forbid anyone say that. Name calling to commence.

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Mr. Wang is a genius. Anyone with talent would want to work with him!

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Please do not ignore the aspect of ethics & morality as important qualilfications. We have enough brilliant and talented sociopaths creating advanced weapons systems, genetically engineering "safe and effective" bioweapons, developing AI systems for tracking, surveilling, and manipulating the masses, etc etc. The often misunderstood core teaching of "karma" is that we are fully responsible for our actions, and the world we experience will reflect the results of our intentional actions. Selfish people grab more and leave less for others, creating an increasingly miserable world to live in. If you want to live in a better world, be kind and generous.

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So true, MEI not enough. Plenty of brilliant liars out there.

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Excellent addition to the mix, I say something about the energy and knowledge of karma often, Thanx Olde Edo.

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I don't believe Alex Wang DID ignore or omit such:

"We believe that people should be judged by the content of their character — and, as colleagues, be additionally judged by their talent, skills, and work ethic.'

HIS WORDS from above.

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Very good (AND Valued) point Olde Edo. In todays world particularly following the Global Assault by the "trans" people at the Olympics. (I believe that was the "coming out" so to speak) of this mindset, the next one may well shock the world even more. WE The Good and Decent People of the world need to be courageous and defend both Integrity AND Morality. Thanks for making a very valid point.

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Hear, hear!!!!

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Hmmm. Wang was born in Los Alamos, his physicist parents worked at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, he dropped out of MIT after a year, and has become the youngest self-made billionaire. Customers of Scale include Microsoft and the DoD.

I agree he’s going somewhere, (he already has, and fast! Thanks, DoD. Reminds me of Facebook) but I fear it will end up the same place as all the other tech billionaire companies. Look how many of them started out with insane IQ and other tests to hire only the most brilliant and look where they are now (Thanks, DoD).

If he makes a stand against biometric IDs, I’ll start paying attention. That really would be different.

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That was my thought, as well.

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Based. Love it--MEI. We are at an inflection point in history. Vote like your life depends on it. It does. This is what is coming to the USA if HARRIS/WALZ ever gain the WH. https://x.com/ACTBrigitte/status/1820738641242591600

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I absolutely agree with you Veritas Now, OUR LIVES DEFINATELY DEPENDS ON WHAT WE (each of us) do in the immediate future. A thought for my American "Brothers and Sisters". Two VERY well informed Patriots, MelK and Trevor Loudon. well worth a watch.


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I learn some very useful information everyday on your substack. Your research is excellent.

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Thank you for this focus! I'm glad that these work force qualities have started to receive attention again. Next for educational opportunities to promote and instill appreciation and investment in these objectives.

In my early days (a bit earlier than yours) the keys for opportunities were family and friend relations. MEI likely applied in unique industry/business operations. Getting a position at SSA started (as a State ee) with my question to a SSA Manager. They did make changes as a result. Pretty major and they may have thought I might ask further undesirable questions. They brought me in to Central Office and arranged for my taking the entrance exam. i didnt manage flying colors. They acquired me as the top woman on the list (1960). Much later I had a great boss, who liked my ideas, but asked I understand they couldnt be passed on. Too much of a wild card. No rocking boats. He died. DEI took over and i moved on to a new employer.

i do think, particularly in the private sector, it would be wise to hire MEI candidates who are able to commit to furthering the success of the employer/business, fellow workers and the customers. Some brilliant types seem to focus on their personal goals and aggrandizements to the losses of particularly the employer and/or fellow employees.

May MEI again get a solid foothold!


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Remember when someone asked Elon if his company would hire Nikola Tesla if he applied, and Elon admitted: We probably wouldn't, he wouldn't be seen as a strong candidate. He would be regarded as too much of a "weirdo" (see Vivek's new essay link below), swerving between too many lanes to provide immediate value to the company as a hire, etc, the list of HR excuses goes on. Elon gets it though, and understands that innovation is certainly beyond DEI, but I'd argue also beyond MEI.

MEI disappeared from from the Silly-con Valley around 2010. I'll believe it when I see it come back, but MEI devoid of meaningful pursuits is just as dumb as DEI. So you built an HR policy around MEI, but you're developing tech that nobody needs and nobody wants? So who cares how quality your engineers are if the venture vision is nihilistic and the business mission strictly opportunistic?

Perhaps the last great champion of startup MEI was Paul Graham back around 2005 in the early days of Y Combinator. I was invited to YC in 2017, and it was pretty woke at that point. But I do miss that halcyon era of MEI (which I was honestly a bit too young to take advantage of) when candidates were hired on their quality of character and thinking process, rather than just diversity-quota and technical proficiencies. People basically "optimize for mediocrity" now, whether it's in the context of MEI or DEI.

Paul Graham perhaps inherited this original MEI (or "proto-MEI") hiring ethos from Steve Jobs, who wanted quality people above all else, *not* highly polished squares. Just like Jobs, Graham valued liberal arts graduates – kids who could think and do – rather than the mindless "code bootcamp" (i.e. vocational lane-locking) kids as of late. Back in that early-aughts Jobs and Graham era, startups wanted "tea masters" metaphorically speaking, not singularly-focused samurai. However here and now, 99.99% of young careerists in The Bay are said samurais at this point. Kind of a Kakuzō dichotomy here: there are two kinds of startup candidates: tea masters, and samurai...

End of the day, I tip my hat to J.D. Vance as he told Don Jr, "It's not the old economy and the new economy – it's the real economy and the fake economy". In the real economy of tangibly useful/desirable things, MEI is a given and as an abstract discourse: entirely a distraction from getting the real work done. As gruff Bret Weinstein aptly puts it, "Everyone needs to be good at something that you don't need social approval to know whether you succeeded or not." Amen! I'm not convinced MEI will fix DEI, there's too much confused teleology in tech anyway. Call me old fashioned, but I still believe in the liberal arts – the purpose of this kind of education is to prepare youth to *inherit the world*. Tech, whether it's oriented around MEI or DEI seeks to "change the world". There's a radical difference. Perhaps I digress...

Also, Vivek's recent essay is very relevant here: https://open.substack.com/pub/bariweiss/p/america-the-weird?r=4cri&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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HOORAY for Alexandr Wang! HEY, HEY, HO, HO, "DEI" Gotta GO!

"MEI" = "Merit, Excellence and Intelligence." WHAT A CONCEPT! (used to be ubiquitous in the U.S.)

I wonder HOW many times I must repeat this, but the "HEAD" of the "Uniparty" IS the "Council on Foreign Relations." BlackRock CEO - Larry Fink - is a "CFR" member; and BlackRock is a SPONSOR corporation of the "CFR"; Obama's former National Security Advisor - Thomas Donilon - is a "CFR" member; and Donilon is also Chairman of BlackRock Investment Institute.

Oh, and don't forget that Joe Biden, Susan Rice, Antony Blinken, John Kerry, Alejandro Mayorkas, Janet Yellen (and) Jerome Powell are ALL MEMBERS of the "CFR".

The stench of the incestuous "Uniparty" is nauseating!

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