FINALLY, some politicians with the spine to stand up to BigPharma and its lapdog agencies.

If we want to address the root cause and prevent them from continuing to push these toxic injections on children, what really needs to happen is the repeal of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA). As I wrote in my “Letter to the Washington State Board of Health” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-washington-state-board):

“If, however, the vaccines are given to children, pharmaceutical corporations gain greater protection from liability under the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA), which ‘provides a legal liability shield to drug manufacturers if they receive full authorization for all ages.’”

This—in addition to augmenting their profits with more customers—is the primary reason they seek to add children to the vaxx schedule.

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Completely agree - finally some pols are asking some probing questions. Where the hell have they been for the last 2 1/2 years?

Glad to see one of my senators, Sen Cruz, finally got up off his ass and started looking into this. Disappointed that John Wayne Cornyn continues MIA.

Didn't check the party affiliation of all the letter signers- Any Dems among them? Just wondering.

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Not a chance. Dems are all slaves to party orthodoxy. Manchin stands alone because he knows his constituents. The party loyalists do, too, but their constituents are the real problem. If we want better government, we have to convince our neighbors, nor our rulers.

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Wow! What an amazing and thorough letter! Just shared with a couple people

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Thank you, Cheryl!

The really amazing thing is we managed to achieve a victory with a UNANIMOUS vote (https://www.king5.com/article/news/local/washington-health-board-vote-vaccine-students/281-a8b79600-a956-4f8a-82a1-6bfff5282533) by the Board of Health against mandating the injections for schoolchildren—and this is in a state with a WEF puppet governor and a captured BOH! Thousands of people submitted public comments and voiced their opposition, and they got scared enough to back down.

FYI, I created a generic version of that letter that can be deployed against various COVID tyranny regulations if you’d like to keep this handy:

• “Letter to a Governing Body” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-governing-body)

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You’re Welcome! Very encouraging indeed this victory and pray for more! Thx for sharing this version with all of us.

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this is amazing!!! must be shared far and wide!!!

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Unfortunately it's politicians in the minority, with no power and no way to enforce. The letter won't be answered, but serves as a warning things will change in January. It's up to us to ensure those politicians remain enthusiastic when they return to power.

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Whew! A close vote! Can't believe educated medical professional have been hood winked!

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Training doesn't make anyone wise.

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I agree with you 100%. Repeal the Bayh-Dole Act.

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I visited England after the population started to refuse the whooping cough vaccine. Unfortunately children were struggling with whooping cough because no vaccine. The drug mfgs were ready to stop manufacturing childhood vaccines. That's when the government stepped in. Look at the childhood rate of death for countries that do not administer the vaccines. In Ghana children are not named until age 2, so many don't live thar long. Sadly, there will always be a small number of children who will die from the childhood vaccines. No amount of testing can predict a positive outcome for everyone. The Covid vaccine was fast tracked. I don't agree that children or pregnant women should be given it. Definitely the usual guidelines for drug approval were not followed, those take years. My husband and I are in our 70s. We don't know anyone who became ill from the vaccine. Our friends are elderly and high risk. They were first in line. A few came down with Covid months after getting the vaccine. None were hospitalized and no one died. They were in age up to 85. I believe politicians took advantage of the illness and lied about where it came from. As for pharmaceutical companies, we must weigh the good with the bad. If not for prescription drugs many of us would not be alive. Anti biotic meds come to mind. HIV not a death sentence and rarely does a child come down with polio.

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I appreciate your measured perspective, Margaret, and I shared some of those views myself in the past. I recommend reading “Dissolving Illusions” to understand how badly we have been misled about these matters. I urge you to move it to the top of your reading list as it is one of the most meticulously researched and important books you may ever read.

For example, here are a few excerpts related to whooping cough:

“There was a continuous decline, equal in each sex, from 1937 onward. Vaccination [for whooping cough], beginning on a small scale in some places around 1948 and on a national scale in 1957, did not affect the rate of decline if it be assumed that one attack usually confers immunity, as in most major communicable diseases of childhood… With this pattern well established before 1957, there is no evidence that vaccination played a major role in the decline in incidence and mortality in the trend of events.”

—Gordon T. Stewart, 1977

“By the time a vaccine arrived on the scene for whooping cough, the death rate had declined by more than 99 percent.

“‘The decline in death rates [from whooping cough] during the early 20th century was rapid, and by World War II the rate was about one-tenth of that at the turn of the century.

“‘Immunization against pertussis, which was introduced at a time when mortality from the disease had been falling steeply for 70 years, made a much less convincing impact… the death rate had fallen very substantially before 1957, and there was relatively very little room for improvement.’”

I understand you learned about whooping cough rising in England due to poor vaccination rates, but did you witness that yourself, or did you learn about it from the media, which gets 70% of its ad revenue from the pharmaceutical industry (https://www.trueactivist.com/robert-f-kennedy-jr-says-70-of-news-advertising-revenue-comes-from-big-pharma-t1/) —75% in 2020 (https://www.fiercepharma.com/special-report/top-10-ad-spenders-big-pharma-for-2020)?

You are fortunate that you, your loved ones, and your friends are not among the millions around the world who have suffered life-altering injuries (https://thehighwire.com/videos/who-will-help-us/) and fatalities (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-california-legislature and https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-holocaust-denier) from the COVID injections, which have resulted in 1,287,593 adverse reaction reports (https://openvaers.com/covid-data), including 28,532 deaths (https://openvaers.com/covid-data/mortality and https://openvaers.com/covid-data/child-summaries), to the CDC as of 5/27/22.

You said, “If not for prescription drugs many of us would not be alive.” Actually, millions of people have lost their lives to prescription drugs, which is the third leading cause of death:

• “New Prescription Drugs: A Major Health Risk With Few Offsetting Advantages” (https://ethics.harvard.edu/blog/new-prescription-drugs-major-health-risk-few-offsetting-advantages)

• “Our prescription drugs kill us in large numbers” (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25355584/)

• “Peter C Gøtzsche: Prescription drugs are the third leading cause of death” (https://blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2016/06/16/peter-c-gotzsche-prescription-drugs-are-the-third-leading-cause-of-death/)

• “Prescription Drugs Responsible for More Deaths than Illicit Drugs” (https://behavioralhealth-centers.com/blog/prescription-drugs-more-deaths-than-illicit-drugs/)

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Two more books to add to your must-read list to address these specific items:

“HIV not a death sentence” > “The Real Anthony Fauci”

“rarely does a child come down with polio” > “The Moth in the Iron Lung”

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Well said. Too bad the politicians and the medical gurus have their head in the sand!

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The only way to find out is to stop giving babies vaccine. It's a risk. My son almost died because his blood type was the opposite of mine. I was breast feeding him. 1977, the Dr's. Should have known. It's heartbreaking to see a child ill. Hard to be 100% on board for experimenting with no vaccines.

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I understand your hesitancy and would have felt the same way a few years or even months ago. It wasn’t until I began to peel back the layers of propaganda to reveal the underlying data demonstrating not only the inefficacy but also the hazards of most pharmaceutical products that I realized the past two+ centuries have been the experiment, and the healthy, thriving members of the control groups corroborate this.

I haven’t had a chance to watch this interview yet, but it looks like it touches on some of your questions and concerns:

• “Are there any vaccines you think are safe?” (https://colleenhuber.substack.com/p/are-there-any-vaccines-you-think – also see https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/vsrf-call-jun-9-at-4pm-pdt-two-fathers and https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/im-interviewing-andrew-wakefield)

I will be very curious to hear what you think of “Dissolving Illusions.”

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The only way to find out is to stop giving vaccines. Take our chances. That would "dissolve all illusions"!

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Early treatment was the answer but it’s been suppressed. These “vaccines”are poison and causing all kinds of side effects & death

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Jun 9, 2022·edited Jun 9, 2022

I know two people who had strokes after the vaccine. Did the vax cause it? Impossible to tell. For both, it was ~ 6 month after. Both were older, in their 70's, and were in good health for their age beforehand.

There are huge conflicts of interest. The government licenses intellectual property to the vax manufacturers, and then collect royalties on sales. In many cases, government employees personally receive $ b/c the government allows them to be rewarded when their name is on a patent that is licensed to private companies. How can it not be a conflict for the same agencies to make decisions with the force of law on the safety, effectiveness, and in some cases, mandates, on these medications?

One thing that gnaws at me is, why did the government change the definition of vaccine? AFAIC, it was a propaganda move. You tell me, how much do the Covid vaxes have in common w/ the traditional vaccines that have been in use for decades? Answer: very little.

It's amazing how, for example, someone outside of government finds that military service personnel have had a pronounced increase in illnesses. After the questions start being asked, they tell us the data was flawed for years, and in fact their is no actual increase. Not just once. Outsiders look at the data, and see patterns. But the government is Sgt Schultz- "I see nothing..."

I can understand, many people find it impossible to believe the government would kill us through incompetence, if not through a larcenous heart. Do I really need to provide a list of medical experiments done by the government that were clearly evil? Start w/ Tuskeegee Syphilis study, and go from there.

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I compiled a fairly comprehensive list in this piece:

• “Letter to US Legislators: #DefundTheThoughtPolice” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-us-legislators-defundthethoughtpolice)

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I acquired whooping cough when I visited a family in Belgium. I researched the issue and discovered that Erythromycin (generic) takes care of the problem within 2 DAYS of theraphy!

Vaccines are pushed when there is a medical solution that is cheap and effective because vaccine are more profitable! When you can convince physicians to vaccinate 95% of the child population over treating the 1% that may acquire the whooping cough makes good sense for profit.

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The scientists working to save people from death from thousands of diseases are dedicated. The fallout from trials that include children for cancer and brain tumors takes its toll on everyone involved. They sincerely want to save lives. Ridiculous to put down an industry that has done just that.

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Don't disagree, but we continue to believe that chemical intervention is the route to a cure. Google "Life Style Medicine" A Brief Review 2017. The root causes of most disease states are caused by poor life style choices, enviromental and food toxins and poor nutritional habits. Many of which are beyond the control of the individual these days because factory processed foods dominate. We have spent over 4 TRILLION dollars in cancer research over 50 years and have only figured out in most cases to extend life marginally for those afflicted.

In fact, in the US we spend 7 times as much money on cancer drugs as Europe and have only similar outcomes. Go figure.

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As you know cancer has its own intelligence. It can be cured in one place and move to another. It can develop an immunity to the drug. Difficult to find an out and out cure.

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Yep! A strong immune system produces E-canherin to prevent that from happening! Immune system has the maximum intelligence!

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In the USA to get a drug formulated, tested and approved costs billions of dollars. If the drug doesn't pass its tossed at a total loss of billions to the company. Of course there are pharmaceutical companies who have screwed with the data and lied. Oxcycodene a prime example. Your an adult. Children are more vulnerable to diseases. 3rd world countries and refugee camps have proven that. I recall polio prior to the vaccine. Adults in their early 80s have suffered from having the disease their while lives. You really want to stop giving children vaccines? COVID I do not agree should be given to children. They have no instances of death to healthy children to support it.

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Much of what is declared to be researched dollars for new drugs is really marketing dollars buried into the system to justify high cost!

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Would you prefer we get rid of pharmaceutical companies and take our chances. Truthfully as soon as a drug is approved China copies it and sells it cheap

Lots of obstacles to respectable companies. I lost relatives to illnesses that are now treatable. One must weigh the two alternatives carefully. My husband has copd. Not from smoking. Breaths at 25% for 13 years now. Very active. He's 80. Just put a water heater in for a friend. His meds keep him breathing. I'm 100% healthy. However, I have always had a healthy lifestyle. Covid vacine not an option for either one of us. He's high risk.

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Agree! Could not have said it better!

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Dr's are corrupt too. I was a claims adjuster in the 70s. Amazing the amount of irresponsible neglect. Dr's were taking trips etc. Pd for by pharmaceutical companies for prescribing drugs. I worked for an insurance company that pd. 100% unlimited. A hospital administrator told me we were crazy. He saw a patient with our insurance, meant he could cost shift charges onto our patients bill. The reason communism doesn't work is human nature. Most will do anything to make money because they see money as security. Even Bernie Sanders took the money left over from his presidential bid and bought a 3rd house. I was for Bernie in 2016. He didn't even see his own hypocrisy. Find a poor politician, I will vote for him. Sadly no matter where you look you will find corruption and people playing the game. Obama cut deals with big Pharma and Insurance companies to get his AHC through. Worked, but claims make premium. Waiving pre ex told me the premiums would become unaffordable.

I wish you every good fortune in changing the system. My kids were like pin cushions with all the shots they needed. They were never ill. If not needed, any Mom would welcome not putting them through that.

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The minority of medical professionals loose there way! Same in the general population!

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The biggest problem from revealing the rampant corruption in the vax industry and associated bureaucracies is many people no longer trust any vax. Most are effective and safe. There is risk in any medicine, and benefits, and we need honest information on both to justify a decision. Were not getting that,, so they're all being thrown out with the bathwater. That is to the ultimate detriment of many people. More than any other response to this disaster, we need to redeem the medical industry. If we can't trust them, we'll be worse off. They can be reformed. That needs to be our highest priority.

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USA health industry for profit. If two houses are pulled down in my suburb and a mansion built I know the occupant will be a Dr. Almost always from India, brilliant people. We have hospitals a mile apart spending millions of dollars on contraptions that save lives. They compete for the patients that will bring the most profit. No socialized country had this for profit system prior to becoming government controlled. Uphill battle. AMA will fight any attempt to lower the amount of money the for profit corporate hospitals make.

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Not all pharmaceutical companies. We have to be grateful to the scientists who have made it possible to survive certain kinds of cancer and other illnesses.

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Understood, and all the more reason it took chutzpa to do it.

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the people must rise up!

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YES! As Shabnam Palesa Mohamed says:

“The power of the people is always stronger than the people in power.”

And we are rising up in the hundreds of millions worldwide, as our most recent victory (https://interestofjustice.substack.com/p/we-knew-the-hhs-and-who-was-doomed) over the proposed IHR amendments (see my letter of opposition here: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-us-hhs-office-of-global) demonstrates powerfully.

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wow! so this is what happened! must support and share far and wide and keep praying!

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I described the coming whiplash in this piece:

• “Letter to a Tyrant” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-tyrant)

And planted the seed a year ago in my second essay:

• “COVID IS OVER! … If You Want It” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/covid-is-over-if-you-want-it)

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Thank you, Wayne! If you’re referring to “The Lighthouse” clip, you actually have to click through and view it at YouTube. As I noted when introducing the clip:

“I cannot find a clip that permits playing outside of YouTube, but I assure you it is absolutely worth the click-through to watch this volcanic scene.”

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If we, the people are successful in 2022 and 2024, the issues of the WHO and NIH contingent on our Government/hospital, physician and patient availability and quality of medical policy and care MUST be addressed. The issues identified will come into play then as well. To the extent we can support our elected officials starting to address some of the immediate issues, it behooves us to try to do so.

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The #StopTheWHO campaign is already well underway worldwide. The goal is to get all member states to withdraw, simultaneously stripping it of both its relevance and member state funding.

See my growing list of action steps at the end of my letter opposing the IHR amendments:

• “Letter to the US HHS Office of Global Affairs” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-us-hhs-office-of-global)

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Super rational questions and clear data to support NOT vaxxing babies and children. What will happen in our current upside-down world? Sadly, I think they'll give them the green light. God help us.

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What will happen? It’s clearly laid out by the WEF “ Great Reset” .the exact totalitarian NWO central government ruled by kleptomultinational corporatists, Pharma, tech . A feudal system controlling our transhuman every thought.” You will have no privacy, own nothing and be happy.AKA “ Build Back Better”. Depopulation of the elderly, frail, children, destruction of nuclear family, fertility, food supply chain, natural energy resources, social interaction, small businesses,the ability to feel anything aside from fear, panic and obedience, the death of independent thought, free speech, self determination, privacy, free will, ssset forfeiture, the ability to purchase a home, car, travel, worship, have a 401k, expectation of safety, mob violence and the ability to defend oneself or elections.

Meanwhile, but for a few, the GOP remains silent

When Ron Johnson held a summit with a panel of experts, no other seated Senate or Congressional members attended. Aside from DeSantis, Gaetz, Rand Paul,MTG, Navarro and Rudy, the silence is deafening.

The banned and censored formerly adored by the left-Brett Weinstein,Kim Iversen, Naomi Wolf, Russell Brand, Joe Rogan,Jonathan Turley, Elon Musk, Self described “ radical Feminist and very gay activist Org.,hedge fund manager turned anti- globalist Vivek Ramaswami,, Dave Rubin Glenn Greenwald,Jimmy Dore and formerly adored by the right- Glenn Beck, Tucker Carlson, Dennis Prager,, Byron Donalds,Turning Point USA,Jordan Peterson,outsider once deemed “ crazy conspiracy theorists Roger Stone and Alex Jones, Steve Bannon, Raheem Kassam, Dave Reaboi, Imam Tawhidi, Gordon Chang, David Horowitz, Daniel Greenfield, Mike Flynn, Tulsi Gabbard are now on the same page . Go figure.

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I fully believe that ultimately the WEF and those hidden forces behind them - do not succeed. Of course they will continue to try. How many humans die in the process? That's the question, but humanity will free themselves in this battle.

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"The emergency is over -"

There never was an "emergency."

Why even grant them a fraction of an inch?

If an "emergency" is a valid pretext for lockdowns, suspensions of fundamental rights, the destruction of wealth, and coercion to inject useless poison, especially injecting those who have no free will (children), then we're always going to have an "emergency."

We had a coronavirus/flu season. Like, you know, we normally do.

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Well, the "emergency" deal was to justify not only the sole use of the mRNA vaxes as a response to Covid but to remove any liability for harm from their manufacturers - a deal that is so machiavellian it still makes me gasp.

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Yup. And they couldn't get EUA if there existed viable alternatives; which explains the all-out war on known and effective treatments throughout the entire media and political/agency spheres....

I am running out of words to describe the utter enormity of this.

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Also to use the vaccine in what is known as BY FIAT .. fascist style use. but I am sure everyone knew that. not being sarcastic at all. Gov't cannot be held accountable for "detrimental/harmful" use of the vaccine.

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That is what I was going to say.. exactly.. right..

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It's great that these eighteen members of Congress wrote and signed this letter. What's not great is that ONLY eighteen member of Congress wrote and signed the letter. Shame on the rest of them.

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Jun 9, 2022·edited Jun 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Does it bother anyone besides me that there is not a SINGLE Democrat on this list? And does it bother anyone besides me that there are so many REPUBLICAN names missing? There should be a veritable outcry - not just 18 people willing to raise their voices. My own "republican" member of congress is conspicuously absent. For this reason - and many others - I have written him off as a RINO and he will not be getting my vote this fall. It's as though he continuously maintains silence on any issue that is the slightest bit controversial. And frankly, why should this issue be controversial at all? Babies and toddlers are neither at risk nor are they spreaders. You do not have the right as a card-carrying, fear-ridden, pearl-clutcher to inflict your perpetual state of panic upon the just-hatched generation. You have had your day in the sun. If you are that fearful and have fed upon 24/7/365 fearporn via MSM news, then you can pay the price for your misguided sense of well-being that requires injecting every human being on the planet. Stay home to practice ultimate social distancing if you insist upon bubble-wrapped safety, 5-point harnesses, and impenetrable personal force fields while screeching that even a 0.000000001% risk is unbearably high. I have had quite enough of you driving alone in your car with a mask and masking up to walk your dog when there is not another human being within a city block's proximity. It's mass formation psychosis.

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It bothers me... a lot.

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This was my thought, so few, so late in the process. Glad it's more than just Ron Johnson, but....So few. So late. WTF?

My own senators and Congressman reply glibly to any letters I've sent, with "the CDC says...." Kinda like "mommy may I?"

I believe I've become a single issue voter, something I used to decry. The issue is "emergency" powers at federal, state, county and city levels.

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" I have written him off " -- as well as writing him off, wouldn't it be a good idea to let him know exactly why? How else are these creatures to know the strength of feeling of some of their electors?

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I would end up writing him monthly if I kept enumerating the reasons why he has disqualified himself. I corresponded with him twice following the last election and asked if he was going to remain passive or become more vocal about ensuring election processes we can all trust. After getting replies that were completely tangential, I made it very clear that he had received my last vote in 2018 and there would be zero support for him in 2022.

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

One party is conspicuously missing.

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I think I know why as well. information is still being "diluted" and or suppressed..

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I can tell Ted Cruz was in involved.. reads like a lawsuit: I doubt they will answer but there is nothing like knowing the right question: as I have always said. Ya gotta know what to ask.

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Jun 9, 2022·edited Jun 9, 2022

Add this to the letter: Healthy Young People Are Dying Suddenly and Unexpectedly from Mysterious Syndrome in Australia – Doctors Baffled and Seek Answers.....try "Side effects of Co-vid 19 vaccines."

People aged under 40 are being urged to have their hearts checked because they may potentially be at risk of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.

The syndrome, known as SADS, has been fatal for all kinds of people regardless of whether they maintain a fit and healthy lifestyle.




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I was aware of those since I have kept from the beginning: noted in teenage boys as well here. that was anecdotally revealed.

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Jun 9, 2022·edited Jun 9, 2022

Correct, now they have a different name for it, before we called it Side effects of Co-vid 19 vaccines.......

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I hoped I liked that. :) medicine as people who have worked in has a real dark sided humor: TGIF. I know. tactless rofl.

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Jun 9, 2022·edited Jun 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I just wrote the following letter to my representatives:


I just read a Substack article from Dr. Robert Malone about 18 Congressional members who wrote a letter to the FDA about the upcoming approval of a dangerous therapy for children who do not need it.

Here is an excerpt from Dr. Malone's Substack:

"Eighteen sitting Congressional members wrote a strong letter to the FDA demanding answers prior to the decision by regulators to approve COVID-19 vaccines for babies and young children aged 6 months to 4 years old. The FDA VRBPAC advisory panel is scheduled to meet on June 15 to discuss authorization and this letter addresses the fact that there are questions and facts that the FDA must consider prior to EUA authorization."

My question is this: You are my representative: Why wasn't your name on this letter?

Dr. Malone's Article: https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/members-of-congress-demand-answers?s=r

Full Letter from 18 Congressional Members: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/61910a2d98732d54b73ef8fc/t/62a1f2424b1b577dd89a34b1/1654780508888/lawmakers-write-to-fda-vrbpac.pdf

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Thank you

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No, I thank YOU! 🙏

Until we lose this right too, we must contact our elected representatives about important topics, even if we think / know they will ignore us. When we contact them officially, they will be unable to say “Oh, I didn’t know about this issue or that it was important to you.”

Dr. Malone, by shining light on these issues and writing about them so clearly, you enable citizens to intelligently express our ideas and keep our elected officials accountable. So thank you a million times over!

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Jun 9, 2022·edited Jun 9, 2022

Doing the same just now

Find your senator


Find your representative


Copy this letter and send

Thank you Big E

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Yay! Let's keep it going. Thank you, Paul R.

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Yea, well, just got a reply from my congressman regarding my letter two weeks ago about WHO pandemic treaty. Lol. Full of press release BS, and gushing about how good it'd be to have WHO in charge. I can't believe this shyte.

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I, too, have received similar worthless, tone-deaf comments from my representatives. Often, these replies are form letters put together by staffers. But I believe our comments must be cataloged and recorded, so we have that, at least -- and we can share that feedback with others once it's in writing.

Replies that are full of bad policy can be used as guidance as you educate yourself and other voters about the positions of your congressman. We must do everything we can to vote bad legislators out of office and encourage good ones to run.

Yes, I know voting the bad apples out is difficult to do when so many are still asleep and elections are still "unclean." But when citizens make no attempt to stop bad government (through legal means, of course), they are complicit in that bad government.

P.S. The letters of thousands worldwide re: WHO must have had an effect, as this treaty has been paused (for now, at least).

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excellent!!! can you attach a text file that is downloadable to reuse?

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I’m not sure this platform allows attachments.

But you certainly can copy/paste what I wrote into a text file, then copy/paste it into the contact form for your elected representatives.

Here’s a good place to look up and contact representatives: https://www.govtrack.us/

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What infuriates is that there will be NO accountability for 'side effects' - such as death - of young children from indiscriminate injections of toxic concoctions via US government mandates. INSANITY rules!

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It appears the goal is to jab as many young people/children as possible before long term side effects are clearly identified. Why? They say a conspiracy theorist today is a person who is about 3 weeks ahead of the news cycle....

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Partly it's to protect the scam that produced the coup in 2020. Partly it's hope the scam will continue working so they maintain power. November will signal whether it's over.

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"“The broad approach of the CDC and FDA to date has been a one-size fits all policy—get the vaccine regardless of age, risk factors, the underlying health of the individual, or previous infection,” the members wrote to FDA "

... and even regardless the vaccine! Could I take the saline injection instead then?

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After all, the saline injections have lower over-all mortality than the "vaccines" and they stop the virus just as much as those... but probably they are even better, as they don't generate negative efficacy...

So we have a new COVID vaccine: the saline injection :P!

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Keep the info Trumpet sounding. Always helpful, well thought, and penned.

It is heartbreaking, sickening, and tragic that We The People are forced to "request" (outrageous and arrogant) FOIA from our servants or that our elected reps must pursue and even force agency administrators for the information we own.

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What the heck took so long? Why didn’t they do this a year ago? Thank goodness they ARE doing it but it’s pretty late in the game. I will certainly note these names and support them if I can.

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent! I am so thankful for these 18 heroes!

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I absolutely agree with and support any and all initiatives to put the “emergency use authorization” powers away with regard to the Covid 19 vaccines. In fact, having viewed your Headwind —The Debate twice (in addition to related videos) I am a loss to understand the justification for the continuing promotion of mismatched vaccines for the now existing Covid variants going forward. While I consider this a major block to going forward generally, THIS CONSIDERATION IS VITALLY PERTINENT to young children!

I am heartened to see dedicated members of our Congress are pursuing this matter. To the extent there is an identified need this election season, I’m all for extending any support we are able offer! I also think that once these issues are resolved, it would be helpful to see they know how much we appreciate their efforts!

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), as the agency reviews Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for COVID-19 shots, The VRBPAC meetings began Tuesday. The meeting schedule is:

June 7 — EUA for Novavax’s COVID-19 shot for adults.

June 14 — Amendment to Moderna’s EUA to include primary series to children and adolescents 6 through 17 years of age.

June 15 — Amendment to Moderna’s EUA to include primary series for children 6 months to 5 years and amendment to Pfizer’s EUA to include the primary series to children 6 months through 4 years of age.

June 28 — Proposed “Future Framework” for COVID-19 shots.

I continue to be concerned about any Proposed “Future Framework” for COVID-19 shots! In view of their IMO derelict continuing promotion of “mismatched” vaccines and the even more egregious denials of early treatments with well established affordable drugs - This Seems To Me to be a MAJOR ISSUE REMAINING TO BE RESOLVED!

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