Apr 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm pretty sure the tyranny will continue to increase. Too many people wake up too late, if history is any guide. But worse, I think inter- and intra-national violence will too. But I agree with trying to increase the collaboration of our tribe and the growth of it by continual debate and education. If we can't turn things all the way around, let's at least live a life that is worthy to be called human. I pray for your continued health and success, Dr. Malone. Thanks for all you've done and will do.

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Jeff, your words to Dr. Malone are exceptional. I could not have said this any better so I ditto your post.

God bless the Malones! Thank you for your wisdom and optimism.

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Words have meaning, and thus only the truth has sufficient power to overcome lies. One must be very careful choosing our words in order to release this power of truth... even the hint of untruth will negate your efforts.

For example, "human". It's not what you think it is (people). Rather, its etymology & application is the manifestation, or fulfillmentof Gen 3:5, to be as a god. "Hu" is an ancient egyptian god of sensuality, credited with creation of mankind and thus, "human" denotes a hybrid being totally dedicated to sensual expression, secular and not sacred.

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I believe humans are designed to be rational and moral beings. Thus, to me, to "live a life that is worthy to be called human" is to live a rational and moral life.

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Ok.... And I agree, but only from a purely secular point-of-view. Case in point, the use of "moral" in your comment carries with it a system of norms & preferences designed to ensure civil society... Which is a secular substitute for God's sacred righteousness (whether as law or grace). So if one wants to bring the power of truth to bear, that secular context detracts from that truth.

Putting it differently, and to quote Pontius Pilate, "what is truth?" Jesus didn't answer because it wasn't the correct question.... "Who", not "what".

But backing up just a bit.... You also Indicated that humans are designed.... By whom? God of the Holy Scripture? Not so, since he designed MANKIND for His purposes & His glory... But "humanity" is all about declaring man's glory in opposition to God.

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Can you give a source? I've never heard that definition.

This source says human = "of man" https://www.etymonline.com/word/Human

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Hmmm.... "of man"... But not "of God"? I though "man" was made in God's image, so your etymology indicates that God didn't create "human", man did.

I could cite sources that would describe how the etymology may have EVOLVED (another tell), with adequate ambiguity... Likely not sufficient to convince all , but isn't truth what we are trying to discern here? My position is that anything other than God's word will not be truthful, as it is the only source of truth. Anything less devolves into a game of "truthiness".

Putting it differently, the serpent stipulates that "man" will become as a god (to himself?) at Gen 3:5, and God's word verifies that it happened at Gen 3:22. If man'kind changed into another form, a demi-god being, what else would you call it? It's no longer just "man" as God designed, but a hybrid being. "Human" fits. That why scripture indicates that Seth was fashioned in the image of fallen Adam (Gen 5:3), but Apostle Paul tells us that redeemed man "is a new creature" ( 2Cor5:17, Gal 6:15).

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Wow - I did not know that

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I have come across many people who act like robots and find out that these are the people who do not read. All they believe in is what Government and Media put in front of them. They do not want to hear anything that's different because it makes them feel uncomfortable. Perhaps we should show them the interview on Khmer Rouge, this would be a sledge hammer wake up, OR?

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Apr 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, If you need help, just wave a flag here. I come from the film and marketing industry, and believe it's time to use the tools of propaganda for the good, for once. There is an army of ants ready to lift a caterpillar for this purpose.

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I could use help on a project -could we connect?

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I have an extensive resume in similar fields but more focussed on web presence and reputation management. e.g Designing and creating social media infrastructure to cast the widest nets as well as web series production and promotion. Hit me up if you need help- nwaddesign@gmail.com

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That's why i'm here. janwellmann@proton.me for email. I can give rest of details there. Aho!

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I also! I executive-produced the feature-length documentary, "HiGH: The True Tale of American Marijuana", which exposed a $93 million scam that supposedly prevented kids from abusing drugs but actually inflicted severe psychological trauma, while persuading parents to pay to have their kids abused horrifically. (Spat on. Forced to sit in their own feces. Watched while using the toilet. Beaten. Forced to make false confessions in order to get water or food. And worse). Because of prevalent propaganda, parents fell for the swindle, lost all their money, and got back a child with serious mental problems, or a casket containing their suicide-victim child.

Hit me up at rschubring@gmail.com anytime.

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Apr 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We can fight back. As a practicing surgeon now retired from OR (49 years was plenty) and after 20,000 to 30,000 operations- i still have friends family patients ask my advice on (usually surgical or cardiac issues)... i almost always refer to a specialist I would trust to go to and one who is not a propagandist first-- and usually on our side - the side of informed consent and freedom to choose by the patient. For those reading this...it is okay to say NO to your doctor. If he tries to explain it and you still feel No, then say it. Walk out if necessary- find a different doctor

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Steve Kirsch is looking for experienced medical help in Covid Vaccine Injury investigation should this be of interest to you in retirement.


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I think I already gave him my information

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Dr. Feldman, I’ve often thought of moving to a state that allows medical freedom and protects its citizens. Lately with the government push to divide the population with these social wedge issues I feel the feds will begin inserting their hand picked governors as in Arizona. (Similar to King George appointing governors on the colonies). I fear soon saying no will not be an option.

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Apr 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yes. We will join on your voyage. You are not alone. Reading you, we too feel less alone. We want to join the quest for a resurrection of true voices, free to speak, free to choose, free to know and see and seek the truth. We follow you and your truth.

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Agreed and well said!

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Free people need access to sources of truth and have the right to make up their own minds on critical issues. Your writings have provided an important source during these evolving times. Keep it going, we will need your voice even more in future days!

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Apr 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Well done..your best yet..

So glad I found and followed you both..

Keep up the good work,know it’s very much appreciated by many..

Top fan..this is very much a share..

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Apr 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Please do not forget that the single greatest developer of propaganda, Edward Bernays, was the nephew (x2) of Sigmund Freud, was steeped in the burgeoning field of psychology, and was capable and vibrant enough to gestate and fertilize this abomination into modern society.

The umbilical connection between psychology and propaganda deserves a solid highlight.

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The Assault on Truth by Masson - very enlightening. The author paid dearly for calling attention to what he found.

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There are actually psychology, psychiatry and psychoanalysis. Each have a raft of theories. In college, I wanted to get into motivational research (likely that times version of psyops today). You are right, all play a part in what we are experiencing today and well deserve consideration.

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Apr 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Well said Doc. I'm at a similar crossroads, as an older MD with distinguished career, recently "punished" by the Colorado medical board for prescribing Ivermectin before anyone had even heard of it... I appreciate, and share your focus on what you wish for the next years of life to look like, and making choices to go there. I enjoy your columns - one of the few I read regularly. Keep up the great work. You might take a break and enjoy my simple weekly newsletter of many years, available at imcwc.com

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Thanks for your good work Dr Rollins!

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You are brave for risking punishment and doing the right thing!

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Apr 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you, Dr. Malone. The language of the ‘propagandist’? That which he does not believe he will be held accountable for by the Creator. When the enemy of our soul speaks, he speaks in his native tongue… Lies. When the Messiah (Jesus) speaks, He bring LIGHT into the darkness. He brings Life. He brings Hope. He brings Truth. He brings Peace. He brings Holiness. He brings healing. He brings accountability. Peace.

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Amen brother. Jehovah Rapha. The healer

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Amen, on many levels. His is THE 'Light of the World’.

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Apr 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Best of luck, brave warrior. We are with you all the way.

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Apr 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Whatever you decide to do going forward you can rest assured that we who follow your every word and wait with bated breath to here more of your wisdom, will be right here with you. I wish there was something that we could all do for each other to make the load lighter, but there is not. We will all have to face what comes and hope that we all meet up in the aftermath, stronger and better for our journey.

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Apr 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Sunlight really is the best disinfectant.

Every day a few more people wake up to the lies, hypocrisy, manipulation and self-interested theft that is ruining our country and abusing the ordinary, working men and women who play fair, take care of their families and friends and follow the rules. Why is Gates buying farmland? Who's behind the epidemic of obesity and malaise of our citizens? Is Soros good for America? They may enjoy power, prestige and protection now, but how long will their underpaid and abused security guards stand by them when a vengeful public comes to settle accounts?

Keep shining that light, Soon enough the cockroaches will scurry.

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Apr 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you so much for this and all the other articles. You have been a "clear voice in the wilderness"'

Every one of your articles resonate with us, I hope to keep on reading your clarity for years to come!

When so many of our family and friends bought into the lies, we were like an island in the "Crazy Ocean" Thank you and Dr Jill so much for all your hours/ days/ months and years of good work!

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Apr 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Count me in brother Robert. You are so right we need freedom more than anything. If we don't have freedom we are not truly alive. I am so happy to see you are going for it! I look forward to reading and seeing you every where. Perhaps we will see our God do another "Passover" miracle for our Nation.

We must keep praying to the mighty God of the universe to save us all. Love to you and yours.

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Apr 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You are priestly warriors, I think. Your writing with your wife is a unique weapon in the battle because you risk opening your heart and soul to your readers. You are free to be human, free to think and feel and make creative connections while in the midst of battles. You both have a unique contribution, you inspire courage in my family in our determination to continue to be part of the resistance for the long haul. I hope you get to know Bret Weinstein and his wife Heather who work together. And I hope God keeps giving you both strength and courage to be open because you help us stay human. Keep writing!

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I am so impressed with your ability to keep bringing ever so thoughtful writings. I am rightfully considered a senior and only recently recognized propaganda through recreational Medical Doctor friends. Around campfires they explained, if they counseled patients on the benefits of diet, exercise and or naturopathic endeavors, they did not get paid, ( a modicum of embellishment ). If they write a prescription they do get paid and significantly more. I then realized their education was rigged and rife with pharma based propaganda. The mechanical side of medicine, ( surgery, diagnostics, etc. ), is nothing short of miraculous. The pharmaceutical side of medicine could not be more corrupt. These good Doctors were forced to endure many hours of pharma brainwashing and propaganda in order to get their credentials. A travesty that started with Rockefeller and other financially overweight individuals. It continues today with Gates, Farrar and company.

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I’m not sure how your doctor friends got paid for prescribing. Back in the day there were gifts. But not for years. The part about indoctrination is certainly true.

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