What we now call "conflicts of interest" were once insider trading and RICO crimes. Every politician behind Schwab's Great Reset agenda has a stock portfolio that make Al Capone look like a Boy Scout by comparison. Millions to corrupt "public servants" translates to billions in toxic profits. Enough, time to put them all on trial for treason & crimes against humanity.

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DHS is claiming trucks parked on a bridge is "terrorism" while silent on whether locking people down, destroying their businesses, costing them their jobs, stunting the kids development, forcing participation in medical experiments is terrorism...


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'When the government does it...it can't be illegal, by definition.'...that is the basic gist of what the boy-tyrant said.

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That was Nixon's defense and it didn't work out so well for him.

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Nixon didn't control the media. Modern tyrants do.

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That's largely true, not entirely. CIA has always been tight as ticks with NASDAQ's Mahogany Row and media. I did think twice about using Nixon reference but defaulted to popular riff despite its historic bias.

As a student of history & contrary to Hollywood myths of triumphant free press, Nixon was offered to an angry public for their pound of flesh to shut down Church/Pike Committee investigations into CIA criminality and domestic operations. Nearly all Pike's findings are still classified since 1976 but here's a peek at what we do know.



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History never repeats. Too many variables. Mistakes do repeat, though. Human nature is pretty consistent.

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That was a different time in a completely different world... that no longer exists.

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Language as weapons in the information war & despicable lies by a cadre of cowards.

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I hope that the trials will happen. Yes, they are not conflicts of interest, but more of a highly criminal insider trading. Rig the system for the oligarchs so they can take money, power and freedom from the common people and transfer it to themselves for the "good" of all the earth.

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Zero in on Trudeau.

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I may have shared this before, but it’s so pertinent to this article, I can’t resist:

“A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”

—John F. Kennedy, Address on the 20th Anniversary of the Voice of America (https://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/jfkvoiceofamerica.htm)

Here is a lengthier, equally relevant excerpt:

“In 1946 the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution reading in part, ‘freedom of information is a fundamental human right, and the touchstone of all the freedoms to which the United Nations is consecrated.’ This is our touchstone as well. This is the code of the Voice of America. We welcome the view of others. We seek a free flow of information across national boundaries and oceans, across iron curtains and stone walls. We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”

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When the water from the well of truth is soiled by the pellets of poison. it becomes undrinkable to most. We have a cult that is driven by fear, that has been pounded since 9-11. with fabricated lies of security threats. where freedom was surrendered for security every day and twice on Sunday. we can only hope the awaking spearheaded by these incredible spiritual warriors who have the passion find the light of the way.

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Always so easy to blame people without power (nucs and advanced weapons) who have traditional values that don't align with woke globalism (aka systemic intolerance). Read third world muslims here. The bullies have cut their teeth on these tribal folks, and now their attention is on us. As Biden said in a fit of illogic, the tree of liberty is NOT watered by the blood of patriots and tyrants because you need nucs and fighter jets to take on the government.

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Joe was as wrong about that as everything else. A convoy of trucks will do it.

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Way back when Geo W Bush used lies leading up to the Iraq war to justify the creation of Homeland Security, I sensed that this new government department was unnecessary and would eventually prove dangerous. Had I been alive when J. Edgar and his boyfriend were lying about the exploits of the FBI, I'd like to think I would have seen through their ruse. Ditto for the CIA and other alphabet soup bodies. They are all incompatible with authentic representative democracy, they are all cancers on the Republic. Today, the disease they embody has metastasized and infected the entire popular media. It's come to the point where I immediately assume that what the "news" salesmen say or what the government agencies they shill for may say is a boldfaced lie. My life has changed because of this conviction. I no longer watch television, listen to the radio, or read any popular papers or magazines. Instead, I spend most mornings reading Substack and other alternate sources of information. Those I follow there are better informed and, for the most part, far more skilled with English than their popular media counterparts.

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It gave me great pause when G. Bush II said that the muslim terrorists were attacking our way of life .... so it was time to go shopping. We have been good little "consumers". Now so many of us are consuming trash that they spoon feed to us

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Slave-made trash, no less.

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This is how it starts. Slowly, then all at once. Criminalizing speech. Conspiracy theories (truth) as crimes against the state. We know where it all goes. Voting accordingly might not even matter anymore. Soon it will be time to race to Mexico and build that wall. See you in Puerto Vallarta soon Good Citizens.

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LOL- I'll buy you a margarita when we meet there.

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Do we really know where it all goes?

Can I get a look at your crystal ball?

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Yeah sure thing. Come on over. I put out about one a week.

Children of The Free States (set in 2049)


The Silent War (where we are now)


Everything Is Clear From Up Here (where people need to go quickly)


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Project Veritas has exposed FDA corruption. Watch video here:


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When I watched that guy talk, my resolve grew even stronger that I will NEVER EVER take any sort of “vaccine” ever again. (Ha! They lost me with the Covid jab lies: I used to take the annual flu vaccine, and got the shingles, pneumonia shots as well… but have since learned how harmful even these can be.)

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Feb 16, 2022·edited Feb 16, 2022

My research never focused on medicine prior to this covid nonsense. So I dove into these "clinical trials" (don't make me laugh) and did a lot of analysis of what had been submitted in the past to the FDA as proof that various drugs/vaccines work. Well what a laugh that turned out to be. First of all these supposed "gold standard" random trials are not random! In fact the populations are self selecting only the administering of the treatment is random....strike one! Furthermore, the efficacy calculations are statistical rubbish! Strike two. It's slight of hand using percent change of percent change. What could go wrong? I found that the statins my physician tried to force on me are garbage with a true risk reduction of 1%! Same goes for the flu vaccines. Those came in at a whopping 1.2%. It's all a joke! I could not find a single drug that actually works. OMG this is unbelievable. As far back as I went it was the same thing. All garbage. Hell the small pox vaccine didn't work, the polio vaccine didn't work. NONE OF THEM WORK! Strike three!

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Paul, your thoughts mirror mine...love, love, love what you wrote here! As for the drug/ vaccine efficacies, you haven’t yet mentioned the harms!! It’s possible (but please don’t feel obliged!) that you might enjoy my every-other-week musings, here’s my latest: https://rumble.com/vusufg-freedom-tucker-bannon-as-leaders-in-this-new-realignment...episode-90.html

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Thanks Deborah. I will do that. I have done the usual efficacy calculations using all cause mortality and morbidity as an end point. This data came from 6 month followup filings with the FDA and published in the NEJM. Here's what the results were:

Moderna VE= -322.59% with 1 harmed in every 5 vaccinated

Pfizer VE= -52.38% with 1 harmed in every 241 vaccinated

JNJ VE= -80.32% with 1 harmed in every 74 vaccinated

Stellar results! Why aren't these people in jail?

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The Pfizer Absolute Risk Reduction was only 0.7% right from their own trial data, so how could it be effective. They pulled a fast pne by citing the Relative Risk Reduction as the basis for 95% effectiveness.

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Pfizer 0.840% and Moderna 1.237%. Right they use 1-RR ... useless. It's not scalable as I've proven. These naive calculations only serve to mask the truth as you suggest. Wish I had known about this 3 decades ago. If you read medical research papers done by curious physicians prepared in the 1940's and 1950's you will see that they went out of their way to understand the data. No mickey mouse fill the page with p values multiplicity problems everywhere as they do now. These doc's were trying to get at the truth. They dug deep into the data trying understand, trying to glean something, anything. Now it's slam it into the computer, run 1000 statistical tests, copy, paste, and print. Pathetic.

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Flu vaccines were grooming for COVID compliance . . . .

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Feb 16, 2022·edited Feb 16, 2022

Wow! So happy to hear of the growth of Rumble. More people eschewing MSM and going to excellent sources like yourself, Glen Greenwald and many other excellent leaders. Thank you for your leadership. I shudder to think where we would be without leaders like you.

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A censorship story at Rumble

I used to comment in Rumble communities as merlin369

Censorship has silenced me.

Rumble has implemented a diabolical tactic: Surreptitious Censorship

This tactic is clever. I can still post comments from merlin369.

Yet no-one can see my comments but me. Pretty nifty – huh?

I have the top performing comment on many pages:


Most comments are prewritten. They seek to inform and educate.

A Great Fraud is occurring. And an INFORMATION WAR.

Rumble is choosing sides.

No free speech. No open debate. Censorship rules!

My censorship story begins 10/25/21. Rumble deleted a comment where I disclosed a fraud by the CDC in manipulating PCR tests – of the vaxed. I alerted members in 8 different Rumble communities. Many upvotes occurred. It was deleted within hours. I reposted it - with an ALERT.

“CENSORSHIP ALERT. The comment above by merlin369 was deleted by Rumble on 10/25/21 in different communities. It was the most upvoted comment on some pages. Evidence indicates the page owner DID NOT censor it. Rumble owes members some answers. DOES RUMBLE CENSOR? IF SO, WHAT ARE THE RULES? End the Censorship!”

Rumble remained silent.

On Sunday 10/31/21, I posted several top performing comments (on Russel Brand, Rubin Report, Dan Bongino). These created a bit of a stir. Downvote attacks occurred.

On the following Monday - everything changed.

I posted a comment highlighting several INFORMATION WARRIORS (David Martin, Whitney Webb, Dr Malone, Robert Kennedy Jr, Paul Craig Roberts, etc…) on 4 rumble communities.


I could see my new comment. Yet, NO-ONE ELSE COULD.

Not the Page Creator, their Staff, or other Members could see it.

Rumble had implemented: SURREPTITIOUS CENSORSHIP

Testing of this new diabolical form censorship reveals…

Rumble is now executing this “Surreptitious Censorship” in at least two ways:

1. Certain member accounts (0 comments get publicly seen), and

2. Comments from all members are now filtered. If the comment includes certain words (like “censorship”), or if one attempts to disclose this “surreptitious censorship” – the comment gets instantly Surreptitiously Censored. [human intervention by Rumble can potentially release it later].

Censorship + Deceit. What a business model. Is this youtube 2.0?

(Be warned. If Rumble is globally censoring comments from Members now. Might you have any doubt that Rumble will do this to Creators later? Examine history.)

Rumble owes its MEMBERS some ANSWERS.

Members and Creators need to be alerted to this diabolical tactic.

Thank you for your service Dr. Malone – it is needed

Keep the faith. And challenge the lies.

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Who owns/operates Rumble?

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Tell Glenn Greenwald about this. You can reach him via his Substack. He is a big Rumble fan.

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Yes, I posted a comment that corresponded to the video, which was about immunizations. My comment included a link to watch another video on Rumble about the book DISSOLVING ILLUSSIANS by Roman Bystrianyk & Dr Suzanne Humphries. It said my my comment would be evaluated before being posted but they never posted it.

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Glen Greenwald moved to Rumble specifically because of Rumble's commitment to free speech. It is my understanding that he has access to the Rumble executives. You may consider informing him of your experiences as I suspect he'd be inclined to follow-up directly with Rumble, given how highly he values free speech platforms.

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Feb 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Without narrative control, the truth would emerge! Fauci and his cohorts have led us down the wrong path in medicine with fatal avoidable outcomes in the 10's of 1000's. When will the voices of legitimate medicine be heard and not stifled?

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Feb 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The truth IS emerging, even with narrative control.

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“All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force.” - George Orwell

Are we entering the force phase? Stay frosty folks. And pray! The good guys WIN.

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They may rely exclusively on force, but they'll never stop with the lies. Trudeau falsely labeling peaceful protesters as terrorists provides cover to take horrible actions. Especially with corporate media so committed to the cause. It's disappointing how many people still trust the media and globalist tyrants like Trudeau.

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IMO it would also be extremely helpful to remind the less informed of exactly what a vaccine does in readily understandable street terms. A large portion of the population thinks a vaccine does something much different than train/prepare the immune system to handle a pathogen. They think a vaccine is an agent that interacts with the pathogen to kill it. Hence why they think *it* wears off after a while (no different than an alcohol buzz wearing off) and so it only follows to them that of course *it* needs to be "replenished to keep it going"... Setting that misinformation straight needs to be a priority IMO.

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Feb 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Free Speech Can Lead To Violence And Terrorism.

Therefore... .... because we care about your safety.

Thank you Daddy.

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It should be very alarming that the so called solutions to election “misinformation” is more opacity and centralization.

Election transparency is desperately needed. Hand-counted, paper ballets in local precincts.

Dr Shiva exposed the systematic corruption in state election directors. It is by design.

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Regarding your question about embedding a Rumble video, I don’t think it’s possible :-( Only YouTube urls automatically embed. For other platforms, you have to take a screenshot of the video, insert that image into your post, and then link the image to the video url.

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Yes, a huge problem here. I think you can download the video from the source (rumble) using 4k downloader and then upload it here to the podcast tab and then maybe embed or create the post around it?

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Yes, it's pretty much a problem everywhere as most platforms only recognize YouTube urls. Your workaround might work but sounds pretty convoluted ;-)

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Depends on upload and download internet speed and length of the video. Anything under 10 minutes can be downloaded from rumble and reuploaded to substack in under a few minutes with fast service.

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Can we go back to pamphlets please??!!

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In summary: just know the difference between RIGHT and WRONG.

Vote for these things if you want a future for our children and grandchildren.

Shopping List:

Secure Borders

Energy independence

A Strong Military

No Medical Mandates

Financial Mandates on Congress and Senate seat holders for investing in the stock market or other investments.

Funded Police

Remove Teachers Union

Term limits on all Congress and Senate

Legit Identification for VOTING

Equal Opportunity NOT equal OUTCOME!

Please add if I left something out.

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Add this…

Anything phrase ending in the word “justice” needs to end.

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"Mission creep" is just another case of leftists redefining words to fit their need for new verbal weaponry. The landscape is littered with examples. "Domestic violence," for example, has been stretched to include raising your voice, allowing leftists to more easily remove second amendment and other rights. "Racism" is now stretched so thin that it covers everything we do or say with the proviso that the term cannot be applied to a leftist. The list goes on. Words are powerful weapons to these people because they repeatedly redefine a word, each time increasing its blast radius. Meanwhile, those words become useless for any other purpose but name-calling. If I did not already despise leftists for their hatred and destruction of my country, I would despise them for the irreparable damage they have done to the English language.

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If I drive to Barstow Wednesday and hug a trucker can my bank account be frozen for being “a domestic terrorist”?

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The English language can bounce back—as soon as we do!

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"Mission Creep" indeed. This may be your biggest understatement yet. I can't help but think most Americans agree that the act of secure voting is just not that hard to do. These elections officials claiming all of these "threats" and information difficulties simply prove our point. The risk of fraud, from all sources, surely outweighs the convenience of "mail in voting" and web-connected voting machines. So why don't we address the obviously ignored elephant in the room: Why not in-person voting with an approved ID and, under limited circumstances, with appropriate ID, absentee votes? The only reason against this is obvious, again, to all of us.

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As my mother used to say: "Give them an inch, and they'll take a mile."

Mom knew best!

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