Dec 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

One of the most discouraging and depressing things through all of this has been watching people like the Malones, Wolfes, Carlsons, etc., who started out "blue," who were pro-Biden, and who had friends among the liberal crowds, begin to change their thoughts and views on vaccines and politics, and then.....(this is where it hurt), then people who once interviewed them, who were "on their side," or traveled with them, began to turn on them for the most ridiculous reasons!!

Its easy when our enemies shoot arrows at us, we expect it, but when we're blindsided by people from behind, the hit feels harder.

Your skin thickens and you learn a few things.

You learn that when people's cruel actions don't make sense, its usually one of three things: jealousy, lust for power, or hunger for money.

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I think it could also be fear.

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You have to be willing to understand how psychopaths operate. They will create layers of deceit and "insiders" so that every layer believes a different lie.

A person can spend an entire lifetime just discovering all the ways we have been deceived. I don't want to do that; I want to remind people that there are things we can do about all this.

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Feels like we are getting over the target, Doc.

As with Al Capone and Meyer Lansky, the taking out of their clans' white collar descendants over this injection criminality may be through an indirect indictment.

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The descriptive “non profit” has long puzzled me. An article re the strike at Kaiser Permenente smacked of being disingenuous when it stated the NON PROFIT stood to lose billions of…..profit. And I have wondered how medical operations with non profit standing can pay their leaders a salary in the millions of dollars. That smells strongly of one whale of profit making to me. Think that term needs a rethink.

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

‘Managed Care’ = What makes money for Pharma and the Insurance companies.

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I would be most happy if non-profit status were non-existent. Many nonprofits seem to be money laundering schemes that soak taxpayers and donors while enriching their executives and wielding immense and undeserved power.

Delete that nonprofit part of our tax code and a whole lot of good really will get done. No more fundraising. Just valuable services In exchange for willingly-paid money.

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You want church organizations to have to pay taxes on their "profits" just like companies like IBM or Boeing?

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The government essentially censored churches by giving them non-profit, tax exempt status. I know of too many Christian pastors who are afraid to lose their tax exemption if they speak out about government injustices or corrupt politicians. Pay the taxes and shout out the truth.

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Yes. I've seen too much abuse. Reduce tax rates for all. Eliminate carve-outs.

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When they own factories like women’s foundation garment shops,,,,,yes

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Baby/Bathwater = important to differentiate.

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If you don't pay investors interest on the money they loan you, you can technically qualify to be a non-profit. You have to be able to prove that your organization qualifies for this status. but it doesn't mean you can't make a lot of money or pay your executives well.

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Thank you for your opinion. In my opinion with Brook Jackson’s lawsuit against Pfizer being tossed out because by the contract there was no fraud, the Government got what they wanted, it appears that the court didn’t feel these were FDA regulated products. I am no attorney and not a scientist, merely a practicing physician so I could easily be wrong. But the bioweapon model makes all the safety signals being ignored make much more sense. Greed alone doesn’t cut the mustard as governments in the west can always print money and give it to friends. The COVID-19 therapy via injection being a bioweapon seems to explain events better than any other theory.

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Anyone who has seen The Strecker Memorandum (1988) and also read Leonard Horowitz's 1996 book _Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola_, in which Dr Horowitz evidences the history and lab-creation of the race-based HIV/AIDS bioweapon (and also Ebola and Marburg), can see the eye-popping parallels to the current Covid bioweapon. ("There is nothing new under the sun.") Read the archived book, here: https://archive.org/details/emergingvirusesa00horo

Not only was the genocide and destruction of the fertility of the jabbed premeditated, but also it was developed as part of the USA’s and Israel’s long-running bioweapons programs (including race-based), including weaponizing cancer-causing viruses starting in the 1960s (see Edward T Haslam’s book _Dr Mary’s Monkey_).

Remember this from the 2009 swine flu attempted genocide involving Baxter Labs? 

His full name is Moshe Bar-Joseph, and he is (or was) a plant virologist:

Also see:


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Thank you. Always more to read.

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Indeed. The cats are always knocking over the tall piles of books I have on my desk and by my bedside.

It's really worth obtaining a hard copy of Dr Horowitz's _Emerging Viruses_. You won't regret it. There are always a few on Ebay.

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The ADL has been making fools of themselves so long finding sheep in wolves clothing that I was calling them the banal breath league a good 30-40 yrs ago prior to their name change

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Can't say exactly when this started, but the ADL is currently harmful to normal Jews because they scream "antisemite" whenever anyone criticizes certain, influential people who Very Obviously are not even trying to practice Judaism.

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Maybe I’m missing something as a non religious person but my experience with Jews, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Atheists, Mormons, etc., has been consistently the same. They are all mostly good people with a few less than perfect, but all are mostly indistinguishable without finding out which group they associate with. So for me the hatred displayed against Jews or any other group could be directed to any of them based on individual experiences or how they were raised. In other words they were taught. I was fortunate to be influenced greatly by MLKJR and I feel sorry for those who missed that lesson since the same has been true of skin color as well.

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Dec 30, 2023·edited Dec 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It’s an ancient feud, and yes there are people who want to keep it alive… just like in the US. There are race/religious baiters in every culture, it’s usually more about power than anything else. Most people want to live in peace with their neighbor.

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Bingo !

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This is a social mechanism that most people need to understand better.

Most people DO NOT need the lectures about being tolerant and peaceful. They are being egged on, "baited," by criminals in their midst who are trying to keep their own crimes secret by creating conflicts between otherwise good people. If you want peace in a family, a community or on a planet, you ALWAYS find out who is working hard to turn good people against each other. And you expose those people and what they are doing to take away their power to create havoc.

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I’m getting so confused. I thought it was acknowledged the FDA approved Comirnaty but were not really functioning as a gatekeeper. They were merely a rubber stamp because this was being run out of the DoD. Sorry, I’m mangling that, but it’s a vague recollection at this point. Dr. Yeadon insists this is a bioweapon. It seems preposterous, but with his background, it seems he would have some ability to judge. He could be wrong, of course. But what we’ve just gone through is SO weird, such a departure from past experience, how can anyone be certain? It SEEMS like we are under a war footing, given the blatant controls put over us. Another weird thing is the idea Dr. Yeadon “does not understand what’s going on”. What IS going on? I find myself constantly figuring out what to do that would make sense in the greatest number of scenarious. It’s a stupid way to live.

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But it *isn't* "such a departure from past experience". We have ample evidence of how our own government has, for many decades, experimented on unsuspecting people, and the SARS-CoV-2 lab-created, depopulation bioweapon is just one in a long line of lab-created, depopulation bioweapons, such as HIV/AIDS, Ebola, and Marburg. Read about the lab creation of those, under the umbrella of the NIH's "Special Virus Cancer Program" of the early 1970s, here: https://archive.org/details/emergingvirusesa00horo

Also, don't forget the 2009 Swine Flu "plandemic"


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Enter Stage Left: the WEF and WHO.

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I find it all just as confusing. LOL

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You can bet that the Deep bio-weapons program political science operators are reading all of this and similar articles to refine how to attack all viable opinions on the next engineered pandemic. Data suppression used by our and other untrustworthy Govt will be on a greater scale...internet outage for weeks and weeks...and everything piped thru local Govt censor buildings staffed by far left tyranny types, of course there will be an excuse why such censorship is required. As an interested party in healthcare management for decades medicine ethical behavior has been completely subverted by the CDC/FDA/HHS as well as the WHO, they no doubt are likely already planning how to censor the World from valid/accurate info on their new future bio-weapons usage...you do not need nerve agents or explosives to skew peoples minds and bodies just a manipulated virus and total Goebell’s style propaganda.

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It would be nice if Republicans were as adept as Dr. Malone when making a case for public consumption. They could be seen as earning their paychecks and retirement perks and a vote or two.

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What do you mean by "public consumption?"

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As in not a private conversation where people say what they really mean but would not say it directly to the public without adding loads of filters and qualifiers so they either don't offend or actually take a stance that could jeopardize their status.

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Well okay then!

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yeardon is riding a horse of a different color and I think his mount is lame. He should dismount and find a valid cause to pursue on a fresh horse.

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Another windmill to tilt.

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I know, I really think he is a genuine person, but as you said it would be more productive to 'pursue a fresh horse.'

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Starting with an objective - recruiting a critical mass of supporters - to pursue actions as regards issues of vital import. We began identifying the issues. Developed import. Speculated on causes. Refined problems. Begin to develop approaches/theories on how to attack problems identified. Broadcast about the issues. Added supporters. All (needs to be) is in flux. I personally, at this point, can't identify a merit of focusing on, arguimg about a definition of these "vaccines" in terms of responsibility for oversight. It's just one of many theories, that are out there. There are bigger, more pressing fish to fry today!

To me, the ultimate issue here is the disastrous mismanagement of the Covid pandemic and what needs to be done to see this never happens again. Dr Yeardon is a major disappointment and this attack is a major discredit to his participation in pursuit of the objectives.

Moving on to the ADL Mark Levin has been ferociously attacking them for several years now. He has covered his reasoning very adequately. I have agreed with his positions. I have not been sufficiently invested in these matters or in a position to need to launch a support to dwell on it. As for my approach - I meet each individual on the basis of who they are, who they represent themselves as being. Since coming to MD in the '60ties all of my doctors have been Jewish. A coincidence. I agree there are laudable folks and far less in All groups. When I learn the ADL and Hotez are teamed up against Substack, I do consider them suspect of unwarrented/unjust motives. If called on, will start from pro Substack point of view.

I'm very grateful and gratified that we here, on this substack are able to stay true to the goals we are pursuing. Our Dr's Malone are appreciated! Thank you for your true grit and sticking with these just pursuits!

On to our Sunday funnies. Then to tighten our seat belts for the fun house rides in the New Year!

Bestest Plus n Then Some ♡♡♡

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Jean: Re: "...disastrous mismanagement of the Covid pandemic..." Doesn't characterizing actions as "mismanagement" depend on what the starting objective was? Perhaps chaos, fear, and distrust were the result of expert management.

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Agree. Not to leave out the deaths and disabilities. The globalists (and Gates) dream.

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I think the silver lining of the covid protocols and mandates is the highlight on shots for kids to go to school. They have been and are victimized by SB 277 and pharma in general.

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I too was turned off by Dr. Brian Ardis' over the top claims about snake venoms. He was clearly 'self taught' as.a scientist--not that i am against that in principle, being self-taught largely myself. I dismissed him until I was stuck at a conference with him as the keynote speaker and I decided to attend his talk. Yes, there were the mistakes that only a self-taught scientist would make--the humoral immune system was equated with the adaptive immune system. But his overall point was really remarkable. If you go back to the original analysis of the coronavirus genome in Scientific American, Jan. 20 something, 2020, you'll see that they show that the virus is basically the original SARS CoV virus discovered in 2013 with the addition of five spikes, two of which come from the chinese king cobra snake, one from the chinese krait snake and two more from other toxic animals. Ardis went on from that, finding that tobacco was recognized as an antidote to covid by summer 2020. some of you may remember the honest effort to make a vaccine from burgmansia, a tobacco cousin. from there the research went on to show that snake venoms attack nicotine receptors including the ACE 2 receptor and finding to research showing that the nicotine patch has 'cured' or put in remission long covid sufferers. Ardis finally makes the jump to using nicotine patches as antidotes to covid, long covid, and vaccine side-effects. This is a worthwhile argument. Too bad it is undercut by his lack of competent scientism. This is not exactly a 'cried wolf' thing as much as a day-dreaming shepherd not exactly managing his flock competently but dreaming up a useful solution for his charge nonetheless.

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for your take on this, Matthew. As I know of you and your extensive background in healing and herbal uses, I am glad to see your knowledge in this piece. It is always valuable to have another educated voice.

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Thank you, D D. You may be interested in the herbal spin-off I got from our friend the snake venom salesman. I like to see correlations: my "science" is intuitive. Ardis mentioned that rabies is another virus that enters into nicotinic receptors. That struck an intuitive note. One of the first remedies recommended for covid was Chinese Skullcap, which is pretty close to interchangeable with American Skullcap. The latter has been used for both rattlesnake bite and rabies. The anecdotal work with rabies (7000 'cures' according to one doctor--Vandervere) dates to 1805-1840, but was so extensive and well known in New York City that it should not be scorned. This suggests that Skullcap would be another agent in covid, long covid, and injection side-effects. It ought to have more action on neurological symptoms and heat regulation than blood, I would think. The other herb which hits the nicotinic receptors is Lobelia, once an FDA approved drug (lobeline sulfate) for creating aversion to tobacco. Well attested, but it produced widely diverse reactions and is hard to use.

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I know what you mean.

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

( A more recent version of this conundrum is the false narrative that SpikeVax (Moderna) and Comirnaty (Pfizer/BioNTech) are intentionally deployed bioweapons designed to support a global depopulation agenda, and are not actually FDA regulated/approved pharmaceuticals.)-

They are both. It's an "approved" crypto bioweapon.

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You are good at putting a path of words together between premise and final “point” but independent points may intervene that must be bypassed or addressed directly and “immersion” in criticism at those points is always a risk.

Reminds me of crossing a bog in moonlight a la “Hound of the Baskervilles”. But you got there, Sherlock.

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Y’all need to watch “Leave the World Behind” on Netflix. The Obamas are the major producers and Barry cites it as one of his favorite movies. I firmly believe he produced it as a strategic ‘Karl Marx’ move to implement his future agenda for our country. It lays it all out perfectly. Watch the movie and THINK about it.

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I have watched it.

Some commentators, who I consider a bit simpleminded, complain about the young woman's "don't trust white people" line.

But the core of the story is that someone with evil intentions followed three simple steps to start a civil war in America. 1) Isolate 2) Create confusion and chaos 3) Conflict will result. It's a bit over-simplified, but several people think it's being used by the perps (who are insane) to warn us what they are planning to do.

I would say that the best step to defeat them on is 1) isolate. Get out and pay some attention to other people. Talk to them. See if you can make some friends. But if we flunk out on that one, we need to improve on our ability to stay unconfused. I am not interested in arming myself, but oif you have something valuable to protect, you might need a plan.

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We the People do have something extremely valuable to protect. Hundreds of thousands of Americans have sacrificed their lives to protect it. The 2nd Amendment to that “something” provides We the People with a plan. Wise people should always be prepared.

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I only wonder why you conflate the Gaza massacre with "real" anti-Semitism. That's an excuse that the Israeli government is using to silence their critics. Talk about crying wolf! And it's working about as well as crying wolf always does: it's creating the very anger it seems to decry.

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You misunderstand my point. After gaza, the depth and breadth of the underlying true antisemitism that already existed was revealed

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People are so bent up over gaza that it can be difficult for them to not force points of view to fit their internal framing

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What do you think of the slaughter of tens of thousands of civilians in gaza?

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10s of thousands? Hmmmm. Maybe if the kniuckledraggers quit building tunnels and arms caches in and under schools, hospitals and mosques the so called civilian casualties (our forays in Iraq and afganistan have pointed out the dubious nature of that classification) would be much lower.

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Yes tens of thousands mostly children and women

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And do not forget all those puppies and kittens

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Dec 31, 2023·edited Dec 31, 2023


21,600 deaths last i heard on the world news channel.

I doubt the numbers are accurate, as news channels tend to bullshit a lot. Most likely the fodder level is much higher

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Dec 30, 2023·edited Dec 30, 2023

You didn't ask me Daniel but I'll tell you what i think. Intentions matter. And credibility matters.

NYT and BBC have had to eat too much crow, after having accepted Hamas claims of Israeli atrocities at face value, and then later made fools when faced w/ electronic data captured by Israeli and US intelligence. BBC in particular ran multiple stories with Crisis Actor Mr. FAFO playing his many roles before they finally, finally woke up to the fact they were being duped.


Daniel, do you want to tell us what's going on here?:


On the question of intentions Daniel, does it matter that the Oct 7 attack by Hamas was carried out with the deliberate intent to rape and torture as many civilians as possible? And that non-Hamas Palestinians ventured out of Gaza to "me-too" the atrocities? Israel, OTOH, has made genuine efforts to minimize harm to civilians while attempting to eliminated Hamas terrorists, but yet killed civilians- not only Palis, but it's own Israeli civilians. In short, do intentions matter? Daniel?

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The intentions of zionists have been to get rid of the palestinian people since the beginning of all of this when they took their land. Israel is an apartheid terrorist state.

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Dec 30, 2023·edited Dec 30, 2023

I'm calling bullshit Daniel.

Israel does what is necessary to defend itself. But does not have the aim to get rid of the Palestinian people.

Israel left Gaza in 2005. That was 18 years ago. They have not attacked civilians in Gaza during that time. Yet Gaza continues to send missiles into Israel aimed at civilian targets.

Presidents Carter and Clinton worked very hard to negotiate peace between Israel and the Palestinians. Clinton in particular had Israel ready to agree to a peace. But the Palis would just not agree. The wise-crack about those negotiations was, "the Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. "

Israel is NOT an apartheid state. You're lying again. Arabs peacefully live in Israel with full citizenship rights, including holding elected office in the Knesset.

It's clear, Palestinians will NEVER, EVER agree to any resolution that doesn't include the elimination of the state of Israel.

Do you disagree with that Daniel? If you do, what do you base your opinion on? What have the Palestinians ever done to show good faith toward a peaceful solution, that doesn't call for Israel to commit suicide?

I'd still like to hear your thoughts on that bit of fake funeral trickery. And Mr. FAFO. It's deception. Don't you agree?

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Wasn't it the vaunted UNITED NATIONS who after WWII ended, VOTED to give the Jewish people a tiny slice of land in what had been Jewish land a couple thousand years ago?

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The Bible is replete with stories of the Philistines attacking the Israelites. King David’s youthful encounter with Goliath, a mighty Philistine warrior, is but one of these examples. Goliath lived in Gath, which is now part of Gaza. Gaza is mentioned in the Bible as one of the Philistine cities.

During the Roman Empire, this region was renamed to “Palaestina” following the Bar Kokhba revolt to punish the Jews with the name of their enemies. Emperor Hadrian renamed the land for the Jews’ archenemies, the Philistines.

But Jews remained in the land until the rebirth of Israel in May 1948. The small and scattered population of Arabs identified as Ottomans before 1917. When the entire empire collapsed, they identified as Arabs, not Palestinians. The creation of Palestinian identity only began in the 1960s with the rise of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), which was a terrorist group.

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I have to admit, if someone led me to believe they would inflict death or harm to my person and I had my lethal weapon available I would believe myself justified and would use it. More recently many US jurisdictions are agreeing this is a justified right. So, IMO if one doesn't want a lethal response don't initiate a lethal attack. As for those collateral, be wise and do not associate with (leave) those who disregard your wellbeing or overthrow their leadership.

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If you don't want a lethal attack, don't stick someone in a concentration camp for decades

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See? Here we go "tens of thousands slaughtered"? Have you really looked up the numbers? How many killed are Hamas members? How many civilians. How many are active supporters of Hamas?

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Daniel - those innocent civilians living in Gaza were willing participants. Liken them to the Germans living in Nazi Germany during WWII. Those who saw the writing on the wall tried to get out. These people who stayed supported the slaughter of Israeli civilians. Indisputable.

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Dec 30, 2023·edited Dec 30, 2023

I'm afraid that's not how it is you've been listening to the news. If you're more widely read I think you'll understand by searching out. What is really going on over there. Thank you.

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Dec 31, 2023·edited Dec 31, 2023

I've read several of your posts here Daniel. Do you really not see how lame they are? You're telling everyone you're right, and they're all wrong. But you don't tell them what they're wrong about. Nor do you provide any of the facts you found so persuasive.

You're telling people, "Do your own searches. Then you'll see what I see. "

You think we're all blank sheets of paper, and we haven't seen any information before now?

I'm asking now for the 4th time, what did you think about Palestinians' barbaric atrocities against women and children on Oct 7?

The fact you won't answer is itself an answer to the question.

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Oh, sure, these Palestinian infants and children are "willing participants". You state that it's "indisputable" that these infants and children support the "slaughter of Israeli civilians." These are the infants and children growing up in an open-air prison, being called "animals" by Zionists.

You mention Nazi Germany during WWII. Would you have agreed that any Russian or American soldiers had a right to murder or starve infants and children of Germans who were still living in Germany when the Allies arrived toward the end of the war? Those infants and children stayed in Germany, so is it "indisputable" that they supported the Nazis, and so it's perfectly fine to kill them or starve them to death?


And who is going to financially support these starving Palestinians to leave their open-air prison, where they have been oppressed by Israeli soldiers?


Where can they go? Bibi is planning to force any left alive after the genocide to "tent cities" in northern Sinai. But you, in all your decency, would rather these children murdered or slowly starved to death in their homes? Is it any wonder that orthodox Jews do not support the Zionist agenda and are against the genocide of the Palestinians?

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I agree with you.

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Genocide, and South Africa and many other countries see the truth of that also.

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Antisemitism is a thing but realizing that Israel is committing genocide on the Palestinians is not an antisemitic position, it would be condemned no matter the nation's religion. Jeremy Hammond is a reputable resource on the issue in my humble opinion.

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Dec 30, 2023·edited Dec 30, 2023

Well that is an appropriate mouthful. There are so many avenues where the rising and falling is being demonstrated. If I feel overwhelmed by the examples of "cry wolf" you must have to pull yourself up by the bootstraps numerous times a day! I've mostly seen the decay in smaller organizations locally, (I forgot to include my personal experience with the catholic church) but you put a face on it in the larger sense. It seems like the minute there is a "club" the fallout starts. No wonder I have not been a fan of organizations both large and small. Even when my son was in high school, he didn't want people to know his dad's family were Jewish. I was naive to the hatred. Now I'm just sad; for everything.

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