Obviously any semblance of regulation of pharma by the fed. Gov. Is history if in fact it ever really existed. The USG has grown too big and so is ripe for exploitation by grifting pharma who have shown nothing but disdain for financial penalties. It is time for state legislatures to take matters in hand and start passing laws carrying harsh criminal penalties for the type of egregious insult to our health care system outlined here. Pharma c.e.o.s may shrug at their companies being fined billions but may be a tad more reluctant to spend a decade or so in prison.

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the laws need changing to result in complete divestiture and dissolution of ANY company proven to have acted against the public trust or in traitorous fashion. When I'm king. . .

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Covid vaccines and Paxlovid doses are returned to Pfizer for a third-quarter write-off of $5.6 billion It reported its quarterly revenue of $13.2B was down 42% from 2022’s second quarter. My baby violin will only play if that $13B could be earmarked for the injured and its drug manufacturing license is revoked. Its Immunity from harm cannot apply if it knowingly sold a contaminated product and failed to advise the FDA

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Excellent piece, Robert. Thank you.

Until the innocents of the world accept that 'grifting pharma' is the white collar descendent of organized crime, they will be futilely focusing their efforts on cleaning up a good system gotten off course, rather than telling it like it is and going after the criminality with no faux reservations of 'we're Americans, our systems can't be that bad'. They are.

Organized crime from the 1930s and 1940s had the means, knowhow, and structures to be the 'kings' of drugs. They Were the kingpins of drugs and other rackets. Their partnership with US intelligence agencies during WWII opened government for their descendants to integrate with, first with law enforcement, then elected government, then bureaucracy. That's what is there today. To get flustered about "double-standards' or 'hypocrisy' of GOV is Sunday-school naivety. GOV is highly criminalize. Maybe not fully, but highly. “Absence of proof is not proof of absence”

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Very well said.

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Oct 31, 2023·edited Oct 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you both for your deep-dives. Some people seem fine. However, from what I have witnessed within my own church community (and their extended families when shared through our intercessory prayer emails, which I am administrator over), it has been those who received multiple injections, with prior known autoimmune diseases and formerly dormant cancers that seem to have been the most rapidly and negatively impacted. I have also observed the serious complications of many friends' daughters who have had trouble both conceiving and/or carrying a baby to full term… many of them employed as teachers within the public school system. The rapid onset of dementia has also been concerning… but it is hard to know if it is truly related. These are not scientific studies, obviously, but rather population group observances. Of those I know who did NOT receive any injections, overall health appears to remain consistent. Obviously, long-term health ramifications are unknown. Fear and anxiety negatively impact everyone’s health, so live your lives as healthfully (body, mind and spirit) as you can. Peace be with you.

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there seems to be considerable lot to lot variability in a number of aspects, which may partially explain this correct and accurate observation. Patterns of lot to lot variability in adverse events are well documents via VAERS data analysis of many research groups.

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Dr. Malone I need your help. My wife as you know is being forced to take a fourth shot. They only allow religious exemptions done on paper. Could you please forward me information on fetal cells or fetal tissues used in the shot. ThankYou sincerely!!

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James Goodrich - In case Dr. Malone does not have a chance to reply to your request, my husband found information for his religious exemption letter on the Liberty Counsel website when he needed it in the fall of 2021.

PRAYING that your wife is protected from being coerced into taking another shot....

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Thank you for this. I really don't understand why the hospital is doing this again to their employees. My wife says she will not take it. Thank you!!

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What they are doing is EVIL! Your wife is WISE to refuse. We knew my husband most likely would lose his job for refusing and doubted his employer would accept his religious exemption. He is our family's sole provider (humanly speaking) since I am a stay home mom homeschooling our child. BUT God impressed upon us that He would provide and we were NOT to take the gene therapy shots.

By God's grace, his company did accept his religious exemption two years ago for which we are ETERNALLY GRATEFUL.

If you have difficulty finding the religious exemption info on the Liberty Counsel website, call them for guidance. They are a REMARKABLE Christian ministry of attorneys (Matt Staver - founder) that are God's Warriors pro-bono. 🙏

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Amazingly the hospital, at least for now, is the only major Boston hospital forcing this on their employees. They have to know the adverse reactions these injection create on people. There are doctors and nurses I know that work there that have had job ending reactions, I just don’t understand this decision.

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

While not technically "scientific", your observations nevertheless do have validity for those of us who are trying to process this outrage. My guess is that the categories you identify are indeed significant, and potentially, perhaps even statistically meaningful ammunition in combating the pharma-ganda.

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Thank you. They at least have some correlation, if not confirmed causation.

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Nov 1, 2023·edited Nov 1, 2023

It seems to me, if the idea was to create confusion, fear, anger…and ultimately 'plausible deniability' through ‘lot variability’, they have succeeded magnificently. Nothing sells so well as feigned ‘incompetence’ or ‘mistakes were made’…while claiming to be 'THE science' and ‘experts’. What spiritual and psychological wickedness… straight out of the bowels of hell.

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Oct 31, 2023·edited Oct 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

To the lay person, like myself, this whole adulteration, contamination, in my mind, should make us all question every injection that we receive, and here is why. Who and where were these “vaccines” put together? Are these “vaccines” tested for what’s in them? And the rhetorical question, what could possibly go wrong? Less than a week ago Joe Biden said the MRNA “vaccines” were safe and effective. He’s also said if you take the shot you won’t get Covid. I believe Joe Biden as much as I believe the FDA or Health Canada. The regulatory agencies involved, the FDA and Health Canada, including people from both governments have made millions of dollars on these shots and companies. They are all corrupted by money. We must understand that we are merely collateral damage in their financial windfalls. J.Goodrich

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FDA cites spray-painted mice thrown into McDonalds by Palestinian sympathizer as double-blind study showing Vaccines are safe, effective and necessary.

More seriously, I recall early on reading that if product were released under Emergency Authorization, then every ambiguous data point and all data in general should be interpreted against the product.

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Health Canada... also advises getting the annual flu shot while getting your 'safe and effective' COVID 19 booster shot, according to the Calgary Herald staff writers last week. As if anyone with a brain is listening to Health Canada anymore.

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And ignores the recent warnings about stroke in elderly when both jabs are administered in elderly.

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Oct 31, 2023·edited Oct 31, 2023

I think I am hearing an echo echo echo (That's supposed to be funny)

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Oct 31, 2023·edited Nov 1, 2023

Critical, this is also happening in the U.S. Just last night the promotion was out to take the flu and booster all in one, with no caution for older age group increase of stroke incidence. Noted by the C.D.C. themselves! (exactly what I said, says Dr. Malone)

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


They injected us with genetic poison...

...and they didn’t manufacture and control it to make it a safe and effective poison?

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point taken

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As a clinician of 40 years experience I can just follow your explanation of the dangers of this oligonucleotide contamination of the mod-mRNA vax. To reach a wider audience I suggest an animated video illustrating the malprocess in manufacture and the potential redistribution and actions of the contaminating SV40 DNA fragments in simpler fashion. This would also be helpful to those of us who understand the grave dangers and malfeasance you expose and wish to explain it to others. It might also be helpful in recruiting elected officials (eg Congressional) to this cause. Thank you for your continued efforts to support and restore scientific truth.

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This was written to refute the technical lies provided by the agencies. Except for the exec sum, this one was not written for a general readership, and is very much designed for use by technical experts

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Ok, you want to donate to cover the cost of preparing this?

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My apologies. Easy for Monday morning quarterbacks to saddle the real player with extraneous loads. I do have an extended family resource that may be able to do such a video if there are no such resources amongst your wide contacts. Failing that, does the Malone institute.org accept donations, and donations specified towards certain activities?

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Why yes we do and thanks for volunteering!

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I have 40 years as an engineer and can not follow the inferences here so have only perused the text-- out of my depth. Your suggestion is a good one. A 2nd one. . .

If this ever gets to the point of deposition and discovery mid-level technical people need to be put on the spot to avoid the BS'ing from management covering their asses. Mid-level people would be more likely to provide truth and could be given immunity at some level. Finally, Congressional hearings should be forced on the FDA and Pfizer, et al in which they MUST provide data or risk immediate prison.

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I was just wondering if there are known attorneys that are good at giving closing arguments that can interestingly and clearly relay the science.

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How about Aaron Siri, Esq, the lead attorney for ICAN?

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Yes! I forgot I donate to ICAN every month😁

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yep, in fact one is a proven warrior:

JFK, jr

many others.

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent, thank you. I read the whole post. I think I missed my calling. I am getting pretty good at following the science with your and a couple other's Substacks.

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I feel all warm, fuzzy and validated by your words! All kidding aside, strong work Nancy. Try reading some of the hyperlinked stuff. That should stretch your mental muscles and tendons!

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The CDC and FDA spout fairy tale claims and provide zero supporting data. They then call this science. YIKES! Might anyone really believe this propaganda?

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IF you pay people enough - sure!

Time for 'Joints for Jabs' in Washington State again? ;)

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Good morning folks, we got our first bonafide snow storm overnight. (git out the shovels)

Happy Halloween all you trick or treaters. Haha

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Ski hills in the Canadian Rockies announced early opening dates due to the big snowfalls over the last week...so much for the global boiling around here!

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I'm ob the Gulf Coast of Mississippi and I actually wore socks and a scarf today.

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Envy you that. Had some of the best seafood ever in the Gulfport area.

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hi Dr Ma-Lion/ess! Another excellent debunking job which I will share with my Normie friends. Thank you loving God that Jill and Robert are on the side of humanity! I listen to all of your essays when I’m driving, doing chores or lifting weights! I feel so well informed tapping into humanity’s intellectual hive mind. Your work is very much appreciated.

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The complexity of the human cell, and how cancers are created, speaks to the issue of the key gatekeeper of good health, named the immune system! Rather than focusing on how to maintain and improve the immune system as a number one defense mechanism against all pathogens the medicine man continually looks for ways to interfere with cellular function. RNA injections is just the latest. Insult to the human body.! Humanity can now be classified as lab rats for the benefit of big Pharma, and the profiteers!

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Hits me there has been an ongoing multipronged attack on the immune system beginning in infancy with poor feeding instructions followed by all those blasted vaccinations and heavy use of antibiotics in young children. Just how many of these components act additively/synergistically to weaken the body’s immunosurveillance?

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Spot on.! Allopathic medicine model runs on and grows by pushing intervention rather than prevention and reversal of disease states. That's why they ignore the role of good nutrition without toxins in achieving good health! Also, it starts in womb, because they under value the added need of nutritional support for a healthy pregnancy. Vitamin D deficiency is #1. Magnesium is #2.

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Outstanding work. Thank you, Robert! I hope people realize that the arrogant, evidence-lacking authoritative responses given by the regulatory agencies would not be tolerated in normal scientific dialog (it would be career-threatening to use such tactics in reply to a paper or grant review).

As pointed out by RWM, they cannot compare the risk of random DNA fragments to fragments containing the intact SV40 enhancer. One should assume a 100% likelihood of such fragments entering the nucleus. Not only is there a risk for insertional mutagenesis (an experimental approach that is used to identify tumor suppressor genes), but genomic incorporation could greatly dysregulate expression levels of proximal genes (see paragraph 3.1 in https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-007-4531-5_1)

Finally, whatever notion they have for acceptable levels of injectable plasmid DNA levels, I doubt they were made in the context of the highly efficient/non-selective LNP transfection agent as formulated in these products.

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thank you for your careful reading, understanding, support and added insights

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Of course not, because if they have no response to inconvenient information then they ignore it. I like your idea that state attorneys general should consider seizure, keep raising it.

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thanks for the attaboy. This may be our only option barring a new conservative POTUS

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May need more than one. Dems are hell bent on nailing the conservatives,particularly Thomas with “ ethic” violations. A hoot coming from a mob who lack the vestige of any themselves

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typical. They are seasoned experts at "projection"

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That is all Pro Publica does. They are the sniffer dog for the Lefties. Once let loose on a project they always deliver material to be weaved into a 'gotcha now.'

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, thank you for your continued diligence in studying and sharing information about the mRNA vaccines and their impact. In this crazy time that we find ourselves, you have been consistent and forthcoming with information that we laypeople do not have the access or expertise to distill. You have provided information to allow curious, thoughtful people to review and make their own decisions.

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“I’m only one person, what can I do?” Said the whole world.

The root problem is the system itself. Fixing the system itself should be the one place we can all agree on.

We need to fix the entire system from being corrupted - government and all other related systems have lost all trust (government, media, medicine, big tech, science, academia, food, etc). The answer lies in building new trustworthy systems, migrating to them, then plugging them in to fix the existing corrupted ones. Like using a plug-in to fix a corrupted computer system.

It starts with understanding Swarm Theory and Human Swarm Intelligence. This is the beginning, but if everyone takes the time to understand this we can fix our corrupted systems and then fix everything else. Transparency + Decentralization + Human Swarm Intelligence = the answer.

Never heard of it? Here: https://joshketry.substack.com/p/human-swarm-intelligence-the-most

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for your observations and thorough analysis here. Also appreciated your aside re expertises. Thanks to your patient, dedicated and repeated coverage adding incremental specifics - I think I've managed an adequate overview. The weeds and roots (technical expertise of terms and body of knowledge) is another matter. Yesterday I noted a criticism of the call for recall (flat out calling it a false charge) that was based on the Governments grandstandings. Wiggling out of your responses here will be much more challenging. Bigger lies to be fabricated??? On the other hand people are recognizing the dangers of trusting (without solid verification) and our Gov and Bourla are noting this growing problem. The sheep aren't herding as well.

Love the ever so apt illustrations! Talk about locked and loaded! They are taking on the wrong Doctors!

Great start for the week! More Power to you! Many more successes!

Bestest Plus ♡♡♡

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thanks. Making it harder for corporate media and factcheckers to just blindly endorse government propaganda seems to be my new mission in life.

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Big chuckle! One of them to be sure :)

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