Thank you for this crash course in patent law, Robert, and here’s hoping the sharks devour each other and can be more easily harpooned for crimes against humanity in their weakened positions.

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

That was my thought exactly.

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

🤞🏼 Fingers crossed for this as well!

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Yes, like you and others, I rubbed my hands and thought, yep, let them at it and wait for the fallout...

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absolutely, ditto

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That’s certainly an interesting theory, although if I had to bet on the one that would come out on top, it’s Pfizer given its far longer history, more diverse product portfolio, and ability to continue raking in skyrocketing profits despite having been saddled with the largest fraud settlement in history.

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One thing is certain Margaret, no one has spent more advertising money than Pfizer.

Even the air we breath is "Brought to you by Pfizer"!! No escaping the fashion in which the mass hypnosis victims get targeted 24/7/365. I agree they are TOP GUN.

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I think Moderna will be extremely careful to protect them both in regards to any truly damning evidence - they won't convict themselves in their effort to get some of Pfizer's money.

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am not smart enough to fully understand what I just read 😂, but what I DID understand was fascinating.

I am so grateful for brilliant people like yourself who stand up for what is right and refuse to be silenced!!

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I’m a retired neurologist and reasonably well schooled in genetics but you have a gift for teaching complex material using your excellent command of English, Dr Malone. You must have inspired your many students and post-docs towards successful careers.

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Maybe Moderna needs to explain why the need to develop a mRNA injection to Covid was consummated in December 2019 before there was no knowledge supposedly of the Covid 19 virus. Appears to be a push to dominate the coming nano drug injection protocol shift to treat disease states.

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"Mechanics sabotaging your car so you have to bring it back to them to fix what they sabotaged" -The Medical Version

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Exactly, quote from article below

"Moderna announced that they began dosing participants with an mRNA influenza vaccine as part of a Phase 3 study of vaccine candidate mRNA-1010. The company expects to enroll 6,000 participants in total in this study"


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You have to out of your mind to buy into this!

If your immune system is whole and your Vitamin D is above 50 ng's you beat the flu with out a injection. Hands down! Traditional flu vaccine is less than effective for a number of reasons. That's why they want to create a mRNA substiutute. Playing with fire!

Read my article here! https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/p/covid-19-act-ii

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Becoming clearer everyday! Why do you think all the rats are running?

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Aug 26, 2022·edited Aug 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Would be funny if Pfizer reached out to Dr Malone as an expert witness in this litigation.

Do it Doc! Don't sign any NDA though ... a non starter for any lawyer worth his salt.

But wouldn't that be a delight!

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not holding my breath on that one.

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Aug 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yeah, but just imagine you, the Angel of Covidland, standing between Beelzebub and Hades, as they wrestle over the rights to Hell. :)

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Aug 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Loverly imagining, sir.

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yeah, nice fantasy mental image. Needs a Bob Moran comic...

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And they both win the prize!

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I think Peter that’s called purgatory.

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Aug 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'll translate my last reply to legalese (I was a litigator and and even a patent lawyer in a prior life): First thought I had when I skimmed this article (all lawyers skim) was: When, not if, a Pfizer lawyer reads this, they'll be thinking: "Damn, we couldn't have made a blow-up doll expert witness better than this guy. How do we use his arguments without hiring him, or even letting on that we read this?"

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True, perhaps, for ordinary mortals like the anti-Brandons that are me and you. But for the Archangel of Covidland, holding up high the Light of Truth in her right hand, while wielding the Sword of Dignity in her left? Methinks that's another imaginary realm altogether.

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Yeah that would be like the deer handing the hunter the gun only we would all, including the Vegans, be rooting for the hunter on that one.

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That’s a good one Peter Savich

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Aug 26, 2022·edited Aug 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We've been wondering when Moderna was going to sue for patent infringement over everyone using the furin cleavage site in their psuedo-spikes. Not only can they sue Pfizer, but all the "vaccine" manufacturers, as well as "zoonotic crossover", for putting that bit in the first place. You know, Nature is a notorious violator of patents.

This is less exciting, but still fun. They are turning on each other.

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""...as well as "zoonotic crossover"..."" very funny!!!

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People are dying and Moderna/Pfizer are fighting over patent infringement - does anyone else see the irony in this? Seems like you would want to distance yourself from that kind of catastrophe.

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My thought exactly. They don't quite seem to be grasping the gravity and horror of the situation they've all created.

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Aug 26, 2022·edited Aug 26, 2022

Dang... I was hoping they'd just litigate each other to death and that in discovery all the skeletons would come spilling out. Silly me, I was looking for some form of justice.

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you are so naive....

but one can always hope for justice

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Oh, I do hope I live to see it meted out...

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I came here to say exactly that. Hope it gets really ugly and all the gory details come out.

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Apparently, it was false hope.

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Aug 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

In order to be a patent attorney, a person must have a degree in a hard science, biology, chemistry, engineering, etc., and practice law in that degreed specialty (for the most part).

Dr. Malone, I honesty have no idea how you do it. You are not only a doctor, scientist and researcher-you are also a lawyer, a sociologist, and much more! Genius comes to mind and I am always in awe of your intellect and humility. I am truly blown away and humbled when I read (and often, try to comprehend) your writings. Thank you and looking forward to your book. I’m certain to need a dictionary handy! ✊❤️

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Oh my heavens Dr. Malone you are so dedicated… you leave me speechless. The only thing I can say is take two aspirins and call me in the morning, chuckle …oh no after reading your detailed extremely informative tome I need to take two aspirins and call my doctor in the morning, chuckle. Any lawyer would want you on their side! Whew….You’re brilliant.

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I might have decided to hold off on this revelation until after the two parties had expended several millions $$ in legal fees litigating the matter. Then out of the blue, file an amicus brief with the court blowing both litigants cases out of the water. But that’s just how I roll when people try to screw me over. :)

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Aug 26, 2022·edited Aug 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dear Dr Bob, You lost me. But no worries, I know you're on it and have no doubt you're right. Here's hoping that your deep knowledge and awesome intellectual clarity will shed some daylight on this fight of the titans. This is going deeper into the weeds than I need to go; but I do know you have a fantastic teacher's ability to communicate complex ideas, as was delightfully evident in your master-pupil conversation with Joe Rogan. The absolute luxury of watching an interviewer in a humble posture seeking to learn would have been enough to give this interview a 5 star rating - but add in your detailed but comprehensible elucidation of the vaccine scandal, and it really was one for the ages. Highly recommended to all, all 3 hours of it :)

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Aug 26, 2022·edited Aug 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This was my comment to Peter Attia ( podcast )with Zubin-ZDoggMD attacking you:

“January 27, 2022 at 12:49 pm

You have misrepresented and misinformed about Dr. Malone thus bashing him without seeing the JR interview. He has put his neck( integrity) out there fighting for kids like Maddie de Garay.

Please tell me the absolute/ relative risk to that Pfizier trial where she was terribly injured, and that was misreported…

Furthermore, he was removed, censored by Twitter for posting a video from The Canadian Care Alliance: The Pfizer Inoculations Do More Harm Than Good.

Censorship kills. Controlling the narrative kills—not permitting a free flow of information.

You have presented one side of the discussion from the very beginning of Covid? “

Thank you , Dr. Malone!!!

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I'm a little confused. Was it Attia or Zuby attacking Malone? What was said?

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It was Attia and Zubin (ZZdog)...in a negative light thus questioning the credibility of Dr. M in regard to the Joe Rogan interview.

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Oh, that's why I was confused. Zuby is a well-known rapper & dissident, it would a surprise to have him say something negative about Malone.

Zuby's great. He's been calling BS on c-19 since early on. Kind of the exact opposite of Z-Dogg


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I’m very sorry about that ! That needed to be corrected. I’m a big fan of Zuby— yes he has called bs on the Covid mess from day one. I follow him on Twitter.

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Aug 27, 2022·edited Aug 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As someone who has first hand experience with having intellectual property stolen, all I can say is "make them suffer".

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I only got to the third paragraph when I was seeing a whole mess of worms wiggling, and then saw your warm poo picture! What an apropos vision! Thank you for the picture!

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Yeah, agreed. I saw that and quickly surmised that a whole bunch of people were going to enjoy that image.

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Aug 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Both these companies should be burnt to ashes because they know these products are not safe. Only behind the EUA immunity do these products have any positive value. If the injured were allowed to sue there wouldn't be anything left over for the patent lawyers.

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