I suspect that the lure of profit may corrupt alternative healthcare just as much as it has corrupted mainstream healthcare.

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Maybe that's the case, but it is still better to have the competition than to have no choice but to do business with an evil monopoly. When consumers are informed and have real choices, the lure of profits ultimately compels entrepreneurs to serve the real needs of their customers, not push snake oil onto them.

As for Dr. McCullough, he might be completely sincere in thinking that his cocktail of a proteolytic enzyme combined with a couple inhibitors of thrombosis, bradykinin storms, and cytokinin storms is a promising candidate for addressing the adverse effects of circulating spike proteins. His problem is that he simply doesn't have a viable pathway for moving from "promising candidate" status to "very likely to be safe and efficacious" status, so he may well be stuck between a rock and a hard place, either cutting corners doing things the TWC way (associating with businessmen who may not care whether his cocktail really works or not) or not doing anything at all.

The basic problem here is that the market rigging created by the Food and Drugs Act of 1906 artificially favors health products that are monopolized via licensing and patenting, not natural extracts that have been widely available for thousands of years. Dr. McCullough's recommended compounds happen to be extracts from pineapple cores, turmeric, and fermented soy; not exactly the sort of thing that makes dollar signs appear before the eyes of Big Pharma executives or that fits into the malevolent plans for global domination by Deep State biowarriors and WEF supervillains.

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Easily digestible.

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Good food for thought.

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Trial Site News has been a peach tree in a vineyard. Very sweet as reliable. But how many people can take the time to digest one more such involved publication.

We all should of course. The topics are highly current.

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The paradigm of Health - human and planet, has become corrupted. We've been talked into positioning ourselves against Nature. I watched an interview online of a bright, high tek, high-achieving man who asserted these exact words: "Nature is a bitch and wants you dead." THAT is the problem.

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Was thinking that the personalities have already potentially sullied the water beyond the capacity for reverse osmosis or clean-up on isle 3 as they imagine world-domination of the parallel health system. Yikes - greed can’t infect everyone and everything please.

What about the great awakening man seriously?!?!

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It could actually be be happening and sometimes I feel it and realize it as an underlying energetic current (speaking of that...).

So let’s just, you know, channel Eisenberg and “imagine the beautiful world that we know is possible”. And when we do it, do it well and from the heart center.

And so it is...

And will be so.

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You need a supplement POSITIVE 24. Don't poison the Universe with your pessimism.

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This is a reprinted trial site news article. Your comment is directed at whom?

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Definitely not at you; I fully support the owner of beautiful horses, and am your subscriber, years already.

I can't find the addressee, now...

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G, pessimism is different than the investigative truth. Dr. Malone is known for a lot of things, but poisoning the Universe isn't one of them.

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Supplements and nutraceuticals are a big business and yes, not as profitable as big pharma. Though the TWC started out wanting to help people, I think the almighty dollar won out.

I think Dr McCullough started out wanting to make a difference by helping people beat Covid, but when he starts to criticizing Dr Malone , he has no leg to stand on.

You can not get more understanding of the mRNA technology than Dr Malone. He invented it . He is not receiving money from his speaking out on the Covid vaccines. He is merely a spokes person trying to inform the world about the negative effects of the Covid vaccine. By speaking out he lost his business . We all owe a debt of gratitude that he spoke out against Big Pharma and the Covid vaccines. Thank Drs Malone for your sacrifice.

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I’m pretty sure she was reacting to the down sides of the article. Capitalism is the best form of market self-governance in a society that is moral and ethical. This article points out just how difficult that had become. Staying positive is going to require a lot of faith in individuals top to bottom.

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So true. More individual, personal self-government will help. “I WILL build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it” (Matthew 16:18). “You are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it” (1 Corinthians 12:27). The way I see it, “the body” is armed and shielded to confront, confound, and destroy the enemy. Because we are or can be part of the body of Christ, greater are WE than he who runs hell itself.

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Well said!!

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USSR didn’t work well either. Competition is needed. Lots of it. We now have SickCare labeled by Dr Darrell Tanelian MD/PhD in 2005!

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It's been corrupt for a long time, Jamieson & others had their supplements tested a number of years ago and they contained far less of the active ingredients than stated.

caveat emptor

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Yep. My eyes crossed reading this one,...

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It already has...

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Jan 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The thing that grabbed me the most, besides the other red flags was, why aren't the studies being done on the effects of the supplements suggested? There certainly is a worry when the company is growing so fast that they can't keep up, controls can go out the window. This company relies on the reputation of people like Dr. McCullough to draw people in. The potential drawing in of the F.D.A. to regulate supplements will be activated by TWC if they aren't careful and that is exactly what we, as consumers, don't need.

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Costs created by the revolving door of government agenc y docs going into pharma cos. that have benefited from the regulatory jungle they created. Build a big gov/pharma infrastructure designed to stifle competition and there you have it. And since you find the economics of conducting trials prohibitive you don’t and the gov and pharma can continue to denigrate any claims you make for efficacy and instead aim the public at expensive rxs.

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So accurate DD. They been Gunning for us Vita-men/ women for a few decades, trying to create the toxic illusions of it's just expensive urine. We knew best long ago. Even better Now! Don't hand them more ammo. A+

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Look set the difficulty, expense and liability involved with RCTs on drugs. That is the big reason the same is not done with supplements. Supplements are low hanging fruit, and I suspect you are right, this will attract the attention of the FDA.

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Jan 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm hard pressed to condemn Coulsen, Gillooly, McCullough & associates for capitalizing on anti-COVIDism. Much like the personally appreciated rise in alternative media, I welcome any alternative to our entrenched medical hierarchy. The castigation of our current medical corruption would be delightfully preferred to capitalism in a competitor. Should the alternative become dominate, we can then exploit any chinks in their armour. It's hard to imagine a healthcare system worse than currently exists in the U.S..

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Jan 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I’m finished and have been finished with someone else picking and choosing my healthcare. I gave up my primary doctor. When she had to leaf through a drug book. I’ve only been to the ER two years ago this March. My Bull Mastiff puppy. Happy I came outside. He spun around and smacked the side of my left knee. I heard it crack. I waited through the weekend. Assessing my knee. I went to the ER. They took X-rays. They found nothing. Then I went to eat. I get a phone call. You need to go to an orthopedic. I was able to get in 4 days later. They took X-rays. A bad break. First thing out of her mouth. If you would’ve come to me first. I would’ve put you in a home. I bit my tongue. Then she says. I don’t know what you’re doing. But keep doing it. It has not moved. I went back for 4 months for X-rays. I might go for a diagnosis and an opinion. That’s all. I am my own Guinea Pig. I buy my basic liquid supplements from Global Healing. I have a very wide variety of medicinal herbs. I grow them and buy them. For whatever happens. I’m getting ready to switch Thor to a Holistic veterinarian.

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Jan 5·edited Jan 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Definitely consider a holistic veterinarian who does not push jabs. The traditional vets are much like the traditional allopaths. Just my opinion, but based on some heartbreaking experiences.

Veterinary injections are discussed near the end of the EpochTV documentary “Under the Skin,” which mostly addresses aluminum in HPV as well as livestock shots.

Under The Skin | Documentary (EpochTV video 1 hr 35 min): https://www.theepochtimes.com/epochtv/under-the-skin-documentary-4736070

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Jan 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Taking control of your own health. Best ever medical advice. (He Smirks politely)

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Jan 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have no reason to defend any of these players. Not even closely relative to my pay grade.

But if they turn out to just be opportunistic pricks, then they picked a lousy time to do so as most folks radar has hopefully been set to #10. At the start of the pandemic we all were poised to lean in and pick sides to those making the most efforts and common sense. Now variations are appearing.

I'm a Dedicated Malone fan for my own in depth reasons of inclinations of integrity and trust.

But I can lend an ear to alternate voices. But the list is being narrowed for my own sanity.

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You got me wondering how many senators and house members bought stock in alternative meds before vax damage hit the news.

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I like your style of questioning 🤨👍

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Jan 5·edited Jan 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, I saw this article on Trial Site News the day you published an article on TWC. It was my hunch that their business plan was to expand from supplements to providing services as an alternative to the medical complex. But it looks like another bait and switch: some of the same players are looking for a different angle to make money and gain power. And the real danger is to shape CDC, FDA, etc. to foster incremental change rather than the needed full scale overhaul of the health system.

I am not a typical American, but before the "pandemic" I was not taking any supplements. Now I take several by following advice from sources like flccc.net, Trial Site News, A Midwestern Doctor, Robert Malone, Peter McCullough, etc., and supplements related to coiid, metabolic syndrome, cognitive decline, etc. I subscribe to the list above and other sources.

I have been following the increase in supplements at COSTCO as my personal way of judging changes in health behavior in the country. The monthly newsletter from COSTCO just arrived and the title is "Cultivating resilience: a look at what it takes to grow through adverse experiences." Many ads for supplements some new ones in recent months. Also COSTCO has "On Call: Easy access to health visits for Costco members." $29 virtual primary care visit, $72 in person health checkups and $79 virtual mental health visit. Yes there have been health services in stores for some time, but I take this as part of a more patient centered health system.

I am not trying to sell Costco. In fact I am worried that it is becoming too strong as a single source of so many services already. I put this in because, like me, the pandemic has inspired more people to take charge of their health rather than being passive consumers.

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Was COSTCO previously providing jabs? The last time I was there was 2019 for some food items and wanted a large kit of band-aids. The gal behind the pharma window said that's a seasonal item. I did not renew my membership. It was an hour one-way drive.

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Jan 5·edited Jan 5

Yes they are providing jabs. Fairly early on in 2012 I asked a pharmacist at Costco about getting Ivermectin. She said that they can get it at that time. But a prescription was needed. My GP followed the CDC so I didn't even ask for a prescription.

In Jan 2022, my dermatologist who used IVM and HCQ faxed the script to a Kroger grocery store close to my house. This was routine in the past but now the Kroger couldn't get any pills. I went to rural pharmacies, independent pharmacies and finally got the prescription filled by a Kroger near Ohio State University. At this time I was frantic to get IVM. The cost was $50 for 40 3mg tablets. I have heard they cost 10 cents each.

I went to a Robert Kennedy sponsored rally here in Columbus in May 22 (as I recall - it might have been April). Many of the important players spoke including Robert Malone, Peter McCullough, Pierre Kory, and many other nationally known speakers. I asked the final question to Pierre Kory about where I could get IVM. He said that some people have had success with ordering from India. A guardian angle came up to me after the meeting who had successfully ordered IVM from India and on the meeting of a minute she sent me four times the quantity of IVM that I had purchased. I was relieved. I was blown away by her love.

These days many prescribing doctors write scripts to Compounding Pharmacies. Big levels can be ordered, say 23mg, and all doses cost the same. There are many places to get IVM from India but the quality might be uneven. I purchased an over the counter quantity of IVM equal to the $50 in the USA for less than $2 in Egypt

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Usually so, but this one cornered Don so she could bless him : )

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I can't help worrying about quality control from unknown sources.

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My brother in CA got his from a friend who knew someone. I've never had any and my nurse practitioner certainly won't prescribe for me. She is a jab nut. Luckly I've never gotten Covid unless it was in Nov 2019 when I was sick for 2.5 weeks.

So good you have a derm doc that would prescribe and what a small miracle running into the angle of a lady.

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Jan 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As much as I respect McCullough, he has sold his soul out of financial desperation, and I will stay away from TWC. Good to know Vigilant News is part of that cabal. Dr Zelenko was a national treasure & many owe their lives to his discoveries (probably including myself). Hopefully TWC has & will continue to provide $ for his wife & many children.

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Jan 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Early on it was through Zelenko’s videos that I gained the initial information needed to remain grounded and unafraid. He had a two-fold solution, for patients and for the future welfare of his family. A humble and consistent national treasure, indeed.

As for the rest of them, it is good to know the Vigilant News connection. Now I know how to treat it.

And I do not like TWC ads masquerading as “news” on websites.

Thank you, Dr. Malone for the reprint of Trial Site article. It is exceedingly helpful.

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Jan 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A few days ago I took a cursory look at the BBB rating (F); the reviews were abysmal. But they were bad for reasons I would have thought should be no problem, given the background of the founder. It was horrible customer service, not delivering products, etc. Very basic stuff for a products company. The other thing I found objectionable was all the advertising I came across seemed to hype a fear headline - pushing fear HARD. I felt sorry for Dr. McCullough being entangled in this and I hope it somehow works out OK for him, but the sleaze factor seems high.

I would LOVE to see an alternative to our “healthcare” system, but this company doesn’t address my biggest concerns. What is “patient centric”? I see nothing about patient privacy - if anything, it sounds like one of the goals is to capture data for research, which i would bet is a lucrative business model. After the lust for vaccine passports, frankly I’m for outright anonymity in medical care. After seeing all the games played with peer reviewed research, I’d rather just trust the observations of someone like Dr. Paul Marik. And what about ingredient sourcing? If everything is still coming from China, is it really an alternative system? What does “US based” even mean? Maybe it is impossible to develop a decentralized alternative medical system because it will not be allowed. But thinking you're “alternative” but aiming to be regulated by the FDA for growth objectives reminds me of being a little bit pregnant.

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Jan 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Kim, Dr. McCullough entangled Himself, he is not a victim.

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Jan 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Maybe. But in my experience, doctors are not able to assess business dealings very well.

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True, that. Entirely different skill sets. I like your due-diligence. Wise to be cynical these days, but maybe TWC is overwhelmed with customers and suffering from growing pains?

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Jan 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Just anecdotally, my son and his family (right next door) were a revolving cold/flu factory the whole month of December. They are Amway business owners and use the products everyday. I think they’re sound, organic and they have the information to back up their product line. All that said, they were sick all month! When my husband and I finally caught the flu after Christmas we guzzled pure Vit C powder in warm water basically all day. We recovered in two days with no residual cough. I did use one hit of Nyquil once at bedtime the first day. I’m a big believer in Vit C in large doses to fight off flu and colds!

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Jan 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for this topical and informative article. Certainly the Covid crisis has opened Healthcare opportunities. My inclinations have been to monitor what's happening without jumping on any specific one. I was most inspired by Dr Urso's vision. The current incarnations aren't up to that, as of now. Of the TWC and FLCCC, I'm presently more comfortable with the FLCCC. But we are at a starting line. With a successful election, we may be able to have Government reforms that enhance/assure reformed delivery of our publics Public Health solutions. (Assuming the WHO threat is eradicated). There are also undoubtably additional aspirants to materialize.

On other perspectives - this am saw report of a study of hydro oxi chloroquine (sp?) Study concluded it was a killer. Killed a major number of Covid sufferers. Very bad medicine!

As for supplements. I had been taking a Mg supplement I knew was not a full strength type. Covered here was another version. Found and purchased it. Since taking it - NO leg cramps. Most of my current supplements yield noticeable benefit. Get a check when I run out before reordering.

Bemusing note - my MD had demonstrated severe CDC capture re Covid and Vax. Gave her a book Dr M recommended. Refused Vax. Mention Dr M in one context or another each visit. This last visit we had a positive exchange about the many benefits of Pepsid (viral et al). She did askI forgive her for asking - 'did I want a flu shot'. We both laughed as I replied 'no shots'.

Thanks for keeping us abreast! Have a great day before the storm! Visits scheduled. Hope I'm not out on ice.

Very Bestest Always ♡♡♡

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Jan 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for reposting this article, which is a deeper and more balanced report than I typically see. Obviously TWC and its affiliates are looking for profit, and I can't blame Dr. McCullough for wanting to make a living after he was cancelled by what used to be reputable organizations. I am not concerned about the poor BBB rating, as I don't consider them reliable and nowadays there are many other sources for evaluations.

I do see one error. "the Overseas Private Investment Corporation is part of the U.S federal government, Office of Inspector General, U.S. Agency for International Development." OPIC is not part of the OIG, but rather the OIG is supposed to monitor problems at OPIC. This is evident from the link provided.

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Jan 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As Connor writes, "...trust in the U.S. government, healthcare systems and the medical products industry sunk to what are likely all-time lows during the pandemic." This lack of trust has spawned an entire industry of hucksters and grifters and not only in the medical community. It has been a boon for the conspiracy theorists from flat-earth beliefs and Antlantians, to religion, to politics, most rewriting history as they go. In the end if not checked, this boon does nothing but create unhealthy despondence and leads people to something worse than nihilism...if you believe in nothing, soon you will believe anything.

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Jan 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

COSTCO pushes supplements and shots like crazy. I hope their low prices for health visits aren’t a loss leader for their supplements and shots. Just sayin’

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I don't know what to think of your article, Robert. Yes, the focus on profits will eventually cause corruption to raise its evil head--but these doctors who dared to treat their patients as they saw fit and lost their licenses by doing so have to be able to make a living. It makes sense that they would market the drugs and supplements that they prescribed and saw first hand through their patients that they worked. Yes, it looks like Coulson and Lopez may not have perfectly clean hands--but until we come up with a system and an FDA that actually protects the American public, we will have to place some trust in what these doctors stand behind. And I do trust the doctors who are on the board of this company. Aside from this, I wish it had been any other Lion of Truth than you who brought these suspicions to our attention. There have been many who question where you stand in this battle for the health and well being of our race. I have always come down on your side but I would rather you stand back from picking the companies being formed to support alternative treatments for those of us who have "fallen away" from the AMA and to provide a livelihood for these courageous doctors who continue to stand for us. I see you as one of these courageous doctors. Please try to cut these others some slack as they struggle to find solid ground to support themselves financially as well as help us to know how to treat our health challenges.

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Dr. McCullough and Dr. Risch have COURAGEOUSLY and SACRIFICIALLY spoken truth regarding early treatment and the dangers of the COVID-19 shots for about the past 3 1/2 years. I support their new efforts with The Wellness Company. I do my best to assess their services and website as CAREFULLY as possible just like I am trying to do with everything else....

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I understand that position but I can only take so many jolts before I back off. This was one of the. A headline TGP had put in an email linking to it website. I was fuming after I opened it.

TWC is now into shock and awe and it is dreadful. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/12/shocking-discovery-viral-levels-water-supply-skyrockets/

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I subscribe to The Wellness Company's email updates and received the information about the medical kits, etc. My husband and I are considering whether we would like to have one or more on hand.

We already have Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine on hand from our local COVID-19 doctor so that if we catch COVID-19 again, we can start taking both IMMEDIATELY as EARLY treatment is essential. My sister caught COVID-19 on a Friday evening and had to wait two days to get a prescription for both.

We appreciate The Wellness Company providing the resources to be proactively equipped for possible illnesses, emergencies or shortages...for those that choose to do so. We feel ZERO pressure or fear mongering from TWC by their professionals presenting their perspectives.

Thank you for sharing your perspective.

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I bought my survival food four years ago hoping to never need it. You buy your survival medical kits hoping to never need them.

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Considering having some survival food on hand too. Living in tornado alley alone makes that a prudent choice for my family and me!

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I have awful head cold with low-grade fever. I checked my cupboard and only had ibuprofen, expired 3/21. I am medicine depleted except for vit/min/herbs and Claritin. Perhaps some meds with long shelf life are what I need.

Tornado victims are always supplied with bottled water, not so much food staples!

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PRAYERS for SPEEDY healing and COMFORT in the meantime....🙏💝

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Seems like a fair and balanced investigation. I recently have been concerned reading some comments that seemed to indicate that Dr. McCullough and Dr. Malone were at odds for some unexplained reason. I subscribe to both sub stacks and have watched replays of their messages throughout the last couple of years at various conferences and their messages were very similar. We were deceived and lied to about covid and the vaccines and there needs to be medical administrations and doctors held accountable for these crimes against the worlds people. I hope that this message does not get lost.

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William - I also have watched and listened to both Dr. Malone and Dr. McCullough for about the past 3 1/2 years. I have IMMENSE respect and admiration for both and am a paid subscriber to both of their substacks. I have not heard or read either of them criticizing the other and I sure PRAY that does NOT start unless there is strong evidence for doing so. THIS article does NOT qualify as that for me....

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No , I thought the fairness of the article reflected that there was no issues between them and like you I hope it stays that way.

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William, "for some unexplained reason" has been explained. Do some looking around and you will be able to see why.

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