Anyone who has not arrived at the conclusion that a Luciferian death-cult is in full-court press mode needs to wake up. It's long past time to take out the trash.

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They will release progressively uglier and more gruesome diseases upon us...UNTIL we realize that THEY are the uglier and more gruesome diseases.

Honestly, I'd rather die of their ugly, gruesome diseases than live in their physical and psychological clutches. We must apply The Great Barrington Declaration precepts (https://gbdeclaration.org/) and then ignore the monkeyporn mongerers.

My Mom offered me some wisdom decades ago, which may apply here: Ignore the brats and they will go away! I hope she was right!

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Maybe we need to find out what "vaccines" Bill Gates is currently working on.

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Moneypox for one! I'm sure he'll tell us soon about others ☹

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Let me make sure I understand. Are you suggesting we do nothing and let them have their way with us (and our children and our grandchildren)? Passive acceptance?

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ABSOLUTELY NOT SUGGESTING THAT! I am suggesting that we not react like monkeys with our heads cut off and let them jostle us around with every scary pronouncement. By not publicizing and overreacting to their every move, they become less effective.

No, we must educate and speak out wherever we can. But we must not let them get the upper hand by paying attention and getting ginned up over everything. Sorry I did not make that clear.

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Agree. People are ugly when fearful or worried. It brings out the worst in people! Also people are VERY predictable when scared. A ambush usually uses this to mine likely escapes because humans don't have time to think, and mindlessly jump into 'convienient' trenches. They are creating fear because of this predictable response. However, given thought, humans can do a lot of things really well. Things that improve the human condition, as well as valor, saving anothers life, and on and on. We must not be afraid! Fear is the mind killer.

These manipulations should bring people to cold anger and rational thought. There are books that inform and educate about what some people (with much evidence) believe regarding the last 2 years+.

"Covid-19 and the global predators: We are the prey" Peter and Ginger Breggin. Another very revealing book is by RFK Jr. (Robert Kennedy Jr., so of murdered Robert Kennedy in 1968) The book is "The REAL Anthony Fauci". Both are fantastic books and very informing.

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You are 100% correct on all points! The books you mentioned are on my list of Covid essential links. Here are just a few of those links :

MUST-SEE Movies (2 hrs or less):

- Planet Lockdown (limited-time free availability): https://planetlockdownfilm.com/

- Plandemic Series: https://plandemicseries.com

- Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe: https://thehighwire.com/videos/episode-259-the-movie-that-inspired-a-movement/

- Vaxxed II: The People's Truth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPLVfl8gaa4

- Noncompliant Movie: https://libertyfirstsociety.com/noncompliantmovie/


- The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health by RFK Jr.: https://www.amazon.com/Real-Anthony-Fauci-Democracy-Childrens/dp/1510766 804

- COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey by Peter and Ginger Breggin: https://www.amazon.com/COVID-19-Global-Predators-are-Prey-ebook/dp/B09G VWYWYK/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1647693375&sr=1-1

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I'll be watching those movies tonight.

I'd like to see what other information that you have, or that you think is good.

One of our greatest strengths is through communication, IMO. Individuals are only strong in groups.

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I hope you like the movies. I have tons of info. I have copy/pasted my entire list of Covid Essential Links below. I hope no one thinks I'm trying to spam Dr. Malone's Substack!

These are by no means the ONLY go-to places for great info, but if you want to fill your brain with a firehose of information, these certainly will help. Some I use less often now, but all were important in my Covid journey. Also, I haven't had time to check each link, so please forgive any bad ones that might crept in as the internet passed me by.

Covid Essential Links (rev 5/31/22)

Many of the organizations linked below are composed of volunteers with journalism, scientific, medical, front-line Covid-care experience, and legal credentials and backgrounds; many organizations offer free email newsletters.

Nuremberg Code:



Key Websites:















• America Out Loud Pulse: https://www.americaoutloud.com/pulse/

• Peter McCullough: https://americaoutloud.com/author/dr-peter-mccullough/

• Dr. Henry Ealy: https://www.americaoutloud.com/author/dr-henry-ealy/

• Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet: https://www.americaoutloud.com/author/dr-elizabeth-lee-vliet/

• Daniel Horowitz: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/conservative-review-with-daniel-horowitz/id1065050908

General News:

• Epoch Times: https://www.theepochtimes.com/

Videos (a few of many available):

• Ron Johnson Covid-19: A Second Opinion: https://rumble.com/vt62y6-covid-19-a-second-opinion.html

• Leslie Manookian Presentation at Idaho State Legislature 1/14/2022: https://www.bitchute.com/video/hrxkEguY4J9Z/D

• Dr. Ben Tapper - The Time Is Now movie 1/22/2021: https://rumble.com/vr9myk-the-time-is-now.html

MUST-SEE Movies (2 hrs or less):

• Planet Lockdown (limited-time free availability): https://planetlockdownfilm.com/

• Plandemic Series: https://plandemicseries.com

• Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe: https://thehighwire.com/videos/episode-259-the-movie-that-inspired-a-movement/

• Vaxxed II: The People's Truth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPLVfl8gaa4

• Noncompliant Movie: https://libertyfirstsociety.com/noncompliantmovie/


• The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health by RFK Jr.: https://www.amazon.com/Real-Anthony-Fauci-Democracy-Childrens/dp/1510766804

• COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey by Peter and Ginger Breggin: https://www.amazon.com/COVID-19-Global-Predators-are-Prey-ebook/dp/B09GVWYWYK/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1647693375&sr=1-1


https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/ - A Midwestern Doctor

https://delbigtree.substack.com/ - Del Bigtree

https://flccc.substack.com/ - FLCCC Alliance

https://jessicar.substack.com/ - Dr. Jessica Rose

https://merylnass.substack.com/ - Dr. Meryl Nass

https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/ - Dr. Robert Malone

https://stevekirsch.substack.com/ - Steve Kirsch

https://takecontrol.substack.com/ - Dr. Joseph Mercola

Covid Origins (50 min video):

• Dr. David Martin - Follow the Patents, Then You Will Understand Covid: https://rumble.com/vov60h-dr.-david-martin-follow-the-patents-then-you-will-understand-covid.html

Vaccine Facts:


Vaccine Adverse Events:

• VAERS data: https://www.openvaers.com/covid-data

• VAERS reporting: https://vaers.hhs.gov/reportevent.html

• Vaccine injuries: https://www.c19vaxreactions.com/

• Vaccine injuries: https://www.realnotrare.com/

• They All Knew: https://thetenpennyreport.com/they-all-knew/

Covid Medication and Patient Guides (Including Vaccine Injury):


https://aapsonline.org/CovidPatientTreatmentGuide.pdf https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/










Covid Resources for Patriots:


Mask Myths:

• Ty Science Guy Documentary - https://www.tyscienceguy.com/mask-documentary-series.html

• America’s Frontline Doctors Mask Myths Video - https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/2/videos/mask-myths/

• Truth Over News (Epoch TV video 12 min): https://www.theepochtimes.com/even-fauci-acknowledged-masks-are-ineffective-until-politics-changed-everything-truth-over-just onenews_4270618.html?utm_source=ref_share&utm_campaign=copy&rs=SHRDHLFT&

• Author John Droz (Physicist) - https://c19science.info/COVID-19_Masks.pdf

• Author Paul Elias Alexander - https://brownstone.org/articles/more-than-150-comparative-studies-and-articles-on-mask-ineffectiveness-and-harms/

• Brownstone Institute Search - https://brownstone.org/?s=Mask




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May 31, 2022
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Well, I'm pretty stressed and type A -- but I'm NOT going to let them win.

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I say hell no!

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May 31, 2022
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We need to cancel them by ignoring them. It’s not our only defense, but it is one way to fight back. There are many others, of course.

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Let me think now, who said, “You will never return back to normal” oh yeah, Klaus Schwab.

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May 31, 2022
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Well said and Ditto that…

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This is probably off topic but bears repeating. To illustrate briefly that this entire charade in not over, our dear friends booked a group trip to Italy with 20 others for a 3 week tour of mainly Italy and the final international flight to return to the USA was the island of Malta. 90% of this group were seniors aged 60 plus+ Vaxxed to the Maxx! The return flight home came with an awful turn of events. Maybe some of you have already had these experiences?

Our friends wife tested positive Covid on the Malta PCR test, had "0" symptoms entire trip,

and was denied further airport access, detained and quarantined for 5 days, then must retest negative before even repacking bags and boarding aircraft terminals. We hope for her safe and rapid return on June 2! Now is there similar deranged "Monkey Business" mandate on horizon?

Approx. 10,000 people a day turn 65 in the USA. The illness of shingles is more common in this age group. The vast majority of which could no doubt afford an adventure of this kind of trip to Europe. Why would you want to risk nonsense such as this? This is a nightmare happening daily in 2020 real times. No end utterly in sight! Containment is flourishing. The New Frontier is here.

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“Off topic” but on target! Thank you Randall. This is an excellent example and reminder of what IS happening beyond belief ~ no matter what side one is on. Thank you Dr. Malone for you & Jill’s continuous dedication to reveal, inform and explain what is happening right under our noses and over my unscientific head!

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6 cases of suspected monkey pox investigated in the last couple of weeks in a large city hospital in UK. Following investigation, none turned out to be monkey pox. All had to be treated as if they were highly infectious.

I don't expect a revised figure to be published.

Keep taking those vitamins and getting out in the sunshine everyone!

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I refuse to go back to Psychological Mass Hypnosis. I just will NOT do it. And I will tell everyone I know to do the same.

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Maybe we should wear T-shirts with our message

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May 31, 2022
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No more mass formation? There has to be something a little better than that, though.

Be ungovernable? Resist ?(oops, that's taken)

Needs to get people to avoid the hive mind. Something mocking, catchy. Maybe a reference to the increasingly obviously failed Fauci 'vaccines'

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So many good options. I wear my “freedom” or “Children’s Health Defense” Tshirt with their website on it. People do read them and many great conversations. “Safe and Effective?” will be my next one. I stay away from anything offensive. Peace is always at the forefront.

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I think maybe what AP said

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Yes! I’d gladly wear one!

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I think this is held in common through the vast majority right now.

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May 31, 2022
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Agree. I think it's a minority of (loud) cult members. The cult members wouldn't have cheated in the election (and the fact that they DID cheat is becoming obvious too) if they thought that they could win without cheating.

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Yeah I'm still not a Trump supporter but quite obviously the last election was a big cheat by the Democrats (both parties cheat in my view but this last one was exceptional).

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Enough. None of this matters. It is about freedom.

It is not about any virus, where it came from or how many people will or will not get it and on and on... This is not about anything but freedom. That is the topic. We need to live and not constantly live just in the name of avoiding death in every single way to the sacrifice of a full and normal life.

We have never as a human race lived this way and viruses have always been here living with us side by side. Plagues used to be rare, now they are constant and never ceasing? Oh please.

If this was bio-engineered, then it is about freedom all the more so.

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As I pointed out several times in the comment section of your "monkeypox porn" piece all indications are that this "monkeypox" is another gain of function project that has now been released to the general public. It seems you are coming around to this view. When is the public outcry going to rise up..... Covid was a gain of function project and no one seems to care. We take our vaccines, suffer the consequences and when we get covid say how lucky we are to be vaccinated or it would have been worse. The whole "monkeypox" outbreak was game planeed a year ago and started right on schedule. the covid corona virus outbreak was game planned 2 months before it was released. When are people going to wake up to what is going on?????

Where is the outrage????

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See Mass Formation as described by Matias Desmet for an explanation of public behavior. About 30% of the public is effectively hypnotized into swallowing the approved narrative whole, 20-30% actively resist, and the remaining 40-50% simply go along with the narrative because they don't want to rock the boat.

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Totally true and frustrates the heck outta me!

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Fear of being erased from public life as well as medical life stops the leadership from speaking out!

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Sometimes it makes me just wanna scream when I’m out! Could this not be more obvious! Maybe that’s what a T-Shirt should say - “Wake Up People!” Maybe that will prompt some conversations!

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This is all very disturbing news. There is no stopping the psychopaths who want to kill us.

On another note, why aren't we hearing more on the news about the growing numbers of children with severe cases of Hepatitis. Are they purposely avoiding it; could it be related to COVID vaccinated, and are those people a danger by expelling from their lungs something harmful? At this point, you have to wonder.

Epoch Tiimes: https://www.theepochtimes.com/hundreds-more-cases-of-severe-hepatitis-of-unknown-origin-reported-in-children_4497525.html?utm_source=News&utm_campaign=breaking-2022-05-28-2&utm_medium=email&est=e4uPfPCQgB32sbJJYYKP36vZoPJG4FiCxf7lxd%2BgiDDJWy7dHvg%2BqnXkWkYwx2Q%3D

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I’m surprised as well this hasn’t been receiving coverage

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I've seen coverage of it in Australian media. But no association with the vaccine crime.

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No, of course not! Urrghhh!

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There is still a wretched illusion of "trust your Doctor's advice" (Tv ad reinforcements). But the reality is the fact that there is, and has been in place, a collaborated blueprint to "Storm" the world

with the pursuits of most nations .GOVs associated efforts to reduce the global population by 50%. They have boasted and bragged about the intended methods of applications. It boggles the mind to think that folks are in a continued state of "gullible"! Thanks for the picture comparisons between shingles/monkey pox as evidence. Confucious say.. one picture worth thousand words.

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John Paul, at the Things Hidden in Complexity substack, also covered this yesterday:


My comment from yesterday: Based on early media reports, I was under the impression that the current Monkeypox was just about the same as those from Israel, United Kingdom and Singapore from 2018/2019. The "differences" seem to be quite significant.



FTA: "A while back we estimated the rate of evolution of variola virus (VARV; the smallpox virus) to be about 1x10-5 substitutions per site per year (Firth et al, 2010) which would translate into about 1-2 nucleotide changes per year. This is at the high-end of estimates (see the paper for others). However Monkeypox may not have exactly the same rate of evolution."


Looks like this Monkeypox virus did a whole lot of changing in a short time frame...

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Well, we have the usual suspects: Baric of North Carolina, Fauci a global predator, Peter Daszak the guy who just happened to want to do the exact thing to create Covid-19, that covid-19 just happened to be.

Many more.

Maybe we need a list. There aren't that many on the cutting edge of biological terrorism and germ warfare. And this 'skill' should be portrayed exactly like that. This is NO research to predict pandemics. This is research to START pandemics. Perhaps it's likely that the Klaus Schwab's of this world (look up K. Schwab's FATHER-you'll probably be SURPRISED) are PAYING the Peter Daszaks to create these things. In any case, a non guilty scientist of this caliber should be VERY HELPFUL to those of us who don't want to be a victim of their evil games. They SHOULD be helpful and WANT to be helpful. That is is those scientists have any 'god' than Satan. Not hard for me to pin the word "evil" on what appears to be happening just from what has been revealed, and the consequences just happen to also the 'features' of the Great Reset, or whatever they call their globalist takeover this week.

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What a surprise! /s

A double stranded DNA molecule that has 'evolved' a LOT. DNA is what our body uses to code genetics. It is VERY stable, and I believe (I'm not a doctor) has a way of checking or making less errors than RNA viruses. That this just happened to make a LOT of 'evolution' in a short period of time, is not IMO happenstance.

Do we need to consider 'who benefits', cue bono ? Who 'benefits' is NOT humankind. Is it the transhumanism plague that is trying to create global tyranny right now? Seems that they are the most likely suspects.

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If these diseases happened to be in a biological organism, that organism would have natural defenses. Do we have the defenses needed to 'cure' this transhumanism plague?

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If the genomic alterations get buried by Legacy Media and Big Tech, we are looking at an attempted replay of the COVID "scaredemic" using Monkeypox...

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Yes the Monkeypox virus seemed to change right when Bill Gates traveled to Spain on May 24th for a single day.

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I recently got this from the CT DOH (I was formerly licensed in CT and still receive the updates.) Check out what mode of transmission they deem “theoretical”

“Person-to-person transmission of monkeypox virus is believed to occur via respiratory droplets or by direct contact with lesion material. A combination of standard, contact, and droplet precautions should be applied in all healthcare settings when a patient presents with fever and vesicular/pustular rash. In addition, because of the theoretical risk of airborne transmission of monkeypox virus, airborne precautions should be applied whenever possible.”

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Here goes those masks again Jean James… NOT

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NOT is right! I’ve been cut loose anyway, so my mask wearing days are over.

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They will tell us the monkey pox droplets are stopped with masks.

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Just like the efficacy with SARS ; )

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I thought there was no airborne risk with this virus. When did that change? If it did, how was the nature of this virus so utterly altered? Of course, I do know the answer if that in fact has changed: manipulation.

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Exactly. I love how they phrased it “theoretical risk” but recommended airborne precautions! Very fishy!

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Thanks Jean for sharing this. Good to know what is being circulated. Im not buying any of this monkey business uhhhh, I mean “monkey pox”. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry these days. It’s all too much.

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My husband, a physician, also got this information from his hospital.

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Another mode of possible transmission should be considered:

Nightclub needle attacks puzzle European authorities. June 2, 2022

Across France, more than 300 people have reported being pricked out of the blue with needles at nightclubs or concerts in recent months.

A series of similar incidents involving people pricked with needles at nightclubs, a soccer game and during the Belgian Pride parade have been reported in neighboring Belgium. Last month, the Brussels prosecutor’s office opened two investigations following complaints from women who said they were jabbed during the pride parade in downtown Brussels.


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That’s scary! Thanks for sharing this! It’s always been my fear even with the C19 jab this could happen and if anyone still remembers there were problems with used needles being found underneath those bouncy balls or beads in kids play places during late 90’s or early 2000’s.

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The more I go down the rabbit hole, the more I question everything. Is the government capable of these horrific acts contributing to the destruction of our health? Yes. Do I think they are capable of pricking people? Yes. Or is this just another “story” used to confuse the public? Yes. Isn’t the confusion a part of their playbook? Yes.

I now understand the meaning of “Ignorance is bliss.”

Thank you Dr. Malone and Jill for your contributions and love.

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Thanks for sharing this!

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Agree with Brandon is not your Bro - here goes again! A girl I worked with finally stopped wearing a mask a month ago and now it’s back on!

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Thanks Cheryl B. I it’s because the vaxed/boosted got Covid again.

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I almost asked her the reason! She got Covid right after her first jab

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Looks like Dr. Strangelove (Fauci) is at it again. There are no coincidences:


I'm sure this outbreak is war-gamed to peak near the mid-term elections.

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So to sum up your great article, it appears that this is not necessarily fear porn and looking most probably to be another engineered virus. So bottom line is this is bad. That’s sorta what I took away from the piece. So now the goal is how to we keep our families safe?

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I’m done with “trying to stay safe”. My commitment is to work on “being whole, sentient, courageous and strong” in the face of the darkest Evil. To continue to create, innovate and love.

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Couldn’t agree with you more Jo.

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I would like to know how to keep safe from this as well.

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It has been spread so far by homosexual sex. It is spread by close contact.

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I don't think we have to worry about this one, even if it has been engineered. To date the transmission has been by close contact (skin to skin) spread the same way the HIV virus was initially spread. I have followed the news on this and as far as I know no one has died. The infected people have been hospitalized in special infectious disease units but this is a precaution to prevent further spread. All the infected seem to have attended a gay rights event. There are a few cases in so many different countries because the participants came from many different countries.

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Why doesn't the "authorities" put these people in an orange jump suit?

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Because the "authorities" are in on it.

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What would we do without you?

I have 2 Rx of Ivermectin on hand just in case. I doubt I'll get to use it this time because I am a female and don't engage in male-to-male homosexual sex.

Looks like I'll be able to pass on the Monkeypox. Wonder what the next pandemic crisis will be?

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If you only test for monkeypox in the gay community that's where you're going to find it.

Of course monkeypox itself is likely a vaccine adverse event, say Shingles maybe.

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Test for it? It has a prominent rash with fluid filled postules. Anyone who gets this is going to head to the doctor. Now, there may be asymptomatic Monkeypox but I haven't heard of it so far. Then again, I'm not an expert on this.

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There's also always the possibility that it's 100% bullshit.

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I think there is such a thing as monkeypox. The hype is sheer propaganda to get us all whipped into a state of fear and panic again.

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