May 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I recently purchased a quarter cow from local farm collective that is pasture raised and finished. Nice to have a small freezer full of good healthy food! We need more farms like this. They care for the animals and land.

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Seems like Gates is neck-deep in all the 'evil' things these days....makes you wonder what the CIA has on him after he buddied around with Epstein for so long. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that Gates is pushing for everything The Swamp wants but can't grab on its own...........

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Gates is part of the Cabal. The Cabal control the CIA so Gates is not afraid of the CIA. He is on CV shots and this now but ten years ago he was everywhere pushing GMO Monsanto.

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That's fair, I guess I shouldn't assume the CIA has (or needs) anything on him. He seems like the perfect Swamp Creature.

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Gates is the O.G. of Big Tech Baddies.

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He's got a real hard on to get a Nobel Prize. The Kenyan got one, so why not this evil f**k?

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We have a small beef herd. The issue is finding processors...then of course, the USDA has made it ILLEGAL for me to sell my beef, even though the processor we use is USDA inspected. I have spoken with former USDA inspectors.....they are not actually inspecting all the meat anyway. They spot check at BEST...and usually only check meat where a cow looks somehow unhealthy before slaughter.

If the processor passes inspection, then why can I NOT sell my meat legally to my neighbors? It's OK for me sell the meat to someone BEFORE processing and they pick it up for their own consumption from the same processor, but we cannot pick it up and market it AFTER slaughter. The rules ONLY make sense when you consider they are designed to make it next to impossible for people like us to compete with Publix or Kroger.

Most towns used to have a processing plant where you could take animals...they are fewer and fewer nowadays...and this is a shame.

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That's right.

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May 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Absolutely great substack.

100% agree with small producers being shut out of the market. And not just with cattle. Remember, most cattle for meat are produced by independent ranchers, who then sell the calf to the finishers at local livestock auctions in the fall or winter. These finishers then take the calves to mammoth feedlots for the rest of the animal's life, not little grass pastures. I don't think corporate America have figured a way to profitably raise beef, it is much easier to force independents to shoulder this cost of owning the cow for it's calf producing life. Corporate buyers pick up the calves at dirt cheap prices at the local stock auctions, then control the slaughter and distribution of the meat to the super market. This is how we are really squeezed.

As an old certified organic producer, I also get pretty angry watching new ways corporate food chains and William (Billy) Gates circumvent the intent of the original program. The consumer thinks they are buying healthy food due to that organic label, but you are much better off to buy local or grow your own and not be deceived by that label and what you think it and the food represents. Brand new untested product, kinda like the vaxxes, is Apeel. Another Gates block buster.


Soon to be sprayed all over your "organic" fruit and vegetables.

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I've been purchasing 'Golden Berries' by Sunbelle a foreign operation. They look and taste like little yellow tomatoes, tho evidently they are berries. They feel like they have a thick coating on them. I haven't been able to wash it off. They may be a Gates coated product. They don't seem to go bad. I reckon its time to move on to other options, before it causes harm.

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Marfrig purchased National, so it's the fourth of the big four. For beef, country of origin labeling was repealed. Now a "product of the USA" label means that the beef only has to be processed in the US. So "a product of the USA" can currently be a head of cattle born, raised and slaughtered in Brazil, for example. And then the beef trimmings can be imported into the US, ground and blended with fat, and be labeled as a "product of the USA". There's no truth in labeling. There is currently a proposal at the USDA to make "product of USA" mean beef from a head of cattle that has been born, raised and slaughtered in the US. Public comment for this proposal closed Monday. Here's a blog that deals with this proposal: https://lachefnet.wordpress.com/2023/04/25/truth-in-advertising-therefore-no-more-fraudulent-product-of-u-s-a-labels/

Here's another blog dealing with what needs to be done to deindustrialize the beef "industry" from the same source: https://lachefnet.wordpress.com/2023/05/05/thoughts-on-de-industrializing-the-beef-industry/


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May 12, 2023·edited May 12, 2023

I like the spirit of the legislation, but I'm afraid it will be another Trojan Horse, more producer regs, etc. Not sure if you recall all the "free" eartags, records etc with sheep years ago under the scrappie buzzword.

I truly understand how difficult direct marketing has become, how the ad industry lies steal market share. Not sure how to move forward profitably, I guess keep pushing local, tho the billboards and ads keep stretching local, with often now a 1000 mile radius.

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Don’t ever think that members of the Congressional Ag Committee do local farmers any good. They make the laws according to the wants and needs of their election funders. Every time they tinker around the edges it’s fluff that never addresses the root cause. They removed the US labelling requirements for beef sold in here. They let other countries say their slaughter houses operate under USDA guidelines so they can import here. They let the AG Secretary determine the rules for how many slaughter houses exist, who owns the butchered cow, who can buy it – in-state, across state lines, etc. Yes, Government is the problem.

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Dont forget the USDA organic label. Produce is labeled USDA Organic from other countries, who have their own inspectors and protocols.

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May 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The healthcare industry is taking this same path with expansion (vertical integration) of the Frightful Four entities; CVS, Walgreens, Amazon and Walmart. Control healthcare and you control the people - Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals.

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No sure if it's control so much as it is a business model. They sell the poisons to the proles making them ever more sicker, then then sell them a lifetime of "treatments" -- but never the cure.

Kinda like back in the day Motorola, et. al, were selling expensive radar speed tracking equipment to local law enforcement, then turning around and selling equally expensive radar detection equipment to the flies getting caught in the traps.

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May 10, 2023·edited May 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I foremost am a carpenter. Aside from planting a small garden every year to produce some fresh garden vegetables I’m not to connected to farming. However I do have deep thoughts about my work and what I leave on this earth when I’m gone. I do have pride in many projects that I have built that will be here long after I’m dead. It’s dis heartening to see this push for lab grown meat, genetically modified fruit and vegetables, insects as a source of protein, destroying an industry of farmers and ranchers that have worked hard all their lives to one day leave this legacy to their family. In todays world I do feel bad for the young. Many will never feel that freedom of hard work, callused hands, and that inner feeling that you have contributed something good and healthy to this world.


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I gotta say, James, your tone and tenor is very different now than in the past. Something has shifted in how you think, respond and look at the world. Maybe the change I see is honesty and less vitriol. Kudos!

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Honestly DD I’ve never done social media or subscribed to any sub stack. Since Covid began I’ve watched our country take such a terrible path I needed like minded information. This platform, Dr. Malone, and the great brilliant subscribers certainly make me think in ways that I would never be confronted with. I hope that I add a twist to peoples thought process also. You have added a twist to my thought process. Thank You!!

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May 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As a part time grass fed beef farmer, Robert hit the nail on the head. Keep it going. I love the posts.

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Every time I see something about how we must eat insects to save the planet, I think about David Icke and his lizard people. It would certainly explain the relish the "elites" have for this idea. But it's more likely they simply plan starvation for us and I assume one eats anything in that scenario.

So - it's imperative that we figure out ways to circumvent their plans. Dr. Malone is right. Every one of us lives in a community where we can ferret out local farmers. Like cash, it's a resource where you use it or lose it. I'm convinced the only chance to get out of this is to simply withdraw from their systems. I've stopped investing in financial instruments and instead am investing in local farmers. As Catherine Austin Fitts says, you might only have a 1% chance of succeeding, but if you go along with them, you have zero % chance. She says they're poisoning us and putting in place a slave system. If enough people build an alternative, they won't succeed.

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No insects to eat for me. Never. I do not consent to this satanic agenda.

Canadian government invests $8.5 million in insect production


The company : ASPIRE A world transformed by insect technology. No thank you. Never. https://aspirefg.com/

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May 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I want to keep living as long as I can just to spite them.

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I don't take meds for the same reason. I will do anything not to get unhealthy enough to need them.

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Watch for Gates to start shipping labmeat to schools. The new ‘mystery meat’

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100% this. Gates knows the best customer is government, because government can use force to gain compliance.

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How does he get such control, and why do these people let him do these asinine projects? Is everyone really all paid off?

He could clean up the oceans and stop plastic production, if he wanted to, if there were any money in it...

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At this point, anyway you can either homeschool or private school (thorough check them out), I would do it!

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Welcome to the New World Order and the Great Reset. Right out of Orwell, including the end of nation states, population reduction (genocide), and rule by unaccountable elites. Everything you need to live -- water, energy, food, healthcare -- will be controlled. China is the model.

This is real, planned, and rolling out now. See Agenda 2021 or Agenda 2030 for details. Wake up!!!!!


A 3D animated short film about not too distant but a dystopian future. It speculates on the potential consequences of the infamous Great Reset, medical tyranny, woke culture, and green agenda. This is what our own Congress, American Marxists and the World Economic Forum (WEF) is planning for us.


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May 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I was 'lightly' listening to a Congressional Hearing on ESG investing this morning. The well oiled words of the lib congressional members and witnesses were enough to make me want to stomp my poor cell phone. On the other hand the conservative retorts were forceful and ok. Lets just hope ESG ends up falling on its own sword. It deserves it.

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Doesn't stand a chance. It is spawned by evil.

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God wins.

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There may be a whole world of hurt until then. My heart aches for people to know our loving and merciful God.

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You need to let that go. You can't control other people. You can only set a good example and call it a day.

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I don’t want to control people, but I do want them to know Jesus. I was an agnostic, then in college God called me to Him with His love and mercy. There are some that I have prayed for as long as 19 years before their heart was softened by the Lord. Never quit praying. Peace.

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"Insect Protein Market is Anticipated to Grow $3.3 billion by 2027"

Everything seems to be measured in dollars nowadays; take that, Metric System!

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With inflation that $3.3 billion won't seem like much in 2027.

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May 12, 2023·edited May 12, 2023

Yes, that too :)!

When the CEO of our company speaks about how much the revenue will increase, I always want to add "after inflation we would still lag behind", but I need my job :P...

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In the interest of accuracy, you state LP is used as fertilizer. Natural gas is used to make anhydrous ammonia which is injected into the ground and produces amazing yields as the nitrogen component of a full fertilizer spectrum. You made several other implications that are not entirely correct as well. As a Degreed Agricultural Engineer I would be willing to review your comments before you publish them to avoid any confusion and the possibility of enemies totally torching your article for misinformation.

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I concur completely! We currently farm corn, soybeans and alfalfa in the Midwest. I find this article misleading by what was said, but more importantly what was not said. Omission of context. I currently subscribe to Dr Malone and find most of his writing very good, however, he really needs to talk to ACTUAL farmers.

The myth of the family farm is just that. There are few young people that want to take over the family farm. We are 4th generation on this farm and we have no one able to take over. We are not the only ones. When you look at the price of land, anywhere from 8,000-10,000 plus per acre, the cost of machinery, inputs etc, most young people would rather have a job in town. I could go on and on, but I think you know what I am talking about.

Dr. Malone makes it sound as though we can go back to those times, unfortunately that is not going to happen.

I challenge Dr. Malone to contact farmers in production agriculture and learn the truth about what we do and to learn why the family farms are disappearing.

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I read a story recently about a couple that gave up their cities jobs and moved back to her family's farm. They changed they way the land was operated for the beef cattle first. Then they increased the herd size. Then they invested in their own slaughter operation. Now they sell their beef online. Caveat here. They invested their own money $$$$$ and it took almost a decade to make the farm profitable. Not everyone can do that.

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The Prime Act floated in congress a couple of years ago which would have allowed more small slaughter houses under local state supervision instead of the USDA. This was knocked down solely because the meat industry wants a very small number of large packers so they can have easier export market control.

Secondly, we need interest rates to stay high to kill off ridiculous ideas like making meat in a lab which is way more expensive than traditional farming. Memphis Meats and these other companies are dependent on 0% interest rates and getting rid of them will get rid of idiot ideas like this.

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I am pretty sure no one is going to measure the carbon footprint of such labs...

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Why aren't the Congressmen addressing this slaughter issue? Certainly they know about it. Don't tell me they are all bought off by Big Ag, too?

I realize you may think it's a goofy movie, but, "Legally Blonde 2," addresses issues that representatives face. I think of Elle Woods and Bruiser often. I saw it when I knew nothing about DC; now that I know, it certainly is stereotypical of a day in the life.

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I wrote to my Rep on the AG committee a few years ago to complain about their tinkering with real problems but never solving them. Ya, MO got another slaughter house so my neighbors don't have to haul their cows so far but that did not address all the other issues like guessing how much it would cost them to set the price per lbs to local buyers before the cow was even slaughtered. At the time the AG committee was focused on a initiating a complicated reporting requirement for the slaughter houses so the USDA could monitor. That was just going to raise the price for slaughter. Dimwits in Congress.

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Crickets, yuck! Get your fresh fruits and vegetables and the farmers market near you. Grow a garden. We just expanded ours again this year. Don’t expect to be taken care of. Take care of yourselves.

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