May 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My doctor literally rolled her eyes when I told her I had started taking D, C, Zinc in addition to the curcumin, elderberry, and low dose aspirin. She said if I didn't get vaccinated I would get too sick and she wouldn't be able to save me. I didn't take that as a sensible reason to keep her as my family physician. I ignored her advice and stayed with my supplements. I'm 72 years old and throughout the pandemic, I haven't even had a sniffle nor even needed her services. Now I'm trying to find a new family doctor who isn't in the big pharma format.

I'm so grateful to have found you and several other brave physicians. My daughter thought I was nuts , got jabbed twice and boosted and has had covid 3 times.

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In looking for a primary care doctor, you should be looking for doctors practicing independently, not affiliated with a corporate group. The "corporate" doctors are told to toe the line because the corporation is all about liability risk mitigation. Any independent thinking will be punished because treatment outside established "norms" opens up the practice to more difficult-to-defend (in court) liability lawsuits.

Hospitals were identified during the pandemic as managing their treatment guidance based on financial incentives provided by the government and Big Pharma.

It is hard to believe we are having to deal with this, but realize you are basically on your own, so you need to do your research and take care of yourself.

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That is tough when all one has is “Medicare”.

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That's all I've got.

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great comment! Have you posted this on twitter? If not, and if you're okay with it, I would like to post it. I can do it so it's an anonymous quote, that is not put your name after it, or I can quote you if you're okay with that. I won't do either until you say one or the other is okay. It's remarkable that you have stayed healthy throughout the pandemic at your age AND that your daughter, vaxxed and boosted, has had covid 3 times! That's quite damning for the supposed efficacy of the experimental injections!!

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I don't have a twitter account. Feel free to post it anonymously. Also I stayed away from masking as much as I could and didn't mind going out and about in the world. I chose not to be afraid and hide under my bed. ;)

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thank you, Valerie. I'll post it anonymously.

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That is malpractice on the part of your Doctor flat out! Many in the US have filed suit already.

They have a duty to you not the Government. Remember the CDC has only advisory status.

The reason it is so bad if the WHO treaty goes through. Our right will end. You did good 👍

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I started taking Vitamin D & zinc in Summer 2020. I haven't felt this good since I was a teenager.

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Stay the course!😎👍

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Consider adding quercetin. It's a zinc ionophore that helps the zinc get into your cells where it performs its anti-viral magic. Also, HCQ and IVM can be ordered from India, where they are OTC.

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Thanks. I did add that several months ago. So far haven't needed IVM. I suspect I had covid before the panic porn started. There was an unknown upper respiratory pneumonia type infection sweeping through our area in November/December 2018 I just haven't gotten the antibody test yet.

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Good luck! Stay the course!

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I need to find a primary and I am trying to come up with interview questions that allow me to find out what I need to know without being so blunt to say 'do you practice medicine or are you a corporate shill?'

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Just ask doc how he would treat you if you had covid? If it is the preferred, govt. narrative way, run. I found several by searching sources of invermectin in my area. Many local docs, often naturopaths, came up.

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One way to tell is if they work in a network type of medical system. Most of the doctors in our area work either for the University of Wisconsin health system or Mercy health system both of which are the corporate type systems that dictate what the doctors can do. Good luck.

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Doctors with brains and a conscience would start a new health care system outside the “government” (CDC) control.

Maybe if enough of us could figure out a way to opt out of “Medicare” we could make it work?

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Dr Richard Urso in his interveiw on American THought Leaders(part 2) says they are in the process of creating an alternative medical system sans all the bs. Stay tuned...I'm sure there wil be a list of providers by state. Soooo exciting and god knows we need this! Here's that interview...you can sign up for two weeks free to trial American Thought Leaders...but it's cheap and well worth all the amazing interviews with Jan Jekelielek:


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Epoch times IS rich information.

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Didn't know about the "AMS"!! Great news!!

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We bought an airplane from a doc who couldn’t make the payment. Answer your question?

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I've been a critical thinker all my life. As a teacher I taught thinking skills to my students . I'm also an avid reader and I don't waste my time on sites that don't post their sources. It's how I found so many doctors and sites that posted facts and things to think about. Good luck on finding a doctor. My daughter and her 2 daughters are nurses, ICU, ER, and trauma certified. My daughter works with a doctor who has his own clinics and doesn't take insurance. I can teleconference with him but I need to travel about 350 miles to have a first time exam. I'm planning on doing that in June.

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Are you sure that you even need a primary doctor? What would happen to you if you just opted out… of all of it? I’m a healthy 68, and that’s my plan.

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I did have a BAD experience with my Mother when she followed that route. She had a major stroke (blood clot type). Taken by ambulance to a local not so good hospital. There was no info available for the hospital physicians to obtain as to her past history, any meds et al. They managed a limited recovery, pacemaker and second stroke. She ended up in a nursing facility for 8 years as a vegetable with painful bedsores. It was a terrible experience for her. She had no medical advocate.

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So sorry about what happened to your Mother…Good to know. My late husband (who died peacefully at home at age 90) had a stroke at the gym. I refused an ambulance and got him home. Never saw a doctor… I and my stepson took care of him during his final year. Note: no bedsores or neglect! I’m still not sure how having had a primary care doctor would have resulted in a better outcome for your Mother.

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I'm so sorry. That is also a concern.

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My husband has parkinsons and some genetic problems that need monitoring. If it weren't for him I'd skip having a fp.

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Same for me, 70, no vax, while kids that are have had covid a time or two...

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deletedMay 23, 2022·edited May 23, 2022
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I have called them "White-Coated Witchdoctors" for years......

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May 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone the world cannot thank you enough for giving all your energies to saving people’s lives.

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thank you, R Mitchell

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Dr. Malone and Jill, I am sure you will be rewarded richly, others would say Bigly, for all your dedication and hard work to help humanity. God Bless you Both!

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There have been reports that Moderna had a patent on its vaccine as of March 2019 , one year before the pandemic. And there was good data in the medical literature that described the pathophysiology of Sars 2. There were discussions about serine protease inhibitors. Chloroqine (very similar to hydroxychloroquine with the latter having a better safety profile)was discussed in the early 2000s (NIH study I believe) which showed good activity against SARS 1 in vitro. This data was all available. That the majority of those in the medical community failed to even show any interest in this continues to destroy the trust in the medical profession.And justifiably so.

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I believe that the most egregious damages from all the fuss is that for those who are paying attention the trust we may have had in the medical profession is lost for good. Personally I think this probably will result in healthier people, but I could be wrong. For myself I do not trust any single opinion. Check, verify, research, and THINK. All these will help keep us healthy and alive. Also, nearly everything reported in the press (mainstream) is simply wrong or a lie.

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I have been a physician for 42 years. DO NO HARM. What is going on is criminal in my opinion.

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Fabulous article. What a great source of information for my constant arguments with friends, some family, though most agree, and doctors who just seem to have been hypnotized.

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May 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The treatment prohibitions were driven entirely by the corruption of the laws requiring there be no treatment in order to get emergency use authorization. If there are treatments, EUA is illegal. Those who prohibited treatment and those who approved EUA conspired to break the law. Failure to prosecute them corrupts all of society.

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May 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You rock, Doc! You nailed it with this but my doctor still believes the rigged trial results. Most of this is not new news to those of us who have put in the time to get and stay informed but you explained it well and I just hope this message is spread far and wide. Too many still are reading at night with the lights out.

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May 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Speaking of being censored, I started noticing I wasn’t receiving your or Rumble emails anymore. You were being intercepted and sent to the Trash/SPAM bin by as Norman Dodd said, the “unAmericans”.

Not to worry, I dug you out of the bin and changed my email from Yahoo.com to Protonmail.com.

Low and behold you appeared today!

Carry on!

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good decision to migrate to Protonmail

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Had that same problem with gmail, moving to protonmail fixed everything.

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Had the exact problem with hotmail, moving also to protonmail, if Herr Trudope allows it. They are monitoring everything including our bank accounts and at month's end tell you where the monies was spent. I was horrified when I first saw that a few months ago, probably after our loving Freedom Convoy went to Ottawa. Well so sad to bad we withdrew our money from that bank. The other bank we also withdrew the majority of money, kept enough for our bills, however we mostly pay cash.

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Yes the Canadian trucker protest should have been the wake-up call to everybody. If you're interested, I wrote tons of articles about this, most of which are linked in this article.


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Thank you for posting that.

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I switched to protonmail a while back for trust and security. Its interface isn't as fancy as gmail, but it's far more trustworthy. Gmail often puts my message into spam, especially if they include attachments.

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This occurs in my mail system too. All Real mail I find in junk. Proton mail.. 😊 will help, I’ve heard.

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Yes it will help. Protonmail.com is free but they have an option to pay for more features. The free one is enough for me.

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May 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My wife & I are in our mid 70's. Last October, we both contracted the so called Covid Delta variant. We simply followed the FLCCC Alliance early treatment protocol, incl Ivermectin, Fluvoxamine + a variety of other repurposed drugs, supplements & vitamins. Both of us experienced mild symptoms & after 3-4 days were both free of Covid.

Neither of us have any lingering effects i.e. Long Covid. Both remain determinedly "un-vaccinated" & are now enjoying natural immunity--far better immunity than any real vaccine offers; not yet alone this pseudo, dangerous, experimental gene altering therapy.

That's OUR TRUTH! What's your's?

Gerald Chorba

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My wife and I are in our early 70’s and will be loading up on ivermectin and HCQ if we get sick, following the same protocol. So far no illness and for us it will be no jab ever.

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May 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"To this day, I personally am convinced that this suppression of the successes of treatment for COVID-19 had more to do with the promotion of the vaccines. Absurdly, early treatment and prophylactic treatments are seen as competition to vaccination."

This. IMHO, in a true pandemic, you throw everything you have at it. Imagine if Eisenhower had planned D-Day and insisted on only using planes and no ground troops. It is laughable

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May 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I always suspected that agreements with Pfizer and Moderna precluded the early treatments. The salespeople and lobbyists who put together the agreements let representatives of the countries know that there would be problems if early treatments were allowed to proceed and get in the way of the EUA. But, what would I know.....

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I've suspected the same thing too. How to find out for sure? I've asked my minister of parliament (Canada) how to get a copy of the contract. Crickets. Shouldn't this be in the public domain? I remember seeing European parliamentarians holding up contracts which were nothing but black ink due to the extreme redacting.

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May 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Chemical intervention in disease states dominates the treatment protocol. Prevention and reversal of disease states through lifestyle changes and rejecting toxins in food,water and enviroment are ignored and is a source engine for more disease states to treat. Big Pharma in the US is now over 1/2 TRILLION dollar a year enterprise. To keep it growing, they have to continue to finds patentable, proprietary and profitable chemicals and treatment protocols to the exclusion of all other treatment approaches. Ivermectin does not work for this scenario. Neither does Vitamin D which boost immune system function when most are deficient. Ignoring the key role that the immune system plays in protecting humans from all pathogens is ignored. Training physicians to understand body dynamics has been subjugated to bias medical views that reinforce the allopathic medicine model. The experimental mRNA injections are just the opening slavo in treating disease states by injections that manipulate cellular function. The ultimate goal will be reached when WHO becomes the Enforcer of Global Viral Medical Treatment this June. Physician/patient relationship will be replaced by medicine dictated from WHO headquarters.

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Un-Constitutional. Will never happen.

I noticed Russia is leaving the corrupt WHO.

Once their power play is over they will be left an empty vessel along with their ugly step-child the WEF.

Nice try assholes.

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I hope you are right, except they are already pushing the next fear event with monkey pox.

The majority of those who were injected around the world have bought into the kool aid scheme that the medical mafia is saving them from death.

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It has been closely coordinated. That much is clear. Perhaps someday we may know who and they can be brought to their complicity in the deaths of hundreds of thousands. There may be many reasons for why information and knowledge sharing was clamped down but the end result is the deaths of many people who counted on public health, their governments and their doctors.

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by my count it's millions. 80% of the covid deaths could have been avoided. They knew about HCQ from the get go. So what did they do? They had the Lancet publish a FAKE study based on FAKE fraudulent non-existent data that was literally made up by a company called Surgisphere. The Lancet abandoned all their normal editorial processes and published the FAKE study in May 2020 without verifying the data and without independent peer review. Researchers were suspicious of the data, requested the dataset from Surgisphere who refused to release it, so the Lancet retracted their FAKE study in July 2020. But by then the damage had been done. But just to make sure, Bill Gates and Tony Fauci funded two fraudulent trials where they gave severely ill hospital patients near lethal doses of HCQ. Normal dose is 400 mg. In one study they gave the patients 2400 mg! 6 times the normal dose. In the other study they used 1800 mg daily for 6 days. Guess what? Some of the patients died! So they "concluded" HCQ not only doesn't work but it's dangerous!!

Same story with IVM. Bangladesh was successfully treating covid with IVM early on. In April or May of 2020, microsoft news reported this! I found the article in late 2020, bookmarked it, then a couple months later wanted to show it to someone on twitter, so I went to my bookmark and what displayed was "oops! the page you're looking for has been moved or deleted." MS news had taken down the article! And as Dr. Malone writes in this article, the Pharma funded pimps have run trails that were designed to fail.

These people are monsters, right up there with Hitler and Stalin. Millions killed because of suppression and even prohibition of early treatments for covid. Millions more have died from the experimental injections. There is no punishment severe enough for these murderers.

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Yes, it did occur this way. I need HCQ for autoimmune and it was beyond insulting to get a high drama lecture on the fatal heart attack it will give a patient. At this point, I alerted her I had been on it for 20yrs. 🙄🙄 Got rid of methotrexate but their HCQ test was on patience past the point of return. The French scientist who got fabulous results was straight forward with the rigging of test results. Dr. Zelenko and many had been saving lives. You cannot even go on mission trip without this anti maleria drug. So many purposeful omitted early treatment. Therefore, the elderly especially lockdown, paid with life. Follow the money 💰 Now more billions to make, vax the infants.

We desperately need more thought leaders.

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I also have taken HCQ for over 20 years for lupus, and it is considered a G.R.A.S (generally regarded as safe) with almost no side effects (only a reversible eye problem that my eye doctor has never seen in 35 years.)

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Absolutely, they might scare Hitler in how they can carry on with their chronic failures, all the while saying how great t6hey are doing, kind of like a large number of politicians. Fauci and Gates seem to have no conscience at all and will kill indiscriminately to make their point. These animals need to be destroyed! I was just reading today that the institution that is supposed to oversee NIAID, the DOB ( Department of Bioethics ) is headed by Fauci's wife, Christine Grady! You couldn't write this stuff and have people believe it was possible!

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Bizarre, incestuous… should be in orange jumpsuit.

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You are right on it.

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I can understand the motivations of pharma, but I remain puzzled by the authoritarianism displayed by organized medicine and it’s active destruction of the physician/patient relationship which enshrines adherence to the best interest of the patient. What could explain so widespread an abandonment of first principles? Is medicine so beholden to their pharma gatekeeper role for power and prestige that it has become just a corps of sophisticated pharma brown shirts?

As Byron Bridle argues, the profession has bet its entire credibility on the injections and will never admit error.

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Obamacare turned doctors from actual doctors into puppets.

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It’s not just incompetence it’s criminal to.suppress a medical treatment that is safe and could save lives. They punished doctors taking their livelihood in order to protect their own infallibility. Our health bureaucrats are corrupt, arrogant and our enemy at this point. This is a campaign issue and representatives who sat silent then and aren’t screaming for change now need to lose in 2020.

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The brave physicians who bucked the system and who lost their licenses lost their practices. This translates to their patients - in the face of a significant need for medical services - having to find a new suitable practitioner, having potential difficulty accessing their medical records and the doctor's staff and suppliers having no jobs and potentially no bill payments for providers.

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Sorry, but all these “doctors” sold their souls to the evil of $$$.

Screw ‘em.

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May 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Good for them! Thank you for sharing this important article.

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May 23, 2022·edited May 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent as always, Dr. Robert Malone.

Near the end of this article, you wrote: "The question remains, why and who is behind the censorship? Who made the decisions that any information on treatment for COVID by countries such as India, Brazil and Mexico have been removed from social media and censored from old media. Clearly, this has been a coordinated effort."

It's a GIGANTIC, GLOBAL, and CRIMINAL conspiracy born out of control, eugenics, and greed -- a coordinated effort, indeed! Many individuals, corporations, media, pharma, medical, and government agencies are behind the censorship.

RFK Jr's excellent book provides most, if not all, the answers. For example, whenever I read articles mentioning that a company suddenly has a miracle drug, a contaminated drug, a dangerous drug, or a recalled drug, I search for the company in RFK Jr's book (the Kindle version enables easy searching). More often than not, the company is mentioned in a deservedly unflattering light.

Everyone should read RFK Jr's book once, twice, and thrice. Here's the reference: The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health by RFK Jr.: https://www.amazon.com/Real-Anthony-Fauci-Democracy-Childrens/dp/1510766804

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