Sep 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am sorry that you are tortured by these folks. You have many many who support you and don’t listen to these naysayers

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Ditto!! Totally support and wishing the Malones the peace and clarity they seek to unfold.

My mother had a saying for conflicting things of this nature.

No good deed goes untarnished. On 2nd thought, maybe it was Confucius that said it first.

Anyway....sigh....this too shall pass.

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I believe it goes something like "no good deed goes unpunished".. bummer that

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Yup...she dealt that one with regularity. But she often adjusted it to the lower untarnished.

And similar to Jimmy Durante, she had a million of em!

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My mother used to say, "This too shall pass" all the time!

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Exactly, but has to be hard to ignore. I checked out Ruby and Peters, and hey are VERY easy to ignore. Mikovits has so much pain in her life (read her book 6 years ago) that she is lashing out at anyone and everyone. Stay focused, and try not to let these people piss you off.

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Finally got around to reading this post. I agree with your (Jeane's) sentiment completely. I actually read Judy's two books a couple of years ago pre-Covidland. She certainly didn't seem unhinged.

I also read the Breggins' book during Covidland. A bit too religious for my take, but again they didn't sound unhinged.

So I'm puzzled. Alex Berenson certainly comes across (to me) as mentally unhinged. But Judy and the Breggins?

I'm puzzled. I don't think they're insane. Maybe jealous? Lazy? A bit daft?

Strange days indeed.

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Sep 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

PLEASE keep us minions informed

Without you and Jill I wouldn’t know what the hell is going on

Thank you for taking the time on a Sunday

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Sep 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We are in a war and you are on the front line. Many back you. Stay strong.

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Sep 19, 2022·edited Sep 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is a sad, familiar, and exhausting tale, and I’m sorry you and Jill are having to deal with this on top of your endless other commitments.

I wish everyone would just focus on our shared goals of defeating totalitarianism and ending democide and let our individual actions and words speak for themselves.

I addressed the problem of division within the Resistance in this piece:

• “Dialogue with a Divider” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dialogue-with-a-divider)

We are all working at breakneck speed to combat the philanthropaths, tyrants, colluders, and Covidians—the last thing we need is to start fighting amongst ourselves.

At the risk of sounding trite, “Can’t we all just get along?”

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Yes, theirs is an ancient and effective technique: "Divide and Conquer." Create infighting among one's adversary so they destroy themselves.

Dr. Malone is wise not to swim in that swamp - don't fight the dinosaurs, just feed the gazelles.

We all are well advised to follow his lead.

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Not trite at all, still a powerful message from days long gone.

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Margaret Anna Alice,

Agreeing with all you said! It’s not trite to say : “Can’t we all just get along? “

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Sep 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dear Dr. Malone,

A word of caution: THEY want you to play defense. This is why they are coming after you. It’s a losing game for you.

The other side knows from experience that the best way to make an effective opponent ineffective is to transition him(or her) to playing defense. It’s a setup for the kill shot. Don’t fall for it.

Stay on Offense and not only that, Double Down on Offense!

If you want a role model for staying on Offense look to Governor DeSantis. They have tried desperately to spin him over to a defensive posture and he won’t do it. Every time he doubles down on Offense. It drives the other side nuts but is key to DeSantis’s “legs” - his mileage as an effective leader. We need you so much in the fight, but not on Defense

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We can't forget that the upcoming midterm elections are going to foment a lot of chaos and outrage porn in the run up. Expecting an historically bumpy ride.

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I don’t see how they’re going to even allow an election. Some new catastrophe? So many crimes and massive malfeasance to be exposed. Big tech-media-philanthropaths (borrowed term) with their thumbs on the scale. This one really is for all the marbles and THEY know it.

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I share your concern, I don't know how we will get through it. Bracing for impact.

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I couldn't agree more...

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Sep 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have read and followed Dr Judy Mikovits for a couple years - But when she attacked

Dr R. Malone, who I have also followed for the same time, I stopped reading or listening to her. This insanity of attacking each other has got to stop. Dr. Malone - every interview and written word from you shows nothing but a gentleman and a scholar. Thank you Jill for encouraging his response to this madness of accusations!

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Agree that the choice is that simple, given unprecedented high stakes. But sad to watch people poison their hard won reputations with their own behavior. A parallel to watching other people we care for killing themselves with the shots. More tragedy we don't need.

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yeah that says it all Betsy. From the poor grammar and odd sentence constructions of Mikovit's letter I intuit she is a bit off-kilter. Her personal tragedies could very well be pushing her over the edge and Stew Peters, not limited as an "angler", accelerates her fall.

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Stew Peters as Angler Accelerator Amplifier. Another useful concept for the resistance lexicon. The ranting and raging tone not constructive.

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yet another facet of where there is risk...there must be choice! Choose to tune out static.

Thoughts become things....choose the good ones. Bad behaviors are a risky business.

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More attacking from a bot?

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Sep 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

All the truth tellers like Dr Malone are being attacked. Crazy terrifying sad times.

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FEAR NOT LITTLE FLOCK, FOR I HAVE OVERCOME THE (psychopathic, lintentionally culling, neo-feudal ) WORLD!”

-Jesus/Yeshua, our great King

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Sep 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

These aren't conspiracy theorists. They are anglers, hooking for the next "gotcha" so they can make a new or bigger name for themselves.

Beware their hooks. And don't respond.

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When you are being attacked on every side (and especially by those who once seemed to be allies), it is best to do nothing. It is as futile responding to these insects as it is to argue with Internet trolls.

Dr. Malone needs to keep posting the truth and he has no need to defend or repost anything he has ever said.

Right now, the priority should be on publishing the overdue book and promoting it.

We, his faithful readers, have no need for daily updates or even the Sunday Funnies.

Since the supposed educated classes remain ignorant of the Great Barrington Declaration, it might be beneficial to repost that.

A weekly update is sufficient. We are not vampires.

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Noooo, the Sunday Funnies are critical for keeping perspective, a sense of humor. Re: Dr. Malone/Jill's everyday posts, as important as they are, I could survive with every other day, and perhaps a bit shorter, posts. But "weekly" would be a starvation diet...unless of course it IS necessary to get the book out! And then it would simply be just an elective fasting diet.

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Since Gary Larson stopped writing the FAR SIDE and since Bill Waterson stopped publishing CALVIN AND HOBBES, I've been starved for funnies. You make a good point, Leonora.

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I believe the Friday Funnies and Sunday Strip are important ways to regularly embrace humor, which in turn promotes health and open-mindedness.

I trust both Dr’s Malone judgment on how to pace themselves, whom to respond to, and to appropriately prioritize various opportunities including finishing the book. There’s plenty of helpful info on the substack to sustain us until the book comes out.

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It sounds like Dr. Judy Mikovits is being given bad information to create suspicion and infighting. Perhaps Big Pharma can weaken and discredit their opponents by causing them to waste their time fighting with each other instead of the real enemy, Big Pharma.

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Anglers. Excellent new word to add to the common parlance.

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Sep 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am sorry you are dealing with this!! I pray for good senses to prevail and for everyone to snap out of fear and focus on the gigantic task at hand, without getting distracted by canceling each other (which is tragic).

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I wrote this bit below about the missionary mindset (that I believe Is driving this conflict at its root). There is so much work to do! We are up against such a big monster! Thank you for responding so sincerely, I hope this gets resolved and everybody can peacefully move on.


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Sep 19, 2022·edited Sep 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Doc, the good thing is your aggressors will quickly move on.

Most I know are very proud of you and your wife for your hard fight against all this. Some owe you their good health and a many others health of their children. That is priceless.

Thank you for all that you do.

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Sep 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It has long been observed that, "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." That fury is as likely to strike bystanders as her justified targets. Judy has had plenty of scorn as a lone pioneer in confronting medical tyranny. It's understandable that it would drive her nuts. Her note doesn't look like the product of a sober person. But I'm pretty sure we all share common interests.

But we can't allow even inebriated neurotics to libel us. Your response was a good balance of empathy and conviction. Tough love. You'll probably need to get a bit tougher.

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Dr Judy, if it was indeed her who wrote the email/letter, did herself no favour.

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Nuts...inebriated...neurotic...those and more crossed my mind, too. Sad, actually.

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You should read her book. It's an outraged scream. She's been besieged by medical autocrats for a long time.

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Now address the slander leveled at Dr. Malone by these people.


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Sep 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Stay strong. You have integrity and many supporters who pray for you and Jill.

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Sep 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As an interested member of the public, I have seen several video clips of Judy talking about the pandemic. I find what she says regarding the scientific aspects completely incomprehensible. Her mode of expression seems to be deliberately designed to clothe confusion with a cloak of authority. There's a lot of inuendo and there are very few clear, connected statements of verifiable fact. It may be just me, but my impression is that she is trying to tell the audience something but is simply not succeeding in getting a coheret message across. Talks by others such Drs. Malone, Kory, McCullough and their ilk are completely different - clear, logical and well supported by cited references.

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RemovedSep 19, 2022·edited Sep 19, 2022
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RemovedSep 19, 2022·edited Sep 19, 2022
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Sorta like an instruction manual written in English from china

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RemovedSep 19, 2022·edited Sep 19, 2022
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"Educate yourselves on what is going on around you and if you did you would not be whining on this blog looking for Brownie points from the inventor horse whisperer."

Thanks for completely outing yourself with this.

You are a troll.

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"Like a cow patty sprinkled with caviar". Best metaphor ever... Second best.. "Bee's don't waste their time trying to convince Fly's that Honey tastes better than Shit"

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I'm gonna' save both of those! Thanks!

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Sep 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It's a shame that others misattribute things and blame you. I totally agree-- a bit of reading is all I needed to know that you are a decent scientist and undeserving of anyone's wrath. People tend to jump to conclusions and that is clearly what Mikovitz did. We know you and love you, Dr. Malone. And, in engineering, we have a saying: "Illegitimi non carborundum". Don't let the bastards wear you down.

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Wonderful post. Thanks Dr. Malone!

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Sep 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Your followers are many, many more than those “lightweights” who wish to monetize a relationship with you…. Stay true and just - we love you guys!

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