Aug 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am so grateful to you and others like you who have opened my eyes to all the aspects of this oppression. I used to have the attitude of, "if it doesn't affect me personally, I don't take a stand." That was a long time ago. I now know it all affects me, and freedom is too valuable to lose by inaction. Quotes from the truthsayer Bob Dylan come to mind often, "You don't have to be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows."

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Dylan is a fake. Hides in the corner while he counts his money.

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Man, you need to find some real hisory books

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Just the way I see it.

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Sadly, your old attitude is still pervasive, including in supposedly freedom-loving states, which will not be free much longer if their complacent population doesn’t wake up — and soon! Here is a good article on the topic and a free-to-watch video of Rocky Mountain Heist: https://www.freedomman.org/video/rocky-mountain-heist/

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BOOM!💥 Do any of you remember when Commifornia WAS RED?!?!?! I remember. And it can happen to YOUR state too! So all those that talk crap about CA, beware. And many of you would be shocked to know how many Conservatives there are in CA, me being just one Conservative.

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I absolutely remember a non-Commifornia (Reagan land!). When I lived in San Diego (80s and 90s), it was conservative, with lots of military proudly standing for America. Today, it's so woke it's being sued.

Congrats on being a stranger in a strange land. You're not alone, so keep speaking up. My s-i-l is a conservative in Long Beach. My b-i-l is a conservative in San Jose. CA is the home of Larry Elder and PragerU. Also, Pastor Mike McClure.

We also must cheer the recent victories in CA including:

* Parents' grassroots efforts in Shasta County that affected the entire state: https://thehighwire.com/videos/parents-fight-back-and-win/

* Defeat the Mandates Rally in LA: https://rumble.com/vzqqne-defeat-the-mandates-grand-park-los-angeles-march-10-2022.html

* Withdrawal / death of some of the worst CA bills: One example: https://calmatters.org/politics/california-legislature/2022/08/california-bills-lawmakers/

America is in the worst pickle 🥒 of its life, primarily because voters aren't paying attention, are apathetic, are brainwashed (mass formation), and are afraid to speak up.

Also, mail-in ballots and early voting are totally stomping freedom. There's lots of cheating in every state, but wherever possible do whatever you can to MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT!


* DO NOT vote early (or late).

* DO NOT vote by mail / absentee.

* AVOID all ballot drop boxes, but especially unsecured, unmonitored, outside, or mobile.

* Be a poll worker or a poll watcher.

* Be alert. Watch for, photograph / video, and report any funny business. See if you can find a United States Attorney’s Office Election Day Hotline (or something similar) in your state.

Wake up 😴, everyone, whether you live in Commifornia or FreedomFlorida. The American republic is at stake.

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Such a beautiful state, ruined by political lunatics. I hope it can be saved. 😢

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And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

1 Corinthians 13:13

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I have no love for Commie Dems or Uniparty Pubs. Sorry but that is a ship too far but you go right ahead.

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No one’s sayin’, “Love the Commies!”

Not even the Commies.

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The only solution is Autonomous regions which is not happening. Some states will need to become Autonomous. It's the only solution. Will that happen? I am not betting on it. The Republic is doomed by Urban Dem Hell Holes.

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Or Constitutional Sheriffs! Most of the country is NOT Democrat or leftist. There’s a lot of ground between San Fransicko and New York Shitty!

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As I mentioned its getting tougher and tougher for Pubs to win state wide elections because of the Commie Dem Urban Hell Holes and their suburbs. Look at Georgia and Atlanta + Atlanta suburbs. Same with Arizona and Phoenix / Maricopa County.

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Not doomed, but certainly damaged.

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I would not be too sure. Think our Founders knew human nature pretty well but did the best they could. Perhaps that understanding is why Franklin said we had a republic if we would keep it or something to that effect. He knew.

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Commie Dem Urban Hell Holes will doom the Republic. There is no way around it. We are almost there.

Democracy without the Republic = Mob Rule

This is what the Commie Dems want and will eventually get. That is the reason they want open borders (also for the $$$). The Uniparty Pubs want the $$$.

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Democracy IS “mob rule”…the individual does not exist. That’s why the USA is considered so different. A Constitutional Republic, NOT a democracy!

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There is Democracy but it's kept in check to some degree. Look at how hard is to win State wide elections now. The Commie Dem Urban Hell holes and their Suburbs overwhelm the vote. For example Commie Atlanta and its suburbs.

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Okay. Great. Thanks for giving up!

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Please tell me how you change the equation. The demographics are set in stone. Commie Dem Urban Hell Holes (this includes their suburbs) will end the Republic. Now is the time for Red States to become Autonomous (or Succeed). Also for regions within Blue States to become Autonomous. Again will this happen? Unfortunately I don't see it.

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You could change the equation overnight if we had kept fair and legitimate elections. The Republicans are simply a part of the left. They’re all going to destroy themselves. Let me get out of the way!

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The winds of change are strengthening. The critical minds and honest independent thinkers will become the heroes of tomorrow. Thank you for staying the course Dr. Malone, in more ways than one.

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Beautifully said!

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Aug 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As Charlie Kirk keeps saying, “You don’t need a college degree to make a good living”. Learning a trade and skilled labor is an option for some of these kids.

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The term "college education" is quickly becoming an oxymoron.

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Dr. Malone, thank you. And also, I'd like to offer an additional very good resource. I recently interviewed Dr. Spiro Pantazatos at Columbia U who is fighting mandates there, and he prepared a very well-sourced letter and generously made it available to the public. Parents can use it to write to university administrators. Info in my article:


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I would suggest he quits the Commie institution. Columbia is the absolute worse. I don't even know where to start.

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All Ivy Leagues are complicit.

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Yes, but that wasn't my point. Columbia has an especially horrid Commie history. It would definitely rank number 1 in that department.

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Fair enough.

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Yeah. It was the progressive b.s. from their Ed. Dept. oozing out from the east coast that signaled the desire of Wilson and Dewey to transform our education system. They have not changed.

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It's totally rotten. They might as well officially rename it Commie University.

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Wasn't Barry Soterio a Columbia graduate?

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Yes, Columbia / Commie University.

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This is where it gets hard. It's easy to blithely say move to Florida or postpone college until sanity returns while seeking other venues for education. It's also wrong to say that.

What's happening is unjust. These parents have to confront their neighbors who defend this. They have to hold administrators and legislators personally accountable.

Has California so subverted democracy that this can't be done?

It's something to fear but one can't be paralyzed.

The only emotion allowed is anger.

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There is zero accountability in California, just as there is the same in Washington D.C. Stolen elections have consequences, and vote rigging in California has been going on a very long time. We are now observing the consequences.

Until voting is "real", there is no solution: paper ballots, cast in-person, hand counted with observers, voter ID required.

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Aug 18, 2022·edited Aug 18, 2022

Yes, so my beloved alma mater, Purdue University, under the leadership of fiscal conservative, Mitch Daniels took 58 million in Fed money to promote "mitigations." They came within a hairsbreath of mandates but pressured, coerced, and bribed 90% of the student body to inject. The University, allegedly the bastion of free speech, essentially did not allow debate on the scientific merits of any mitigations. How a research institution takes this position is beyond me? We can expect that 30% of the injected will have subclinicl cardiac compromise....but hey, we kept tuition stable. Anger is what I feel. Do not look for RINOs to save anyone from lies, just sell to the highest bidder.

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Very sad to hear this. I am a fellow Hoosier, IU alma mater, many years ago. Some day Mitch Daniels will be called upon to explain himself, as his actions go against a lot of the other sorts of entrepreneurial and break away thinking that he credits himself with as an academic administrator.

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Anger is one of many emotions. No one has 'rights' to anyone else's emotions. Anger, like all emotions, can be expressed in beneficial or non-beneficial ways. Anger has a lot of energy to it and can be a great motivator toward positive action. BTW - Every emotion has a frequency.

Love is the most powerful emotion with the highest frequency.


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I have read his books, my fav is Letting go, the pathway of surrender. I was referring to something that Eckhart Tolle said.

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I don't think anyone is being blithe. It is a very big decision to face. College can be revisited down the road, but vaccination can't be undone.

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Sometimes anger is the ONLY motivator.

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The only emotion allowed is anger? Don't become part of the problem by doing and being that which you rail against. A clear NO is more powerful than an angry No, don't you think?

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No. The Dept of Homeland Security published a memo two days ago that equated citizens concerned with government over reach and election integrity as "Domestic Extremist," to be watched with a higher level of scrutiny. That would be most of my State. Ok, I'm a Grandma, not too loud but plenty angry in defense of my littles, they can't defend themselves against this.

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You don't have to be loud and angry.

Quiet anger works much better but it's still anger.

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That’s called “passive-aggressive” behavior.

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A child must put a drug in his body that remains untested-to-standards; the long-term effects unknown; the concerns about the short term effects legitimate; and the ineffectiveness without dispute, else he can't attend college, which is now a necessity for a professional career.

You tell me the emotion that should be felt.

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Anger in any form, loud, soft, incessant. You are quibbling.

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I prefer quiet, incessant anger, but if loud works for you, go for it.

If you recognize what's going on it's impossible for a decent person not to be angry, loud, soft or incessant.

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It is NOT wrong to say that!

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Aug 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks, Dr. Malone. I have found in my own extended family that the more information I send them, the less willing they are to consider that their government is not only lying to them, but seeks their harm. They just can’t or won’t believe it. It really frustrates me because I love them. My friends have been much more receptive… funny how that works.

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Recently had a similar experience with an adult daughter. My parenting error, having shielded her from evil for too long, she has trouble believing that there are forces of evil that want to hurt her.

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Funny how 'Mom' goes from knowing 'everything' when they are children, then 'nothing' of national importance when they're grown.

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Aug 18, 2022·edited Aug 18, 2022

Commie Dems are almost 100% insane and I am sure they feel the same about me. I hate to be so harsh but there is no hope for them. The divide is permanent. Time to be tough back to them.

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Aug 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

88% of democrats support mandates? That is crazy.

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And 10 years ago nearly 100% of democrats would have said Alex Jones was crazy for saying government would mandate experimental vaccines.

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Life would be SOOOOOOOO much easier if everyone in America just did what I think they should do. Once upon a time in a country far, far away: thalidomide was an option. Any questions?

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Questions are verboten. The experts speak, you listen!


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"Yes.... Master." Picture me wearing my Frankenstein Halloween costume as I say this. (Or perhaps I should dress as a peasant, as you suggest:-)

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Thanks Dr. Malone. While reading this, I heard a discussion on TV on the DOJ/ FBI raid of Mar a Lago, and the unprecedented nature of this action. Well, we’ve had a lot of unprecedented actions since 2020.: lockdowns, mask mandates, jab mandates ( effectively, anyway). What do they ALL have in common? Federal Government “nudging” and fatwas against its citizens. The result? A very large percentage of Americans are very uncomfortable, and have a very reasonable fear of this government. Was this intentional?

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It is absolutely intentional. But it's not 'government'. It is the global cabal, the medical mafia, the world banksters, the technocracy, the medical mafia, the top 1% of wealthy who want to control the rest of the 99%, and intend to kill off 3/4 of the world population along the way to their New World Order.

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I would suggest the Pharma mafia and their captured medical complicits. Pharma, the Fauci crowd and their media sucked in large elements of the medical community.

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Speaking of California medical tyranny, I believe AB2098 (censoring doctors for speaking counter-narrative truths) is heading to its third Senate reading today (8/18: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billStatusClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220AB2098). People can still voice their objections to this Stasi bill. See this piece for more details along with instructions on how to submit letters of opposition via the California Legislature Position Letter Portal:

• “Letter to the California Legislature” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-california-legislature)”

Note that you have to submit the form for each committee, which currently includes:

• Assembly Committees: Appropriations + Business & Professions

• Senate Committees: Appropriations + Business, Professions, & Economic Development

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Thank you Dr Malone and Dr Jill for fighting not only medical tyranny but also fighting for constitutional rights as an American!

My (baby) is headed off to college in three weeks. Thankfully the school she has chosen does not require vaccinations or masks. I know during the main outbreak they encouraged students to get vaccinated but it was not mandated. However I do believe that the unvaccinated had to do on-line classes.

The charts you posted are very interesting. I sure hope the tides are turning and people are waking up.

I know my liberal friends who are following the vaccine narrative don’t do their research. They say the dr said it was safe and effective .

I have learned through the years that it is important to do your research on health issues concerning your health. To make informed decisions on choices.

My daughter has a friend who is a PA. She works for a dermatologist. She was telling my daughter that people don’t won’t to make decisions on their health. When asked what they want to do about options for procedures, they say that they will do what the dr suggests. They don’t question the narrative. Then you have physicians who think they are all knowing and you don’t dare question their authority.

Thank you again for being a warrior for truth.

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Your daughter is lucky to have a mom this cautious, and to have made the effort to find out the details and the options.

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Thank you for all you are doing. Because of you, Steve Kirsch and many others on the front lines, the news about this horrible, poisonous injection is getting out. People are seeing through the veil of lies.

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Aug 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As someone who is still trapped in CA, I can attest that the Gallup polls, if anything, underestimate the magnitude of the mass formation. My husband and I are CA natives who (pre-COVIDcrisis) identified as Democrats/liberals. But what we've seen from this state and its residents over these past 2.5 years has shaken us to the core. Our social circle, including longtime friends, has been obliterated as we suddenly found ourselves disillusioned, disoriented, and marginalized by all the insanity. So many people who we previously considered to be intelligent, rational, independent thinkers turned into rabid, foaming-at-the-mouth, Covidian/vaxx cultists. Though the pandemic served as the impetus for our own awakening, in retrospect, I think the "barking mad" CA culture was a long time in the making.

I became a paid subscriber today and want to use this opportunity to say THANK YOU to Dr. Malone. You literally saved our lives - it was my early exposure to you, Dr. McCullough, Dr. Yeadon, and Dr. Cole that convinced us to hold our ground. And thank you to this community for saving our sanity.

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For whatever reason you have to stay in CA- I hope you can find a way out. The state is getting worse, not better. So many great places to live - i highly recommend the SE (so many great states) - if you like green, Texas if you like dry. Nashville is a fun place to be right now.

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Totally agree - the prognosis for CA is dismal on many levels. We have strong family and career ties here, but the situation has become untenable. We are working on an exit strategy and have taken to heart your advice about the importance of community. In fact, the SE is at the top of the list (especially horse-friendly locations)! Thank you for the encouragement.

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Aug 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"the democratic party is doing an excellent job of keeping their members in a state of mass formation"...

The statistics are appalling, but the Democrat Party could not do this without the paid complicity of the Media. And it is beyond bizarre that they have essentially been able to make the choice of medical treatment into a Political Issue (and that people actually buy into that!). Mass formation demonstrated in action.

As always, thank you Drs. Malone for all you are doing!!!

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That poor couple, mass formation = mob behavior because actions flow from beliefs/ thinking. The government and the bank going after the church on what essentially is a conscience issue is terrifying and reminds me of what happened with the peaceful truckers in Ottawa. Unless hearts and minds are changed en masse we also will be headed for total govt and financial control https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/wef-canada-launch-federal-digital-id-program/

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Urban Commie Dem Hell Holes are the problem. There is no way to overcome their numbers.

Democracy = Mob Rule

Once the Electoral College falls the Republic is totally lost. We are looking at 10 years max.

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TEN???? It’s already gone! It’s simply on life support!

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I am being conservative on the time period on the ending of the Electoral College. Could it happen sooner? Sure it could.

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