Jun 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Most “Journalists” are not even qualified to be journalists! 🇺🇸

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Jun 20, 2022·edited Jun 20, 2022

But literally anyone can become a professional parrot...its very sad that this is what journalism has come to.

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Jun 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We don't have many investigative journalists left. Most are following their leadership who determines the tone and message of events for hidden agendas. Whether it is covid, Mass shootings, Border issues Ukraine Crisis or the Green Agenda, the messages are carefully honed to re-educate the masses. About 40 years ago, it was reported that ABC, NBC, and CBS executives meet for breakfast in New York at 5 AM and they would all agree on what events to broadcast for the day! Now we are down to 6 Corporations that control over 90% of the Mass media, for profit. The 6 Billion they receive from Big Pharma makes sure they don't bite the hand that feeds them and the Covid crisis continues ad nauseum!

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Everybody needs a paycheck.... That's why it's only the independents and retired in all the necessary areas fighting all these many battles. But - you ARE winning.

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I pray you are right! Unfortunately those who embraced the Covid narrative 100% don’t want to admit they were manipulated!

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Sadly, many will eventually be forced to admit it - if they live long enough. But the children... OMG the children! Like all of you, my mind can't even express the heartbreak 😢 Jack Posobiec had to leave a CVS because of the line of children to get the jab and the one screaming in the back...knowledgeable hearts can't take it.

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Our nation has lost its moral compass!

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No, they trashed it. On purpose. But same results.

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Well, that might involve some humility, yes?

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Jun 22, 2022·edited Jun 22, 2022

I have been very pleased to see Glenn Greenwald, who leans left, being the truth-teller he is. He has always been journalistically honest. imo. He will go where the truth leads him.

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Jun 20, 2022·edited Jun 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. M... Excellent review of the state of journalism.

"...Government subsidized (non-corporate) science and scientists are trained and funded by citizens (through their taxes) to practice their craft objectively in a variety of technical domains including medicine and public health on behalf of the citizenry. This arrangement stands in contrast to corporate-funded scientists, who work to advance the interests of their employers, but who have often also been trained at taxpayers expense..."

The bad news here is that the USG = the Corporate State = the USG. As near as I can tell, there are very, very few scientists who are not funded - directly or indirectly - by the Corporate State. There is virtually no research being done that does not benefit some corporate entity (as opposed to the benefit of the peasantry).

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Another very comprehensive article Dr Malone, thank you.

I encourage everyone to read "The Real Anthony Fauci" book, it will provide you with a much better understanding of this entire vaccine issue.

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Most "experts" who are hired to interpret scientific articles are incompetent. If they were competent, they would cite John Ioannidis' research that most published medical and scientific research is wrong. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pmed.0020124

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Thanks for the link!

There was a meta study done many years ago which found that the conclusions of any study were almost exclusively a measurement of researcher bias.

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I suspect the situation has gotten much worse since Ionnidis' research was published in 2005. Living the American Dream continues to become harder and harder to maintain, much less achieve. As things become more precarious, the temptation to "cut corners" must look more and more attractive. Especially in areas that depend on grant money to survive.

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In the defense of active duty service members who were criminally charged, I employed the U. Mass electron microscopy lab to clear more than a dozen defendants of their charges. The USAF prosecutor in one case pressured the untenured lab director to stop.

That behavior was once called "witness intimidation" - a felony. It isn't when prosecutors threaten witnesses.

It was later learned that the $150M that U Mass receives annually in NIH grants was also jeopardized by their support of our cases. They ended their support.

Like media advertising, US Gov't grants are BRIBES - payments made to guarantee the continued cooperation between and unaccountable bureaucracies, and the institutions that are too weak, cowardly, and corrupt to say NO!

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Jul 1, 2022·edited Jul 1, 2022

Thanks for taking an active role in fighting the nonsense. Thanks also for your first-person account of one example. I don't think any meaningful progress will be made until enough people decide that the risk of remaining quiet is greater than the risk of sacrifice that often comes with rebellion. Beneficial change is rarely initiated from above.

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When asked about her "courage", Naomi Wolf responds that she isn't particularly courageous. She's just not a coward. https://www.amazon.com/Bodies-Others-Authoritarians-COVID-19-Against/dp/1737478560

Without moral courage, values are meaningless. The consequences of moral courage are often catastrophic to one's career, reputation, and connections to family and friends. My own "social credit score" will never recover, but I sleep well at night and I'm respected and loved by those who are aware of my accomplishment and sacrifice.

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And it's ALL with vast amounts of the money that WE PAY in taxes.

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You must feel like Diogenes, looking for an honest, uncompromised leader in today's politics and leadership.

I'm disgusted by the filth that pervades the character of them today. The country is lost as it is.

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Don't lose heart.

We're privileged to witness this war, and we're all tasked today with fighting in it. We only need to decide whether to surrender to, join, or fight the satanic forces. My heart, soul, and spirit made that decision years ago.

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And that's where the problem is ...GOV'T MONEY. No strings, and much less accountability.

I did a fundraiser with a politically famous person in 1992, with a VERY sharp lady. She asked if I had done a lot of fundraising, I said "no", and she said..."I have". She said that 10 years earlier, 85% of general fundraising was done in the private sector, but that by 1992, almost 85% was done through gov't grants of some type.

That this was the source of so much wasteful, useless, and corrupt fundraising, that any time gov't gets involved, it's a disaster.

Almost ALL our problems come from gov't spending...ALL. Bureaucrats will never be responsible with "taxpsyer" money. It's just "free money" to them.

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Advocacy journalism is the new term for propaganda. Lets just call it propaganda.

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"You can put lipstick on a pig ..."

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Jun 20, 2022·edited Jun 20, 2022

And the purveyors the "professional parrot" class...

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Pre-Covid, I was friendly with the wife of the executive editor of our city’s newspaper. (She too is a journalist, but was not working at the time.) We’d taken the children to the Museum of Natural History and were looking at an exhibit of an early steam-powered automobile. She sighed wistfully and said, “They knew how to run cars on steam way back then… Why do WE have to burn dirty fossil fuels now? Why can’t WE still have this clean energy?” It was illuminating for me. This is who reports our “news.”

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Jun 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Once again Dr. Malone, we are indebted by your communication of an incredibly complicated topic. I have lost all trust in all media. It is perhaps prudent to remember that the Constitution established governance structures based on checks and balances. In government today, this has become perverted to a system of Cheques and Balance$, and those who supposedly audit and validate information are likewise called "factchequers". Time to DeTax.

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Dr. Malone has cited Mattias Desmet's examination of "mass formation psychosis". Desmet's book will answer many of our questions, concerns, and solutions - an excellent read!


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Exactly! Totally agree with you! We have to keep each other posted and spread the information. As soon as you know or understand what is going on you are able to see and communicate differently with others and maybe help them wake up! At least, I believe, the chance is higher!

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You may want to listen to DarkHorse #131 where Bret Weinstein and Heather Heyring discuss the way in which scientific research is corrupted.


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Many healthcare providers cannot interpret data either. They trusted government medical officials narrative. The medical system has failed us.

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Jun 20, 2022·edited Jun 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great article Dr. Malone! Take heart, because your friend JP Sears pointed out that the trust in "corporate media" has plummeted. I also just listened to a really good Jerm Warfare podcast with Patrick Fagan on propaganda and nudging. It's information warfare. Our screens will blast the message of one reality "the vaccines are safe and effective" and people see their reality of everyone they know whose jabbed getting covid and injuries. Fagan brought up a good point that things run in cycles. We're seeing pendulum shifts and ultimately I hope there will be a decentralization of power and production to put control back into individuals and smaller communities hands. He also said what my hubby says, don't attribute to much power, control and intelligence to WEF, they are opportunists, but the world is much to complex to control.

"No plan survives contact with the enemy" (Helmuth James Graf von Moltke the Elder) is universal law WEF is subject to.

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Jun 20, 2022·edited Jun 20, 2022

I've paid scant to no attention to anything written by syndicated reporters or said by TV talking heads since the scamdemic began. Why would I when there's plenty of expert scientific opinion to be found on Substack or Telegram and the like? I also keep tabs on what Amazing Polly has to say as she has proven to be an outstanding analyst of the organization and machinations of the globalist conspiracy.

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Very good analysis of the corruption in Science which has been around a long time but publicized by the pandemic. Thank you for continuing to amass facts and offer reasonable arguments.

However, I think that you leave out one side of the problem: People like Donald Trump, Rush Limbaugh, probably all of Fox news are better intentioned but also not very reasonable. And some conservative pundits who are over-educated philosophers and political scientists have a deplorable background in science. (The "young-earth creationists" being really anti-science that even ST Augustine criticized around 500 AD). Combined with the surprising indoctrination of scientists at most Universities, it is not surprising there are few rational voices. It is very sad for me that a scientist I know publishes the Ivermectin is sheep dewormer memes on facebook and then says that I am 'ranting' when I forward the journal articles from Brazil and elsewhere that show that Ivermectin works.

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It sounds like your scientist has been captured by Mass Formation.

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The scientist I am referencing is too old for Mass Formation. He was trained by the university system. He is a good scientist, smart, and very rigorous in his field. He also knows that more than half the time you can't trust anything coming out of Harvard. He knows that Pfizer is evil. He told me once that he really doesn't trust biotech and would not inject anything they made into his body: but now he supports the vaccine. Where politics is involved, he drinks the koolaid.

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According to Mattias Desmet, the expert in modern day Mass Formation, there is a negative correlation between level of education and susceptibility to capture by a Mass Formation narrative. In other words, the more education you have, the more likely you are to fall prey to what SEEMS like a rational way to rid yourself of any (free-floating) anxiety, frustration, and aggression you may be feeling. I would guess that many 'rigorous' scientists are having trouble these days making any kind of rational sense of the crazy world we're living in, so they may well be feeling generally anxious, frustrated, and angry.

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Jun 20, 2022·edited Jun 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is probably the best summation that I've read of current science reporting in the U.S.

BTW, Reuters has long been known in certain press circles for its bias.

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thank you

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Jun 20, 2022·edited Jun 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Sadly, I'm not trained to understand these kinds of articles either, but I have always trusted my instincts on who is trustworthy. I trust you Dr. Malone.

There are sheep, sheep herders and wolves. Every single one of us has to be a sheep sometimes and follow a sheep herder and know the difference between the herders and the wolves.

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Very well stated, Candace Duncan! I don't understand every word of everything I read, either, but like you, I trust my instincts, and I continue to test them over time.

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