Oct 27, 2022·edited Oct 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for the most comprehensive explanation I've heard/read. Thank you for pitching at a level most reading your work can understand.

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Oct 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This well may prove to be the single most important presentation made. I strongly encourage that it is even further distilled for consumption by the masses. I'm convinced that most scientific principles are readily consumable by the masses when fully distilled and presented sans the art's lexicon as much as possible. Regular people will "get it".

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I have another lecture on this that is more distilled that I gave last Saturday - a lot of the information is the same but there is a lot that is new and different. It is about 40 minutes.. Would if be worthwhile to everyone if I used the same format as this post (video and transcript) or would it be overkill or boring?

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The benefit of publishing any and all of your work far outweighs any possibility of it being overkill. Insights into the delivery mechanism forced into billions of humans on this planet can never be boring. Thank you for your diligence.

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Dr. Malone, thank you for moving away from arguing with unreasonable people and helping those of us in other professions to have a foundation of understanding to build upon. While it appears that in general and at risk of oversimplifying you are saying the mRNA science can be the future of understanding and modifying the workings of the human body but has been slighted by the workings of our system which rewards greed, encourages nepotism in all it's forms and punishes anything except strict obedience. If this is so then it appears to me that the criminals are running the prison, the psychopaths are running the asylum, the depraved are judging the values set and the gossips are reporting the news. Human nature is obviously way out of balance and we are seeing what I believe is proof of what I have been saying for years - "It really doesn't matter what type of government you have (ie. socialist, republic & etc.) if the people in authority are honest and moral it will prosper but if the people in authority are dishonest and immoral it will fail". I expect that if any recovery from this worldwide travesty of justice is to occur it will happen on a foundation of honesty and morality first and foremost to the point that all dogma will be replaced by recommendations. And rightly so since we are the children trying to control what and how we understand and not listening to the teachers or we would not be in this mess. Caveat emptor also relates to what understanding you buy into. Am I understanding correctly and/or is anyone in agreement with me?

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I think your "foundation of honesty and morality" remark is one of the primary messages being offered by Mattias Desmet. The basis of humans living together, he says, should be the timeless ethical principles of life that cannot be explained with rationalist, mechanistic thinking. It should NOT be based on the belief that technology can solve all of our problems, as the WEF would have you believe.

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Hi RussCR5187, thank you for the comment. In my opinion we are all here to learn the lessons of life by experiencing it and problems, to me, exist to be solved. Like math problems they may seem to be a chore but the day you realize that fiat money introduced as a loan creates a situation where interest must be paid by losing the collateral you put down, math suddenly becomes a way to choose the right fork in the road you are traveling. Actually all aspects of money is a problem of it's own and therefore a solution to little or nothing. Think about this: you can go without air for about 3 minutes but you will have expensive heath problems if the air gets too dirty. you can go without water for about 3 days but you will have expensive health problems if the water gets too dirty. you can go about three weeks without food but will have expensive health problems if the food is unhealthy. So why are we making air dirty, water dirty or food that is unhealthy? Because companies need money to exist and greedy people have brainwashed us to think money and companies and other fictitious non-living legal entities (like government) are more important than individuals. Yet this is a contradiction because without individuals there would be no non-living legal entities. While you state correctly that life cannot be explained by rational mechanistic thinking I prefer knowing we only need to be reasonable and understanding of human nature while ignoring what cannot be done and the amount of ignorance people display who propose such nonsense. The truth is obvious if you know how and where to look and you must save yourself before you can be any help to anyone else. Since you liked and shared Mattias Desmet I have shared my 2 cents worth of opinion. Make today better than yesterday and plan tomorrow so it is better than today.

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Dr. Cole ends with "The world is a good place and there are still good people." but skepticism is warranted given what we've learned from this event so far. The humans aren't to be trusted. Resonating with the creator of life rather than those who tinker with it (the "mechanistic thinkers") gets you closer to the truth. Dr. Cole's interview: https://www.theepochtimes.com/from-wildfire-cancers-to-foot-long-clots-dr-ryan-cole-explains-the-dangers-of-the-spike-protein_4813813.html?utm_source=ATLNewsletter&src_src=ATLNewsletter&utm_campaign=2022-10-22&src_cmp=2022-10-22&utm_medium=email&est=MzSd6LpQbTJREl7RITpdXvJicUrG%2Bs3cgqzP%2BP9bGUXrY26Aauv2Kj5JJREr7g%3D%3D

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Thank you for posting this. I watched most of it and I am coming back to it later today.

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Yes please. Having both was a nice surprise, not boring at all! My husband read the transcript but I watched/listened while getting ready this morning.

Thank you Dr. Malone!

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please do!

not at all boring

always pick up something

that didn't get thru last time

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I am a recently retired RN from a large teaching hospital. I wish so much that my colleagues were able to understand this. Almost all of them got the shots and boosters. I sincerely appreciate all the work you have done in the past and especially the more recent (and huge) effort to help us understand what is actually going on.

On another note, I am hearing impaired and appreciate being able to read the transcripts of your lectures.

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Your sharing that additional lecture would be welcomed with opened arms, Dr. Malone. Your sharing both the video and transcript as you did here is much appreciated depending on our learning style. Many, many thanks!

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This substack, and this presentation in particular, is a picture window into your mind. The more you publish, the clearer that picture gets. And it's a very impressive and helpful picture. So, yes. Publish! So that we won't perish!

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Not overkill and forget boring. This is riveting stuff. I always like transcripts with complex material, as it allows me to stop and ponder and look at my own reactions to what I'm reading, even go back and re-read a sentence that I haven't fully absorbed.

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Yes, please! We are hungry for this information and insight!

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No, I want to hear it or read it. I hang onto everything I can from people, like you, that I know are telling the truth and can give the real science. I believe the level of mind controlling proproganda from the mainstream media needs to be fought with listening, and reading correct information as much as we can. There is something in the way you present your information, that everyone can see and hear, you speak the truth! We have been lied to by our leaders and we knew when it was happening that they were dishonest, but couldn't figure out how deeply they would plunge us into despair, harm, and even death. It seems that they didn't mind taking us six feet under, if that it what it took to meet their goals! I knew that they could not develop a 'vaccine,' in the time frame that it happened. I thank God for you everyday. I thank God for Dr.'s like Kory, McCullough, Grellner (of Oklahoma, who is a FLCCC Alliance doc) Marik and so many more.

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I think everyone here will want to see it even if some is redundant to this one. I know I will.

What I would encourage is doing one that follows this one but can fit into the masses' attention span (I know, I know, lol). Where did mRNA tech come from, how it works, why its a problem vis-a-vis covid, all in under eight minutes and avoiding the discipline lexicon as much as practical.

I honestly believe that ~70% of all politicians at state and local levels do not know these things, but would gain an executive level understanding with the right presentation from the right person. Why they haven't yet I think comes down to attention span. As for the regular Joe, given the nature of these things, such a presentation would serve as the most effective "insert" possible for truly informed consent.

All of this just my opinion of course.

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A rhythm that helps my comprehension is: a paragraph of scientific explication, followed by a very brief summation in everyday layman's English. Then I can work at comprehending the science, and check my comprehension via the simplified words. I WANT to understand the science and am willing to work at it. I expect many others are, too.

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Yes! Go for it.

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Oct 27, 2022·edited Oct 27, 2022

Many of your videos just buffer on my (2015) computer with slow internet. So, I appreciate the transcript. Not complaining, I know it's my system. If the video was downloadable, that would help. Also wouldn't hurt to have multiple copies in people's possession. And a big yes, to more.

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Thank you, so much, Dr. Malone for your efforts to make this comprehensible to us laypersons. Don’t hesitate to keep repeating your points made here, because that’s how people will slowly begin to digest these technical explanations and retain and be able to discuss them with the uninformed. I’m the weirdo in my family and circle of friends who has spent countless hours reading about the origins of this bioengineered virus, the method of operation of these “vaccines”, the adverse effects, as well as the politics and players and their intentions driving the entire monolythic machine. It’s by repetitive reading of the facts disclosed by courageous, noncomplying experts like yourself that the lifting of the fog of mass-formation can happen.

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It would be great to learn even more about this subject.

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Regular people who want to know the truth will "get it," yes. And God bless them all. But sadly, that is a subset of regular people. Some folks just enjoy living in their own deception, believing whatever they hear from the gaslighting media and from political figures - thinking that somehow they are avoiding responsibility for their own condition. It's quite fashionable these days to blame someone other than oneself when things don't go so ducky, and there are many who fall into that trap, and that plays right into the hand of the globalist fascists (I use the word "fascist" in the proper context, not as a pejorative as is common as of late).

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I agree! Sharing with everyone if substack allows

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Wholeheartedly agree!!

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Dr. Malone should keep these going as a series of lectures.

They deepen understanding and hopefully will further integrate and unite us, keep us all from going in circles or fruitless sideshows. So well delivered too.

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Listen to Dr. Michael Yeadon on the plausibility of "world wide epidemics," among other things.

They frankly cannot hardly happen, because if they make people truly sick, or kill them, those people aren't going anywhere and therefore the "outbreak" is physically self-limiting.

And, we have a host of effective treatments available already, if fascistic politicians didn't prevent doctors from using them.

The thinking of the warmongerers is not how to promote human health, I promise you. Bio-weapons research and development must stop, despite their fears that someone else might do it better!

The gene modifying of humanity must end.

And Freedom restored.

As Malcolm X so perfectly stated, " There is no Peace without Freedom, because there is no Freedom without Peace."

That man was right. The greatest threat to children, to women, to Life Herself, is men's addiction to WAR. It is also the greatest threat to men, btw, but as they are the ones typically creating the wars their suffering is perhaps less of a travesty than that of the innocent children who's lives are destroyed by it.

However, intentional Democide is what I believe we are witnessing, today, nothing less. No one with a functioning heart or mind would roll such a horror out on pregnant women, babies, small children, and young adults, if they were not fundamentally trying to harm them.

Normal human beings would do no such thing, ever. Autism has been caused by vaccines for decades. Now mass death, sterilization, and disability is happening along with genetic manipulations.

These harms are not collateral damage. Listen to Dr. Yeadon. He's right, imho. It's all intentional.

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I agree. I don't give any the benefit of the doubt. The threat, IF they really believe there is one, is only because they know a couple others are playing the same biowarfare games for the same reasons, but truly they created the issue, profit off it, and are going to perpetuate it, harming hundreds of millions. The plan for biodefense, is to defend only themselves from weapons they have created for the masses and from aging in search of their utopia and longevity. Do I think China is a threat, yeah, and those big boy billionaires are an equal and likely brotherly threat. All imho of course.

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I agree with you and Yeadon 100%. The technology might have been born through some basic good intentions but it’s deployment, along with the creation of the virus these things were deployed to “counter” have to have been deliberate.

Humans have an amazing creative streak and they like to play around with all sorts of things. Tinkering seems to be in the blood. “What if we could...?” It does seem to be a male gender thing predominantly and I think it’s because the species protection aspect isn’t as firmly grounded in a male as it is in a female. At its basic level a male provides the sperm that creates a baby and can, if he so chooses (and often does) walk away with no more thought on the matter. There is not much accountability built into that gender’s psyche unless it’s deeply taught and role modeled by a nurturing male parent. Or, unless the male is concerned with protecting his biological descendants for dynastical reasons. A female is stuck with that baby and her hormones and wiring are such that she is driven to nurture it and care for it at least at a basic level. That perspective is going to want an environment that has accountability and transparency and peace within which to safely rear her young. That perspective is going to tend to look into the possible future outcomes of an idea and ask “Is this a good idea?” Her perspective is going to insist on safety as well as efficacy and also insist on things being wholesome for many generations so all her progeny is protected. Men want that too, but it’s much more vague. A female can’t reproduce forever so her energy and resources are limited. A male can, theoretically, make babies until he is dead so a few dead babies along the way is no big deal. I have heard a military male speak to this regarding medical technology. “So what if we lose a percentage of people if in the long run most of us are OK? It’s an acceptable loss. Just like in military terms when planning military campaigns, a certain number of soldiers and civilians will die and we have to figure out what that acceptable percentage is. It is just the way of things.” I was so enraged by what he said I kicked him out of my home. It’s taken a long time to let him back in, peripherally during social engagements. But apparently, that is the current thinking. Because you can always have more babies to fill the losses so long as you don’t kill off too many females. Or, so long as you figure out how to create new babies without females which we also seem to be trying to do. That is NOT going to be a female’s idea unless she is looking to be freed from her reproductive wiring.

But this current strategy is killing females and babies and young. And males - especially young, fertile ones. This makes no sense if you are after a thriving population. It makes perfect sense if you are deliberately out to kill off as many people as you can. And, to undermine reproduction so that replacement is limited. Or moved from a male/female biological thing to a lab-produced thing of one sort or another. It’s all so shortsighted. Even by the idiots doing this and looking to be “in control” at the end of day. If the world becomes a radioactive, lethal, virus filled place, I can’t for the life of me see where there is any benefit or pleasure to be had. It’s total insanity.

I’m not really bashing men but Katherine made a good point. Historically it has been men who seem to push the war-like, violent behaviors. Not that women aren’t violent or have their moments of greed and desire for power. They are and do. But overall we prefer peace and order so that nesting and nurturing can be maintained. It will be interesting to see how releasing women from procreative responsibilities with all of these new baby-killing laws and practices will change womens’ persepctives. Once we are “free” from accountability to a child it might be we will become more warlike and power hungry as well.

But overall, how what is going on can in any way be construed as anything but deliberate vs taking advantage of some accidental opportunity is beyond me.

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I agree with this perspective on the fundamental split in the male vs female "value" system, however, I would like to add several thoughts for everyone's consideration:

a) biologically females are secure in ways males never can be, since their DNA is always passed on, they cannot give birth to any child, (at least for millions of years) that isn't theirs! Males never know if the DNA is "theirs" in any child, unless they fundamentally "sit" on the woman for 9 months, hence their insecurity, controlling natures, competitiveness with other males, and biological desire to toss extra "seed" around to be sure at least some is passed on!

b) war is a sickness, a disease, an insanity created 6000 years ago through severe deprivation and starvation based in climate changes in North Africa, creating the violent male dominated war cultures which also were abusive to women and children as well as being sexually repressive.

This "disease" swept outwards destroying peaceful and matriarchal cultures as it went.

For more on this read "Saharasia" by James DeMeo, PhD.

C) Finally to be healthy, a society must love and appreciate life, Mother Nature, and the female side of our dual nature. Knowing that there is a Spiritual side of reality is also a great blessing.

Jesus had it right: love the Creator with your whole heart and soul, and love your neighbor as yourself.

We need that connection to our higher selves. Chirst Consciousness. Atman. Buddha Nature. The Great Spirit.

So many names, but only one reality.

Until we come to God, I think men will have difficulty stopping their war on Earth. And on Woman.

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Agreed. And to support this from a perspective in the past 3 thousand years is another book, “The Alphabet Versus the Goddess: The Conflict Between Word and Image,” Leonard Shlain. A very interesting read on how the male and female; right side/left side of the brain with regard to words and images, process things. Not what you might expect but very illuminating.

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Yes. I’ve encountered much of this information in bits a pieces over the past couple years, but this lays it out in a concise and understandable way. Thank you Dr. Robert Malone!

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Thank you Dr. Malone. I find I have a hard time keeping up and and I am amazed at how hard you must be working to not only keep up; but stay ahead, at the cutting edge helping others keep up. Thank you is not enough for all you have done to bring truth, a truth evil forces don't want exposed.

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Oct 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It appears to me (I had a high school biology class and later certified as an EMT) the bio-scientific community is dabbling in a field they falsely believe to have good understanding of. Dr. Frankenstein protégés who fear not to follow in his footsteps. Psalm 139:14 “I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous Thy works; and my soul knoweth right well.”

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Makes one wonder if there should be a hard line at gene therapy. Can we get a biblical principle for this? I don’t know.

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wow, this news is scary. No more testing, they know it is toxic, the CIA is in charge, bioweapons easily made. Worldwide consensus to do this no matter what sort of adverse events we get, the test group was about 2+ billion people, mRNA doesn't leave the body, going to use this technology for hundreds of things, Pfizer, moderna monopoly 2 companies known to cut corners on safety already. Not real mRNA but synthetic mRNA. What could go wrong here?

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Nice synopsis!

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Don't drink the water....or make Kool-aid for the family with it as well.

The pHARMA controlled municipal well is coming. Sigh.....

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BioNTech is the third. Pfizer partnered with BioNTech on its mRNA platform and spike protein payload jab-juice.

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Oct 27, 2022·edited Oct 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow! I am at a loss for words. In my opinion, if we don’t stop going down this path, we will destroy the world in time. There are so many bad actors with skin in the game that it will be uncontrollable and a total disaster for humanity. Intuitively I have felt much of this and I thank Dr. Malone for laying it out chapter and verse.! We need open dialogue to save the planet from this disaster! Right now that is missing and is of great concern to me.

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In the business of protecting citizens from perceived threats of bioterrorism the biodefense industry subjected the planet to untold abuses and despair, cascades of death and financial ruin, social unrest at unprecedented scale, likely spawned the wars that are threatening world peace, and perhaps permanent damage to the species. That's what I call call tunnel vision.

I am eager to read Robert Kennedy Jr.'s upcoming book on Georgia and Ukraine and the extensive biological research and experimentation there. It will be blockbuster, and turn on further light bulbs in the public consciousness and understanding.

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I was left feeling like expect & accept more jabs in the future for humanity’s own good. Or whatever else occurs bc they are paranoid, and there is no other choice!!! Hmmmmm!!!

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Collateral damage, oh well!!!

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(And why not say...”Let us do evil that good may come”? From Romans 3:8). I feel mostly despair as I learn more and more about this destructive technology that has been thrust upon us. I have chosen to live the past 50 years as a vitalist and have resisted being overcome by the mechanistic worldview that has brought us to this precipice, but it seems like the battle is lost. When the lovely old ladies in my garden club, in their pursuit of a “perfect” lawn and garden, will not give up their glyphosates and nicotinoids, why would I have hope that the myriad of man-made toxins inundating the planet might be addressed in any intelligent way? I will continue to treat my body and my quarter acre of earth with reverence and teach my granddaughters to do the same, but their future looks ominous and I feel powerless to effect any meaningful change. I am thankful for Dr. Malone and the countless others who are doing all they know to do to bring about an awakening and pray each day they succeed. I share what I learn with whoever will listen and grieve the loss of friends and family who have put their trust in this malevolent system.

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My sediments exactly. My garden was poor this year. Golf course behind the home. Bees almost non existant. We are a chemical world and there is no end in sight that we will change.

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Nice pun Thomas! Gardening. "Sediments".

(Just kidding, of course. Spell check could use a little AI, methinks).

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I blame it on substack for not having a spell check!

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Only ~15 minutes into the presentation and am already thoroughly engrossed. Thank you for sharing your honest overview with us Dr. Malone, it lends tremendous context and depth of understanding to the entire landcape

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Thank you, Dr. Malone!, for helping us to understand. Am definitely taking notes on this one. Comprehension is the best stress manager. Just another 79 year old student in your classroom.

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72 here. Lacunar infarct victim (?) recently (ventral-posterolateral thalamus). Still learning too!

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We were sitting in the second row for this event. We watched it again when we returned home the following day. Listening again, good info.

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This understanding is priceless!!! Platform vs. Payload.. It is said my people will be destroyed for their lack of knowledge...and now we have Dr. Malone bringing us the deepest truths in his expertise to free us from the grips of the evil deception that is plaguing our world. He is one of a handful of truth teller in a huge world of liars. I am grateful for you Dr. Malone. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. I speak for humanity, Thank you!!

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the psychics that channeled and wrote revelations, also talked about people's hearts stopping at the end times. They interpreted that to be fear. IT was not fear. It was the... u know.

Also Mysteyr Babylon was said to be destroyed after the merchant ships was at sea. Aren't merchant ships always at sea? Made no sense to me until I saw the cargo liners lined up outside California.... and China's SHanghai port. They could not come into port. They were OUT at sea, for weeks and weeks and weeks...

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2 Chron 7:14

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Thank you Dr. Malone. I honestly do not think the FDA was hoodwinked. When someone previously worked for Pfizer is now on the FDA advisory panel how could they not be biased? How could they not know the end game? Now what? Do we refuse any new drugs on the market?

If you watch the current drug commercials on TV, they all list similar potential side effects, and some include death. Most of the drugs involving the immune system all say "make sure you tell your doctor if you've been vaccinated or intend to get vaccinated". Is there a connection? So many questions....

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The Fauci, Birx, Collins, et al. story goes to something obvious to me for many years, i.e. that a medical degree does not a doctor make. There is more to doctoring than writing prescriptions and perhaps this discovery sends many into government service. However that should not exempt them from having the basic understanding of what the Hippocratic Oath actually means. Sadly, it appears that the degree of empathy required by that understanding is totally lacking in those mentioned above. Which brings me to suggest that any physicians seeking this form of employment be forced to undergo periodic examination, preferably by practicing physicians, on their understanding of what precisely the practice of medicine really means. This crew has shown they obviously haven't a clue.

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That, and a yearly psych screening for sociopathy/psychopathy.

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How many people took the H oath? Closer to zero perhaps

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I think some go from FDA to Pfizer or Moderna as well. They play this shuffle game to achieve the end result. Whatever it takes to do that. It doesn’t necessarily mean people KNOW anything. They may suspect wrongdoing or fraud but I think you give them too much credit. Maybe they don’t care, as long as they find themselves in a better, more lucrative position. I would hate for every drug that’s been approved to be independently tested & then have results compared to FDA initial results. I’m certain many wouldn’t be deemed as “ safe & effective” as the FDA claims. This chess game has been used since the beginning of FDA. It will continue until people are no longer coerced by money, or the system is so transparent it would make shady dealing impossible. Either solution seems futile. What’s not futile yet, is keeping these fake vaccines out of the arms of our youth. We need to keep relentlessly fighting against this.

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And sometimes they leave an agency to create a company that somehow gets monoply grants from that agency. Saw that happen once with the NCI

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Or until there are no more dumb folks to bullshit to. As the others are the wiser.

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This article could award me a certification in knowledge of RNA and all the rest of the subtle and not so subtle uses. The intricacy is meant for scientists and yet they are so corrupted they are willing to pass it off. Thank you to Dr. Jessica rose, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, and all the others in their own specialized fields, who continue to probe these matters. It must be like the biggest puzzle to put together-EVER! I know this will eventually come out as one of the biggest frauds ever, If I live that long.

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Oct 27, 2022·edited Oct 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

1986 be DAMNED! We got John Q. Public right where we want them.

Too big too Nail...Too big too Jail...Too big too FAIL...The Big pHARMA mantra 2020!

I am not a Lab Rat! A full stop is required.

Silence they cannot.......Sigh......Silence they must not.

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May have been more times than you know.

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My father in law was a Minn Supreme CT Justice. Some of his greatest triumphs were of righting the wrongs of product safety and imposing/proving the absolute legal liabilities

with great putative damages invoked. Then 1986 crept in between the pages of justice.

He knew and often talked about what was to come after the Reagan admin and lobbyist crews were granted/enacted the total freedoms as not liable. He is screaming from his cold grave, this I can assure you. Sorry Justice Walter, love you dad. Tears.

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Thank you for providing this view for the many that do not understand the intersections between government, intelligence community, private sector fin/tech players, and commerce (not to mention mad scientists) that have come to proliferate and increasingly occupy space in our everyday lives whether in medicine, healthcare, education or economy. Seems technology is the thing that all these areas increasingly have in common, while those pushing and advancing technology largely have as motivators power, control, influence and wealth (which is used to increase power, control and influence).

I am not a science person. My areas of study were political science and law.

My unearthing of the intersections has not followed the science but rather the $$$$.

And while the government agencies may pursue the science in the name of protecting the masses from bio-weapons or rogue viruses, they are largely chasing after and collaborating with those in the private sector (who outpace through money and means government capabilities in advancing such tech and bio tech). And the effect of these “relationships” has been not only to afford PFizer or r Moderna immunity from liability. The greater and more dangerous effect is that certain bad actors are shielded from liability of actions in the public square because of associations with the “state.” And that seems to have reached the point of literally being on steroids!

Now, my concern is, that while explanations for this grand experiment on behalf of the government can be couched in terms of the ends justify the means…..

Well, that explanation falls far short when the ones truly pushing for this “experiment” came from the private sector (the ones who have come to be partners with our government without our approval or say so) and their motivations are not so “idealistic” or benevolent as the “common hood” narrative would have us believe.

Your explanation of the platform and payload is perfect. The motivation and eagerness is twofold regarding this technology when it comes to actors lie Gates and other fin/tech elite.

They see this mRNA technology as the “software of life”. Those are their words not mine. And while it gets sold to the public as a universal remedy that can be developed to solve all the ills that plague us…..what they are not talking about and what is driving, to a disturbing degree, this grand experiment is the belief on the part of some of these “scientists” is that with this technology and other biotechnology man can “engineer his own evolution.” Again, their words not mine.

What is meant by this? Gene editing? Birthing babies in labs? Creating different classes of humans for different roles in society? Merging man with machine? Creating consciousness that bridges the brain and computer?

This stuff all seems surreal to the average American or citizen of other countries and continents….but just because it is not discussed, debated or introduced in the public square does not mean that it is not advancing (or that it is already sufficiently advanced) and that some are eager to go to the next level but the old paradigms of society and governance get in the way.

How do we get the people to set aside the security that society as we have known it affords us? Fear.

Many have compared the pandemic and the imposition on freedoms to what happened in the aftermath of 9/11 due to fear. We allowed the Patriot Act, profiling, lived in fear, accepted invasions into personal space to make us feel “safer.”

Here again, people have been made fearful. And those who refuse to live in fear are the enemy….because if they can show there is nothing to fear (be unvaccinated and be just fine) then it is harder to usher in all the measures they want to convince us we will be better off.

How many people remember that in July of 2019 big tech was on the hot seat when it came to Congressional pressure around regulation, monopoly, etc.? Hearings were underway. I remember because I was fighting big tech’s enormous and destructive influence in education in my state. I had tracked the $$$$ back to Gates and our state DOE’s complicity. But all that seemed to disappear with the pandemic. Our government suddenly threw in with big tech to manage the pandemic. How very convenient?

Well, similarly with 9/11…..Microsoft had been found guilty of anti-trust violations by our DOJ on the eve of 9/11. But after the planes hit the towers, DOJ decided it had bigger fish to fry than hold big tech accountable for violations of law, etc. Funny how that happens.

In short, our government is beholden to the fin/tech elite. They are untouchable and they know it. It has been that way for some time.

Perhaps that explains things like why we will never see the Epstein client list, why our Supreme Court decided now of all times to eliminate the previously established “right of privacy” from Constitutional law (psst….privacy has more applications than just choosing abortion), why Moderna has never had a viable product before the COVID jab but has received millions in start up monies, why Americans and Chinese collaborate in labs while politicians saber rattle, etc. ?

Our government is impotent at this point, helpless to reign in those who actually have the power….

And so we wait…..how long before the masses say ENOUGH?!?!

Much will depend on just how toxic these jabs are….

My final thoughts….these jabs seem particularly toxic or problematic for the ones that are being pressured to take them…..immunocompromised and elderly. When those folks become disable or die there is plausible deniability. And I suspect from those who are in love with the technology and think it is the holy grail for engineering our own evolution….feel that these losses are just as well. Such folks in their mind are damaged goods that are not going to benefit from the genius of their work so culling is ok. Do you suppose they are ok with having the population reduced to those whose systems seem to tolerate this technology?

It is kind of like the distinction between the real rna used in Malone’s original experiments and the synthetic rna being used now. They want the humans that can be modeled and merged with machines to be the humans that survive this experiment. The others….well, their reactions and data will help them fine tune the technology of the future.

So follow the science as set forth here in Dr. Malone’s substack. It is an important lens. But juxtapose it with the $$$$ trail and the unelected who have taken the reins of our government and are driving us to the brink for their own purposes. You begin to understand why some feel there is a coup underway.

One question that remains unanswered

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If anyone doubts what I am saying.... Please consider watching this 1 1/2 hour lecture done in 2018. Watch it and listen closely.....particularly to the second half. And also listen to the question and answer period. The person who is giving this lecture has close ties with Gates, has rubbed elbows with Tedros, is a billionaire who has been featured in the Council for Foreign Relations relative to his "model" for the economy that he is piloting in Maine. And yes, he has single handily been pushing forward genomic "medicine." But notice how excited he gets at the prospect of engineering our own evolution. Listen to how he speaks of an agenda that will not be stopped due to the unscrupulous businessmen and the corrupt politicians. He thinks the issue of abortion will be replaced with the questions about what is permissible for designing future generations, how fast, how tall, how smart, etc. He believes that education must be turned into a pipeline to provide worker bees for the tech systems. Liberal arts, the humanities....nah, that is a thing of the past.

So yeah, he talks about a TSUNAMI of INNOVATION and SOCIAL TRAUMA in 2018---before the pandemic. At this time, he was ( and still is ) the chair of the Jackson Laboratory which is a premiere leader worldwide of providing mice for experiments relative to the human genome. During his chairmanship of the Jackson Laboratory, the entity has been very focused on expanding business into China and Asia. Meanwhile, on the WEF website the partnership between Microsoft and Jackson Laboratories is highlighted with regard to data base development, no doubt for medicine and cancer treatments, etc.

Anyhow, watch the lecture and just remember it was done in 2018. And by my best estimates, Gates and this gentleman have been working the plan since as early as 2010. And 2010 just happens to be the year that Charles Lieber figured out how to put nanowires in human cells and then went to work with Langer's lab at MIT on developing applications for this technology. As a sidenote, in 2014 Lieber figured out how to deliver the nanowires by injectibles. Amazing coincidences in some timelines. And remember that this is not the CIA operating, this is the private sector with grants from NIH and DARPA, etc.


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Well, the right to privacy was culled from Common Law by a Supreme Court judge so maybe they feel a sense of ownership allows them to take it back

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Not sure I am following you.

The thing is...the constitution does not include a "right to privacy" as we have come to know it in the years since Roe v. Wade essentially inferred a right to privacy based on the "penumbra" of other rights. Historically, the debate around Roe v. Wade has been about the interpretation of the Constitution and whether Roe v. Wade was essentially legislation versus adjudication, ie strict construction of the constitution or inferences to meet the times. An argument in law can be made for both. And one can also be against Roe v. Wade as legislation (better left to the people than the courts) and still favor a woman's right to choose. Sadly, many do not understand the legal nuances of the debate.

For example, in my state, many are clamoring about the reversal of Roe v. Wade and saying that one should vote for our governor on that basis. The reality is that Maine statutorily protects a woman's right to choose up to 23 weeks and neighboring NH does not regulate at all. So, it really is a non-issue here, but yet many will vote based on that one issue....non-sensical really. More important to vote for your local legislator based on what your value and want to have in your immediate life for policy and politics. Federalism was a way to honor diversity of values and also maintain democracy sufficient to accommodate a large nation with common interests but a variety of issues often unique to populations, demographics and topography (relative to industry, way of life, history, etc.).

We have reached a point now POLITICALLY (it has been going in this direction in most other sectors) of consolidation. The idea is that big is better and that if only one can scale things up effectively then there is economy and efficiency. Tech has been the thing that has been utilized to do this. The thing is....it is not nearly as exact a science as they want everyone to think (oh, they will promise personalization in everything, banking, health, education, yada, yada, yada). Never let anyone convince you that it is anything more than a SYSTEM designed to give one the impression of personalization but it is being designed to squeeze maximum proceeds or profit from the systems and capture as many customers as possible. I mean, don't you really feel heard on those phone trees or health portals? It is for you after all. Or at least that is what they say. It is largely about replacing the human element with systems based on data and algorithms that they expect will be able to manage the masses to some acceptable level of mediocrity so as to satisfy. And once they have successfully done that, they will move to the next step which is about actually engineering the humans and crafting the world as they see fit, i.e. trying to duplicate it with their technology.

And they will exhaust the natural world, even as they claim that this is all about going GREEN. A little clue there is how they will mine the minerals and keep building their skynet while telling us to stay in our homes so we are safe and put the VCR headset on should we want to experience anything remotely real. Of course, I am exaggerating...but only for the moment.

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Sorry, was being a bit facetious recalling, as you point out that privacy not guaranteed in the Constitution and they dug it out of Common Law. Have always felt the Supremes should root around in that bag of tricks and find a right to discriminate because I believe we have one and the gov is trampling all over it

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My concern is once they do the digital ID and blockchain for each of us and then want to track and surveil.....what objection do we have when they invoke "for the greater good." Because in large part the mantra from the pandemic and for the GREEN agenda is communitarianism. And what that really means is a dumbing down of the masses and a level of mediocrity in all things. They call it diversity, equity and inclusion---yet in reality it is saying that everybody everywhere will receive and benefit from the same thing. And it will not be the cream,,,it will be the bare minimum.

Will we have a right to deny them the collection of our data....think about the CBDC issue.....if that is embraced along with the digital ID----we are all hackable by way first of our behaviors which they will modify with nudges and stop gap measures. As for the making us truly hackable, that is the current project they are working on....the genetics, the platform, the ability to create life and find artificial means for molding, sustaining and ending it.

I highly recommend Margaret Atwood's trilogy MadAdam. It is fascinating given the last three years. Even more fascinating is her end note that states that much of what she has written into her fiction was inspired by real life research and papers. I believe she said that her brother is a neurodoc in Canada. Not hard to imagine how wrong this can go.

As Dr. Malone has said...the does not end well.

But we need to be cognizant of the fact that even knowing that, these guys who have perpetrated this fraud (for good or malicious reasons) are not closer to owning their actions and corner cutting behaviors. They are doubling down. The doubling down should concern all of us. And why the monopoly to Pfizer and Moderna and Biotech. Again, what are we not being told.

As for that bit....I will leave you with the report of the Global Council for Emerging Technologies that was published in 2014, nearly a decade ago. At that time, Noubar Afayen was the chair of this Council. Noubar Afayen is also the gentleman responsible for arranging for the financing of the founding of Moderna in 2010. Fancy that.

Note that in this 2014 report he highlights the top 10 emerging technologies...among them are the mRNA technology and also the human/computer interface. He is bragging about how advanced the tech is at that time....so you can just imagine what has been happening in the shadows since then.

and yes, to Dr. Malone's point....some of our military and brightest minds have been working on it. No doubt many, like him, thought it was all for admirable purposes to fight the evil that might spill from rouge nations and dictatorships. Little did we expect that the enemy might come from within. And before anyone defends the bureaucrats and our politicians that sit in Washington as being naive....I refer you to their balance sheets and accounts that often include stocks and dividends in these companies. They know full well the "value" of the endeavors they have allowed. And I imagine they all tell themselves that if it were really that bad or if some mischief was happening, surely somebody higher up than them will put an end to it or put a wrench in the gears. Once government and bureacracy get as big and centralizzed as ours has...there is no accountability for either the million dollar hammer bought by the Pentagon or the gain of function research financed in enemy territory. Go figure.


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Conspiracy theorists analyzed a couple of things and discovered that the "birth certificate" was essentially a corporate asset certification, processed in Italy, under Admiralty Laws and not national laws.

I suspect this was essentially a prototype for the digital id system of ownership where people's GMO edited genes are "owned" as an asset by the corporation.

The United States gold fringed flag, is not the original republic. The republic is dead by the USA corporation replaced it. Thus the flags are different.

Thus a "birth certificate" allows the corporation to own you and essentially levy debt against your life/insurance/output, which is what the Fed reserve does anyways. First is "permission" and then comes totalitarian policies.

Parents essentially legally sell their children into slavery by signing the birth certificate, and as a result their sovereign rights is forsaken. They are no longer royalty, no longer sovereign noble, but citizen. Serf/slave.

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deletedOct 27, 2022·edited Oct 27, 2022
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Very well stated. Rome fell for a reason. Most Americans today can’t even contemplate the possibility of what we face if we are not mindful of freedoms and the erosion of the checks and balances on power.

The press being captured by those who truly wield the power is perhaps the most frightening aspect of the past three years.

It once was said that a free press serves as the 4th branch of government providing a means of ensuring against abuses within the government and society’s institutions. Our press and also social media are fully captured by those who dictate the narrative they need us to abide by in order to further their vision for the future.

It is a multifaceted war that is being waged. One that has been carefully considered and planned from certain boardrooms with the knowledge and participation of government actors as well.

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I agree that voting is not the answer. That process has been captured by big-money influence, with candidates vetted ahead of time and only given the financial and other support needed to win election in today's world if they pass the test.

It's going to take sustained, dedicated activism, mostly in the streets in my opinion. The question always arises: How can enough "sheeple" be made to wake up and participate? In terms of mass formation, about 30% of the population have been totally captured by the official narrative, 60% don't like to make waves and choose to "go along to get along", and about 10% actively speak up against the official narrative.

I think it is this last group, the "already aware", that must find the courage to lead in the activism and, by virtue of their brave (nonviolent) principled stand in the face of pepper spray, water cannons, and being jailed, inspire some of the 60% to also join in. The already aware. That's us!!

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Outstanding article!! Also trying to understand where "the other side" is coming from is crucial for finding a solution, kudos in bridging this gap for us.

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Don't buy it. The death count was created intentionally, with Remdesivir and Ventilators when it was known that both would be lethal to Covid patients. Heck, they told them to stay home until they turned blue!

And successful treatments were VIOLENTLY suppressed.

They needed the body count to mandate the Gene Therapy.

And the Gene Therapy looks to cause mutations that are desired.

They went after women and children and youths, and they still are. No fear of bio-weapons can explain this behavior. It's BS in my view. These products have been worked on for 20 years. They are doing exactly what they were created to do. GMO humanity.

China is not mRNAing it's population. Why? Only American, Europe, Canada Australia, New Zealand. This is a specific attack on the Formerly Free World.

Who's the aggressor? China? Maybe. But do they control Anthony Fouci, Donald Trump, Biden?

The WHO, the WEF, the CIA, the CDC, the FDA, the Medical Boards, and the entire Democratic party as well as 95% of the Republicans?

Something really stinks here, people.

The culprit looks to be whoever, or whatever, Catherine Austin Fitts calls Mr. GLOBAL.

And Mr. GLOBAL loves war, disease, suffering, and starvation, it does appear, because all of the above are being intentionally manufactured right in front of our eyes.

It's not just stupidity or fear or greed or hubris. There is an intelligence behind it all, moving steadily towards a non-human world. It may make use of all 4 human errors listed above, but whoever, whatever it really is, it doesn't love humanity, I can guarantee you that.

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Katherine, You took the words right out of my mouth! It sounded as if excuses were made for all this mayhem, chaos, death, maiming and destruction of western nations who have a certain amount of freedom. It’s not forgivable. Have they bought you off too doc?

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I agree about the destruction being by design and that any excuses for intentional evil won't cut it.

I take issue with the question about Dr. Malone being bought off, however. It is offensive (which anyone is allowed to be) but more importantly, it is wrong. Dr. Malone goes out of his way to say that he is not placing value or judgment during this talk on any theories behind the intent or motives involved in this nightmare. His goal was to make the actual science of mRNAs accessible to the lay person, so they can better comprehend the big picture. We need many more voices like Dr. Malone's to provide clarity to a massive number of people, and to do so in a way that is not off-putting to the people who need to hear it most, those who are in denial of the vaccine's harms.

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Nice summary of this ongoing global crisis. Ray Dalio writes in his new book that empires come and go in cycles. He also shows that the rise of China as the next world power is imminent. Hearing that they do NOT use mRNA gives me chills.

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I also was contemplating the interesting fact that they are not using mRNA in their shots...

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Big sites might ignore you but one small blogger doesn't.


God bless you, Dr. Malone.

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Great job - we all need to spread information out as much as possible! It is making a difference!

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Thank you, Doc. Your comment means a lot.

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Oct 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

THank you so much for your explanation of the mRNA technology and vaccine. I'm a retired veterinarian (graduated in 1975), and when the vaccine first came out, I refused to get it and didn't let my husband get it. The reason for my refusal is that when I was in practice, I saw a few cat and dog vaccines that were not adequately tested, and they turned out to be ineffective or harmful. I dealt with Big Pharma long enough to know that they cheat. Now I know I made the right decision.

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