Well-spotted, Robert. Musk serves as a cultural counterpoint to the Church of Woke, garnering support for being a supposed free-speech advocate, yet all the while he is funding the development of technology that can be used to centralize, surveil, and enslave us.
I can't help but reiterate... I can see some merit in some of what the WEF/Musk has in mind - I'd love to travel without worrying about losing my passport! It is the intention behind all of the manipulating that bothers me. If it was a straight forward idea and made good sense there would be no need for manipulation. It is called free choice. You could choose to get on board or not. It is when we are herded like sheep towards someone else's goal without choice that gets my stubborn up. Just not interested.
You would be trading your US passport for a "social" passport based upon your individual ESG score. Although, if you are that concerned about losing your passport, you could have the information on a chip implanted under the skin of your palm. Now THAT is convenient.
I just can't even with this all this clamor that "he's a GOOD technocrat, he's OUR technocrat!"
Are people really still that easily duped, even after all we've seen?
First we must get a grip on what "controlled opposition" really is and is not.
And then there is genuine, even potentially deadly competition within any power structure. Internecine struggles where all parties have more or less equally bad intentions toward you and I. They are predators: they look upon us as their prey. We are the resource they compete over.
One of my gravest concerns about Musk is his commitment to developing self-driving trucks. Consider how the Canadian truckers (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-the-canadian) and other truckers around the world have used that bargaining chip to protest tyranny and raise awareness about life-threatening issues. If humans are removed from that equation, all of that power would get zoinked from the people and transferred to those controlling the self-driving trucks.
“Eventually, you will be replaced by robots. Then you will become one of the plebeians you presently persecute—and the few of us who survive the democide will be equally disempowered, dependent, divested of possessions, and enslaved to a totalitarian technocracy. Mass surveillance will monitor our every twitch, tallying credits and demerits to our social credit score in accordance with the autocratic algorithms.
“There will be no humans left to administer mercy. There will be no halfway decent enforcer to let this one slide. There will be no compassionate official to consider mitigating circumstances.”
And now they’re even working on digital health workers:
Imagine how much easier it will be when there are no pesky humans to meddle between the State’s “public health” edicts and the patient. The robotic intermediary will simply administer the protocols, no questions asked, or answered.
In re the health workers, saw a video a while back where the ppl had sensors. Walked into clinic. Stood before wall that ran analyses. Went to next room with a ?? where conclusions were delivered and recommendations made. Go down the hall and pick up any prescriptions. Too me it was a horror show. Still retain ugly memories. Not something I would sign up for.
Set up a black market medical system while we still have cash. Or you can do it legally by calling yourself a health coach or home care assistant. Use natural and OTC remedies and meet in people's homes.
Some of our hero doctors have been able to set up independent practices. Much like we had years ago. Dr McC has evidently picked up Dr Urso's idea of developing a team (across the country) independent of hospitals. Will be watching to see how that goes. Would like to benefit from such training and experience Doctors offer, so hope the Government involvement can be at the least redirected. I would prefer the medical source I go to to have the right to treat as they see best fits and I have the right to accept, request modifications or decline the recommendations.
Good for them! I realized that not all have gone along with the New Abnormal.
I first discovered Fauci's untrustworthy nature thanks to Dr. Peter Breggin. One of the few good psychiatrists out there. He has already been under a number of attacks (including death threats) throughout his medical career because he set himself against Big Pharma lies that were crippling and killing many. One of them was me.
Compared to trains, trucks were democratizing, especially after deregulation in late 1960's. Trains are one 'industry' that needs to be nationalized & revitalized as the 2nd golden spike.
If you watched the Trucker Convoy protests and movements closely as we did, on many independent YouTube and Rumble channels, you also learn that this group of individuals is a well-developed culture, essential as a human resource to society and the economy. Both in Canada and US. "Sasnak" is our favorite trucker to watch; good hearted, entertaining and committed. We find he and his colleagues have a lot to say long past the protests.
Automation can never replace the following skills sets of truckers: Self-reliant, resourceful, rugged, disciplined, creative, brave, helpful to strangers and to fellow truckers, highly trained and tested in ways we think about soldiers being skilled. Managing massive machinery, logistics, other people that are under their hire. They have learned to live on the road in sleeper cabs with solar installations. They have networks of contacts around the countries they serve. They are savvy with digital communications of all sorts. They gather and collect useful information to be shared in trusted ways. They understand differences in cultures between the regions and learn from them. As it turns out they may be, along with farmers, a key political counterbalance opposing corporate and government overreach.
Automating this fleet is akin to removing a vital resource much as the Amazon Forest is to the health of the earth. We need to think about ways to help truckers be more time and resource efficient and satisfied in their work by listening to their ideas and feedback. They are the innovators.
While I haven't watched the trucker issues to the extent you describe, I certainly feel I have a clear overview and am 100 percent behind the truckers. One of my favorite radio shows is out of Texas, I think its called "Red Eyes" that is an overnight show for truckers keeping them up on the latest news that could impact them! Canada seems to have been really nasty toward the truckers, now the farmers too. Hope Trudeau gets booted.
Are the truckers good at auto repair and improvisation? With 3D metal printing they could design a new vehicle to print and construct locally and design new routes. Say a steam powered All Terrain Vehicle able to bear unusually large loads. These electric trucks will not only put truckers out of work, but whatever small businesses are left.
Truckers as a group have formidable mechanical, building and fabricating skills. Many build camper van and custom RV vehicles. They are the best group to poll, focus group and learn from through apprenticeship about what they need and what they have invented or crafted together that is working.
Doctors, nurses and teachers have been acting so horribly recently. I guess they don't know they are in danger of being replaced. Robots and AI screens.
Can they do it as well as people? Probably not. But technocrats don't care.
If I survive the democide, I'll stay outside. Or die or be killed. They'll never take me alive. Lots of others feel the same--or would if they knew.
There were pictures of him wearing the jacket... Like Putin, who also has a jacket - you don't know if they are an off shoot of the WEF (just in disguise) or if they have gone off script. That part is interesting to watch unfold....
But most people want/demand the convenience technology offers… It’s convenience with human rights, privacy and freedom of speech protected we need. I think Musk’s aim is to provide this as he sees the inherent dangers in not doing. We can’t stop the tech train but can do everything in our power to keep it on the right track. Alternative is go off grid… Those saying they use a landline. In UK it’s already in the pipeline to scrap within two years sadly.
I am only one person, EC. I work 22-hour days and am still desperately, hopelessly behind on the hundreds of articles I have in progress. I am trying to save all of humanity, which includes targeted individuals. I have neither the expertise nor the time to tackle this specific topic, although I lament that it is occurring and wish you and other TIs healing. Similarly, I do not cover human trafficking, war, animal abuse, and a million other topics of urgency that I wish I could end. I can only do so much, and I must remain laser-focused on my mission to unmask totalitarianism, awaken the sleeping before tyranny triumphs, and end democide. And now I’m at the 22-hour mark, so it’s time for me to crash.
And don’t be too quick to label it poison. If Musk succeeds in keeping the government out of his vision, a big if, then he may provide a competitive wedge against the totalitarian state. It could be the only alternative place some of us have to go. That’s a big maybe. Time will tell
Enemies are recruitable. Just look at AOC, lol! Bucky Fuller had the best analogy; the aquafoil effect of trim tab on huge ship rudders. We are overpowered but have potential to do some creative engineering if we join forces. Musk's comments on Ukraine reveal human heart, lets not write him off. The only solutions to World problems lay in decentralization. Musk is also very interested in being part of the solution. He will be brought into enlightenment if we are worthy evangelical proselytes. Yes, we are better as conspirators than WEC because we have an ethical base and ride horses (have lots in common).
Joe Rogan interview provides some insight. He had admirable childishness about him and he is top dog in his sandbox, having fun with the latest industrial revolution as he grew up. But his critical faculty is slow in recognizing dangers of centralization. He spoke of brain implants almost as a folly. But such a dangerous one, like all tool traditions, can be used for good or by the nefarious. Like you, I get this inexorable feeling of positive outcomes if engineered with spiritual insight and blockchain controls are built in. He is exciting but dangerous simultaneously, because our time frames are so accelerated. As always, the advantages of new tech is more evident than the side effects not realized until later and only empirically. cf. steam/mechanical-car wrecks, chemical-Silent Spring, nuclear-Lord of the Ring, DNA- terminator genes. Our task is to teach him about sustainability and to build sustainable models.
Damn, Robert, that makes sense and is very scary. It seems we (society) are set to be washed away on a tidal wave of totalitarianism, an inescapable, technology-driven, full-spectrum-dominance tidal wave of totalitarianism.
I've always been very conservative, and have always been opposed to the "tax the rich" mentality of the lefties. I've changed my mind. Let me explain.
The dangers we're facing now are from those with a lot of wealth. They aren't like the robber barons of old. The Rockefellers, Carnegies, Vanderbilts, etc. grew their wealth by investing in productive enterprises, which helped the economy and the country grow.
Today's robber barons use their wealth to try to control US. The Zuckerbergs, Bezos's, Gates's, and all the rest of them use their wealth to control the flow of information, and to control us. They might try to make it sound like what they do is for the common good (e.g. "no misinformation"), but it's for their own benefit, not ours. Add to it, they use their wealth to influence the government in ways the old robber barons could only dream about.
If I were in elected office, I'd call the Democrats bluff. Yes, let's tax the rich. And I'd take it further- not just tax income, but tax wealth. A billionaire's tax. For anyone controlling assets of over a $billion, tax away 10% of it each year. No exceptions. Including the so-called charities like the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. And Soros's Open Society Foundation.
The same way Chief Justice Roberts found Congress's taxing authority could open the door to ObamaCare, taxing authority can be used to neutralize the oligarchs who want to make us their slaves.
Would be interesting except for the certainty of knowing those old Robber Barons ARE Rothschild's Lieutenants running the CHOSEN 'New Money'. The Bezos, Zuckerberg, Musk and all the kiddies were recruited BY THEM largely but not only for their 'moral malleability', Sociopathology, Greed and penchant towards delusional Idolatry to rationalize their 'Power Addictions'.
To date, know of NO instance where this Global Monarchy has EVER been forced into anything to benefit 'The People' they view as their personal 'Human Herd' on Earth for their convenience.
Cronyism is the real issue. But it stems from crooked capitalists collaborating with the state to legally bribe them. Not true Marxism. Both parties benefit.
I'm a big Musk fan and investor. I see this as two sides of one coin. One side is good and promotes the general welfare (one of Musk's stated goals is that the future should be good for all - and just because it makes money doesn't mean it's evil) and the other side is what we have now: corporate + government capture of us "sheeples" by the likes of Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, George Soros, WEF members, Joe Biden and on and on, which is already extremely bad for the purpose of total manipulation of every moment of our lives. I HOPE that I'm right about Elon, but willing to worry about being wrong. Centralized power is probably never a very good thing.... excepting with God.... and even then I have complaints.
"one of Musk's stated goals is that the future should be good for all - and just because it makes money doesn't mean it's evil"
Sorry, Barbara Lee, but you're being naive. There are very few Mother Theresas out there. Even well-intentioned people will misuse their powers if the powers are unchecked.
When the lefties are asked, "when has socialism ever worked", their comeback is "it hasn't been done by the right people yet." There are no right people. They don't exist. The only check on people with power is the ability to boot their ass out of office. Which socialism eliminates.
While I admire some aspects of what Musk has accomplished, I'm not about to give him or anyone else unchecked powers.
Humm... good points all. We need to remember that we ARE in a position of power also in that we do NOT have to use his services. We CAN choose (at least for now) a life style that is completely outside the realm of control... witness the Amish (the conservative orthodox Amish that is)
well, except that the FDA has been persecuting the Amish for many years for such dangerous practices as selling healthy food. yes I am talking SWAT teams in the kitchen confiscating milk.
Who demonstrated that mother Theresa was motivated by only good? Been quite a few years since I studied her actions, but she was very far from the epitome of goodness. You won't find an accurate account by "googling", as they are biased.
As the links I provide above demonstrate, I don’t think she was motivated by good at all. She prized suffering above all else and caused unnecessary suffering for those under her “care” accordingly, stating:
“There is something beautiful in seeing the poor accept their lot, to suffer it like Christ’s Passion. The world gains much from their suffering.”
Meanwhile, she lapped up celebrity attention, luxurious pampering, substantial donations, and global praise for her actions.
Yes, Margaret, I went through the study of her words vs deeds many years ago and came to the same conclusion. The C Church's hierarchy is built on vertical power. As such, there is little difference between the C Church and the power manipulations of the puppeteers of today. Divide and conquer. My lifelong friend, in India, in the Department of HEW of the Indian federal government, was witness to many, many children "disappearing" out of even well-to-do Hindu neighborhoods, only to be found, mostly years later, in "orphanages" remote to where the kids were picked up, run by the C Church. Of course, when the children were returned to their parents, they found that the kids had been religiously brainwashed into the C religion. They caught scavenging vans, stealthily looking for isolated children - and "poof". If they would have meant well, if the kids were really lost, they would've contacted local authorities - and immediately started looking for parents. I haven't been able to see any visible confirmation, probably suppressed then by the same type censorship we experience now -- but my friend was quite enraged by actions against so many innocent kids.
Goodness. And Lord knows what else they did to the children given that it was the Catholic Church. Have you seen "The Keepers" documentary series on Netflix?
I didn't see it -- though, one has battles between power centers -- secular vs religious, religious vs religious, etc.... epitomized by the lockdown battles that were local/federal tyrants vs religion and small biz... I don't trust, for neutrality, documentaries or big movers and shakers!! But I personally knew one C Church victim when he was little.
I plead guilty. I am aware there are criticisms of her. I have not read up on the details. My reference was more to her reputation than perhaps the reality.
But you did get the point I was trying to make, right?
I'm wondering how you would answer the following assertion. Major-party candidates are vetted by the ruling elite ahead of time and only those who pass the test are given the money and other support they need to run. (Trump was an exception, but I doubt they'll let that happen again.) Third party candidates don't have a prayer, as debates are controlled by the major parties and the reputations of "unapproved" candidates is easily tarnished with relentless big-money propaganda. "If voting changed anything, they'd abolish it."
Replace the elites. They get voted in office too. What you are concerned with actually comes down to what constitutes default apathy in the general population. They generally can't be made to give a good tinker's dam and there you are. I think it comes down to the fact that the "masses" have baked into their DNA a wanting to be ruled and usually, sometimes violently, oppose any effort to assuage that sentiment. They have to suffer severely before acting and then the outcome not so rosy--France offers as an example.
You already conceded Trump was an exception. Then say, you doubt they'll let that happen again.
Their power isn't limitless. McConnell is trying to defeat Republican senate candidates who he senses will not be his allies. He's using a big pot of campaign money to do that.
Despite the $millions he's spending, the odds look better than even Murkowski in AK will be defeated. The odds for Masters in AZ are less favorable, but I won't be surprised if he prevails.
And, a lot of McConnell's allies are under the gun. Our TX senator Cornyn was booed at the last Republican State Convention.
If things get bad enough, people will vote these RINOs out of office. They won't be able to stop it. The only thing that can stop it is for the election process to be irredeemably corrupted.
My little nugget of wisdom on democracy: Politics is a service profession, like cutting hair and doing dry-cleaning. As long as your barber and your dry-cleaner does an acceptable job, you'll keep doing business with them. When they give you an atrocious haircut or scorch your shirts with an iron, you'll go elsewhere. Democracy isn't meant to put the best people in office. It's meant to allow you to replace your representatives when things get bad enough.
Musk was a Young Global Leader. Although there’s always the possibility that he has defected, he consistently aligns with WEF messaging (e.g., someone created a collage of his tweets beside WEF ones and he almost word-for-word reinforced dozens if not hundreds of their tweets). I do believe he has undergone a political transformation, but he continues to pursue technology that would serve the totalitarian agenda, and he is all in on the transhumanist philosophy.
Musk has repeatedly asserted, and Jack Dorsey agrees, that building an architecture for Twitter that is peer-to-peer and not subject to central control is essential to pull off his vision. This has long been the Holy Grail for those contemplating how to keep technology but diffuse control so it cannot be screwed up as it has been.
No one has unchecked powers except governments that take them by force. The countries that have decided to have wealth taxes and make everyone poor end up with, essentially, nothing -- that is just naïve thinking; unless one has the incentive to be amazing, one is never amazing. In business one succeeds by serving the most people with something one makes better than anyone else at a price that is sustainable. Virtually everyone would opt for a distributed IT platform if it were out there -- for ecommerce and communications and everything else. Remember that, in the days before the Internet, the phone company could have cancelled you at any time -- at least from the phone. None of this is new.
I do not agree with everything Musk (or anyone) does, but there are technologic approaches to this that can allow those who do the work to make money and those who receive the services to be reasonably (and that never means by the government) protected from all the things everyone on this blog hates. Musk has stated that is where he wants to go. I support that. It is better than virtually every other alternative I have heard -- we are living amongst those now and it is not pretty.
It is encouraging to hear that he is advocating for a peer-to-peer system, Dr. K. I would feel even better if el gato malo were appointed to head up its development ;-)
It's a silly misdirection, strictly for the technically unsophisticated. We already have decentralized peer-to-peer systems for communication. Plenty of them, from XMMP/Jabber through Secure Scuttlebutt, DAT, ActivityPub, even real out-there stuff like Urbit. If Musk is buying Twitter to turn it into one of these, he's going to be in big trouble with the Bank of Qatar, who isn't putting up the $44B just to lose control over their asset.
Truly decentralized technologies just aren't compatible with the Big Tech vision.
You may be right. But none of the distributed stuff is commercial grade. If anyone can figure out how to make an unassailable platform that can also be monetized (and ecommerce is a great application; take a slice from each transaction) it is Musk. Someone that can build a real business needs to try it...he is the best option I see out there, assuming he is telling the truth as we see it.
Nobody can build a business on this because there's no business model. If it's truly decentralized, they can't take a slice from each transaction. Why would you pay such a tax anyway, in a decentralized system? You're not getting anything in return.
You can bet his real plans (or rather, those he's fronting for) are something else.
Margaret, I would, too. But at least Musk is saying the kinds of things one would hope SOMEONE who has proven he is able to do something other than talk would say. Perhaps just a case of hope springing eternal, but he does not have to say these things. So no reason to not give him the benefit of this doubt. Remember that "no one could possibly create a commercial rocket service -- even the government after taking all of its citizens' money against their will can't do it without killing people". So I will reman optimistic.
P2P exists. Your blog can be replicated all over the web (IPFS) securely and obscurely, accessible only via public-key encryption. I have just been looking at this and am amazed at the amount of industry and creativity going on in what is called the web3 world. It is a zone available only to those with brains and enthusiasm. It is not, repeat not, controllable. Mr Musk may have ambitions that align with web3 but he will not be able to impose control that way.
The only way that web3 will disappear is if the internet disappears. That, though, could just happen if the Schwab gang manage to vaccinate enough useless eaters off the planet leaving nobody to maintain the servers and connections (I think that may be the weak point in the "transhumanists" scheme LOL).
I was like you, but the more I learn about him the more I deplore him. His Neuralink company uses intelligent, social, sweet-natured macaque monkeys in cruel, highly invasive, often fatal experiments in its development of a "brain-machine interface". I find that disgusting because highly advanced human related technology has been developed that is far more accurate that doesn't require the barbaric use of animals. In light of this, I think anyone involved in cruel animal experiments today have traits of the criminally insane (think Jeffrey Dahmer). Musk has the money to employ new advanced technology but chooses not to. I have taken action via PCRM (Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine) and will continue to do so until Musk puts an end to these barbaric experiments and modernizes his methods.
I agree that such research should be humane AND with limits. I would love to see it cure cerebral palsy but hate to see it become transhumanism. Look where experimenting with mRNA got us. Not where we thought we were going at all!!
Yes, it can certainly be used for good, but this kind of technology in the wrong hands.....scary. I think Musk is a trans-humanist. That's not good. Who knows what his ultimate agenda is? He's not very open about Neuralink. Makes one think he's hiding something. And in light of his cruel experiments it seems to me that he's devoid of compassion. After all, he is, above all else, a businessman, and a very wealthy one at that.
Thank you Dianne . Someone needed to say this, und thank you for taking steps to stop it. What on earth is so important it justifies torturing animals, and would it not then justify torturing people as well, if a person thought they could get away with it? Have a look at RFK Jr's book "the real Anthony fauci " and you will see yes, already happening
I plan to read RFK Jr's book (it's on my to read list) and looking forward to watching the documentary too. Yes, the vaccine experiment is well underway on human subjects. I'm not vaccinated by the way. I decided to investigate it first. Of course that took me down the rabbit hole, and I went so deep that I think I ended up in.....CHINA!
I have RFK's book. It's on my list to read coming up soon. Dr. Robert Malone has one out too "Lies My Government Told Me." You probably already know that since you're here with us. At present I'm reading/studying "How to Opt Out of the Technocratic State", by Derrick Broze and just joined the Freedom Cell Network. I'm ready to take action to stop what's happening in any way I can and I think agorism is the only way out...the only one I can see right now that will extricate us from the "system" that's in place and dissolve it.
My thoughts are that having dominion over all things on Earth doesn't give us license to torture animals, to exploit them. There was a time when we relied on them for food, tools, warmth, shelter, but today, most people don't need them for that. They suffer just like we do. They feel pain and have emotions (love, grief, fear) just like we do. There are high-tech methods available now using computers, holograms, etc., that don't involve use of animals at all and they're far more accurate. If anyone can afford to use them, Musk can. So, although I don't agree with you, I do like that you agree we should not be using animals.
I guess I am just a crazy old lady but I don't do social media. And yet I survive somehow. I agree that Musk is all about monetizing. That is who he is and it is not a leap to think his plan for Twitter is all about making more money. Just because someone is business savvy and smart does not mean he/she is wise though.
What am I missing here? Twitter only has the power we give it, so why do people continue to use it? Especially knowing all we do about how corrupt it is. When I hear people bemoan being kicked off or cancelled it reminds me of an abused person not taking responsibility and staying with the abuser. Take if from me, life is just fine without Twitter.
Good point! I canceled FB too. And I almost never use Amazon now. Lots of free ebooks out there and used bookstores. I'll be using Lulu for POD publishing in the future.
Amazing how so many things get started and suddenly some little tweak is just going to make it better or will make it faster, or is more convenient and then in a few weeks or months you find out that little tweak, “improvement”, or speed up thing has suddenly come around to bite you in the “ask no questions and will tell you no lies”.
Boom! You have just lost another freedom or choice you had prior.
Consolidation of Power is always bad. Today it just proved deadly to millions and millions of people.
Musk is another oligarch type, imho, and the only path to freedom is diversity of platforms, diversity of ways to access information, separation of "tech" and government, corporate influence and government, and "science" and government.
Amd any time a money making scheme, especially in tech, is broached by some Billionaire, BEWARE.
It feels like everyone out there got infected with Gollum's desire for the One Ring somehow.
I'll trust a new idea when it breaks apart monopolies, not when it's about building more of them.
With all due respect, I'm not sure I agree with you Dr M. If what you fear becomes reality, it seems to me that it is still voluntary...those who choose to use whatever Twitter X is, or becomes, it is still their choice. It seems to me that it would be much more important for one of (if not THE) largest soap boxes on the planet to be open, transparent and free for people like you to speak without censorship. If Mr Musk delivers on that promise, I believe we will all be better off. Just my most humble opinion...
I seem to recall Mr Musk got his start with Gov grants. That his accomplishments were built on garnering OPs moneys. That doesn't sit particularly well with me. He just doesn't come off as a hero, particularly in terms of the ultimate well being of everyman.
hmmm. I am not a big bible beater but somewhere in the far reaches of what is left up "there" recalls a reference in Revelations to the entity initially seen to be the "saviour" as a false flag bearer, later found to be Satan himself. . . or something of that vein.
Robert - have enjoyed your writing and your passion for protecting kids (e.g. my son) from the Covid-19 vaccine. But hard to be “with you” on this. I think Musk is a “free speech absolutist” and I think that is something he wants to and that needs to be returned to the public town square including Twitter. And you really didn’t present evidence to the contrary. At a time when you are wrongly accused of being “controlled opposition,” I wonder if suggesting Musk wants to control commerce with twitter and therefore is not in it for free speech at all, falls into the same category.
Dr. Malone/Robert: I don’t see the connection between his efforts with Neuralink and being for free speech.
To be clear, I have tremendous respect for you and your diligence and dedication to seek and get the truth out. I have viewed both you and Musk as allies with me and other freedom lovers in that effort. (Musk too has been openly critical of the Government’s approach to the Covid vaccine.)
Regarding Neuralink, I’ve noted Musk’s past statements and concerns with AI and felt he made sense in is interview with Rogan on “Why Neuralink?”(first used for treating paralysis, later possibly for competing effectively against machines/AI…) In any case, I appreciate being challenged with the thought-provoking pieces you write, including this one.
Musk has very much benefited from his long business association WITH the CCP. Isnt china where he makes his Teslas? Have you EVER heard Musk speak about the persecution of Uyghurs or the subjugation of democracy loving Hong Kongers by the CCP? No I haven't either, so that should raise red flags about Musk. Plus he WANTS CCP to take Taiwan.
100%. I would like to add something. Elon Musk is actually one of the most dangerous people alive besides Bill Gates. I know this might sound hyperbolic, but just stick with me for a moment. I wish I could find the clip that shows this, but I saw an interview where Elon spoke about the main areas he works in. He talked about Space X (going to Mars, saving the planet), Electric cars, (saving the planet) the Boring company (saving the planet). Electric cars do way more damage to the planet than fossil fuels. Not only this, but the massive rise of Tesla is built on socialism. The so-called "green" electric car explosion of purchases is built on massive government subsidies. This is socialism, not capitalism. With our taxes, YOU AND I ARE PAYING FOR THE INSANE communist VIRTUE SIGNALLING of the left! Elon Musk is a true believer. He REALLY BELIEVES he is "saving the planet". He genuinely believes that everything he is doing is altruistic and is in the best interest of humanity. The Messiah complex that these billionaires have is what we should be really afraid of. Jesus is the only Messiah, and the only One who will save us. The 1776 America is already the best model to follow for a country. This is why all the caravans want to go to America. To the degree that America makes mistakes, is to the degree it has embraced socialist/communist ideology. The original healthy host has been infected with Marxist insanity. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIU8WAFixWs Jordan Peterson
Tesla should have never ever received a dime of taxpayer money. It is creating a false economy and Tesla will eventually crash and burn when the government can't afford to give 10,000 out for every person who wants an electric car. Also, this insanity weakens the other car manufacturers who can't compete with a government handout that encourage people to buy electric cars instead of gasoline. And before anyone argues that gas cars are bad - watch these videos first
Well-spotted, Robert. Musk serves as a cultural counterpoint to the Church of Woke, garnering support for being a supposed free-speech advocate, yet all the while he is funding the development of technology that can be used to centralize, surveil, and enslave us.
I can't help but reiterate... I can see some merit in some of what the WEF/Musk has in mind - I'd love to travel without worrying about losing my passport! It is the intention behind all of the manipulating that bothers me. If it was a straight forward idea and made good sense there would be no need for manipulation. It is called free choice. You could choose to get on board or not. It is when we are herded like sheep towards someone else's goal without choice that gets my stubborn up. Just not interested.
Beware the lure of convenience:
• https://www.bobmoran.co.uk/downloads-1/so-convenient-download
The lure of convenience and being comfortable, in many ways, got us in this mess…. By not “Staying Thirsty”.
I'm not returning to Twitter. I need to cancel Google and my "smart" phone.
Centralizing controls means trusting fewer sinful people with more power.
“Absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
Fun link to political cartoon nirvana. Lots and lots to view if you scroll around in it.
One in particle that got to me was "become a member of the Bonfire Party"!
Seems invitingly warm and sociable doesn't it?
You would be trading your US passport for a "social" passport based upon your individual ESG score. Although, if you are that concerned about losing your passport, you could have the information on a chip implanted under the skin of your palm. Now THAT is convenient.
I just can't even with this all this clamor that "he's a GOOD technocrat, he's OUR technocrat!"
Are people really still that easily duped, even after all we've seen?
First we must get a grip on what "controlled opposition" really is and is not.
And then there is genuine, even potentially deadly competition within any power structure. Internecine struggles where all parties have more or less equally bad intentions toward you and I. They are predators: they look upon us as their prey. We are the resource they compete over.
Musk is not your buddy. Sorry.
Perfectly said!
Thank you, Jennifer!
One of my gravest concerns about Musk is his commitment to developing self-driving trucks. Consider how the Canadian truckers (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-the-canadian) and other truckers around the world have used that bargaining chip to protest tyranny and raise awareness about life-threatening issues. If humans are removed from that equation, all of that power would get zoinked from the people and transferred to those controlling the self-driving trucks.
Same goes for law enforcement. As I wrote in “Letter to a Colluder” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-colluder-stop-enabling):
“Eventually, you will be replaced by robots. Then you will become one of the plebeians you presently persecute—and the few of us who survive the democide will be equally disempowered, dependent, divested of possessions, and enslaved to a totalitarian technocracy. Mass surveillance will monitor our every twitch, tallying credits and demerits to our social credit score in accordance with the autocratic algorithms.
“There will be no humans left to administer mercy. There will be no halfway decent enforcer to let this one slide. There will be no compassionate official to consider mitigating circumstances.”
And now they’re even working on digital health workers:
• https://interestofjustice.substack.com/p/is-this-serious-who-and-partners
Imagine how much easier it will be when there are no pesky humans to meddle between the State’s “public health” edicts and the patient. The robotic intermediary will simply administer the protocols, no questions asked, or answered.
In re the health workers, saw a video a while back where the ppl had sensors. Walked into clinic. Stood before wall that ran analyses. Went to next room with a ?? where conclusions were delivered and recommendations made. Go down the hall and pick up any prescriptions. Too me it was a horror show. Still retain ugly memories. Not something I would sign up for.
Set up a black market medical system while we still have cash. Or you can do it legally by calling yourself a health coach or home care assistant. Use natural and OTC remedies and meet in people's homes.
Some of our hero doctors have been able to set up independent practices. Much like we had years ago. Dr McC has evidently picked up Dr Urso's idea of developing a team (across the country) independent of hospitals. Will be watching to see how that goes. Would like to benefit from such training and experience Doctors offer, so hope the Government involvement can be at the least redirected. I would prefer the medical source I go to to have the right to treat as they see best fits and I have the right to accept, request modifications or decline the recommendations.
Good for them! I realized that not all have gone along with the New Abnormal.
I first discovered Fauci's untrustworthy nature thanks to Dr. Peter Breggin. One of the few good psychiatrists out there. He has already been under a number of attacks (including death threats) throughout his medical career because he set himself against Big Pharma lies that were crippling and killing many. One of them was me.
It should be obvious that Trudeau, Newsome, Buttigieg, and the rest want the trucking industry to collapse.
Compared to trains, trucks were democratizing, especially after deregulation in late 1960's. Trains are one 'industry' that needs to be nationalized & revitalized as the 2nd golden spike.
A very scary thought! 😱😱
If you watched the Trucker Convoy protests and movements closely as we did, on many independent YouTube and Rumble channels, you also learn that this group of individuals is a well-developed culture, essential as a human resource to society and the economy. Both in Canada and US. "Sasnak" is our favorite trucker to watch; good hearted, entertaining and committed. We find he and his colleagues have a lot to say long past the protests.
Automation can never replace the following skills sets of truckers: Self-reliant, resourceful, rugged, disciplined, creative, brave, helpful to strangers and to fellow truckers, highly trained and tested in ways we think about soldiers being skilled. Managing massive machinery, logistics, other people that are under their hire. They have learned to live on the road in sleeper cabs with solar installations. They have networks of contacts around the countries they serve. They are savvy with digital communications of all sorts. They gather and collect useful information to be shared in trusted ways. They understand differences in cultures between the regions and learn from them. As it turns out they may be, along with farmers, a key political counterbalance opposing corporate and government overreach.
Automating this fleet is akin to removing a vital resource much as the Amazon Forest is to the health of the earth. We need to think about ways to help truckers be more time and resource efficient and satisfied in their work by listening to their ideas and feedback. They are the innovators.
While I haven't watched the trucker issues to the extent you describe, I certainly feel I have a clear overview and am 100 percent behind the truckers. One of my favorite radio shows is out of Texas, I think its called "Red Eyes" that is an overnight show for truckers keeping them up on the latest news that could impact them! Canada seems to have been really nasty toward the truckers, now the farmers too. Hope Trudeau gets booted.
Are the truckers good at auto repair and improvisation? With 3D metal printing they could design a new vehicle to print and construct locally and design new routes. Say a steam powered All Terrain Vehicle able to bear unusually large loads. These electric trucks will not only put truckers out of work, but whatever small businesses are left.
Truckers as a group have formidable mechanical, building and fabricating skills. Many build camper van and custom RV vehicles. They are the best group to poll, focus group and learn from through apprenticeship about what they need and what they have invented or crafted together that is working.
Very true MAA🫡🫥😵💫
Doctors, nurses and teachers have been acting so horribly recently. I guess they don't know they are in danger of being replaced. Robots and AI screens.
Can they do it as well as people? Probably not. But technocrats don't care.
If I survive the democide, I'll stay outside. Or die or be killed. They'll never take me alive. Lots of others feel the same--or would if they knew.
They feel they must obey their orders
It really looks that way. David Icke's recent video discusses several of Elon Musk's technologies that could support the globalist agenda.
There were pictures of him wearing the jacket... Like Putin, who also has a jacket - you don't know if they are an off shoot of the WEF (just in disguise) or if they have gone off script. That part is interesting to watch unfold....
I'm not familiar with the jacket. Do you mean the leather jacket with faux fur collar that Elon is shown wearing in the Icke interview?
No- It seems to me he was at an awards something or other - it was a pure white suit jacket embossed with Young world leaders across the back...
But most people want/demand the convenience technology offers… It’s convenience with human rights, privacy and freedom of speech protected we need. I think Musk’s aim is to provide this as he sees the inherent dangers in not doing. We can’t stop the tech train but can do everything in our power to keep it on the right track. Alternative is go off grid… Those saying they use a landline. In UK it’s already in the pipeline to scrap within two years sadly.
I am only one person, EC. I work 22-hour days and am still desperately, hopelessly behind on the hundreds of articles I have in progress. I am trying to save all of humanity, which includes targeted individuals. I have neither the expertise nor the time to tackle this specific topic, although I lament that it is occurring and wish you and other TIs healing. Similarly, I do not cover human trafficking, war, animal abuse, and a million other topics of urgency that I wish I could end. I can only do so much, and I must remain laser-focused on my mission to unmask totalitarianism, awaken the sleeping before tyranny triumphs, and end democide. And now I’m at the 22-hour mark, so it’s time for me to crash.
And don’t be too quick to label it poison. If Musk succeeds in keeping the government out of his vision, a big if, then he may provide a competitive wedge against the totalitarian state. It could be the only alternative place some of us have to go. That’s a big maybe. Time will tell
Must is totally on board with the enslavement and EMF poisoning of humanity with his massive 5G scheme! He is an "enemy of the People", not a savior!
Enemies are recruitable. Just look at AOC, lol! Bucky Fuller had the best analogy; the aquafoil effect of trim tab on huge ship rudders. We are overpowered but have potential to do some creative engineering if we join forces. Musk's comments on Ukraine reveal human heart, lets not write him off. The only solutions to World problems lay in decentralization. Musk is also very interested in being part of the solution. He will be brought into enlightenment if we are worthy evangelical proselytes. Yes, we are better as conspirators than WEC because we have an ethical base and ride horses (have lots in common).
We don’t have alot of time
Time has told! Here's a refresher from 2015: http://mileswmathis.com/musk.pdf
I love this. A good read. What if?! Fits in with the frame of mind we should all be questioning everything.
Joe Rogan interview provides some insight. He had admirable childishness about him and he is top dog in his sandbox, having fun with the latest industrial revolution as he grew up. But his critical faculty is slow in recognizing dangers of centralization. He spoke of brain implants almost as a folly. But such a dangerous one, like all tool traditions, can be used for good or by the nefarious. Like you, I get this inexorable feeling of positive outcomes if engineered with spiritual insight and blockchain controls are built in. He is exciting but dangerous simultaneously, because our time frames are so accelerated. As always, the advantages of new tech is more evident than the side effects not realized until later and only empirically. cf. steam/mechanical-car wrecks, chemical-Silent Spring, nuclear-Lord of the Ring, DNA- terminator genes. Our task is to teach him about sustainability and to build sustainable models.
No way Elon will kick the government out of Twitter pnce he buys it. NOT A CHANCE. It will be se dog different collar.
Damn, Robert, that makes sense and is very scary. It seems we (society) are set to be washed away on a tidal wave of totalitarianism, an inescapable, technology-driven, full-spectrum-dominance tidal wave of totalitarianism.
I've always been very conservative, and have always been opposed to the "tax the rich" mentality of the lefties. I've changed my mind. Let me explain.
The dangers we're facing now are from those with a lot of wealth. They aren't like the robber barons of old. The Rockefellers, Carnegies, Vanderbilts, etc. grew their wealth by investing in productive enterprises, which helped the economy and the country grow.
Today's robber barons use their wealth to try to control US. The Zuckerbergs, Bezos's, Gates's, and all the rest of them use their wealth to control the flow of information, and to control us. They might try to make it sound like what they do is for the common good (e.g. "no misinformation"), but it's for their own benefit, not ours. Add to it, they use their wealth to influence the government in ways the old robber barons could only dream about.
If I were in elected office, I'd call the Democrats bluff. Yes, let's tax the rich. And I'd take it further- not just tax income, but tax wealth. A billionaire's tax. For anyone controlling assets of over a $billion, tax away 10% of it each year. No exceptions. Including the so-called charities like the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. And Soros's Open Society Foundation.
The same way Chief Justice Roberts found Congress's taxing authority could open the door to ObamaCare, taxing authority can be used to neutralize the oligarchs who want to make us their slaves.
Sorry Elon. No exceptions.
Would be interesting except for the certainty of knowing those old Robber Barons ARE Rothschild's Lieutenants running the CHOSEN 'New Money'. The Bezos, Zuckerberg, Musk and all the kiddies were recruited BY THEM largely but not only for their 'moral malleability', Sociopathology, Greed and penchant towards delusional Idolatry to rationalize their 'Power Addictions'.
To date, know of NO instance where this Global Monarchy has EVER been forced into anything to benefit 'The People' they view as their personal 'Human Herd' on Earth for their convenience.
What insulates them from falling under a billionaire's tax?
They dont pay tax. Does pillowc pay taxes on their milli9ns and inside trading?
Interesting idea.
Cronyism is the real issue. But it stems from crooked capitalists collaborating with the state to legally bribe them. Not true Marxism. Both parties benefit.
Unless we wake up timely, smell the poison and find ways to avoid taking it?
Yup, Damn.
I haven't been specifically following that, but do take it in as I come across it. Gather Musk has currently been "targeted."
I'm a big Musk fan and investor. I see this as two sides of one coin. One side is good and promotes the general welfare (one of Musk's stated goals is that the future should be good for all - and just because it makes money doesn't mean it's evil) and the other side is what we have now: corporate + government capture of us "sheeples" by the likes of Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, George Soros, WEF members, Joe Biden and on and on, which is already extremely bad for the purpose of total manipulation of every moment of our lives. I HOPE that I'm right about Elon, but willing to worry about being wrong. Centralized power is probably never a very good thing.... excepting with God.... and even then I have complaints.
"one of Musk's stated goals is that the future should be good for all - and just because it makes money doesn't mean it's evil"
Sorry, Barbara Lee, but you're being naive. There are very few Mother Theresas out there. Even well-intentioned people will misuse their powers if the powers are unchecked.
When the lefties are asked, "when has socialism ever worked", their comeback is "it hasn't been done by the right people yet." There are no right people. They don't exist. The only check on people with power is the ability to boot their ass out of office. Which socialism eliminates.
While I admire some aspects of what Musk has accomplished, I'm not about to give him or anyone else unchecked powers.
Humm... good points all. We need to remember that we ARE in a position of power also in that we do NOT have to use his services. We CAN choose (at least for now) a life style that is completely outside the realm of control... witness the Amish (the conservative orthodox Amish that is)
well, except that the FDA has been persecuting the Amish for many years for such dangerous practices as selling healthy food. yes I am talking SWAT teams in the kitchen confiscating milk.
True, they did it recently here in my neighborhood Amish community over raw milk. Scary!
Even Mother Teresa wasn't a Mother Teresa 😆
• https://allthatsinteresting.com/mother-teresa-saint
• https://medium.com/lessons-from-history/the-dark-side-of-mother-teresa-b8b9f93df835
Who demonstrated that mother Theresa was motivated by only good? Been quite a few years since I studied her actions, but she was very far from the epitome of goodness. You won't find an accurate account by "googling", as they are biased.
As the links I provide above demonstrate, I don’t think she was motivated by good at all. She prized suffering above all else and caused unnecessary suffering for those under her “care” accordingly, stating:
“There is something beautiful in seeing the poor accept their lot, to suffer it like Christ’s Passion. The world gains much from their suffering.”
Meanwhile, she lapped up celebrity attention, luxurious pampering, substantial donations, and global praise for her actions.
Yes, Margaret, I went through the study of her words vs deeds many years ago and came to the same conclusion. The C Church's hierarchy is built on vertical power. As such, there is little difference between the C Church and the power manipulations of the puppeteers of today. Divide and conquer. My lifelong friend, in India, in the Department of HEW of the Indian federal government, was witness to many, many children "disappearing" out of even well-to-do Hindu neighborhoods, only to be found, mostly years later, in "orphanages" remote to where the kids were picked up, run by the C Church. Of course, when the children were returned to their parents, they found that the kids had been religiously brainwashed into the C religion. They caught scavenging vans, stealthily looking for isolated children - and "poof". If they would have meant well, if the kids were really lost, they would've contacted local authorities - and immediately started looking for parents. I haven't been able to see any visible confirmation, probably suppressed then by the same type censorship we experience now -- but my friend was quite enraged by actions against so many innocent kids.
as in Canada, the USA, Aotearoa NZ, and OZ for all I know.
The First Nations had it tough. My in/touch knowledge suggests that this demographic is alert to the manipulations, probably far more than ourselves.
They also manage to retain a sense of identity, something -to my mind- somewhat lacking in the Anglophone.
OT.OT. sorry, I reverse out. But your point is clearly made, and sound.
Goodness. And Lord knows what else they did to the children given that it was the Catholic Church. Have you seen "The Keepers" documentary series on Netflix?
I didn't see it -- though, one has battles between power centers -- secular vs religious, religious vs religious, etc.... epitomized by the lockdown battles that were local/federal tyrants vs religion and small biz... I don't trust, for neutrality, documentaries or big movers and shakers!! But I personally knew one C Church victim when he was little.
I plead guilty. I am aware there are criticisms of her. I have not read up on the details. My reference was more to her reputation than perhaps the reality.
But you did get the point I was trying to make, right?
How am I going to stop him? See my other post in this thread.
Not my power to give? Not mine alone. But with a lot of other voters, we have the power.
I'm wondering how you would answer the following assertion. Major-party candidates are vetted by the ruling elite ahead of time and only those who pass the test are given the money and other support they need to run. (Trump was an exception, but I doubt they'll let that happen again.) Third party candidates don't have a prayer, as debates are controlled by the major parties and the reputations of "unapproved" candidates is easily tarnished with relentless big-money propaganda. "If voting changed anything, they'd abolish it."
Replace the elites. They get voted in office too. What you are concerned with actually comes down to what constitutes default apathy in the general population. They generally can't be made to give a good tinker's dam and there you are. I think it comes down to the fact that the "masses" have baked into their DNA a wanting to be ruled and usually, sometimes violently, oppose any effort to assuage that sentiment. They have to suffer severely before acting and then the outcome not so rosy--France offers as an example.
Yes, wanting to be ruled and also wanting to be told what to think. Very little independent thinking.
You already conceded Trump was an exception. Then say, you doubt they'll let that happen again.
Their power isn't limitless. McConnell is trying to defeat Republican senate candidates who he senses will not be his allies. He's using a big pot of campaign money to do that.
Despite the $millions he's spending, the odds look better than even Murkowski in AK will be defeated. The odds for Masters in AZ are less favorable, but I won't be surprised if he prevails.
And, a lot of McConnell's allies are under the gun. Our TX senator Cornyn was booed at the last Republican State Convention.
If things get bad enough, people will vote these RINOs out of office. They won't be able to stop it. The only thing that can stop it is for the election process to be irredeemably corrupted.
My little nugget of wisdom on democracy: Politics is a service profession, like cutting hair and doing dry-cleaning. As long as your barber and your dry-cleaner does an acceptable job, you'll keep doing business with them. When they give you an atrocious haircut or scorch your shirts with an iron, you'll go elsewhere. Democracy isn't meant to put the best people in office. It's meant to allow you to replace your representatives when things get bad enough.
On the browser I use (Opera) I do "ctrl-f" and do a search on "Evil Incarnate"
Pro-tip- doing the search just on "incarn" will do the trick.
You can stop him by becoming a member of the "Bonfire Party"!
Oh wait...all those political parties are sub-contractors of the larger Bonfire party.
Doublespeak just comes naturally,
when burning mountains of confiscated cash over a warm and cozy blazing hell fire
Musk was a Young Global Leader. Although there’s always the possibility that he has defected, he consistently aligns with WEF messaging (e.g., someone created a collage of his tweets beside WEF ones and he almost word-for-word reinforced dozens if not hundreds of their tweets). I do believe he has undergone a political transformation, but he continues to pursue technology that would serve the totalitarian agenda, and he is all in on the transhumanist philosophy.
• https://banned.video/watch?id=628392a8ec7dca7d8a9639db
His SpaceX is hosting a drag show for ALL ages. Just saying
Actions speak louder than words…
Source/link please?
That showed up on my Texas Minute news site. Twice.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
They all rub elbows at the same water cooler!
Musk has repeatedly asserted, and Jack Dorsey agrees, that building an architecture for Twitter that is peer-to-peer and not subject to central control is essential to pull off his vision. This has long been the Holy Grail for those contemplating how to keep technology but diffuse control so it cannot be screwed up as it has been.
No one has unchecked powers except governments that take them by force. The countries that have decided to have wealth taxes and make everyone poor end up with, essentially, nothing -- that is just naïve thinking; unless one has the incentive to be amazing, one is never amazing. In business one succeeds by serving the most people with something one makes better than anyone else at a price that is sustainable. Virtually everyone would opt for a distributed IT platform if it were out there -- for ecommerce and communications and everything else. Remember that, in the days before the Internet, the phone company could have cancelled you at any time -- at least from the phone. None of this is new.
I do not agree with everything Musk (or anyone) does, but there are technologic approaches to this that can allow those who do the work to make money and those who receive the services to be reasonably (and that never means by the government) protected from all the things everyone on this blog hates. Musk has stated that is where he wants to go. I support that. It is better than virtually every other alternative I have heard -- we are living amongst those now and it is not pretty.
It is encouraging to hear that he is advocating for a peer-to-peer system, Dr. K. I would feel even better if el gato malo were appointed to head up its development ;-)
• https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/the-binary-arms-race-between-citizen
It's a silly misdirection, strictly for the technically unsophisticated. We already have decentralized peer-to-peer systems for communication. Plenty of them, from XMMP/Jabber through Secure Scuttlebutt, DAT, ActivityPub, even real out-there stuff like Urbit. If Musk is buying Twitter to turn it into one of these, he's going to be in big trouble with the Bank of Qatar, who isn't putting up the $44B just to lose control over their asset.
Truly decentralized technologies just aren't compatible with the Big Tech vision.
You may be right. But none of the distributed stuff is commercial grade. If anyone can figure out how to make an unassailable platform that can also be monetized (and ecommerce is a great application; take a slice from each transaction) it is Musk. Someone that can build a real business needs to try it...he is the best option I see out there, assuming he is telling the truth as we see it.
So... TCP/IP isn't "commercial grade"? Huh.
Nobody can build a business on this because there's no business model. If it's truly decentralized, they can't take a slice from each transaction. Why would you pay such a tax anyway, in a decentralized system? You're not getting anything in return.
You can bet his real plans (or rather, those he's fronting for) are something else.
Margaret, I would, too. But at least Musk is saying the kinds of things one would hope SOMEONE who has proven he is able to do something other than talk would say. Perhaps just a case of hope springing eternal, but he does not have to say these things. So no reason to not give him the benefit of this doubt. Remember that "no one could possibly create a commercial rocket service -- even the government after taking all of its citizens' money against their will can't do it without killing people". So I will reman optimistic.
P2P exists. Your blog can be replicated all over the web (IPFS) securely and obscurely, accessible only via public-key encryption. I have just been looking at this and am amazed at the amount of industry and creativity going on in what is called the web3 world. It is a zone available only to those with brains and enthusiasm. It is not, repeat not, controllable. Mr Musk may have ambitions that align with web3 but he will not be able to impose control that way.
The only way that web3 will disappear is if the internet disappears. That, though, could just happen if the Schwab gang manage to vaccinate enough useless eaters off the planet leaving nobody to maintain the servers and connections (I think that may be the weak point in the "transhumanists" scheme LOL).
Good Luck!
I was like you, but the more I learn about him the more I deplore him. His Neuralink company uses intelligent, social, sweet-natured macaque monkeys in cruel, highly invasive, often fatal experiments in its development of a "brain-machine interface". I find that disgusting because highly advanced human related technology has been developed that is far more accurate that doesn't require the barbaric use of animals. In light of this, I think anyone involved in cruel animal experiments today have traits of the criminally insane (think Jeffrey Dahmer). Musk has the money to employ new advanced technology but chooses not to. I have taken action via PCRM (Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine) and will continue to do so until Musk puts an end to these barbaric experiments and modernizes his methods.
I agree that such research should be humane AND with limits. I would love to see it cure cerebral palsy but hate to see it become transhumanism. Look where experimenting with mRNA got us. Not where we thought we were going at all!!
Yes, it can certainly be used for good, but this kind of technology in the wrong hands.....scary. I think Musk is a trans-humanist. That's not good. Who knows what his ultimate agenda is? He's not very open about Neuralink. Makes one think he's hiding something. And in light of his cruel experiments it seems to me that he's devoid of compassion. After all, he is, above all else, a businessman, and a very wealthy one at that.
it's a permission vs forgiveness when/until you get caught kind of a deal...is it not?
Breakin all da rules...one day at a time. His genius and bank account, knows no bounds.
Thank you Dianne . Someone needed to say this, und thank you for taking steps to stop it. What on earth is so important it justifies torturing animals, and would it not then justify torturing people as well, if a person thought they could get away with it? Have a look at RFK Jr's book "the real Anthony fauci " and you will see yes, already happening
I plan to read RFK Jr's book (it's on my to read list) and looking forward to watching the documentary too. Yes, the vaccine experiment is well underway on human subjects. I'm not vaccinated by the way. I decided to investigate it first. Of course that took me down the rabbit hole, and I went so deep that I think I ended up in.....CHINA!
I have RFK's book. It's on my list to read coming up soon. Dr. Robert Malone has one out too "Lies My Government Told Me." You probably already know that since you're here with us. At present I'm reading/studying "How to Opt Out of the Technocratic State", by Derrick Broze and just joined the Freedom Cell Network. I'm ready to take action to stop what's happening in any way I can and I think agorism is the only way out...the only one I can see right now that will extricate us from the "system" that's in place and dissolve it.
I just think it's cruel when there are more accurate technological methods available that don't involve torturing animals.
My thoughts are that having dominion over all things on Earth doesn't give us license to torture animals, to exploit them. There was a time when we relied on them for food, tools, warmth, shelter, but today, most people don't need them for that. They suffer just like we do. They feel pain and have emotions (love, grief, fear) just like we do. There are high-tech methods available now using computers, holograms, etc., that don't involve use of animals at all and they're far more accurate. If anyone can afford to use them, Musk can. So, although I don't agree with you, I do like that you agree we should not be using animals.
You don't. It involves using a computer and holographic images of the human body.
Sorry. I didn't word that clearly. It's done using computers and holographic images, so use of animals is not necessary.
Careful what you invest in…..
Lol. I hope your cautious optimism is warranted; I fear it is not, but would LOVE to be wrong!
I hope he is who and what he says he is and first, breaks them all, and then breaks up his own X everything. That would actually be like Elon.
Nah. He's a spook front. Always has been.
I guess I am just a crazy old lady but I don't do social media. And yet I survive somehow. I agree that Musk is all about monetizing. That is who he is and it is not a leap to think his plan for Twitter is all about making more money. Just because someone is business savvy and smart does not mean he/she is wise though.
Very very well stated. And it’s extremely frightening.
What am I missing here? Twitter only has the power we give it, so why do people continue to use it? Especially knowing all we do about how corrupt it is. When I hear people bemoan being kicked off or cancelled it reminds me of an abused person not taking responsibility and staying with the abuser. Take if from me, life is just fine without Twitter.
Good point! I canceled FB too. And I almost never use Amazon now. Lots of free ebooks out there and used bookstores. I'll be using Lulu for POD publishing in the future.
Amazing how so many things get started and suddenly some little tweak is just going to make it better or will make it faster, or is more convenient and then in a few weeks or months you find out that little tweak, “improvement”, or speed up thing has suddenly come around to bite you in the “ask no questions and will tell you no lies”.
Boom! You have just lost another freedom or choice you had prior.
Funny how that happens - must be coincidence!!!!
Your final paragraph says it ALL!!!
Consolidation of Power is always bad. Today it just proved deadly to millions and millions of people.
Musk is another oligarch type, imho, and the only path to freedom is diversity of platforms, diversity of ways to access information, separation of "tech" and government, corporate influence and government, and "science" and government.
Amd any time a money making scheme, especially in tech, is broached by some Billionaire, BEWARE.
It feels like everyone out there got infected with Gollum's desire for the One Ring somehow.
I'll trust a new idea when it breaks apart monopolies, not when it's about building more of them.
Whatever happened to breaking up monopolies anyway? Did some president use an executive order to do away with the enforcement of anti-trust laws???
Thanks GLK. Because of my age at the time--that flew right by me on its way out the window!😟
Thank you Doc for this great insight! 🧐🧐🧐
With all due respect, I'm not sure I agree with you Dr M. If what you fear becomes reality, it seems to me that it is still voluntary...those who choose to use whatever Twitter X is, or becomes, it is still their choice. It seems to me that it would be much more important for one of (if not THE) largest soap boxes on the planet to be open, transparent and free for people like you to speak without censorship. If Mr Musk delivers on that promise, I believe we will all be better off. Just my most humble opinion...
... voluntary...unless banks, etc. make it the only way for your interface with them..
I seem to recall Mr Musk got his start with Gov grants. That his accomplishments were built on garnering OPs moneys. That doesn't sit particularly well with me. He just doesn't come off as a hero, particularly in terms of the ultimate well being of everyman.
hmmm. I am not a big bible beater but somewhere in the far reaches of what is left up "there" recalls a reference in Revelations to the entity initially seen to be the "saviour" as a false flag bearer, later found to be Satan himself. . . or something of that vein.
Robert - have enjoyed your writing and your passion for protecting kids (e.g. my son) from the Covid-19 vaccine. But hard to be “with you” on this. I think Musk is a “free speech absolutist” and I think that is something he wants to and that needs to be returned to the public town square including Twitter. And you really didn’t present evidence to the contrary. At a time when you are wrongly accused of being “controlled opposition,” I wonder if suggesting Musk wants to control commerce with twitter and therefore is not in it for free speech at all, falls into the same category.
Have you checked out neuralink?
Dr. Malone/Robert: I don’t see the connection between his efforts with Neuralink and being for free speech.
To be clear, I have tremendous respect for you and your diligence and dedication to seek and get the truth out. I have viewed both you and Musk as allies with me and other freedom lovers in that effort. (Musk too has been openly critical of the Government’s approach to the Covid vaccine.)
Regarding Neuralink, I’ve noted Musk’s past statements and concerns with AI and felt he made sense in is interview with Rogan on “Why Neuralink?”(first used for treating paralysis, later possibly for competing effectively against machines/AI…) In any case, I appreciate being challenged with the thought-provoking pieces you write, including this one.
Musk has very much benefited from his long business association WITH the CCP. Isnt china where he makes his Teslas? Have you EVER heard Musk speak about the persecution of Uyghurs or the subjugation of democracy loving Hong Kongers by the CCP? No I haven't either, so that should raise red flags about Musk. Plus he WANTS CCP to take Taiwan.
100%. I would like to add something. Elon Musk is actually one of the most dangerous people alive besides Bill Gates. I know this might sound hyperbolic, but just stick with me for a moment. I wish I could find the clip that shows this, but I saw an interview where Elon spoke about the main areas he works in. He talked about Space X (going to Mars, saving the planet), Electric cars, (saving the planet) the Boring company (saving the planet). Electric cars do way more damage to the planet than fossil fuels. Not only this, but the massive rise of Tesla is built on socialism. The so-called "green" electric car explosion of purchases is built on massive government subsidies. This is socialism, not capitalism. With our taxes, YOU AND I ARE PAYING FOR THE INSANE communist VIRTUE SIGNALLING of the left! Elon Musk is a true believer. He REALLY BELIEVES he is "saving the planet". He genuinely believes that everything he is doing is altruistic and is in the best interest of humanity. The Messiah complex that these billionaires have is what we should be really afraid of. Jesus is the only Messiah, and the only One who will save us. The 1776 America is already the best model to follow for a country. This is why all the caravans want to go to America. To the degree that America makes mistakes, is to the degree it has embraced socialist/communist ideology. The original healthy host has been infected with Marxist insanity. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIU8WAFixWs Jordan Peterson
Tesla should have never ever received a dime of taxpayer money. It is creating a false economy and Tesla will eventually crash and burn when the government can't afford to give 10,000 out for every person who wants an electric car. Also, this insanity weakens the other car manufacturers who can't compete with a government handout that encourage people to buy electric cars instead of gasoline. And before anyone argues that gas cars are bad - watch these videos first
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qdg4uQW8Dlg - Tom Harris - International Climate Science Coalition
https://www.lomborg.com/ - Professor Bjorn Lomborg
Have an amazing day! Blessings.
https://www.lomborg.com/ -
Thanks B Pringle for your comment.
Thanks. and just for laughs, thought you should know the B stand for Brandon - lol. true story
Lol funny !!
Bing bing bing....Bingo!!!
Thank you!
thanks! Blessings
It almost sets up a one world e-commerce system with potential for a one world dictatorship.