Sep 20, 2023·edited Sep 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A fallacious argument was presented and probably believed by officials that if a person took the vaccine they might run the risk of heart effects but would be saved from possible death from Covid. This is not informed consent. The vast majority of potential vaccinees were healthy people under the age of 65 who probably had no risk of death or serious illness from Covid, particularly when good treatments are available. But by taking the vaccine they acquired a definite risk of heart damage. It was irrational for such people to take the vaccine.

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Re advised consent.... also seems very derelict in their responsibility to patients not to warn those allergic to ethylene glycol to its presence in these jabs.

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Agree on Informed consent; however, in my understanding, add Poly in front of ethylene glycol, i.e. - PEG. That changes it radically in the chemistry world. So, it is appears on explanation, not anti-freeze. But, what do I know. Not that I am saying it is good. Ed

Edit - My Lovely Bride is a brilliant chemical engineer. She attempted to explain it to me; but, way over my head.

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for bringing this truth to us and I couldn't even finish reading it all because I am so upset that no one in our justice dept, attorneys general's, not even a good sheriff are arresting anyone who has committed these crimes against humanity yet...I lost my mom and dad, and most of my family has fallen for the fear porn, and they are having get togethers this past weekend requiring anyone attending be fully vaxxed and with flu shots and are all planning to get the next booster and laughed at me when I requested that they don't because I am in the monoclonal antibodies research group and we not only cured covid in 24 hours but they are now using it to cure people in stage 4 cancer...so frustrating!

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My Sister called me a conspiracy theorist. We did not talk for about 3 months. I nearly gave up…And, not my style. Her elderly friends are not doing well or gone. Now she listens a “little” more. Trying to get the head out of the sand is hard. Ed

They (Family) see a private physician they trust. First, No on “vaccination”; then , Yes, it’s a good idea and recommended…then, Hard No on booster. who got to her,(pun intended). Peer pressure?

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“By what mechanism will there be any accountability?”

Perhaps if WE THE PEOPLE get louder and louder?

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"Louder and louder" evokes Queen/Brian May's "Hammer to Fall," it's surprising how contemporary the entire song would be with a few changes in the lyrics for a younger generation.

"For we who grew up tall and proud

In the shadow of the mushroom cloud

Convinced our voices can't be heard

We just wanna scream it louder and louder louder"

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Great work Dr. Malone! The FDA/CDC/DoD et al and the individuals running these organizations should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. We are at one of the most critical election cycles during the last 60 years, I hope we get it right.

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Will the Vaxx Upend All Gene Therapy Trials?

I am a gene carrier for a heritable form of Dementia and have made myself available for clinical trials of new drugs that may someday provide a cure – probably not for me, but hopefully for my children. I want to relate an interesting story that just happened when I interviewed for a new drug trial.

As a veteran of drug trials, I know how to ask the right questions, though I had never applied for a gene therapy drug trial before: How many PET scans of the brain, how many lumbar punctures, how many overnights in the hospital, etc. Once I had qualified for the trial by proving that I am a non-symptomatic gene carrier, they started showing aggressive interest in getting me to participate. At this point, I did a deeper dive into the trial and discovered that it was an escalating dose of the novel drug that would be injected directly into the brain stem, which really got my attention. In my view, this was aggressive therapy on several fronts: gene therapy – be careful; injection into the brain – time to reconsider; escalating dose with no prior data – run for the hills!!

I didn’t need to hear anymore. Now I knew why the trial had been open for two years and was having trouble getting people to enroll. But here’s the most interesting takeaway: in the process of asking questions about the trial, I learned from the nurse researcher that if I enrolled in any gene therapy trial, I would never be able to participate in another gene therapy trial, which I can understand the rationale for, as any additional trial might have confusing results because of the prior trial. That’s when I couldn’t help myself (as an ardent anti-vaxxer), so I put the question to her: “We all know that the mRNA vaccines are gene therapies, so does that mean that your universe of potential enrollees has shrunken dramatically because you can’t accept people that have been vaccinated?” After a long silence, she said they hadn’t considered that issue before and just wanted to end the call.

All of this raises the question: will an entire class of drug therapy research be stymied by this issue going forward? Even though no one in the clinical trials world wants to consider the mRNA vaxx a gene therapy, the fact is that it is. They can’t just reclassify the vaccinated as gene therapy virgins because they will cloud the results. At the level of biology, the classification wordplay doesn’t matter. The vaccinated have been genetically manipulated. Pharma has to win the battle over the vaxx being classified as a gene therapy; otherwise, their huge bet on gene therapy meds will be truly spoiled.

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Fascinating insights and commentary. Thank you.

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Will a non jabbed person that receives a blood or plasma transfusion from a jabbed person be classified as having gene therapy?

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Only if they ever admit the jab is gene therapy. Expect netherworld to freeze first

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You are right.

Mayo clinic: “Currently, the only way for you to receive gene therapy is to participate in a clinical trial. Clinical trials are research studies that help doctors determine whether a gene therapy approach is safe for people.” It seems the world had a very large clinical trial which was devastating on a grand scale and a therapeutic failure.

One of the three descriptions of gene therapy: Making diseased cells more evident to the immune system - train the immune system to recognize the cells that are a threat.. Is this not what the jabs were supposed to do?

Oh, that's right, the definition of vaccine was changed to include gene modification that was not a therapy at all.

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(From your combined driving competitor/follower in Atlanta)

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Do you still drive, as in horses?

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Yes. I drove four-in-hand on the U.S. Team from 2002-2008, though slowing down now.

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Amazing. I used to love to watch driving events on TV when I had one! May I ask what breed you used?

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This is absolutely insanity. Drs. Malone. Extremely well documented and well written. The one thing I have noticed is the adverse neurological events are not as highly recognized/documented/discussed as myocarditis.

My Best Friend/Brother-Law has brain disintegration. Post C-19 then “doctor” recommended “jab” x2.

He can no longer walk 18 holes, struggles at 9. He has moderate to fairly significant difficulty in formulating thoughts and completing sentences (depending on the day). This all started post “jab” #2. 🤬, Ed

Edit - And of course, His multiple “doctors”

will not attribute it to the “vaccine”. It’s not a hard leap.

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The biggest lie is the lie the RNA pushers are telling themselves! They are saving humanity, since there is no other medical protocol that will prevent death from a virus!

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They are saving humanity from climate change. Covid shots reduce carbon.

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The best I can do right now is Quercitin, zinc, Vitamin D, Vitamin C and a multivitamin. Still need to dial in another couple. I have come to the.conclusion that, in the uk to become a “doctor”, You must have an IQ that hovers somewhere around 65. Inappropriate language left out. Sheesh. Ed

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Co Q 10 and NAC essential due to depletion via lifestyle and certain Rx drugs sold to physicians as helpful! Half truths just like RNA!

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NAC looks interesting. Thank You Again. Ed

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Co Q 10 essential for heart health. Great amount of good research that confirms this but ignored by Big Pharma. Reduces sales of metaprolol.

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Are those compatible with other supplements and prescription drugs such as metropolol, low dose benzodiazepine, Quercitin? Will check it out. Thank You. Ed

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All you are doing is replacing the depletion of key nutrients that your body requires for normal cellular function!

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks Doc, and thanks for including the timeline. Sometimes,the otherwise sheepish will read that and get it,if they haven't got anything else.

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank-you, Dr. Malone, for all of your efforts & hard work to provide this compilation of information. That is has been ignored by our federal health agencies & officials speaks to the level of malfeasance that has ensued from the beginning.

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Smedley D. Butler once said, “War Is A Racket”. I think the same can be said of “Pandemics”.

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Same could be said of civilization.

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The vaccinated keep catching any types of viruses, get ill for about 2 weeks. Especially healthcare personal gets ill. And what is the perfect solution to this according to our health authorities and experts? Getting the healthcare personal even more vaccinated...

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Dr. Malone, I am so grateful for the detailed research and reporting that you do to reveal truths about the evils that were done by our government organizations to hide the truth and/or control the personal medical decisions of individuals and their families.

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There is enough evidence in this article to build a criminal case that even a progressive leftie judge would have a hard time ignoring. Outstanding work as always Dr.’s Malone.

Unfortunately there are to many of those in power in on it. Accountability will only come with people voting against and refusing to support 99% of those now in power. Sen. Ron Johnson and a few others have shown themselves worthy of support.

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The British elites and their minions stomped on the American colonials and had no idea of the consequences.

The French elites and their minions stomped on the French hoi polloi and had no idea of the consequences.

The Russian elite and their minions stomped on their fellow and sister Russians and had no idea of the consequences.

Today the elites and their minions are stomping on everybody else and have no idea of the consequences.

The revolution has already begun and it's gaining momentum.

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Cindy, It seems this Earth is a schoolroom with a very slow learning curve. The 6th extinction is certainly a possibility. Nature can rejuvenate the ashes.

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This month a neighbor's 26 year old son died in the hospital from a "sudden onset heart condition "..

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So many casualties and no justice.

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It breaks my heart that there is still no justice, and that , it appears, there never will be. Our country has been conquered. The world has lost a very valuable point of freedom here but more and more it looks like our country was conquered quite a long time ago. Praise God that my real home is not here but in heaven, otherwise things really would be a lot more hopeless.

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I am so sorry for your neighbor. These preventable tragedies are heart-rending.

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