My medical record for the last 30 years is about 4 pages long. I think the last thing on it is extracting some ear wax after a wave blasted my ear. Cost me 200 bucks for that. And took 10 seconds.

Obamacare killed it for me. I did have a great plan, high deductible, emergency based, sorry fellows, I do not need your routine service, but if I have to be put back together from some collision, I dont want to be stuck with an unpayable bill so I will pay 100 bones a month per family member for that.

When that option was removed, I did not reinstate.

Here is what health insurance really is: eat well, drink water properly, be active, be happy, be in pursuit of something, appreciate this brief blip we call life. That's health insurance.

I have accepted if something terrible happens to me, thats it. And you know what, thats life. That is life up until about 70 years ago. And we have all gotten too dependent on "being saved" by a hospital.

This isn't to say I do not marvel at what has been figured out, what can be done, it is amazing and these people are saving lives, making a difference. My mother was an ER nurse. I get it. This is the best part of modern doctoring.

But we have become reliant on it in a way that impacts how we act. Or maybe just me, I say we, but thats been my experience. I am more thoughtful and cautious than before. And I notice the shift.

I would love to still have that casualty insurance, but eight years so far without any for any of us, I am glad we did it.

Not much in my database, and there ain't gonna be much more.

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It became all about money and profit.

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and total control

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I agree with you, in general, as proper self-care is so important; but, the are a whole bunch of genetic, injury and unprovoked illnesses that occur to us. The whole premise of health insurance is related to spreading risk over large numbers to help mitigate the disastrous effects of a few. And, we don't know our own future, so while we may now be seemingly completely healthy, the unknown genetic time bomb may explode.. My complaint about healthcare insurance is that it pays no mind to the relatively small numbers of us that participate in health-building activities, I used to run 30+ miles a week and do strength training 3 times/week. Paid the same amount as the obese of the same age. Doesn't make sense. The logical way to deal with this is to cover everybody, and all pay the same premium; but that does not incentivise anyone. Quite a puzzle.

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I agree! Like I said, I would sign up to reasonable plan, but since it is not an option I have to 19th century my health.

Last summer I hulk slammed myself off of an ATV and broke, what I think, is my rotator cuff, at first I thought it was my collar bone, I still don't know, because I refused to see a doctor, because I dont trust them.

But I mended myself over time and am back to 99%, there's that crinkle in but it doesn't hurt anymore and I can do all the things I could before I made that foolish error. The error being I didn't pay attention to the tires and one was half flat and thats why it happened.

I am not new to self care. We had a home birth, birthing is not a medical necessity until it is, back up plans are vital, I am not disparaging what modern healthcare can provide, but so much of it is a scam.

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Like the way you think...

And write.

I'm the same way, in a lot of respects. I'm 56 and in moderately good shape, spending the last 40 years lifting weights. Little did I know a decade or two ago, how much I would come to realize that the things I consumed (as food) made a big difference, both negatively and positively in my overall wellbeing.

Since then, I've discovered, at my own expense, that there are foods I can no longer eat. Started off as peanut butter, then moved to corn oil, corn products, then to cheese, and others. I'm sure more will be added to the list as I age. Certain foods exacerbate my age-related issues, and avoidance of them, relieves me of 100% of the negative issues I was experiencing.

No one told me what to do. No one guided me.

I am my own advocate. As I learned years ago, "most" doctors are not in the business of keeping me heathy, as healthy people are not profitable to them.

Chiropractors who purposely put me in pain. General practitioners who keep treating recurring skin issues, without advising on how to permanently stop the issue from reoccurring through proper health, and wellness practice. I have experienced, and learned much about my own being over the years.

My most recent discovery about my own self is that prostate issues are not all "genetics", and what you eat can certainly have a huge impact on your prostate health. I no longer have the prostate pulse I use to have, and it's due to my ability to find out what causes the inflammation / reactions to begin with.

Over the years, I've lost faith in the health system, and through trial and error, I've discovered what works for my body, and what doesn't. This is what I tell everyone I know who divulges their issues to me, over the course of the day.

And, every day I live, I thank GOD that Dr. Malone is on our side, as I feel he's one of the true patriots, true believers in honest and integrity based interactions with others.

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Gotta say Aldous, you are unique and practical at the same time . Great combination of trust in your innate ability to heal and have a backup plan for real emergencies.

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Good comments. My internal medicine doc for 20 years was just the best. He retired 15 years ago, and since that time I saw an internist for about 5 years that I really appreciated. He retired about 5 years ago, and I have seen 3 since. What a shame. These docs seem to just rely on numbers, and it seems that's about it. What a shame that medicine has devolved to this degree for so many

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Aldous, your courage and insight strikes a chord with me. If only more people had the fortitude to plow thru this mess. I have very little in any hospital records, I also follow your insurance advice.

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Aldous, My mother one night had back pain so I took her to the Faulkner Hospital in Boston. They said she had an unusual heart beat, which she had for years. They checked her heart and found partial blockages in 3 places and decided to give her bypass surgery at the Lahey clinic. This meant cracking open her chest and cutting her leg from nearly her ankle to her upper leg. She began walking around the block and told me something was wrong. She still didn’t feel right. Within weeks she went back to the hospital got a scan and was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. After that devastating heart operation that weakened her she died two months later. One thing I know was the heart operation at that time cost almost 300,000 dollars I saw the bills, and my mother had great insurance she paid for. The hospitals both got paid in full. I know she would have lived longer if the Faulkner hospital and the Lahey Clinic didn’t butcher my mother. That’s todays health care in real life America. They get paid and everyone suffers. J.Goodrich

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That is heart breaking

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Amen. I am seriously considering doing the same thing.

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Well said. Thanks for speaking MY mind too.

Hey, if you gotta' go, ya' gotta GO man!

BUT, let me expand this a bit!

Just think if the country mandated ALL citizens will be SELF-insured?! Ya' think maybe people may wake up and be more responsible?

-- The chronically FAT folks might tell their kids: "Hey, don't get FAT like me; look at my health bills and how uncomfortable I am just walking around. Eat less. Put money aside so you can handle the huge hospital bills like I had with my last heart attack!"

-- The chronically heart attack(MS, breast cancer, diabetes, chem. dependencies, mental health) prone family? Maybe they would tell their kids the same thing? Maybe their kids would say: "Well gee, once I get a job I really need to put 10% aside ea. month for future healthcare problems, cause Dad died earlier than my friends' dads.

-- How about those prone to constantly requiring abortion and reproductive services(gay and trans and. . . oh, whatever!) Maybe they would set money aside for the next odd abortion they MUST have! and on and on.

THEN: the rest of the citizens did not need to pay for the families with Darwinian histories of problems; THEN: Since this IS America, kind people would help out, charities would help. Go Send ME would do great business!

The government SHOULD NOT BE THERE to protect our HEALTH!

Our Federal Government should only BE THERE to protect our borders and our citizens from ex-border assault-- physical and financial.


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This is where it gets so entangled.

I have the option to live a healthy life. Many do not. I have gardens. Plural. I have resources. Many to most do not or are dependent on those that do.

What people eat is put before them and without real options otherwise, they will eat what is before them

I certainly have in my younger years. Driving across the country in the 90s I was eating garbage. Thats why I know what I know. I have eaten the garbage too. I know I will eat garbage rather than starve.

And that is why people have poor health conditions. That is the root of the problem and it is there by design.

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yeah, I have eaten garbage as well and, like you, have gardens(plural) and resources. However, anyone can make a choice to use less or NO sugar products, to use less or NO processed foods-- opting for fruits and vegetables and good protein instead. Ya' just have to be, Oh, what is that word??


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Again, I agree, but I also give credence to the forces in play preventing that. There is a structure, a system in place, mostly preventing access to these goods.

For instance, if there equal balance in advertising and availability of healthy products to the manufactured garbage out there, and people still chose the garbage, then I would be firmly on your side.

They had an honest choice, and failed. But thats not the current situation.

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They’re still attempting this in spite of the recent PEER REVIEWED Cleveland Clinic paper showing increasing vaccination leads to increased Covid.

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Remember, none of this is now, or has been, about public health.

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I bet the central banks will be in charge of our "health"... and those "health" digital IDs...

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The only goal is increased information on the peasants so they can more effectively yoke us under their elite guidance.

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Feature, not bug.

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Jun 5, 2023·edited Jun 6, 2023

I think I would rather live a shorter life here, on my own terms, than one in chains…virtual or otherwise. I am older, and so I remember a time, at least publicly, where individual sovereignty and privacy was protected. I believe in the afterlife, the one with Christ as King. The Lion of Judah is roaring. Let Him come.

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We have known about this for 2 1/2 years. I belong to a group of moms that started in 2009. We have our website and post everything that means any there. I knew it was on there because I put it there. One has to be a member to see the posts but here is where I found it to post.

‘Tool to Enforce Orwellian Rules’: 80 House Republicans Help Pass Bill to Fund Federal Vaccination Database https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/12/01/exclusive-tool-to-enforce-orwellian-rules-80-house-republicans-help-pass-bill-to-fund-federal-vaccination-database/

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Jun 6, 2023·edited Jun 6, 2023

I got chewed out for “worrying about things I have no control over today”. I will walk in the peace Jesus gives me, but I am disappointed with the notion that seems to say we just to have ignore what the government does that violates almost everything this nation was founded on.

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It's good to walk in peace knowing that the world is but temporary. We were design to recognize right and wrong, good and bad while inhabiting the world just as Jesus did. He did not ignore injustices and acts against God's laws. He called them out for what they were. Calling out Rabbis that decreed excessive Sabbath restriction is one of his first examples of condemning overreach. I believe we need to take that lesson to heart. Even though we have no control, we still have a voice. Not using it is by default condoning the excesses.

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Jun 6, 2023·edited Jun 6, 2023

I agree. Some people do not want to know. Knowing the plans of the adversary disturbs their sense of maintaining the status quo and can overwhelm their attempts to cope and work at the things they can control or those they must. I do not want to be reactionary and fearfull, either. There is some wisdom in this.

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I get it all the time LDT. Why do you listen to that all the time. I’m not a mushroom!! One thing for sure, we are living in a time and witnessing, a revolution against America. Decades of the lefts war on our constitution have now become the end times of our republic. They are completing the fundamental change of America. There will be no exceptionalism.

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I have let go of exceptionalism and simply desire truth and justice.

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Thank you!!!

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More unbelievable examples of this hypocritical authoritative regime trampling on our bill of rights in the shadows. They think that we are stupid, and many are. Maybe like most Americans they think some group will take care of it. Some perfect examples are Klaus Schwabs book the great reset. It’s a book, a written book. Then the left denies the great reset??? Ridiculous!!! Another good one is the great replacement theory that one leftist “journalist” after another talked about on film, then you bring it up and you’re a white supremacist conspiracy theorist. How about when you show videos of what they’re teaching kids, disgusting inappropriate sexualized subject matter, on video, on video, and they then deny it. How about sexualized books they allow in high schools or middle schools. They’re read in front of the school boards and they’re so graphic many times they shut the person up. If you appose these books in schools you’re called a nazi book burner. They say that their policies are the best tolerant policies until they are brought out into the public, then they want to hide their perversions and censor you or worse jail you. J.Goodrich

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Check out the movie "What Is A Woman?" for a related walk down crazy street.

It's available on Elon Musk's twitter feed -- and there's a long story about why the movie can be found there but not on Matt Walsh's feed or that of The Daily Wire....

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Your right DTT I missed that one!! And probably 100 more...

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Bill Rice's substack had an interesting article on the end game of the elite's quest for world control. I look at the LGTBQ agenda fitting in nicely as a distraction to what the world's elites efforts might be. Worth a read. If population reduction and a small cabal leadership is their quest then the they are on the right track. Kill people with the vaccine, sterilize women, change the gender of children so they can't procreate, kill the poor with climate control (ie reduce food production and make it expensive), etc, etc. I just heard that the WHO's first mandate when they get control of health for most of the world is a "Vaccine Passport". Now tell me what getting Covid vaccine is going to do to the health of the "travelling the world group".

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Did you know there is a Global Methane Hub? It announced in a May 17 press release that agriculture and environmental ministers and ambassadors from 13 countries, including the United States, have signed a commitment that pledges to reduce methane emissions in agriculture. The U.S. was represented by Biden’s climate czar, John Kerry. How are they going to do this? With programs that explore promising methane mitigation technologies and the underpinning research of methane mitigation mechanisms to create new technologies. In other words, they have no idea but you will not farm as you are today. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/06/hohmann-globalists-rev-up-...

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Yes they are implementing the Digital Dictatorship. Unlike the vaccines, no propaganda or psyops required. They’re just doing it. This includes the digital currency which is being debuted next month with the introduction of FedNow. Ask yourself this question: Who’s going to stop them? Then try and guess when the first day will come when you wake up and can’t do something you want to do - travel, buy something, drive your car, live where you want to, say what you are thinking....

It will happen sooner than you think. The Social Credit Score is also being implemented. Business is done(ESG). The Digital ID and CBDC will fully enable the rest.

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The CCP completely controls the US with their puppet now installed in 2020. Xiden has been prepared to commit treason after decades of being payed off.

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XOBiden ?

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, slide #6, exemption #2 line #4 has a typo: "names who "iis"

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Interesting. Just a few minutes before seeing this substack post, I saw this article.


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Thank you, I have sent this to a few people.

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After reading this my first thought was of 'medical tourism'. Hadn't seriously considered it previously but I will now.

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Del Bigtree had to go to Mexico for a blood transfusion because the US doesn't determine between unvaxxed donor blood and vaxxed donor blood. But Mexico did.

Way to go America!

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In early 2020 the Red Cross claimed they were separating the blood.. then they erased it from their website. Glad Del Bigtree was able to use the facilities in MX. I have heard many, many expats rave about the services there.

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I'm so old ,,,,

I remember when scientists were thinkers, not stinkers

I remember when doctors were healers, not hustlers

I remember when research integrity was taken for granted, not taken by grants

I remember when medical ethics was not an oxymoron

I remember when trust was about ethics, not equity

I remember when you could trust a Doctor; now there is only the Doctor's Trust, a financial structure to insure medical poverty for the patients

To all the Medicrats who tolerate us Peons.... We are Pissed off from being Pissed on, and you are in danger of being put on "Ignore". Watch for a 'De-Tax' or De-Gov' meme and its theme song...

"You can take this 'Gov' and shove it, I ain't 'Wokin' here no more", written by Milow Paycheck.

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Is anyone else beginning to feel as though a tsunami is about to hit? A great feeling of being overwhelmed by a multitude of apparent ongoing catastrophes all at once with precious little hope for rectification-starting with my vote not counting anymore and so on. Nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.

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Jennifer is my favorite name.

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To reiterate once more (yet again), the DIRECT way for the out of control federal bureaucracy to be BROUGHT TO HEEL - (is) POSSIBLE only IF the CONGRESS would just use its POWER of the PURSE

(as WRITTEN in Article 1., Section 8., of the CONSTITUTION of the United States ) - which ALL of the MEMBERS of Congress "SWEAR TO UPHOLD", would for ONCE, have the intellectual and intestinal fortitude to just DE-FUND each and every UNCONSTITUTIONAL agency, bureau and department!

Unfortunately, the MAJORITY of BOTH political "parties" are disgusting weak-sucks who "collectively" ain't worth warm spit!

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Starting with the frat boy Speaker who just stabbed lots of folks in the back. Motion to vacate please.

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YES! Same guy (McCarthy) who ( I SAW and HEARD him) say: "The FIRST thing I'll do as Speaker is de-fund the 80,000 new IRS agents".


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Then those "weak-sucks" ought to be easy to scare the pants off via some targeted guerilla action. Apparently, Congress is now motivated to act based only on fear and the threat of intimidation. It might be time we applied some of our own.

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Naw, intimidation won't work...what WILL work is to elect Americans to the House and Senate who not only BELIEVE in the Constitution, but have actually READ that Document's VII Articles, (24) Sections and (27) Amendments.

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I don't believe we the people determine the results of elections any more. Candidates are pre-selected for loyalty to the elites and the massive financial and other support needed to win is only available to those who pass muster.

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You mean for those who SELL OUT...which means BOTH so-called "Democrats" and so-Called "Republicans" - with FEW exceptions - for the past half century.

Recall that the Founders - beginning with George Washington, said that without VIRTUE, the life of the United States and of a "self ruled" people would NOT endure.

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Can't argue with that.

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It appears as though we are entering one of those times in history when we'll be taking a number of steps backward before we can take steps forward.

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Some might call that a "reset"

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Tried finding the link to sign the Petition but I couldn’t, maybe it’s not live yet? I’m sure it’s user-error/ignorance. This is absolutely critical information and I hope Steve Kirsch and others will broadcast it far and wide. I used Walk-In-Lab to check my D levels, but I didn’t list any PCP, but based on this I’m sure my info has been recorded and stored. Thank you both for your faithful long suffering endurance, may God bless your work.

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Jun 5, 2023·edited Jun 5, 2023

Thank you! Letters sent…now that m probably on another list for Homeland Security ;-)

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Knock, knock.

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Thanks Chris, the link in the main post did not work.

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thanks, signed, sealed, delivered.

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The same thing is happening in Canada and I'm sure in every western country. They will then use this to restrict our travel. If you have loved ones overseas, try to see them soon. It might be the last time if you're all not willing to take experimental jabs.

This is why I keep warning people to get healthy. We have to stay away from the system insofar as we can. Try to find alternative providers who are not part of the system.

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Done. Ty for keeping us informed and activated.

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