From IamAfreePerson...." jabbing themselves to death - is there anything we can do. A 12 step program for the jab addicted?"
Had these talks with in-laws, relatives, friends. They will take every booster made and keep going. The score in the immediate family so far:
Vaxxed / boosted: one dead from reignited cancer, numerous reinfections, one heart attack, one near death extended stay in hospital, one currently in the hospital again.
Unvaxxed: Mildly sick, treated with otc, Vit D, ivermectin (paste and / or pills), etc., and up and running in 5-7 days.
They will jab themselves to death because they are committed to the ideology and to a person vote lefty, Dem. progressive.
I have known of many similar illnesses with people I know. One dead of a heart attack, one surgeon got two blood clots in his lung that went to his brain and he had a cerebral stroke. Survived but can no longer work, my best friends daughter got two blood clots in her lung and nearly died, she is on blood thinners it seems for good, one coworker got blood clots in his leg no longer working, a friends young son, rugby athlete, has lung and heart issues. Many cancer cases lymphoma, my sister, the owner of a business I do work for and many others. Not sure if it’s related but the trust is so Brocken it creates doubts…
Something tells me that liberalism was hijacked to accomplish this stuff. It was just easy pickins because liberalism depends on reactionary emotionalism.
I think you're mixing liberals and liberalism. From my experience there are still many liberals that are conservative (note the small 'c') and that requires rational, critical thought. But there are many who claimed to be 'liberal' without understanding what it was, and like the stories of lemmings are marching over the cliffs - because of those deep lies.
From IamAfreePerson...." jabbing themselves to death - is there anything we can do. A 12 step program for the jab addicted?"
Had these talks with in-laws, relatives, friends. They will take every booster made and keep going. The score in the immediate family so far:
Vaxxed / boosted: one dead from reignited cancer, numerous reinfections, one heart attack, one near death extended stay in hospital, one currently in the hospital again.
Unvaxxed: Mildly sick, treated with otc, Vit D, ivermectin (paste and / or pills), etc., and up and running in 5-7 days.
They will jab themselves to death because they are committed to the ideology and to a person vote lefty, Dem. progressive.
I have known of many similar illnesses with people I know. One dead of a heart attack, one surgeon got two blood clots in his lung that went to his brain and he had a cerebral stroke. Survived but can no longer work, my best friends daughter got two blood clots in her lung and nearly died, she is on blood thinners it seems for good, one coworker got blood clots in his leg no longer working, a friends young son, rugby athlete, has lung and heart issues. Many cancer cases lymphoma, my sister, the owner of a business I do work for and many others. Not sure if it’s related but the trust is so Brocken it creates doubts…
We should start VA, vaccine anonymous. First one on the list is my neighbor.
Something tells me that liberalism was hijacked to accomplish this stuff. It was just easy pickins because liberalism depends on reactionary emotionalism.
I think you're mixing liberals and liberalism. From my experience there are still many liberals that are conservative (note the small 'c') and that requires rational, critical thought. But there are many who claimed to be 'liberal' without understanding what it was, and like the stories of lemmings are marching over the cliffs - because of those deep lies.