Dec 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks Robert for your patience and relentless effort to inform us about this. Very lovely of you to do that. Every time I read something from you, I feel I get a booster of fresh air and sanity which has become too rare lately. Big hug! Michel

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To me, it should be a key point in all of these discussions that a deadly, fundamental flaw exists with mRNA pseudo-vaccine technology that is not widely known or talked about. And that is that the proteins generated by a cell, in response to the mRNA message, are by definition foreign, non-self-proteins which are attacked, and then die violently with high inflammation, by “complement” (killer system #2).

This flaw is clearly explained, in layperson terms, by Dr Bhakdi MD in this excerpt from CHD TV 2022.10.21 -- (00:45-29:00 of https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/friday-roundtable/worrying-developments-with-michael-palmer-m-d-sucharit-bhadki-m-d/ )

Given this, any MD who uses, or advocates for the use of, mRNA pseudo-vaccines is guilty of malpractice and/or gross incompetence, and could thus be sued for damages to those injured, without having to prove anything but mRNA use (my non-lawyer view).

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I echo these wonderfully said sentiments! ‼️

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Dec 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm not persuaded that natural immunity wasn't best against ALL the iterations of SCV2.

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Dec 4, 2022·edited Dec 4, 2022

Me as well. Plus, what I have read, in particular a study out of Emory University in July of 2021, is that when you get sick from covid your body makes antibodies that are specific for a broader spectrum of proteins that comprise the virus, such as the envelope and membrane, as well as the spike protein. When you get the jab your body only made an antibody that recognizes the spike protein from the original "wild" version. And if I understand correctly, only to what is called the receptor binding domain (RBD) of the spike protein. Since the mutations occur in that domain if you have natural immunity your body will not be fooled by a different RBD. I am not a doctor, nor a research scientist, I am just someone who knows how to read. To bad not enough people exercised their ability to read to help try and understand what was confounding the alleged "public health" experts.

Forgot to mention that I had covid the first two weeks of February 2021. I had planned to get the vax but after I was sick I started to research the issue. Never got the jab, never got covid again.

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I've always wondered what the REAL death numbers would be if Remdesivir and ventilators hadn't been forced by Fauci the first year and subtracting those who really just had the flu or other illness, and if PCRs had actually been correct.

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"PCR tests were not designed to find free infectious viruses at all" Kary Mullis who invented the PCR test said many things before his untimely death 2019 " the PCR test is inappropriate to diagnosing a viral infection"...Mullis also said that "Fauci didn't know anything about anything" pretty strong words.

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Me as well.

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Beginning to get the idea all the quacks pulling in big bucks with this snake oil have seen that this cash cow is nearing its sell by date and are pulling in as much from the suckers as they can before lights out

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Evil villains, slimeballs and Scumbags more like

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Dec 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It wasn't all that long ago when Fauci & all the rest of that bogus rogues' gallery were gaslighting the entire world by suggesting natural immunity was not even real, or some such ridiculous words to that effect. Many here, perhaps most (? don't know that for certain obv) are followers of Mattias Desmet's thesis vis a vis mass formation, including the fact that for whatever reason(s), a % of the population simply does not buy into the pre-totalitarian psy-op. The same is/was true as far as the nonsensical assertion that natural immunity was a non-starter as far as innate protection against infection is concerned. Some of us, again many here I suspect, never bought that BS line for a nanosecond. More than anything I believe and have observed that fear has taken over clear, critical/analytical thinking for many and that has been both astounding and deeply disturbing. As Mark Twain famously noted (and I for one have echoed too many times to count), "it's a lot easier to fool someone than it is to convince them they've been fooled". Fear unquestionably reinforces the effects of gaslighting, still I/we try as best we can to awaken those who aren't already in a state of cognitive coma.

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Bingo. Every time I read something like this it pops into my head that the Jews in Roman times (and many today) refused to believe Jesus was the Messiah even though every single prophecy from the earliest scrolls and every sign pointed directly to Him. I couldn't fathom how they couldn't accept this truth even though they had seen so many miracles.

Until I read that God blinded them. John 12:37-41

(Pondering that as this 'mass formation' blindness continues)

Makes me wonder how many who felt in that "nanosecond" you mention that the whole covidcrisis/vaccines were "fishy" are believers vs unbelievers. I know the very first people I personally heard of fighting "it" were some churches across the country. Just something I find interesting to ponder.

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2 Thessalonians 2:10-12

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100% 👍🏻 I almost listed that as well but didn't want to get too preachy. Part of my point was that people can't understand how in the world the Covidians don't see the truth (I hear this so often) but the answer is the same, both then and now.

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Yes, a lot (most) did shut down the first couple weeks and I don't blame them for that at all. We did so personally. Not knowing different at the time it seemed plausible it might help slow the spread.... But after that 2 weeks things just started not "sitting right" with me and I began "listening," on Twitter mostly, to what the public was saying, searching and researching and the not sitting right became cemented real fast. With the vax we had an instinctive and instant "No. Way." the very first time it was ever mentioned publicly.

Being a believer you likely know what I'm getting at and thinking.

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We’ve all wondered how anyone could continue to accept and trust the liars on MSM until Mattias made us aware of Mass formation. It’s the only explanation that makes sense to me for the denial required to accept the most recent lies from the absolutist's who’s history of shameless lying has no boundaries. The Evil and corrupt manipulate the ignorant useful idiots to advance their power and narcissism.

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Dec 5, 2022·edited Dec 5, 2022

God didn't make any idiots. He created all and doesn't make mistakes. People who choose delusion and become ensnared maybe?

As I consider the obvious current group of the "brainwashed" I also am uncomfortably often made aware of my own stuff. My own false beliefs, habits, pride, patches of mentally checking out into something comfortable like mindlessly meditating on sports scores or aspects of science. Part of the stimulation of looking at other people's delusion is the brief pause from being open to seeing one's own. The truth is I have no high ground over anybody. Those ensnared are welcome out of it, and can find others overjoyed and accepting, having been cheering them on the entire time.

And no doubt I'll continue finding various ways I've currently chosen to be ensnared, right to the end. It's a good, even great thing. :)

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I do not believe in a god who would make a system as unfair as the one I’ve experienced. You are correct everyone has their own bias and misconceptions including myself. Responsibility is essential for society to flourish and refusing to admit one’s previous lies/mistakes while continuing to disparage others who disagree is the hallmark of a useful idiot.

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I don't believe God made that system either. I do believe that God allows such things to happen and twists the outcomes into directing people to Himself for eternity.

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Mass formation what? LOL

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Dr Malone it’s hard to believe after a year of data coming out on these mRNA shots they are still censoring the news and people are still loading up on these shots. Almost every other commercial I hear is big pharma companies . Just this morning I was walking my dogs and my neighbor was on his porch. I hadn’t seen him in a bit and he told me he recently got his 4th shot and his flu shot then got Covid within 2 weeks of the shot. He told me his wife locked him in their room for 4 days but because of the shot he only had flu like symptoms for the 4 or 5 days. He happens to be a retired navy pilot that I’m friendly with. He is smart and conservative. I had to bite my tongue however ,and went next door to my house and wondered how people think a vaccine is good if in a week or two of getting it, you get infected with the virus that it’s supposed to prevent. I am dumbfounded by the absolute stupidity and brainwashing of people with all the information out there. They are like cattle just getting in line to take their next inoculation. I’m sure if Faucci wanted to brand him with a glowing hot iron he’d pull his sleeve up. Now their pushing their poison every two months. If I had no morals, like the government that exempted themselves from the shots, I’d jump on the investment train and sink thousands in it like a lot of my liberal friends have done. To bad For my bank account that I have morals and refuse to make money off a shot that hurts people and I don’t believe in. J. Goodrich

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He probably wears a mask at the grocery store too...

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Getting harder and harder not to growl every time I see one of those--particularly on fairly young people who stand in mute testimony as to how stupid it was lowering the voting age rather than raising it

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Probably I’m surprised. I guess I shouldn’t be…

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I don’t know if it’s me but how does a government allow companies to make an experimental vaccine with no liability to the company, exempt themselves from taking it, force sections of the workforce to take it or lose their job (like my wife), pay for the shots with taxpayer money, invest in the companies right before they approve the funding from tax payer money, make millions with their insider trading, watch millions of people get sick or die from the shots, and go to their mansions and have a good night sleep. Go figure. But there’s no tyranny in America the land of the free???????

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Dec 6, 2022·edited Dec 6, 2022

I believe it's not the "government" but rather people that have built their little empires within that government and now control most of it via the purse and illegitimate power while employing only those 'certificated' by our modern colleges and universities whom have proven themselves to be easily programmed and very subservient.

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The house has passed all of the funding bills for the vaccine, they have passed the legislation to make the shots paid for by tax payer money, Faucci works for the government (NHI) pushing millions of shots forcefully on workers, the cdc work with him, the administration (The President) made executive orders to force everyone to get shots, all of these congress people invest in these companies just before the funding happens, but not only for this they get kick backs from lobbyists let’s say when they give money to kill Russians in the Ukraine, (Ukraine war funding) but let’s not get into that, the president and hunter invested in these companies. They all have conspired to inject this shot to everyone in this country knowing the adverse effects on people while exempting themselves. I could go on but I’ll leave it at this. They are as bad as the Mexican drug cartels, the big difference is we pay them and they get a government check. They are as evil as it gets!!!

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I believe to inject people with an experimental drug against their will is a violation of the Nuremberg Code also. It’s scary that the mRNA vaccine contains glycol which is a petroleum based product. The Nazis injected people with petroleum also. I would bet when Faucci got his vaccine they were saline not the actual shot. Just my opinion.

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Hi Mike I apologize for being so sharp. I don’t know if you’ve read any of my posts in the past but my family has paid such a high price to this country. I see things falling apart in this country and the greed of people that only take gets to me. So many people including friends kids have been hurt by this shot. Well again sorry and have a nice night😊. J. Goodrich

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From IamAfreePerson...." jabbing themselves to death - is there anything we can do. A 12 step program for the jab addicted?"

Had these talks with in-laws, relatives, friends. They will take every booster made and keep going. The score in the immediate family so far:

Vaxxed / boosted: one dead from reignited cancer, numerous reinfections, one heart attack, one near death extended stay in hospital, one currently in the hospital again.

Unvaxxed: Mildly sick, treated with otc, Vit D, ivermectin (paste and / or pills), etc., and up and running in 5-7 days.

They will jab themselves to death because they are committed to the ideology and to a person vote lefty, Dem. progressive.

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I have known of many similar illnesses with people I know. One dead of a heart attack, one surgeon got two blood clots in his lung that went to his brain and he had a cerebral stroke. Survived but can no longer work, my best friends daughter got two blood clots in her lung and nearly died, she is on blood thinners it seems for good, one coworker got blood clots in his leg no longer working, a friends young son, rugby athlete, has lung and heart issues. Many cancer cases lymphoma, my sister, the owner of a business I do work for and many others. Not sure if it’s related but the trust is so Brocken it creates doubts…

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We should start VA, vaccine anonymous. First one on the list is my neighbor.

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deletedDec 5, 2022·edited Dec 5, 2022
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Something tells me that liberalism was hijacked to accomplish this stuff. It was just easy pickins because liberalism depends on reactionary emotionalism.

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I think you're mixing liberals and liberalism. From my experience there are still many liberals that are conservative (note the small 'c') and that requires rational, critical thought. But there are many who claimed to be 'liberal' without understanding what it was, and like the stories of lemmings are marching over the cliffs - because of those deep lies.

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Government wants easy access to reduce population. They have gotten away with killing millions and weakening the immune system of millions more and gotten away with so far. Unless they are stopped it will only get worse.

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Dec 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Looks like diminishing and negative returns on boosting.

Everyone has a different experience if they catch this bug. I am Unvaccinated and I caught this for first time after trip to New Hampshire earlier last month. Mild symptoms for 2 days with 100.4 temperature and mild headache. No cough no sore throat. But took 10 days to test negative so I put off eye exam. Wife didn’t catch it. A friend congratulated me on acquiring natural immunity. Have been taking quercetin, zinc and D3 plus mixed bowl of fruits and nuts every day prior. I’m sure that helped my case.

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Thank you for the updates! It was a nasty illness for us in February, as we are both immune compromised and over 50, but flccc protocol was deployed. (We are unjabbed). A jab injured and immuno-compromized friend (2x, pfz) just tested positive for the first time Thursday or Friday... he's following the latest flccc recommendations, praying that his cancer patient wife doesn't get sick with it (2x, Mod), she's not had it yet and is taking appropriate flccc precautions for being exposed. I still have family that believe the boosters are good and masks work, they don't want to hear otherwise. Scary how indoctrination works.

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Will prey for them both…

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Thank you, prayers are always appreciated.

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Dec 4, 2022·edited Dec 4, 2022

I figure we saved the taxpayer at least $300,000 home schooling our kids, so in keeping with that I'll avoid the shots even more to save even more taxpayer money. The taxpayers wouldn't pay for my burial if I died of COVID anyway, not that I will die from it.

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That's very patriotic of you ! Thanks for saving the taxpayers all that cash. AND, for likely bringing up some kids that will be smart enough to help keep the country on an even keel.

AND - May your glass be ever full. May the roof over your head be always strong. And may you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you're dead. Especially if that taxpayer won't help for the burial. :)

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Thanks -- we tried, but life throws curveballs even to those that try. I just wanted my kids to be able to think for themselves. Of course any dedicated and observant socialist here in Canada would say that by home schooling and therefore my wife not "working" all those years yielded less income tax income for them and also fewer jobs for teachers, bus drivers, sandwich bag manufacturers, and the like. But whatever...they can fight with the environmentalists who would side with our massive reduction in pollution, excess packaging (home-cooked lunches/reused material etc.), and fuel consumption.

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I think that my wife and I at a healthy 69 and 68 caught Covid just in time for Christmas 2019 probably from former co- workers having attended an agency Christmas Party soon after both of our retirements. We recovered by early February and understand natural immunity so we fortunately didn’t bother with the jab. We are probably a little more isolated, but have literally not had anything since and have no interest in a booster or frankly a vaccination for anything as we now have no trust in most of the medical community beyond a few specialists we have known for years.

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The loss of trust in the medical community is one the stiffest outcomes of the Covid mess----you just can't unsee it.

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It’s so sad what they (Faucci and the establishment) have done to the faith we, I, once had for medical industry. I can’t believe the way everyone, most doctors and nurses, broke their vow and continue on this road. I hope most are just ignorant of the facts.

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Dec 4, 2022·edited Dec 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The FDA is at it again. Now they're trying to ban homeopathic remedies. If this bothers you, please write a comment and tell them to leave natural medicine alone. Americans For Homeopathy Choice is trying to obtain 40,000 comments before Tuesday:


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Dec 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm not any kind of legitimate expert, but I've been known to be fairly reliable at recognizing patterns and often determining intent.

It certainly seems to me that this 'vaccination' party is an attempt at making the population dependent on 'vaccinations'. Since I'm not an expert and am relying solely on my experiences from observation, nobody should expect to get any 'proof' or debatable followup from me. That's what it looks like to a guy that used to work for an 'agency' of the government and provide botg intel for tptb.

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botg....Building Opportunities Through Golf.


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Oh, but it could have been so much worse!

Yes, and with more boosters it may yet be.

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As always, thank you for excellent information.

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Dec 4, 2022·edited Dec 4, 2022

Considered a flop of a Film...Check out"Zardoz" 1974 with Sean Connery. They even refer to his character as "it", lots of double meaning in the movie relative to today...

The "Tabernacle" wants to study Sean's DNA to be sure he does not carry any organisms they need to inoculate themselves from. They cannot die reside in the

Vortex= Matrix=or Capital from Hunger Games...Is Sean "Chosen" or is he a "Brutal" as the people who are connected via crystal implant in the forehead who live forever believe?

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We have watched Zardoz more than once... it was once considered a cult classic in our household. I has been years since we watched it. I had forgotten about the DNA -

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Try the ending/plots of The Fugitive, and Beavis and Butthead Do America. For real, rent and watch the endings and see what was the big hidden drivers behind things.

A bit unbelievable, aye?

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Dec 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'd like to add that the sixty days is actually 46 days. So just over a month and a half. They tell you that you are not considered unicorn and fairy boosted until 2 weeks have past since you injected the totally perfectly good for you messenger RNA. And of course you might just spend those first two weeks, sick in bed from the perfectly safe mRNA you injected into you. But it isn't COVID that is making you ill. Rest assured.

We have gone bonkers.

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