Imagine having a job, you weren’t necessarily the boss but you could basically do what you want and without almost an act of congress you could never be fired. This is the SES. It’s unthinkable to watch this government and see people that get fantastically rich, keep their jobs for decades and decades and even when they leave you can still smell the stench of the swamp long after their gone.
After all of the work, all of the nervous days and all of sleepless nights getting Trump over the finish line, 82 year old Mitch McConnell just can’t step away without stabbing us and Trump in the back one last time. He is putting his boot lickers John Cornyn (Texas Globalist) and John Thune (S.Dakota Globalist) up to replace him as majority leader. Either one of these men would assure a big wrench in Trumps government machine. They can hold up every Trump choice, appointment and all legislature in the Senate. Sometimes for months sometimes for years.
McConnell has been in the senate for nearly 40 years, he is worth up to 100 million dollars, and after all of his self enriching time in the senate he just can’t let go of the levers of power and let the voice of the people be heard for even one month, one day, no true representation for us! It’s like Mitch please let go your filthy rich, come on Mitch, give us all a break, it’s time to let it go. No, he is a swamp creature through and through. Mitch is the swamp!
So Rick Scott is running and although he is not perfect he will push the peoples and Trumps agenda through the senate. Mitch has made the majority leader voting secret but it is leaked that Scott only has 11 votes, which would probably eliminate him from the final vote which only allows 2, the 2 hand picked by McConnell.
I suggest we all call the senate and ask to speak to Ted Cruise who says he’s not voting for Rick Scott. And call Josh Hawley who also says he’s not voting for Rick Scott, and anyone else you think of and tell them you want representation in the senate, you want Rick Scott as majority leader in the senate, Please! 202-224-3121. I’ve put comments like this before and get a very blah response. Having the right majority leader could help get schedule F put into law. J.Goodrich
I don't remember which radio commentator I was listening to a couple of weeks ago. (When I'm in the car, talk radio is my friend). It could have been Mark Levin. But they were adamant that we should all call our Senators and tell them to not vote for Thune or Cornyn, because they would certainly gum up the works. Today's Magatoon cartoon sure clinched that thought! I'm going to start calling right now!! We did it last Tuesday, folks. Let's keep up the momentum!! Drain the swamp!!! How refreshing would that be? At 75 years old, I'd sure like to have that feeling before I die!
Thank you Donna a couple of simple phone calls by thousands of people can make a huge difference! Senators have been complaining which is a great sign.
This is exactly why we need term limits for these career politicians. Politics were never meant to be a career they were meant to serve your country for a short term
You’re exactly right Brandy. A big reason Mitch doesn’t want Rick Scott is because Scott is for term limits and so is Trump. What do you know. Without decades in the senate these solons can’t get filthy rich, in my state we have Elizebeth Warren, she’s already a multi millionaire. They want a simple job, with no hard work, people kiss their ass, and they get ultra filthy rich. I’ve run a business killing myself for almost 40 years and could never accumulate thousands of dollars never mind millions. It’s time we are really represented in DC!
Hi Jean, yes Mitch got her in as the secretary of transportation in Trumps administration, I can only imagine how lucrative that was for Mitch, he also got her in as secretary of labor under Bush which again mo money!!!!
Spot on. The swamp is deep and dark, and the DC bureaucracies are worthless or worse. End the SES. Drain the Swamp. Term limits would also be good.
Tell your Senator -- DO NOT VOTE FOR Thune or Cornyn. #Trump2024. #Senate2024 Call 202-224-3121. See our book "invisible Treason" -- it was the #1 New Book on Amazon last year.
The best option is Rick Scott after we ditch Mitch.
We in Texas just had an election and term limits failed for Cruz. The ruling class, dems and globalists sent money from everywhere trying to defeat Ted. Voters elected Cruz again. Cruz has been a vocal supporter of Trump and has fought to secure the border. I hope he will decide to support Rick Scott.
Just got the word on the radio from Michael Berry, a friend of Ted, that Cruz is going to vote for Scott. Berry has a national radio program (now a reformed lawyer) went to law school with Ted. If you listen to the radio, Berry is awesome conservative and carried on iheart stations all across the nation. Look for him at .
I realize he’s a Texan and Cornyn’s a Texan, there’s probably something owed there. A phone call especially from people from Texas will put pressure on him. Tell him I won’t forget who he votes for!! The more calls they get, all of the senators, the better chance we don’t end up with a Mitch McConnell retread gumming up the senate for God knows how long, 40 years!!
Oh Horst Baer, FYI, as I was reading some of the posts, I noticed that there were some other posts with some need of your correction of "GOOD FRENCH" that you missed.
I follow the swampy DC barn since at least 15 years, Ted Cruz is not to my liking at all, he is a very slick and underhanded person who speaks out from both sides of his mouth. He is very clever/intelligent but certainly not a true patriot. His wife is in the same league of ambivalence.
I think you are wrong about Ted Cruz. I don't know his wife but do know Ted and his father. He is very smart and well spoken. To some the may sound too slick by being smarter than every one else in the room. You can tell he is not a friend of the dems and globalists by all the money they send from all over the US trying to defeat him.
I, too, dislike Mitch McConnell, however, from my experience in contacting our worthless govt officials here in Blue Hawaii, well I will pass on that. They could care less about what We The People want . It’s soooo frustrating
Teresa I agree with Hawaii, I live in Ma. And I didn’t call Elizebeth Warren. I called Ted Cruise, Josh Hawley and a couple others. Phone calls make them nervous because it puts a spot light on them. It’s worth a shot.
James, thanks for the entire comment, but especially for encouraging is to call. I left messages for both Cruz and Hawley, and will be calling my Senators as well. I enjoyed hearing that Sen. Hawley's office is overloaded with calls...keep calling, folks! It does make a difference!
Spot on. The swamp is deep and dark, and the DC bureaucracies are worthless or worse. End the SES. Drain the Swamp. Term limits would also be good.
Tell your Senator DO NOT VOTE FOR Thune or Cornyn. #Trump2024. #Senate2024 Call 202-224-3121. See our book "invisible Treason" -- it was the #1 New Book on Amazon last year.
Am I wrong or has the vote already been cast and Rick Scott lost. Time to move on mentally. We have good minds working on the 1 million and 1 problems the new administration will encounter. Let’s ask God to give them His wisdom. We’ll be in this fight for all of the next 4 years and beyond. We need His grace.
"The other important point about the SES is that the president has no role in choosing them; he can’t re-assign them or fire them."
Nonetheless, SES employees—with few restrictions— can be transferred by the head of the agency to undesirable geographic locations. They often retire rather than accept those transfers.
Thank you for explaining this information. It is both interesting and astonishing. Trump should do some things quietly and not brag about what he is going to do. He's picking some great cabinet members. I hope and pray they have their s--t together. Trust that they do. Amen.
BlueHorse, Trump has always held the important and pertain information to himself. If he is letting information out it isn't anything that would in anyway impede or jeopardize his strategies!
"Slow walking" has been the tactic of choice for everyone from recalcitrant two year olds, to tenured professors, to entrenched bureaucrats. At the state level "classified" employees cannot be removed. The only way to cull out the bad actors is to cut positions and reorganize agencies. Make the career "lifeboats" smaller and the SES and "classified" government employees will toss each other overboard.
IMHO, it is easier to "starve a beast" then to "drain a swamp."
"They Just Got Handed Fraudulent Books" - Ed Dowd Confirms Our Warning That Trump Is 'Inheriting A Turd Of An Economy'
"Former Wall Street money manager Ed Dowd is a skillful financial analyst who said in May the economy was skidding. Now, Dowd predicts the economy is poised to “roll over” and soon.
Why is the Fed cutting rates with a record high DOW? Maybe they see the same thing he does. Dowd explains, “Real weekly wage growth was minus 2% going into the election. It is also interesting to know that minus 2% number of wage growth was also in 1980 when Ronald Reagan won in a landslide and also in 1992 when Bill Clinton won in a landslide..."
"I have never seen such blatant manipulation of government statistics.
There is government spending and government hiring to paper over what is truly a bad economy for the average man. When I was asked prior to the election who do you think will win the election, I said Trump has already won, according to the economic statistics. That’s why he won. Bobby Kennedy helped along with Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, lots of people switching and what have you. What really got Trump in was the economy, the real economy, not the stock market.
It was not the ‘everything is hunky-dory’ pablum from the mainstream media.
The real economy has been rolling over, and we are just waiting for the financial markets to figure this out.
When they do, Trump is going to inherit a turd of a financial market crisis.
Government statistics will be updated, and it will show we started a recession sometime this year...
The incoming Trump Administration has to get out in front of the narrative. This was already baked into the cake. They just got handed fraudulent books. So, they are basically going to get blamed for what is coming.
They have to get in front of the narrative and talk about what they were handed. They need to talk about how the stock market is not a real indicator of economic health like it was before the days of raw manipulation.”
"The Secrets of the Federal Reserve" by Eustace Mullins.
"Eustace Mullins is a veteran of the United States Air Force, with thirty-eight months of active service during World War II. A native Virginian, he was educated at Washington and Lee University, New York University, Ohio University, the University of North Dakota, the Escuelas des Bellas Artes, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, and the Institute of Contemporary Arts, Washington, D.C.
The original book, published under the title Mullins On The Federal Reserve, was commissioned by the poet Ezra Pound in 1948. Ezra Pound was a political prisoner for thirteen and a half years at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, Washington, D.C. (a Federal institution for the insane). His release was accomplished largely through the efforts of Mr. Mullins."
Federal Reserve It is not federal, and it does not have any reserves.
G. Edward Griffin on the Federal Reserve System
The Federal Reserve Bank, a.k.a Federal Reserve System, is a Private Corporation. Black's Law Dictionary defines the "Federal Reserve System" as:
"Network of twelve central banks to which most national banks belong and to which state chartered banks may belong. Membership rules require investment of stock and minimum reserves."
Privately-owned banks own the stock of the FED.
This was explained in more detail in the case of Lewis v. United States, Federal Reporter, 2nd Series, Vol. 680, Pages 1239, 1241 (1982), where the court said:
"Each Federal Reserve Bank is a separate corporation owned by commercial banks in its region. The stock-holding commercial banks elect two thirds of each Bank's nine member board of directors".
On June 10, 1932, Louis T. McFadden, said in an address to the Congress:
"We have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks... Some people think the Federal Reserve Banks are United States Government institutions.
The Fed is not a USA Government institutions.
They are private credit monopolies which prey upon the people of the United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers...
The Federal Reserve Bank Of financial pirates, there are those who would cut a man's throat to keep their agents of the foreign central banks... In that dark crew get a dollar out of his pocket...
Every effort has been made by the Federal Reserve Board to conceal its powers, but the truth is the Fed has usurped the government. It controls everything here (in Congress) and controls all our foreign relations. It makes and breaks governments at will... When the Fed was passed, the people of the United States did not perceive that a world system was being set up here...
A super-state controlled by international bankers, and international industrialists acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure!"
Prior to his death, there had been two attempts on McFadden’s life. The first was when McFadden dodged two bullets fired at him at close range. The second attempt was when McFadden was poisoned at a banquet. McFadden was in New York City visiting his wife, and son in September 1936, when he was taken ill at his hotel and died of coronary thrombosis. The circumstances around his death remain suspicious. The result of McFadden’s death was the most outspoken, and articulate critic of the Federal Reserve being silenced forever.
Thanks so much for this, Doc! For 30 years I have observed that the same basic shenanigans seem to just go on no matter who is elected President, red or blue - whose valiant campaign rhetoric always evaporates within 6 months of inauguration! This wonderful explanation of the SES amply answers the question of how do the same machinations continue to prevail behind the curtain regardless of election outcomes!
Very thoughtful and helpful to put this FYI before us now - thank you!
"The other big problem that Trump needs to get in front of is the CV19 bioweapon vax disaster. Dowd says, “We have been monitoring and tracking excess deaths, disabilities and injuries such as heart attacks, neurological problems, cancers and liver issues..."
" There is a whole host of issues that have gone off the charts since the introduction of the Covid vaccines.
As of 2023, there was about 1.2 million excess deaths in the US. There were about four million disabilities and about 32 million injured. . . .
Our calculations, conservatively speaking, are 8 million to 15 million dead globally, 40 million to 60 million disabled and 500 million to 900 million injured where their immune system is so compromised that they are getting sick all the time.
You’ve got to think about it as a funnel. Most of the numbers are injured, and then the next level down are disabled and then dead. People can funnel down from one category to the next.
We have a problem here because we have 10% to 13% excess mortality currently running. . . . We are running once in 200 year flood numbers in 2024. . . . This is not over.
It is going to stay with us for decades. The way to mitigate that is there needs to be national awareness so people can treat the problems they have. This is the biggest healthcare failure we have ever seen. We need to pull the mRNA vaccines and have a global truth moment...
We continue to go along with a wink and a nod to pretend there is not a problem. We are not going to talk about Covid and the mRNA vaccines, and in my mind, this is unethical, immoral and criminal.”
I am praying that Trump down the road after he gets settled in with the most important issues, (economy, oil, immigration and troubles overseas) goes after Fauci and exposes that little bastard for what he is. He enriched himself while he knowingly killed millions of people, including my son. The whole healthcare debacle needs to be addressed and revamped. It's the next largest problem in this country. Hope he puts RFK in charge of that since all the left wing psychos were non-stop mocking him. Perfect task assignment!
You may want to contact a lawyer and look into the possibility to sue...
Judge rules AstraZeneca, other COVID jab makers NOT immune from injury claims for breach of contract.
The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act, which Congress passed just before President Trump declared a public health emergency for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) in early 2020, is not enough to shield the pharmaceutical industry from liability for breach of contract, a U.S. judge ruled this past week.
In a feverish attempt to create the perfect con for Big Pharma to rake in the dough during the "pandemic," both sides of the American political aisle rushed through the PREP Act, believing it would be the perfect liability shield for COVID jab makers like AstraZeneca, which is on the hook for injuries.
Every time I read Dr. Robert Malone’s information, I am amazed at what I do not know. Sometimes while reading, I have to go back and read something two or three times To clarify my understanding I was a teacher for 21 years and was always sad to see how reading and critical thinking is no longer a priority
Wow! I'm impressed with your understanding of the dark machinations that happen deep within the bowels of the executive branch. The machinations that occur therein and with executive manipulation are surely made with the intent that the public not understand how biased and unaccountable bureaucrats are empowered to undermine our democracy. It it surely done to empower corporate and/or globalists interests who would love to keep the "Deep State" firmly entrenched in their behalf. The past four years has been an education in how deceit, fraud, and corruption have penetrated into so many features of our government. In disgust and horror, I have often found myself wanting to wipe all of Washington off the map and rebuild government elsewhere, on a much smaller plot of land. Yet there are many good people in Washington, who have been stymied by the surreptitious actions of the SES and other corrupted parts of Washington. I would like to believe that the new administration can clean up this complicated mess, but I remain alternately skeptical and cautiously optimistic. Trump could use people like you in his administration who understand the dark side of our government.
I have no doubt you are correct. They've had years of practice. However, I seem to remember the Giant came to a bad end and Jack and his Mom live "happily ever after".
You are likely right. I recall vaguely the story from hearing about it. Maybe a better comparison is the Government as the giant and PDJT and teams as the Jacks' bent on dealing with it.
Joe: "Now look here, Don. I've worked as fast as my geriatric limitations allow to wreck this country and the western world. And it looks to me like you intend to undo everything I've worked for."
Donald: "Ugely."
Joe: "We'll see about that!" (Swings and connects, right forearm snaps off in a cloud of grey dust).
Melania will NOT be meeting with Jill. Evidently, the Biden’s allowing the FBI to raid their house and rummage through her underwear, was a bit much—she finds them disgusting, according to an article.
This is very bone chilling stuff. It is amazing how well versed you are as a medical professional and scientist. Your knowledge of the law and innerworkings of our 'bureaucracy' is also impressive. Thank you for spot lighting this issue. Another issue is the slow vote counting to finalize this election. The various house seats being grappled over continue today, and some districts are not moving. One week later and Arizona is at 94% counted.
I was a Personnel Mgmt Specialist in the VA and was on the DOD PIO's press announcement distribution list until the exact same day PDJT's Twitter account was suspended (And my account and 10's of thousands of patriots as well.) when I was unceremoniously terminated with no explanation. From 2009-2013, Obozo hired hundreds of SES appointees to DOD and without exception, the bio on each showed they were either a Demonrat congressional or senate staffer or a former employee in a left-wing think tank in WDC. Let's hope PDJT can crack this nut. BTW, the President, as the Chief Executive, has the absolute authority to assign (Or reassign.) the work within the Executive Branch. There is nothing that could stop him from determining the needs of the nation dictated that reassigning certain staff to a windowless basement room in WDC to do book reports was necessary. I've seen it done.
Having worked (pro-bono) with an agency for 15 years, AND served on a Federal Advisory Committee, it is indeed the SES employees who thwart, hinder, water down, avoid, and delay commonsense changes by the constituents it is intended to help. It is infuriating. These are NOT necessarily the best people, but they ARE the most well-connected in many, many cases. MOST frustrating are the attempts to govern non-transparently - it breeds further discontent and distrust from advocates and constituents alike. Many have been moved around like bad priests. Get rid of it. No one deserves a job where accountability is not considered.
Great discussion! Thank you! Was unaware of the actions taken re Schedule F, after OBiden's assumption of power. Hopefully the Trump transition team is hot on the issue.
As a former Fed ee, lived during the development of the scheme. Our SES appointee occasionally visited us to peer over our shoulders. It was she who advised businesses routinely paid fed fines for infractions rather than incur costs of fixing problems (cheaper). Then there were the EEO hires with equal grades, who physically ran around delivering orders from above.
It seemed clear to me (at a time I was generally politically - Hatch Act - uninvolved) the initiatives represented liberal/Democratic values.
Given the role the SES has assumed, they sorely deserve "at will" status! They are absolutely in a position to stop and destroy MAGA/MAHA efforts. Particularly if the election in 2026 would end Trump's Congressional support.
The totalitarian disease within the fed gov doesn’t end at the SES. Hopefully, under the present description, it will reach down to the 'employee' ranks as well.
Amazing the depths of counter-offensives that have been perfected (just in case) in the last 4 years. Praying we are up to squashing them!
Imagine having a job, you weren’t necessarily the boss but you could basically do what you want and without almost an act of congress you could never be fired. This is the SES. It’s unthinkable to watch this government and see people that get fantastically rich, keep their jobs for decades and decades and even when they leave you can still smell the stench of the swamp long after their gone.
After all of the work, all of the nervous days and all of sleepless nights getting Trump over the finish line, 82 year old Mitch McConnell just can’t step away without stabbing us and Trump in the back one last time. He is putting his boot lickers John Cornyn (Texas Globalist) and John Thune (S.Dakota Globalist) up to replace him as majority leader. Either one of these men would assure a big wrench in Trumps government machine. They can hold up every Trump choice, appointment and all legislature in the Senate. Sometimes for months sometimes for years.
McConnell has been in the senate for nearly 40 years, he is worth up to 100 million dollars, and after all of his self enriching time in the senate he just can’t let go of the levers of power and let the voice of the people be heard for even one month, one day, no true representation for us! It’s like Mitch please let go your filthy rich, come on Mitch, give us all a break, it’s time to let it go. No, he is a swamp creature through and through. Mitch is the swamp!
So Rick Scott is running and although he is not perfect he will push the peoples and Trumps agenda through the senate. Mitch has made the majority leader voting secret but it is leaked that Scott only has 11 votes, which would probably eliminate him from the final vote which only allows 2, the 2 hand picked by McConnell.
I suggest we all call the senate and ask to speak to Ted Cruise who says he’s not voting for Rick Scott. And call Josh Hawley who also says he’s not voting for Rick Scott, and anyone else you think of and tell them you want representation in the senate, you want Rick Scott as majority leader in the senate, Please! 202-224-3121. I’ve put comments like this before and get a very blah response. Having the right majority leader could help get schedule F put into law. J.Goodrich
I don't remember which radio commentator I was listening to a couple of weeks ago. (When I'm in the car, talk radio is my friend). It could have been Mark Levin. But they were adamant that we should all call our Senators and tell them to not vote for Thune or Cornyn, because they would certainly gum up the works. Today's Magatoon cartoon sure clinched that thought! I'm going to start calling right now!! We did it last Tuesday, folks. Let's keep up the momentum!! Drain the swamp!!! How refreshing would that be? At 75 years old, I'd sure like to have that feeling before I die!
Thank you Donna a couple of simple phone calls by thousands of people can make a huge difference! Senators have been complaining which is a great sign.
This is exactly why we need term limits for these career politicians. Politics were never meant to be a career they were meant to serve your country for a short term
You’re exactly right Brandy. A big reason Mitch doesn’t want Rick Scott is because Scott is for term limits and so is Trump. What do you know. Without decades in the senate these solons can’t get filthy rich, in my state we have Elizebeth Warren, she’s already a multi millionaire. They want a simple job, with no hard work, people kiss their ass, and they get ultra filthy rich. I’ve run a business killing myself for almost 40 years and could never accumulate thousands of dollars never mind millions. It’s time we are really represented in DC!
Don't forget Mitch's wife and her cabinet role, wasn't it? And her family China shipping line business?
Hi Jean, yes Mitch got her in as the secretary of transportation in Trumps administration, I can only imagine how lucrative that was for Mitch, he also got her in as secretary of labor under Bush which again mo money!!!!
James, he weaseled her into the post!!!
He did, then messed with him over and over again, and still is. He’s like a bad nickel that keeps turning up.
Spot on. The swamp is deep and dark, and the DC bureaucracies are worthless or worse. End the SES. Drain the Swamp. Term limits would also be good.
Tell your Senator -- DO NOT VOTE FOR Thune or Cornyn. #Trump2024. #Senate2024 Call 202-224-3121. See our book "invisible Treason" -- it was the #1 New Book on Amazon last year.
The best option is Rick Scott after we ditch Mitch.
Cruz was for term limits until he wasn' t
We in Texas just had an election and term limits failed for Cruz. The ruling class, dems and globalists sent money from everywhere trying to defeat Ted. Voters elected Cruz again. Cruz has been a vocal supporter of Trump and has fought to secure the border. I hope he will decide to support Rick Scott.
I do too I listen to his podcast almost everyday and was glad he won. I hope he votes for Scott as well.
Just got the word on the radio from Michael Berry, a friend of Ted, that Cruz is going to vote for Scott. Berry has a national radio program (now a reformed lawyer) went to law school with Ted. If you listen to the radio, Berry is awesome conservative and carried on iheart stations all across the nation. Look for him at .
That may be the clincher. We will see...or will we. Understand it is to be a secret vote. Hmmm.
Rambler, our group has been calling his office to tell him that we don't want SECRET VOTING!!
Brandy, I'm encouraged by this new site! RINO WATCH!!!
This is the site designed to keep them HONEST & ACCOUNTABLE ‼️
Thank you for this site.
Been getting an uncomfortable feeling about Cruz for some time now. That ivy league association of his showing its colors perhaps.
I realize he’s a Texan and Cornyn’s a Texan, there’s probably something owed there. A phone call especially from people from Texas will put pressure on him. Tell him I won’t forget who he votes for!! The more calls they get, all of the senators, the better chance we don’t end up with a Mitch McConnell retread gumming up the senate for God knows how long, 40 years!!
James, I'm encouraged by the Dallas and Tarrant counties are putting out an anti-Cornyn resolution!!!
A very strong one
Rambler, I've been yelling about Cornyn since 2017.
I'm glad that they finally are having the scales removed from their eyes 👀 🙌 .
I pray 🙏 that we will gain strength enough to Primary him in 2026!!!
We in Texas are looking for someone who might have a chance against him.
I was going to call Ted today but didnt. . Is tomorrow too late?
unfortunately, I have been behind on everything .
Rambler, I've had a feeling about him for a while!!!
I also had the same je ne se quoi feeling about Pence!!!
Pence outed himself first!!!!
Hello Ana, in good French it is simply JE NE SAIS QUOI. Please, no hard feelings.
No problem, I have nobody in South Texas to practice my French!
Quel dommage !💔
Oh Horst Baer, FYI, as I was reading some of the posts, I noticed that there were some other posts with some need of your correction of "GOOD FRENCH" that you missed.
Remember when elected promised only 2 terms? Was all for term limits...then.
I follow the swampy DC barn since at least 15 years, Ted Cruz is not to my liking at all, he is a very slick and underhanded person who speaks out from both sides of his mouth. He is very clever/intelligent but certainly not a true patriot. His wife is in the same league of ambivalence.
I think you are wrong about Ted Cruz. I don't know his wife but do know Ted and his father. He is very smart and well spoken. To some the may sound too slick by being smarter than every one else in the room. You can tell he is not a friend of the dems and globalists by all the money they send from all over the US trying to defeat him.
We America 🇺🇸 First people are concerned about him supporting Cornyn for Speaker to replace McConnell!?!?
Same. Something ain’t right about him
A time one wishes he was in the House and having to inform the character of his labors.
Somebody needs to tap Mitch on the shell, look him straight in the beak, and tell him we're just not happy with his preferred candidates.
We definitely had a miracle 11/5/24.
I think we did, Michael.
I, too, dislike Mitch McConnell, however, from my experience in contacting our worthless govt officials here in Blue Hawaii, well I will pass on that. They could care less about what We The People want . It’s soooo frustrating
Teresa I agree with Hawaii, I live in Ma. And I didn’t call Elizebeth Warren. I called Ted Cruise, Josh Hawley and a couple others. Phone calls make them nervous because it puts a spot light on them. It’s worth a shot.
Mitch McConnell's wife - Elaine Chao - is a longtime "CFR" member and former Secretary of Labor. Her family in China are MEGA oceanic shipping company
James, thanks for the entire comment, but especially for encouraging is to call. I left messages for both Cruz and Hawley, and will be calling my Senators as well. I enjoyed hearing that Sen. Hawley's office is overloaded with calls...keep calling, folks! It does make a difference!
Here is a bit more information about Thune, Cornyn, & Scott & why it is important to let your voices be heard....
Spot on. The swamp is deep and dark, and the DC bureaucracies are worthless or worse. End the SES. Drain the Swamp. Term limits would also be good.
Tell your Senator DO NOT VOTE FOR Thune or Cornyn. #Trump2024. #Senate2024 Call 202-224-3121. See our book "invisible Treason" -- it was the #1 New Book on Amazon last year.
I’ve sent all Republican senators my push for Scott if all we have are choice between three. I’m sure I will be listened to 🙄
Thank you Michael, miracles can happen!!
I'm doing what you suggest. I hope it helps.
Thank you Elaine I had called 4 senators early this morning. It can’t hurt and it lets them know we are paying attention. Thanks!!!
Am I wrong or has the vote already been cast and Rick Scott lost. Time to move on mentally. We have good minds working on the 1 million and 1 problems the new administration will encounter. Let’s ask God to give them His wisdom. We’ll be in this fight for all of the next 4 years and beyond. We need His grace.
"The other important point about the SES is that the president has no role in choosing them; he can’t re-assign them or fire them."
Nonetheless, SES employees—with few restrictions— can be transferred by the head of the agency to undesirable geographic locations. They often retire rather than accept those transfers.
there we go!
One wonders if any RIF could help
Siberia anyone?
Would that work with Powell?
This is surprising and frightening. This "agency" should be dismantled and exterminated. Thanks for bringing this to light.
I agree with you! No wonder our country is such a mess…
Jim, I totally agree 👍!
Thank you for explaining this information. It is both interesting and astonishing. Trump should do some things quietly and not brag about what he is going to do. He's picking some great cabinet members. I hope and pray they have their s--t together. Trust that they do. Amen.
Maybe letting us know about these great cabinet members he is picking will keep the hope going and growing.
It's all over the news
BlueHorse, Trump has always held the important and pertain information to himself. If he is letting information out it isn't anything that would in anyway impede or jeopardize his strategies!
"Slow walking" has been the tactic of choice for everyone from recalcitrant two year olds, to tenured professors, to entrenched bureaucrats. At the state level "classified" employees cannot be removed. The only way to cull out the bad actors is to cut positions and reorganize agencies. Make the career "lifeboats" smaller and the SES and "classified" government employees will toss each other overboard.
IMHO, it is easier to "starve a beast" then to "drain a swamp."
"They Just Got Handed Fraudulent Books" - Ed Dowd Confirms Our Warning That Trump Is 'Inheriting A Turd Of An Economy'
"Former Wall Street money manager Ed Dowd is a skillful financial analyst who said in May the economy was skidding. Now, Dowd predicts the economy is poised to “roll over” and soon.
Why is the Fed cutting rates with a record high DOW? Maybe they see the same thing he does. Dowd explains, “Real weekly wage growth was minus 2% going into the election. It is also interesting to know that minus 2% number of wage growth was also in 1980 when Ronald Reagan won in a landslide and also in 1992 when Bill Clinton won in a landslide..."
"I have never seen such blatant manipulation of government statistics.
There is government spending and government hiring to paper over what is truly a bad economy for the average man. When I was asked prior to the election who do you think will win the election, I said Trump has already won, according to the economic statistics. That’s why he won. Bobby Kennedy helped along with Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, lots of people switching and what have you. What really got Trump in was the economy, the real economy, not the stock market.
It was not the ‘everything is hunky-dory’ pablum from the mainstream media.
The real economy has been rolling over, and we are just waiting for the financial markets to figure this out.
When they do, Trump is going to inherit a turd of a financial market crisis.
Government statistics will be updated, and it will show we started a recession sometime this year...
The incoming Trump Administration has to get out in front of the narrative. This was already baked into the cake. They just got handed fraudulent books. So, they are basically going to get blamed for what is coming.
They have to get in front of the narrative and talk about what they were handed. They need to talk about how the stock market is not a real indicator of economic health like it was before the days of raw manipulation.”
By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)
There is always the political strategy of allowing the Republicans the appearance having presided over a failed economy.
These people are willing to take this country down in order to keep their power.
IMHO, we saw evidence of that in the "fabrication" of the financial crisis of 2008!!!
"The Secrets of the Federal Reserve" by Eustace Mullins.
"Eustace Mullins is a veteran of the United States Air Force, with thirty-eight months of active service during World War II. A native Virginian, he was educated at Washington and Lee University, New York University, Ohio University, the University of North Dakota, the Escuelas des Bellas Artes, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, and the Institute of Contemporary Arts, Washington, D.C.
The original book, published under the title Mullins On The Federal Reserve, was commissioned by the poet Ezra Pound in 1948. Ezra Pound was a political prisoner for thirteen and a half years at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, Washington, D.C. (a Federal institution for the insane). His release was accomplished largely through the efforts of Mr. Mullins."
You can read it here:
Federal Reserve It is not federal, and it does not have any reserves.
G. Edward Griffin on the Federal Reserve System
The Federal Reserve Bank, a.k.a Federal Reserve System, is a Private Corporation. Black's Law Dictionary defines the "Federal Reserve System" as:
"Network of twelve central banks to which most national banks belong and to which state chartered banks may belong. Membership rules require investment of stock and minimum reserves."
Privately-owned banks own the stock of the FED.
This was explained in more detail in the case of Lewis v. United States, Federal Reporter, 2nd Series, Vol. 680, Pages 1239, 1241 (1982), where the court said:
"Each Federal Reserve Bank is a separate corporation owned by commercial banks in its region. The stock-holding commercial banks elect two thirds of each Bank's nine member board of directors".
On June 10, 1932, Louis T. McFadden, said in an address to the Congress:
"We have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks... Some people think the Federal Reserve Banks are United States Government institutions.
The Fed is not a USA Government institutions.
They are private credit monopolies which prey upon the people of the United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers...
The Federal Reserve Bank Of financial pirates, there are those who would cut a man's throat to keep their agents of the foreign central banks... In that dark crew get a dollar out of his pocket...
Every effort has been made by the Federal Reserve Board to conceal its powers, but the truth is the Fed has usurped the government. It controls everything here (in Congress) and controls all our foreign relations. It makes and breaks governments at will... When the Fed was passed, the people of the United States did not perceive that a world system was being set up here...
A super-state controlled by international bankers, and international industrialists acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure!"
Prior to his death, there had been two attempts on McFadden’s life. The first was when McFadden dodged two bullets fired at him at close range. The second attempt was when McFadden was poisoned at a banquet. McFadden was in New York City visiting his wife, and son in September 1936, when he was taken ill at his hotel and died of coronary thrombosis. The circumstances around his death remain suspicious. The result of McFadden’s death was the most outspoken, and articulate critic of the Federal Reserve being silenced forever.
Thank you 😊!
Thanks so much for this, Doc! For 30 years I have observed that the same basic shenanigans seem to just go on no matter who is elected President, red or blue - whose valiant campaign rhetoric always evaporates within 6 months of inauguration! This wonderful explanation of the SES amply answers the question of how do the same machinations continue to prevail behind the curtain regardless of election outcomes!
Very thoughtful and helpful to put this FYI before us now - thank you!
"The other big problem that Trump needs to get in front of is the CV19 bioweapon vax disaster. Dowd says, “We have been monitoring and tracking excess deaths, disabilities and injuries such as heart attacks, neurological problems, cancers and liver issues..."
" There is a whole host of issues that have gone off the charts since the introduction of the Covid vaccines.
As of 2023, there was about 1.2 million excess deaths in the US. There were about four million disabilities and about 32 million injured. . . .
Our calculations, conservatively speaking, are 8 million to 15 million dead globally, 40 million to 60 million disabled and 500 million to 900 million injured where their immune system is so compromised that they are getting sick all the time.
You’ve got to think about it as a funnel. Most of the numbers are injured, and then the next level down are disabled and then dead. People can funnel down from one category to the next.
We have a problem here because we have 10% to 13% excess mortality currently running. . . . We are running once in 200 year flood numbers in 2024. . . . This is not over.
It is going to stay with us for decades. The way to mitigate that is there needs to be national awareness so people can treat the problems they have. This is the biggest healthcare failure we have ever seen. We need to pull the mRNA vaccines and have a global truth moment...
We continue to go along with a wink and a nod to pretend there is not a problem. We are not going to talk about Covid and the mRNA vaccines, and in my mind, this is unethical, immoral and criminal.”
I am praying that Trump down the road after he gets settled in with the most important issues, (economy, oil, immigration and troubles overseas) goes after Fauci and exposes that little bastard for what he is. He enriched himself while he knowingly killed millions of people, including my son. The whole healthcare debacle needs to be addressed and revamped. It's the next largest problem in this country. Hope he puts RFK in charge of that since all the left wing psychos were non-stop mocking him. Perfect task assignment!
I'm sorry about your son.
My heart goes out to you.
You may want to contact a lawyer and look into the possibility to sue...
Judge rules AstraZeneca, other COVID jab makers NOT immune from injury claims for breach of contract.
The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act, which Congress passed just before President Trump declared a public health emergency for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) in early 2020, is not enough to shield the pharmaceutical industry from liability for breach of contract, a U.S. judge ruled this past week.
In a feverish attempt to create the perfect con for Big Pharma to rake in the dough during the "pandemic," both sides of the American political aisle rushed through the PREP Act, believing it would be the perfect liability shield for COVID jab makers like AstraZeneca, which is on the hook for injuries.
I’m so sorry for your loss!
This is where MAHA and RFK Jr and his fellows need to forge awareness and effective action.
Every time I read Dr. Robert Malone’s information, I am amazed at what I do not know. Sometimes while reading, I have to go back and read something two or three times To clarify my understanding I was a teacher for 21 years and was always sad to see how reading and critical thinking is no longer a priority
Wow! I'm impressed with your understanding of the dark machinations that happen deep within the bowels of the executive branch. The machinations that occur therein and with executive manipulation are surely made with the intent that the public not understand how biased and unaccountable bureaucrats are empowered to undermine our democracy. It it surely done to empower corporate and/or globalists interests who would love to keep the "Deep State" firmly entrenched in their behalf. The past four years has been an education in how deceit, fraud, and corruption have penetrated into so many features of our government. In disgust and horror, I have often found myself wanting to wipe all of Washington off the map and rebuild government elsewhere, on a much smaller plot of land. Yet there are many good people in Washington, who have been stymied by the surreptitious actions of the SES and other corrupted parts of Washington. I would like to believe that the new administration can clean up this complicated mess, but I remain alternately skeptical and cautiously optimistic. Trump could use people like you in his administration who understand the dark side of our government.
In or from without. The 'Government' is very accomplished at tieing down any would be Jack's who threaten their Bean Stalks
I have no doubt you are correct. They've had years of practice. However, I seem to remember the Giant came to a bad end and Jack and his Mom live "happily ever after".
We will see.
You are likely right. I recall vaguely the story from hearing about it. Maybe a better comparison is the Government as the giant and PDJT and teams as the Jacks' bent on dealing with it.
Trump, MY FAVORITE PRESIDENT, has said that we will be in the Golden Age. I say that it was preceded by the Age of Enlightenment!!!
The scales have been removed from our eyes 👀 and our eyes 👀 have been opened.
We will NEVER be able to UNSEE what has been exposed!!!
"Come to the White House on Wednesday" said the spider to the fly.
Oh please 🙏 don't say that. I'm already worried 😟 about him going there!!!
Now's Joe's chance to "take him behind the gym."
Joe: "Now look here, Don. I've worked as fast as my geriatric limitations allow to wreck this country and the western world. And it looks to me like you intend to undo everything I've worked for."
Donald: "Ugely."
Joe: "We'll see about that!" (Swings and connects, right forearm snaps off in a cloud of grey dust).
It's really great to be wrong!
Melania will NOT be meeting with Jill. Evidently, the Biden’s allowing the FBI to raid their house and rummage through her underwear, was a bit much—she finds them disgusting, according to an article.
Hopefully an overcautious concern, but a concern nonetheless. A real concern.
"Only" 75 federal agencies? Huh. You know, sometimes it feels more like 750.
They have tentacles like big assed squids! Slither all over the place.
And once one is cut off, another one grows back.
This is very bone chilling stuff. It is amazing how well versed you are as a medical professional and scientist. Your knowledge of the law and innerworkings of our 'bureaucracy' is also impressive. Thank you for spot lighting this issue. Another issue is the slow vote counting to finalize this election. The various house seats being grappled over continue today, and some districts are not moving. One week later and Arizona is at 94% counted.
I was a Personnel Mgmt Specialist in the VA and was on the DOD PIO's press announcement distribution list until the exact same day PDJT's Twitter account was suspended (And my account and 10's of thousands of patriots as well.) when I was unceremoniously terminated with no explanation. From 2009-2013, Obozo hired hundreds of SES appointees to DOD and without exception, the bio on each showed they were either a Demonrat congressional or senate staffer or a former employee in a left-wing think tank in WDC. Let's hope PDJT can crack this nut. BTW, the President, as the Chief Executive, has the absolute authority to assign (Or reassign.) the work within the Executive Branch. There is nothing that could stop him from determining the needs of the nation dictated that reassigning certain staff to a windowless basement room in WDC to do book reports was necessary. I've seen it done.
Having worked (pro-bono) with an agency for 15 years, AND served on a Federal Advisory Committee, it is indeed the SES employees who thwart, hinder, water down, avoid, and delay commonsense changes by the constituents it is intended to help. It is infuriating. These are NOT necessarily the best people, but they ARE the most well-connected in many, many cases. MOST frustrating are the attempts to govern non-transparently - it breeds further discontent and distrust from advocates and constituents alike. Many have been moved around like bad priests. Get rid of it. No one deserves a job where accountability is not considered.
Loved your "bad priests" reference.
Thx! Apt.
Great discussion! Thank you! Was unaware of the actions taken re Schedule F, after OBiden's assumption of power. Hopefully the Trump transition team is hot on the issue.
As a former Fed ee, lived during the development of the scheme. Our SES appointee occasionally visited us to peer over our shoulders. It was she who advised businesses routinely paid fed fines for infractions rather than incur costs of fixing problems (cheaper). Then there were the EEO hires with equal grades, who physically ran around delivering orders from above.
It seemed clear to me (at a time I was generally politically - Hatch Act - uninvolved) the initiatives represented liberal/Democratic values.
Given the role the SES has assumed, they sorely deserve "at will" status! They are absolutely in a position to stop and destroy MAGA/MAHA efforts. Particularly if the election in 2026 would end Trump's Congressional support.
The totalitarian disease within the fed gov doesn’t end at the SES. Hopefully, under the present description, it will reach down to the 'employee' ranks as well.
Amazing the depths of counter-offensives that have been perfected (just in case) in the last 4 years. Praying we are up to squashing them!
Beautiful day! Many pleasures for all.