I’m willing to wager that life insurance companies will pay a healthy amount of money for that list and that the unvaccinated for Covid will be courted like the Prom Queen.

Now where’s the code for: Unknown Damage Due to Experimental Gene Therapy?

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Perhaps for life insurance companies but I suspect health insurance will be increased or declined for vaccine deficient status? I wonder how far this will go...What about the CMS/Pharma companies lowering cholesterol, BP and Glucose #s over the past 30y and you decline the metformin or statin Rx because you want to lower your numbers through diet, exercise and lifestyle, demerits for not taking our pill? No access to Dr? No access to bank accts a la Canadian truckers?

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As Libertarians have pointed out for decades, government should have nothing to do with health care and nothing to do with health insurance. The end result was inevitable: massive influence peddling by the corrupt and corporate rent-seeking, followed by lousy service at sky-rocketing prices. We need to get government out of both completely and return medicine to a competitive enterprise that rewards those who provide the best care, not those with the best lobbyists. Serial corporate felons like Pfizer are only possible with the artificial legal shield provided by our current idiocracy..

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Would that be influence peddling by the corrupt and corporate rent-seeking health care and insurance industries? Why do libertarians expect unfettered 'private' entities to behave any better than unfettered government entities? They are all of the same interchangeable rent-seeking species.

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Behavior only possible when one can influence lawmakers, as evidenced by our collapse from the powerhouse of the world to a drug-addled, debt-addicted shell of our former selves. Politicizing anything turns it into a pile of dog crap.

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Speaking of lawmakers... Project Veritas undercover video shows Pfizer employee saying the company is looking into creating mutated viruses so they can sell jabs for them:


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It makes you wonder if pharma can commit any crime against humanity egregious enough to trigger Nuremberg II trials. Apparently not.

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In what world will private industry not seek to influence lawmakers, especially now that we have Citizens United?

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The one envisioned by the men who wrote our Declaration of Independence, which spawned the Industrial Revolution, which created all of the wealth everyone argues about and plunders.

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Health insurance companies are always looking for ways to deny claims - therefore - this could go either way. If vaccine injury numbers continue to climb, a health insurer could deny coverage, deny treatment etc. This makes more sense to me, because the health insurance company makes a lot more money when it denies claims.

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The Hippocrates oath was based upon religion, dignity and respect, between someone who was ailing and someone with training that might help.

A patient -> physician relationship. The physician had a sacred sworn oath (relationship) to God to do no harm.

Among the sacred promises the physician made was to keep the patients ailments, treatment, discussions, resources, family life, PRIVATE.

SINCE religion has been replaced with the anti religion sectarian/marxism the relationship has been transformed to; Patient -> (list of corporations, that include 3M, WHO, Governments, insurance, bureaucrats, and may or not include a “doctor” at the bottom of the list). I can not call them physicians because their job is to fill out the notes and orders on which the edifice of industrial medicine is built. Not on helping a patient get better, or treating the body and soul, with guidance from God.

All the promises of the Oath of Hippocrates oath are shredded. There is no solemn swearing promises to God, there is no sacred relationship between patient and physician.

There is no privacy of your medical record.

You will be data-mined and your illnesses and politics will be sussed out for discriminatory treatment and you will be coerced, and not informed, so that all the corps and governments can manipulate, exploit, and use YOU.

This includes governments banning/allowing privileges based on information in your medical file.

Do not believe for a second that your unvaxed status will magically turn into lower medical or life insurance rates. That is not going to happen. No money in it.

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Obama care laid the groundwork to take empathy and actually caring for lives of patients out of the medical system. Obama care is in full effect and next will be total removal of health insurance companies and replacement with new government organizations that all our Healthcare will go through.

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BrianE you nailed it. That is all he cared about for most of his first term, moving all healthcare under the umbrella of the feds. The conservative railed and rallied against it an their caring politicians did Nothing.

However, the first to intercede were the States. They started to regulate the health insurance industry; who could operate in the state, what they had to include and to whom. It was the states that first escalated the price of health insurance by forcing the companies to cover batteries, tires, headlights... and the citizens railed against the companies as if they were responsible for the price hikes.

There has never been an action by Congress that did not hurt more people than it helped in the short or long term, ever. Now the system is 100% rigged for corporations.

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The great Oath that served us well for centuries is now being ignored. Med students write their own in many schools. Its over.

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Absolutely correct.

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According to the CDC's new definition of vaccine I'm saying I'm vaxxed for covid. I ingested a man-made preparation which was intentionally administered and it caused an immune response. Its not my fault they intentionally released their gain of function virus and I caught it, got sick and got well....

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Ha, they will charge the unvaxxed more to cover the losses from the vaxxed.

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Databases identifying the unvaxxed will be "hacked" and shared with organ traffickers and blood banks. And as we are learning about the catastrophic fertility and natality drops, there will be a hunt for healthy eggs and sperm. There will be a target on the backs of this new minority.

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Reminds me of a movie I saw about 20 years ago where most women had become infertile so young fertile women were forced to be surrogate mothers for the rich & powerful ( no idea of the name of this movie).

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A Handmaid’s Tale.

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Yes, that’s it - thanks! I see they also made it into a series! That movie was hauntingly evil!

The Handmaid’s Tale 1990 - official trailer https://youtu.be/oTnhx_N7nro

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😱 omg. Indeed.

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Only 11 percent of the American population has taken the last booster shot. Does this mean 89 percent of the American population will get a Z28.311 under vaccinated code? Will they be restricted from travel? As the truth of this poison continues to trickle out the more the American population will reject it. It’s happening. I know dozens of vaccine injuries. I would think everyone in this country has suspicions that a person they know that has gotten sick was possibly caused by the vaccine. They will need very large camps if their going to stop 300 million Americans from traveling. They are playing with fire.

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The entire health industry makes money from disease. This includes the insurance companies. More disease, higher premiums.

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Prom queens would charge a ton for an untainted egg. A fellow might do the same for sperm.

Hopefully same for good blood but only after( as i told the red cross) monsters like hurari and schwaaaabby boy and trudeau do what Wallace suggested the King do in Braveheart b4 the battle. “Come here, before This army, and in front of your sworn enemies, bend over, and lick your own arse.”

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This really makes me want to go to a doctor who has nothing to do with health insurance.

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I found a functional doctor, in Whitefish, Montana, who told me .up front, that he does not take insurance of any type.

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I just found one outside Albany NY. A functional Medicine doc/MD. She spent almost 2 hrs with me, incredibly thoughtful and thorough-the he price was under $500 for initial consult-no insurance. I literally cried in her office out of sheer relief. They're out there-just have to look.

Here's the IFM Resource for finding practitioners near you: https://www.ifm.org/functional-medicine/what-is-functional-medicine/

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Jan 27, 2023·edited Jan 27, 2023

I love this; I have not seen Gary yet because he wants me to fill out a sort of diary of what I eat for about a week and what my bowel movements are like and being so busy with many other responsibilities I just have not gotten to it .. I was immediately impressed my him calling me a few times and encouraging me to finish up so he will see me. i got in touch with him due to being scheduled for an inguinal hernia repair and found prior to going to surgery that I has a slow heart rate which was finally diagnosed as type 1 heart Block instead of the block being type 2 . this was after a few of the staff were ,apparently ,angered because I did not want to take an RT-PCR test to help them participate in the verification of a #falsescamplannedemicCovid !9 .. Heck, I went everywhere for 2020 and 2021 with a Cult bandana from the rock group called the Cult ..I have felt this whole thing has been like people following a bad religion or a ominous sci-fi cult ...Back to functional doctors.... I was simply amazed that he has called me a few times , because i ma a registered nurse and I just have not known of doctors ever taking the time themselves to call a patient.

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deletedJan 25, 2023·edited Jan 25, 2023
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Jan 26, 2023·edited Jan 26, 2023

The same crowd that railed against "back-alley abortions" is going to push everyone else into back-alley teeth cleanings.

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Yes. DDS here. Retired out over ID politics in chinada. Back alley dental cleanings: scaling teeth regardless of their mobility, hopeless state or imminent infection spread. As wasteful and dangerous as everything else perpetrated by the Newsoms and Trudeau’s of the world

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Ugh, Warden Newsom. Those of us who haven't yet escaped Calizuela despise the slimy little tyrant.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If implemented, the “passport” will be part of what’s used to determine an individual’s ESG score, which will in turn determine a credit score. So it won’t just be travel that’s curtailed. Food, housing, entertainment, essentially every aspect of life will be available or not, depending on how compliant you are.

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Mark of the Beast from Revelations anyone?

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The returning Lord Jesus Christ will destroy these evil forces. Never doubt.

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Not sure that the passport itself will be it, but the passport certainly illustrates that what seemed so biblically far fetched to many people even 20 years ago is in fact 100% doable today, complete with the political will to do it.

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Even people who think they're on board with this will eventually face the choice of either keeping up with the jab schedule or falling off and joining the "dirty unjabbed".

This is pure evil.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have that nasty, sinking feeling that the Congress will not agree to do the work you are suggesting. The subcommittee, we'll see.. Thank you for the detective work you know how to do and the heads up!

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I think the most important (and most discouraging) lesson of the past three years is that our government institutions, with very few exceptions, are simply incapable of addressing this matter.

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They aren't incapable, they're the problem.

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Even if it should come out that these institutions (and our fellow Americans that staffed them) did, in fact, turn on us, the point is that there are insufficient protocols in place to ensure our rights as citizens.

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"delinquent immunization status" -- Delinquent, my ass.

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This is horrifying.

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“Code Number Z28.310 listed above is not a code for an illness or diagnosis, but rather for non-compliance of a medical procedure. This is an invasion of our right to privacy.”

But how else will they know where to harvest clean blood and organs for our overlords, like they do in China?

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Jan 25, 2023·edited Jan 25, 2023

I knew it was coming... Nevertheless its unsettling. We have to prepare ourselves, physically and spiritually.

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Blood boiling...deep breath. They don't even have natural immunity in the fine print. This is a directed target using Covid jabs as cover. If someone had measles, they don't need the MMR, yet none of these shenanigans go on, yet....thank you for letting us know.

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How will I be coded if I refuse to answer health cares' question? So far no one has asked.

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This really kicked off this month - I am curious about this too? Will insurance require you to answer? Remember, each and every dose of vaccine was tracked by the CDC - they know if you haven't been vaccinated. The truth is that they already know.

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Sadly, "I refuse to answer" was not an acceptable response for my son to attend college. Or to go to a ball game. Or fly on a plane. Or eat at a restaurant. I don't see why it would here.

Yes there are constitutional laws preventing this,

but we are not following those laws. More laws we don't follow will not help.

I see Nuremberg 2.0 as the only way out.

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Do you really think they kept all that identification? How do they verify? No social security, addresses or other ID was collected for my stepdad.

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I’m not sure about this. In my hometown in the early days of the pandemic, people could drive/walk up to vaccine/testing huts in shopping center parking lots. They could get a vaccine or get tested without providing any information. They gave vaccine cards with the lot number and the patient filled in their own info.

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I'm potentially coming up for a second kidney transplant and one possible surgery center has suggested that they take a dim view of transplanting for an un-vaccinated person like me. Seemed not absolute, but only at early part of intake process at the moment.

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Just posted a sticky on my pc - prayers for Scott. You will get them daily.

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You will be recommended for mental health evaluation, and they can charge that under safety training....

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I think it a better idea that the WHO knows the list of my psychotropic medicines - so that when traveling abroad and my luggage is lost, they know what to expect from me. It may not be contagious but they will wish it was!

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My work, during the height of it all, were asking employees vaccination status re: returning to the office, if employees failed to answer the company assumed you were not vaccinated.

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I am unvaccinated and have never been asked my vac status at the doctor’s office. Of course I’ve only been twice since the pandemic started.

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How about diagnosis codes for not flossing our teeth? Not working out 3 times a week? Not eating our vegetables or enough fiber? Refusing statins, a colonoscopy, a mammogram? Refusing invasive and profitable interventions with significant negative side effects like many cancer treatments?

The absence of doing what government imagines might be important to our health is endless and could be eventually weaponized.

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Eventually weaponized? My wife is an RN, I'm a federal contractor and we both spent months worrying about losing our jobs because we refused the jab(s). We've managed to dodge the bullet so far, but the power-mad tyrants still want to stab us in the back for thinking for ourselves.

The danger is far from over.

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New weapons to add to the old arsenal.

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Ha. I just refused a mamogram and colonoscopy today and put on the paper work that I am not vaccinated.

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Yes! See my above post!

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Jan 25, 2023·edited Jan 25, 2023

I know this is harsh, but I am healthy as far as I know and will never go to a doctor again. I would rather die...like I said harsh. But are they not just killing us anyway? Why go to the hospital to be saved and be murdered? Am I missing something?

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You would be assisting in their end game - depopulation, but that's your choice like you said they get you one way or the other.

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Not sure what you are saying, I am assisting them by not going to a doctor?

Can you explain my logic error? If I go, they kill. If I hide, maybe i dont.

What are your thoughts?

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Jan 26, 2023·edited Jan 26, 2023

Dont hide. Please explain my logic error.

I am in a WEF state and am unvaxed. If i go to the hospital they will inject me. There is risk there also.

Sure, I may have say Cancer. But If I do go to the hospital and they firstly inject me, the cancer will be worse anyway.

Please help.

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There are thousands of doctors out there who see what’s going on. There are quite a few who comment here.

The probability of ever being jabbed against your will while “under” is about zero.

The majority of docs may be under the delusion about covid but this doesn’t make them evil people. Most will respect your wishes and still provide good care.

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Thank you for your input. I do appreciate it.

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Many posters on here are not vaxed. I am not jabbed. I live in a red state. I've been to my nurse practitioner, my dentist, my specialist and in a hospital in 2022. Neither has forcible jabbed me. In my medical portal where all my medical records are kept my doctor post in 2021, she refuses the COVID19 vaccine and will definitively continue to do so. Since I am retired no employer can mandate. I think it is illegal to vaccinate someone by physical force but I could be wrong.

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If I lived in a red state, no problem. Some blue might be fine, in mine if they have you under they jab you. No, not really physical force but they often refuse to help you without "your papers".

Arkansas, Texas, Florida etc no worries that I know of.

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Please BD, don't put off getting an annual with a doc or nurse practitioner, even if you have no complaints. They will do blood work that might catch something harmful that produces no symptoms. Just like with teeth, you cannot always see or feel your cavities.

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What about people who can not get a vaccination?

Where is the code for, they have fallen out... and Who said I agree with anything the WHO wants! I don't want to go overseas that bad. I value my health.

Or like for you, partially vaccinated but had adverse reaction post vaccination.

Many people have blood dyscrasia or cardiac disease, metals allergies, neuropathy from a host of things.

This is dumb.

This is nothing to do with health & as a ID Epi in Vaccine Preventable Disease... 37y... It is My Decision and My Risk.

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Medical exemptions are excluded from the coding - or at least that was what I read. More evidence that this is all all about passports/mandates.

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Jan 25, 2023·edited Jan 25, 2023

When we flipped to ICD 9 vs 10 in 2011/12.

When I worked Public Health, there was a code for vaccination to be contra indicated- I believe.

I worked in vaccine preventable diseases as Sup at San Bernardino PHD CA. Later as Epidemiologist in HIV/AIDS unit corrections.

So did lots of vaccines in that 10 yrs. 88-98

I'm retired, cant get in old data bases. But they were there.

I am also SMQT cert. CMS.

They were there! They changed the DB?!?!?!

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For some added context I was curious what existed previously and looked into old versions of ICD-10.

Interesting that the broad category of Z28- "immunization not carried out"- has been part of the ICD-10 system since at least 2008 from what I can tell? They've been adding and tweaking specifiers over time.

Also interesting that COVID-19 is the only "vaccination" specifically mentioned in the Z28 category. However, Z23 to Z27- "need for immunization" against various diseases- previously enumerated a large list of specific infectious agents. Curiously it is now dropped from the category Z20-Z29- "Persons with potential health hazards related to communicable diseases"- in the most updated system.


Use above to look at old versions up to 2019

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That is because when they released MERS, the second Coronavirus they planned on this. I doubt they realized all they would stumble over as Zinc Ionaphers were not published on by Baric until 2010- Zeb found that and got Trump treated.

But they all used their scientific expertise for an evolution of slippery slope evolution into the warriors of demonic possession.

This is really on so many levels. The war we are in is 5th Gen Warfare. I work with a combat reporter- helping what I can with bio Wm D (my field of ID Epi)

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Jan 25, 2023·edited Jan 25, 2023

Evil bastards, all of them. Sounds like an antichrist system... or are they playing us?

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Just a quick reminder. Joe Biden, Upon his Presidency, he spoke not once but many times the following words, "Darker Days Lie Ahead"! Each time he said it, shivers ran down my spine to such a gnarly and bizarre group of words. This in fact was the utmost of warnings. The only honest dam thing the scoundrel ever said in his life was "that". I immediately took the 4 words as, he knows something terrible is about to unfold. Did anyone else witness and grasp the same? #IMNOTCRAZY! He darn well said this, it unfolded did it not. This essay is in part that continuum.

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Didn’t the head demon also say something about this (the 2020 election) being a battle for the soul of the country? He said that more than once too as I recall. At least the liar in chief was honest about that. 🤥

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Demon is right. Doesn't he look exactly like Jeff Dunhams puppet named Walter?🤔🎯

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Yes! Only Walter is better looking and way smarter than the current puppet-in-chief.

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