Apr 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What more can we all say and do, Dr Malone. This information (and so much more) is readily available for all to see! People are not seeing! As they say, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

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Yes, and you can lead a man to knowledge but you cannot make him think.

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Apr 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Congrats experts, you have arrived where we did three years ago.

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Welcome to Groundhog Day ... again...

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Apr 26, 2023·edited Apr 26, 2023

I was forced to wear a face mask while waiting at the doctor’s ofc for a procedure I needed. I told them that I had an autoimmune disease that included dysautonomia (disfunction of the autonomic nervous system) and that wearing one made me sick. They didn’t care. I waited about 30-40 minutes, I had trouble breathing, a horrible headache, nausea, my bp tanked (78/50), I couldn’t speak or move, my lips and finger nails started turning blue. They panicked and put me on oxygen and an IV. Then had the audacity to say, “Why didn’t you tell us you’d react like this?” … Go figure. (Yeah, both the CDC and FDA can pound sand.)

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They are not here to help us. That's the only conclusion we can draw.

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Their Corporate office makes the decisions, apparently they all just fall in line with the CDC. We have learned through this that most people will go along with totalitarianism to keep their job…and some even enjoy forcing people to do things.

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I've stepped up my fitness program. We have to keep away from the system!

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Yes. We changed our entire philosophy about what we eat and when and the quality supplements we take. My spouse lost 30 pounds in 2020 and has kept it off. We’re both over 50.

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Good for you! This isn't going to straighten out any time soon so we have to assume we're on our own!

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It is easier to get forgiveness than permission, so the few times a medical office has asked me to wear a mask, I have taken one and held it in my hand or hung it on my ear by one strap.

Yes, I am capitulating a bit, but I need my prescription renewed by a required office visit, so this was my tactic.

And then I found a new physician who recognizes the futility of masks for any respiratory illness. Win-win.

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Apr 26, 2023·edited Apr 26, 2023

I understand. I let go of my functional medicine doctor… who, even after I gave her the FLCCC protocol paperwork, still, with everything she knew about my illness, wanted me to take the jab and would not be willing to treat me according to the protocol if I become ill with covid. I was astounded at her capitulation. I left her practice. Most places that do the recommended cancer screenings that a person my age needs, still demand them. I will be pushing back harder next time.

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deletedApr 26, 2023·edited Apr 26, 2023
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Father dead at 59, mother dead at 70… I get the tests.

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Neither of them took good care of themselves (heavy smokers and poor dietary habits), but it was hard to lose them, nonetheless. If my mother had gotten regular cancer screenings she would probably still be alive today. She hated going to the doctor. Being highly educated is no guarantor of common sense. It’s not all a scam. Get your screenings.

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Fortunately I never had to be in this position, but I learned a valuable lesson from a movie I saw a long time ago, perhaps the best made "buddy film" ever.

The lesson was, "make the situation worse"

Midnight Run with DeNiro and Charles Grodin, the scene where DeNiro tries to get him on a plane..."I told you, I can't fly" is still one of my favorite lines from any movie ever.

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I love Midnight Run!

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The quality of medicine from the "everybody gets a trophy" school era...

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I wish I could write it off as mediocre physicians... more likely, cowardice and money incentives.

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Apr 27, 2023·edited Apr 27, 2023

There was a time when it was considered crass to advertise medical services. We relied on the quality of the care we provided and recommendations from referring doctors, patients, hospitals at which we had privileges, and university medical programs. Docs have been turned into snake oil salesmen and women.

I recall the joke (although actually true) about a dentist that wanted to advertise his services but it was prohibited by the dental ethics and boards. So he changed his first name so he could be listed as "Payneless Parker DDS" in the phone book.

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"I end today’s Substack with an expose by Steve Kirsch, who found some astounding governmental corruption over at the FDA."

I laughed when I read that, not because it's funny; rather because it's true and sad. It seems every time one goes down the rabbit hole regarding any govt entity, you find a cesspool.

Thank you Dr Malone for providing us information we otherwise would not have if not for your substack articles.

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I attended a hearing at the Ohio Statehouse in Columbus yesterday showing my support for those testifying in favor of House Bill 73 - The Dave and Angie Patient & Health Provider Protection Act. Dr. Paul Marik presented - on his own dime - God bless that wonderful healer.

My point - saw people in KN95 masks in the statehouse. Had dinner a hotel across the street and saw a mural with photos of people in masks. Who the HELL wants to see that???? I taped one of my flyers with a pic of Ed Dowd's book over the people in masks on that mural and put some up in the restrooms at the restaurant and statehouse.

These evil people are trying to normalize people in masks. It has NEVER been about protecting the public from a respiratory virus. It has ONLY ever been about control.

And I'd rather be shot in the head than take another shot in the arm. I took two, like you Robert.

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I have reached the point where I politely confront people wearing masks when possible - it's time for those who continue to be blinded to feel uncomfortable.

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I started watching a movie (foreign, I think) where people were wearing masks. I stopped watching after less than a minute.

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Same here. Although this one was not foreign.

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They lied about face masks, they were not wrong.

They knew many Totalitarian and Communist states masked the underclass/slaves as a way to show dominance and retard the population.

It was China that forced the US to mask.


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I’m very sorry to say that the entirety of America’s systems of government have been corrupted. They have shown complete disregard for our citizens and our children. Again and again we watch opposing (dissenting) views ignored, divided off, and at worst crushed by government agencies and the corrupted money grabbing government sided group. I know their are subscribers reading my post that no matter what happens they will vote for with that BIG D beside their name no matter how bad our lives, liberties, and happiness are crushed. But please think deeply, as you go to vote, and think about what we have witnessed for the past 4 plus years. If by a miracle we (America) are able to survive the next 1 year and 9 months without a nuclear war, terrorist attack, or possibly the break up of our country, it’s ok to make a change. I make mistakes all the time and have to fix them. I beg you to try a change. J.Goodrich

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Apr 26, 2023·edited Apr 26, 2023

James, I would vote for R.F.K. Jr. or R DeSantis, Two Big D's.

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Read Dr. Joseph Sansone’s Substack. DeSantis may be compromised.

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Jay, I read Sansone's stack and there are quite a few people commenting who are on the roll to cast doubt everywhere! Diana West on "Robert Malone, a risk analysis" and Sandra recommends a piece from Ginger Breggin. That did it for me.

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Oh yes, there are bad actors and “chaos agents” (h/t Mathew Crawford) everywhere now. I trust no one. While I was once enthusiastic about DeSantis, I became wary when McConnell, Ryan, & Romney got behind him. Unlike Trump, he is not independently wealthy which makes him vulnerable to extortion and threats from the cretins who rule the world.

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I really like Doc's subscribers. Everyone is willing to share their views and agree to peacefully disagree!

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Head to head DeSantis or RFK Jr. would be a tough decision for me. I’d love to see it. I know you don’t like DeSantis… RFK Jr. has his baggage to.

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There is one thing I like about DeSantis - he irks the heck out the the Dems and the LSM. That is always a plus.

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Amazingly I may vote for RFK Jr. DD… After watching the senate majority leader tell potus that the FBI will get you 1000 ways to Sunday, threaten Supreme Court Justices with a whirlwind of violence, encourage and allow their addresses and children’s schools to be public and protestors to go to their houses with one assassination attempt, and recently tell an owner of the #1 media cable Channel, on the Senate floor, to censor the #1 political analyst in the country, which lead to him being fired; the house majority leader (Nancy) continually illegally investing in companies that are being paid with tax money (insider trading) make millions on our backs, tear up potus’s state of the union address illegally, have her hair done while pushing lockdowns, letting her city San Francisco, go to hell, and I won’t even get into Biden’s crimes and treasons honestly I am confused by RFK Jr., I’m so used to democrats tearing everything American down with no respect for the US Constitution or separations of power. I know I probably would not agree with him on many issues but with Joe allowing no primary debates I guess we’ll never know about those issues.

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Are not many republicans (if any) I hate so much that I would not vote for rather than vote for anyone from that family. I repeat that he represents to me the camel's nose under the tent.

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We have all seen how the Deep State functions regardless of who is president. They either do it out in the open when it's their guy in office (C, O and B) or they backdoor everything in the dark of the night. With both Bushs, they got the wink and nod. DJT was the canary in the coal mine which uncovered the depth of Constitutional abuse. If RFK Jr would get in, they would do the same to him, and if that did not work he would end up like his dad and uncle.

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Agreed. If voting actually made a difference it would have been made illegal by now. (Paraphrase of supposed Mark Twain quote)

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There is a chance, if the cadaver in chief is unable for some reason to go on and ends his bid for a second term….

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Apr 26, 2023·edited Apr 26, 2023

I called the local food co-op I go to and talked with a manager about the face-mask wearing on all the young check-out people. He listened and took some notes and was interested in my take. Hopefully it will be discussed, and now I have some more evidence. Thank you! (P.S. who is this Thomas Lewis??)

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Good for you for acting on this! More people need to be speaking up!

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My 2 Doctors offices still have the Doctors and help wearing masks. One Doctor wears 2.. I have to wonder if maybe their insurance carriers demand it or at least the Doctors think they do.

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I had my regular skin cancer screening today. I loath to go because of the masking. I got there and was in shock. The three ladies behind the glass wall were maskless! The nurse that came to get me, same. The second nurse to take vitals, same. The woman doctor came in wearing one of the cheapy ones that look like it is made out of fiberglass. As she was leaving I said perhaps soon you too will ditch the mask. She said she worn one the entire time she was in medical school and was never sick so it is her choice. I said you have been breathing your own dirty CO2 which can't be good. She left. I did congratulate everyone else on their freedom!

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You are so fortunate! Congratulations! Two mos ago I told my ophthalmologist (2 masks) and techs I would be So Happy to see their faces again - without masks. I'm not wearing one. In theory one is allowed to not wear one if fully vaxed. Never vaxed but with natural post cov immunity. Cribbing, but the CO2 plays havoc with my O2 levels.

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Good for you speaking up!

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Difficult as it might be...find a new doctor.

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She's been very good other than covid. Offered treatment guidance over the phone free until recovery from sicknesses. Respected my refusal to have recommended studies and surgery for thyroid issue and came up with alternative 'hold the line' alternative. Knowing her complicity on pandemic issues, if such arises will seek FLCCC guidance and telephone support as needed. You do have a point. But, at this point coming up with a good Doctor (on our side of the fence) and living in California plus east ... it could take an age - not to mention since I'm not reliably agreeable with recommendations, it takes a mature physician to put up with it.

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Apr 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"choses"? Not even a word.

"Chooses" rhymes with uses, loses.

"Loose" rhymes with noose and goose.

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It is a way to test compliance. I was having some issues with my thyroid medicine. My oxygen levels were never above 93 and would quite often be at 88. When I put a face mask on I can only imagine how low my oxygen levels dropped. I felt like I was suffocating. Now that my medicine is at the right level my oxygen is 97 or above.

I still see little children at the grocery store that have on masks. It is child abuse.

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Another instance of "what's old is new again". The folks who fought the spanish flu studied the effectiveness of masking to prevent spread of infection. They concluded they were ineffective. This was a century ago. And this has been looked at with each occurrence of respiratory epidemics here with the same result every time. The bloody masks do not work. Period. Another good reason to be leery of medical " studies" today. If enough are done on a subject that an investigator wants to "prove" a biased conclusion all he has to do is cherry pick the rare study that agrees with his bias, or selectively winnow out parcels of data from others that appear to do so, write an essay and send it to jama

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So medical "science" hasn't advanced from 100 years ago? And yet people trusted them to give out experimental jabs? Shaking my head. Again.

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Those incentives should be illegal for an experimental medication, $250 for each new vaccinated member if a doctor manages to vaccinate 75% of his/her herd?

Now I understand why my gynecologist pushed me so hard to get the darn vaccine! I didn't, and in a display of petty revenge he wrote in the visit notes: "Patient refused to get vaccinated" It's all about the money 🤮🤮🤮

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The CDC and their 10,000+ employees could disappear tomorrow, and nobody would notice or care. My uncle worked for the FDA for 40 years (retired 15 years ago) and he's shocked by their corruption, lack of care, laziness, and disregard for humanity. Thank you Dr. Malone for this great reference tool and for the scientific evidence that masks not only don't work, but they do considerable harm.

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Thank you so much for this! We have a pregnant family member. I've forwarded it to her to print and take with her to clinic visits and hospitals as here in BC, Canada, they're still insisting on masks for everyone! Could we get any more backward and un-scientific??

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If I have to go into the hospital, I put in on my chin and NO ONE says anything. It might work

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Best of luck in Liberal BC, just as bad in Ontario. With the CPS in charge it will never stop.

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This is numbing, and then there are the incentives, then there is the zero trial “vaccines” on a new schedule to include 6 month olds. How can we not go absolutely mad? Oh, I forgot. The incentivized docs told us we were already mad when we began to question anything in the last three years. So done. Just so done!

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One has to ask, "what is the true reason behind covering the face in the first place? Why is it so offensive to some?" It's spiritual.

Who is as the wise man? and who knoweth the interpretation of a thing? a man's wisdom maketh his face to shine, and the boldness of his face shall be changed.

Ecclesiastes 8:1

But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.

2 Cor 3:18

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