May 13·edited May 14Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is like having the wolf being paid to design and build the fence around the chicken coup and then get royalties for every chicken killed by the wolf. What a full proof system. The other problem is the house and senate who are all coyotes, that also profit, with insider trading and lobbyist. Again until we finally dump the money grubbing traitors that hate the people, nothing will get fixed.

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tragically, stupid people are allowed to vote, and they always vote Dim

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Pat, it’s impossible for me to even try to take the opposing side especially with people inflicted with Trump derangement syndrome, like my sister.

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when my formally extra smart "democrat" wife got TDS, she deluded herself into believing we paid more taxes after Trumps tax cuts, and even created her own math to justify that delusion. When I kept offering to show her that her math was wrong, by using the actual math the IRS uses to determine tax debt, she screamed fuck you at me, in front of our kid.

Delusions I can handle (I am an old pysch nurse) , but I don't think I can spend my last few years of life with another hateful delusional bitch.

TDS has destroyed a lot of people minds.

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Marriage can be a tough thing to get through, I know all about it. I have said the same thing about having to deal with the BS for what time I have left. Maybe try different tactics. First don’t mention politics, I know that’s tough but your wife sounds like she’ll never never look at Trump like you. Second, compliment her, often and when she least expects it, third buy her small things that she likes every now and then. All you can do is try Pat, unless you don’t want it to work. Eventually something’s got to give….

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preaching to the choir, until recently, I bought my wife flowers at least twice a month, since retiring, I do most of the house work (she still has a couple of years to retire)

my problem, all the little negative things/digs I ignored for the past 20 years, are real hard to ignore now. With occasional bouts of expressed hatred.

Delusions I can handle, hateful bitch is not tolerable, not any more.

I am not acting on my disappointment, our son is 21, but has 4 years of med school to get thru, so he has no idea. And I do not want to ad to that burden. I only hope that "mom" does not turn hateful towards him. Like my mom, who was delusional all her life, did with me.

I have 4 years to make a permanent decision, who knows, maybe she will lose some of that delusional. Therapy is a no go, my wife does not have an inkling of self evaluation, and gets real mad and defensive., if I bring up anything. What is so bizarre, is she is actually very smart (not just intelligent, she has 4 masters degrees, loved going to school before our "shotgun" wedding)

Tragically, crazy and drunk is around on both sides of my family, my older aging might turn interesting. Health wise, my parents were supermen (both made it to 96)

Looking forward to old age ;-}

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I’m not sure what it is, but I have many similar issues. My wife is an OR nurse for almost 40 years. I think most of the Boston nurses she works with have not only post traumatic stress disorder but serious drinking problems as well. When I’m at work and she has days off I pray she isn’t drinking because if she is I don’t know what I’m coming home to. The drinking has completely changed her affect compared to years ago when we were younger. She’s a completely different person now under the influence. For a long time I had to sit usually in a darkened room and just take the absolute drunken abuse. It’s odd I’ve said many times to friends I can’t live the rest of my life like this, as you have said. Luckily (not in my heart) we don’t have children, but as much as we struggle we have had success in building our lives together, houses. But I don’t care about material things. After many nights sitting in the dark being verbally abused I gave it to her verbally. One thing I said to her is I wish she would meet someone that made her truly happy, because I know I can’t. I work my ass off to try to provide for her and it’s never enough. So I’m probably not a good person to get advise from because I’m in the same sinking boat that your in. We’ve had additional arguments where I tell her how abusive she is and I know she wants to start abusing me again she fights that urge and holds back. Then she says oh I know no emotions. I honestly always wanted to make her happy and tried as hard as I could to allow her to only have to work 2 days a week, which is what she works. But I’m not sure how this will work out. Hoping that one day you can find some happiness Pat. I haven’t been really happy in at least a decade.

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And now illegals allowed to vote that claim in their mind to be US citizens. This will not end well when the elected representatives need a SWAT team around them and their families 24/7 to keep them safe from people who believe in the Constitution, had loved ones lost (COVID RESPONSE), and had their lives destroyed by the greed and or stupidity of these "elected officials".

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I suspect the rabid democrats will not even realize what they have done, when the rabids they have invited in, and the democrat thugs in the plantations where they defund the police, run out of poor people to rob and kill, and start in on the rabid privileged democrats.

I will bring a chair and popcorn, since these rabids, the democrat invited in, will be slaughtering the disarmed democrats, in their own plantations,

The rabids know to avoid armed citizens.

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The only problem with that is, that the Urban plantation slaves are going after each other while their overlords are far away sipping champagne and Mint Juleps.

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that is a problem, which we see today is starting to happen to those rabid elites, they will still blame trump when the Muslim democrats, and the black democrats, come to kill them

The house negroes on the plantations have not changed much since the good old days, and the field slaves still hate them. I believe it was the field slaves, that started calling the house slaves, niggers! Not massa. He just called them boy, or girl.

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Well said James! 💯‼️

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May 13Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

For as serious and dangerous as this envelope is, the language glosses over the crucial tidbits. Unless someone like you can understand the details and what is omitted, (and gives a rats ass), this kind of sneaky double talk works! Our elected officials need help to understand the consequences, and who will pay them enough to care.

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May 13Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Guess we reached the absolute point whereby under the table "Bribery style" transactions are common place ways to "GIT ER DONE" when Lobbyist meetings have recorded aspects to them.

Just look at the thousands of remarkable pages of redacting important evidence on those papers.

Guinness Book of World Record fraud and deceit. Bar none!!

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May 13Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Regulations applying to Federally funded only projects and the recipient gets to decide if the project is a PPP.

Hard to even call this 'window dressing' covering up for the status quo.

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May 13·edited May 13Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The feds not the only ones handing out grants. If pharma wants this work to continue then they can simply farm it out to the money grubbing unis. A law stopping fed monies from going to anyplace engaged in g.o.f. funding from any source would be a much bigger stick.

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The dangers of Bio-engineered virus is from Veterinary labs that are not being watched like Bio 4 labs.

The dark side of microbiology finds its haven inside the dozens of veterinary schools outside the authority of the WHO, CDC, NIH and equivalent professional supervisory bodies and reporting-review systems.

Exhibit A: To summarize, a decade ago at his lab in Wisconsin with generous funding from Japanese state institutions, Kawaoka was developing an "unstoppable flu", secretly derived from an illegal exhumation of the Arctic frozen corpse of an Alaskan native who died in the 1918-19 influenza pandemic, which killed up to 80 million worldwide. We learned of Kawaoka's reckless violations of science ethics from Robert Finnegan, former editor of the Jakarta Post, who was tracking the theft of MERS and other virus samples from NAMRU-2 (U.S. Navy Research Unit) by a senior local lab technician who personally smuggled the dangerous materials to U Wisconsin.

Exhibit B is a 2011 research paper by Y. Kawaoka and two colleagues at his animal virology lab at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, titled "HIV reverse-binding protein is essential for influenza A virus replication and promotes genome-trafficking in late-stage infection". Published in the Journal of Virology, September 2011, it's an admission of guilt for preparing the emergence of the Wuhan contagion.





Yoichi Shimatsu is a Hong Kong-based freelance journalist, He is 'Editor at Large' at the 4th Media and former editor of The Japan Times Weekly in Tokyo and Pacific News Service in San Francisco.

His uncle is Yoichi Hirama, Rear Admiral (Maritime Self-Defense Force:Navy/Retired 1988) Professor, Director of Library of National Defense Academy (Retired 1998).

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Very, very interesting note there indeed! An avenue that should be watched and monitored. Within Vetinary animal research lies a whole other world of inter related experiments and GOF furtherance.

Reading this has thrown open another window that should be closed. Especially (in my reckoning) when it gets down to DeExtinction.

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I would suggest some serious auditing of US agencies doling out megabucks worldwide. I for one have no problem imagining US Aid financing g.o.f just for the very hell of it. Doubt they would include the term g.o.f. in their handouts but just how much attention is paid to how it is spent?

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May 13·edited May 13

USAID's Samantha Power was back before Senator Paul's committee last month for another round of stiff-arming and deceiving the people's elected representatives. Again, evidently without consequence. The tail continues to wag the dog.


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Samantha Power - IF there WAS any so-called "justice" - would be IN FEDERAL PRISON for 20 years! Among other things, she was OButthead's Ambassador to the U.N., AT WHICH TIME (she) ILLEGALLY OUTED some 300 - Three Hundred - sovereign American citizens to the (secret) FISA Court during the RUSSIA COLLUSION scandal. Question is WHY would she have ANYTHING to do with the FISA Court?

Her hubby' - Cass Sunstein - is one of the NEVER HAD A REAL JOB "experts" in the O'Butthead Administration - hell bent of "Fundamentally Transforming" the USA.

That Samantha Power ( the former JOURNALIST) is now in CHARGE of the "USAID", yet another UNCONSTITUTIONAL "agency" (started by R.F. KENNEDY in 1961) whose spending budget for 2025 will be $42.85 "BILLION" TAXPAYER DOLLAS - with COPIOUS amounts diverted to SOROS and other SOCIALIST "Non-Governmental Organizations" feasting off of the American gravy train!

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ME BAD! I wrote R.F. Kennedy - meant J.F. Kennedy.

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And while the dog is wagged by the tail, the dog is pretending to 'get to the bottom of things' by letting the tail obscure any and all facts.

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May 13·edited May 13

I trust Senator Paul, Senator Johnson, Senator Hawley (even in cases where I don't agree 100%). The rest of them? Not so much.

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Too hard to tell how successful any are when a minority party. S. Paul has consistently scored above 90% per JBS.

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IMO it is business as usual with a little eyewash thrown in to take the heat off corporate medical research and the drum beat will go on! When my Senator Durbin defends CDC policies as they are speaks volumes about why nothing can be passed in the senate to improve the health and welfare of the American citizen!

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"Furthermore, Dr. Fauci had effectively controlled the NSABB since its inaugural meeting in 2005, and this control enabled him to populate the overwhelming majority of positions with loyal acolytes and partisans."

From "The Wuhan Cover-up," p. 124

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

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IMO the term gain-of-function is wrong to begin with, a new terminology should be found to describe risky experimenting like what is meant. There is no gain and there is no function other than to cause harm. Since it seems to be the military who started with it, it could be called Military Experiments or so? I think it should be completely forbidden, but it seems some mad scientists are so fond of it they cannot stop. I think they should be locked up in their lab and not ever be allowed to come out.

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There was a term once, "germ warfare."

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May 13Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, did you see this Brownstone article by Debbie Lerman regarding the EUA for Covid?

"Based on the analysis of the laws governing Emergency Use Authorization for Covid mRNA vaccines and other countermeasures, there are two mutually exclusive possibilities:

SARS-CoV-2 was considered a CBRN agent (in other words, a WMD) that created a public health emergency with a significant potential to affect national security, or

The EUA granted to the vaccines (and all other Covid countermeasures) – which were supposed to be reserved for national security threats caused by CBRN agent/s – violated the law governing EUAs"


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Given that DARPA refused to fund DEFUSE, do they have any stronger regulations against gain of function, etc. research?

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No—in fact, this policy would apply to them, whereas before, the policy excluded them—or so one of the articles I read says.

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EXPENSIVE RESEARCH has gained the American public nothing of value. It has padded a lot of deep pockets. It has contributed to destroying humanity; not elevating it in any way. For sixty three years, i have been looking for answers, because the medical system nearly killed my child. I found answers in the interim that overcame every problem I faced with little money. At 19, in 1952, I faced polio; and with the help of the Almighty overcame it. I nearly died in childbirth with my first son, because of lack of knowledge. Then, I had two more difficult labors. The 4th labor was a charm: I studied real nutrition. I could have had the child at home. In addition, I got rid of tumors twice by simply not feeding them. I got rid of arthritis by eliminating grains. I eliminated colds and sore throats by lowering the amount of protein in my diet and avoiding dairy. I had an x-ray taken for an ulcer. The doctor said that he had never seen one so large it was 6". ..and I was still walking around. I got rid of it overnight with prayer. In my teens I was rather hefty at 5 foot three...150 pounds. Today, I weigh about 115 pounds.. My early childhood I had almost no food for 12 years and then low quality processed food for years. Every time I was weighed in elementary school, I was 10 pounds less than the other children. I knew nothing about nutrition. This is why I had such hard labors. Money was not important to me...Truth is all important. I trusted 100% in the One who created the Human body and was guided to answers. It says in the Bible: To trust in our Creator with all our heart, mind and soul! People should really read Hosea 4: 6. My people perish through lack of knowledge...and continues...because you have rejected (my) knowledge....I will also reject you!

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Incredible learning for you! The only thing I would change Barbara is my take on the Higher Power, we reject ourselves, never the non-personal love of the creator. By non-personal I mean the Love for us is unwavering, unstoppable and always available. Asking for help is important tho.

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Love is the most important thing in the world.. I never knew what love was until I was touched at a moment, when I was very distraught. If others could experience this, they would never have one doubt about the love that is there for every single one of us. I totally ask for guidance in everything I do. I had no idea, where you were coming from, in regard to what I had written. I simply was sharing my experiences and hoping people would know there are very simple answers to most problems that don't cost a lot of money. The focus on Money has destroyed so many in this world.

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I was responding to the notion that Our Creator would ever reject us. Unconditional Love never rejects us as "being made in the image and likeness of the One".

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I doubt our Creator would have unconditional love for people like Bill Gates and others who have taken it upon themselves to wipe out humanity for their own benefit.

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I have never thought it a good idea to project human attributes onto the Divine.

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May 13·edited May 13

'Truth is relative.' Moral Relativism gets millions killed, callously, every generation in the quest to conquer the availability of natural resources... hence the current battle over the African continent. We don't want nuclear wars that make valuable land uninhabitable and rare mineral resources unobtainable, so is it biological threats or the threats of such that nations use now? We've gone from the Dutch Rubber wars, to oil wars to Cobalt (and other high tech resource needs)... all using slave or near slave labor.

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It has the robust flavor of depopulation, including a human factor for those not to be affected. It's mine they scream in their sleep every night. It's all mine.

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‘Greed’ and corruption… eventually every Empire’s downfall.

I have no idea what is just 'good ole political propagandist BS’ now. Good job, spooks.

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They have deliberately left the back door open so it can be sneaked in. Loopholes abound in other words precisely so "Gain of Function" can continue unabated. They'll bring the brick wall crashing down on us all. A science fiction story is just that, a fanciful story. Will someone please inform them of this?

It's another form Scientifically speaking in Medical terms, of an Atomic Bomb.

Thankyou Dr Robert Malone for keeping a measure on the pulse.

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Thank you for bringing this issue to attention. IMO the threat it involves is particularly relevant from now and into 2025. What a splendid time for a new pandemic. A second answer for combating a Trump win.

Issue 1 - IMO nothing that could be called 'gain-of-function' should be allowed in our country or funded with US dollars here or in other countries.

Issue 2 - How best to spend moneys to address pandemic risk. First we have WHO peddling Gates 'Germ' monitoring scheme to deal with. That cut down/tailored to size maybe per Urso's assertion or your other expert on medication purposing to develop a means for quick identification of drugs to try in addressing new pathologies (as you set about with your crew at the outset of C19).

Frankly IMO there are many more valuable and safer avenues to invest available moneys in pursuit of enhanced public health than in GOF.

As Ever Very Bestest ♡♡♡

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His wife is taking $12+ billion bucks to play in her own whatever so he may not be quite so generous now

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I noticed that. Actually his 'Germ' scheme which by a more dignified name did appear in the latest WHO proposals, was designed as yet another get richer quick scheme. He never seems to let (a potential) crisis go to waste.

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Whoa! dodgy and sketchy both. How do you put the genie back in the bottle?

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