Jan 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There is now a Mass Formation developing in big tech with their refusal to acknowledge there is such a thing as "Mass Formation"

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In real time, as google manually edits Rogan and my substack article on mass formation off of the top hits and then manually has added in videos that attack me and the ideas of mass formation - as if it were some crazy idea that I had come up with (seriously, GETTR followers have been tracking in real time with screen shots). Censorship, propaganda - Duck, Duck Go or other search engines have completely different search results for mass formation now.

I will write it again -google employees are manually editing me out of the results. It is too bizarre.

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Jan 5, 2022·edited Jan 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"google employees are manually editing me out of the results. It is too bizarre."

As the Belgian doctor explained in your epic video, the more bizarre the propaganda, the stronger the "mass" believes it and digs deeper, and then the bolder the propagandists get.

The corollary is that the more that heroes like you and Peter Mc push them toward the bizarre with your truth, the stronger the power of your truth.

In sum, the video explains that our proper emotional reaction to google's f**ery is confidence, not consternation.

We got 'em on the run.

Go, doc, go!

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Thank you Doc for liking this comment. When I re-read it, I suspected that some people didn't appreciate the phrase "proper emotion" or something else in there. In case that's true, I'll try re-phrasing my point:

tl;dr: Rejoice Doc and us fans, for Google's bizarre move means we're now winning!

Metaphor from literature: "Methinks, the lady doth protest too much". Google having some lackey edit the results for "mass formation psychosis" is the desperate lady who knows the jig is up.

Allegory from sports: In my youth, in my fishbowl, I was an elite athlete (basketball). This Google lackey thing is like our team falling behind by 30 points at half. Then, in the second half, we cut the deficit to 20. Our fans are getting excited.

Just then, the team in the lead (ie. Google and global predators), does something desperate, like committing a flagrant foul. Our fans goes crazy angry, and at the timeout, my teammates are aroused and angry.

I say: "Calm down, dudes. We have them right where we want them. They know we're coming back to win. That's why they did what they did. Now let's finish this off."

tl;dr: tl;dr: Rejoice Doc and us fans, for Google's bizarre move means we're now winning!

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I am not so sure it is a belief system, rather that google has people in place to jigger with the good doctor's work before people can read his research and thoughts about what is going on. After all, it is about money. I pray Fauci makes his retirement date official soon. If anyone knows, please post the date.

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I have always suspected their “algorithm” is like the old Flinstones car. Only the human intervention of Fred Flinstone running really fast makes the car move. So too Google’s algorithm only “works” when the humans intervene.

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Jan 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yeah, it's crazy, right? Their arrogance is deafening. Google is not your friend.

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I suggest switching your browsers default search engine. I use Qwant or Buckduckgo, or Brave Search, which has gotten better lately. It's pretty easy to do, but for instructions see this:


I also suggest switching browsers. There are many that are good. I use Brave Browser. In my opinion based upon its default configuration it provides the best privacy features for the common user. It doesn't require much tinkering. It is open source and they take privacy seriously. It has built in tracker, fingerprint and ad blocking. It is based on Chromium, so Chrome extensions work exactly the same as on Chrome. Takes 60 seconds to switch. And, since it blocks all sorts of junk, it is much faster. Like 3x faster.

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Jan 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Every time Google censors something it exposes that censored thing as another weaknesses, it exposes another deception tool hidden in the shadows.

People like you are simply speaking truth to lies. Truth propagates much slower than lies, but truth endures.

As discussed in your video above, mass formations eventually devour themselves. The only way to keep the addictive illusion alive is to find more victims, which inevitably turns inward. Google is not immune to the frankenstein monster they are feeding.

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Thank you for the suggestions.

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Jan 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yup, you are over the target,

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I ignore those negative articles because I know they are BS.

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Jan 5, 2022·edited Jan 5, 2022

Narcissism never associates responsibility for their individual bad behavior. Its the fault of Moms oversprinkling "self esteem" Its all those participation trophys.

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My 6th grade team once got a "Participation award" green ribbon for coming in dead last. My best friend and I cried the whole car ride home. And sung Queen's "We are the Champions" in jest. We took it as the insult it was :)

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I cannot say loudly enough that all three of you Doctors - plus many others - have been an enormous boon to those of us not caught up by the psychosis... I have regularly consumed your content over the last 10 months or so, and have been relieved to have my perspective validated. Unfortunately, those caught up in the psychosis refuse to see reality... just today I declined to argue with a coworker who insisted omicron is more lethal than delta; I suppose it is all about perspective, as it may be for the vaccinated. One can only hope the blinders are ripped away while we still have a republic.

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It is great to see this effort finally getting it's due attention! Thanks to all of these doctors who have risked and sacrificed to stand up for the rights of all democratic citizens - our societies need principled individuals like you to replace all the three letter agencies. Thanks also to all those who have been working hard to ensure that the truth can not be buried!

There are many of us that have always felt that the course we as societies were taking during this 'pandemic' was the wrong one (the 30% not effected by the MF) but it is very easy to silence an individual voice, even ones as credentialed as yourselves as we have all now seen. However, all of us working together will be very difficult to silence. In the end the truth will prevail!

Keep up the video debates - they are great educational tools and I love picturing the panic these releases cause at Google, Twitter and Facebook.... lol.....they are going nuts because they can not get rid of the content fast enough!

Apparently GETTR is now the fastest growing social media site in history - I wonder why? Bye-bye little blue bird ;)

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News NEW study in. All you Docs get in touch with Dr Marik and Dr Korey at FLCCC

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OMG, it's the holy trinity of mass formation psychosis!

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Jan 5, 2022·edited Jan 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I just watched it. I second your OMG and raise you a HOLY SH--! This video explains the underlying mechanism of these past two years of Covidland.

For me, it provides the explanation for how my fellow over-educated friends I've known for 20-30 years ALL are part of the mass formation. For 2 years, I've been asking myself (about these friends): WTF?!? How could smart people like that fall for this?

The video explains that the more education that you have, the more likely you'll fall for the mass formation. In other words, I'M the weirdo among my egghead friends!

But I guess I'm not as socially stupid as I thought because for two years, I've been biting my tongue, and being very soft and careful about how I challenge my hypnotized friends. As this video explains, had I been more forceful in my Resistance, I might have elicited violence from them.

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Jan 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I thought I was being "soft" by letting someone know about a monoclonal antibody specific for one variant and she attacked me as not wanting to get into politics. (I am not politically affiliated) So now, the hypnotized equate early treatment with breaking their social bond. So sad.

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Thank you Dr. Malone for your tireless work!

Some of us (not many) working in conservation and the environmental sector have identified mass formation psychosis as a reason why so many environmentalists, and others in traditionally 'liberal' fields, have fallen for heavy-handed, authoritarian policies they never would have supported otherwise. See - Mass Formation: How the Left Got Duped, https://kimgoldbergx1.substack.com/p/mass-formation-how-the-left-got-duped

Further, I believe the public messaging that has built this mass formation has been targeted at liberal sensibilities: “The government/Big Pharma public messaging about the virus seems to almost have been designed to appeal to the left-wing sense of empathy that green groups and other activists specialize in. ‘My mask protects you, your mask protects me. My shot protects you, your shot protects me.’ This collectivist approach has been alluring to the left, as it appears on the surface to offer a chance to undermine the excessive individualism and greed they have always railed against. Unfortunately they have failed to realize that this pseudo-empathetic approach actually empowers the greedy and exploitative systems they are supposed to be against, and grants the ‘evil greedy corporations’ previously unfathomable authority over everyday life.” (quoted in How the Left Got Duped)

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Jan 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent. Thank you. 👍

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Jan 5, 2022·edited Jan 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

To answer Dr McCullough’s question, “Dr. Malone, are we making any progress in our messaging to America?”

Hell Yes!

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Jan 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Folks, please a round welcoming, The A-Team is in the house !!"

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Jan 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Clearly, "Mass Formation" is a sensitive spot, for "someone". I appreciate you guys poking them even harder - with all of you in the same virtual room - smack dab in the middle of this "sensitive spot."

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Jan 5, 2022·edited Jan 5, 2022

Dr. Malone - I tried to comment on one of your posts on Linkedin, yet when I hit post, I received a message that the post no longer existed. Now, I can't even find your LinkedIn profile when I search. May be an oversight on my part, but you don't show up. Can't say I'm shocked. Linkedin locked me out of my own account earlier this week when I posted the Canadian Covid Care Alliance video. So, apparently the platform is having some "issues." Anyway, here's what I posted to you on Linkedin:

I want to thank you for speaking out. I know it's not an easy thing to do. I was injured by a vaccine as a child. The result of which, I believe, led to an auto immune disease I've lived with most of my life. Most physicians roll their eyes at me when I explain why I'm "vaccine hesitant." Some are even hostile, which has left me very untrusting of medical science and therefore pushed to become my own physician of sorts. Now is the time for this conversation. Now is the time for those who have been silenced for so long to be heard. Now is the time for accountability for those corporations who have long enjoyed legal protection while the consumers of their products have suffered both physical and psychological harm... often without resolution or the even the hope of one in sight. It's time.

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LinkedIn is as bad with censorship as Facebook and Twitter.

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Linked in deleted Dr. Malone. Nothing of his is left on that platform I believe Pierre Kory is still on it, though

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I am so sorry, Pam. I saw a man that was 57 and he had vaccine injury. It was the worst I have ever seen. I can't go into his case very much, but it really horrible. And he has lived a life?

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This 2002 BBC documentary is about the topic of mass formation of consent. Exactly about your comments. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJ3RzGoQC4s Here is the google page with other explanations about the documentary. Quite horrifying. https://www.google.com/search?q=century+of+the+self+documentary&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS745US745&oq=cen&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j69i57j46i199i433i465i512j46i512j0i433i512j69i60l2j69i61.2469j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

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Great links, thank you very much.

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Start thinking outside of the box if you aren't already. Being innovative is something we should have pride in and might be the only way out of this. I've always been an independent/critical thinker and it's exhausting being around people who aren't but I still say it's worth it, for all the right reasons. Great video, Dr. Mattias is spot on. I hope this national conversation continues. Sober up America, get your funk back. We don't need to go backwards, but we need to reflect on time and things that have changed, for all the wrong reasons.

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I like your optimism. Just pass that out, please!

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Jan 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I agree, be positive re the ending of this Dr Malone. You have been chosen and we are winning. I am in the UK and despite lots of secret visits from your ‘Dr’ Bill Gates (thank you for him btw!) Boris has not been able to get Parliament to accept any more measures inc lockdowns or vaccine passports (beyond nightclubs and large venues) although care homes have mandates and NHS from April. I am going to write to him and say your hero is Churchill, well now is your Churchill moment to stand up to evil and tyranny and fight for the people (unlike many other European leaders who have been easy, complicit puppets) I fear he does not have the moral compass or integrity though sadly and the good MP’s we have here have no clue what the real agenda is… Boris is hugely unpopular now, as was Churchill whilst banging on about the threat of Hitler which fell on deaf ears until suddenly all woke up! So Dr Malone think of yourself as the Churchill of our times going to war for hearts and minds. I believe that God has challenged us and that this big pharma/big tech/elite power grab is to make us all wake up, find unity in opposing the tyrants Great Reset and in doing so create a ‘reset of good’ and a ‘currency of kindness’, look after the poor and our neighbours and get back to our own humanity… only then will we feel joy. The most evil of this for me is the left behind, shut down vaccine injured and those who died from the ‘safe and effective’ vaccine. They cannot fight themselves, so we must fight for them. When the going gets tough heroes stand up to be counted and we are seeing many. In the UK those having 2 jabs can see they didn’t work and are being very vocal saying no more and are joining the unvaccinated in saying enough is enough. Only half have had the third jab here and it has stalled. We have GB News (if you can watch in other countries pls support) with several awake presenters which is helping our sanity here. They have had RFK Jr, Dr Malone (twice) and Prof Norman Fenton on to date. Dr Malone pls tell RFK that we cannot get his book from Amazon UK it just keeps saying unavailable (prob political intervention here!)

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At the root of mass formation is the rejection of God.

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Dr.Malone, thank you for your dedication to truth. Please give links to learn about Mass Formation and the podcasts you referenced. Also for another day, have you heard the insanity of those pushing transhumanism? This vaccine insanity seems the precursor to this "chip" and social credits. your thoughts appreciated.

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This is the best video I've seen on Mass Formation with Dr Desmet via Chris Martenson / Peak Prosperity. I'm surprised youtube still allows access to it - It's incredible:


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Just listened to every word. It was excellent. I see this mass formation as nothing more than hopelessness which stems from believing that this earthly world is all there is. I know, this sounds too simple. Thank you, for hanging in there with the truth about this disease and the vaccinations. I pray for your health and strength in being called to do this

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If one is serious about learning about mass formation, Hannah Arendt's Origins of Totalitarianism is highly recommended. One key point in Origins: Stalin killed millions to create the conditions of mass society in which totalitarian rule is possible. The Great Reset is doing something parallel by destroying the middle classes, the property owning classes and working classes. We are being reduced to atomized individuals ever more. And technology everywhere does the work of the storm troopers....digitization is creating the conditions of totalitarian rule ever more. This can and should be understood as a political strategy.

From here, Arendt explains, totalitarianism is about rule by terror. This is the revolution devouring it's own children. Totalitarianism continually terrorize because its rule is based on permanent destabilization. Stability is the nemesis of totalitarianism. After they deal with the unvaxxed, they will HAVE TO come for some other group. Perhaps it will be the allegedly most susceptible to a disease. What a perfect use for all the genomics...it will give them cause to continually determine who then must be put into "protective custody." All for the greater good.

Re: Socrates and Parrhesia (frank, true speech). The model is a bit more Diogenes than Socrates. Diogenes was known as "The mad Socrates," as he really questioned everything. He was totally free in his speech and thinking. This is an important point from Arendt's point of view because logical thinking is the danger actually in her view. Ideological thinking always begins from a single unassailable premise and logically deduces anything. We might say: the vaccines are safe and effective, it is a pandemic of the unvaccinated, Fauci is good....According to Arendt, once a premise is accepted as unquestionable people can be convinced to do anything. If the unvaccinated are a public health threat...then it is only logical.... Arendt is very serious on this point and it importantly overlaps what Desmet discusses as hypnosis from a narrow field of perception. People want to-need to -- hold onto the premise as it gives them enormous meaning. The element of ideological thinking from logical deduction also speaks to why the highly educated elites are often/typically more fanatical/dangerous. They have internalized the logic so much that they don't need directions...Arendt insists that having some bad premises but open patterns of thought is much less dangerous that following rigorous logic from unassailable premises.

Diogenes more than Socrates is the model. Logic is not the savior. Both Hitler and Stalin, Arendt insists, convinced people to do the unthinkable through their logical arguments.

This certainly makes sense of my experience with my family, many of whom are medical professionals. It also makes sense of my own past failures of thinking. Having those unassailable premises....for me it was "Barack Obama is the most trustworthy president ever."

One final point on what should be done. According to Arendt, constitutional protections are all that stands between us and utilitarian justifications of anything. She says that in such times even bad laws are better than nothing. Thinking strategically, I think we must do everything we can to bolster and protect legal frameworks. This means convincing people on the right and the left that it is no time to give up on whatever legal frameworks we have.

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Yes, they are and here we are like sheep to the slaughter. I just listened to Dr. Mobeen and he read the letter doctor's are receiving from insurance companies to not order Ivm. Very sad for all of us. It is cold in Tulsa. Overcast and cold.

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