Fauci knew exactly what he was doing for the cause! Soros is usurping the will of the people in countries around the world. One size does not fit all!

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I'm sure there is a coffin that would fit George, his son, Bill Gates, et al.

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If one wanted to take out the Soros compound, it might be a good time to visit the Clinton compound just south of there.


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Already took out paul mcconnwl and g guidestones

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As you can see from my comment below, I agree that Soros & Co. are bad news. But I think it's dangerous to wish for anyone's death. That kind of thinking can lead to great ugliness that will ultimately backfire.

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Please stop your pseudo moral commentary. You obviously have no concept of real evil. Soros’s real evil.

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I grew up in a house filled with ghosts instead of relatives because of the Holocaust, so I'm all too familiar with real evil. Since we have the First Amendment, I support your and David's right to say whatever you want, but I know all too well what happens when people wish death on others.

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Mar 17, 2023·edited Mar 17, 2023

We are talking about different things, Cindy.

That people in the Civilised West are calling for the Final Penalty for powerful people who have violated their trust is one thing.

That this might develop into the mob rule in your allusion is another thing.

Using the metaphorical language, we are already in the middle of a holocaust: is how it appears to those of us who are trying to assess the effects of this terrible medical intervention, which is nothing less than a gigantic betrayal.

I beg the indulgence of the readership for repeating this story from Alice Marriott's tales of the Kiowa in her "The Ten Grandmothers"

The Kiowa were a very special nation in those days. Elegant, Observant, Disciplined, they were everything that their best friend the Comanche (properly: Nurmunuh) nation were not. But the tribes were best friends and in this tale they shared a get together out somewhere in the Plains.

One of the Kiowa women had a super horse, a mare, a great runner; who had just given birth.

Her brother, drinking with the neighbours, talking of horse racing, decided to borrow the mare. His sister refused. He took the horse anyway. Won the first heat, won the second, dropped dead.

Apart from the great love and empathy that these people have for their animals, the horse is valued by the Plains Tribes as us Europeans value Gold.

The horse's owner hung herself from distress, shame, and many other feelings. Of course, her husband claimed. The tribal Council agreed, the criminal was stripped of his belongings (which were shared among the poorer member of the tribe) and his clothing, and he was sent away. You can figure.

Betrayal in a close community is obvious, that in a wider community is not so obvious. I trust you will find nothing difficult in this story. I have others, from my own family in the Peruvian Andes, of a more recent date, and others of a less fatal sentence.

People who think that Fauci and whoever else should get a second chance before eternal judgment are, in my personal opinion, not thinking clearly, and it's maybe this lazy "thinking" that has helped get us where we are today.

How many people believed that they actually NEEDED to get a "covid" "vaccination"?


If I shook my head in disbelief, the tears would scatter everywhere.

I wish you well!

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Thanks for your reply. I think we're having a productive conversation.

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You folks are great. I picture a very short, very violent, bloody revolt, where those evil criminals you mentioned, are exposed, and most of them killed. I'm not an evil, violent man. Just done watching everyone doing nothing. We were given the duty to remove this government, and now it appears impossible without the methods I mentioned.

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O.K. Let's talk about violence. My husband was in the last group of draftees during the Vietnam War and I spent 18 months with him while he was at Fort Benning in Columbus, GA and Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, AL. Everyone in the military goes through basic training, where they learn how to disarm, injure, and kill. So even if they have non-violent assignments, they still have the skills. And discipline is very tight. The federal government has the military, states have National Guards, and local governments have police. Plus the feds have computer access to all the banks, which means they can block money, just as the Canadian gov't did during the truckers' blockade.

We are not 18th century France during the French Revolution. The FBI, CIA, and NSA have been preparing for national insurrection at least since the 1960's. Yes, there is uncontrolled gang warfare in cities like Chicago which can't be stopped. But that's semi-organized chaos, which is different from an insurrection.

I agree that we need to find ways to stop the fascists. I think a more workable option is the passive resistance used by Gandhi in what is now India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh and by Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement members in the South. I grew up watching the Civil Rights Movement on TV and it was extremely powerful. And it was responsible for the Civil Rights legislation of the 1960's, which changed everything, although more slowly than most of us wanted.

We can't win through old-fashioned violence because the establishment is too powerful in conventional ways. So we need to be more resourceful and look for ways that will circumvent their power.

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I guess I hoping after a time the millions of free old men still ready to fight are willing to do so. The feds would have to do something so egregious as to warrant a defense, an armed defense. Depending on the level of their off'ense, would determine the level of our defense. Say the government decides next year to try to put everyone that's unvaxxed into fema camps? You going? Or fighting to the death? I know for me, they better send their best. And yes, I'm old. I just missed Vietnam myself. Luck and time made that so. Same for my brother. The current admin is our greatest enemy, and if you aren't willing to die defeating them, then I'm guessing your level of passion isn't where mine is. So yeah, the declaration made it very clear. If it all goes to shit, y'all should probably have been better prepared. It won't be pretty, but it will succeed. I'm pretty much done with the first three boxes. They've all been corrupted, stolen, and destroyed by the deep state, Soros money, people staring at their phones all day like fucking zombies. The last box is already loaded in mags, and I've thrown the box away.

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I kind of see everyone s pov and agree with parts of each pov.

But the thing is the world is bifurcating and then trifurcating. People are being harvested or at least separated like goats from sheep.

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devoalan, Cindy stated, "I think a more workable option is the passive resistance used by Gandhi in what is now India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh and by Martin Luther King, Jr. and...:

You stated, " if you aren't willing to die defeating them, then I'm guessing your level of passion isn't where mine is."

I do not think you understood Cindy, or ahimsa, as lived by Ghandhi. It does require being willing to die. In the US watch an old John Wayne movie, "The Badman and the Angel" illustrated this. Yes, willing to die is a requirement of non violent resistance.

A civil war is unimaginably horrible, and if the US fully entered one, it may destroy itself, and be extremely vulnerable to certain nation states.

Right now the deep state is attempting to double down, but they are losing many many battles, both nation state battles, (BRICS vs the globalists) and their battles within nations, Agenda 21 plus. (See the Dutch farmers revolt, the actions of a number of eastern Europe nations, even Mexico and parts of South America)

Within their prize, the most coveted nation they want, "The light on a hill" the USA, they are waging a war against growing resistance, against growing "States Rights" led by Florida, but many states are waking up.

Their evil is more and more exposed. Courageous and massive non violent resistance can, IMV, soundly defeat them.

I am not afraid to die if I must, I want that death to end in success, and I support the battleground of non violent resistance, as our best model for success.

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Dear Co-Commenter

The problem of evil is recognised in peoples who have not the luxury of water, electricity, all that stuff, available "wherever you are". Breaking trust in a small community more often than not destroys the community and these communities recognise the dangers of Betrayal and do have sanctions ready to enable the community's survival - at the expense of the traitor's life.

The purer original nations of Australia and America maintain this awareness to this day.

The civilised West has adopted "redemption and forgiveness" instead. I believe that anyone who tries out the above thinking, purely to see where it goes, will easily recognise the end products of redemption etc.

Do have a go!

One problem with your statement is that we are already in the middle of great ugliness...

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Did q shaman get any of tuis redemption and forgiveness?

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Excellent question!

I would answer it I understood it.

Thanks ...

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Thanks for your contribution to our productive conversation.

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“Such is the Nature of the Tyrant, when he first appears, he is a protector “. Plato

Yes, well over two thousand years ago this dark side of human nature was recognized.

Why has EVERY culture succumbed to this propensity to evil? This short philosophical post examines the question of “Does power corrupt? The answer given surprised me, yet I think it accurate. Philosophy is everywhere and always cogent to cultural success, as how we live, the ethos we choose, the actions we take, are our philosophy lived.

Try this always free, not a news feed, article here.


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Appearing to be a benefactor or protector buys loyalty. That's what it is all about for Tyrants.

The men who are currently manipulating the world are all people born in or during the aftermath of WWll. Why do we let them?

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Agreed, that is the question we should be asking ourselves. Why and from whom doe a person such as Mr Soros amass a fortune that allows him to spend 32000 million dollars on his draconian causes? His net worth has been acquired from many years of providing profitable financial for pragmatic individual investors to his investment funds. Humanity create their own monsters when philosophical there is a failure to understand what gives power to other people.

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Soros is part of the khazarian mafia. They do stuff liek epstein too

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I will tack the time to read the link more closely later but here is my question to your question. Should we not be seeking the ultimate power, full power over our personal lives rather than as we are so quick to do, grant power over our lives to the first smooth-talking charlatan we see?

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I would agree. I do think that all are looking for some very fundamental spiritual qualities, in some very mistaken directions. The post linked above does explore that in a bit more depth.

All the Best...

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The answer is always mind control as why

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There is only one way to deal with these fascists--tell the truth like Dr. Malone is doing and then refuse to participate in their plans. As individuals we still have the ability to resist. I know I can't control other people, especially the politicians, mainstream media mavens, and uber-rich who live in bubbles of wealth and privilege. But I can control myself. I can refuse to get vaccinated, I can refuse to believe their propaganda, and I can refuse to be tracked with cell phones and vaccine passports.

More and more Americans are turning against the power mongers. When I read the comments on Yahoo about stories pushing vaccines and predicting more medical disasters, almost every one disagrees and talks about the lies and/or the vaccine disasters and/or Big Pharma greed. If we keep standing up for ourselves, the fascists will not win.

Thank you again, Dr. Malone, for your courage is spreading the truth.

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When these Soros Nazis show up on your home’s doorstep what shall you lecture them?

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Tell them vladimir s army is here

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Agree we need to resist but it is not just Soros and the politicians. Be skeptical of anyone with an Ivy League degree and assume they are onboard with facist control policies. Also, many young educated women are willingly acting as the enforcers for these fascist policies. How to change young women's minds? I am not sure....

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Make no mistake, Soros proves daily he is the definition of Nazi and would love to exterminate all who disagree with him.

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Huge HUGE Kudos for this, Dr. Malone. Knowledge is strength. Keep it coming!

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State and local politics are the key points now. Bloomberg has been buying up mayors, and Soros has been buying up prosecutors. The prosecutors have been catching and releasing criminals for about 10 years, causing total chaos in cities. The mayors (both R and D) have been defunding and demoralizing police for the same 10 years.

2020 was the big payoff for Bloomberg, as demonic mayors in sane states steadfastly resisted the weak efforts of sane governors to stop the holocaust. Several governors turned sane quickly, but only DeSantis had the GUTS to face down the Bloombergians and control his state.

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No joke. The guy he funded to SF DA office is the son of terrorists, who were in jail, so he was raised by terrorists who didn't go to jail, and was so patently awful that San Francisco recalled him. Thats how bad he was. Thats what Soros wants for our cities.

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Need to change the name of "prosecutors", to "enablers" in communities where Soros has managed to do immense damage, staying under the radar until it was too late. These pawns are not prosecuting anything. Couple that with defunding the police, and no one knows how bad it will get.

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Thry will prosecute u and put u in a gulag comrade. Just an fyi

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You are one brave hombre, Dr. Malone!

IF the U.S.S.A. actually had a "Justice" department, George Soros would have been DEPORTED and become a permanent persona non grata DECADES AGO!

The one key element you did not include with your BLOCKBUSTER essay TODAY, is that George Soros

along with Joe Biden, Susan Rice, Anthony Blinken, John Kerry, Alejandro Mayorkas, Janet Yellen, Jerome Powell - and the talking heads at CNN, ABC, CDS, NBC, MSNBS, CNBC, PBS are ALL members of THE MOST pernicious so-called "NGO" - Non-Governmental Organization - with the Oh, so innocuous name of: The "COUNCIL on Foreign Relations", whose members are NOW "embedded " in EVERY US federal agency, bureau and department.... and have been since 1921 the the CFR was founded.

One of the CFR founders - John Foster Dulles - was secretary of state in the Eisenhower administration; and Dulles younger brother - Alan Dulles - was the CIA Director, another CFR member.

John Foster Dulles is infamous for stating: " The United Nations charter supersedes the United States Constitution". Lest we forget, it was Algier Hiss - an obscure state department EMPLOYEE who at the behest of Franklin Delano Roosevelt ginned up the GLOBALIST scheme of the So-called "United Nations" - during the middle years of WWII. Hiss was the first "secretary" at the 1st UN Convention at San Francisco; and coincidentally, turned out to be a Soviet spy and member of the Communist party.

Hiss was finally convicted and spent some time in a federal prison via the evidence of a fellow "American" Communist - Whittaker Chambers - who left the Communist party when Joseph Stalin and Adolph Hitler made a deal to seize and divide Poland between them early in WWII.

The centuries old notion of an absolute egalitarian 'society' - meaning EVERYONE must be EQUAL in ALL things and in ALL aspects and ALL "outcomes" of life on planet earth is an absolute INSANE idea that is ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE to foister on the (global) population - even with the MOST severe totalitarian mechanism imposed on humanity in order to "redistribute" wealth, energy, food and ALL means of production. As has ALWAYS been the case in history a 'select' MINORITY of human beings WILL DOMINATE all others - "for their own good", by self styled "leaders", "thinkers" and "so-called "intellectuals" who gravitate to the "Parasite Class" - those huge "assemblies" in the EU & UN of NON-PRODUCTIVE individuals that LIVE off of the production of goods and services by those that do.

"We the People" have been played for SUCKERS for WAY over a half century...and the die may well be cast for our PERMANENT subjugation to the INSANITY of one-world TRANSNATIONAL "governance" at the hands of Power-Mad-Control-Freaks such as George Soros and his progeny.

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Prepare, and fight like the third monkey on Noah's ramp, and it's starting to rain.

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for so clearly bringing all of this out. Many of us have spoken to each other about Soros and the NWO for a decade and it was very well hidden. Keep bringing the truth to light!!! May God bless you Dr Malone!!

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS



Historic Upset in Netherlands as Farmer’s Movement Trumps Ruling WEF RINOs

by Richard Abelson Mar. 16, 2023 10:45 am199

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One disturbing thing tho is that the greens were the second largest winners. The progs seem to have split the world's population right down the middle

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Its a start. Hopefully they'll be able to win over some more of the nits. Farm produce has some winning ways, particularly if the point is made - its much better than insects and weeds.

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and as it happened in Europe the WEF rules all over there might fall like dominoes.

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Definitely hope so. When faced with bugs and weeds vs tasty farm produce .... 0ne hopes lights go on.

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All NGOs everywhere should be considered "foreign agents". Why should money be allowed to cross borders to modify societies without supervision? How is buying (bribing) a nation's insiders to do NGO dirty work any different than an invading force?

The biggest NGO in the World is the U.N. Should be classified a "terrorist organization".

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Goes right along with me saying all outside money should be prohibited in all elections within the states. All of it

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Agreed. Add all money must be tracked back to an individual donor. No anonymous donors, no pacs, no Tides Foundation, no cloaking. Give as much as you want but it comes from a named person.

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Within the state. No zuckbucks signature.

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Cfr is the worst, and has been for the fifty years I've been paying attention.

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He is a traitor .....He is the primary leader of sedition against the US while bringing down the works of our Founding Fathers, the Bill of Rights and the Constitution and our Judeo-Christian ethic. He is rotten and should be expelled from the US just as he was expelled from Hungary, and not allowed to return.

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A concise and superbly written summary of one of the dominant evil forces in the world today. Thank you Robert and Jill.

My perspective is this: Soros and his minions drip with deception, the central strategy of Evil. The central object of Evil is to replace God with that which is anti-God. Evil will not succeed in the end but in the mean time the world is sliding towards greater chaos and suffering. This is not new but rather it is simply a modern version of that which has been going on for 6,000 years.

"And just as you heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have arisen— from which we know that it is the last hour"

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Make sure you have body guards if you plan to walk the street.

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Who malone? He has an angel at his side now. So he will be fine.

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Once again, thanks a million Doc. Stay strong and may God bless you and your family.

Interesting info on Soros here:


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Excellent! Thank you -

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Reinforces the concept that the WEF is a spear head organization designed to deliver a one world government to the elitists that rule the serfs!

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Been following this evil man for years. He actually said it would be the greatest fun of his life to cause total disruption etc if America. He is pure left over evil from Natzi Germany and proud of it. He and us so called open society group has been banned from at least one country. Run out of the country. Thing is he is so entwined with democrats and lined Clinton pockets he is now gleefully getting his wish. Remember he paid for Chealsy Clinton million dollar wedding and Bill & Hillary’s nice NY compound. He has his fingers all over the place and not one organization he finds has done anything positive for our country.

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Follow the money! George (Schwartz) Soros acquired his fortune by causing chaos throughout the world. He was responsible for harming a massive amount of small investors worldwide by manipulating money markets in five different countries. He also was connected with ballot counting devices, before Obama was elected; and he got Obama the presidency by putting out millions to hide his background. He has used his money to instigate political trouble in a number of countries worldwide and put his people into key positions . Soros lost his mother early and his Jewish father, in order to hide him;; turned him over to a Hungarian official connected to the Nazi Party. During his youth he worked for the Nazis. I saw the video where he said that it was the happiest time of his life, when he was tabulating items taken from people who were on their way to the gas chambers. He is reptilian and has no feelings

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How many trips did Soros make to his puppet in the White House from 2008-2016? Many believe that Soros is directly behind 0bama's rise to power after only being a junior Senator for (2005-2008). This was unheard having someone with so little experience--back in 2008. 0bama's fraudulent birth certificate and his still hidden academic records show signs of Soros' finger prints as well. Why did 0bama move back immediately to Washington DC after he left office in 2016? Who weaponized every 3-letter US Federal agency? Who ran all the Trump interference (impeachments et. al.) from 2016-2020? How did Biden win an election from his basement with the most votes ever received in US history? Answers----Soros---Soros---Soros----Soros.....

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Obama is to the USA as Mandella was to South Africa.

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