Jul 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I just saw a poll this morning on Epoch Times: Most Democrats Want to Abolish Supreme Court or Involve United Nations: https://link.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/most-democrats-want-to-abolish-supreme-court-or-involve-united-nations-poll_4595069.html?utm_source=andshare

I find this both disturbing and discouraging. Agree or disagree with individual rulings, the SCOTUS is an essential institution. The Democrat so-called "institutionalists" are only so when the institutions agree with them.

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I believe that most Americans want to abolish Democrats. November will be a good start.

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As a former "leans Democrat" voter, I gave this a thumbs up!

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The UN should have been abolished in 1958. It is the enemy of the free world. The most anti-American, anti-Semitic, anti- national sovereignty, anti- all that is freedom, individuality, peace, happiness,truth, morality and conscience. It is the “Brave New World” Huxley so increasing warned of.

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Jul 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

They don't have the votes. It'll never pass.

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True. None the less, it is sad that so many Americans want to scrap the system. The fringier ones in media are proposing to toss out the US Constitution, arguing its relevance in the 21st Century. Traitors, all IMO.

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I’m not sure it’s only the “fringier” ones. It’s Thomas’ adherence to the Constitution as written that has them in such an uproar.

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So, they agree with GWB that, "It's just a damned piece of paper."

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Well, yeah. GWB is just a damned globalist

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... in this case, they will abolish the Republicans; one can't overestimate the lawlessness of the current government.

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the same might be said of the less than tepid Basement Biden support in the last election....I hope you are right

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And now this from Jonathan Turley


They'll make it a nightmare to be a SCOTUS justice...and bye the bye, was the Dobbs leaker ever identified, much less charged? There were only so many aides that had access... course we can only hope it was an aide and not a justice...

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A legal commenter on Barnes_Law (a jurist, I believe) opined that it must have been a Justice herself; had it been an aide, it would have called for immediate firing. What’s more, this jurist said, the other Justices know who it was.

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Could it really have come to that-that we think so highly of ourselves that we can trash the nation and it's 225+ year history for our own conceited point of view, even one so revered as a SCOTUS justice? If it was a justice, I can only hope they are tarred and feathered on the court steps, such a humiliation is sorely called for.

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Jul 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Clarence Thomas has long been one of my personal heroes up there with Winston Churchill.

Justice Thomas is fine, decent, honorable and highly intelligent. He is a model person in every way.

It wounds me to witness the stupidity, lack of civility and downright viciousness, the Left throws at him.

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Jul 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I've said it 1M times: just imagine for one second if the laptop belonged to one of Trump's boys and contained even a sliver of what was found on Hunter's.

It would make the 1/6 charade look like bridge club.

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Jul 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, as you know, I am slowly reading Mattias Desmet's book, "The Psychology of Totalitarianism."

Chapter 8, pp 140-3 made me think of you. Desmet speaks to how we can push back against the prevailing suffocating ideology. He says the only way is by nonviolent means. Following Solzhenitsyn's experience and practice, it is important to speak up in a truthful and honest way. Refute the lie whenever possible but always in a respectful and courteous manner.

That's what you have been doing, in a brave, forthright and consistent manner. Be of good cheer. You are making inroads on the 2nd group he talks about. They are the ones who stay silent and do not speak up against the lies within their own organizations but who don't agree with the ideology.

Thank you.

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From “The Gulag Archipelago”, as a counterpoint:

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

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Yes, we must do what we can within our abilities to resist and speak out.

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I almost stopped reading this because the news started out so bad - but then I read about the lawsuit and the letter supporting Justice Thomas, my heart lifted a little. It's so important that people fight back. I have a sinking feeling that lockdowns are coming back or a huge propaganda move to make people take more shots (thinking of my sons in particular, they are already double jabbed but wouldn't take the third shot). Thank you Dr. Malone and Jill Malone. I wish I could do more.

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So shocked at the moment for all that happens around the world!! Did you know that in Shanghai is lockdown again since Monday without any advance warning? Heard it from clients over the phone Monday morning...

Have we been living in a bubble to not see or realise this all coming? I mean there has always been scandals with politicians, sadly racism and unfair behaviour but it really seems as we find ourselves back in the Middle Ages when hard cruelty and poverty was just normal so that people started to fight for civil rights! Even the church has gone woke again.

What has mankind learned from the past?

And yes, we sit in the same boat - inflation is sky-rocking without ceiling... But here, especially in Austria and Germany, people go on vacation as if everything is normal... They cut trees and build houses as if we have a baby boom... Mass formation hypnosis is working pretty well I must say!

Keep up the fight and stockaging 🦁

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I did not know about Shanghai. There is a story in there.

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One we will not hear.

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Financial commentators who are not MSM pointing to bank runs due to debt and real estate crises with lockdowns as a preventative and a cover story.

My stepdad who reads news in Chinese online daily, and who told us about the virus in late December 2019 and supplied subsequent previews of news that was kept away from US for weeks, also sees this bank run and real estate story in those forms of the news.

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I thought the lock down was done in shanghai.

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Here another article in German about a new omicron sub-variant found in Shanghai and lockdowns https://taz.de/!5864207/

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thanks for the website too. squaring the circle. had heard the half the nation of Germany are fully cowed. what a mess.. with the Millions of Ukrainians still there it will very difficult for the German Govt to "require compliance".. the Chinese in Shanghai.. need to somehow leave. I watched that lockdown, xi is face and hand of evil. a long conversation. will save taz.de website. well translated.

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A huge problem in Germany was that a big part of the people wanted the government to deliver arms to Ukraine. Everyone who requested peace negotiations was bashed terribly! We in Austria have our neutrality thinking still somehow. However, Putin who used to love Austria and came for skiing every year was very disappointed by our newest chancellor who is an absolutely mess and unfortunately followed Germany at the beginning despite our neutrality...

Another problem with the Ukrainians in Austria, Germany and I also heard of Poland is, that they get everything for free here, are treated preferred regarding jobs and housing, even though most of them are here with the most expensive cars. So, people get angry with Ukrainians and solidarity is fading...

Did you hear about Ukrainian World Congress to sue Canada for returning Nord Stream 1 turbine back to Germany. The turbine will allow Russia to boost the amount of oil it carries and sells to European countries https://www.foxnews.com/world/ukrainian-world-congress-sue-canada-nord-stream-turbine

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I did hear about. it is a huge mess there. i will find that on a different site. Ukrainian Congress can Try to sue Canada. but will not work. I am keeping track of the mess.. I have to write my cousin in Berlin. the note I sent came back. sigh. :) thanks. will talk again. Bettina. got it. :) Isabella good to meet you online!

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Happy to meet you too, Isabella

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I did check it thanks. yes they are back in lock down. will take a look at the german article as well.

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There are still lockdowns in several cities in China from time to time as China is still following Zero-Covid Strategy. I am currently working with some people in China including Austrian consulates in Beijing and Shanghai and it’s really hard to plan anything. From Shanghai I heard of the newest lockdown 2 days ago Monday morning.

I just found an article from media in German - you can have it translated with Google https://www.bz-berlin.de/welt/china-schickt-mehr-als-100-mio-menschen-in-lockdown

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In relation to the "WEF's carbon policies", I don't know if people are noticing that for years the big bad bugbear was only C02 (without which plants and man would die) but the war cry has now extended not only to methane (justifying the cull of farm animals) but now in The Netherlands to nitrogen( used as a fertiliser but producing nitrous oxide as a side effect.) The Dutch government is now requiring the elimination of 30% to 50% of Dutch farms, which will result in a massive loss of food production. Every whichway you look, the drive to reduce Life as we know it, is gaining momentum.

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I heard last night that the Netherlands are a large exporter of food. This will cause even more food shortages. More WEF and Global Reset I would say. Or ESG which is part of it.

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And don't forget "Resetting the Table" brought to you by the Rockefeller Foundation!

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Jul 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The letters should be sent to the Attorney General and his boss. Many of the assaults on Justice Thomas and others are illegal but unprosecuted by seditious government. Grounds for impeachment, so maybe those letters should be sent to the next Congress instead.

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Without any question, the next Congress will impeach Biden if he doesn't resign before January.

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So you trust the RINOS like McConnell, Romney et al?

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So you trust elections? Despite all evidence to the contrary.

Voices and Votes Will. Not. Fix. This.

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But the Attorney General is useless - does not enforce laws, ie “demonstrating” outside homes of Supreme Court Justices.

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He won't be around much longer. The impeachment train will begin in January. Warm up with mayorkis and move up the chain. No society can survive without justice.

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It's so obvious! Regardless of your vaccine status, unvaccinated or vaccinated, don't add insult to injury. DON'T TAKE ANY MORE JABS!

And it can't be said too often: Thank you and God Bless You, Dr. Malone!

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D@ n@t c@mply... ask your friends:

IF it's such a GR8 product... tell me... WHY is it that uptake requires a mandate?!

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Jul 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The livestock supply comment resonates with me. Something as simple as livestock salt I've had a hard time getting. I finally got a bag yesterday after months....I was using human grade salt to get me by. Lots of other livestock supplies are randomly unavailable. If this stuff disappeared completely I'd be 8n trouble....

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Jul 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The letters should be sent to the Attorney General and his boss. Many of the assaults on Justice Thomas and others are illegal but unprosecuted by seditious government. Grounds for impeachment, so maybe those letters should be sent to the next Congress instead.

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On the issue of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. He is truly a man to be admired and honored for his defense of the United States Constitution.

Why in our country do we (our government, the media and way too many people) continue to use terms such as black or white when referring to fellow United States citizens and fellow human beings? Isn’t the reference to the color of a person’s skin in and of itself racist? Why should a person’s skin color, or for that matter the country or continent of their long passed ancestors (such terminology as African American, Asian American, Irish American) matter? I encourage all to drop such terminology while speaking in reference to another person and it is past time our government agencies dropped all such questions and references. ... Rant over ...

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they want to divide us! UNITED we stand, divided ... 💔

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Jimmy crack corn, and I don't care what Fauci says, no more "vaccines" for me!

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You mean Hunter crack pipe, yes? And his pet name for his dad, Pedo Peter (from JB's pseudonym.) Glad to see the coverage of this here. Screaming Into the Void published a video of Hunter smoking side-by-side with another screen of (OMG it really is) his dad arguing why we should lock up crack users and throw away the key. It's astonishing to see. Even when you know it, seeing is a whole new level of incredulity that this can be happening and no Dems consider it a scandal.


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I hope they win this lawsuit. Dr. Pierre Kory recently detailed his fight with the credentialing board. Frightening. And it is not just a blow to the doctor, but to all people desiring to hold on to their freedom and good care by our physicians. Not hyperbole.

We are more and more dominated by people with utterly depraved mind. Not just in the US. Worldwide. We need to figure out how to wake people up.

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According to Mattias Desmet, people in the grip of Mass Formation can rarely be woken up. The grip is too tight, mostly because waking up means they will return to the loneliness, free-floating anxiety, frustration, and lack of control they felt before. The best we can do is continue to speak out, politely and honestly declaring our opposing point of view. This may not appear to have an effect, but it does. It prevents the mass formation from getting deeper (more entrenched). Mass Formation that gets too deep can more easily lead to full-blown totalitarianism.

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For your brief and slight amusement: https://doseadog.substack.com/p/i-am-very-suspicious.

I think it would do them and all of us a lot of good to face reality. And I utterly agree with you. I talk to kids about masks as much as I can. The delusional parents don't like it sometimes or they try to make excuses (especially when they are masked, but their child is), but I always do it sweetly. I fear we are on the way to totalitarianism if something does not change.

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There was a poll last week or the prior that 25% of Americans of all persuasions believe they will have to take up arms against the government. If that’s true, enough of us have woken up. Now, we need to act.

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I understand the sentiment in wanting to take up arms. But evidence drawn from a wide variety of rebellions around the world shows that massive sustained nonviolent civil disobedience has the best chance of success, where success includes the avoidance of authoritarian rule taking over within 5 years. See Erica Chenoweth's work.

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I was not talking armed revolt. I am talking getting people to wake up and getting some of the bad people out. Enough out, prosecuted, jailed and clawing back the fraudulent ill gotten gains and all of the liberty our government and their corporate agents swiped over the last 2 years. Period.

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Jul 13, 2022·edited Jul 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Justice Thomas is heroic; an upright, down-to-earth, witty, honorable man having a sense of humor and humility defining him a man truly of the best of human beings. The insults and name-calling of such a giant merely provides proof of the DECLINE of a once wonderful and tremendous citizenry of a once fine and great country. Pray to our Lord to intervene and again raise this society and country up to where it must be as the leader of the world.

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Jul 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I’d like Dr. Malone to throw his hat into the 2024 general election. In a perfect Constitutional Union, he’d win in a landslide.

Alas, we’re no longer a remotely sane nation.

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