Feb 4, 2022·edited Feb 4, 2022

I have been following the trucker events in Canada closely. Who would have thought Canadians would do this? Canadians are doing it in style. It is party hardy and I wish I was there. The best I can do is send them money and help with their expenses as I hope others will do.

I saw a news story that the Ottawa police chief was bringing in an additional 150 police to block and hem in the truckers and begin to take the blockade down. This is stupid beyond belief. The truckers are making a statement in Ottawa but they can do the same thing in an almost invisible way and it would be beyond stupid for the authorities to try to harm them. If the truckers do a work stoppage they will crush the Canadian economy. It tells you the quality of the current leadership in Canada and in the USA that they have not thought of this.

The truckers are asking for their basic human rights to be respected, nothing more and nothing less. Our founding fathers are applauding them in Heaven.

Trudeau needs to resign because it is clear there is no confidence in his leadership. The Canadian government needs to lift all mandates and unvax taxes immediately. They are clearly unnecessary. There is overwhelming data that this is so.

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Couldn't agree more! There has been support for the truckers from coast to coast and at this point any move the government makes against the truckers will stain their party forever. The Liberals are a minority government propped up by the support of other parties. We just saw the opposition leader (who clearly thought he had the support of his party behind him in supporting the covid measures) get ousted but good - the vote was not close at all! The front runners to replace him have both had boots on the ground supporting the truckers - so FINALLY it looks like the Conservatives are getting ready to stand up for traditional conservative beliefs. To top it off they are the only party looking to stand with the blue collar workers - who have been largely abandoned by the NDP (WTF is up with that!). If support for this minority government falters and we end up with another election this year the Liberals are done like dinner: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCBPXu3pSM8

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One can hope. We have the same hopes for 2022 in the USA. We can't last with another year or three years of Biden and his administration. We must have the opposition party (Republicans) in the House and Senate to stop the madness. There are many people running now who have never held elective office before and all of them are stating they are America First. Let's pray they are. We need new blood in the Congress and sunlight.

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I think you have hit on a key aspect of the problem - the lack of 'fresh blood' in any of our democracies. Even if the figure head is rotated the behind the scenes bureaucrats remain the same and are ever more entrenched into their positions such that any newly elected leader is blocked with copious red tape if they try to change the status quo that these bureaucrats are benefitting from. Even though Trump claimed he would 'drain the swamp' he soon discovered that this was easier said than done (I really don't know if this was an honest conviction of his - or that what he might have replaced them with would have been any better - but clearly any attempt missed Fauci!).

Point being that even if there rose an individual that walk the tightrope such that he/she could unite the country - how do you get rid of the bottom feeders?

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You are right.

The un-elected bureaucrats like Fauci and thousands of others sucking on the government tit are a big part of the problem.

They make up the swamp.

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Here is the problem.

It costs many thousands of dollars to run a primary against incumbents. If you get in a general election you need MILLIONS to win.

Ordinary Americans don’t have access to that kind of money.

So here is a radical idea: Make federal elections publicly funded through a pool of money created by a box check on tax returns.

Those who want to qualify must personally (including incumbents like Maxine Waters) gather 500 signatures of voters in their districts.

I could do that. And I am in Auntie Maxine’s district.

But as it stands now she will buy her re-election (as all the others will do).

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There is a check box on your Federal income tax to donate $1 to campaigns. I would never check it. I want to give my money to the candidate of my choice, not theirs. Campaigns should never be funded by the government. Not ever. It would mean the elected representatives would decide on how much money should be collected and how much should be distributed and to whom. If anything could add to the corruption this would be it.

The politicians have been trying for years to get election campaigns publicly funded. Thank God they haven't succeeded yet.

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My sister lives in Canada and has always been very level headed. She has a very distorted picture of what these truckers are doing and who they are. It sickens me the way the media gaslights. Feeling extremely discouraged and not sure how this stops. SOOOOO much dis-information.

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I am a member of a knitting forum. Many of the members are from Canada, the UK and Australia. They are all gaslighted. They are terrified of the virus and have become angry, virulent and vicious about those who hold a different opinion.

Dr. Norman Doidge talks about the behavioral immune system in this YouTube video. It explains a lot of the fear much of it irrational that we have seen with this virus.

It has become very clear in this past month that this is not an epidemic of the unvaccinated. That is baloney, or to quote our USA fearless leader, "malarkey."


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Please check out astridstuckleberger.com for her interview with Reiner Fuellmich.....this is a mind blowing revelation that you need to know about.....Bill Gates is revealed as beyond evil and controlling the WHO

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A person can become too rich which elevates them into a level of hubris beyond belief. There is a solid reason for studying the classics and this is one of them.

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The hubris, this is where Bret Weinstein is these days. His interviews with biologist Chris Martensen, trying to figure out what drove Fauci and cohorts to the worst mistake of the century, is illuminating.

Also interesting is Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav, who speaks of the "heirs" of the Nazi's and eugenicists relative to covid control. She believes a line can be drawn from then to now in so far as what led to the Final Solution.

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This link did not work . . .

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Feb 4, 2022·edited Feb 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My subject line asked them to cancel my subscription...for the second time. I had recently resubscribed when they offered one for 4 bucks a month--(hint: I'm not wealthy).

Dear WSJ-

I canceled my subscription last year because your newspaper was, like the New York Times, spreading misinformation about COVID and related matters. This piece on Spotify represents the sort of journalistic dereliction of duty that is partly responsible for the damaging unnecessary crisis we have just suffered through. Early treatment with repurposed drugs are a myth? The science and clinical experience of hundreds of thousand of doctors worldwide says, "no"

Dr. Malone and Dr McCullough (who has saved thousands of lives through his protocol) do not spread falsehoods about the new vaccines, but your organization does.

You have failed to point out a single point of damaging misinformation that has come out of Rogan's interviews.

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Why I canceled my subscription too, or one of the reasons.

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Feb 5, 2022·edited Feb 5, 2022

I am a subscriber to the WSJ and today they inspired me to become a paid subscriber to Robert Malone. Jared S. Hopkins and Felicia Schwartz have written what is effectively a subtle two-page advertisement for mRNA technology. From the article:

"Messenger RNA is a naturally occurring substance in cells; its basic role is to carry genetic instructions from DNA to the body's cells to make proteins. For vaccines and other therapies, scientists repurpose mRNA and use it to instruct cells how to make proteins, or parts of proteins, that are similar to ones found in a pathogen."

The authors' intent is exposed by the use of "naturally occurring," "repurpose," and fuzzy writing. They resort to buzzwords and mild distortions instead of providing a straightforward description involving the introduction of synthetic mRNA to induce the production of proteins/polypeptides that are not naturally occurring in the body.

The WSJ has been running an advertisment for the last few months that features Erin Ailworth with the tagline "Journalists don't just write stories." A few years ago Ailworth wrote a questionable article concerning Sonoma County. A search returned the website for a public relations firm that boasted about curating an article with Ailworth. Today I searched and found that Cambridge Community Television criticized a 2013 Ailworth article in the Boston Globe for its PR slant. Not only is the WSJ employing writers that fold PR messaging into the articles that they write, they seem to be advertising their services as well.

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I had a subscription to the WSJ for many years, probably 3 decades, and it is not the paper it was. The front section has been liberal for a long time but the editorials and opinion pages tended to be conservative and factual. That changed with Trump. They hate him and they have become more and more slanted. I had to cancel my subscription when they ran several editorials proclaiming there was no fraud in the 2020 election. Sorry, I listened to the many hearings and followed the events far too closely to come to the conclusion there was no vote fraud. There was plenty.

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I remember reading this article and just shook my head. It is so misleading and reminded me of a PVC fence salesman claiming it is derived from salt therefore a natural renewable resource. This is who is reporting information and news- a bunch of ignorant salesmen- with absolutely no understanding of what they are actually selling.

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If you don't have one already, you should start a substack that monitors newspapers, the MSM.

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Wasn't Brent Bozell doing that?

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Excellent detective work! Thanks for sharing this information (not misinformation) and for your description of the article. I saw that piece, but couldn't bring myself to read it, now I know why I don't need to.

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Feb 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You need your own merchandise! I personally would buy an “I ❤️ Dr. Robert Malone”

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Feb 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, you should know this. I'm SHOCKED. I use the ATT owned email service of Yahoo Email, but run at the att.net site. Just now, when I moved my cursor to your piece in my email, I got a 'pop up' box telling me that ATT could help me UNSUBSCRIBE you "Who Is Robert Malone" substack piece. To date, nothing like this has happened to me with any other anti-narrative author and these include many on elite's 'bad list.' I will be posting this info on Twitter, too, as I like to post your writings there. Please feel free to contact me at swshipman at att dot net if needed.

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Yeh, that is interesting...

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Feb 4, 2022·edited Feb 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It means they are hearing the roar of the lion and they are afraid.

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Feb 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Gmail tries hard to bury yours and Glenn Greenwald's emails too.

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Use the Brave browser and avoid all the trash.

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I use DuckDuckGo

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Fyi...Brave is by far the best alternative browser option. It crawls the entire internet in real time just like Google. The owner is the previous creator of Firefox which apparently sold out to chrome. Duck duck go is ok, but its function only accesses databases for information.

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Ahh, did you listen to Epstein’s interview on Rogan? I just learned the facts you stated from that show. Equal parts terrifying and enlightening.

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Yes I did! That one never got targeted in Rogans smear campaign so it must be true! Lol

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I use a VPN, Brave, and Duck Duck Go.

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I do too. I also have protonmail.com for email but don't use it as much as I ought to.

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Just recently switched to Brave browser. It's awesome.

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Feb 4, 2022·edited Feb 4, 2022

Some clown in NY said "we need to let Darwin take out the ignorant unvaxxed". I'll go him one better. Let's both go volunteer in COVID hospitals with no PPE and see which one of us Darwin selects in three weeks. His vaxxes versus my natural immunity. Remember, early treatments not allowed.

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Feb 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

And now the students are walking out in Alberta and joining the protest with the truckers and farmers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSjTbXxj_hY

And in Toronto, trucks and tractors take to the streets: https://www.cp24.com/news/toronto-trucker-convoy-protest-begins-with-tractors-as-police-bolster-hospitals-1.5768042

It seems FREEDOM is contagious. WOW...a lot of wee emperors are standing around totally exposed because they have no clothes and everyone can see that. How do they fight freedom?

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Fauci has taken the USA down the wrong road in medicine and has been the orchestra leader.

It's time to have the curtain come down for the last time. Have only read the intro to RFK Jr book on Fauci and I'm livid. Kaiser Prementa has reported we have lost over 200,000 souls in Long Term Facilities due to Covid and the lack of the right response at the beginning of this crisis.

President Biden has announced his NEW war on Cancer. Beau, his son died of a brain tumor.

My neighbor died of a brain tumor after wearing Motorola headphones 40 hours per week on his job. About 60 years ago, President Nixon announced his War on Cancer initiative to stop the carnage. About 5 Trillion dollars later, the only real reduction in cancer rates in the US has been due to Stop the Smoking initiative which was fought against nail and tooth by Big Tobacco. They employed PR firms to manipulate the truth about the dangers of smoking. Similarly, we have a campaign in the same vein about Covid that discredits any treatment that competes with the mRNA injections. Devra Davis in her book "The Secret History of the War on Cancer' details how the money was really spent and why we have not achieved any real reduction in cancer rates. The most damning trend is that back then, only 1 in 22 women were diagnosed with breast cancer. Today, it is 1 in 8! Almost a 300% increase. At the same time, www.grassrootshealth.net has continually pointed out that there is an inverse relationship between breast cancer and Vitamin D blood value. Risk is reduced dramatically (about 80%) if blood value at a young

age is maintained above 50 ng's!

The Allopathic medicine model dominates the health system in the US. Basically, drug intervention by Big Pharma is the key treatment protocol to stop the progress of disease states. Prevention and reversal of disease states by eliminating the root cause is ignored. Certainly, prevention of breast cancer by testing for Vitamin D deficiency would be a standard medical procedure if they embraced prevention. Similarly, it has been documented that risk of dying

from Covid and any other viral pathogen is minimized if Vitamin D blood value is above 50 ng's. Again, this is ignored, and the US has accomplished having one of the highest Covid death rates on the global because of the narrow medical protocol that Dr. Fauci incentivized for treating Covid patients. US hospitals embraced this new revenue stream greedily.

In RFK Jr's well documented and researched book called "The Real Anthony Fauci" on page XXII of his Introduction, in 3 paragraphs, he explains the genesis of our state of ill health in the US. It is a complex set of issues stemming from the fact that the CDC and in particular Fauci's view of how disease states should be addressed and the manipulation of our medical institutions to benefit special interests supersedes the welfare of the individual. Big Agra, Big Pharma, Big Insurance and Big Chemical all contribute to the dysfunctional medical system we have today.

I don't see it changing until all in Congress pledge to stop taking PAC money from these BIG

Institutions and reverse the concept that corporations have the same rights as individuals!

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Maybe when you get back here to Virginia, you could encourage our new Governor to take a few more pages from DeSantis? I'm in Loudoun... in the belly of the beast. We're not satisfied with the window dressing he seems to be giving us. The kids who dare to breathe freely are treated worse that the student rapist they tried to hide from the parents and police. (He didn't have to register as a sex offender, btw.)

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I am trying...

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Appreciated. I've been calling his office... squeaky wheel.

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Crying? Lol. I am not one of those, although my heart breaks for these kids. They are conditioning children to obey dictates without question. I understand the psychological reasons behind this. I am calling the Governor, not writing letters. I've been in the political arena since college...I know money and votes talk. https://www.gfoa.org/american-rescue-plan-spending-guiding-principles

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Dr. Malone, I am see comments online (Gab) about going after the school or board members 'Surety Bonds', I know you're not an attorney... but have you heard of this?

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Feb 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm in Florida. Ron DeSantis is cut from a different cloth. He believes in First Principles. He is fearless.

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My hope is that he runs for President because Florida is too expensive now to move my horse farm... Seriously. DeSantis for President - we need to convince him!

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Feb 6, 2022·edited Feb 6, 2022

A friend from here in Loudoun moved her horses to St. Augustine in November of 2020, although not on her own property. She and her husband saw the writing on the wall... Florida though nice, isn't the rolling hills of Virginia.

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The Ocala area and the area around Tallahassee has gently rolling hills.

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Sorry, we need him for a full 8 years here in Florida. After that, in 2028 he can run for President.

He has three young children under the age of 5. He needs to be able to spend time with his family. President is a 24 hour job. It's grueling.

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Feb 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I believe in 'First Principles', as well. Most people don't even understand what that means anymore. Being 'fearless' without a rudder causes shipwreck... I think we've seen this play out. Praying for those with a good compass.

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Feb 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I assure you Ron DeSantis has a rudder. Consequently Florida is thriving. It truly is the free state and I am grateful I live here.

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I despise the wickedness of greed in these people.

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love those Flip flops, gonna go over big here in the Peoples Republic of MASKachusetts, cant wait to purchase..TY Dr M...

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"MASKachusetts" nice one!

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mainly Boston proper, BTW the "vax passport is a joke in Boston" ..been to a few places for lunch not even brought up, one place a bartender said can you show me something...so i said ya, hows this, showed a picture of a blank vax card..he laughed, this obomination will be gone here before Valentines day...mark it down.....

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Feb 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Looks like GoFundMe is going to steal the Truckers money (about $8 Million USD). If you donated and don't specifically ask for a refund, GoFundMe gets to decide where the money goes (BLM, anyone?). Why doesn't some well meaning billionaire (Elon Musk, are you listening?) step up and help them out?

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Update says they are just refunding all contributions.

I say send $$ to BLM! So far they have been super responsible as a non-profit “charity” with over $60 million dollars that appear to have just poofed!… vanished!

Never mind.

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Feb 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My guess is that the various platforms feel threatened by heavyweights and professionals with growing followings, "getting too big for their britches" and then arbitrarily pull the rug out from under them. That is manic-depressive or alcoholic behavior, and why people try to distance themselves from unreliable and arbitrary management. If they charged for their services they could be sued, so one moral of the story be suspicious of free stuff, sometimes it ends up being the most expensive.

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Nice start to the weekend, Dr. Malone, thanks. The journalistic perspectives are finally opening up. Glad to read any serious piece that ends with a demand to investigate Fauci. Thanks to the pioneers for Substack, Telegram, and Rumble where I can hear from intelligent and thoughtful people on topic. We may be in a bit of an echo chamber, on the same page, but sharing and supporting is the only balance to the Sci Fi environment closing in around us. Feeling hopeful.

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Feb 5, 2022·edited Feb 5, 2022Author

Rumble! I forgot rumble and Bitchute!

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Feb 5, 2022·edited Feb 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It's hard to keep up. Thanks for reminding people. And there's Odysee - where Bret Weinstein/Darkhorse podcast landed...we're in pretty good shape!

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I met a co-founder of Odysee in Miami two weeks ago. Good guy!

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Feb 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I looked at the Chalkboard website - no wonder de platformed by Twitter. They are human and progressive, thinking people! Who ask questions about the effects of US Govt policies that affect children, including Covid rules. I love the site.

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Hi Robert, I know it's a Friday but have a look at this correlation in increased mortality rates (in non-Covid deaths) as the booster programme begins.


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I think governments love the idea of offing old folks and the payments/costs that the governments have to pay out to meet obligations made. BTW, these aren't the rich old folks, these are the old folks that got up everyday and worked, but weren't able to save enough to live on. They are living longer than expected and the money is running out. The world might have to reduce military expenditures to cure the problem. I bet that's not popular with the military industrial complex.

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Thank you for this. I was just last night trying find information on the number of vaccinated people who died from non-Covid illness. I’d like to know the number of vaxed people who were or were not otherwise seriously ill, died as a result of not previously diagnosed severe disease or had a serious underlying disease.

Sadly, I don’t think this ever will truly be know.

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Feb 4, 2022·edited Feb 4, 2022

What I Got Wrong in My 2020 COVID Article (I trusted our gov't agencies)


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I think I will highlight this article in another Substack - it is great!

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Be my guest. And thanks!

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I'll be dropping another piece next week you'll probably want to see as well.

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Feb 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The cavalry has arrived! Stallions march down Ottawa street alongside the truckers convoy.

Truckers Freedom Convoy: Farmers show their support to the Truckers Convoy.


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