Jun 21, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I particularly despise Adam Schiff though skull and bones Kerry is a real piece of work too

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Schiff was schitting again today. Seems McCarthy left him on the Judiciary Committee so he was memorializing his schitt on CSPAN during the 6 hour Durham hearing.

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The Biden-Harris Regime Knew the Submersible Imploded Sunday but Milked the Story to Coverup Their Scandals – JD Rucker


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That's quite the story.

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The Biden-Harris Regime Knew the Submersible Imploded Sunday but Milked the Story to Coverup Their Scandals – JD Rucker


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... if they weren't more actively involved, for they certainly have the capability...

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dr. Malone you note, “that story has dominated the news cycle for what seems like days.....” good observation, and just as you infer, the goal of media is DECIDEDLY NOT to acclimate American citizens to the truth of what’s going on in our world, the truth is instead to throw up the smoke screen of distraction.

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What always comes to my mind when millions of dollars are being spent to rescue folks from situations they created by doing something incredibly stupid. Going over 2 miles down in the atlantic to sightsee serves as an excellent example.

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Darwin for the win. Ed

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And the CEO bragging about using young gamers to pilot, instead of older experienced ones. Yikes!

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Agreed! And RFK Jr's deeply inspiring anti-war/election announcement speech is one of the major ones hidden from view: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tz1T-mEnbPI (start at 11:41)

He wants to find out if Americans have an appetite for Truth. Good question!

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Indeed! It was a very well delivered speech and content. Would that it were more widely avaliable and that it could generate considered discussions.

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Of interest. Just now Mark Levin advised he is going to invite RFK Jr on his program. Opined RFK Jr is not a Marxist

Was very respectful. Hope the invite gets accepted.

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Yes! So I'm attaching the link to all my emails and messages in order to spread the viewership.

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Did you see the story that the English have equipment that is superior to our equipment when searching for stuff deep down -- but oddly enough -- the U.S. will NOT authorize them to come to help. WHAT is really going on???

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Read these comments. Some are quite fascinating. These days nothing is what it seems https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/race-against-time-to-find-the-titan/comments

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The Biden-Harris Regime Knew the Submersible Imploded Sunday but Milked the Story to Coverup Their Scandals – JD Rucker


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Jun 21, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Love the causation tie-in between eating ice cream and shark attacks, which has been conclusively proven by THE SCIENCE. That's why I consume copious amounts of the cold elixir in the confines of my adobe, far away from where the sharks live. Kerry is an example of how stupid people, if they are connected and have no shame, can prosper, he by marrying rich women who indulge him, and by making preposterous and dishonest claims not back by... real science.

Danny Huckabee

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This is the best red pill to the Kerry CC claims to consider sharing with family and friends...https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/news-from-the-back-page/comment/17597454

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Another ignored news item. Seems the anchor brat of g. soros is bragging how he is even more progressive than his benighted daddy and is planning to create even more havoc here with daddy's purloined wealth. Which brings up two points. First, the brat likely would not even enjoy the blessings of US citizenship via his dual citizen daddy had a SCOTUS judge properly recused himself when the court took it on itself to rewrite immigration law and impose dual citizenship on the US. That judge broke a 4-4 tie on the court. We previously discussed how overturning a few SCOTUS decisions could give us back our Republic. That to my mind is one of them. Dual citizenship makes such a mockery of our citizenship oath as to turn it into an oxymoron.

Second, I'll again point out that we could go a long way to clean up our elections if states were to outlaw all outside money from all elections within the state. Then the soros thugs and like company could keep their graft money where the sun will not ever shine. No more US hating DAs from them. No more zuckerbucks bribing election officials, etc.

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Not to mention the tell via Blackrock ee about buying Senators for - was it $1,2000 ?

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Micheal, when did the dual citizenship take place. I had no idea that "renouncing forever all allegiance and fidelity to my foreign prince, state, or sovereignty... was undone.

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Well...a naturalized citizen I worked for voted in the very first s. africa election--from houston. So at least that long. Do not remember exact date.

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The good news is Kerry is finally getting called out for his erroneous positions. The other good news, today I learned I am a Neanderthal. Sweet!

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And, I learned that one of my ancestors was from Nigeria. Or the wood pile. “Lol.

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Is this a joke? The Biden Administration has "scientific integrity policies"?!

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The lab grown meat popped up on the News feed on my iPhone today . Gross! I have read several articles on the missing submarine. It does seem to be the big story right. Of course the John Kerry news will be swept under the rug.

I don’t watch mainstream news. Such propaganda.

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I guess we’re skipping the elite old white guy getting his spoiled pampered crack addict son off two major felony charges that were reduced to misdemeanors. He should be looking at 10 years in prison like all of us working class people not only would get, but are currently in prison for right now with lesser charges. Hunter didn’t file taxes in 2017 and 2018 either. He made “1.5 million” dollars and only recently paid 100 thousand dollars in tax. I guess this also included penalties and interest????? What a deal that was!!! Joe also opened 2 corporations just after he ended his term as vice president. Of coarse he didn’t release his corporate taxes but showed they took in 14 million dollars in 2017. Over 8 million is unaccounted for. How was that earned???? I could go on... John Kerry, in Massachusetts we call him, former Secretariat of state (for his horse like profile, no offense to your horses Dr. M.) seems to be following his bosses lying lead. Joe can’t stop saying he’s cut the US deficit by 1.7 trillion dollars???? Back to Johnny boy. Years back he registered his massive boat in Rhode Island to avoid excise tax in Massachusetts though he kept the boat at his mansion on Nantucket Island. What a guy. By the way the boat wasn’t made in America.

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So obviously what this conveniently timed missing sub is meant to distract from! Thank you!

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Global warming is a money game! When dinosaurs roamed the earth CO2 was 5 times what it is today! Eliminating farm meat means we would become vegans and Kerry’s Campbell soup would dominate and be way more profitable! Therefore he is pushing the junk science!

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Yes, I am thinking along the same lines - only buffalo and elk. In the USA - up to 200 years ago, the vast plains of the midwest were full of buffalo and everywhere else (pretty much) had huge herds of elk. I bet a buffalo lets off more farts and burps than a cow.

I am sure that on other continents, herds of ungulates have farted and burped through their lives for eons.

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Would this be a good time to mention Congress?

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Yes, this is an appropriate context for sure... :-))))))))))))))

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Thank you Robert for making me laugh out loud. I don’t do it often enough these days. 😢

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And all the while keeping the planted live ably green!

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Another news item. See where famous chef in Australia banned vegans from his restaurant? Seem some idjit vegan penned a snarky hit piece on social media about how his menu was vegan unfriendly. He responded. They are banned.

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Jun 21, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I forgot! Gates is in on the game and is buying up farm land big time!

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Eliminating farm meats (milk and eggs) in theory leaves us with the WEF/Gates favored insects (altho I saw an article today reporting insect populations are in decline). As for the fake meats (veggy n lab grown) - maybe we need to be secreting our own poultry, squirrels, rabbits and miniature cattle (easiest to hide) and growing foods to feed them. I personally hope we'll shake up our elected officials and demand accurate labelling!

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Kerry is a long drink of lies, lying as far back as his time spent in Vietnam and his testimony before congress after he came back to the states.

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Robert Shannon ... especially his private jet , never forget his carbon footprint

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John Kerry and his climate claims are beyond absurd. Yet the subject, "Globl Warming", is the best subject to use as a red pill to family and friends that only ever hear the MSM. Why? Because there is decades of history to support the skeptical arguments, including thousands of skeptical peer review publications. Also there is an extensive history of failed disaster warnings. And there is deep documentation of the political motives of those politicians supporting it.

It is all here in one 20 minute read, written to be shared to family and friends. Red pill someone on global warming, and they will re-examine a host of issues. Please read and share this always free, not a news feed post. It has been very effective. https://open.substack.com/pub/anderdaa7/p/global-warming?r=slvym&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

As an example. countering all the disater claims is very easy, and this link is in the post...https://wattsupwiththat.com/2021/04/25/wheres-the-emergency/

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Uhhh…Climates like change and “stuff”. People complain about weather consistently. My saying, “No such thing as bad weather, just bad gear” Inflatable pools are inexpensive as is a bag of ice. Neoprene paw covering for dog walking at -45 degrees wind chill. Ed

Edit - To My Friends in the South right now, stay hydrated…Don’t have a beer ‘til You pee. 😁

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Adam Schiff is the antithesis of truth, honesty, integrity and morality. A poor excuse for a human.

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Jun 21, 2023·edited Jun 21, 2023

So many smoke screens to conceal the noose steadily closing around the necks of us all: "Trump, Trump, Trump", "gender dysphoria", "yellow submarine", "another shooting", etc. All to distract us from what we should all know about what is going on behind the curtain - articulated in a succinct, comprehensive, and most important, readily accessible essay that anyone can understand here:


Our best defense is the masses simply becoming aware of what is being done to them via 5GW - 5th Generation Warfare - as you have covered so well here, Doc! Thansk!

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Beau, thank you for that link to Global Research - new to me. Well written/documented information with an insightful eye on both the local as well as the global unfoldings.

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Indeed - a remarkable source of honest, in depth insight.

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Today's news at my house was watching this:

During the House Judiciary Durham hearing today, an R brought up Comey’s televised comments that perhaps DJT did pee all over a prostitute in Russia and then he added maybe Swalwell (Fang Fang) has something to say about that. A D wanted that struct from the record. Chair Jordan said enough trash language has been applied to DJT today [boy, the horrid words used by the Dem today was off the charts], to which the D said, but our rules on decorum cover only House members, not outsiders.

The last person was Harriet Hageman - R. Her point was everyone already told the nation that this was never about Russia but about keeping Trump from the presidency and then keeping his Admin hamstrung. She read all the words used by those perpetrating the hoax and then asked Durham, what happens to American in this type of environment? His final words of the hearing “I don’t think things can go much further with the view that law enforcement, particularly the FBI, the Department of Justice, run a two tiered system of justice; the nation can’t stand under those circumstances.

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Russia Russia Russia was also about keeping Trump and Putin apart. Why. Because they both championed rational nationalism, and those two getting together for paractical solutions, would have completely doomed the WEF crowd, as Trump was already winning globally and inspiring rational nationalism in many nations.

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According to my DNA analysis -- I have more Neanderthal DNA than the average person (and I'm proud of it) I've also been a massage therapist for thirty-three years and have released my fingers from the early stages of Dupuytren's Contracture. It is easily released when massage therapy is started early. The cause (tension in the whole arm and shoulder) is never addressed by medical doctors and surgeons. The surgery, of course, doesn't "cure" the cause -- it just messes up the function of the hand. A word to the wise is sufficient (I learned from my 6th grade teacher. Bless her.

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There is a subset of chiropractors, around 3% of the total, that work on upper spinal adjustment, far from the rack'em and crack'em norm. Several of our family members have benefitted from one such individual in a nearby town. I went a couple of weeks ago as I was having a turning radius issue with my head and neck. One treatment, with neck massage on my own as directed, has improved my neck motion by 15 degrees each way. Now I don't have to move my whole body at the stop sign to see if cars are coming from left or right.

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When I saw Kevin McCarthy's twitter about Adam Schiff I thought I had gotten today's date wrong and that today was really April 1.

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