People with supplies being turned away is exactly what happened after Katrina. I cannot understand this. We have people in middle Georgia who are still without power. We are all praying for everyone effected.

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Also what happened in Maui/Lahina fire

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Yes and I can’t help but wonder if weather experimenting played a role in this. I trust our Govt so little now, I hope it’s just my imagination running wild.

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Yes, probably. The below note covers just a few of the many resources about weather engineering.

WEATHER ENGINEERING: The US knows how to stop and redirect hurricanes, control weather, and steer other “natural” disasters (posted 10/02/24): https://substack.com/@bige47/note/c-71111394

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I am no weather expert but I am a lifelong weather hobbiest. I have websites that I follow who watch storms forming and many of the members actually pack and head toward the storm to report. From the very beginning of Helene I noticed anomalies. On Thursday, even as they had already declared it was a hurricane, it had no eye and where they claimed it was did not show up on radar. There was a large TS over Cuba but nothing showed up off the coast of Mexico. I cannot explain how weird it was to watch it finally show up and go from a 2 to a 4.

Hubs and I went to Costco last Sunday because I knew that the dock strike would cause supply shortages. Otherwise I would never do big box on a weekend. It was a madhouse. People were loading up TP and paper towels on flatbeds. Nuts!

As of yesterday evening our friends in middle Georgia still had no power. They have a generator but ran out of gas.

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Oct 3·edited Oct 3

Oh...my...god....I often wonder if these extreme weather events are man-made. I may sound like a crazy "conspiracy theorist" but I believe many of them are, including Helene. I found information that convinced me the Lahaina fire was man-made....many strange reports of unusual phenomena that very much indicated it was.

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You’re not alone and here’s the thing: most of the conspiracies of late turn out to be true

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In Asheville the flood of 1916 was even worse, but a lot less people around. The flood of 77 was wicked ( I was here for that one), but not nearly as destructive.

This one is a barn burner.

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It’s so awful and I am not seeing a ton of live coverage here. I see more online and it’s hard to know what to believe and what not to believe, but it’s clear We the People care more about these victims than our Govt.

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yep, the locals are descended from the Scots/Irish. Independent mofos, and we help each other as mush as we can.

Damn fine people.

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yes that fenomenon of this hurricane showed up even on the regular radar. I remember Jeff Childers writing something in the style of, we will see if this will be a hurricane it does not look like it. And then it turns into a monster!

Another farce. Yesterday night at 9 (we had just gone off to bed after a day of hard work) the phone rang. It was the county office, with a warning not to drive over fallen wires or inundated streets... the water is gone and so are the wires. Even our local govt is useless. Private organizations are handing out water, chips, dry food... and so does the school.

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Bureaucracy has always been the operating system that ties down and stalls and jerks around any progress. What is so frustrating is that it usually rises to power over the rest of us who actually know the truth but can't seem to stop it. That this dynamic is now being called out as other worldly evil gives me hope there is an awakening.

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I don’t know anything about weather really except I was watching things on my hurricane app and things weren’t happening like it showed. I don’t think my friends daughter had a generator but she had a gas stove to cook as much as she could so things wouldn’t go bad. She still has no power and scant cell service. I think she has to go to a rescue area to charge phone.

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I know! It did not show up as they were describing it. And they predicted it would swing west as it moved inland. Of course, predicting weather is not an exact science but it has gotten way better with modern technology over the years. But, again, in just my non professional experience I can say this one was very weird in multiple ways. From the beginning and even now as clean up and restoration is underway, it feels like a test and maybe a warning.

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I think so too! I don’t know if it’s God’s Test or the Powers that be

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Probably not your imagination. I read years ago that weather manipulation technology exists, but it's been hard to find more current information. "They" are so good at hiding things they don't want you to know, but I've found that sooner or later the truth comes out.

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Off Grid With Doug and Stacey: short vid on YouTube, titled something like “They Told Her Not to Help” mentions possible Maui-like land grab bc residents refused to sell their homes to create lithium and quartz mines for computers.. govt has patents exist for storm creation… hmmm intentional?

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They sure are but Gates even talks about manipulating the clouds and sunshine.

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And Biden admin recently okayed spraying (I forgot what) to create a cloud cover to block the sun to mitigate global warming. Is that insane or what?! You know if you read about it, they're already doing it and have been doing it for a long time probably.

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Yes he did and unless you’re following alternative media, very few were aware he approved the experimenting.

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Chemtrails crisscrossing the sky like checkerboard last few days.. once I heard it’s nano and also barium and aluminum…

BA +AL= a pagan god. Somehow Tennessee passed a law forbidding chemtrails in that state. Well done

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Take a closer look. It happens everywhere, but was far more blatant on Maui. If FEMA and the Red Cross can't prevent outside help from arriving before they do, they expell anyone not on their "pre-approved" list as soon as they take charge. They impede desperately needed help, destroy donated food and clothing and send skilled, experienced medical health care volunteers packing - if they don't assign them to some menial task. The churches and private organizations do far more, and for sustained periods of time, than any federal agency. Thank you for sharing this list! sharing

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More news: Coming from different sources: https://x.com/chrismartenson/status/1841636020187431216

Here's how FEMA operates....it is about $$$:


If one wants to go down the conspiracy rabbit hole, there are stories about how they can steer hurricanes. I prefer to wait and watch, but after Lahina I feel anything is possible these days, and we have all seen how little the "powers that be" cares about people. Like Lahina the Biden Harris government is offering $750 dollars to victims. FEMA is confiscating supplies and donations and insist anyone who wants to help must get training from United Way.

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from . . . UNITED Way?

Oh, they must be one of the "preferred" vendors described in the link!

I stopped giving to them years ago.

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Correct...only makes sense to turn away citizens help, if you don't want them helped....the bigger the crisis the bigger the opportunity for the left to take away more freedoms.

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"exactly what happened after Katrina" - 2005 during the 'W' administration. Does this mean that was an "opportunity for the RIGHT to take away more freedoms"??

It's the ONE MACHINE at work!! - the MACHINE that owns both left and right, factions that distract us to butt heads with one another ceaselessly while the MACHINE continues to tighten the screws on ALL of us. Please step back and see the bigger picture!

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the govt is useless at helping its people. I remember we were stuck with the next one after Katrina, debris everywhere from it still, and only ONE road was allowed to travel, with a line of many miles and the storm approaching. I urged my late husband, to break through a barricade (we were in a truck) but he was scared. We were led INTO the storm instead of away from it. Gladly we made it, but many did not. We saw people with deads and with dead animals, sitting by the side of the road. No toilets, no water - awful. I remember the names of several towns where we were refused to tap water.

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This type of government must stop, we the people have to stand up and get involved with improving disaster recovery with more community, state, and if needed federal assistance. Turning help away is just WRONG.

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One of many "wrong" things originating from our Federal government employees.

If it is somehow possible and IF Trump actually does arrive on Jan 20, 2025, a mandated, by force if necessary, gutting of every, single Federal Agency is required. No Less.

Kristalnacht-like without the deaths.

A gentler, kinder removal. But Removal, for sure.

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Not gentle when depop is on global agenda- land grabs, 15-minute c, lithium …

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It seems eerily familiar to Lahaina's devastation. Wasn't FEMA a no-show for a ridiculously long time? Didn't they block off egress for people who wanted to escape, thereby attempting to lock them in? And some courageous people found a way to get away and escaped the flames... breaking free of the wicked 'laws and orders'. ??????

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Yes the police controlled escaping traffic by blocking the only road out of Lahaina town. The local people are extremely resourceful, they organized private boats to bring much needed supplies around the back side of the island to help the families in need.

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Intentional… anti human lies and destruction…Only God can and will turn this around. Get saved please

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My guess is that they know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the kindness of private citizens dropping everything to help is far more effective, in a positive way, than FEMA's and our own government's response ever will be. To get and keep people dependant on them, they'll keep turning those willing to help away. Definitely a classless move when food and supplies were being provided voluntarily by good people.

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we just now received a message of how to get help. We got back power Monday afternoon. Quite a bit too late - they should have communicated that last Thursday, when the impact of the storm was evident. But There were many, many crews of workers, and I am grateful for all who helped. The turning away of helpers is ridiculous, since the government is an elephant unable to do anything.

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In this case a donkey?

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Don't insult donkeys.

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This makes me so mad! I read the story of a helicopter pilot who on Sunday was made to leave. He had to leave a stranded man And he had the training to do what he was doing. This makes no sense.sense. Bureaucracy over common sense. And the climate change hoax. There is a picture of a marker lying on the ground in or near the town of Biltmore, flooded, that marks the historical flood. So it has happened before.

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It’s crazy. I know there was a post out by NC that unless you’re an actual rescue worker do not come due to limited roads available but to turn down help is just wrong.

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In my disaster response work in northern California, we worked a lot with the Salvation Army, which was responsible for collecting and handing out survival supplies.

I don't know what the scene is in the southeast, but what was happening where I was is that people would come in and try to help without any coordination about what to bring, where to bring it, or who to give it to. The Salvation Army took in tons of donated items that were not needed or inappropriate for that disaster. Dentists unloaded their sample toothpaste and toothbrushes on us, for example. Well, the toothbrushes were OK, but people needed LARGE tubes of toothpaste, not tiny ones. Some food that was donated was too perishable or out of date per package markings. We had to sort all that out. Some donated clothing was dirty or inappropriate. So this is why organizations with experience like the Salvation Army are put in charge of disaster relief supplies.

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Paradise, CA, destruction eerily same as Lahaina. .. “But God..”

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I do understand what you are saying. I remember Hurricane Andrew that wiped out Homestead Florida. Charities immediately began soliciting goods, including clothing. Weeks later there was a report that mountains of clothing had to be turned over into fields by backhoes because there was too much. i guess it comes down to Americans being charitable by nature but have too much. Nevertheless, in this case FEMA has been dragging its feet to respond. Just like it did in Maui and other disasters in recent years.

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we have helicopters dropping supplies here in Western NC.

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Greenville has 50%. Yet the roads cannot be open yet.

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Oct 2Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I feel guilty about whining about no power or internet for 5 days when we didn't know what was happening around us. Our neighbors are suffering beyond belief. Thank you for sharing. Mercury One is another good group to donate to.

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Oct 2·edited Oct 2

For me, I feel perplexed. A number of trees are down and we are still without water, but the power and internet are back. I also had no idea of the devastation all around us. We have a creek which didn’t get higher than I’ve seen in the past. Why did it not? Did the areas with catastrophic flooding have bridge collapses? Dam collapses? Debris jams? The infrastructure in this area is not super modern - was that an issue? I feel like it needs to be figured out to prepare for the future. Maybe it was just the volume of rain and my little spot got less…? I’m relatively new to this area and feel somehow untethered. The list of recommended charities is most welcome.

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Do you have internet because of Star Link, from Musk? I believe so. NOT from any government agency, of course.

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Xfinity. But we’ve been thinking about Starlink…and ham radio :)

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we are way out of town, and even off a smaller place, but we had electricity before town did. Luckily, because all of us here are on a well!

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We have solar backup for grid power outages. I’m thinking about hydro power. The creek isn’t fast enough unless it’s rainy, and then there’s no sun so I’m thinking they might complement each other.

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ditto here, After I cut a walking path thru 4 downed trees, I was able to check on neighbors. We got lucky. Fairview was hit hard, I think death toll is 30 to 40 right now.

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Here, in upstate South Carolina…day 6 no power or cell service. We can replace things but not the lives lost. No government agencies helping out here. Zero power but our tiny community is feeding 125 line workers breakfast, lunch and dinner. We need them and they need us for working their 12 hour shifts. People with generators are washing the work clothes of these workers. We have to take care of our own. We thought we were prepared but you need gas to run generators and no gas stations open here. We are hoping for Friday to get power back. I’m not complaining because others are worse off than us. Using my iPad since cell not working.

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What an amazing story. Thank you for sharing.

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Here in Midlands and most of us, but not all have power back. Let me know what you need and I am sure I can put a post of Facebook and bring it to you!

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Prayers! 🙏🙏🙏 it’s heart warming to hear all of you helping one another. Thanks for sharing.

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Same in GVL county

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This paragraph is truly shocking, "One of the most disgusting things has been our government’s response. Although they are unable to get into the areas hardest hit, they have protocols for private citizens to stand down. These protocols are being enforced. So, although our government can’t supply water, food, air support, or rescue missions, in many cases, they are not permitting others with the resources and supplies to do what is needed. Trucks full of water and food are being turned around, and rescue missions are being stopped."

When and how can we stand against such a government?

From Jeff Childers Coffee and Covid Substack (coffeeandcovid@substack.com):

"The problem was all the water.

Last year, I reported on the Hunga Tonga undersea volcanic eruption — the most significant climate event in modern history, which you never heard of since corporate media is utterly useless. I included all the evidence in my July, 2023 post “Overheated” (though many of the links have since been deleted or fact-check bombed, it’s all there.). The short version is, a massive underwater volcanic eruption in the South Pacific boiled off literally unimaginable amounts of water, measurably increasing water vapor rates worldwide.

Water in the air (“humidity”) creates heat. So my point in 2023 was about the record hot summer that year. Studies I linked in the article (now very difficult to find) forecast elevated temperatures for years from Hunga Tonga moisture — worldwide.

But there was a bigger concern than a couple degrees of extra temperature: What goes up must come down. All that extra vaporized water has been showing up in recent extreme weather events.

Gorilla hail and record worldwide flooding are both signs of boiled sea water returning to ground. North Carolina’s damage wasn’t because of high wind speeds. Helene had slowed considerably by the time it traveled that far north. No, the worst damage was from floods, rockslides, and mudslides.

In other words, from the water.

Note for HAARP watchers: I’m suggesting that Hunga Tonga is where all the water came from. How turbo hurricanes start, and where they go after they start, is a completely different question.

Regarding government policy, yesterday’s top suggestion was to give Hurricane Helene survivors protected refugee status, like the Haitians. In other words: free cell phones, debit cards, monthly allowances, food stamps, health care, home-buying credits, rent subsidies, and all the rest. Just for 12 months.

I’m wondering, could we do that for our own citizens? What if they dressed up in colorful native garb? Do they have to eat the cats?"

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I’m hearing some have been threatened to be arrested for trying to help. I understand they don’t want more tragedy if something happens to those trying to help, but threatening arrest is just wrong.

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They could sneak in across the southern border and pretend to not speak English.

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Oct 2Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I’m so thankful that in FL we have Gov DeSantis. The little rural town that I live in on the Nature Coast was flooded beyond belief. All my favorite restaurants are closed. I had to drive an extra 25 mins to get to the doctor on Friday. My lawn guy told me today that he just lost half of his customers because their houses were destroyed. I have several friends that lost everything. I will say that the response here has been good. They are working to get things cleaned up. I pray for everyone that has been affected by this storm.

And as far as climate change I’m sorry but this is not the time for political agendas. It’s time to help the American People.

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Governor DeSantis has sent lots of aid to NC, including 7500 feet of temporary bridges!

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A true leader too!

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I hate to say it, and I really hope I'm wrong, but one does wonder if the slow emergency response and the protocols to prevent private citizens from helping are in order to drive the fatalities up so it looks like a more horrific disaster from so-called "climate change". Surely the powers that be wouldn't sink that low?

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Or to prevent people from voting. Except for Asheville, much of western NC is conservative.

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I am almost feel guilty wondering that but it has occurred to me and not just there but this all happened to primarily red areas

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Yes, they would, because they have...time and time again.

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And there’s that lithium mine they want the WNC land for, I’ve heard

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Thanks for the trustworthy info. Hmmm Maui, East Palestine and now Helene.

I hear those Special Forces guys at nearby Fr. Bragg are pretty good at responding with choppers to extreme environments.

PsyWar indeed.

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Right! East Palestine, Ohio! Another city devastated by questionable, and unanswerable criminal intents.

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It is so terrible that Biden says that there’s no money to send to the people that are suffering from these big floods but yet he can send billions of dollars over to the Ukraine. It’s just not right. I have a cousin believing all this nonsense about the climate change and she was saying how hot it’s been in her area of our state and she just never seen it like this before, but I beg to differ with her Because in 1979 it was 114 and that was so hot. I remember this because I had a swamp cooler and a swamp cooler didn’t work unless you have water and the city shut the water off for the day to fix the water pipes in the city and they picked the hottest day of the year. I remember this was 114 degrees because it was so hot. It has not been 114 degrees in Boise this year.

The earth climate naturally cycles.

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One huge thing the climate changers fail to notice is that it is God who creates the climate. To pridefully think man can change the oceans and wind and clouds and temperatures is, well, just blatantly FAITHLESS.

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It’s infuriating! I’ve said for years, we always are helping others causes but will anyone come to our aid if we need it. Well, I’m not seeing that we are.

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God caused the great flood in Noah’s time and the great 7 year famine in Joseph’s time.

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It will never happen unless UN troops come in and take over. Then we are in trouble

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May that never ever happen to us or our children. Some say "shoot to kill" all blue helmets. I don't know about that unless He tells me. But...There comes a time when the laws of men have been breached, and we must do what is necessary to uphold the highest of laws. I will continue to listen and pray.

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Oct 2Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

PRAYING and DONATED yesterday to Samaritan's Purse: samaritanspurse.org

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Thank you

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I did too. Up North, it feels like that's all we can do. And to try make people aware of what we are learning about those affected by hurricane Helene, to pressure the government to do more for all of you. God bless

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Having gone through 3 hurricanes and a few major floods in Texas, I can tell you the Cajun Navy rocked it. They were much smaller then just good ole boys with boats and trucks but helped so much in Texas. FEMA - not so much in fact they just caused issues like trying to stop rescues. People just went around them and kept working. It is the time coming up - the aftermath, that is so very hard too. Trying to rebuild, fighting with insurance and just dealing with bureaucracy is exhausting. The loss of people and animals and pets - just heartbreaking.

Prayers and thoughts for all those affected. Please do not donate to government agencies or NGO's - give to those that actually help such as local churches and folks like Cajun Navy.

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Samaritan’s purse does actually help.

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deletedOct 2
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deletedOct 2
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Actually he had natural immunity and residual problems from his covid infection. On the basis of CDC official's recommendation shots would help had 2 shots with disastrous results.

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Thank you, Dr. Malone, for your continuing informative posts. They are generous, caring, invaluable. The list of NGOs to which we may contribute, for example. God bless you and all those stricken so terribly. With respect from our family to yours.

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The climate has been warming ever since the end of the last ice age, and will probably continue to do so until the next. 130,000 years ago the climate was considerably warmer and the oceans higher, then the last ice age hit. That fact is useful for perpetrating a scam. The last half of the How The Earth Was Made video, linked below, is quite illuminating. I'm almost surprised it hasn't been scrubbed.


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Refusing to allow private citizens to carry essential supplies into a disaster area is what the government did last year in Lahaina. Whatever the excuse for making such a rule may be, it’s wicked and cruel.

Judging from what I’ve read, FEMA is useless. In Lahaina the FEMA personnel were put up in five star hotels while the people who lost their homes got $700. I’m not sure anyone knows what FEMA accomplished there. They’ll be just as useless this time, if they ever show up. After all, they won’t have accommodations in five star hotels in Appalachia.

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About 2012 we had a lady from FEMA give a talk at one of our AFP meetings in Salem, OR. She discussed what they do best, which was spread bureaucracy dollars around and make a lot of paperwork. Her bottom line was in an emergency do not expect FEMA to arrive anytime soon to help out, it will be the last one there and not prepared to do anything.

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Oct 2Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I copied this from Jeff Childers Substack. It is an explanation for where all the water came from. You won’t find it in any MSM


🌪️🌪️ In 2005, nearly 1,400 people died after New Orleans’ levees collapsed during Hurricane Katrina. Katrina holds the morbid record for top storm deaths in the modern era. Before that, you must reach all the way back to 1900 to find a more destructive storm. So far, Hurricane Helene remains far short of Katrina’s deadly peak, but reported deaths are increasing fast. We are beginning to see the signs of possible Katrina competition in headlines like this one from CNN this morning: “Desperation grows to find unaccounted for in wake of Helene.”

Helene landed in Florida, after scrubbing Florida’s West Coast during most of its northward trek. But Florida didn’t even make the top three states for reported deaths. So far, North Carolina has the most (73). South Carolina is a distant second (36), followed by Georgia (25).

The problem was all the water.

Last year, I reported on the Hunga Tonga undersea volcanic eruption — the most significant climate event in modern history, which you never heard of since corporate media is utterly useless. I included all the evidence in my July, 2023 post “Overheated” (though many of the links have since been deleted or fact-check bombed, it’s all there.).  The short version is, a massive underwater volcanic eruption in the South Pacific boiled off literally unimaginable amounts of water, measurably increasing water vapor rates worldwide.

Water in the air (“humidity”) creates heat. So my point in 2023 was about the record hot summer that year. Studies I linked in the article (now very difficult to find) forecast elevated temperatures for years from Hunga Tonga moisture — worldwide.

But there was a bigger concern than a couple degrees of extra temperature: What goes up must come down. All that extra vaporized water has been showing up in recent extreme weather events.

Gorilla hail and record worldwide flooding are both signs of boiled sea water returning to ground. North Carolina’s damage wasn’t because of high wind speeds. Helene had slowed considerably by the time it traveled that far north. No, the worst damage was from floods, rockslides, and mudslides.

In other words, from the water.

Note for HAARP watchers: I’m suggesting that Hunga Tonga is where all the water came from. How turbo hurricanes start, and where they go after they start, is a completely different question.

Regarding government policy, yesterday’s top suggestion was to give Hurricane Helene survivors protected refugee status, like the Haitians. In other words: free cell phones, debit cards, monthly allowances, food stamps, health care, home-buying credits, rent subsidies, and all the rest. Just for 12 months.

I’m wondering, could we do that for our own citizens? What if they dressed up in colorful native garb? Do they have to eat the cats?

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Yes, I wrote about Tonga two years ago now, and there is absolute truth in this.


From my article back then. Tongas has definitely been center stage in a lot of the food price increases. Back then I wrote:

"Those particulates also cause large increases in rain and snowfall - as water droplets coalesce around these dust particles. On average, the effect of a volcanic eruption on global climate patterns will last for about two years'

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I agree with Janet. Glenn Beck's Mercury One got two helicopters and had supplies flown in. 100% of your contribution goes to the cause. Glenn pays all the administrative costs out of his pocket. We contributed yesterday.

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If H.A.R.P. is real ,was it involved in the intensity and direction of the Storm?

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Haarp towers are on many places now, not just Alaska. Yes. I grew up in New Orleans and learned that hurricanes weaken in strength when they hit land not Katrina! And now Helene destroying a massive area where coincidentally lithium can be mined!

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HARP is real. Other countries have weather changing systems also.

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