Jul 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I remember the heat of 1979. I lived in Tulsa, OK. I agreed to be the manager of our neighborhood pool that summer. It was so hot we decided to open the pool a week early. I had to change the rotation of the guards to limit their time in the boiling hot sun. We were also in drought so we had to go on outdoor water rationing so I had to get up at 4 to go over to the pool to add water on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only. The heat was so bad, on the days I could not add water I had to turn off the skimmer because the water level dropped. I did get a really good tan that year, though. And we did survive. Wasn't 1979 when they were predicting global cooling?

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Hah! In the summer of 1980 I installed some very nice "Brown an White" Old time photo Graphics in the Tulsa Airport. I recall looking out the windows and down the approches and runways from the upper levels inside the building only to see everything outside as those gnarly heat distortions. Where like a Mirage, nothing looks like it should as it twists and glimmers. Almost a cool as seeing the Northern Lights for the first time. Un-earthly to view.

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Oh man, Tulsa airport - brings back memories! I thought it was what airports looked like. Then I moved to Atlanta. We've had some pretty hot summers here too. Darn global cooling, uh, um, global heating, uh, wait... climate change!

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Oil money has been great for a hot Tulsa OK. Much greater for the hot sands of Arabia.

Our future is relying on even more amounts of toiled to produce energy. The sun and the winds are free, the cost to harness/store/deliver it as electrical power sure as heck is not.

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1979, those were the days. We had that great leader in office Jimmy Carter. Hyper inflation, high interests rates, soaring food prices, super high gas prices, but at least he wasn’t a foreign agent masquerading as a US president. Today we have an installed Manchurian president.

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Oh yes, good times, good times. My (then) husband owned an old Skelly gas station that was mostly his car repair shop. During the oil embargo, when there was no gas to sell for two weeks out of the month, for some strange reason, no one wanted their oil changed or engines tuned either. Thus we struggled to pay bills and feed three kids. He took a job working on Sundays for someone else who paid him $40 cash and I used that money to plan meals and buy groceries and supplies for a week. But Kraft mac and cheese was 4 boxes for a dollar back then. I call the experience a life learning curve - surviving solely on your determination to survive. Dearth and plenty is always a test.

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He had the heart of a small town aging Minister. A humbleness he could not shake.

When we needed our tough guy to handle tough situations, he played soft poker hands.

The Global stage was used to a different person of such vast amounts of authority.

Wimps and candy asses need not apply. Look who is running this nation. DementiaMan!

The global stage sees this as our cracks showing. JRB is ten times worse than Jimmy history.

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Jimmy did have a good heart unlike the present gangster we seem to be stuck with. Without Jimmy we may never have seen Ron get swept into power. I hope these same presidential made catastrophes will sweep a strong pro American back into Whitehouse.

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I feel the same. That Americans see clearly what a dysfunctional human JRB truly is!

No more idiots...no more enablers and shysters at the helm @ 1616 Pennsylvania ave!

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank You so very much for this! I can’t read Twitter since I don’t have an account and I miss yours and Ed Dowd’s. I do check the Gettr but it’s not as current because it’s far too burdensome for you guys. I went to a local farm a few days ago, bought some raw milk, eggs, pork and poultry. Your articles a few years ago influenced me to support local farmers, it’s pricey but worth every cent. I’m growing lettuces and need to try tomatoes again, my setup isn’t conducive. Thank you, I have a deeply profound respect for the work it takes to do it right in farming, and all of life…you and Dr Jill are a model and inspiration. May God’s grace continue to protect and empower you both.

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I was unable to look at Twitter without an account for less than a week. Now I am able to again as of yesterday.

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That’s great for you! I’m not, I deleted history, cookies, etc. but I’m still required to sign-in and at this point I’m not ready to sign up for any social media. I miss Dr Malone’s and Ed Dowd’s posts AND the replies, I learned a lot.

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That’s too bad. I wish Dowd wrote a Substack. I don’t follow Twitter at all except to click on links posted in a stack article. And I don’t trust Elon.

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Dr Malone,

Same on the Twitter. And it seems to twist up my browser, even when played thru an embedded feed from another site. Pretty soon, I imagine, you'll be nudged off there again. From where did Elon borrow those nearly $40 billion? They are going to call that "loan" due-or demand more and greater influence to carry.

I note that you and Jill, save substack notices, have pretty much given up on Gettr. I wish you'd reconsider that, but perhaps you feel it is preaching to the choir.

And Heldfast---good for you on the local ag support. It is worth it. As of last May's financial data, guess who the new grocer to the poor is-beat out Walmart? Dollar Tree.

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Consumers Trade Down From Walmart, Dollar Tree Becomes Supermarket For The Working Poor


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The EU’s Internet Patrol is in big trouble now because it failed to make good on its rules with Musk. It gets a large % of all global revenues generated by Twitter when Twitter breaks their rules. That is why Musk had to hire that lady overseer and why he has been throttling Twitter’s users as of late. It was clear from the start that this lawsuit had legs, spider legs. The UE Internet Patrol failed to act quickly enough when the Twitter Files emerged. That’s my take.

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Jul 6, 2023·edited Jul 6, 2023

I suppose you've seen how Zuck is pushing---this will be interesting as the 2 go head to head. Both censoring away.

Meta Launches Data-Harvesting Twitter Clone, Immediately Starts Censoring


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I've seen some reporting about that. I've never had a FB account or a Twitter account. The only people that will join and stay on Zuck's twitter-like scheme are the truth-deniers, haters and activists. It will have plenty of trolls no doubt to keep it busy. Musk only had a short window of time and he did make the most of it. However, Twitter is not about to give up all of its EU users so folks better get used to the censorship that's coming.

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It's only a win when the American public understands the significants of the ruling. When the mass media continues to distort and lean left in their coverage of the news, and relies on the AP, Reuters, WP and NYT as being objective and factual, we will still be in trouble!

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Have to be careful only reading headlines. Read one implying polarization leading to migration to blue and states, had me wondering just who would move to blue? Reading the article suspect that blue states getting bluer simply due to folks moving to red states leaving a blue residue. Headlines can be misleading, sometimes I suspect intentionally.

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That is certainly true in California, population has significantly decreased from 2020.

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I'm hanging on by a thread. I'll not be chased off by these fraudulent parasites running government. I've got four generations of settlers that battled ticks, mosquitos, and politicians. We thought we'd contained the worst of them...

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I hope you have a motorhome or the likes, when you need to escape quickly. Drive east…gas cans too!

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Ha…I had a boat with 96 gallons of gas and 14-5 gallon gas cans and 8- 5 gallon containers of diesel and a wall tent with a wood burning stove. 9 -7 gallon water containers and 190lbs. of dog food. Re-building after move to uk. Ughhh. Ed

Uhhh…Edit - And Shall we say, other “stuff”. 🔥

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Hey Ed, Do you still have the boat, gas cans and diesel cans? Maybe you would like to sell these items…bulk price? I have many gas cans but could use more. 😉

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My paternal grandparents move to San Fran from NYC in 1917. Dad was born there, myself and siblings born there, my sons born in SoCal, my nieces and nephews kids all born there. I was the only one that left, and that was in 1970.

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Wow. In the 1850's (nobody has the exact record anymore) my great great grandfather built a ranch/orchard and harvested old-growth redwoods and Doug Fir on a 5,100 acre spot. It was steep mountainsides of untamed land, resistant to human hands. But hard work and determination turned it into a home for several generations. It was a large bowl shape piece of property, surrounded by mountain ridges that faced west, catching the pacific breeze in the hot summer and fall afternoons.

Producing food and timber was something that land had never done in the history of mankind. Though privately owned the state insinuates itself into the rights of land owners the control of the state of California, vis a vie Birkenstock wearing petulant child-'scientist' Starbucks swillers. As though humans are not permitted to be part of the eco system.

Now the land will again lay fallow and human absence will result in fewer deer, squirrel, fox and snake, prey and predator alike, will be able to feed from the largesse of the orchards and the opened meadows shall become over-grown with scotch broom, thorns, and ticks.

That men clear land is not a bad thing, it is an amazing gift from God.

To husband the productive ground beneath our feet is testimony to His abundant love.

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The best stewardship imaginable. Your ancestors were just following along with God's intent for His people.

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We also have internal censorship. Just read where cdc improperly coding deaths reported as due to jabs on the death certificates. Also interesting was those mentioned were in their 80s. I get the feeling cardiac threat to young becoming tacitly acknowledged but those whom "they" lyingly inform are at greatest risk and thus should get jabbed ad infinitum they seem uncomfortably eager to hide the risk. Wonder why????

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I wonder why Brownstone just pick MN to go after the death codes? I hope they go after more.

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Mayo clinic??

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Great assumption! Mayo is the exact opposite of anything touching John Hopkins!

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Both the ‘hottest ever’ and the lawsuit brings to mind a truth I harbor, which most will disagree with. I spent almost four decades in the regulatory arena of communications, both private and gov. In 2015 I was in D.C. for work, like most years, but this time having a discussion with an FCC commissioner who is now its Chairwoman.

I postulate it was much easier for countries to control the narrative when only newspapers existed. The locals only carried local news but the main papers carried the narrative of the Government. Remember FDR was NOT in a wheelchair and did not provoke Japan, the Nazis were not killing Jews, JFK’s affair with Monroe was non-existent, Obama was not a Marxist, ad nauseum…

AP by default carried most universal news-print, which had to be reiterated word for word by others, it was never questioned. With TV, starting in the 70s, we were played not only culturally but by the news. TV only existed because the FCC gave the companies free airwaves and the ‘news’ was only to inform the populus what the government wanted – good ole Walter. As with radio, TV was under the Fairness Doctrine until Reagan stopped that nonsense, which ushered in the likes of Limbaugh and “fair and balanced’ Fox.

The internet became the means of enlightenment, freeing up ‘real’ thoughts about news and spreading it around the world. Access to information was everywhere. Social media became the means to shed light where there had been none. It is still newspapers, radio and TV that subject the citizens to the government’s narrative, just like the BBC has always been funded by the British Government, another Pravda. The internet only recently became a double-edged sword. Now the gov has been caught in the act, and I might add, rather quickly! We can thank the internet for that and a few brave people. We are still enlightened – we have substacks!

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Unfortunately a lot of college educated people including my kids still don’t dig for the truth but believe the Pablum being feed to them!

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(TV only existed because the FCC gave the companies free airwaves and the ‘news’ was only to inform the populus what the government wanted)-

I remember the broadcast networks used to routinely post massive yearly $100 million+ losses on their "news" divisions. The various network heads all justified continuing their full funding and losses at those levels for "prestige" reasons.

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I'm seeing more and more folks talking about the MSM and their content being unsupported, biased nonsense.

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Couldn't agree more!

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Have a blessed day, Dr. Malone.

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Regarding "returning it" - Unilever: You Guys Go First. I'll wait.

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"Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Ya'know, I'm no brainiac (well, not anymore), but when I read the First Amendment I see nothing in there about conferring a right to free speech FOR THE GOVERNMENT. Said RIGHT is FOR the PEOPLE, the governed who send their representatives to Congress. Seems to me the that the government has the choice of speaking or NOT speaking and when it chooses to speak it doesn't get to speak untruth; also, in speaking, it can't abrogate the constitutionally conferred right to speak of the governed.

Why does it seem like these issues always arise when there's a marxist in the whitehouse or in congress? Oops, that might'a been offensive, I meant demonratz - damn, did it again, fingers were on autopilot, Democrats 🤢. Really, I meant democrat. really 🤭

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We need to hammer home that government has constitutional limits, humans have certain unalienable rights.

You can lose car keys, you can't lose rights. You have to surrender them, which seems to be what too many choose.

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Marxist was correct. No matter what else these traitors call themselves. Wonder if any of these "PSUEDO" democrats realize that once their evil mission has been accomplished, their lives won't be worth a plugged nickel? Stalin called them "useful idiots".

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Jul 6, 2023·edited Jul 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Not on fakebook, not on Gettr and not on Gab. Not on Instagram, Twitter or whatever. I like substack and I like podcasts. I still use YouTube some because Rumble doesn’t have my music…yet. My spouse and I scan the different online movie site in search of BW movies. (Before WOKE) We find ourselves actually reading BOOKS more and more often. P.S. There’s an excellent creamery about 15-20 minutes away, so we rarely buy brands anymore… Rita’s will do it a pinch!

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Jul 6, 2023·edited Jul 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“When tyranny becomes law, Rebellion becomes Duty”. Thomas Jefferson

I like most music…Even the Rappers are getting “very frustrated” with how the USA is headed.

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It’s ironic that Zuck uses the guise of more “kindness” but will allow even physical threats if against the “right” group. They are an echo chamber of the woke mob.

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The existing "win" as you describe it does not involve any penalties for those who violated constitutional law. And this "win" does not require the violators to personally pay any restitution to those who were harmed. Given this, it is like telling the bank robbers to stop robbing banks, while letting them keep their ill-gotten gains. The existing system-of-justice is badly perverted.

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This was just a ruling on motion for a preliminary injunction. The actual case lies ahead. Remedies don't come until the end.

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Jul 6, 2023·edited Jul 6, 2023

There were dispositions taken before this ruling. There are 64 times Fauci is mentioned: Pages 4, 6, 8, 49 (deposition taken), 50 thru 58 (all about him), 105, 106, 108, 127 fn, 131 fn,

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I skimmed through the 155-page judgement and it appears the redress contemplated by the plaintiffs was stopping the activity. The judge did deny the plaintiff's request for either a Class 1 or Class 2 action.

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Thanks Shelly. Yikes. Some redress!!

I did find the following definition of Class 1.

Might you know the definition of Class 2?

What is a Class 1 action lawsuit?

A class-action lawsuit is a civil lawsuit brought on behalf of a group of people or business entities who have suffered common injuries as a result of the defendants' conduct, with at least one individual or entity acting as a representative of that group.

There are plenty of injuries from the censorship - including all of the parties who were prevented from hearing the truth. Billions of toxic jabs could likely have been prevented if the censorship did not occur.

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Take a look at all the activity here: https://unicourt.com/case/pc-db5-missouri-et-al-v-biden-et-al-1192982/dockets

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Thanks for the link.

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I reread your earlier comment. It got me to thinking I was missing something. From the last 15 years of listening to Glenn Beck I knew I’m to do my own homework. So, I went back to the Preliminary Injunction and sure enough it only covers the first of five counts as seen on page 7 & 8!

“For the reasons discussed herein, it is only necessary to address Count One and the Plaintiffs’ request for class action certification in this ruling.”

Look at the other ones this Judge plans to opine one:

Count One – Violation of the First Amendment against all Defendants.

Count Two – Action in Excess of Statutory Authority against all Defendants.

Count Three – Violation of the Administrative Procedure Act against HHS, NIAID, CDC, FDA, Peck, Becerra, Murthy, Crawford, Fauci, Galatas, Waldo, Byrd, Choi, Lambert, Dempsey, Muhammed, Jefferson, Murry, and Kimberly.

Count Four – Violation of the Administrative Procedure Act against DHS, CISA, Mayorkas, Easterly, Silvers, Vinograd, Jankowicz, Masterson, Protentis, Hale, Snell, Wyman, and Scully.

Count Five – Violation of the Administrative Procedure Act against the Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Shopkorn, Schwartz, Molina-Irizarry, and Galemore.

Thank you Tim for pushing me to find more with your comment re: Billions of toxic jabs could likely have been prevented if the censorship did not occur.

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Yes it is easy to initially think that the harmed parties are only the people being censored. Yet this misses the fact that all others are harmed by censoring truths that are needed for "informed consent". What has occurred is diabolical on a grand scale. It is time for accountability. Grand penalties for the guilty parties are needed. Accountability is required.

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Well put. James Goodrich opined about that on yesterday's article.

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We've won this ruling on speech, and on racial quotas, too, but the left has thousands of lawyers and judges looking to keep these policies of censorship and racial discrimination in place and will be conniving to do so. They'll be a little more circumspect going forward.

Danny Huckabee

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks so much for the Good News! Always welcome! Hopin n prayin the Injunction holds through final adjudication. On the other hand, as DC Drano illustrates, further strategies and additional options may still be needed. In the Obama years the question was often posed - how do certain things happen when there's no evidence he had anything to do with it? The answer tendered was everyone knew what he wanted. No need to have it spelled out. The Media types have their own compatible courses of action. Complicity isn't vital.

Ice cream isn't on my menu. If it were B&J definitely wouldn't make it.

Hazy crazy days of summer. Keep cool. Bestest Always +++

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Knowing what 'law abiding' folks don't inhabit government, I have zero faith that censorship will stop.

Hell, the algorithms are already fine tuned, the principal actors will not stop doing what they do-killing the host they parasitize.

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A great “W” for now. In the end, good wins, evil loses.

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And not a word that it is an El Nino year in the northern hemisphere.

And Unilever, better knock out maple syrup flavors....that evil Canada..

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The only trends "they" want us to see are those that support the global criminal conspiracy.

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As always thanks for keeping us informed. I don’t buy Ben and Jerry’s but now I absolutely detest the company and will tell everyone I know about their hatred of the American experiment.

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