The 8,000 lb elephant that wasn’t in the living room wasn’t Donald Trump. It was Covid Fascism and Global Democide. We get a question about UFOs but not a word spoken about the greatest crime ever perpetrated against humanity, a crime still in progress as the debaters stood in front of the cameras. It’s like it’s 1942 and Hitler doesn’t even exist

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By 1939 most German Jews were dead. Took the world a while to recognise that Evil.too.

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That’s a good observation and very true. And Eisenhower put an exclamation point on it when he called for the cameras only minutes after seeing the Ohrdruf concentration camp in April 1945. He then immediately ordered the surrounding German communities to tour the camp and see what he saw. He told General Troy Middleton who was on the tour of the camp with him: “If we don’t do this people will say this never happened”. Now we know that they said it anyway, even with all the photos.

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I’ve been to Dachau and I could not believe the evil planning that went into using up human labor!

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My friends had father's who liberated the camps. Not one would set foot in a church after that. My father Royal Navy, found a boat filled with dead Jewish children. Parents had attempted to save them. He was 17. An atheist from that day on.

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GERmans were meticulous record keepers. There exists film footage. However Elie Wiesel wrote honestly about the brutality only survivors knew about. The Newborn babies thrown into open fires. Never counted. I have lived with holocaust survivors most of my life. The experimentation on children was brutal. My nieghbour was put to work on a VW assembly line at age 9. Starved. Many dropped dead. It wasn't only Jews. 6 million Polish people died in the camps. Half were Catholic. Most of the Roma Gypsy population was gassed, including children.

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How did they die before 1939?

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If I had been the moderator for Fox News at the presidential debate, I would’ve asked each of the wannabes to answer the following three questions. 1. Do you embrace the constitution as written by the founders?

2. Do you pledge allegiance to the flag?

3. What is your source of political funding outside of donations from American citizens?

I see there was no discussion about the Covid con and the lies told to control the narrative.

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I would add the question I offered to one of the candidates - Will you get us out of WHO? On further reflection I would add Will you get us out of the Climate Treaty? (Trump did didn't he?)

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Yes, Trump did! Probably part of the reason he's being persecuted. The establishment doesn't like those who stand up to them. Yes, that would be an excellent question. I've been wondering that myself. They need to pull out of both! Thanks for bringing that up.

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Oh yes, the dire threat of climate change. I have a high efficiency washing machine, meant to save the planet by restricting the amount of water that is used. My priority is having my clothes clean, so I use the "deep fill" option. I cannot choose the "normal" cycle and the "deep fill" option. Does that mean it is abnormal to use enough water to actually accomplish the job the washing machine is supposed to do?

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No doubt! Reminds me of the toilet and squirrelly light bulb solutions foist on us.

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Spot On!!! Ed

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Is round two of Covid variants coming to you this fall


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Killing all those poor animals is like the Irish killing off 200k of their best cattle and the Dutch farmers having to do the same to 120k head. The first is to prevent the supposed spread of avian flu, a disease that is obviated by definition, as they are not avian, but are quadrupeds; the next two are to reduce greenhouse gases, somehow. Mean time, China produces more than twice as much pollution of all types than the U.S., Canada, and the EU combined, and no one says a word.

These people on the left have lost their minds, as you write. And it's not getting better: it's getting worse.

Danny Huckabee

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I really like fauci and his “little” beagle experiment…Gawd, I hope he never meets Me. Uhhh…I Like Dogs Ed

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Beagles are the dogs used by most pharmaceutical.companies. They can be adopted if they survive. Closest dog breed to human dna I was told.

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In My Humble Opinion, Dogs are Sentient Beings. They understand and comprehend…They Love. I am 97% very, very kind. You do NOT want to see the rest. Change “like” to “I Love Dogs”. Better shut up now. 🤬. Ed

Edit - I asked a Dog owner to take the muzzle off…He said, He will bite You. Don’t care…He was licking My cheek…ever seen a Dog smile?

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I agree Ed. Our first dog was an English Fox Hound that we adopted from the Friends of the Pen program at the prison in Kingman AZ. He lived for 12 years and was a very unusual dog. He was a Sentient Being. During his lifetime my husband lost a close Aunt, a Sister, and a Grandmother and never shedded one tear. However, when our dog died, he cried like a baby for over 3 weeks. He could not figure out why he could not stop. I told him I thought it was because Maverick made him open his heart so deeply, that everything he had stored was now being released. He saw it then, and started to heal. Although we never forget those pets who were so important in our lives. Our new dog Maverick, (they both came with the name), is a completely different being. Very sweet, but not the same vibe. Both were/are treasures in our lives.

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I have lived with dogs since my home birth in England. I cannot imagine living without one. Animal.cruelty distresses me. Any animal. Of your replying to my comment on.Beagles

.I didn't say I approved

.Added the fact that they can be adopted.



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It’s funny. I hate when a rescue Pup picks Me. We called Her “The 20k Dog”. 🤣 Ed

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They've been prepping their audience for over a year about this flu, claiming it is getting easier by the day to infect people. Recently in the US they were stoking fears about swine flu rampaging county and state fairs.

They haven't lost their mind, they've lost their soul if they ever had one.

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Strange that some of the BRICK countries are angry at USA because we were slow to get the COVID vaccine to them. Perhaps they should be grateful.

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I don't see the need to murder animals for coats. They should not exist in cages to begin with.

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Finland just joined NATO, right?

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Judges imprisoned for ruling in favor of children...God help us all.

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Same as parents abused for trying to protect children from sexual material they can't possibly understand.

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Indeed, and well after the fact to ready the mind of anyone else who might think protecting children from further misfortune gets idea.

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The most horrifying of the stories to me is the fact that both the FBI and the CIA participated in in hiding/burying/undermining the validity of the Hunter Biden laptop, which has been in their possession for six months before the election. The revelation of the contents of that laptop would have exonerated Trump from the impeachment. The dissemination of the contents would have completely sunk Joe Biden‘s candidacy.

This means that our country is being run and controlled by rogue agencies who are calling all the shots while we pretend that our nation is a so called “democracy”.

I think we are in even worse trouble than we imagined.

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Based on that fact, hiding something that would have affected the outcome of the election, isn't that cheating.

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Wouldn't you know that - Mike Morrell - the (former) Deputy CIA Director (and) "acting" CIA Director IS a MEMBER of the "COUNCIL on FOREIGN RELATIONS" - a so-called "Non-Governmental Organization" ("NGO") - SAME as JOE BIDEN, Susan Rice, Anthony Blinken, John Kerry, Alejandro Mayorkas, Janet Yellen - George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton, Larry Fink to name just a few of the 5-K CFR members that CONTROL US Foreign AND Domestic policy - and are absolutely RESPONSIBLE for the ongoing CHAOS dumped on GENERATIONS - and counting - of (formerly) sovereign American citizens.

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I agree with you. And Canada, too.

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Unbelievable that Space X cannot hire only intelligent well educated people instead they are being sued for failure to hire refugees and minorities whether they are qualified or not. Stupidity is king these days.

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Considering there are reports of Chinese and other questionable types of IAs who could be spys, IMO the issue of hiring them at all should rule the issue.

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If they hire all ethnicities of US citizens, born or naturalized, what are they doing wring.

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No doubt in my mind that Mr. Musk has upset the Deep State by not playing along with their censorship objectives on X so he is being put on notice. There will be more vexatious lawsuits before the swamp gets drained. They are pulling out all the stops right now as they've lost control of the message and they know that ultimately spells the end.

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WELL Mr Musk also proclaimed he is no longer a Democrat.

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"Who is Robert Malone"'s most important story of this week is that from Al Jazeera:

Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the UAE have been invited to join the grouping of top emerging economies in January 2024.

“More scary [for the West] than the six who were chosen is that 40 expressed interest in joining, BRICS is engaging in incremental expansion … So where does it go in 30 years time?

“While hype of de-dollarisation isn’t on the horizon, the fact is that in a few years time, two of three largest economies in the world could be trading with each other within the [BRICS] bloc without the US dollar, that would be cause for some concern.”

Those who believe the dollar is not in imminent danger of being replaced by a gold-backed international exchange currency, and what disastrous effects this will have on the U.S. in the very near future (not thirty years) need to begin to educate themselves by "doing your own research" and not simply accepting the reassurances of the govt, the Treasury Department, and the Federal Reserve system. Read the full article as noted by Dr. Malone and begin your own investigation...


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I agree Biden continues to devalue the dollar by printing more money. I see the point of countries we buy goods from. What they sold to us for $1,000 a year ago, means the payment only worth $800 today. They lose.

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Thank you for that link to a very interesting article.

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Governor Christie certainly missed a broader policy opportunity in the debates regarding the "silly" UFO question. With regards to UAPs, he could have promised to declassify all information and to invite prominent civilian physicists to participate. Follow up with promise to fully declassify all files regarding Kennedy assassination(s), and finally to severely restrict all classification of information by govt agencies in future, by Executive Order and seeking appropriate Congressional legislation.

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If there's one thing these delusional busybodies can't stand, it's when we refuse to play along and comply with the rules they make for us in their game of make believe. The thing we need to get better at, myself included, is to convince others to stop playing their game.

I've personally given up on the idea that you can somehow point out to people how absurd it all is. We need to find a way to demonstrate how our choice not to play along is compelling, instead of foolish, or even dangerous.

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Our choice to advertise we are not playing along is dangerous.

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In the Bay Area in 1966 my family and the entire cul de sac of neighbors gathered with my brother's telescope and observed significant and undeniable UFO (not UAP's then) activity and, eventually as military planes flew up to it, it flew off. I don't know exactly who my father contacted by phone to report it, but he was treated offensively. That's just one of four UFO incidents that I am personally aware of and witness to since, and I'm just one person -- how many others worldwide can make similar statements? While biking a couple of years ago I had an anti-gravity (perfectly soundless) black box (roughly 6' X 5' X 2') fly, or cruise, directly up to me up to me (first noticed from around two miles away) and park a few feet overhead with its front end tilted downward facing me. It just stayed there immobile and after 5 - 10 minutes I rode off in the opposite direction. I did not look back. There was one other witness that I know of. I did not think it was an ET craft. I thought it was manmade with advanced, hidden from the public, technologies. I did not report it. Why would I want or need government officials or the MSM, both of which are lying about everyone and everything nowadays and censoring anyone willing to tell the truth, debate or suggest alternative reasons or measures to the government's position on anything, which has become a dangerous thing to do, to confirm to me that these craft and species exist? While on the topic, military planes are flying overhead constantly these past 2 days. Are they on their way to engage in a dog fight with ET UFOs? I do live in an Air Force community.

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It is the military planes that do the majority of the chem trails in the atmosphere. I have been seeing new patterns of chem clouds in the sky indicating they are changing either the content or the concentration.

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Aug 25, 2023·edited Aug 25, 2023

It's my impression that chemtrail planes fly at far lower rate of speed that these planes tearing across the sky are flying by. They seed the sky with heavy chemical cargo and require some cloud cover. Their trails are soon apparent behind the chemtrail planes, and there have been none. I can't see these what sound like fighter jets. Are they are donning their camouflage attire? From my position I can see but around 10% of the sky overhead, and they may be flying across that portion. Though in the past I've heard very loud fighter jets while outdoors and could not see them anywhere overhead. I went so far as to verify camouflage technologies existing on military aircraft.

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One of my friends lives about 30 bird miles from me across the border in KS and a little south. He told me last year that certain times of the day and at night he hears what sound like sonic booms from high powered jets but he is never able to see them. He is about 90 bird miles from Whiteman AFB in MO.

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Aug 25, 2023·edited Aug 25, 2023

I just got back from outdoors. They are roaring by constantly but I can't see them. They seem to be beyond my horizon in the south and flying in a northwest to southeast direction. It's non stop now. I have to get out on my bike to see what I can see.

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Let us know if you find anything.

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Yes, it is an ariel display being put on by the Air Force Thunderbirds. I saw two types: the red and white F-16C Fighting Falcon and two larger planes flying side-by-side. They've been flying by overhead all day and are exciting to see.

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Aug 27, 2023·edited Aug 27, 2023

Update: The planes, the Thunderbirds and two more traditional looking fighter aircraft, yesterday and the day before, were releasing what I assumed were contrails for visual effects (loops and streams) which is not unusual. Yet last night we had the most dramatic intra and cloud to cloud lightning (strobe lightning, as much as 1 - 2 strikes per second) along with non-stop growling thunder I have ever experienced. I did experience a similar lighting storm, no rain, in Boulder, Colorado, (home to NOAA and NCAR) around 15 years ago. People came out of the bars and were hollering in the streets. It did not rain there nor last nearly as long as last night's storm. From my vantage point upstairs, it started in downtown Boise then made its way overhead around 2 hours later. Along with all the visual and sound drama came a huge downpour. It was a very slow moving storm; from downtown to where I am (7 miles distance), before abating then ceasing or moving on, taking around 5 hours.

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We lived next door to a Blue Angles pilot. Use to go to Port Hueneme (whyneme) CA where they put on their air shows. That was in the 1960s.

Perhaps those contrails were chemtrails seeding clouds?

What I'm seeing here in MO is strange colored clouds, brown and dark grey, along with the normal white. Also fan patterns of perfectly spaced puffs forming ladder-like rungs in the sky.

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Yes Shelley. I saw anomalous cloud formations and colors in Boulder frequently (again, home to NOAA and NCAR). Once I saw a woven pattern of cloud lines, intricate and perfectly woven like a web or a loose basket weaving. Not at all natural. I often saw luminescent clouds (overhead, not during sunset) in brilliant colors, particularly a striking bright yellow. Quite beautiful actually, The strangest thing I saw, while driving on the freeway around 5pm, off toward the horizon, were dark rays radiating outwards from a central location, like from some evil thing or place. They were quite distinct and I had never seen anything like it before. In the news soon after (obviously many others saw and reported it) the claim was that it was the light rays of the setting sun (in the opposite direction) or, they may have said the rising moon ( I don't recall which, it was several years ago) causing the darkness in contrast to look like the rays. It was such offensively stupid response they would have been better off saying nothing. Oh! Here we go again, more jets flying by overhead today! Wow!!! That one was really loud!!! Gotta go see now! Bye!

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"The strangest thing I saw, while driving on the freeway around 5pm, off toward the horizon, were dark rays radiating outwards from a central location"

5pm during which month? Last Thursday when my son was here we saw the same thing looking East about 7-7:30ish pm. I should have taken a pic. My son said that it is an atmospheric phenomenon you can see when just the right conditions occur. It is like a reverse reflection of the setting sun in the West. He said he has seen them 3-4 times a year.

Sounds like something not seen very often by very many people but it is natural. Whew, right?

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It did look strange, surreal. I've seen it once but yes, I think you have explained it.

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If only these news stories were Babylon Bee generated, but the age of the absurd strikes around the clock and the world in a synchronized fashion.

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All I could think of, as I read this brilliant article, was…oh my God, this is what has been and continues to be done to us. We are being culled just like everything else. I can hear the gated chatter…”how many got the virus this week”? Response. “Ok, cull 3% across the board. Don’t scare them though. Bit by bit we will reach our designated population.” Limits to Growth. Accelerating it seems, or, we are

waking up faster and faster? P.S. less population the less need for all these farms, factories, goods, services and, of course, fur clothing items. Hopefully, I’m not going mad. Thank you, as always Dear Dr Bob and Dr Jill.

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Now Biden is going to Congress for money for R&D into a new ‘vaccine’ to produce a ‘vaccine’ - here’s the kicker that he said out loud - “that works”. 😂😂😂

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8 billion people. I believe it is those who are educated and employed who have stopped having children. China has a shortage of Chines woman to marry the men. They failed to predict the killing of female babies under 1 child policy. Jews have long ago stopped replacing themselves. Except for the Orthodox. Even Catholics in wealthy countries limit to 2 children. Meanwhile it is poor less advanced countries that still have many offspring.

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How is killing those animals supposed to help Bird Flu? What a bunch of idiots. They haven't got a clue

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They know it won't but suspect most will believe them.

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Flying saucers, unidentified flying objects (UFOs), unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), spaceships... whatever they are, produce suction for abduction.

Once they suck you in, the space aliens use anal probes for close encounters of the turd kind. This is for scientific study of the human race. The aliens have discovered that most human beings are full of shit.

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OMG, I hope they plan to make lots of coats out of all those dead critters. Anything else is a waste of beautiful fur....

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That’s the only thing we can do. Anything else would only lead to the climate crisis lol


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