.. listening to Boris "grant people their freedoms back " was quite disturbing. It should have been an apology with acknowledgment of how foolish and wrong they were. It struck me in a frightening way.. that our governments have the power to control us at their whim. Am I wrong?
agreed, but better late than never...then script is flipping very quickly, how can Nazi Austria and Australia keep the boots on the necks of their citizens any longer, there neeeds to be hell to pay !! these bastards are still destroyoying lives and businesses, we are losing 2000 Americans a week from OD and suicide this is a national horrr show and must end !!! Fauci you are a sick monster
The elites won't give up this easily. They are possibly re-grouping & Boris trying to perhaps play the good -guy, relieve pressure...simply stated, none of them can be trusted, IMHO.
Yep. My instinct tells me they are regrouping. I am keeping my emergency food, solar generator, water filtration system and bug out bag nearby. My late scientist spouse said to be prepared and always be a skeptic until proven otherwise :)
They are brewing up another deadly virus, and this time it might be really deadly. Sadly, there will likely be more gain-of-function research and another "leak" or release.
With many years working in Washington and more years as an observer I have decided these leaders do not really lead but take the path of least resistance balancing between personal gains and public pressure.
It's best not to credit them with smart planning but to think of them like spoiled children who will get away with as much as you let them, then back to mischief the moment you take your eyes off them.
This is where a free press would act as a check by holding power to account and through aggressive propaganda and censorship they have launched alternatives and a revolution against corp power that is unstoppable now. Yaaay go us!! :~)
Too many multi-billionaires with too much power & technology to buy & manipulate govts., business, agencies, officials…. Its the downfall of humanity. Even our taxes are allowing them to screw us.
If they took the path of least resistance, they would have backed off when repeated, massive protests started months ago.
This idea, that the people who lead you into ruin are simply a bit dumb, is lethal. It protects people who are fully conscious of what they're doing, and lulls you into complacency by underestimating their next moves.
intetesting take Mike, you may be spot on..this did come out of left field maybe there is data from deadly blood clot shots that are about to hit and he is trying to get ahead of is, lets savor this battle victory with UK relenting at least for now...but keep our powder dry for the next assault on liberty
I suspect many employers will continue masking their lowest-status employees for some time, especially nationwide/international brands.
Big box stores like Lowe's are the only places anywhere near me that I've seen the masking of the slave class in at least a year. Even franchise restaurants vs. family-owned single locations immediately next door.
I'm a Jim Beam Black man myself. Maker's Mark is good, though, gotta admit. Aw, hell... Let's face it: I'd drink Lavoris with what's been going on lately. Richard's Wild Irish Rose is good for taking the grease off a motorcycle chain, from what I understand, and it's probably good for sterilizing surfaces in order to avoid the dreaded next variant: "Double-Secret Probation Delta House Death Bomb".
In America, the government is supposed to be comprised of our peers and work for our common interests. Our government is not supposed to be comprised of employees of the oligarch class who work only for their employers' interests (which in the oligarch mind is to be a god managing their livestock, meaning you and I). We need to get back to the original design and put the sociopaths out to pasture.
Interesting it would be; to compare insider selling(potential foreknowledge) of members in "forums," and indirect owners of "foundations," before and after mandated company immunity vaccines used in pandemics. If the mandates were being undone, do you buy put warrants on the very same companies that generated enormous one time profits? Is the stock price indicative of the future potential policies to be mandated by government for an Oligarch input? If a product is really good, eventually it can stand on its own, without governmental immunity, whereby both the producer and consumer benefit. On the other hand if there was a recall, or potential never ending litigation, perhaps that might be a top in the company stock price, and hence a change in governmental policy.
We need a Nuremberg style tribunal for these world class criminals. This needs revealed from the ground up. They have been getting away with way too much for way too long.
Dare to dream the entire corp-gov Mafia is above the law and none ever do more than pay token fines from their fortunes. Maybe Bozo would gaf if war criminal Tony Blair were in Belmarsh not Julian Assange the Australian publisher who rocked the world with video of US soldiers killing two Reuters journalists and family w children and troves of war crimes evidence. https://collateralmurder.wikileaks.org/
Julian's life has been like a caged animal with the key in CIA hands from that day to now and Tony Blair is pimping for Big Pharma while Dubbya Bush does art tours. Julian is on year three in UK GITMO in a "pre-trial" while USA works to snatch what's left of his mind and body to die without speaking & criminalize journalism. So the CIA planned to kill him and stole his lawyers noes, taped all his calls, the EDVA Espionage Court is sure to give him a fair trial in their Classified case. https://news.yahoo.com/kidnapping-assassination-and-a-london-shoot-out-inside-the-ci-as-secret-war-plans-against-wiki-leaks-090057786.html
JP said it beautifully about Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Peter McCullough--by participating in two extended Joe Rogan episodes, close in time, the two single-handedly caused a shift in consciousness. So true. Gratitude to you both. Your influence and mass earning of people's trust well deserved, acquired the right way through a lot of hard work, patience, authentic caring for others, and consistent attention to scientific detail and the totality of the evidence.
I agree, although I think Dr. Malone's interview was the icing on the cake. And Malone shared so many meaningful articles with people on Twitter to help us know what the science was actually saying as the situation developed.
We are in a war of narratives and Malone, McCullough have created a fabulous set of narratives using facts and reason. Facts and reason alone cannot win such a war, but when crafted together as narratives, as these two heroes have done, they certainly can, and are.
Politicians have repeatedly demonstrated that nothing they do is done in good faith.
Temporary relaxing on restrictions is just them pumping the breaks. The world needs to take the keys away before they try stepping on the gas again. Completely strip them of the power to force lockdowns ever again, and requiring shots needs to become illegal.
Just say no? Politicians are cracking the whip on the working class as they pressure employers to mandate the clotshot. For anyone working to keep a roof over their head and food on the table, this is force.
That unabashed study you shared on choosing the right indicator is yet further evidence that this is has been a Ministry of Truth perception management campaign entirely divorced from objective reality from the outset.
The academics participating in such research and the psychologists implementing these population control stratagems need to stand trial for the catastrophic damage they have caused to human beings, economies, and the social fabric itself.
(Love JP, BTW! I’ve been sharing that brilliant synopsis of the crumbling narrative myself.)
"The academics participating in such research and the psychologists implementing these population control stratagems need to stand trial for the catastrophic damage they have caused to human beings, economies, and the social fabric itself."
This is not an anomaly it is business as usual and has been since Operation Paperclip rescued Nazi war criminals. Who remembers 2014 — Psychatrists Jim Mitchell and Bruce Jessen were paid $81m to devise torture techniques using GITMO prisoners. They told CIA to use waterboarding, stress positions, cold rooms, sleep deprivation & everything else already defined as war crimes under Military Code, US and International Law plus treaties.
They fixed that with Hollywood version for the public to consume.Zero Dark Thirty was CIA backed production that glorified torture, expanded the myth of ticking time bomb and portrayed Bloody Gina Haspel as a hero not a mass murder who takes delight inflicting human suffering. Pushback for headlines like "Kings of Torture Paid $81 Million"
i am not sure he will. i live in CA too, and we're moving when we can. the elite really love their power here (remember the French Laundry incident, both Newsom's AND Breed's.) They just don't care.
I am in Commiformia as well (north San Diego county) The countdown has begun regarding the forced vax mandate for k-12 public and private schools. The tyrant put a hard date of July/2022 for forced vax to attend. Of course, gives time to get the death jabs into kids before the August 2022 school starts.
I have been prepping my teens (9th grader and 7th grader) for the scenario that has made me a furious hater of all local and state officials. These poor kids will loose their ability to play high school sports, enjoy the large diverse population of teens and loose their identity of belonging in our moderate sized rural town.
The school boards bowing down to the tyrant in order to keep the endless scamdemic funding I think is the primary problem. I have joined every group, become a social media activist of sorts, financially supported the substackers ect. I am wondering if "we the people" actually have "standing" and could gather forces for a class action lawsuit?? We see a local atty. (Michael Curran) on local morning news who is actively representing individuals against city workplace mandates, I guess its time to call and see if anything is taking form that will try and get a TRO or something against forced vax for k-12.
I think it is misplaced optimism to think this tyranny is over. It is my opinion that are ramping down one fear factor... in order to get you off balance when they hit the populace with multi-pronged ones soon. Turning your emotions into a yo-yo scenario keeps you in a reactive state. Keep your eyes open for false flags, your bank accounts, food, fuel and the Russia situation. All meant to destabilize and leave you insecure. They want you begging for the government to save the day...
Yes this is where I saw it on RFK Jr's CHD site. Catherine Austin Fitts follows this sort behavior and she just had an interview with Bobby Kennedy Jr. published on multiple outlets.
Isn't there a new ChiCom hemorrhagic fever? Could that be the "cause" of the global financial collapse? I wouldn't put it past the ChiComs & their DemCom & Globalist neo"con" partners.
First, enormous thanks for your work and info presented, Dr. Malone! I was actually jUST thinking of contacting you and Steve Kirsch about this subject, as I've been seeing, receiving some odd predictions in terms of our financial state. With the level of psychotic madness attempting to gain full control of (and harm!) the masses, I started to wonder about prior 'crashes', and the like. Is ThAT too, all controlled by the tyrannical Elites? Feel like every aspect of our being is played out like a Chess game, contolled by thEM. : /
Betsy's comment mayy help explain, support, why Financial Investment firms like Stansbury Digest are predicting the crash of 2022 (equivalent, or worse than that of 2008) oN Feb. 11th - Love the exAct date being given - well, the analyst states market will "Top" , and crash.
Just started thinking more about those guys, their predictions, the $$$ involved, the hype of how SOO many will lose virtually everything, but follow us, our recommendations, and you could be one of the few to come out on top!!
I'm prolly reading WAYYY more into this... but wanted to share, in case not. THANKS!! : )
Not that I don’t believe the market will crash, but Stansbury has been saying that for a long time. I do believe there are great manipulations of our prosperous, big, but small country. Stansbury not the best source perhaps.
Thanks for that, Yeahh...they have. I guess with all the oTHer manipulations and insanity occurring, mayyybe it's all been a ploy, getting us to the ultimate point we're now at, facing with the markets, especially with the digital currency crAzy talk. Just feel like society has been play after play for decades with these psychomaniacs.
He has a good Wednesday night special on Blaze TV tonight. I am sure he'll be addressing not ONLY the outline of his new book, but other breaking news.
Well I think its progress that Public "Health" Scotland is still publishing the data, even if they are trying hard to spin what is clearly a strongly negative VE in the population.
At least they are better than most other jurisdictions, where they simply stop providing data when it goes against the narrative. So - progress.
My question about the UK: is this Boris's last gasp on the way out the door, or have the pandemic pushers actually given up?
For all the good news about maybe turning the corner and maybe the narrative falling apart, I am not letting my guard down. Too many people have too much to lose to expect people to say ‘never mind and carry on.’
I have zero faith in those in power who used this ‘pandemic’ as an opportunity to take people’s freedoms away. I certainly am not expecting any apologies from any of these people who have A) been wrong and B) ruined countless lives.
I've been bait and switched so many times, so, Stocking up on my home treatments. AND the fact that medical staff is STILL under the thumb of these mandates, is the LAST nail in the coffin of our medical care systems. Medical staff will EXIT their professions.
It's awesome to feel the tsunami of truth breaking free and well earned jubilation for all who have paid a high personal price for standing against Washington's protected corporate Mafia.
The JP video was fantastic if it were mocking government policies in 2005 he'd have offers from Comedy Central not censorship threats from media moguls. It's wonderful to see the MSM losing viewers faster than Congress spends cash.
The past two years we have seen poignant examples of fooling all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time. But in the end you can't fool Mother Nature who always reveals the truth behind flawed science.
On 5 Jan 2022 the @WHO updated its advice on Pfizer's mRNA vaccine for children as the following.
"Who should not take the vaccine?
There are currently no efficacy or safety data for children below the age of 12 years. Until such data are available, individuals below 12 years of age should not be routinely vaccinated."
I'm looking into immigrating from U.S. to U.K. ASAP. Also, JP is hilarious! I joined his email list through his site because YouTube will be taking him down, it's inevitable.
.. listening to Boris "grant people their freedoms back " was quite disturbing. It should have been an apology with acknowledgment of how foolish and wrong they were. It struck me in a frightening way.. that our governments have the power to control us at their whim. Am I wrong?
agreed, but better late than never...then script is flipping very quickly, how can Nazi Austria and Australia keep the boots on the necks of their citizens any longer, there neeeds to be hell to pay !! these bastards are still destroyoying lives and businesses, we are losing 2000 Americans a week from OD and suicide this is a national horrr show and must end !!! Fauci you are a sick monster
The elites won't give up this easily. They are possibly re-grouping & Boris trying to perhaps play the good -guy, relieve pressure...simply stated, none of them can be trusted, IMHO.
Yep. My instinct tells me they are regrouping. I am keeping my emergency food, solar generator, water filtration system and bug out bag nearby. My late scientist spouse said to be prepared and always be a skeptic until proven otherwise :)
They are brewing up another deadly virus, and this time it might be really deadly. Sadly, there will likely be more gain-of-function research and another "leak" or release.
true. I hadn't thought of another "virus"....and yes. It will be very deadly
Been ready for years. This plan has been in the woks for a century.
With many years working in Washington and more years as an observer I have decided these leaders do not really lead but take the path of least resistance balancing between personal gains and public pressure.
It's best not to credit them with smart planning but to think of them like spoiled children who will get away with as much as you let them, then back to mischief the moment you take your eyes off them.
This is where a free press would act as a check by holding power to account and through aggressive propaganda and censorship they have launched alternatives and a revolution against corp power that is unstoppable now. Yaaay go us!! :~)
Too many multi-billionaires with too much power & technology to buy & manipulate govts., business, agencies, officials…. Its the downfall of humanity. Even our taxes are allowing them to screw us.
If they took the path of least resistance, they would have backed off when repeated, massive protests started months ago.
This idea, that the people who lead you into ruin are simply a bit dumb, is lethal. It protects people who are fully conscious of what they're doing, and lulls you into complacency by underestimating their next moves.
Can’t disagree. They are spineless!
Cue the ADE driven hemorrhagic fever from Fauci's cauldron...
RE: ADE as predicted long ago: https://drjessesantiano.com/defective-immunity-and-covid-19-antibody-dependent-enhancement-in-alberta-canada/
just this week ive seen/read this hemorrhagic fever mentioned several times in comments to posts. Could it be so?
intetesting take Mike, you may be spot on..this did come out of left field maybe there is data from deadly blood clot shots that are about to hit and he is trying to get ahead of is, lets savor this battle victory with UK relenting at least for now...but keep our powder dry for the next assault on liberty
Here is what is funny.
The mask mandate in UK will end tomorrow!, not today! Not NOW.
Like walking into a restaurant and taking your mask off at the table then putting it back on to walk out.
In the meantime the poor servers are masked for their entire shifts.
It should all end today.
It's all bull. In Spain you can go out till a certain hour and then there is a curfew... because you know... Covid can tell the time 🙄
I suspect many employers will continue masking their lowest-status employees for some time, especially nationwide/international brands.
Big box stores like Lowe's are the only places anywhere near me that I've seen the masking of the slave class in at least a year. Even franchise restaurants vs. family-owned single locations immediately next door.
Right. In Canada the virus has just learned not to infect NHL players after the All-Star game. Science is amazing.😂
Actually spirits are a deadly weapon for any virus. Been sipping whiskey since this all began. Advice from a Spanish Flu survivor.
I can tell you from personal experience, gin is also holy water to the virus. Cheers!
I wish I had been drinking whiskey continuously since March 2020 myself. :)
This comment is just classic. Laughed so hard, I spilled my bourbon all over my keyboard.
I've been sipping the cheap stuff with cloves, brown sugar, honey and vanilla. Got a couple of bottles of the good stuff for Christmas.
I'm a Jim Beam Black man myself. Maker's Mark is good, though, gotta admit. Aw, hell... Let's face it: I'd drink Lavoris with what's been going on lately. Richard's Wild Irish Rose is good for taking the grease off a motorcycle chain, from what I understand, and it's probably good for sterilizing surfaces in order to avoid the dreaded next variant: "Double-Secret Probation Delta House Death Bomb".
bwahahaahhah ^
In America, the government is supposed to be comprised of our peers and work for our common interests. Our government is not supposed to be comprised of employees of the oligarch class who work only for their employers' interests (which in the oligarch mind is to be a god managing their livestock, meaning you and I). We need to get back to the original design and put the sociopaths out to pasture.
My freedom is not in his gift.
Interesting it would be; to compare insider selling(potential foreknowledge) of members in "forums," and indirect owners of "foundations," before and after mandated company immunity vaccines used in pandemics. If the mandates were being undone, do you buy put warrants on the very same companies that generated enormous one time profits? Is the stock price indicative of the future potential policies to be mandated by government for an Oligarch input? If a product is really good, eventually it can stand on its own, without governmental immunity, whereby both the producer and consumer benefit. On the other hand if there was a recall, or potential never ending litigation, perhaps that might be a top in the company stock price, and hence a change in governmental policy.
We need a Nuremberg style tribunal for these world class criminals. This needs revealed from the ground up. They have been getting away with way too much for way too long.
Reinhard Fullmich (didn't spell his name correctly) has been bringing charges against these criminals. Don't know the current status as I type this.
Nuremberg was grounded by the US army’s dominance of the zone.
Dare to dream the entire corp-gov Mafia is above the law and none ever do more than pay token fines from their fortunes. Maybe Bozo would gaf if war criminal Tony Blair were in Belmarsh not Julian Assange the Australian publisher who rocked the world with video of US soldiers killing two Reuters journalists and family w children and troves of war crimes evidence. https://collateralmurder.wikileaks.org/
Julian's life has been like a caged animal with the key in CIA hands from that day to now and Tony Blair is pimping for Big Pharma while Dubbya Bush does art tours. Julian is on year three in UK GITMO in a "pre-trial" while USA works to snatch what's left of his mind and body to die without speaking & criminalize journalism. So the CIA planned to kill him and stole his lawyers noes, taped all his calls, the EDVA Espionage Court is sure to give him a fair trial in their Classified case. https://news.yahoo.com/kidnapping-assassination-and-a-london-shoot-out-inside-the-ci-as-secret-war-plans-against-wiki-leaks-090057786.html
ah....yeah. But THAT ain't happening. Too much evidence!
JP said it beautifully about Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Peter McCullough--by participating in two extended Joe Rogan episodes, close in time, the two single-handedly caused a shift in consciousness. So true. Gratitude to you both. Your influence and mass earning of people's trust well deserved, acquired the right way through a lot of hard work, patience, authentic caring for others, and consistent attention to scientific detail and the totality of the evidence.
Well said. Couldn’t agree more.
I agree, although I think Dr. Malone's interview was the icing on the cake. And Malone shared so many meaningful articles with people on Twitter to help us know what the science was actually saying as the situation developed.
We are in a war of narratives and Malone, McCullough have created a fabulous set of narratives using facts and reason. Facts and reason alone cannot win such a war, but when crafted together as narratives, as these two heroes have done, they certainly can, and are.
Well said Betsy! That was the turning point!
I agree completely. They confirmed, with science and facts, what I had merely assumed from the beginning: an agenda of control.
Politicians have repeatedly demonstrated that nothing they do is done in good faith.
Temporary relaxing on restrictions is just them pumping the breaks. The world needs to take the keys away before they try stepping on the gas again. Completely strip them of the power to force lockdowns ever again, and requiring shots needs to become illegal.
I think it is already illegal to force people to take experimental medicines/treatment... People must be willing to say 'no'.
Just say no? Politicians are cracking the whip on the working class as they pressure employers to mandate the clotshot. For anyone working to keep a roof over their head and food on the table, this is force.
I hear you.
That unabashed study you shared on choosing the right indicator is yet further evidence that this is has been a Ministry of Truth perception management campaign entirely divorced from objective reality from the outset.
It reminds me of this University of Kent research (https://phys.org/news/2020-06-collectivism-efforts-covid-.html) advocating a collectivist mindset to encourage compliance (Totalitarianism 101).
The academics participating in such research and the psychologists implementing these population control stratagems need to stand trial for the catastrophic damage they have caused to human beings, economies, and the social fabric itself.
(Love JP, BTW! I’ve been sharing that brilliant synopsis of the crumbling narrative myself.)
"The academics participating in such research and the psychologists implementing these population control stratagems need to stand trial for the catastrophic damage they have caused to human beings, economies, and the social fabric itself."
This is not an anomaly it is business as usual and has been since Operation Paperclip rescued Nazi war criminals. Who remembers 2014 — Psychatrists Jim Mitchell and Bruce Jessen were paid $81m to devise torture techniques using GITMO prisoners. They told CIA to use waterboarding, stress positions, cold rooms, sleep deprivation & everything else already defined as war crimes under Military Code, US and International Law plus treaties.
They fixed that with Hollywood version for the public to consume.Zero Dark Thirty was CIA backed production that glorified torture, expanded the myth of ticking time bomb and portrayed Bloody Gina Haspel as a hero not a mass murder who takes delight inflicting human suffering. Pushback for headlines like "Kings of Torture Paid $81 Million"
🤣🤣🤣 Any way you can share the pic?
I understand these were originally designed for workers who spray-paint cars.
That's awesome. When will the tyrant Newsom open up California. That psycopath.
i am not sure he will. i live in CA too, and we're moving when we can. the elite really love their power here (remember the French Laundry incident, both Newsom's AND Breed's.) They just don't care.
My wife and I have become activists because of this. We are trying to make it work here, if not, then yeah, we have no choice either but to leave
I am in Commiformia as well (north San Diego county) The countdown has begun regarding the forced vax mandate for k-12 public and private schools. The tyrant put a hard date of July/2022 for forced vax to attend. Of course, gives time to get the death jabs into kids before the August 2022 school starts.
I have been prepping my teens (9th grader and 7th grader) for the scenario that has made me a furious hater of all local and state officials. These poor kids will loose their ability to play high school sports, enjoy the large diverse population of teens and loose their identity of belonging in our moderate sized rural town.
The school boards bowing down to the tyrant in order to keep the endless scamdemic funding I think is the primary problem. I have joined every group, become a social media activist of sorts, financially supported the substackers ect. I am wondering if "we the people" actually have "standing" and could gather forces for a class action lawsuit?? We see a local atty. (Michael Curran) on local morning news who is actively representing individuals against city workplace mandates, I guess its time to call and see if anything is taking form that will try and get a TRO or something against forced vax for k-12.
I think it is misplaced optimism to think this tyranny is over. It is my opinion that are ramping down one fear factor... in order to get you off balance when they hit the populace with multi-pronged ones soon. Turning your emotions into a yo-yo scenario keeps you in a reactive state. Keep your eyes open for false flags, your bank accounts, food, fuel and the Russia situation. All meant to destabilize and leave you insecure. They want you begging for the government to save the day...
Yep. That World Economic Forum with that evil Klaus Schwab? They aren't going away THAT easily. This plan's been in the works for decades.
yeah.....I think that may be true :)!
I still wish somebody would interview Mike Pompeo and ask him what he meant in March of 2020 when he says, “This is a test. An exercise.”
Agree completely. But mind what beat them this time and improve for the next battle.
Thank you! Guess it's time cue up the climate emergency or financial meltdown.
There were reports of a global event 201 style simulation of a global financial collapse in the last month.
I will have to look that up!
Yes this is where I saw it on RFK Jr's CHD site. Catherine Austin Fitts follows this sort behavior and she just had an interview with Bobby Kennedy Jr. published on multiple outlets.
ah, yes RFK, Jr's wonderful organization always in the lead. Bless them.
Isn't there a new ChiCom hemorrhagic fever? Could that be the "cause" of the global financial collapse? I wouldn't put it past the ChiComs & their DemCom & Globalist neo"con" partners.
First, enormous thanks for your work and info presented, Dr. Malone! I was actually jUST thinking of contacting you and Steve Kirsch about this subject, as I've been seeing, receiving some odd predictions in terms of our financial state. With the level of psychotic madness attempting to gain full control of (and harm!) the masses, I started to wonder about prior 'crashes', and the like. Is ThAT too, all controlled by the tyrannical Elites? Feel like every aspect of our being is played out like a Chess game, contolled by thEM. : /
Betsy's comment mayy help explain, support, why Financial Investment firms like Stansbury Digest are predicting the crash of 2022 (equivalent, or worse than that of 2008) oN Feb. 11th - Love the exAct date being given - well, the analyst states market will "Top" , and crash.
Just started thinking more about those guys, their predictions, the $$$ involved, the hype of how SOO many will lose virtually everything, but follow us, our recommendations, and you could be one of the few to come out on top!!
I'm prolly reading WAYYY more into this... but wanted to share, in case not. THANKS!! : )
Not that I don’t believe the market will crash, but Stansbury has been saying that for a long time. I do believe there are great manipulations of our prosperous, big, but small country. Stansbury not the best source perhaps.
Thanks for that, Yeahh...they have. I guess with all the oTHer manipulations and insanity occurring, mayyybe it's all been a ploy, getting us to the ultimate point we're now at, facing with the markets, especially with the digital currency crAzy talk. Just feel like society has been play after play for decades with these psychomaniacs.
Glenn Beck has been saying this too!
He has a good Wednesday night special on Blaze TV tonight. I am sure he'll be addressing not ONLY the outline of his new book, but other breaking news.
Yup. It was held in Israel.
Super helpful Dr. Malone! Thank you for taking on this fight! Hope my little subscription helps you spread the word more!
Well I think its progress that Public "Health" Scotland is still publishing the data, even if they are trying hard to spin what is clearly a strongly negative VE in the population.
At least they are better than most other jurisdictions, where they simply stop providing data when it goes against the narrative. So - progress.
My question about the UK: is this Boris's last gasp on the way out the door, or have the pandemic pushers actually given up?
This shit writes itself!
For all the good news about maybe turning the corner and maybe the narrative falling apart, I am not letting my guard down. Too many people have too much to lose to expect people to say ‘never mind and carry on.’
I have zero faith in those in power who used this ‘pandemic’ as an opportunity to take people’s freedoms away. I certainly am not expecting any apologies from any of these people who have A) been wrong and B) ruined countless lives.
I've been bait and switched so many times, so, Stocking up on my home treatments. AND the fact that medical staff is STILL under the thumb of these mandates, is the LAST nail in the coffin of our medical care systems. Medical staff will EXIT their professions.
Democrat "Fact Checkers" are really Opinion Checkers.
Department of narrative control
I imagine a 5-alarm siren going off whenever Spotify drops a new Rogan episode with a doctor like Malone, Kory or McCullough.
It's awesome to feel the tsunami of truth breaking free and well earned jubilation for all who have paid a high personal price for standing against Washington's protected corporate Mafia.
The JP video was fantastic if it were mocking government policies in 2005 he'd have offers from Comedy Central not censorship threats from media moguls. It's wonderful to see the MSM losing viewers faster than Congress spends cash.
The past two years we have seen poignant examples of fooling all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time. But in the end you can't fool Mother Nature who always reveals the truth behind flawed science.
We’ll know there is a light at the end of the Covid tunnel when SNL cuts out all the woke crap and starts making fun of all the lying.
On 5 Jan 2022 the @WHO updated its advice on Pfizer's mRNA vaccine for children as the following.
"Who should not take the vaccine?
There are currently no efficacy or safety data for children below the age of 12 years. Until such data are available, individuals below 12 years of age should not be routinely vaccinated."
Do you think CDC will update soon as well?
I'm looking into immigrating from U.S. to U.K. ASAP. Also, JP is hilarious! I joined his email list through his site because YouTube will be taking him down, it's inevitable.
How did it stay on YouTube long enough to get over 1,164,900 views?!