"One needs to inquire, do we even have a representative democracy anymore?"


As for Who Put the Big Banks in Charge? They did, while we were sleeping.


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We have been sold out for decades. Guess we we were to busy working so the politicians and bureaucrats would have the money to finance their treachery.

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Yes, and "thanks" to our "education" system, we have largely forgotten what it takes to be a citizen in a self-governing constitutional republic. It takes a lot of hard work and civic engagement; it can't be 'contracted out.'

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Yes. .A true slave system. Well, their game is coming to an end.

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I guess SOME people are “represented”. 🙄

America Just Bailed Out A Bunch Of Pensions At The Taxpayers' Expense


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"All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others."

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They were weaponized when the government established the FED back in 1919. Ten years after their leadership the Markets collapsed, heralding in The Great Depression. FDR made it worse by "flattening the curve". NEVER trust Big Gov.

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Jul 19, 2022·edited Jul 19, 2022

Maybe a bit off topic but I keep seeing this, 'buy gold as a hedge against inflation' and other nonsense. Most of you reading this weren't alive during the Great Depression when the personal ownership of gold was confiscated by the government in Washington. If yo buy gold now, who says it will not be confiscated again? I know this because my father grew up prior to and during the depression and I asked him more than 30 years ago, what happened to the gold your father had when you were in College?. He told me that the US government confiscated all the private gold and people got worthless paper for it. My father, born in 1916, told me that his father, my grandfather, had about $250K in gold for his retirement (at $35/oz.). It was gone with a stroke of the pen.

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Nailed it!

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FD Roosevelt was his name...who by "executive order" took gold from Americans. Dems frequent chant "never let a crisis go to waste" ....wasn't there a German man in 1935 that used the same chant to take over Germany?

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Jul 19, 2022·edited Jul 19, 2022

The Federal Reserve Act was passed on December 23, 1913, not 1919. It was supposed to alleviate recessions and runaway inflation, yet it has not helped in either event. In fact, upon close examination, it has caused most of the monetary problems that we have experienced since 1913 and it is responsible to no one. It is a private corporation.

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Dr. Jekyll (and Mr. Hyde) Island

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Founders hated democracy. Democracy is not listed in the constitution. Constitutional Republic is at odds with the mob rule form of governance.

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How do we make ESG vanish since it’s just make-believe to begin with? If we all stop believing in it, will it disappear à la de La Boétie?

“The world has empowered monopolists (such as Bill Gates)”

Don’t forget—every mention of Bill Gates must always be paired with “philanthropath” until the two are inextricably bound like it’s an honorific!

This goes especially for social media as we have a chance of getting #Philanthropath trending since it’s picking up so much momentum (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/i/64586180/philanthropath-letsgetthistrending).

For those who missed my Anatomy of a Philanthropath series, more details here:

• “Part 1: A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams)

• “Part 2: Downloadable Digital Dictatorships” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams-947)

• “Part 3: Yuval Noah Harari: Not the Man We Think He Is?” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams-3fd)

A condensed version can be found here:

• “A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-mostly-peaceful-depopulation)

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“philanthropath” is a good word...

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Thank you, Robert! It is obviously filling a need as people are picking it up like crazy, so I think we really have a chance of getting this into the public consciousness if enough of us remember to keep using it. Repetition is key to viralization; the propagandists use it for evil, so we must combat their tactics by using it for good 🙌

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A good read: "Pathological Altruism" by Barbara Oakley and others...

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There's little "Philanthropath" in Bill Gates.

* Philanthro: phil- "loving" + anthropos "mankind"

* Path: disease or feeling : pathology, sympathy, empathy

PSYCHOPATH is the term that best fits Bill Gates and all his co-conspirators who are bent destroying humankind for their own entertainment:

* Psychopath (https://www.wordnik.com/words/psychopath):

- A person who engages repeatedly in criminal and antisocial behavior without remorse or empathy for those victimized.

- A morally irresponsible person. A person with a personality disorder indicated by a pattern of lying, cunning, manipulating, glibness, exploiting, heedlessness, arrogance, delusions of grandeur, sexual promiscuity, low self-control, disregard for morality, lack of acceptance of responsibility, callousness, and lack of empathy and remorse. Such an individual may be especially prone to violent and criminal offenses.

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I define philanthropath as follows:

“A psychopath masquerading as a philanthropist.”

Using “psychopath” falls on deaf ears as it sounds like another hyperbolic cliché, so the asleep will continue sleeping and take no notice.

“Philanthropath” breaks the pattern and forces them to recognize that these are psychopaths feigning altruistic deeds while in reality they are committing highly profitable mass harm and murder. This framing circumvents the cognitive defenses and gets people to think about something they may never have considered.

The fact that the term has caught on and is now being used by thousands across the web means it is having the intended effect and we must continue to fan the flames of that fire until it’s as familiar to the public as “Let’s Go, Brandon!” It is already in the Urban Dictionary and at Wordnik and may well make it into the OED if we keep it going.

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I think philanthropath may be an excellent term for another reason. I have heard Mattias Desmet say that Gates is not a psychopath per se. He believes it is more accurate to say that Gates is a megalomaniac with a god complex who is operating as a "leader" within the context of a huge Mass Formation.

The strange interaction between a mass and its leaders is such that traditional terms like sociopath and psychopath don't really capture the situation. Gates is driven by his fanatical devotion to an ideological conviction that technocratic control over all people is required to save the world. He has a madness similar to that of Hitler and Stalin. He believes he is going to create a paradise on earth.

At the same time, Gates knows full well that he and his cohorts are lying with their propaganda, and that they are causing collateral damage (even in terms of human lives), but he truly believes it to be justified “for the greater good”. In a way he is as hypnotized as the members of the mass formation are. Gates believes that by exerting tight enough control over the lives of others he and the other elites will be saving the world from climate change, nuclear holocaust, and so on.

Of course, in the end there is no excuse for this kind of behavior. Gates is, in fact, being an instrument of evil. He has lost sight of the values that make us human (if he ever had them to begin with). There is much overlap in the terms "psychopath" and "philanthropath", but the latter does a better job, I think, of capturing the fact that what's driving Bill Gates' behavior is his misguided mad belief that he is saving humanity, just as a philanthropist might try to do.

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Eloquently summarized, RussCR5187, and you captured exactly what I was attempting to convey in my “Anatomy of a Philanthropath” series and Corona Investigative Committee presentation!

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Best insight/description of Gates I've ever read!

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I have said for years that he is a classic sociopath.

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My original definition was “socio/psychopath,” but I simplified it to “psychopath” after reading the distinctions between the two outlined here:


Admittedly, the definitions are somewhat amorphous since these terms aren’t official diagnoses but rather subsets of antisocial personality disorder. According to the above source, however, the philanthropaths clearly fall in the psychopath category because they maintain a semblance of normality and pretend to care, whereas sociopaths don’t try to hide their misanthropy.

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I knew a guy who worked for him early days and he assuredly did not hide his misanthropy to his employees. Would enter a meeting asking the question "who are we going to kil today?". And he meant it. Theywould actively destroy a company they thought competition and take a company he wanted to absorb to its knees .to buy it on the cheap.

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Fascinating anecdote, and that does support the sociopath categorization to some degree, although he still put on a pretense of caring for people, and he must have had some PR coaching since then as he now dresses his dark motives in the garb of “giving” to “good causes,” and many people are deluded enough to believe he is a humanitarian.

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A true psychopath has no need for any kind of 'ego defense' or subversion as there is no cognitive dissonance; thus, sociopath would be the better fit as your observation is correct. The presence of the ego and its machinations to subvert creating avoidance of itself is indeed present with this subject.

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Call him what you will, perhaps maybe something more than a cream pie in the face would be appropriate for Gates! Maybe raspberry?


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"There's little "Philanthropath" in Bill Gates."

Small correction - There's a BIG Philanthropath in Bill Gates.

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He could care less what icon or webster dictionary label you tattoo on him or his organizations. The flow of money that he has attracted runs so far beyond his imagination he can no longer turn off the streams of incoming, nor the goofy crap he spends it on. He is a friendless and hapless chap, and he has known this his entire adult existence. Ask Melinda!

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Right, I don’t care whether he cares (although he has repeatedly complained about the memes and statements painting him as an evil person, so it does seem to get under his skin to a certain degree). This is about waking up the dupes to the fact that they’ve been duped and to help them realize his intentions are nefarious rather than beneficent.

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Looks like Mrs. Gates finally woke up to the reality of such a lousy theater she too immersed in.

These people are actors of the Toxic kind. Pride and Denial are exactly the same thing here.

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Thank you for the most comprehensive assessment I have read of what is occurring(A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation). Your question about why so many are going along, refusing to ask questions or turn their heads around is perhaps the most important question of all. It is a complex question. The Mass Formation, now diminishing in my opinion, is a partial answer, I believe. I know many who simply “want to remain positive”. They have neither the desire nor the strength to look at the truth and ugliness of what is occurring, in spite of suspecting that there is something wrong happening. Many are disincentivized to remove their blinkers because of careers or marriages. They are not hypnotized, they just want to live their lives and be happy and get along with their circle. This group may be the largest formation of all.

The perpetrators of all this carnage are counting on this group even more than the Mass, I believe. The strategy of unrestricted warfare is in fact “mostly peaceful” in that it counts on misdirection and and a superabundance of white noise to keep the masses both confused and in the dark about what is really happening. And if you are among the millions who “just want to be happy and live life”, you just might ride the tyrannical train all the way to the station without getting up from your seat. There are so many things to blame so many things on. And as public confusion and angst inevitably grows higher and higher, as the blame is splattered in a hundred directions, there will come the promises to make it all go away, for a price. This is where the Mass may re-emerge. There may be a basket of issues, not just vaccination status, that may re-focus the Mass against the non-compliant, if the Mass is large enough at that point. Let us hope not.

Cracks are appearing, and it is vital that the Mass shrink and eventually collapse. It is also vital that the other ‘formation’, the many millions who still haven’t gotten up from their seat or removed their blinkers, do so.

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Thank you for your wonderfully thoughtful response, Brien, and so glad you found it valuable! I agree with your assessment and conclusions. I especially like the “tyrannical train” metaphor. You’re basically describing what Christopher Browning calls “desk murderers” and I always call “colluders” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-colluder-stop-enabling).

Cracks are indeed appearing, and I do believe the inevitable narrative collapse will follow. The challenge is getting people to wake up before they fall prey to the next narrative.

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Your suggestion to use philanthropath frequently to make it stick in the consciousness is good. If you want to eliminate ESG or cause it to vanish is to stop using the abbreviation and the associated words.

I saw you on Dr. Fuellmich's video. I think he pronounces his given first name like 'Rye-ner'. You were very articulate in the video. You did a great job.

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I really appreciate your taking the time to watch my presentation and share your gracious feedback, P_Vilefort.

And thank you for letting me know about the pronunciation of Reiner’s name—I have heard it pronounced both ways, but I think you’re right about how he pronounces it, which I only realized after watching this video recently (https://rumble.com/v1b1zyq-dr.-reiner-fuellmich-update-on-actual-trials-for-crimes-against-humanity.html).

Regarding ESG—how do we expose it and make people aware of what it represents if we don’t refer to it? I think it’s important to raise awareness about it, and we can’t do that without naming it.

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Oh, I know that. What I’m saying is the entire scheme is an agreed-upon fiction like the Emperor’s clothes, so if enough people/businesses/governments refuse to play along with their game, it would eventually lose significance and power.

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Jul 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A really nice overview of what has been going on and being covered up. I will share this. On a smaller note, my husband is now a member of our very tiny, local school board. A small step to try to help with our local politics. Given all of this it feels like a David/Goliath step but we are trying. Thank you for what you do against Goliath.

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Thank you forestDi56 and your husband. You are not “trying”. You are DOING. 🙏

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Jul 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If the medical gig doesn't pan out, you'll make a damn good economics analyst. (Just thought you should know. :-)

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Or a boffin investigative journalist!

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Looks like Trump was right about energy all along. He warned Germany about relying on Russia for its gas and oil.

I feel sadness for Sri Lanka, Ghana, and other Third World countries that are now facing mass starvation due to their compliance with WEF ESG goals.

If we can survive 2 more years of this abominable administration, there is a bright light at the end of our tunnel. Thanks to Biden, our energy supplies are still in the ground. We may just, if the voters wise up, and there are halfway fair elections in most locations, get better leadership, America First Republican leadership.

It is my fervent hope the farmers across Europe hold out until there is regime change in their countries. Maybe they can find a Viktor Orban, or a Donald Trump, or a Ron DeSantis, to state firm principles and then act on them on behalf of their people.

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Jul 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We have to make it through this Nov election and I have very deep concerns that we will not. Trump is not our answer. He got us into this mess by opening the door wide to the current admin. He pushed the warp speed thing. He allowed the lockdowns and masking which destroyed our economy BEFORE the election. Had he held his ground and refused the WHO, Fauci, et al, we might have weathered the Biden admin with a strong economy that could have thumbed its collective nose at the Biden puppet masters. We needed, and still need, a political leader who can see through the garbage and propaganda and stand up to it so that we have a collective role model to emulate. We need someone like DeSantis if he can be convinced to run.

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Please don't blame Trump. Put the blame where it belongs. The Left fully expected Hillary to win in 2016. They were not going to let Trump win in 2020 no matter what. The Democrats joined forces with the media and Big Tech to make sure that didn't happen. They succeeded. They managed to steal a national election. John Solomon at Just The News has a lengthy list of how they did it. However if that doesn't convince you read this piece. It lays out the Democrat strategy.


DeSantis won't challenge Trump for the Republican nomination.

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While I agree with your assessment regarding the Democrats, I disagree about Trump. I do blame Trump and his family. Read Dr Scott Atlas’ book. I believe members of Trump’s family are tied to the Democrats and the WEF. Trump is unstable; bombastic; a narcissist and completely incapable of bringing together this torn nation. He had some good ideas but in typical fashion with a personality like his, he can’t keep it together long enough to keep those ideas in place, nor allow them to mature. His own business failures speak to that. It’s clear he sees himself as some second coming monarch who will “save us” and we do not need that sort as our President. I believe, if enough folks pressure DeSantis, he would challenge Trump.

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It is a pleasure to read that there are still open-minded and reasonable thinkers in our reactive and violent society. I voted twice for Trump and have no regrets for doing so. Sadly, he marred his reputation after November, 2020, said many unfortunate things, and gave the Democrats much grist for the mill.

Biden has proven that old men should not be in the Oval Office and Donald Trump carries nearly as much baggage as HRC.

I hope he has the wisdom to take a back seat and become a power broker for the GOP.

Like you, Forest Di56, I admire Ron DeSantis greatly and I believe he would make a fine president.

Having long despised the Uniparty, however, I wish that Rand Paul and Tulsi Gabbard would abandon their respective parties and run as Independents in 2024.

Nothing will change for the better as long as corrupt mossbacks like Pelosi, Feinstein, Schumer, and McConnell retain their positions of authority.

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Independents can't win and will draw off enough votes from the Republican candidate to guarantee a Democrat win. Think carefully on this again.

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I am proud to have voted for Independents in the past. Those traditionalists on both sides of the aisle in the Uniparty insist that I throw my vote away when I choose the best candidate. It is compromising my integrity to vote for the "lesser of two evils".

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You and I are going to have to agree to disagree.

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It did not help that Trump is a germaphobe and this fact was maliciously taken advantage of by the gov med establishment hacks

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They hated Trump. If it hadn't been his germaphobia it would have been something else.

What was so dangerous about Trump was that he wasn't beholden to anyone. As a multi-billionaire, and a brilliant self publicist, he was able to stay front and center with the public by dominating the media without a large financial investment.

When he asked Zelensky to investigate Burisma and Hunter Biden's connections to it, it set off alarm bells all through D. C. and around the world. The last thing all those people with fingers in the pie wanted was exposure. Trump had to go. These same people DO NOT want Trump back. He terrifies them.

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RINOs lead the pack of those he terrifies. Has opened the public's eyes as to who has no clothes (another fable).

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Yes, true and if you look at who he is endorsing and the new crop of people running for Congress on the Republican ticket you will be heartened.

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Right there with ya!!

Been saying exActly all your thoughts since the election was stolen, aaand the convenient arrival of coNvid. Corrupt, Cheating, Evil monsters mUst be stopped!! Sighhh......

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I respectfully disagree with you on blaming Trump. What was he supposed to do when all these entrenched NIH and CDC , credentialed bureaucrats were fanning the panic flames. Trump is not an epidemiologist.

However, I do agree with you wholeheartedly regarding DeSantis. I hope Trump keeps it up, and takes the press- heat off DeSantis, then bows out at the latest moment possible. The media is chomping at the bit to give DeSantis the “Trump Treatment.”

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Jul 19, 2022·edited Jul 19, 2022

I agree with you. I live in Florida and Ron DeSantis is my governor. He is tough, and smart. He is also firmly grounded in the Constitution and First Principles. He wrote a book about First Principles in the Age of Obama. I am proud to have a signed copy.

DeSantis will be president one day. The country will seek him out and elevate him to the position just as they did George Washington. I see it as inevitable.

DeSantis is not going to oppose Trump. He loves being governor of Florida, and he has 3 very young children. As governor he can live an almost normal life. When he finishes his second term, (ought to be re-elected by a landslide), he will have 2 years for presidential campaigning.

If Trump can't run, DeSantis will. There are some wannabes such as Nikki Haley. I agree with Tucker on Haley. She was very good at the UN but she would be a poor president. She believes it is better to appease than stand on principles. Kristi Noem may have presidential aspirations too. I have been getting her fundraising emails for a few months now, (as well as Haley's). She was a good governor with COVID but took herself out of the running, in my opinion, when she caved over males competing against females by calling themselves trans gender. It was a mistake. S. Dakota has since changed on that but her initial move was not to stand up to it because it might mean her small state would lose collegiate sports events.

Contrast that to DeSantis and his stand against Disney. DeSantis is fearless and stands on principles.

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Trump must stay in and give the impression he intends to run int 2024. Trump is building a party. His endorsements are like gold. He is turning the Republican Party into the party of working people. If he announces he is not running now he loses a whole lot of clout.

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He had other experts telling him not to do what he did. Dr Scott Atlas for one, who he hired to sit in on the COVID commission with Fauci and Birx and to report directly to him. He hired Atlas because he knew Atlas wouldn't BS him. And he didn't. Trump caved to his FAMILY who have an agenda of their own. He is not to be trusted because of that, alone. He is as responsible for this mess as any of the Dems, WEF, WHO, et are. If he had used his instincts and been stronger to stand against his family we would be considerably better off. And when getting conflicting info from experts it becomes important to do some personal research to know for oneself what is what. He didn't do that. We cannot rely on him.

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All good points. I agree that I’d feel a lot better if Trump would come clean with a mea culpa and enlighten us on where he stands now on the shutdown and the mandates. (I still remember vividly how the press jumped on him for even mentioning hydroxychloroquine. ) Still, a huge portion of his base would like to know his current position on this. I doubt we’ll ever know.

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He, like everyone else involved in this has blood on his hands. Based on the suspected numbers of people who will get sick and possibly die in the next several years plus all the trashed lives from business shut downs and job losses; the childrens’ lives; infertility; mental health issues in all age groups from all of this. A mea culpa wouldn’t come close to righting all of these wrongs. If he cares about this country he should back DeSantis or someone equally qualified and do us all a favor and back out. He had his chance and in spite of himself was doing reasonably well until he let the wrong people override his instincts and set the stage for all the misery we now have.

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Trump is not perfect. Who is? Are you?

Gosh hindsight is 20/20.

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The “not perfect” cliche is a cop out. No one is but he had some serious responsibilities to this country. He has the blood of millions on his hands along with all of the other idiots who built on his mistakes - IF he even sees that they were mistakes.

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I agree that Trump's being taken in by Operation Warp Speed (which I believe was pre-planned, as a way to get rid of having to follow the law on human subjects research protections and to try to institute digital internal passports at the same time) was a huge error, but at the same time if he had won in 2020, the anti-Trump Dems and Reps would have stayed joined, without having the learning experience of the last 2-1/2 years of Biden/WEF policies, the results of which have now become apparent to many around the world. With the % of Dems who say we're on the wrong track approaching the % of Reps, it tells me that maybe the School of Hard Knocks is the more effective method to make real change, if we can survive until the inauguration in 2024. "God works in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform." (William Cowper, hymn, 1773) "As for you, what you intended against me for evil, God intended for good, in order to accomplish a day like this—to preserve the lives of many people." Gen 50:20

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But are elections now a folly?

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They are not. In most places they are still conducted almost honestly. My own county is a prime example.

We must vote. To sit home and preen on your higher moral and ethical stance is to hand the power to those who least deserve it.

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Jul 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It’s simple: Madison was right. Hamilton was wrong.

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And, sadly, the Anti-Federalists have proven to be prophetic.

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Hey Fla Mom, I think you meant the Federalists were prophetic. It’s confusing, I know. The Federalists were pro States’ Rights and against Federal interference.

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No, the Federalists wrote the Federalist papers, a section-by-section description of what the proposed Constitution said and why they wrote it that way, to convince the people to support ratification of the Constitution. The Anti-Federalists thought it gave too much power to the federal government, and they were correct. Their writings are published in books called 'The Anti-Federalists.' The authors of the Federalist letters/papers were (mostly) Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison, who all wrote under pseudonyms. In my edition of The Anti-Federalists, authors include Cato, Centinel, The Federal Farmer, Old Whig, Richard Henry Lee, Brutus, John DeWitt, and Patrick Henry, among others. If it were not for their insistence, we would not even have the Bill of Rights; they worried that the Constitution itself was not explicit enough, and we see now that even saying, "shall not be infringed" wasn't explicit enough.

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I stand corrected! Serious Thanks for that.

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You're welcome! If you read the Anti-Federalists, have tissue ready (I'm mostly joking, but they are painful to read; so amazingly prescient).

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--Interestingly, in January 2021, the Trump-era Office of the Comptroller of the Currency issued a finalized Fair Access to Financial Services regulation that would have made it illegal for large banks to engage in the sort of discrimination I warned about above. But just one week after entering the White House, President Joe Biden “paused” the rule’s implementation, signaling his clear intention to eliminate the rule before it ever has a chance to be published in the Federal Register.--

People are worried about socialism. I'm worried about corporate feudalism.

These people are evil.

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with good reason: corporate feudalism at its worst.. Biden's handlers and Feds.. thick as thieves. have you checked the your change lately .. the U.S mint has gone off the rails along with the Feds. I always wonder about WHO is actually pausing this.. well I need to go.

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Jul 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excelllent anaylysis (as always): I especially enjoyed your coining the term Greta Famine.

Keep up the good work.

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Jul 19, 2022·edited Jul 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It might be a weird form of consolation but I found a little in a Gallup poll which found only 16% of our population trusts newspapers and 11% trusts TV news outlets! That had to be taken after the majority took a genetic needle only to find their reports of “safe and effective” turned out to be worse than hog wash. https://news.gallup.com/poll/394817/media-confidence-ratings-record-lows.aspx?utm_source=join1440&utm_medium=email&utm_placement=newsletter

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“No one elected him (Gates) to rule the world. And he must be stopped.”

Nothing is more clear and truthful than this. He gallivants around the globe, fake press smile perma-plastered on, “implementing” his own agenda to the detriment of now billions of people? “Trying” things? Aw shucks let’s “try” this now, and this. Let’s alter food genetics, species genetics, human genetics. Enlisting government fools and involving entire populations in the process? Hey swell let’s just “try”.

Sorry but the guy investing in mosquito genocide by genetically altering the adult insects to hatch offspring programmed to die “before they reach maturity” (paraphrasing), is NOT the guy you want engineering, planning, and promoting gene-altering “vaccines” in humans. Is it?

Let’s see he thrives on the ideation of mass extinction of one species in the sickest way possible, then states the need for human depopulation, then becomes a major investor and promotor of gene-altering “vaccines” for humans? Because he wants to help humanity as a giver of love and care through his altruistic organizations? Hang on I’ve fallen down laughing, wait no crying, wait no completely confused as to how this is possibly happening?

Complex ecosystems -- whether in humans or nature -- are not so simplistic that 1 part in 1 million can be altered without affecting the entire system? Oh sure that will work. Just go ahead Bill, humanity doesn’t mind. The earth and everything on it is yours to toy with and alter and malign. With your kindhearted soul, your inherent reverence and respect for nature, and your abundance of caution, what could go wrong? We’re perfectly fine with putting all of humanity’s health into your hands Bill.

By the way does anyone remember using Windows the first decade it came out?

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Jul 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS



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I like this better...



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Because many good people have been distracted, or pretending not to notice, we have allowed a parasitic. Luciferian globalist death cult to rise to prominence & influence. They are a cancer and stand for the exact opposite of what our Constitution so boldly declared to the world. There is no more powerful force in the world than economics, or, as Ludwig Von Moses so simply stated: Human Action. We must use economics to obliterate these lunatics in the same manner that they intend to do to us. Every freedom loving individual and Christian should be United against this common enemy. They are death and they have come for our children. We must start acting like it.

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Two factors explain why:

1) We have become rich and fat.

2) We educate poorly.

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Most of us are dependent on this fascist economy. Nothing we can do if we are dependent on it is my view.

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That is true. However, nothing lasts forever particularly unpopular regimes. Eventually they get toppled.

In my lifetime I saw the Berlin Wall go up, and then after Reagan delivered his stunning speech, the Berlin Wall came down. It was brought down not by bulldozers employed by a government but by thousands of citizens who came out and took it down themselves.

There is another point to consider. People are endlessly imaginative and inventive. Every problem gives rise to a solution. As an example, Big Tech thinks it can throttle free speech and has been somewhat successful at doing that. It has also given impetus to a free speech movement that has spawned Substack, Rumble, Parler, GETR, Gab, Truth Social, Locals, Revolver News, Just The News, and others. All these platforms are in their infancy. Some may eventually fold, but all of them are illuminating the events of our day and allowing us to exercise our free speech.

I heard an interesting discussion about free speech the other day. It was probably Jordan Peterson who expressed it. We think in words, therefore freedom of speech is also freedom of thought. When our speech is suppressed our thought is as well.

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The issue is those dependent on a failing system.

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Yes, you make a decision on who to give your money to multiple times per day.

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It's hardly a unique situation, which is why "our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor" wasn't just flowery language to our forebears. It's our turn now.

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Our forebears were not international corporations. Independent small land holders mostly.

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Yes, the opponent is different, but the stakes are the same. If you re-read the Declaration of Independence, though, you'll see that what King George was doing to their ability to operate in their civic, economic, and social lives was pretty amazingly bad. The methods used will be somewhat different, though the phrase, "they eat out our substance" would probably sound familiar to many around the world right now.

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Jul 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

State Media is a more descriptive term for the organizations referred to herein as Corporate Media. Let’s say it as it is.

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Jul 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Are not credit reporting agencies the forerunners o ESG scoring? Prior to the 1960 the average fella did not have to deal with third parties evaluations regarding your character i.e. willingness or ability to repay a loan. There was a thing called "personal banking." The banker/car dealer/department store knew you an/or your family and made decisions about you based on actually first hand knowledge. Not anymore. We are now at the mercy of the reporters and they can be... lets say less than truthful and inaccurate. Now anyone who has ever tried to "clean up" incorrect credit reporting and lost their sanity will really like the abuse that can be doled out with ESG scoring.

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Yes- it is going to be easiest for the USA to just "build back better," on the the systems we already have...

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Jul 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The big banks have been in charge since the founding of the Federal Reserve Bank in 1913.

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Jul 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It really does not matter which political party one supports. They both are beholden to the WEF and Davos Men. The Democrats new weapon ESG counters the GOP’s vote gerrymandering and stacking the courts with Federalist judges. Pick your poison.

We need to get money out of politics, have “fair” elections, de-politicalize the Supreme Court, and get legislators who will actually legislate. We can start by stopping them from punting everything to the Supreme Court and spending a large portion of their time pointing fingers, bickering on Twitter and raising money for the next election cycle. If we do nothing then we’re stuck in this downward spiral towards the great reset.

How can we the people clean this up equitably in a country with a population so diverse and divisive? In my opinion our biggest weapon is beliefs. We are all being manipulated into belief structures, and the knowledge and technology being used to do this is becoming more and more powerful. So first just accepting this one fact is huge. Second we have to come together, not fight and move apart. This divisiveness is by design and your beliefs are no less manipulated than those on “the other side.” I’ll leave it at this for now. All constructive thoughts and ideas are welcome.

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