Jul 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for all you do. I am grateful for your efforts to correct the record. The fight isn’t over, but I’m more hopeful with the likes of you on the side of accuracy.

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Jul 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Living in the state from hell, I see it every day! I’m just ending my bout with the runny nose, sore throat and headache. When people ask “are you ok?” I laugh! 4 years ago we all would be at work with these symptoms! Having been in NorCal and SoCal recently, I’d have to say the fear porn is in full effect in the SF Bay Area! 🙄I will just continue to do my thing with no mask and a big smile on my face. Remember what those looked like? Smiles…..

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When anyone asked about a recent illness I had “did you have covid?”, breathlessly, I’d reply “you mean a cold? I’ve had those before. Unpleasant but no big deal.” I no longer acknowledge “covid” fear

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A llot of people here in Humboldt County, CA are still wearing masks. It seems they can hardly wait till the next wave of mandates. It’s hard to not have disdain for them. I would pity them but their mindless compliance is a big part of the problem.

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Jul 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


I read various reports daily about COVID likely 3-4 hours but I have no formal medical training , I practiced law for 30 years and have believed since the advent of serious cancer research billions each year since 1960 that long ago the cures have existed! There is a lot more money in treating disease than curing disease! I am going back to school in September to study how to help the dying especially in light of the pharmaceutical agenda of depopulation!

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FYI here is something from the esteemed government health agency NIH that may help prove your beliefs:

Ivermectin has powerful antitumor effects, including the inhibition of proliferation, metastasis, and angiogenic activity, in a variety of cancer cells. This may be related to the regulation of multiple signaling pathways by ivermectin through PAK1 kinase. On the other hand, ivermectin promotes programmed cancer cell death, including apoptosis, autophagy and pyroptosis. Ivermectin induces apoptosis and autophagy is mutually regulated. Interestingly, ivermectin can also inhibit tumor stem cells and reverse multidrug resistance and exerts the optimal effect when used in combination with other chemotherapy drugs.


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In India 850,000,000 million people use ivermectin the other 600,000,000 refuse to use it but it is a state by state response the national government does not mandate it!

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Thank you for posting this paper. I am sick of people calling IVM 'the worm medicine.'

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You go, Randy!

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Great article Dr. Malone! Always insightful and deep thinking. …Ask Eric Clapton or Van Morrison though, they may have a lot to say.

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Eric Clapton had the audacity to talk about his injury on a You Tube video and he got attacked. I didn't know about Van Morrison. That was the music from my youth.

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Yes, would love that!

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Jul 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Ha Ha, I had to laugh when I got to the end. I just got over the "Ninja" omicron and the only thing I found really irritating was the nagging cough that just hung on. I don't understand how David Axe can write such garbage and believe it...unless he is suffering from media fear porn himself. Thank you Dr. Malone for the voice of sanity in a world full of idiots.

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Jul 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yes I agree… I was watching the news and it appears that now New York is the epicenter in our country for monkey pox. If I remember correctly so was Covid. Should I be afraid? It’s a perpetual fear we are being fed. I for one am trying to rebel for the simple fact that I do not want to pass this on to my kids. Of course I can totally see how many are willing to go along with stupid policies without using their critical thinking skills out of fear, which actually many do not process, that is what I’m trying to teach my kids: to slow down and process the information rationally. I hope I succeed. Thanks Dr. Malone.

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News of NYC monkeypox is probably related to our stupider than DeBlasio Mayor Adams love of pharma and authoritarian policies that inclde adding all NYC voulenteers to be jabbed or quit in April 2022 and huge purchase of Monkeypox vaccines to add to the COVID jabs the city currently offers residents for free at walk in sites. https://www1.nyc.gov/site/doh/about/press/pr2022/monkeypox-vaccine-clinic.page

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How did they develop a Monkeypox vaccine so quickly, or was one already in existence? I've read that those who've had the smallpox vax are safeguarded against Monkeypox but it would be surprising if the FDA etc. let people know, as that might reduce pharma's potential profits.

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Best source for Monkeypox history and risks is Dr. Malone.. yes we old timers who had small pox jabs have broad immunity in the pox variants including monkey and camel if memory works!


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Jul 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Good synopsis. The Nashville musicians and movers and shakers are not really very different in attitude towards all this than the Laurel Canyon celebrity crowd. Everyone seems to do what is necessary to stay employed.

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Jul 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Ain’t that the sad truth, especially sad for doctors who compromised their oath to do no harm. I hope they are at least disappointed in themselves. The health industry won’t be trusted for a long time.

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Jul 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Agreed, but that would require introspection, of which there is none!

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Is a good question, to me. Whether doctors are ashamed or not. For sure a minority is cuz we see them finally come out and speak up. Albeit with excuses as to why it took SOOoo long. I hate to say it but I'm afraid it shows the general state of rot that is resident in all too many Americans. It's Like the wealthy Scott said when he was thwarted from retrieving the Gold Sovereign from the collection plate that he mistakenly tossed in "At least I'll get credit for the Sovereignin". The quick acting deacon that yanked the plate out of his reach advising the man "Nay, but you'll get credit for the penny".

And he mentions those that still don't go out cuz are stuck. Hadn't thought of that as a thing, But now I have a name for the malady afflicting my sis and her Mr. -- "The Stuck"! Compassion? Sure, but after they deliberately close their mind. And now are different than I ever knew them to be, not so much.

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I wrote my comment before reading yours—you nailed it.

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As truth emerges, I think a lot of those doctors are starting to be afraid of the consequences to what amounts to malpractice and crimes against humanity. They are too busy covering their rear ends to feel disappointment in themselves, and anyway the ones I know ( and I know many) wouldn’t be capable of feeling disappointment in themselves—-they are too arrogant.

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Jul 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Despite the legendary status given to the Nashville musicians and power brokers, one doesn't need a weatherman to see which way the wind blows. Nashville was afraid of Chet Atkins, booed the Byrds (with their legendary SWEETHEART OF THE RODEO music) off the stage of the Ryman, and mostly despised the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band.

One gang of self-congratulatory phonies is not much different than another. That goes for Hollywood, the aging California hippies, and the cliques in Nashville.

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Wait just a doggone minute. Being just exactly an aged California ex Hippy, I'd expect that group to not be so diseased. I remember last last time I saw a number of my high school chums (the decidedly not hippy type) thinking that this surely is an unaccomplished bunch of people. Just as systemite 20 years after leaving school as they were when we were students.. You could be right, but the initial hippy movement was nonconformist in thinking.

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God bless you, Philip. I am proud to consider myself an old hippie, enrolled as such while serving in the US Army by a pair of Chicanos from California. The hippie "movement", as I saw it, was a natural evolution of the beatniks from the fifties, supercharged by LSD and the search for meaning.

Sadly, I have lost touch with most of my friends from the magical years between 1967 - 1975 and those who are still alive seem completely taken in by Mass Formation Psychosis.

There are still a few of us capable of independent thought and I am glad to make your acquaintance, brother!

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Age 65 is Junior High with money.

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Absolutely that is one of the reasons there is so much demand growing recently for musicians who don’t fit the mold. There have been many Nashville rebellious types.

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Austin city limits....

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Thanks for that background. I know Chet Atkins influenced Mark Knopfler’s playing but I did not know he was feared. Now I’m intrigued!

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Maybe once upon a time before I was a lad musicians and artists may have been the avant garde cultural rebels of society. Now they're mostly court jesters. Pity.

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Take heart. Discouraging definitely. But during these times of dystopia and division there have been musicians hanging around home with nothing to do but actually write and play. My prediction is it is and will continue to pay off in spades for listeners and musicians. It takes care and time to write, perform, perfect and record good music.

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Jul 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Okay, so it looks like I’m going to have to inject “Fear Porn” into all of my upcoming conversations with family, friends, colleagues (and bosses), and fellow grocery store shoppers. Maybe I’ll ride some public transportation this week, too, just to get some extra word out.

Oh, and since “trivalent” is gonna go big, I’ll have to respond, “I believe you mean ‘MALEVOLENT!!!’”

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Love it!

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For those who want to understand why the “top-up” vaccines targeting variants are more Barnum-and-Bailey flimflam, I highly recommend this crystalline six-minute synopsis by King of Integrity Mike Yeadon:


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King of Integrity is a beautiful apt moniker for Mike Yeadon.. what a gem he is!!

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I crowned him that to Tess Lawrie’s Queen of Integrity in my one-year Substack anniversary post (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/my-one-year-substack-anniversary) 😊

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Jul 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This week a study was released saying the death rate of COVD infections is markedly growing and that over 90% of those dying are people who have had three or more vaccines shots, this is in a country that has 95% of their population double vaccinated and most have had third and even the fourth shot!

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. . . and as I read this my older brother and his wife have all the boosters and there is NO talking him out of getting more. . . simultaneously as his wife recovers from Covid.

I wonder how many times of getting it over and over before they wake?

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Ask them if they’ve ever had to get boosted multiple times in just over a year for any other vaccine, like seriously ask them. I’m curious how they’d answer. I can’t imagine how frustrated you must feel at this point.

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going fishing with my brothers next week. . . that may come up. . . !@

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"Negative efficiency" is why UK just stopped releasing information that counters the "narrative" that the 'vaccines' are safe and effective. US's CDC stopped this information some time back.

Information is the enemy of tyranny, at least truth is certainly opposed to tyranny.

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My wife was in the hospital dying with cancer in 2020, a large Toronto hospital I was there every day for three months and as I left the elevator I would count the empty beds, half the beds were empty! I asked the staff why there were so many empty beds and they said we are keeping them available for all the COVID cases we are expecting so after three months of this I asked an ICU nurse how many COVID patients are there in this 7 story hospital and she said only one at present, so I went on to ask her in these past six months how many is the most you have had at one time and she said two!

I went home and each day the tv would say how many people have been tested for COVID and found to have COVID and at one point they said roughly 1,400 at one time and they said they were Woried that they might run out of ICU beds here in Ontario so I checked with geogle to see how many hospitals and how many ICU beds we had! We have 380 hospitals and 2,400 beds. That is only 60% capacity in use and in two years 90% of the time there were less than 400 beds in use and they only stopped the bed count when it got below 200 over a sixty day period! That was four months ago!

Trudeau said he has set aside another Billion dollars for the ongoing threat of COVID, the annual flue only kills 13 people per 100,000 and COVID kills 3.8 per 100,000 this whole thing is a money grab! Somebody many people are in riching themselves!

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It’s SO disgusting! I pray for Canada and hope you can get Trudeau out! 🙏🙏🙏

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Jul 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Dr. Malone.

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Jul 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone thank you for all you do as well as the quotes from sings, literature and the Bible! You make serious fun. I am in SE PA and went to the grocery store last weekend and about 1/3 of the shoppers had on masks. I felt like I had missed something. Apparently it was the new deadly strain and fear porn.

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My recent (2 days ago) grocery store visit (in Maryland) yielded similar results. I wasn't masked and did get some dirty looks. Maryland (Hogan) has used every means imaginable to get vaxes in every arm. The COVID bus continues to be out in the Church parking area daily. I'm sure we are ready for the next booster campaign. In theory at least (well educated lot) one would think there would be more push back. Not a peep.

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Jul 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for your reporting, Dr. Malone. This new wave of mRNA vaccines sounds very dangerous. Hope my family and I can continue to avoid it.

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Lulu, I'ma just say to you what I'd have said to a few people I know if they hadn't already got vaxxed. Taking this vaccine is not a good trade to keep your job, for your kids to go to school, or to be able to maintain your standard of living. So much damage so quick to so many. Such a strong likelihood of long term effects. Not fear porn. Just the facts. Check out Steve Kirsch who is putting out so much good info now.

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Yeah, Steve Kirsch is good. Another vaccinated person who only found out about how bad (and ineffective) the 'vaccine' was and is AFTER "VACCINATION". It is nothing like a vaccination, they used our sense of vaccination to deceive us. into taking these shots. I'm a person who doesn't really believe Fauci got a shot, and is sick now.

Didn't know we had people like Topol on substack. People like him do a lot of harm, and push people toward vaccines. Too bad we only have the "vaccine" for covid. It's likely I'll never trust another vaccine (and health care professional) the rest of my life. I would only trust people like Dr. Malone, Dr. Gold and other people actually trying to make a good difference (not a bad difference like JB, and this Topol guy)


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I feel the same way and that’s kind of scary too!

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My family has stayed away from the jabs including my 100 year old father, living at home. We did not want him in an assisted living facility, nursing home as he would need to be jabbed. We take turns with looking after him, but thank the Lord he is health except has issues with his legs. He gets around with his 2 canes and holding on the walls whatever he he can hold on to. My neighbor who I don't see often, as I get into my car in the garage and go, I wave to them. The other day the car was outside my neighbor came quickly to tell me, their whole family, husband daughter, son-in law, two kids, and their 45 year old son that lives with them are all jabbed, of course she said they got the vaccines. I just about burst out laughing, but instead as I was getting into my car, I said " have a nice day".I usually chit chat with her, but this was not a time for that, as she would ask about hubby and I. That is the last thing I wanted to discuss, as I saw the glee on her face that they were all jabbed. Thanks Dr. Malone for all you do, I look forward reading your work and enjoy all the comments. This is evil Trudope's country, the brain dead that follow him, not too many any more. God Bless!

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Jul 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Tucker Carlson did a segment on Monkeypox. He had an interview clip with Peter Dasak that was very telling. Apparently the Wuhan lab has also been working on hybridizing Monkeypox creating another Frankenstein virus.

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Yeah saw that also. It’s also my understanding Bill Gates is in on this as well as far as funding the vaccine. It’s been in the works just like it was for Covid and predicted 2 years in advance at least!

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Sure seems that way. There are separate videos of Dasak and Gates discussing this.

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Yes, there are.

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“Blow up your TV, go to the country, plant a lot of peaches.”

That about sums it up, doesn’t it. That’s why “Turn off the television” is Step 2 in my 12-step recovery program for menticide (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-menticided-a-12-step).

Also reminds me of the off-set footage of Rik Mayall’s prescient warning at the end of the “One by One” clip (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9QF-7VRsxA) I shared in “A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-mostly-peaceful-depopulation).

I haven’t had a chance to read this yet, but one of my commenters recently shared this pertinent chapter titled “How Television Dims the Mind”:


And, of course, Joost Meerloo’s “Rape of the Mind” is a master lesson in the menticidal hazards of television:

“… we have the raving frenzy of the motor, or the passive peeping contagion of the television screen.

“As we saw in the chapter on Totalitaria, mass delusion can be induced. It is simply a question of organizing and manipulating collective feelings in the proper way. If one can isolate the mass, allow no free thinking, no free exchange, no outside corrective, and can hypnotize the group daily with noises, with press and radio and television, with fear and pseudo-enthusiasms, any delusion can be instilled. People will begin to accept the most primitive and inappropriate acts. Outside occurrences are usually the triggers that unleash hidden hysterical and delusional complexes in people. Collective madness justifies the repressed personal madness in each individual. That is why it is so easy to sloganizing people into the mass hysteria of war. The outside enemy who is attacked by vituperative slogans is merely the scapegoat and substitute for all the anger and anxiety that lives inside the harassed people.

“Delusions, carefully implanted, are difficult to correct. Reasoning no longer has value; for the lower, more animal type of thinking becomes deaf to any thought on a higher level.”

“Television hampers this process [reflection and critical thinking] and prepares the mind more easily for collectivization and cliché thinking. It persuades onlookers to think in terms of mass values.”

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Did Orwell see this back in 1948? I guess that he must have, because they had a TV (that could watch YOU IIRC) that was certainly used for tyranny.

They're using 1984 as a tyranny manual, on how to create tyranny.

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One thing I always hated about politics is that to get a sense about where things are headed and what's likely to happen, you have to think like a crook.

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So true!

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I did what you mention about tv and moving to the country many, many years ago and founded a mostly latino, artist eco community in 2012 in Ecuador (chambalabamba.org). Now, I would like you to consider this:

The root problem is the criminals (neo-nazi/eugenicists/narcissists) that subvert perhaps all governments. To really solve the problem is to get rid of them. Please watch these 2 videos. One is from John Perkins, the Economic Hitman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btF6nKHo2i0&t=69s which explains how he had the job subverting countries through loans, intimidation, and murder. I created a 7 minute animation explaining horizontal governance which could close the door to the economic hitmen, and the jackals (the murderers) in 2020. These 2 videos go together since they show how horizontal governance is a strategy that needs to be taken seriously and put into the heads of the populace as an option. Please confirm, let me know what you think and spread these 2 videos if you agree.

In Solidarity,

Tom Osher

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Wonderful example of putting your principles into practice, Tom!

You mentioned two videos, but I only see one link (“Confessions of an Economic Hit Man” has been on my to-read list for years, so thanks for the reminder).

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Jul 9, 2022·edited Jul 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I appreciate the humor, we all need it. However, I just left visiting a relative who would not see me for the last two and half years because I didn’t take the toxic jab. Her doctor is recommending she get her flu shot in October and her 4th shot in December. She’s highly educated, but completely on board. All her grandchildren, 2-15 years old, have now received at least one jab. She’s not even open to talk about it. She’s a true believer… in all the latest ‘new thing’ propaganda.

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Jul 10, 2022·edited Jul 10, 2022

I pray for your grandchildren. Just reading their ages made my stomach literally drop.

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Not MY grandchildren... her's.

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Thank you!

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