Dec 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm giving up politics for Lent this year not to bury my head in the sand but to revive myself from the last 3 years of being just flabbergasted by what has taken place along with the people who believe in these shots. Thanks so much Dr Malone for your tireless efforts we will never give up the fight and we will prevail!! Merry Christmas to us all.

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Since you’re participating in Lent, I’m gonna assume Christian faith - as such, we are told to never turn our back on Satan, no matter what form

It takes, and to suit up with the armor of God. Metaphorically, turning aside from “politics” would be the same as exposing your unprotected backside to the slings, arrows, and “clot shots” of the enemy.

I understand the desire to take a break, to rest, regroup; but ignoring The Enemy only emboldens him/it/them to become more aggressive and dangerous.

I hope and pray for The Army of Angels to embolden you.

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Yeah. But -

How much are our houses of worship constrained by the tax noose? Whether that tax noose is a real thing (passes constitutional legitimacy ), the threat has been sufficient to muzzle far too many HoWs. I’ve wondered if untethered pulpits could effect a new revival/renaissance across this nation. But, as long as pastors, preachers and congregations tremble under the weight of Caesar’s golden thumb…

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And some HoWs have been taken over by "woke" ideologues.

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Double amazing if their pews were full!

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Our church is huge and overflow by Gods grace.

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This woman, and her husband, believed in the shots in fact they made a special trip to be first in line to get the shot. What happened next is a horror story that she cannot wake up from.


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Oh my this is so devastating to hear.

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The American Gov is full of monsters, their ignorance of facts will never be an excuse for pushing these poison jabs 🤬

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They're in government because half the country voted for them. There's your problem.

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Or....a "virtual" 1/2 of the country voted for them.

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As Lincoln taught, a house divided cannot stand. We need to convince a bunch of people.

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If the dems control all vote counting in key states and it takes 4 weeks to count, which for some reason they leave the largest democrat counties until the end, so they can see how many votes they need, the people will never win. Lincoln didn’t know how corrupt the system would get. It’s not a free and fair election system…

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If dems control anything it's because pubs allowed it. The system isn't the problem, it's the complacent people who enable them.

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I agree Mitch, Mitt, Kevin all helped. But it’s so much more than just the “pubs”It’s the media, it’s the fbi, it’s the Supreme Court, it’s dem governors and legislatures, its fda, cdc, iho, Judas pence, and on and on. Hard not to think the main systemic election problems are in these key swing states where the democrats run the election counting. The democrat law enforcement, justice department, does nothing. They the dem justice department is allowing it.

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Excellent quote

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Have you ever heard about the stolen elections? Even MSM touched on this subject...

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Everybody has. Ask Hiliary about 2016, or algore about 2000. Corruption is what happens to complacent people.

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"complacent people" -- what is YOUR definition of this phrase?

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Webster says it's unawareness of actual danger. Most of our society is too successful, enjoys too much comfort, and naively assumes it will continue forever. But that's not how the universe works. You get what you fight for, if you fight well. Nobody wants to fight. Handouts are sufficient, so far.

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AS long as the peoples material world is left alone, they will be happy being lead.

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No one voted for the deep state folks like F Collins, Fauxi, Brix and others. Now the State overlords, with their snitch hotlines, were either fairly elected or fraudulently placed in power.

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We voted for their boss. And we voted for the congress that finances them.

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With all the information now coming forth, it seems to me the involved US Gov (HHS/NIH/CDC parties have no basis for claiming ignorance. They knew/know and don't care, they don't know and do not want to learn the facts. Even in the beginning they conspired to prohibit early treatment with effective affordable drugs and supplements. with devastating results.

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They know. They know a lot of us know. They don't care that we know. What's next?

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We must stand up. We have been too weak. We have allowed our representatives to take the cake walk. The leadership of this administration has one goal. It is not to prosper America. It is to take us down. From Assault on many fronts (clot shots, irrational spending… like millions to prop up gay parades in other countries, to abandon ing our military. Our troops are despondent and new recruits unwilling. Then there is the child porn in the elementary schools, and the on slot of gender fluid or gay romance mainstream family new releases. All states need to vote as Florida did. No machine counters, and ID period. We have become fat and sloppy. Biden won’t go to the border, but the fentanyl pours in as the cartel with drones direct the troops of immigrants in. Some how, we need to be more organized to direct the folks making serious policies. Is China building military? Or Russia? We are mocked. No babies should be told to get this shot.

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Dr Malone, in his recent WarRoom interview related Sen Johnson's and Musk's purported plans for 2023. Building public knowledge and involvement. Investigations of individuals and facts/data. Check out WR/Bannon interview.

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The DEPOPOLATION PLAN at work; these 3-letter organizations are just the blue-collar minions in action.

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Dec 10, 2022·edited Dec 10, 2022

It's not an American government but a usurper government. Cleaning crew coming.

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"Cleaning crew coming." ......... I don't share your optimism - where was any member of that "crew" during Sen. Johnson's hearing in the Senate the other day? Exactly. They don't want to rock the boat/have too many personal vested interests. How long will it be before "the faithful flock" wake up to reality?

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You are right about some. Also the THEYs want you to feel faithless, discouraged, helpless. Eventually, you give up and submit. More people than you may be aware of are fighting.

THEY have setup a scenario of "Inserection" "should frustrated people storm the walls."

Everything THEY do is to piss you off, provoke you, cause discord, division, chaos!

THEIR dream is to kill the constitution any way possible. Inserection, or the excuse of Inserection with THEIR media control allows them to try and suspend the constitution.

Our GOoD fighters are making great strides. Have you not been seeing? Be Grateful!

Think and act positive with strength. Don't sweat it! Stand, Speak, FIGHT for RIGHT!

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You are right about some. Also the THEYs want you to feel faithless, discouraged, helpless. Eventually, you give up and submit. More people than you may be aware of are fighting.

THEY have setup a scenario of "Inserection" "should frustrated people storm the walls."

Everything THEY do is to piss you off, provoke you, cause discord, division, chaos!

THEIR dream is to kill the constitution any way possible. Inserection, or the excuse of Inserection with THEIR media control allows them to try and suspend the constitution.

Our GOoD fighters are making great strides. Have you not been seeing? Be Grateful!

Think and act positive with strength. Don't sweat it! Stand, Speak, FIGHT for RIGHT!

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So, it seems one’s resolve is being tested. So, what’s the problem!🙏🏽

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Al Capone had a very well organized cleaning crew. I advocate a similar variety.

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Working today for another physician whose daughter (8) , got spinal myelitis . Yes the child has been jabbed times 3 and got the flu , despite getting the flu shot . Doctor mom is upset but never has connected the dots and I’m the conspiracy theorist .

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Unbelievable how intelligent people are so lacking in common sense ( girl’s mother).

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Think maybe its time to rethink the word "intelligent". Seems to be in critically short supply these days.

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It’s definitely in critical supply these days.

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She is a young employed physician who listens to Fauci , alphabet agencies and the ACOG.

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Dec 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Reliable statistics are withheld, but it appears their vax campaigns aren't working. Looks like vaxing is down. Tell your friends.

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This is nothing short of criminal.

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Puleeeze! Help me, someone! Convince me that i am supposed to conclude that this bout of injections is all about health. Vs what i feel i know to be the sad truth, ie the intent toward Infertility, miscarriage, brainlessness, more conformity, and, if thats not enough, good old-fashioned death by newfangled diseases.

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They don't care if you're convinced, only whether you obey.

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Obedience to that, if ever, will come at a very high price.

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We've been paying for it for 3 years. Looks like a 1000 year mortgage.

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And Dr Makary (sp), Johns hopkins, responding to host's question, advised they had an over supply of vaccine despite aggressive promotion.. Doesn't look good. Need to get them moving.

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The FDA should have consulted me. They could have added my 50 reasons to their press release:

• “50 Reasons to Give Your Child the COVID Shot” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/50-reasons-to-give-your-child-the)

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Please see this story from a vaccine injured women. Please share it on your Substack. This woman, and her husband, believed in the shots in fact they made a special trip to be first in line to get the shot. What happened next is a horror story that she cannot wake up from.


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Dec 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone thank you for this information. Notice the Propaganda Trick employed by the FDA in an attempt to make their rhetoric sound official, scientific, and normal with buzzwords and lies. They use bullet points and words like "data to support", "broadly effective", "similar side effects", "fact sheets" to make this BS sound official, logical, and scientifically sound. This is nauseating. The first round of propaganda for the monovalent shots met with poor demand for 5 and younger this year and let's hope that demand craters to less than 1% of those eligible (I wish it would be 0%) in 2023 as we cannot put our babies and little one's into this onslaught of medical tyranny and toxicity.

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"There is NOTHING in the news release or the bulleted points that shows data that these injections are safe or effective"

HELL, Dr. Malone there isn't any proof this is medically necessary!

Serious question folks.

If you can't mandate adults take this poison prick how can it be legally justified for addition to the childhood vaccine schedule?

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I just can't keep up with all the badness.......

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Criminals. Period.

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Again, my thanks to you Dr Malone, & I also offer that on behalf of Children worldwide, NOT just in America. This brings up the serious issue raised by Dr Janci Lindsay at the Sen Ron Johnson Inquiry you (MOST IMPRESSIVELY) attended the issue raised by Dr Lindsay of course is WHAT ARE THESE GENE THERAPY INJECTIONS DOING TO REPRODUCTION WORLDWIDE???

I am writing to Dr Lindsay in the next five minutes.

Considering what you have advised today Dr Malone, this could be considered a possibility to be yet another "holocaust". (I shudder even writing that)

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Remember that the WHO recognizes at least 10 different COVID-19 vaccines and MOST are not mRNA or adeno vaccines. The USA only allowing the mRNA vaccines to be licensed via the EUA mechanism and then to bypass FDA restrictions on the vaccine via the continuation of the EUA product- speaks to the deep regulatory capture (corruption) here.

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But - yes these vaccines were administered in many, many countries and we have no idea of the consequences with fertiility and reproduction.

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Shelf life of MRNA blood 1 to 5 years or if your lucky 5 to 10 years and you live with some debilitating disease that overcomes you to the point that you line up for assisted suicide currently being offered as a death benefit (health benefits are a thing of the past.)

TODAY- World Cup Reporter Wahl collapses and dies. Last known symptoms were chest pain and pressure.

2 Days ago- Celion Dion - Dx Stiff Person Syndrome

2 weeks ago - Al Roker - removal of rubbery blood clots - but now back in the hospital.

6 months ago- Justin Timberlake- facial paralysis

Ongoing- Duke Hospital denying Viala of kidney surgery because she does NOT have MRNA blood.

I saw a podcast article (Epoch) of embalmers. One embalmer said and I am paraphrasing he point: there is nothing we can do, except deal with the decisions people make, just like we always have.

I read a comment from that same article where someone said, CLEAN blood people better beware, they will be kidnapped and used for organs.

If you want to kill a weed, you use chemicals, deny it food, water and sunlight. You would take every step to make sure it can’t reproduce and sprout more weeds by using more chemicals over and over again to decrease its presence.

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A famous Canadian singer (Dion) recently diagnosed with a very rare autoimmune nervous disorder. She, being Canadian and an international preformer almost certainly has been given the china flu jab. She just may be the forerunner of a lot more folks coming down with autoimmune disease. There has been some concern leaking around the edges that (all?) attenuated virus vaccines may be responsible for some of the autoimmunity that is, if t.v. pharma commercials are to be believed, nearing epidemic proportions. This new jab may be straw breaking the camel's back.

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Makes my blood boil! There's no question about the intention here. Thank you so much for speaking up, speaking out, fighting for all of us, the world. God bless you!

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Injecting children -- against ALL findings -- is now a major crime against US population!!

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I no longer know what to say about these idiots. I remain hopeful they will be brought to trial and receive the justice they so richly deserve. Meanwhile, keep spreading the truth.

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