Apr 20·edited Apr 21Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What is wrong with governments that think you can allow millions in from one area of the world, put them all together in a town or city, and think it will be any different than the place they left. These ridiculous policies carried out by left wing idiots who can’t figure out you are creating identical conditions for the people that were trying to escape these hell holes. When immigration is done slowly with limits and proper vetting we know these procedures have the best chance to produce positive outcomes. But leave it to bleeding heart idiots to screw things up and you get a town like Kunduz Afghanistan in the middle of France, England, Germany, Canada or America. We first have to remove these morons that allow this insanity into our communities. Our countries are not a college course on international migration studies. This is life or death for existing citizens, just ask Laken Riley’s family!! J.Goodrich

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Perhaps our first criteria for vetting immigrants to OUR country should be that IF they belong to a religion who's doctrines encourage them to consider others who are not followers of that religion as infidels who should be either killed or enslaved then they have no place in our country. The only religion I know of that encourages its followers to think this way is the religion of Islam.

It isn't too hard to look around the world and deduce that wherever a large group of muslims infiltrates a non-muslim country a lot of trouble soon follows.

They ran the muslims (ottomans) out of Europe when they tried to take it over about a thousand years ago. It looks to me like it's about to have to happen again... And yeah, probably in America too.

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OG52, it’s only a matter of time before we are hit worse than 911. The question is not if but when. I hope then the people will finally rise up and place retribution on all of the traitors that ushered this into our home

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I'm right there with you on this. Unfortunately, a whole bunch of likely innocent folks are going to get killed in very ugly ways (remember Oct. 7) before the season will open up on the losers who made all of this possible.

I pray God will give us the fortitude to finish the job quickly and finally.

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Do you really think the job will be finished quickly, old guy? There is no "finally" that I see on this planet. Maybe some other planet, not here. From the beginning of before recorded time there has been strife and war here. what makes you think it will ever be any different? Adam and Eve didn't fare so well...

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I say quickly and finally as I watch the Israelis dragging on for six months the clearing out of Gaza that should have gotten done in a couple of weeks. I get it, the war to end all wars never is. Sometimes though, if you kick somebody's ass decisively enough it will take a couple generations before they build enough stupid back up to try it again.

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The good news, red states and red communities have armed citizens, and ALL the democrat leftist Muslim vermin avoid armed citizens areas.

Remember, only the gun allows the most helpless to stop the most predatory. No other tool on the planet can do so.

Today, democrats, leftist and other rabid vermin work hard to disarm the victims, violate the law abiding, while they protect more criminals.

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Oldguy52 said ". The only religion I know of that encourages its followers to think this way is the religion of Islam."

With all due respect, my friend, you need to get around more. If you are not orthodox, then you are the goyim, and your existence is neither wanted, nor respected, being youre an animal, and can be euthanized, enslaved, or worse, with no remorse.

There are thoisands of articles and videos which clarify, but I'll post one to give you a taste. Granted not all can be thinking this way, but it is quite the common thought among the orthodox.

I am goyim. I am chattle. I am disposable, according to them. I have confirmed these thoughts witha few jews who are aware, but do not feel the same


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hmmm, still waiting for the jewish hordes out raping and murdering their neighbors,

until that happens, its the rabid muslim vermin, and their democrat massa, that I worry about.

you can choose to be chattel, I choose to be armed.

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Your response is typical and expected.

Arm yourself to the teeth, all you want. If you have a social security number, you're chattle, you're owned, you're property. The illusion is your freedom, and its your choice on whether to see things beyond what you've been told. The illusion is the belief that true freedoms exist, or that elections are the will,of the people

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sorry, buddy, I am unable to participate in your delusions,

have fun with them, as long as you do not call for violence,

that's when my gun comes in handy

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T, That's interesting. However, I haven't yet seen any orthodox jews running around blowing stuff up. I surely can't say that about muslims. I don't count what's going on in Gaza now as there was absolutely ample provocation for what the Israelis are doing there.

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Apr 21·edited Apr 21

The jews use proxies. They fund both sides of all wars.

Israel created hamas. Isis as well

You can blame muslims all you want, but if you research whos behind this all, you will discover that it is not what you think it is.




And so on....

I'm not here to hold anyone's hand, as I'm simply telling you to look beyond what you think you know, and you may just discover what you thought is not the way things really are



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Oh I know the WEF and company are in this stuff up to their ears. I believe they are probably funding a good share of this chaos creation. However they still have to have trigger pullers, rapists and baby killers and the muslims seem only too happy to oblige.

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you have to wonder, are the jews like you say, because so many other folks want to exterminate them??

Of course, I disagree with your notion of the jews, and I will until the jews start slaughtering non rabid people , like they have been slaughtered by all the rabid people.

At least in this millennia.

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This isnt my notion, as you say. I dont hate any particular religion, or race of people, and i have no bone in,the dogfight.

. This isnt about God, or any belief system. This is about control and power, and the use of religion to disguise, assimilate and indoctrinate.

Anyone who believes that a particular religious system is soley responsible, such as "it's the evil muslims", while others are victims, "the jews are being persecuted" are not paying attention to the programming they've been subjected to.

There is evil on all playing surfaces, and if you look deeper than what the programming has told you, you can see, you can follow the money, you can understand who is actually behind all this worldwide pain and suffering, and why?

Do the research, find out who the Karzarians are and were, and form your own opinion. Again, Im not here to hold anyone's hand

This idea of antisemitism is being used to suppress opposing views, and keep the reality under wraps

Look deeper than what,is on the surface.

Enuf said.

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So, do you think muslims attacked us on 9 1 1 ?

Do buildings with new insurance policies just collapse?

Have you ever seen documentaries on how demolition crews pull buildings down?


Im telling you to think outside the box the media and govt want us all to think within

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sorry T, that box is outside of reality, cannot join you there,

I have watched the delusions theory videos, re 911, and then I watched the debunking of those delusions,

I agree with the debunking.

maybe after some shrooms, though. Who knows, I have had other revelation's then, too.

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Those 4 planes didn't hijack themselves.

That said, as time has passed and investigations have happened, I have to say it's looking like you are right. There's a whole lot more to this than a couple dozen terrorists highjacking some airplanes. Proving it without becoming some spook's wet work assignment seems to be the biggest hurdle to get over at this point. Arkancide is a real problem these days.

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Apr 21·edited Apr 21

Just a late nite thought, I was "embraced" by my Jewish boyfriend's parents (at the time, then husband later). I learned so much, being a small town innocent. I knew nothing of prejudice from the small mid-western town, except for our one Jewish family and nuns. This is complicated.

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Not all jews, just like not all white people are kkk members, blacks all criminals, chinese all book smart. There are different sects of jews, with different belief systems, just like Catholics, protestants, etc.

My experience:

I know a jewish man who is not orthodox. He believes in all humans equal. He warned me of his people who were Orthodox, and as i stated before.... The info is out there.

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The muslins aren’t the problem.

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They may not be the root of the problem but they're the ones who are gonna' be the foot soldiers for the mostly hidden leaders who keep themselves well back from any actual physical unpleasantness. So, yeah, they are a problem... just not the only problem.

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Correct. Its their masters

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One quibble - the Satanic Verses are not an actual religion. It is a seventh century death cult and recipe for repression and misery. Remember that Obama called their "evening call to prayer" one of the most beautiful sounds on Earth. Know your enemy.

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I don't disagree about the recipe for repression and misery. You are most certainly right about that.

That said: It seems to me that whether you or I think a religion is legitimate or not isn't really relevant. The believers in such a "seventh century death cult" as you call it are going to do the things their "good book" asks of them whether we believe it's evil or not. So, if they believe it's a religion, we pretty much have to treat it like one.

And yes, I had figured out that the jug earred messiah was an enemy of We the People by February of 2007 when he first start spouting off about fundamentally changing America. My stance on that has never waivered.

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I don't necessarily disagree with most of what you say but we do have a Constitution that guarantees freedom of religion and where a religion is used to undermine the very foundations of our Republic and threaten its people, treating that so-called "religion" as worth of First Amendment protection is the very sort of "suicide pact" that Justice Robert Jackson warned against.

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I knew that was likely what you were going to come back with and yeah, that absolutely is an issue. However, our Constitution also says that we don't get to murder, rape, or otherwise harm other people whether our "religion" says it's OK or not. So, in my mind islam may be their religion, but it's not acceptable here. It might be that your way of looking at this would make it easier stop them from migrating here.

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Mind reader, huh, lol? Maybe I'm just getting to predictable. However you slice it, they're tenets are not acceptable here. We don't condone the enslavement of women. Or killing "infidels." Or "honor" killings. Or female genital mutilation. Or killing or stoning our gay brothers and sisters. Or a hundred other things that so-called "religion" calls for. So it's not a "religion of peace." Anything but. And in my view that renders First Amendment protections for it vastly unwarranted.

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The same thing happens when humans of any persuasion are crammed into tight living quarters, poverty and desperation. Now add in religion for fun. Truly, the dangerous idiots are running the show, James.

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Your right. By letting in to many people at once they are just creating an identical situation with a different address. This is just another known idiotic failed policy pushed onto the populations by college educated elites that will only end up hurting the citizens and the poor immigrants that the majority are just looking for a better life.

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Golly gosh! Someone might even conclude all that chaos is not "failed policy" but instead is intentional...but only, of course, if disruption and destabilization were seen as a way to usher in new regulations...maybe even with a globalist perspective... Crazy talk, I know.

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That took a while. Had to read through some posts before I got to yours. This has been going on for decades. Once pappy Bush said New World Order the western world was doomed. Can't get to that NWO until mass migration and chaos reign. What Bush 43 did not accomplish in eight years O finished in his 8. Iraq et al got the migrants going and ISIS finished it off. Plan went rather well did it not? Now Biden got the Afghans over here on purpose and has Ukrainians migrating and Jordan is too smart from experience to let Palestinians in to its country. Wonder where they will go. Perhaps asylum in the U.S. like the Afghans and Somalia?

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Leonora, it is right out of their play book!

They create chaos and then come in with their preconceived solution!

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Truth based on the Hegelian dialect, now referenced as problem/ reaction/ solution


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T., hopefully 🙏 the media propaganda part of this method of manipulation has been exposed and many will of us will reject their prepared solution!!

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Leonora, you right wing conspiracy theorist you!!!!

(More like common sense realist!!!!! ) Joe Biden would never have any crooked intentions such as that. He’s just trying to help a few poor people out, cause that’s who he is.

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Yeah Right James, course he is. NOT!

We have the exact same problem here in Australia. In each of our major cities, there are enclaves that I have seen videos of that even police will not enter, and I have also seen a senior police officer threaten to arrest a Lady who was determiined to assert her "Inalienable right" of passage to walk down a street in Sydney. She relented finally. I might suggest to Dr Malone (since he has seen fit to "air" the matter), for which I sincerely thank him, to ask all of his Subscribers from all around the world to report on this, so we can (a) get a clearer picture of what the status REALLY is, and (b) begin to formulate some plan.


As I understand it, there are some 200 addresses here in Melbourne where NO services, eg Doctor, Ambulance even police simply WILL NOT GO without backup. I have said right from the start of the covid "crisis" "isn't it strange how "they" have gone quiet"? Assembling for the next phase?

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Benevolent Joey ?

Sure! Right!

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Ha ha ha.... You forgot your /sarc tag.

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Yes, James, those same so-called elites were asked, in a video I saw, if they would take in a illegal migrant? The answers were, if I had more space, more room all along that line, two people said NO, the honest ones.

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But some are looking to make trouble, some want them some white girl ass for their ‘sexual emergencies’, some are traffickers and some are trafficked.

Since the Senate did not try and acquit him, I would argue that a new Republican Senate could & it would not be double jeopardy; and then, whether he is acquitted or convicted by the Senate, when he is a private citizen he should be tried for treason, for accessory before the fact in Layken Riley’s rape and murder, and everyone in the Biden administration that is/was remotely connected to their border and immigration policies as well: Pedo Joe, Kamel toe Harris (the border was her assignment) , Garland and his minions in Justice, winken BLINKEN & nod in State & his minions, all the White House staff & advisors except possibly the kitchen staff and housekeepers, the Department of Homeland Security, Labor are certainly complicit.

The precedent has been set with the law fare against POTUS DJT. They sowed the wind, let them reap the whirlwind!!!

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just like rats or mice in an enclosure. Eventually they eat each other alive. Smart cities will enhance the experience.

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Apr 20·edited Apr 20

Agree. A great many migrants who don't come here legally and who literally break into our country as their first act in this country, they are not coming here to become Americans in the sense that migrants of the past came. They don't want to assimilate with us, they want to to take advantage of the country and the citizens. They don't want to become citizens.

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They just want all of the free stuff being offered to them by all of these NGO'S!

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We love Joe Biden !

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To add to your observations, when our US experienced immigration of Irish, Germans, many from one nation they settled in groups together. Little Italys, Chinatowns, Amish and it worked. Many of these neighborhoods, communities continue today. They may provides clues as to ways to better integrate.

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Jean, I think many people come here in search for a better life and to assimilate. Today many come to invade. I’m sure most all of us have seen the videos of recent immigrants shouting death to America. This is a complete failure of vetting these people. Muslims are also taught that to spread their religion it is perfectly ok to lie and deceive. So when they swear to uphold the constitution and live by the laws of America they can be being deceptive obviously.

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Got a few in congress today proving your point

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Yes, they should be arrested, then deported.

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I agree. You're getting into what to do. I'm not in to how to accomplish it, but we need a person by person assessment of each goals going forward. Do they expect to love our Constitutional country and are willing to work for that for the good of all of us, or is their goal to change us so we submit to their rule? If forging our submission is their goal they need to return to their countries of origin. In my youth I lived next to a Jewish enclave. Today I live not far from a mosque. Neither setting presented/es issues I'm aware of.

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The difference is that those groups don’t HATE Christians and Jews. The Sharia law Muslims want us dead.

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Or converted. It's simple, "Convert or die. Or live as a second class citizen." Freedom? Not in their vocabulary. Donald Rumsfeld found that out the hard way, "They will welcome us as liberators..." It was a concept that violated their religion.

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They maintained their unique cultural habits but adopted English, fought our wars, shared our value and so forth. When I say 'ours' they added to that.

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WWII did a great deal to assimilate these Europeans. While they lived in their own neighborhoods they were put in with Americans from all walks of life. There bonding as a unit, they got to know each other and break down their prejudices. Farm boys and NY Italians got to know each other.

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And yet, so much hatred towards the "other" group. Is this an effect of human nature while in fear and desperation? Not the Amish or Mennonites, they have their own different problems.

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Great question! More so lately, but are our educational and social support systems contributing to the turmoil? With no children and no contacts with children or young families, I haven't much to go on. What I read implies they may have a significant role.

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There is nothing wrong with governments. They're in lockstep with the rockefeller plan, the kalergi plan, using the Cloward Piven plan, etc. We all know this is all about world dominance, and control over the plebes (us), and the Billionaires and the true elites have got together to burn us our of our homes. It's up to US to save ourselves, as no dude on a white horse will arrive anytime soon, including one who everyone thinks will.

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You’re right 100% right T.

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Wish I was wrong

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James, we're all pawns that they can play in their social experiment.

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James, add Canada to those countries. WTH are people in charge that stupid and I despise that word, rather get a slap then be called that!! Serbia is also dealing with that crap from what I have read and heard, however, thank God there are many real men still around to show these morons who is boss. No such word as racist, she/her etc there yet. I pray it stays that way for the people that love their country, don't want a culture change, also despise the west, they do not want to become the west. I can't blame them, a beautiful country, truly a breath of fresh air, and her people a pleasure to visit. Cheers!

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The century-long (+) Canada/U.S. relationship has been an enormous blessing for both nations ... A shared border seldom leads to shared outlook, shared goals & values, mutual defense --- yet, it has.

When neighbors value stability & safety, and work towards that, economic success is attainable for both.

Regrettably, the goal of the State executive branches of both countries since 9 -11, really, seems to be more akin to anarchy.

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Donna I added Canada!!! I should have put it in there from the beginning!!

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Thank you James, yes please do not forget this country/sar.

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Exactly James! What a travesty it is that we are truly witnessing the decline and destruction of America! Just 💔💔💔‼️‼️‼️

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removing those (left wing) idiots is called "voting" your conscience.

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Psst, James. They are doing it on purpose.

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I know I worry they will completely kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. And then where will people that really need refuge go?

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Right. These people don't care. They are psychotic. That's why it's up to us to stop them before they blow the whole shebang to smithereens, as they say.

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A New York City high school soccer game was canceled as a group of roughly 30 migrants refused to leave the field, even after police arrived.

The game was scheduled at Thomas Jefferson Park on Sunday, April 14.

Approximately 40 teen boys from both teams had shown up to play, but the African migrants, who spoke little English, refused to clear out for them.

“I directly asked them to leave and some of them kind of took it into consideration, but then four or five of them said, ‘You know what, f–k it, we don’t have to leave, we can do whatever we want,’” Erik Johansson, the coach of the Manhattan Kickers 17-year-old boys travel team, told the New York Post.

The Post reports that when police arrived, instead of removing the migrants, they asked to see a copy of the club team’s city permit.


Johansson is from Sweden and knows how quickly migrant confrontations can go south.

“I have seen this before, I know how bad it can get,” he said.

Parents told Johansson that they no longer want their kids to play at that field, and the coach said that they do not plan to return.

“It’s so frustrating that the guys who refused to follow the rules won,” Maud Maron, mother of one of the boys on the team, told The Post. “That’s the message the kids got.”

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All I can say is HOW DARE THEY! These migrants entered our country illegally and now they are making demands? How dare they! This tolerance for such behavior will not have a good end.

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Well you will like this then:

"Migrants Complain That New Yorkers Don't Learn African Languages."

A hearing held earlier this week in New York by the Council’s immigration and hospital committees saw black migrants who have arrived in the city airing their grievances about public services they have been provided, including food and accommodation, with one woman even complaining that New Yorkers won’t learn Congolese languages.

A hearing held earlier this week in New York by the Council’s immigration and hospital committees saw black migrants who have arrived in the city airing their grievances about public services they have been provided, including food and accommodation, with one woman even complaining that New Yorkers won’t learn Congolese languages.


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I gotta jump in here and ask a question - if these migrants are so strong and bold, why didn't they stay in their own country and fight to make it better? I guess the answer is obvious - why fight when you can walk in and take control from the weak?

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That is a good question and would make a good documentary...

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Sadly 😥 you're right ✅️

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Cops don’t want to get hurt, either. They know if there’s a melee some of THEM can get injured. And then there’s the paper work.

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The police will be hurt because they are not allowed to defend themselves. There is the real fear of prosecution for enforcing the law.

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The Red/Green Alliance. Welcome to the CommunoIslamoFascist NWO

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Have you seen this?

Suspected Child Predator Gets Gunned Down by Police After Pulling a Firearm – Was Looking to Meet Two Little Girls at a Hotel...



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Apr 20·edited Apr 20Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There are so many things that are right, and wrong about this article.

Writing as a muslim from Paris, France, I can confirm that yes, there are "effective" no-go-zones for police authorities.

These tend to be suburbs that were purpose-built in the 60s and 70s to house the north African wave of immigration following the collapse of French colonialism there.

This is not what it seems, however. Police are called out to these suburbs when need be, and many police officers are even from that same minority.

However, the problem is that this minority has not integrated into French society. They live apart, having moved geographically, but not culturally. The fact - and it is that - that they are discriminated against and so live a relatively lower financial life, does not help.

There is a double negative feedback here. Because they are different, they are discriminated against, and because they are discriminated against, they are different.

There are "breakthrough" cases of successful North African individuals in French society, but they are exceptions to the norm.

The real problem is that France colonised North Africa. And it was even worse. France declared that what is today Algeria is an integral part of France. Annexed territory. What is happening today is arguably the blowback. As the saying goes "if you break it, you own it".

The French also colonised Indo-China, which led to the Vietnam War. Another story.

The same goes for places like Hollland, who colonised what is today Indonesia, and of course the British Empire was the grandaddy of them all. The large Inidan communities in Britain (look at the identity of the current UK prime minister and First Minister of Scotland) is a direct consequence of this.

Sweden is different. They had no colonial empire, but opened their doors on what they thought were humanitarian grounds, at the same time when ex-colonial powers were taking in those from the ex-colonies who preferred the colonial power.

It is like the US after the retreat from Afghanistan. There was a massive call for those Afghans who had worked with the US occupation/liberation to be allowed to come and live in the US.

The solution is simple: either become multicultural empires - which really ceased to exist, arguably with the end of the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian "Holy Roman" empires, or, more simply, stop sending your armies to other people's lands.

Take your choice.

ps. personal disclaimer: I am not in a "no-go-zone". Nor do I live as such. Far from it. But that is just "anecdotal", as some would say.

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They're 'different' because they choose to be; they bring their own neanderthal laws with them and to protect themselves, circle their wagons. This is THEIR CHOICE enforced by keeping all non-muslums out. All this colonization you speak of happened in the past, something you cannot undo and additionally, these immigrants come of their own volition yet refuse to accept the countries they themselves invade. I personally, prefer they live in their own communities far far away and take their egregious ignorant laws with them. Gee, who would have guessed they'd want to enforce their unbelievably biased, ignorant and hateful customs with them... hmmmm, who didn't?

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Muslims always seem quick to forget that they “colonized” a good part the damned globe by the sword. But then, that was then, hiuh?

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And, the largest "muslim" empire in history, was the British empire.

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Non sequitur but….

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Apr 20Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Lee Anderson, MP, refused to apologize after saying that Islamists had gotten control of the London mayor, Sadiq Khan. He ended up quitting the Tory party and is now aligned with Reform UK, which will likely become the new conservative party once the Tories join the Whigs in the dustbin of history after the upcoming election which Labour is poised to dominate.

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I have commented frequently about how some cultures are simply incompatible. Any attempt to mix them will not turn out well. There has actually been studies done and interestingly the number 16% comes up. It seems muslins are like locusts. When below that number they are tolerant neighbors. But when that number is reached, like the middling grasshopper becomes a big jawed, voracious locust, the muslims suddenly demand sharia and generally go on a rampage. That appears to be their history at least when mixed in western cultures in modern times. And the EU, on a course any lemming would understand, poses to impose a $20,000 fine per refused immigrant on member states.

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On a side note Dr. Nash I just read that crime in Venezuela is way down, I can’t imagine why????

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Could make a good guess.

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SPOT-ON, Michael.

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The EU should be toasted.

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Apr 20Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Sweden was under a Socialist controlled government for 50 years until the early 1990s which allowed for a slow and inexorable change in the culture. In a country with 7 million people up until the 60s it was very homogenous with slow immigration that could be absorbed and integrated. Crime was very low, murders rare, people knew one another, traditions were treasured. Fast forward to the last 20 years with massive uncontrolled immigration now a population of 10 million with no hope of integration for roughly two mill. No go zones have been a reality for a long time. Being a Swede with family there I could write a book about this. It’s heart breaking. One of the reasons I immigrated to the US in the 70s.

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All caused on purpose via U.N. directed wars for which NATO engages with the US as its quarterback. The globe is on fire because 'they' want it that way. Then it can be said with legitimacy, a one world government is the solution. They said that after WWII. The WEF has been saying this for decades.

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I stand with President Vladimir Putin. No am not Russian, but our religion is the same, that makes it special to me.

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Apr 20Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yes, it’s all about “ right-wingers”. Apparently, Ayaan Hirsi-Al, Asra Nomani, Majiid Nawaz,Amy Mek,Morrissey,Qanta Ahmet,Imam of Peace, Dr. Zudhi Jasser,Brigitte Bardot,Christopher Hitchens, Ricky Gervais,Pat Cordell, Raheem Kassam, Doug Murray… who have been hammering this for years, are all “ hard right White Nationalists”.

Such irony, given the real Nazi fascist supremacists are the Islamists the West has ceded itself to.

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Here in Nova Scotia many Germans emigrated to escape a flood of Turkish immigration to their country & that was long before Germany & the other western countries threw open their borders.

Liberals here seem to think if enough people are mashed together they will eventually assimilate .

It’s as though they’re trying to convince themselves and each other that this is the logical final outcome even as things spin out of control.

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They know these migrants will not assimilate. No hope no way. This distracts and helps with the communist takeover.

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could be….I was thinking about that too…but I think maybe it’s a Fascist takeover…meaning business & state get together to control everything & everyone…if things get crazy enough maybe people will beg for authoritarian control...

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Communist, fascist, socialist.... It's pretty much a distinction without a difference.

In the end:

All are authoritarian central control which has been a dismal and deadly failure everywhere it has been tried.

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It really is that simple, distract and take over Democratic nations by the NWO Marxists/Communists.

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You're spot on👌 !

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I have not felt safe to travel to any Democrat run city in America for a number of years now. My husband and I prefer to visit areas that enforce the law.

I don’t foresee the world becoming safer in my lifetime. I feel fortunate to have seen a time when people behaved with respect for themselves and others. Now so many behave like animals.

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I agree!!! That is why, as much as I would love to visit New York City, I would NEVER VISIT IT!

I also would want to go to Donald J Trump's 2nd inauguration, however I wouldn't feel safe so I'm not making any plans in case he wins.

The ONLY foreign destination that I had an inclination to ever visit was Paris. I'm glad that I went before it took in all of the immigrants. I'm sad that I won't ever be able to go there again 😪!

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I have mentioned before that in the 80s attending an ACS meeting in our nations capitol we were instructed on which way to turn leaving the site…the other way too dangerous. Our nations capitol! It has not appeared to have improved any

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Apr 20·edited Apr 20

We did an extended weekend about 20 years ago, took the train into DC. We hired an Iranian cabby for 3 days to be at our beck and call. He took us to his favorite places, best restaurants, even Lulu’s which had at least 100 people waiting in line to go inside. He pulled strings, drove us to the door and we were ushered inside by security. It was the place to go out on Saturday night for the children of sheiks and ambassadors. Each place we went he came inside with us. A underground jazz venue was my favorite place we went that weekend. Looking back we were party animals and I felt perfectly safe as our driver was very familiar with the environment. We stayed at a hotel on Pennsylvania Ave. would I do that now at my age, heck no! It’s not safe, plus we do well to stay up past 9pm!

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I paid for my sons to visit DC in 2012 for a Glenn Beck event that cover the entire area between the monuments. They mentioned seeing rats around the hotels and eat joints.

I had to go there for a week every year from 2008-2016. I never ventured away from the hotel our meetings were in. In the 80s it was different. We would get a cab and see the sights, walk some time. Did the Smithsonian and such.

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GMoody, What does that say? Times and places and people to be remembered and appreciated. I used to hitchhike and never thought twice about my safety, but I paid attention. The "good old days". Now I know what the previous generations meant by that phrase.

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this is a boiling issue for Western Society that wants to "support Israel" and a woke agenda, yet imports millions of voters that have contradictory views

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Bottom line: Conquer and divide sinks nations!

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The brief rise of a modern Roman republic/US, is falling must faster than it took Rome. The same causes of that decline are being repeated, debase the coinage, corruption, accepting invaders for their labor, recruiting invaders into the military, etc.. Too many U. S. citizens are too busy/comfortable to be bothered with any attempt to connect the dots. Deep down they know each dot is crazy/bad but refuse to put 2 + 2 together out of fear of what it could mean to their comfortable existence. A man may have lit himself on fire to protest the current deplorable state of our society. They accuse you of doing what they themselves are doing and disparage you when describing themselves. Deplorable, Fascist, Extremist, a Threat to Democracy, give me a break, how obvious does it need to become?

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T. Paine, I totally agree 👍.

NOT wanting to be inconvenienced and NOT being willing to CONNECT THE DOTS will be our demise!!!

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Apr 20Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Good fences make good neighbors." ~ Robert Frost ~

"We build too many walls and not enough bridges." ~Isaac Newton ~

I say: They are two different structures with two different functions.

We can't build a WALL where we need a BRIDGE & We can't build a BRIDGE where we need a WALL.

Let's not let anyone make use confuse the two!

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Apr 21Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The EU is such a bad idea. Has anything good come from it? It seems like a total failure

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Apr 20·edited Apr 20

Soon coming to a city near you. I should have said, look around, this has been going on forever in some form, now it's accelerating.

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It really riles me up, when i see these words "NO GO ZONES" This is intolerable that riffraff from other countries can move into another country and stake a claim on a territory that is not theres. In the past these invaders would be shot on sight. I am totally aware of their impact on different countries in Europe; stealing, raping and murdering any who are of a different religion. They need to be treated, as they treat others, but more mercifully and swiftly with bullets. They do not do the same with their victims.

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