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I stopped thinking the Nobel prize was worth anything when Obama got for doing absolutely nothing except be black and mislead the country that anything would change. It ranks up there with Oscars and Pulitzers. Just elite fame whores in a bubble of corruption that praise each other.

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Look up the wars that Obumer started and ponder why he got a Nobel Peace Prize. Look up why Nobel started the prize in the first place and see why the whole thing is bs on steroids.

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The problem is that the Nobel committee used to stick more closely to the facts when operating in the realm of actual science, as opposed to nonsense such as Peace Prizes. Now it's all leftist politics. Just like the famed "Soviet science" of yore when medicine, psychiatry and most other science was in thrall to the whim of a murderous tyrant.

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I was about to say the same thing. I lost all respect for the Nobel Prize when Obama won it for doing nothing.

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I think Obama received the prize for thinking about doing something nice. Apparently the road to the Nobel Prize is paved with good intentions.

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Politics in science running on the $$$ reigns supreme! Nothing new! Here is a little history lesson and more. https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/p/validating-rna-injections

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It is an utter shame (and sham) that science and medicine have gone this path.

There is a remedy. It is called Swarm Theory or "Human Swarm Intelligence" or just swarming,

We need decentralized and transparent systems that we design, test, and maintain ourselves. Ones that are separate from their corrupted and centralized ones. We need everyone's help building these new systems.

If you never heard of these before, we have seen swarms used to run systems, explore science, and even resolve conflicts like it did last week in a jiu jitsu tournament with Muslim and Transgender athletes.

Swarm Theory holds the solutions we need to fix all of our systems. It can change everything just like the car, electricity, or the internet did.

Explore it: https://joshketry.substack.com/p/resolved-transgender-and-muslim-athletes


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Even Obama was surprized.

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Agreed! No value.

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Exactly right.

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