You be safe. I'll be free.

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I would like this 100 times if I could. 😂

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And what of the corollary, "Nobody is free until everybody is free." No, that doesn't work either. There will always be the dunderheads, the followers, the fools, the cowards, those who would sell their birthright for a bowl of porridge. We don't wait for them or ask for their approval. When the left is posturing about "saving our democracy" they are also forgetting that in 1776, if put to a vote, the nays would have it and we would still be subjects of the British Crown.

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True. That is even more reason for those of us who aren’t fools and cowards to protect these God given NOT man given freedoms.

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mmmmm.... porridge.

Will oatmeal suffice ? I eat a bowl every morning. Keeps me happy as Popeye in a spinach canning factory.

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You would have to ask Esau but I don't think it would matter; depends upon the cost of the prior bargain.

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023

“No one forced you to get ‘vaccinated’.” ‘Gaslighting’, as an art-form.

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We need to have real and genuine litigation to test the liability these influencers had in aiding and abetting the injuries and deaths caused by these injections. While the drug makers may have been given a get-out-of-jail-card for hurting people, these talking heads were not. Time for them to pay up to the people they harmed as they themselves were paid to cause the harm. I'd contribute to that litigation as I'm sure millions of other people, 'vaccinated and unvaccinated' would.

Robert, perhaps you or Del Bigtree or one of the other clear thinkers with an underlying platform could get this ball rolling.

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Force, verb:

: to compel by physical, moral, or intellectual means.


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You missed the point.

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The point I missed or affirmed?

Answer: affirmed.

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Good grief. Do you believe that is the definition they used when they made that statement?

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Who's "they" and when they made what statement?

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That's no lt true. People lost their jobs if they weren't vaccinated.

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Read my comment below you…

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Oct 5, 2023·edited Oct 5, 2023

They’re playing mind and word games. They are using the term ‘force’ in its literally form, i.e., holding you down or pointing a gun at you. They absolutely used massive coercion.

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According to Merriam Webster (as i posted earlier) they absolutely used force.

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Congratulations. You proved them liars. It is still ‘gaslighting’.

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I just never understood the non logic of if the vax worked why were the unvaxxed a danger?

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A bit like the way a vaccine injured person is anti-vax for saying they were injured by a vax.

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It was completely irrational. But, also is in line with the increasing paternalization (or maternalization) of society. It really wasn't about logic, it was about the overwhelming desire too many people have to have the government/authority figures determine every aspect of everyone's life. If the injection worked to "100% prevent" you from getting covid (not just getting "sick" but getting it at all), of course you were only in "danger" to yourself if you didn't get injected and, potentially, to other people who also willingly chose not to get injected. But, having adults willingly assume risk seems to drive these people crazy and/or enrage them. There is no logic; it's pure lymbic brain emotional reaction.

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It's not logic, it's "The Science".

It is so unassailably illogical that no one can accept it if they are rational. I have to think there is something "behind" it that we haven't yet discerned.

I think the short, pithy, rhyme-ey nature of that statement, "no one is safe until everyone is safe" allows it to evade critical thinking processes. In addition, it appeals to the desire, in most people, to be helpful and contribute. Well constructed sophistry can be deadly effective.

But why?

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It's not logic, it's "The Fauci".

Fixed it for ya !

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&when I asked friends this same question, you’d see th steam coming out their ears, they squint and shake their head & say , “ well, I heard a good answer to that and it made sense to me, so you’ll have to take my word for it.” In the end, it’s mental laziness brought on by 60 yrs of voluntary submission to the media effect: tv is big brother, gov is big daddy, and we are dependent children who survive at their behest. In exchange we get mind numbing amusement to help us avoid all conflict. The sausage at the end of the process: we’re lazy meatheads? Archie Bunker was right?

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Because you know 9 out of 10 doctors agree Salem cigerettes are the smoothest smokes. Settled science! 😂

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Seeing this was a good reminder of why I don’t watch television.

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I watch cowboy movies, TV shows from the 70's. Every commercial gets muted, as they're all drug monster company pusher format, but it keeps me sane watching Marshal Dillon beat the snot out of, or shoot a few people every day.

Feels like old times.

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My thoughts exactly. I’m super happy I didn’t see any of this at the time.

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So, here is something new to throw into the pot: according to Mattias Desmet, around 10-15% of people are immune to NLP (assuming NLP is what it claims to be).

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A while back I asked my readers "Why are you like this?", and the common thread seems to be some event during childhood that made us realize adults are full of it. Do you have a similar story?


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Great question! I grew up with a severly mentally ill father and a mother who had at least mild psychological issues. Made me grow up fast. I'm not sure I would say that I thought adults were full of it, but I realized early that their perspective on the world and reality couldn't necesarily be trusted. That said (and I loved and still love my parents for all their flaws), my parents also encouraged me to read advanced novels at a very early age, so I read Orwell, Buxley, Heinlen, Tolkein, Shakespeare, CS Lewis, Carroll, etc from the time I was 6 and came to the conclusion that skepticism of authority and always asking questions is life-saving.

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I can definitely see how exposure to some of those writers would help form a healthy skepticism of authority.....thanks for sharing!

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Amazing, having parents who instilled that critical thought process in you.

Lucky, you are.

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For me it was/is ALMIGHTY GOD, my Lord and Savior that SCREAMED "he's LYING" when I watched Anthony Fauci proclaim no return to normal until a vaccine is available in about 18 months. This was in early April 2020. Next God guided me to my first WISE, HONEST epidemiologist (Knut Wittkowski)...and God has guided me every step of the way since early April 2020.

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I have asked myself the same question. Now I realize that I learned from age three that my mother could not be trusted and have been a cynic ever since.

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I spent 32 years as an auditor, so spotting lies is what I do. They lied through their teeth on all of it.

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I guess I'm immune. Never once considered getting the Vax. Not even for a second.

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I was hoping that a bare minimum of at least 50% are immune to NLP.

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No one is safe until we get the criminals out of medicine! Alex Azar was appointed to the HHS position after Pfizer donated $1 million dollars to the RNC/Trump political kitty! Who nominated him? Who nominated Bacerra to replace him? Alex Azar was the silent director (resigned after two years) of implementing the Covid con in my opinion! He was a top Lilly executive. Did Pence have a hand in this? Anyone know?

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There is no honor among thieves. And all of them are thieves. Big Pig Pharma in the 50's and 60's infiltrated the Boards of Directors at Medical Schools and changed the medical model to one of Chemicals and that is why today everyone is sick, disabled, diseased, and we have a pharmacy and medical center on every corner of the country. And why every gas station is loaded chock full of sugar, caffein and nicotine etc.They keep us sick while they take our money. Read up on Dr. Sebi and learn how he healed the very sick. And how they killed him. They have run many inventors and scientists out of the country who threatened their kingdom. Its time we shut theIr kingdom down for good. we do not DIE people .We are Divine Eternal Soul Energy experiencing a human existence. There is no sting in our so-called deaths. Once you know this they become instantly weak, immoral peons deserving of nothing for the crimes against humanity they have caused. Namaste. Edward William Case.

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Spot on!

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You're right by the way.

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We need a sea change in how our government and all politicians are allowed to work. I want to humbly suggest one way that would take the air out of nearly every corrupt individual or department or politician’s balloon: make citizen taxpayers responsible for assigning (or declining to assign) their tax dollars to every spending proposal every year when they turn in their taxes. Want the FBI, the DOJ, the CDC ... fine say yes on that line on your tax return. Don’t want your money going to them this year because of egregious corruption... fine say no. The message to everyone will be “clean up your act, be honest, be constitutional, be transparent or live with the piddling budget you get. No more political party capture, no back room deals, and the only haggling will be Senators and Representatives trying to convince constituents to accept or reject a given proposal. I for one really want more control over my tax dollars!

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But can you trust the tax money to be distributed per your request? I think not! 😢

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I’m sure there would be hurdles to overcome in the technical side but then the much vaunted AI should help! Budgets would reflect yeas and shrink accordingly as individuals chose not to contribute toward this or that. In any case, corruption would all but disappear since no company or rich person could bribe the entire citizenry!!

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This would be so much fun. First to go? IRS - now I pay no tax at all. Just kidding- I like highways. Surely there are other government services that are useful although none come to mind. We should also get to choose our tax rate.

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Absolutely, why not put the tax rate to a vote on a ballot initiative?!

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Enter your taxable income and say h what percentage you should give to fund the government

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Did Pence have a hand in him ?

Well, I'm not about to ask, nor do I want to know !

Eeeeew !


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Nobody is dead until all are dead. This policy is a sick and perverted way to approach Health Care. It exposes the people to pathogens and contamination in their bodies and if the people do not care about their bodies the Government surely won't and will force any kind of nonsense upon the people. This is pure Fascism. All people must condemn this and stop working as a proactive attack on the system. Shut the Hospitals down, the government etc and show our true strength. There is far more to life that the Goddamn dollar and we need to prove this now. No government is going to dictate what we put into our bodies EVER. As far as I am concerned the Deep State Military Industrial Complex is fully responsible for the virus and all other toxins they pollute the planet with. We no longer need them and they are true enemy of the people. They set themselves apart from us, and that is the telltale sign of a Fascist government. It is also evidence of an old immature consciousness that always places fear mongering at the top of their agenda as a means to get people to react. Once you learn that you never die, and that you are not your body, but are Divine Soul energy, they cannot stop you from telling them to go to hell and enjoy the ride. We do not need them they need us. No more vaccines and no more funding of Big Pig Pharma, and machine that keeps people sick for money. Namaste, Edward William Case

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I appreciate your points here. On the other hand, our spirits are a part of the bodies we are inhabiting at this point. As an entity we experience pain, injuries and diseases. We will want to deal with them effectively. Snake oil salesmen will be inventing afflictions and 'cures.' Then there will be ethical scientists and physicians identifying issues and offering what they consider valuable assistance. They are good guys in our current world. Let's not throw out good guys with the bath.

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I’m concerned about the use of "safely" to modify vaccinated. If that’s your word choice and was done intentionally...

But if the claim is "safely vaccinated," haven’t we shown that’s as oxymoronic as jumbo shrimp and Democrat morality?

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One thing that they have right…none of us is “safe”! Life is about managing risks and we do it every moment of every day. Making safety be the primary goal of your life means cowering in a closet. One huge pet peeve I had from Covid was having people constantly tell me to “be safe.” I’d rather have someone tell me to have fun or enjoy the day!

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Whenever anyone says "Be safe" to me, i proclaim :

"No way! I'm living dangerously, and enjoying every damn moment of it !"

Some smile

Some laugh

Some are appauled.

Tells me who the good ones are, without them saying a word.

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And now they—the Cabal in power and their media psychopath minions—are going to say, Dr. Malone had a change of heart and finally admitted that "Nobody is safe until everybody is vaccinated!"

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"If only we had a vaccine against BS" Truer words were never said. Not by Don Lemon anyway.

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Thank heavens I have had minimal exposure to msm and in particular video. It would have been infuriating. Did it work? Damn right it did. Around the time of these clips - advising why I wanted to sit in the rear seat of a vehicle - I advised a young masked woman I was unvaxinated. She RAN from my presence screaming!

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Orf is a master of mockingbird media montages

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WHOA. I got through 3:42 seconds of this tripe before shutting these !@($@@##$%&stards down. Don't understand NLP or whatever programming it's called but to me that is plain and simple propaganda, with an MSM/ CIA collusion side dish.

Until Tucker Carlson started streaming this live on his show I don't think anyone really was aware.

No better proof of WHO are the instigators and colluders in chief.

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I almost had heart arrest watching this clip. Although the part where I am being called a loser by Keith Obermann was almost worth it. Even before COVID there were clips of media not just repeating the exact same words but in the exact same intonations. If this is not a prime example of mass formation psychosis, I don’t know what is. Jonestown on steroids.

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